Canon 8 Report


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  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report

















    August 2010 Philippine Supreme Court

    Decisions on Legal and Judicial EthicsPosted on September 20, 2010 by amon !" Songco # Posted in Legal Ethics # $agged delay, dishonesty, %orum shopping,gross misconduct, inhibition, misconduct

    &ere are selected August 2010 rulings o% the Supreme Court o% the Philippines on legaland 'udicial ethics(

    Attorney) gross discourtesy" *hen +ilagros nally met respondent on September -0,200. /in order to collect on his debt to her, respondent, in the presence o% seeralothers, told her “Eh kung sabihin ko na sugar mommy kita,” adding thatNagpapakantot ka naman sa akin"3 $he Court nds that respondent is indeed guilty o%gross discourtesy amounting to conduct unbecoming o% a court employee" 4y suchiolation, respondent %ailed to lie up to his oath o% o5ce as member o% the 6ntegrated4ar o% the Philippines and iolated ule 7"0- o% the Code o% Pro%essionalesponsibility"  $he Court has consistently been reminding o5cials and employees o% the

     Judiciary that their conduct or behaior is circumscribed 8ith a heay burden o%responsibility 8hich, at all times, should be characteri9ed by, among other things, strictpropriety and decorum" As such, they should not use abusie, o:ensie, scandalous,menacing and improper language" $heir eery act or 8ord should be mar;ed byprudence, restraint, courtesy and dignity" Aside %rom iolating ule 7"0- o% the Code o%Pro%essional esponsibility, respondent appears to hae also iolated ule ."01 o% the

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    same Code" Complaints of Mrs. Milagros Lee & Samantha Lee against Atty. il Luisito !.Capito,  A.M. No. "##$%'%SC. August $, "##


    [A.M. No. RTJ-03-1813. November 21, 2003]

    ATTY. ANTONIO D. SELUDO, complainant, vs. JUDE ANTONIO J.

    !INE"A, respondent .

    D E # I S I O N

    $UNO, J .%

    The incident which gave rise to this administrative case occurred in the course of 

    the proceedings of People of the Philippines vs. lfonso De Villar! Errol De Villar and

    "odeo #erio! Criminal Case No. C$%&'() for attempted murder! *efore respondent

    +udge ntonio +. ,ine-a! ranch /)/ of the "egional Trial Court of Caloocan Cit0.

    The respondent 1udge was charged administrativel0 *0 tt0. ntonio D. Seludo!

    counsel for the accused! *efore the Office of the Court dministrator of the Supreme

    Court! with the following offenses2 3/4 gross ignorance of the law! 354 oppression in

    office! 3)4 grave a*use of authorit0! and 364 conduct un*ecoming of a 1udge. 7/8

    It was alleged that on Novem*er 59! 5''5! respondent 1udge ordered the arrest of 

    complainant for the failure of accused! Errol De Villar and "odeo #erio! as well as their 

    counsel! tt0. ntonio Seludo! to appear in toda0s promulgation of 3the4 decision despite

    due notice! : : :.758 The Order of rrest7)8 commanded an0 officer of the law to arrest

    complainant and to ;eep him in 1ail until the decision in Criminal Case No. %&'() shall

    have *een promulgated.

    Complainant averred that he was the defense counsel in two separate Criminal

    Cases2 3/4 Nos. /9&6

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    Criminal Case Nos. /9&6

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    Complainant replied stating that his secretar0 called respondents office on

    Novem*er /&! and was told that all hearings scheduled for the da0 were cancelled due

    to respondents hospitali-ation. =e denied he was dela0ing the case.

