Carlsbad Schedule and Attendee List 4


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  • 8/11/2019 Carlsbad Schedule and Attendee List 4



    TUESDAY,JULY 912:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    1:00 p.m.2:15 p.m. Luncheon and Policy Session I: (Governor Staff Only)

    The Year of Education Reform: A Look at 2013 Best Practices

    Republican governors are leading the way in education reform and 2013 was amarquee year for encouraging innovation, accessibility, and efficiency ineducation. In this panel, we will highlight several landmark education reformspassed by Republican governors and explore what is on the horizon for improvingeducational outcomes.

    Location: Iris

    Panelists: Erin Hames, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaLaurie Smith, Education Policy Advisor, MississippiJohn Huppenthal, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Arizona

    2:30 p.m.5:00 p.m. Staff Only Session (Governor Staff Only)Location: Poinsettia 1

    6:00 p.m.8:00 p.m. Reception and Dinner (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Valley Promenade

    WEDNESDAY,JULY 108:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    8:30 a.m.9:45 a.m. Breakfast and Policy Session II: (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Advancing Digital Learning for a 21

    stCentury Education

    The United States is on the brink of a paradigm shift in how we educate ourstudents. Republican governors are working to replace outdated pedagogicalmodels with innovative, interactive learning options to ensure students areprepared to enter a 21st-century workforce. In this panel, we will explore themovement toward digital learning, virtual schools and other transformativeadvancements in K-12 and higher education.

    Location: Iris

    Panelists: Dave Myslinski, State Policy Director, Foundation for Excellencein EducationMike Hanley, Commissioner, Alaska

    10:00 a.m.11:45 a.m. Policy Session III: (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)

    Aligning Curriculum with Employers Needs: Opportunities for College and


    Too often, we hear stories of job openings being left vacant because employerscannot find enough skilled workers. This is particularly troubling in this era ofhigh youth unemployment. Republican governors are leading the charge to makehigher education programs work for both students and employers. In this panel,

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    we will explore the ways Republican governors are reforming higher education tomeet the needs of a global economy.

    Location: Poinsettia I

    Panelists: Michael Morrissey, Deputy Chief of Staff, TexasRich Zipperer, Deputy Chief of Staff, WisconsinJon Hummell, Policy Director, Kansas

    11:45 a.m.12:30 p.m. Grab-n-Go Lunch (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Poinsettia Foyer

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    TUESDAY,JULY 912:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    1:00 p.m.2:00 p.m. Luncheon and Policy Session I: Trade Infrastructure: Investing in Our Portsand Waterways (Governor Staff Only)

    Exports are a vital facet of the American economy. American ports and inlandwaterways are an integral part of the export/import ecosystem. This panel willexplore ways governors are investing in their states port and waterway

    infrastructure at a critical time for international trade.

    Location: Orchid

    Panelists: Ross Gunnells, Deputy Legislative Director, AlabamaPaul Trombino, Director of Iowa Department of Transportation,IowaJon Allan, Director of Office of Great Lakes, Michigan

    2:15 p.m.5:00 p.m. Staff Only Session (Governor Staff Only)Location: Poinsettia 2

    6:00 p.m.8:00 p.m. Reception and Dinner (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Valley Promenade

    WEDNESDAY,JULY 108:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    8:30 a.m.9:45 a.m. Breakfast and Policy Session II: Whats Next and How Can States Benefit?(Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)As the negotiation rounds continue for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP and thefirst round of negations begin for the Transatlantic Trade and InvestmentPartnership (TTIP) we will explore the impacts of free trade agreements on stateeconomies. What role can governors have in the negotiating process? How cangovernors ensure that their states benefit from these free trade agreements?

    Location: Orchid

    Panelists: Carrie Roth, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade, VirginiaBryan Stirling, Chief of Staff, South CarolinaSophia DiCaro, Deputy Director, Utah

    10:00 a.m.11:45 a.m. Policy Session III: Economic Gardening: How to Catalyze Entrepreneurshipand Economic Development (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Economic gardening is one of the newer tools that can be used to supporteconomic development. It has been successfully implemented in several statesand localities in the United States such as Florida, New Mexico, Utah, andMississippi. How can states adopt this strategy to help encourage growth for theircitizens?

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    Location: Poinsettia II

    Panelists: Tony Jeff, Innovate Mississippi, MississippiBlannie Cheng, Advisor on Jobs and Economy, North Carolina

    11:45 a.m.12:30 p.m. Grab-n-Go Lunch (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Poinsettia Foyer

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    WEDNESDAY,JULY 1012:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    1:00 p.m.2:00 p.m. Luncheon and Policy Session I: In the States: An Overview of EnergyDevelopment, Regulatory Modernization, and Conservation Efforts in the

    States (Governor Staff Only)Across the country, governors are leading the way in encouraging and enablingthe American energy renaissance. In this panel, we will explore what energypolicies are helping to create an environment conducive to investment andeconomic growth. We will explore energy development, environmentalregulatory modernization, conservation efforts, and new technology adaptation.