    The report of the Office of the Court dministrator is adverse to the respondent

     1udge! viz 2

    x x x x x x x x x

    The arrest of the complainant was, therefore, not only illegal, but also oppressive, and

    it violated his constitutional right to due process. Complainant was arrested and

    detained without giving him the opportunity to be heard. In so doing, respondent

     judge, wittingly or unwittingly, committed arbitrary detention defined and penalized

    under Article !" of the #evised $enal Code when the order of arrest was issued for

    complainant %who& was not committing a crime

    x x x x x x x x x

    In his C'(()*T, respondent judge used the words+ fact fabricator, congenital liar,

    Indian who fails to comply with his commitment and dimwitted lawyer, as

    descriptive of the complainant. These words are inflammatory which should have

     been avoided. In explaining why he issued the order of arrest against the complainant,

    the use of intemperate and insulting rhetorics is not necessary, if only to maintain the

    dignity of, and respect for, the court as an institution. 7&8

    The OC recommended that respondent 1udge *e penali-ed to pa0 a ,INE in the

    amount of twent0 thousand pesos 3P5'!'''.''4 for gross ignorance of the law!

    oppression! grave a*use of authorit0 and violation of "ule &.'/! 7(8 Canon & and "ule

    /'.')!7/'8 Canon /' of the Code of Professional "esponsi*ilit0.7//8

    Ae agree with modification.

    In the case at *ar! respondent *ased his authorit0 in ordering complainants

    incarceration on Section /6! "ule //( of the "evised "ules of Court! which provides2

    Sec. 14. Bail to secure appearance of material witness. -hen the court is satisfied,

    upon proof or oath, that a material witness will not testify when reuired, it may, upon

    motion of either party, order the witness to post bail in such sum as may be deemed

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     proper. /pon refusal to post bail, the court shall commit him to prison until he

    complies or is legally discharged after his testimony has been ta0en.

    It does not need a ;een intellect to hold that the rule relied upon *0 the respondent

    cannot *e used as *asis for the detention of complainant since he is a counsel and not

    a material witness to a case.


    does not re?uire the presence of the counsel during the promulgation of a 1udgment! viz 2

    SEC. 6.  Promulgation of judgment  The judgment is promulgated by reading it in the

     presence of the accused and any judge of the court in which it was rendered. 1owever,

    if the conviction is for a light offense, the judgment may be pronounced in the

     presence of his counsel or representative. -hen the judge is absent or is outside the

     province or city, the judgment may be promulgated by the cler0 of court.

    If the accused is confined or detained in another province or city, the judgment may be

     promulgated by the executive judge of the #egional Trial Court having jurisdiction

    over the place of confinement or detention upon the reuest of the court which

    rendered the judgment. The court promulgating the judgment shall have authority to

    accept the notice of appeal and to prove the bail bond pending appeal2 provided, that if 

    the decision of the trial court convicting the accused changed the nature of the offense

    from nonbailable to bailable, the application for bail can only be filed and resolved

     by the appellate court.

    The proper cler0 of court shall give notice to the accused personally or through his

     bondsman or warden and counsel, reuiring him to be present at the promulgation of

    the decision. If the accused was tried in absentia because he jumped bail or escaped

    from prison, the notice to him shall be served at his last 0nown address.

    In case the accused fails to appear at the scheduled date of promulgation of judgment

    despite notice, the promulgation shall be made by recording the judgment in the

    criminal doc0et and serving him a copy thereof at his last 0nown address or thru his


    If the judgment is for conviction and the failure of the accused to appear was without

     justifiable cause, he shall lose the remedies available in these #ules against the

     judgment and the court shall order his arrest. -ithin fifteen %3& days from

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     promulgation of the judgment, however, the accused may surrender and file a motion

    for leave of court to avail of these remedies. 1e shall state the reasons for his absence

    at the scheduled promulgation and if he proves that his absence was for a justifiable

    cause, he shall be allowed to avail of these remedies within fifteen %3& days from


    Ae hold that respondent violated "ule ).'6! Canon ) of the Code of +udicial

    Conduct! which states2

    Rule 3.04. A judge should be patient, attentive, and courteous to lawyers, especially

    the inexperienced, to litigants, witnesses, and others appearing before the court. A

     judge should avoid consciously falling into the attitude of mind that the litigants are

    made for the courts, instead of the courts for the litigants.

    It is plain that respondent was impatient and discourteous in dealing with

    complainant. +udges should respect all people appearing *efore their courts! *e the0

    law0ers or litigants."espondent ordered complainants arrest without according him the

    elementar0 right to challenge the order. The violation of his right to due process cannot

    *e denied. To *e sure! complainant satisfactoril0 e:plained his a*sence in the

    Novem*er /& scheduled promulgation. efore the promulgation! complainants secretar0

    called respondents office to verif0 the schedule and was informed that all hearings for 

    the da0 were cancelled due to respondents confinement in the hospital. It is therefore

    inaccurate to contend that complainant was a*sent twice! and he has to *e arrested to

    prevent dela0 in the promulgation of the decision. The Office of the Court dministrator correctl0 o*served that the respondent should have followed the following procedure2

    -hat respondent judge should have done under the circumstances obtaining at the

    time he issued the order of arrest of complainant was first to issue an order directing

    him %4eludo&, within a reasonable time, to show cause why he should not be punished

    for indirect contempt of court and, reset the promulgation of the decision to some

    other time at the convenience of the court. If the explanation is not satisfactory to the

    court, then and only then, that a penalty should be imposed upon the contemner.

    It is li;ewise provided in .@. No. '5$($'5$SC "e2 utomatic Conversion of Some

     dministrative Cases gainst +ustices of the Court of ppeals and the Sandigan*a0anB

    +udges of "egular and Special CourtsB and Court Officials Aho are #aw0ers as

    Disciplinar0 Proceedings gainst Them oth as Such Officials and as @em*ers of the

    Philippine ar! that administrative cases against 1udges of lower courts! who are

    li;ewise law0ers! are *ased on grounds which are also grounds for disciplinar0 action of 

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    mem*ers of the ar! among others! for violation of the Code of Professional


    -e consider respondent judge to have violated+ %& #ule 5.6, Canon 5 of the Code of

    $rofessional #esponsibility which prohibits the use of inappropriate language+

    Rule 8.01. A lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use language which is

    abusive, offensive or otherwise improper2 and

    %!& #ule 6.67, Canon 6, which mandates the proper observance of the rules of


    Rule 10.03 A lawyer shall observe the rules of procedure and shall not misuse them to

    defeat the ends of justice.

    Ae are disappointed *0 respondents penchant for improper words when he called

    the complainant a fact fa*ricator! a congenital liar! an Indian who fails to compl0 with his

    commitment and dim$witted. Ae had previousl0 admonished respondent 1udge for using

    inappropriate language. In J&'(e A)*o)+o J.  !+)e v. Romeo $.  Ar&e/o!7/58 respondent 1udge filed a complaint against ruelo! a Cler; of Court of another *ranch

    for interfering with a case pending in his sala. =e later withdrew his complaint on the

    ground that : : : the Supreme Court and the OCD did not ta;e prompt action on 3the4

    matter. It too; for 3sic 4 3them4 two 0ears and eight months without favora*l0 giving due

    course to this administrative case which was filed *0 this representation against the

    respondent. I am downgraded 3sic 4 not to sa0 I am saddened *0 the inaction of the

    Supreme Court so I am withdrawing m0 complaint. =e also added that 3he is4 alread0

    demorali-ed and 3has4 lost faith in the s0stem. In our decision! respondent 1udge was

    en1oined to *e more circumspect in his language. =e was li;ewise made to show cause

    wh0 he should not *e administrativel0 sanctioned for casting the Court and the +udiciar0

    in *ad light.

    In his e:planation! respondent claimed that he had no intention to spea; ill against

    the Court or the +udiciar0 and attri*uted his intemperate language to *eing human and

    having his own share of human frailties. Nonetheless! we admonished him to e:erciseprudence and restraint in his language and sternl0 warned that a repetition of the same

    or similar offense will *e dealt with more severel0. 7/)8

    In a more recent case decided *0 the Court En Banc ! L+m v. J&'(e A)*o)+o

    J.  !+)e,7/68 respondent 1udge was also found guilt0 of gross misconduct for failing to

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    e:ecute a 1udgment which had *ecome final! and was fined P)'!'''.''! with a stern

    warning that a repetition of the same act will *e dealt with more severel0.