    Location: Iris

    Panelists: Shawn Reese, Policy Director, WyomingDan Sullivan, Commissioner, Alaska

    Patrick Henderson, Energy Executive, Pennsylvania

    2:15 p.m.5:00 p.m. Staff Only Session (Governor Staff Only)Location: Poinsettia 1

    6:00 p.m.8:00 p.m. Reception and Dinner (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Garden Pool

    THURSDAY,JULY 118:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    8:30 a.m.9:45 a.m. Breakfast and Policy Session II: All of the Above (and Below) Energy InnovatioWhats Next? (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)This panel will explore energy innovations coming out of the states. Tomorrowsenergy technologies will play an increasingly important role in enabling a secureenergy future. From hydraulic fracturing techniques to clean coal and new batterytechnologythey are all an important part of the all of the above portfolio.What role does academia and the private sector play in this vital sector? How canstates set up regulatory frameworks that best catalyze R&D and innovation?

    Location: Iris

    Panelists: Leisa Brug, Director of the Office of Energy Policy, ArizonaCody Stewart, Energy Advisor, UtahStacey Crowley, Director of the Governors Office of Energy,

    NevadaJanel Anderson, Director of Policy and Federal Relations,New MexicoAlberto DePuy, Policy Advisor, Louisiana

    10:00 a.m.11:45 a.m. Policy Session III: Energy Efficiency: Whats Next and How Can StatesConserve Energy and Promote Economic Growth?

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    Energy efficiency is frequently touted as the fifth fuel. Efficient use of energyallows for increased economic growth without unnecessary increases of energyconsumption. In this panel, our experts will explore some of the ways states canpromote both economic growth and energy efficiency. (Governor Staff andRGPPC Members)

    Location: Poinsettia 1

    Panelists: Kirk Sims, Chief of Staff, MississippiCraig Butler, Assistant Policy Director, OhioRick Krysiak, State Energy Program Director, Oklahoma

    11:45 a.m.12:30 p.m. Grab-n-Go Lunch (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Poinsettia Foyer

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    WEDNESDAY,JULY 1012:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    1:00 p.m.2:15 p.m. Luncheon and Policy Session I: (Governor Staff Only)

    ACA Implementation: What States Are Seeing on the Ground

    Implementation of the federal health law has, in many cases, been inundated withadministrative delays, unanswered questions and impractical deadlines. Earlierthis year, a key author of the Affordable Care Act warned of a train wreckcoming down in reference to the law going live. With open enrollment rapidlyapproaching, how are states working to prevent major disruptions in theirhealthcare markets? States on this panel represent a broad range ofimplementation preferences; what is your state seeing on the ground? Does yourstate anticipate that the infrastructure will be in place by October 1?

    Location: Orchid

    Panelists: Jon Hager, Executive Director of Silver State Health InsuranceExchange, NevadaKeith Gardner, Chief of Staff, New MexicoSeema Verma, Consultant, Indiana

    2:15 p.m.5:00 p.m. Staff Only Session (Governor Staff Only)Location: Poinsettia 2

    6:00 p.m.8:00 p.m. Reception and Dinner (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Garden Pool

    THURSDAY,JULY 118:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    8:30 a.m.9:45 a.m. Breakfast and Policy Session II: (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)

    ACA Impact on States and BusinessesThe Affordable Care Act is having a significant impact on state budgets andbusinesses bottom line. From the optional Medicaid expansion and non-optionalwoodwork effect to the substantial IT build-up and administrative costs, statescontinue to experience a wide range of increased health costs as a result of theACA. What impact is this having on state coffers and how can states prevent the

    crowding out of other essential services?

    Similarly, businesses are facing increased costs and high levels of taxation as aresult of the law. Several massive taxes in the ACAincluding the healthinsurance tax, the medical device tax, and the prescription drug taxwill bepassed down to consumers in the form of higher premiums and costlier medicalbills. The Joint Economic Committee anticipates the total ACA tax burden toreach $4 trillion by 2035. What options does the private sector have to mitigatethe impact of these harmful taxes?

    Location: Iris

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    Panelists: Kathy Kliebert, Secretary of Health, Louisiana

    Robert Spendlove, Deputy Chief of Staff for State and FederalRelations, UtahMatthew ODonnell, Deputy Policy Director, Pennsylvania

    10:00 a.m.11:45 a.m. Policy Session III: (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)

    Improving Access and Delivery: Scope of Practice, Technological Advancesand Price Transparency

    Despite federal headwinds, Republican governors are leading the way withinnovative reforms to state health programs. If given the appropriate level offlexibility, states can design programs that cut costs, expand access, and improvedelivery. A few areas of opportunity for reforming the healthcare system arescope of practice reform, technological advances, and price transparency. Whatare some of the challenges and opportunities associated with these aspects ofhealthcare reform? What other prospects exist for delivering healthcare efficientlyand effectively?

    Location: Poinsettia 1

    Panelists: Jim Haveman, Director of the Michigan Department ofCommunications, MichiganCarol Steckel, Director, North CarolinaMichael Bousselot, Policy Advisor, Iowa

    11:45 a.m.12:30 p.m. Grab-n-Go Lunch (Governor Staff and RGPPC Members)Location: Poinsettia Foyer

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    THURSDAY,JULY 1112:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    2:00 p.m.5:30 p.m. Senior Staff Only Session (Governor Staff Only)Location: Poinsettia 3

    6:30 p.m.9:00 p.m. Reception and DinnerLocation: Valley Promenade and Edge Pool

    FRIDAY,JULY 128:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Registration and Hospitality

    Location: Gardenia

    8:30 a.m.9:45 a.m. Regional BreakfastNorth Location: Iris

    South Location: Poinsettia 3

    West Location: Orchid

    10:00 a.m.11:15 a.m. Plenary Session I: 2013 AccomplishmentsThis year has been a banner year for accomplishments in Republican-led states.States like North Carolina, North Dakota, and Virginia have seen majortransportation funding packages and other infrastructure investments. Governorsalso are leading the way on reforming our education systems with bold reforms instates like Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. In energy policy, governors arecreating climates ripe for the development of their states natural resources while

    protecting the natural environment. States like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, andLouisiana are reaping the benefits of an energy boom that has inspired, amongother benefits, a renaissance in American manufacturing. How can governorstake these accomplishments to the next level?

    Location: Poinsettia 1 & 2

    Panelists: Scott Roy, Vice President, Government Affairs andCommunications, Range Resources CorporationBeth Snyder, Program Officer, ExxonMobilAndrew Johnsen, Assistant Vice President, State Government

    Affairs, BNSF Railway Company

    Senior Staff: Erin Hames, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaMartin Kent, Chief of Staff to Governor Bob McDonnell, VirginiaTony Young, Deputy Chief of Staff, Wyoming

    11:30 a.m.12:45 p.m. Plenary Session II:Fiscal Health of StatesAs the United States economy slowly emerges from the Great Recession,

    budgets, more than ever, are driving state and federal policy. The nations 30Republican governors are safeguarding the health of their state budgets byholding the line on taxes, curbing entitlement spending, and reducing long-term

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    liabilities. This panel will traverse the spectrum of policies impacting the fiscalhealth of states, focusing on three major areas: taxes, healthcare and pensions.States with Republican governors have reaped the benefits of pro-growth policiesthat prioritize spending and lower the tax burden on individuals and businesses.Case in point: in March 2013, the average unemployment rate in states withRepublican governors was 0.8 percent lower than in Democratic-led states.Further, an April 2013 GAO report projects widening state budget gaps through2060, primarily driven by rising health care costs for residents and public

    employees. How are Republican governors addressing these very real challengesto the fiscal health of their states? How can the federal government be a betterpartner in improving the fiscal outlook for both state and federal governments?

    Location: Poinsettia 1 & 2

    Panelists: Susan Bittick, Principal and Public Practice Leader,Ryan IndustriesAlissa Fox, Senior Vice President, Office of Policyand Representation, Blue Cross and Blue Shield AssociationGeorge Leong, Managing Director, Public Finance Department,

    Citigroup Management Corporation

    Senior Staff: Landon Fulmer, Chief of Staff, KansasStafford Palmieri, Policy Director, LouisianaEric Schutt, Chief of Staff, Wisconsin

    1:00 p.m.2:30 p.m. Networking LunchLocation: Vista Terrace

    6:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. Closing Reception and DinnerLocation: Garden Pool

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    Mike Lesmann, Policy Advisor, AlaskaMike Hanley, Commissioner, AlaskaDale Frost, Policy Advisor, Education, ArizonaJohn Huppenthal, Superintendent of Public Instruction, ArizonaStacy Morley, Executive Director of Policy Development and Government Relations, ArizonaDave Myslinski, State Policy Director, Foundation for Excellence in Education

    Erin Hames, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaVincent Leon Guerrero, GuamDoug Hoelscher, Director, State-Federal Relations, IowaLinda Fandel, Special Assistant for Education, Office of Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, IowaEileen Hawley, Communications Directors and Press Secretary, KansasJon Hummell, Policy Director, KansasJonathan Nass, Senior Policy Advisor, MaineLaurie Smith, Education Policy Advisor, MississippiBrian Mitchell, Policy Advisor, NevadaKimberly Kutschbach, Cabinet Secretary, OhioAndrew Silvestri, Deputy Policy Director, Oklahoma

    Chelsea Barnett, Deputy Director of Federal Affairs, OklahomaKatherine Veldran, Legislative Affairs, South CarolinaRachel Card, Policy Manager, South CarolinaMichael Morrissey, Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Rick Perry, TexasWhitney Broughton, Policy Advisor, TexasChristine Kearl, Director of Education, UtahGenerra Peck, Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs & Strategic Initiatives, VirginiaJulia Hammond, Director of Legislative Affairs and Policy Advisor, VirginiaRich Zipperer, Deputy Chief of Staff, Wisconsin

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    Jon Barganier, Senate Liaison, AlabamaRoss Gunnells, Deputy Legislative Director, AlabamaRachel Bylsma, Special Assistant, Office of Governor Parnell, AlaskaJeff Jones, Policy Advisor, AlaskaKim Sabow, Director of Public Affairs, ArizonaRyan Serote, Director of Federal Relations, Arizona