    Ae consider respondents act of ordering the detention of complainant without 1ust

    cause as gross ignorance of the law or procedure! and the improper use of words in his

    Comment as gross misconduct!7/%8 *oth under Section &! "ule /6' of the "evised "ules

    of Court! 7/

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    IN IE EREO!! we find respondent 1udge guilt0 of gross ignorance of 

    procedure and impose on him a fine of P6'!'''.''! and gross misconduct and impose

    on him a fine ofP6'!'''.''! considering his repetition of the offense.


    Quisumbing, Austria-Martinez, Callejo, r!, and "inga, ##!, concur !

    A.#. No. 34 O5*ober 26, 2006



    ATTY. IRIL R. #ASTRO, "espondent.

    " E S O # > T I O N

    T+)(, J .%

    This administrative case concerns a law0er who hurled invectives at a Cler; of Court. @em*ers of

    the *ar decorum must at all times comfort themselves in a manner *efitting their no*le profession.

    Complainant tt0. "osalie Dallong$alicinao is the Cler; of Court of the "egional Trial Court 3"TC4

    of am*ang! Nueva Vi-ca0a. On & @a0 5'')! she filed with the Commission on ar Discipline

    3CD4 of the Integrated ar of the Philippines 3IP4 a Complaint-A$$idavit / with supporting


     against respondent tt0. Virgil ". Castro for >nprofessional Conduct! specificall0violation of Canon 9! "ule 9.')! Canon & and "ule &.'5 of the Code of Professional

    "esponsi*ilit0.) The charge in the complaint is summed up as follows2

    "espondent tt0. Castro was a private practitioner and Vice$President of IP$Nueva Vi-ca0a

    Chapter. On % @a0 5'')! respondent went to complainants office to in?uire whether the complete

    records of Civil Case No. 9&6! entitled ps! Crispino Castillano v! ps! %ederico ! Castillano and

    %elicidad Aberin! had alread0 *een remanded to the court of origin! @CTC Dupa: del Norte! lfonso

    Castaned! Nueva Vi-ca0a. It must *e noted that respondent was not the counsel of record of either

    part0 in Civil Case No. 9&6.

    Complainant informed respondent that the record had not 0et *een transmitted since a certified truecop0 of the decision of the Court of ppeals should first *e presented to serve as *asis for the

    transmittal of the records to the court of origin. To this respondent retorted scornfull0! Aho will certif0

    the Court of ppeals Decision! the Court of ppealsF Gou mean to sa0! I would still have to go to

    @anila to get a certified true cop0F Surprised at this out*urst! complainant replied! Sir! its in the

    "ules *ut 0ou could show us the cop0 sent to the part0 0ou claim to *e representing. "espondent

    then replied! Then 0ou should have notified me of the said re?uirement. That was two wee;s ago

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    and I have *een fre?uenting 0our office since then! *ut 0ou never *othered to notif0 me.

    Complainant replied! It is not our dut0! Sir! to notif0 0ou of the said re?uirement.

    "espondent then answered! Gou mean to sa0 it is not 0our dut0 to remand the record of the caseF

    Complainant responded! No! Sir! I mean! its not our dut0 to notif0 0ou that 0ou have to su*mit a

    cop0 of the Court of ppeals decision. "espondent angril0 declared in Ilocano! &'ayat mo nga sa(-en, a(an pakialam yon) 'asdiay)& 3Gou mean to sa0 0ou dont care an0moreF Is that the wa0 it

    isF4 =e then turned and left the office! *anging the door on his wa0 out to show his anger. The