    David Werner, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaBrian San Nicolas, Special Assistant-Health Care, GuamFranklin Arriola, Chief of Staff, GuamAdam Gregg, Legislative Liaison, IowaDoug Hoelscher, Director, State-Federal Relations, IowaPaul Trombino, Director, Department of Transportation, IowaTed Stopulos, Policy Advisor, IowaJohn Butera, Senior Economic Advisor, MaineBill McBride, Director, Washington D.C. Office, MichiganEric Brown, Senior Federal Policy Representative, MichiganJon Allan, Director, Office of the Great Lakes, Michigan

    Tony Jeff, Innovate, MississippiRyan McGinness, DC Representative, NevadaBlannie Cheng, Advisor to NC Governor Pat McCrory on Jobs & the Economy, North CarolinaDion Terry, Senior Policy Analyst, North CarolinaHugh Johnson, Policy Analyst, North CarolinaAndrea Travnicek, Senior Policy Advisor, North DakotaKimberly Kutschbach, Cabinet Secretary, OhioCraig Perry, Sr. Legislative Liaison, OklahomaJohn Callahan, Deputy Policy Director, PennsylvaniaBryan Stirling, Chief of Staff, South CarolinaRebecca Schimsa, Staff Counsel-Economic Development, South Carolina

    Hunter Roberts, Energy Policy Director, Governors Office of Economic Development, South DakotaMatt Konenkamp, Policy Advisor, Governors Office, South DakotaNathan Lukkes, Deputy Commissioner, Governor's Office of Economic Development, South DakotaNathan Sanderson, Policy Advisor, Governor's Office, South DakotaChristin Sullivan, Policy Analyst, TennesseeColin Parrish, Policy Advisor, TexasMichael Morrissey, Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Rick Perry, TexasCarlos Braceras, Acting Executive Director, UtahSophia DiCaro, Deputy Director, UtahCarrie Roth, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade, VirginiaJeffrey Palmore, Director of Policy Development and Deputy Counselor, Virginia

    Eileen Schoenfeldt, Policy Advisor, WisconsinWaylon Hurlburt, Senior Advisor, Wisconsin

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    Ross Gunnells, Deputy Legislative Director, AlabamaJon Barganier, Senate Liaison, AlabamaDaniel Sullivan, Commissioner Dan Sullivan, AlaskaJeff Jones, Policy Advisor, AlaskaRandy Ruaro, Policy Director/Special Counsel, AlaskaLeisa Brug, Director, Office of Energy Policy, Arizona

    David Werner, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaFranklin Arriola, Chief of Staff, GuamStephen Goodson, Special Assistant for Energy and Natural Resources, IdahoDan Schmidt, Policy Director for Energy, Environment, Transportation and Gaming, IndianaAdam Gregg, Legislative Liaison, IowaDoug Hoelscher, Director, State-Federal Relations, IowaS. Brenna Findley, Legal Counsel, IowaJon Hummell, Policy Director, KansasAlberto Depuy, Policy Advisor, LouisianaPatrick Woodcock, Director, Governors Energy Office, MaineEric Brown, Senior Federal Policy Representative, Michigan

    Bill McBride, Director, Washington D.C. Office, MichiganKirk Sims, Chief of Staff, MississippiRyan McGinness, DC Representative, NevadaStacy Crowley, Director, Governors Office of Energy, NevadaJanel Anderson, Director of Policy & Federal Relations, New MexicoBlannie Cheng, Advisor to NC Governor Pat McCrory on Jobs & the Economy, North CarolinaHugh Johnson, Policy Analyst, North CarolinaAndrea Travnicek, Senior Policy Advisor, North DakotaKrista Carman, Washington Representative, North DakotaCraig Butler, Assistant Policy Director, OhioKimberly Kutschbach, Cabinet Secretary, Ohio

    Andrew Silvestri, Deputy Policy Director, OklahomaRick Krysiak Jr., State Energy Program Director, OklahomaChristopher Gray, Special Assistant to the Director of Policy and Planning, PennsylvaniaPatrick Henderson, Energy Executive, PennsylvaniaBryan Stirling, Chief of Staff, South CarolinaDouglass Mayer, Deputy Communications Director, Governor Nikki Haley, South CarolinaRebecca Schimsa, Staff Counsel-Economic Development, South CarolinaHunter Roberts, Energy Policy Director, Governor's Office of Economic Development, South DakotaMatt Konenkamp, Policy Advisor, Governor's Office, South DakotaNathan Lukkes, Deputy Commissioner Governors Office of Economic Development, South DakotaNathan Sanderson, Policy Advisor, Governors Office, South Dakota

    Melissa Blanding, Policy Advisor, TexasJonathan Stinson, Policy Advisor, TexasAlan Matheson, Governors Energy Advisor, UtahCody Stewart, Energy Advisor, Governor Gary Herbert, UtahCarrie Roth, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade, VirginiaJeffrey Palmore, Director of Policy Development and Deputy Counselor, VirginiaShawn Reese, Policy Director, Wyoming

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    Mike Lesmann, Policy Advisor, AlaskaSharon Leighow, Press Secretary, AlaskaWilliam Streur, Commissioner, AlaskaDon Hughes, Deputy Director Policy, ArizonaRyan Serote, Director of Federal Relations, ArizonaErin Hames, Deputy Chief of Staff, Georgia

    Katie Rogers, Health Policy Advisor, GeorgiaBrian San Nicolas, Special Assistant-Health Care, GuamAmy Wernsing, Special Assistant, IdahoTammy Perkins, Sr. Health Policy Advisor, IdahoBrian Neale, Policy Director, IndianaJosh Pitcock, Federal Representative, IndianaSeema Verma, Consultant, IndianaMichael Bousselot, Policy Advisor to Gov. Branstad, IowaDoug Hoelscher, Director State-Federal Relations, IowaS. Brenna Findley, Legal Counsel, IowaDavid Kensinger, PAC Director, Kansas

    Mark Dugan, Chief of Staff, Office of Lieutenant Governor, KansasAnne Cassity, Policy Advisor, LouisianaBeverly Moore, Special Counsel, LouisianaCalder Lynch, DHH Policy Director, LouisianaKathy Kliebert, Secretary of Health, LouisianaJames Haveman, Director of the Michigan Department of Community Health, MichiganKirk Sims, Chief of Staff, MississippiBrian Mitchell, Policy Advisor, NevadaJon Hager, Executive Director, Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, NevadaKeith Gardner, Chief of Staff, New MexicoCarol Steckel, Director, North Carolina

    Dion Terry, Senior Policy Analyst, North CarolinaKrista Carman, Washington Representative, North DakotaKimberly Kutschbach, Cabinet Secretary, OhioDenise Northrup, Chief of Staff, OklahomaKatie Altshuler, Policy Director, OklahomaMatthew O'Donnell, Deputy Policy Director, PennsylvaniaKatherine Veldran, Legislative Affairs, South CarolinaAndria Franco, Policy Advisor, TexasRobert Spendlove, Deputy Chief of Staff for State & Federal Relations, UtahDavid Patton, Executive Director, Utah Department of Health, UtahGenerra Peck, Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs & Strategic Initiatives, Virginia

    Julia Hammond, Director of Legislative Affairs and Policy Advisor, VirginiaMartin Kent, Chief of Staff to Governor Bob McDonnell, VirginiaKevin Moore, DHS Deputy Secretary, Wisconsin

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    Ross Gunnells, Deputy Legislative Director, AlabamaJon Barganier, Senate Liaison, AlabamaSharon Leighow, Press Secretary, AlaskaRandy Ruaro, Policy Director/Special Counsel, AlaskaJoe Sciarrotta, General Counsel, ArizonaKim Sabow, Director of Public Affairs, Arizona

    Ryan Serote, Director of Federal Relations, ArizonaBrian Robinson, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaChris Riley, Chief of Staff, GeorgiaRyan Teague, Executive Counsel, GeorgiaDavid Werner, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaErin Hames, Deputy Chief of Staff, GeorgiaBrian San Nicolas, Special Assistant-Health Care, GuamFranklin Arriola, Chief of Staff, GuamVincent Leon Guerrero, GuamHeather Neal, Legislative Director, IndianaRyan Streeter, Senior Policy Director, Indiana

    Doug Hoelscher, Director, State-Federal Relations, IowaJeff Boeyink, Chief of Staff, IowaS. Brenna Findley, Legal Counsel, IowaDavid Kensinger, PAC Director, KansasEileen Hawley, Communications Director and Press Secretary, KansasJon Hummell, Policy Director, KansasLandon Fulmer, Chief of Staff, KansasMark Dugan, Chief of Staff, Office of Lieutenant Governor, KansasBeverly Moore, Special Counsel, LouisianaStafford Palmieri, Policy Director, LouisianaBill McBride, Director, Washington D.C. Office, Michigan

    Dennis Muchmore, Chief of Staff, MichiganJohn Roberts, Deputy Chief of Staff, MichiganKirk Sims, Chief of Staff, MississippiRyan McGinness, DC Representative, NevadaMaria Comella, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, New JerseyJanel Anderson, Director of Policy & Federal Relations, New MexicoKeith Gardner, Chief of Staff, New MexicoSidonie Squier, Cabinet Secretary, New MexicoBlannie Cheng, Advisor to NC Governor Pat McCrory on Jobs & the Economy, North CarolinaKrista Carman, Washington Representative, North DakotaKimberly Kutschbach, Cabinet Secretary, Ohio

    Alexander Weintz, Communications Director, OklahomaDenise Northrup, Chief of Staff, OklahomaKatie Altshuler, Policy Director, OklahomaBryan Stirling, Chief of Staff, South CarolinaDouglass Mayer, Deputy Communications Director, Governor Nikki Haley, South CarolinaKatherine Veldran, Legislative Affairs, South CarolinaRebecca Schimsa, Staff Counsel-Economic Development, South CarolinaDusty Johnson, Chief of Staff, South DakotaNathan Sanderson, Policy Advisor, Governor's Office, South DakotaMichael Morrissey, Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Rick Perry, TexasTeresa Spears, Senior Advisor, Texas