    *anging of the door was so loud it was heard *0 the people at the ad1acent "TC! ranch )' where a

    hearing was ta;ing place.6

     fter a few minutes! respondent returned to the office! still enraged! and pointed his finger at

    complainant and shouted! &*kinnan, no adda ti unget mo iti kilientek haan mo nga ibales kaniak

    ah+& 3Vulva of 0our motherH If 0ou are har*oring ill feelings against m0 client! dont turn 0our ire on

    meH4 Complainant was shoc;ed at respondents words *ut still managed to repl0! I dont even ;now

    0our client! Sir. "espondent left the office and as he passed *0 complainants window! he again

    shouted! &*kinnam nga babai+& 3Vulva of 0our mother! 0ou womanH4


    Complainant suffered acute em*arrassment at the incident! as it happened in her office of which she

    was! and still is! the head and in front of her staff. She felt that her credi*ilit0 had *een tarnished and

    diminished! eliciting dou*t on her a*ilit0 to command full respect from her staff.<

    The Complaint-A$$idavit ! filed three da0s after the incident! was supported *0 an A$$idavit 9 signed *0

    emplo0ees of "TC$am*ang! Nueva Vi-ca0a who witnessed the incident. The A$$idavit  narrated the

    same incident as witnessed *0 the said emplo0ees. Motion to %ile Additional

     A$$idavitocumentary Evidence was filed *0 complainant on 5% Septem*er 5'').&

    On 5< @a0 5'')! the CD$IP issued an .rder (

     re?uiring respondent to su*mit his answer to thecomplaint. "espondent su*mitted his Compliance/' dated /& +une 5''). "espondent e:plained that

    he was counsel for the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. &69! entitled ps! %ederico Castillano, et al! v! ps!

    Crispin Castillano, et al!, filed with the "TC of Nueva Vi-ca0a! ranch )'. =e learned of the finalit0 of 

    the decision of the Court of ppeals in C$.". No.

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    Canon & law0er shall conduct himself with courtes0! fairness and candor toward his professional

    colleagues! and shall avoid harassing tactics against opposing counsel.

    "ule &.'/ law0er shall not! in his professional dealings! use language which is a*usive!

    offensive or otherwise improper.

    @oreover! Canon & of the Code of Professional "esponsi*ilit0 demands that law0ers conduct

    themselves with courtes0! fairness and candor toward their fellow law0ers. #aw0ers are dut0 *ound

    to uphold the dignit0 of the legal profession. The0 must act honora*l0! fairl0 and candidl0 towards

    each other and otherwise conduct themselves without reproach at all times./&

     s correctl0 evaluated *0 the Investigating Commissioner! respondent did not categoricall0 den0 the

    charges in the complaint. Instead! he gave a length0 narration of the prefator0 facts of the case as

    well as of the incident on % @a0 5'').

    Complainant also alleged in her Complaint-A$$idavit  that respondents uncharacteristic *ehavior was

    not an isolated incident. =e has supposedl0 done the same to tt0s. *raham +ohnn0 . suncionand Temm0 #am*ino! the latter having filed a case against respondent pending *efore this

    Court./( Ae! however! cannot ac;nowledge such allegation a*sent an0 evidence showing the

    veracit0 of such claim. No affidavits to that effect were su*mitted *0 either tt0. suncion or tt0.


    Nonetheless! the penalt0 to *e imposed should *e tempered owing to the fact that respondent had

    apologi-ed to the complainant and the latter had accepted it. This is not to sa0! however! that

    respondent should *e a*solved from his actuations. People are accounta*le for the conse?uences

    of the things the0 sa0 and do even if the0 repent afterwards. The fact remains that things done

    cannot *e undone and words uttered cannot *e ta;en *ac;. =ence! he should *ear the

    conse?uences of his actions.

    The highest reward that can *e *estowed on law0ers is the esteem of their *rethren. This esteem

    cannot *e purchased! perfunctoril0 created! or gained *0 artifice or contrivance. It is *orn of sharp

    conte:ts and thrives despite conflicting interest. It emanates solel0 from integrit0! character! *rains

    and s;ills in the honora*le performance of professional dut0.5'

    A=E"E,O"E! premises considered! respondent is here*0 ,INED in the amount of TEN

    T=O>SND 3P/'!'''.''4 PESOS with a warning that an0 similar infraction with *e dealt with more

    severel0. #et a cop0 of thisecision *e furnished the ar Confidant for appropriate annotation in the

    record of the respondent.