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    Ally Isom, Deputy for Communications, UtahMike Mower, Deputy Chief of Staff, UtahRobert Spendlove, Deputy Chief of Staff for State & Federal Relations, UtahJasen Eige, Counselor and Senior Policy Advisor to the Governor, VirginiaTucker Martin, Director of Communications, VirginiaMartin Kent, Chief of Staff to Governor Bob McDonnell, VirginiaEric Schutt, Chief of Staff, WisconsinKeith Gilkes, Senior Political Advisor, Wisconsin

    Mike Huebsch, Department of Administration Secretary, WisconsinStephan Thompson, Campaign Manager-Friends of Scott Walker, WisconsinShawn Reese, Policy Director, WyomingTony Young, Deputy Chief of Staff, Wyoming

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    David Beightol, Vice President, Dutko GraylingStoney Burke, Director of Federal Legislative Affairs, Southern CompanyElena Butkus, Regional Vice President, Government Affairs, Midwest, Aetna, Inc.Kris Frank, Regional Vice President, Government Affairs, West, Aetna, Inc.Philip Geiger, Senior Vice President, MAXIMUSJulia Gonzales, Director of Government Relations, Amplify

    Brett Graham, Managing Director, Leavitt PartnersMary Kay Hogan, Vice President, Dutko GraylingAnthony Mader, Anthem Blue CrossLoren Monroe, Principal, BGR GroupNicole Monroe, Spouse of Loren MonroeSteve Palmer, Senior Vice President, Dutko GraylingMark Pratt, Senior Vice President of State Affairs, America's Health Insurance PlansMichael Prosio, Regional Vice President, State Affairs, WellpointHeidi Tringe, Consultant, MAXIMUSBrad Viator, Director, External Affairs, Edison Electric InstituteAmanda Weaver, Senior Director, Government Relations and External Partnerships, HCSC

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    STATESMEN ($250,000+)

    Elena Butkus, Regional Vice President - Government Affairs, Midwest, Aetna, Inc.Kris Frank, Regional Vice President, Government Affairs, West, Aetna, Inc.Bill McManus, Senior Director of Government Affairs, American Beverage AssociationJonathan Dinesman, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Centene CorporationRandal Johnson, Southern Strategy Group in Louisiana, Centene Corporation

    Brent Layton, Senior Vice President, Business Development, Centene CorporationJamie Schlottman, Plan President & CEO for Louisiana Healthcare Connections, Centene CorporationCharlie Sutlive, Vice President, State and Local Government, Coca-Cola RefreshmentsKelly Durham, Senior Director, Business Development, Corrections Corporation of AmericaJohn Malloy, Corrections Corporation of AmericaBrad Regens, Vice President, Partnership Relations, Corrections Corporation of AmericaBeth Snyder, Program Officer, ExxonMobilAmanda Weaver, Senior Director, Government Relations and External Partnerships, Health Care ServiceCorporationAllen Richardson, Regional Manager - Government Affairs, Koch Companies Public SectorSteve Baas, Director, Governmental Affairs, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce

    Buddy Julius, The Firm, LLC, Guest of Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of CommerceRobert Garvin, Wisconsin Energies, Guest of Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of CommerceJim Wall, Government Affairs Director, Microsoft CorporationPaul Pereira, Director, State and Local Affairs, Motorola SolutionsAndy Antrobus, Senior Director, Government Relations and Public Affairs, Pfizer, Inc.Melissa Bishop-Murphy, Government Relations Manager, Pfizer, Inc.Daniel Wolter, Government Relations Director, Pfizer, Inc.Pete Martinez, Senior Director, State Government Affairs, PhRMAJeff Woodhouse, Senior Director, State Gov't Affairs, PhRMAKen Flechler, Vice President, Pike Electric, Inc.Jerry Grantham, Vice President, Range Resources Corporation

    Michael Mackin, Regional Communications Manager, Range Resources CorporationScott Roy, Vice President - Government Affairs, Range Resources CorporationRich Haselwood, Senior Director, State Government Relations, Reynolds American Inc.Susan Bittick, Principal, Public Affairs, Ryan IndustriesTom Bittick, Spouse of Susan BittickKarla Kiriako, Senioir Manager, Government Affairs, SanofiRachel Farmer, Vice President, State Government Affairs, UnitedHealth GroupJake Logan, Regional Vice President, State Government Affairs, UnitedHealth GroupJodie Tierney, Vice President, State Government Affairs, UnitedHealth GroupDan Brouillette, Senior Vice President, USAAEric Brewer, Senior Director, Public Affairs and Government Relations, WalMart Stores, Inc.

    John David White, Government Affairs, WellCare Health Plans Inc.Amy Odom, Vice President of State Affairs, WellPoint, Inc.Michael Prosio, Regional Vice President, State Affairs, WellPoint, Inc.