    SO O"DE"ED.


     Associate #ustice

    AE CONC>"2

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     Associate #ustice



     Associate #ustice Associate #ustice

    3On #eave4


     Associate #ustice

    ADM. #ASE NO. 6737 O5*ober 26, 200

    !ERDINAND A. #RU", complainant!


    ATTY. STANLEY #A9RERA, respondent.

    " E S O # > T I O N


    In an administrative complaint dated +ul0 9! 5''5! ,erdinand . Cru- charges tt0. Stanle0 Ca*rerawith misconduct in violation of the Code of Professional "esponsi*ilit0.

    Complainant alleges that he is a fourth 0ear law studentB since the latter part of 5''/! he instituted

    several actions against his neigh*orsB he appeared for and in his *ehalf in his own casesB he met

    respondent who acted as the counsel of his neigh*orsB during a hearing on +anuar0 /6! 5''5! in one

    case *efore the "egional Trial Court! ranch //5! Pasa0 Cit0! presided *0 +udge Caridad Cuerdo!

    the following e:change transpired2

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    ::: ::: So! ma0 we ;now 0our honor! if he is a law0er or notF

    The Court having *een inhi*ited *0 the respondent from hearing the case! replied2

    Gou are as;ing for m0 inhi*ition and 0et 0ou want me to rule on his appearance :::


    Thereafter! the respondent said2

    ecause 0our honor! he 3pertaining to the complainant4 is misrepresenting himself to

    *e a law0erH

    To this the complainant remar;ed2

    Gour =onor! Im not ::: :::.

    "espondent! this time engulfed with anger in a raising voice said2

     ppear ;a ng appear! pumasa ;a munaB : : :.

    "espondents imputations were uncalled for and the latters act of compelling the court to as;

    complainant whether he is a law0er or not was intended to malign him *efore the pu*lic! inasmuch

    as respondent ;new that complainant is not a law0er! having appeared for and in his *ehalf as a

    part0 litigant in prior casesB respondents imputations of complainants misrepresentation as a law0er 

    was patentl0 with malice to discredit his honor! with the intention to threaten him not to appear

    an0more in cases respondent was handlingB the manner! su*stance! tone of voice and how the

    words appear ;a ng appear! pumasa ;a munaH were uttered were totall0 with the intention to

    anno0! ve: and humiliate! malign! ridicule! incriminate and discredit complainant *efore the pu*lic.

    Complainant claims that respondents displa0 of improper attitude! arrogance! mis*ehavior!

    misconduct in the performance of his duties *oth as a law0er and officer of the court! *efore the

    pu*lic and the court! was a patent transgression of the ver0 ethics that law0ers are sworn to uphold

    in their dealings with societ0 and corresponding appropriate penalt0 or sanctions for the said

    administrative violations should *e imposed on the respondent.

    In his Comment! respondent contends that the complaint filed against him is a vicious scheme to

    dissuade him from appearing as counsel for the @ina famil0 against whom complainant had filed

    several civil and criminal cases including him to further complainants illegal practice of lawB

    complainants complaint occurred during a 1udicial proceeding wherein complainant was a*le torepresent himself considering that he was appearing in barong tagalog  thus the presiding 1udge was

    misled when she issued an order stating 7i8n toda0s hearing *oth law0ers appearedB *ecause of

    which! respondent stated2 Gour honor I would li;e to manifest that this counsel 3referring to

    complainant4 who represents the plaintiff in this case is not a law0er! to which complainant replied2

    The counsel ver0 well ;now that I am not 0et a law0erB the reason he informed the court that

    complainant is not a law0er was *ecause the presiding 1udge did not ;now that complainant is not a

    law0er and complainant did not inform the presiding 1udge that he is not a law0er when he stated2