    CABINET ($100,000)

    Bill Dudley, Vice President, Government Affairs, AFLAC Inc.Keith Hansen, Director, Airports, Allegiant AirBob Broadus, Director, State Government Affairs, Allergan, Inc.Nate Elias, Director, State Government Affairs - Midwest Region, Allergan, Inc.Jessica Wolfe, Director, State Government Affairs, Allergan, Inc.Matt Godlewski, Vice President, Auto Alliance

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    Maureen McDonnell, Vice President, Health Reform Integration and External Communications, AmerigroupCorporationCalise Munoz, Vice President, Government Relations, Amerigroup CorporationPamela Perry, Vice President, Government Relations, Amerigroup CorporationAlden Schacher, Vice President Government Affairs, Apollo Group, Inc.Marshall Cohen, Vice President, Government Affairs and Communications, Babcock & Wilcox Co.Alissa Fox, Senior Vice President, BlueCross BlueShield AssociationClay McClure, Director of State Legislation and Regulatory Affairs, BlueCross BlueShield Association

    Andrew Johnsen, Assistant Vice President, Government Affairs, BNSF Railway CompanyRobert Sweeny, Citigroup Management Corp.John Gibbs, Vice President of State Government Affairs, ComcastKathleen Hawkins, Director, Government Affairs, Duke Energy CorporationHilda Pinnix-Ragland, Vice President - Corporate Public Affairs, Duke Energy CorporationCindy Laubacher, Express ScriptsDavid Dederichs, Director, State Government Affairs, Express Scripts Holding CompanyKim Decker, Manager of Government & Industry Affairs, Farmers Insurance Group of CompaniesFrank Galitski, Director, Government and Industry Affairs, Farmers Insurance Group of CompaniesKerry Hayden, Manager, Government and Industry Affairs, Farmers Insurance Group of CompaniesCloid Shuler, Vice President, Business Development, GEO Group, Inc.

    Craig DeRoche, President, Justice FellowshipJack MacDonald, Executive Vice President, Golden LivingScott Gunn, Senior Vice President, Global Government Relations and U.S. Business Development, GTECHCorporationChris Shaban, Vice President of US Sales and Business Development, GTECH CorporationRollin Downs, McKenna Long & AldridgeSuzanne Duda, Director, Government and Industry Relations, HealthwaysVicki Shepard, Vice President, Government and Industry Relations, HealthwaysMaria Cino, Vice President, Government Relations for the US and Americas, Hewlett-Packard CompanyJon Dickinson, Manager, Western Region, State & Local Government Relations, Hewlett-Packard CompanyBob Cook, Vice President, Government Affairs, HNTB Corporation

    Kimberly Hudgins, Director of Government Relations, Southeast Division, HNTB CorporationJoe Lileikis, HNTB CorporationMark Martinez Area General Manager, Johnson Controls, Inc.Brian Kennedy, Consultant, K12 Inc.Don Lee, Vice President of Government Affairs, K12, Inc.Hugo Gutierrez, Manager, Governmental Affairs, Marathon Oil CorporationDoug Thierwechter, Director, Marathon Oil CorporationDoug Howard, Senior Vice President, MAXIMUSAkbar Piloti, President Human Services, MAXIMUSHeidi Tringe, Consultant, MAXIMUSMelissa Patack, Vice President & Counsel, State Government Affairs, MPAA

    Stephen Gallagher, Vice President, State & Local Political Operations, National Association of Home BuildersJerry Howard, President and CEO, National Association of Home BuildersChuck Cunningham, Director, State & Local Affairs, National Rifle AssociationRandy Kozuch, Director, Political Affairs Office of Advancement, National Rifle AssociationErika Scheffer, Deputy Director, Political Affairs Office of Advancement, National Rifle AssociationRick Knapp, Executive Director, State Government Affairs, Novartis Pharmaceuticals CorporationCatherine McGeehan, Associate Director Government Affairs, Novartis Pharmaceuticals CorporationMike McGarey, Director, State Outreach, Nuclear Energy InstituteRyan Aldridge, State and Local Government, SAS Institute, Inc.Jayme Cox, Manager, State Government Affairs, South Central, Shell OilStoney Burke, Director of Federal Legislative Affairs, Southern Company

  • 8/11/2019 Carlsbad Schedule and Attendee List 4


    Jim Barnett, Vice President, Political Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal ReformMarvin Smith, Government and Public Affairs Manager, US CellularWalter White, Vice President, State & Local Government, Verizon CommunicationsCasey Cesnovar, Director, State Government Relations, WalgreensMichael Smith, Senior Manager, Walgreens

    BOARD ($50,000)

    Doug Stang, Public Affairs, 3M

    Dave Wefring, Public Affairs, 3MKatherine Grady, Office of Government Relations, AccentureDamian Jones, Senior Manager Government Relations, AccentureEric Sildon, Office of Government Relations, AccentureDrew Bernato, Manager, Legislative & Public Affairs, AmeriHealth Mercy Health PlanKatie Hopkins, Manager, Government Relations, AmeriHealth Mercy Health PlanSteve Mitchell, Director, State Government Affairs, Astellas Pharma US, Inc.Connie Mitchell, Spouse of Steve MitchellTom Clemons, Vice President, Roads & Bridges Solutions, Bentley Systems, Inc.Bonnie Clemons, Spouse of Tom Clemons,Mike Hiltner, Director, Government Relations, Best Buy Co., Inc.

    Ann-Louise Kuhns, Associate Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb CompanyMary Kay Turner, Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb CompanyBill Miller, Senior Vice President, Business RoundtableDebbie Efremidis-Plevin, Business Development, State Government, Cerner CorporationLindsay Vogtsberger, Strategist, Government and Industry, Cerner CorporationMichelle Wright Conn, Senior Manager, State and Local Affairs, CiscoGeorge Leong, Citigroup Management Corp.Alan West, Vice President & Counsel, State & Local Government Relations, Citigroup Management Corp.Cindy Stevens, Partner, DeloitteDwayne Kratt, Senior Director, DIAGEOBrandon Peck, Associate, Dutko Grayling, Guest of Energi Insurance Services, Inc.

    Megan McCarthy, Director of Government Relations, Energi Insurance Services, Inc.Holly Deshields, Vice President, McGuireWoods Consulting, Energy Future HoldingsJeremey Shepherd, Principal, Schreiber & AssociatesKen Walsh, Principal, Schreiber & AssociatesAmy Dempster, Senior Manager, State Government Affairs Mid Atlantic Region, GenentechSandra Pizarro, Director, West Region, GenentechHal Lenox, Regional Director, State Government Relations, General MotorsBryan Roosa, Executive Director, State Government Relations, General MotorsLeslie Fox, Director, Legislative Outreach, International Council of Shopping CentersJosh Wilkens, Account Executive, Johnson Controls, Inc.Michael Bolen, Director, Government Affairs, Medtronic, Inc.

    David Stevenson, Vice President, Government Relations - Wireless Generation, AmplifyBill Guidera, Senior Vice President, News CorporationNial Patel, Vice President, Cornerstone Government AffairsAngela Nordstrom, Regional Director, NIC Inc.Garrett Brown, Government Relations Coordinator, NuStar Energy L.P.Jessica Pacheco, Director of Government Affairs, Arizona Public ServiceMichael Vargas, Government Affairs Representative, Arizona Public ServiceTim Reynolds, Principal, Highstar CapitalMatt Ottiger, Director, Government Relations, ResCare, Inc.Adam Zubowsky, Government Affairs, Smithfield Foods, Inc.David Grow, Counsel, State Farm Insurance

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    Thad Hellman, Senior Group Manager, Target CorporationRob Kincaid, Director, State Government Affairs, TEVA Pharmaceuticals USAJerry Moore, Director, State Government Affairs, TEVA Pharmaceuticals USAPeter Jaskoski, Director Governmental Relations US pipelines central, TransCanada Corp.Joe Arbona, General Director, Policy and Partnerships, Union Pacific CorporationCheryl Arbona, Spouse of Joe ArbonaJudith Zink, Principal, Capitoline ConsultingCamille Fleenor, Vice President Government Relations, Unisys Corporation

    Dawson Hobbs, Vice President, State Affairs, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc.Laura Favinger, Vice President - Head of State Affairs, Government and Industry Affairs, Zurich NorthAmerican Insurance CompanyMike Moran, Associate Vice President, Federal Affairs, Zurich North American Insurance Company

    COUNCIL ($25,000+)

    Mike Shutley, Brinker International, Inc.Erica Sechrist, Director Government Affairs, Advance AmericaHolli Hill, Director, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.Jennifer McMullen, Director, DaVita Healthcare Partners IncJeremy Van Haselen, Vice President, DaVita Healthcare Partners Inc

    Geoff Segal, Senior Vice President, Macquire CapitalCameron Smyth, Vice President State Affairs, Molina HealthcareTate Rosenbusch, Director, Grassroots Advocacy and State Affairs, National Mining AssociationMarsha Kwalwasser, Director, State Relations, Northrop GrummanMatt Lathrop, Director of Government and Community Relations, Yum! Brands, Inc.Jennifer Lathrop, Spouse of Matt Lathrop


    Danny Cooper, President, U.S. Capitol ConsultingDaryn Demeritt, President, D2 Public AffairsMark Smith, President, Da Vinci Group

    Steve Arthur, Vice President, Stateside AssociatesMark Hanna, President, Hanna & AssociatesJeff Viohl, Viohl & Associates, Inc.Matthew Keelen, President, The Keelen Group, LLCPhil Smith, Philip C. Smith & AssociatesRandall Gerard, Principal, Podesta GroupDavid Beightol, Managing Principal, Dutko GraylingDennis Smith, Managing Director, McKenna Long & AldridgeLee Cowen, Senior Consultant, Dutko GraylingLoren Monroe, Principal, BGR Government AffairsNicole Monroe, Spouse of Loren Monroe

    Steve Palmer, Vice President, Dutko Grayling

    PROSPECTJohn Cusack, DLA PiperLarry Purpuro, DLA Piper