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    for the plaintiff 0our honorB he stated pumasa ;a muna out of indignation *ecause of

    complainants temerit0 in misrepresenting himself as law0erB it is surprising that the Cit0 Prosecutor

    of Pasa0 Cit0 filed a complaint for oral defamation against him considering that in a precedent case

    the Supreme Court stated2 It is a settled principle in this 1urisdiction that statements made in the

    course of 1udicial proceedings are a*solutel0 privileged 3Navarrete vs. Court of ppeals! )5% SC"

    %6'4B in another malicious prosecution *eing perpetuated *0 the complainant against the @inafamil0 pending *efore +udge Priscilla @i1ares of "TC ranch /'&! Pasa0 Cit0! the0 were a*le to

    prohi*it the appearance of complainant as counsel for himself as authenticated *0 an Order of +udge

    Priscilla @i1ares which allegedl0 stated among otherB to wit2

    In connection with ,erdinand . Cru-s motion to appear as counsel! the motion is li;ewise

    denied! movant not having satisfied the re?uirements and conditions under "ule /)&$!

    Sections / and 5.

    "espondent alleges that when complainant filed an administrative case against +udge Priscilla

    @i1ares when said +udge stated in "agalog  in open court 0ay naku masama yung marunong pa sa

    0u(es+ .' F the same was dismissed *0 the =onora*le Courts Third Division which stated amongothers2 That the ?uestioned remar;s of respondent were uttered more out of frustration and in

    reaction to complainants actuations and ta;ing into account that complainant is not 0et a law0er *ut

    was alread0 lecturing the court on a matter which is not even a point of discussion was sheer

    arrogance on the part of the complainant. "espondent pra0s that the complaint against him *e

    dismissed for lac; of merit.

    The administrative case was referred to the Integrated ar of the Philippines 3IP4 for investigation!

    report and recommendation.

    In a report! dated @arch 6! 5''6! IP Commissioner #0dia . Navarro recommended respondents

    suspension from the practice of law for a period of three months for violating "ule &.'/ of the Codeof Professional "esponsi*ilit0 which provides2

      law0er shall not! in his professional dealings! use language which is a*usive! offensive or

    otherwise improper.

    In her report! Commissioner Navarro stated2

     fter going over the evidence su*mitted *0 the parties! the undersigned noted that

    respondents averment that the utterances he made in open court is 3sic4 privileged

    communication does not hold water for the same was 3sic4 not relevant to the issue of the

    case in ?uestion under trial *efore the said court.

    "espondent did not refute the fact that the same utterances he made in open court against the

    complainant had *een the *asis for his indictment of Oral Defamation and later >n1ust Ve:ation

    under Criminal Cases Nos. '5$/')/ and No. '5$5/)< respectivel0! pending trial *efore @TC ranch

    6%! Pasa0 Cit0.

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    #i;ewise respondent did not refute complainants allegation that in /(9( he was held in contempt

    and was not allowed to practice law for seven 0ears *0 the Supreme Court in the administrative case

    filed against him *0 Emilia E. ndres on Decem*er /6! /(9( doc;eted as .@. #$%&% for his

    fondness in using contumacious language in his dealing with others.

    ,rom the facts o*taining! it is apparent that the utterance hurled *0 the respondent in the manner!su*stance and tone of his voice which was not refuted *0 him that appear ka ng appear, pumasa ka

    muna in whatever manner it was uttered are in itself not onl0 a*usive *ut insulting speciall0 on the

    part of law students who have not 0et ta;en nor passed the *ar e:amination re?uired of them.

    "espondent should have *een more discreet and cautious in informing the court if it was his purpose

    relative to complainants appearance in courtB although the latter appeared onl0 in his *ehalf *ut not

    for others if he had complied with the re?uirements of "ule /)& 3Sections / and )4 of the "ules of


    "espondent should have *een more temperate in ma;ing utterances in his professional dealings so

    as not to offend the sensitivities of the other part0 as in this case.

    On pril /

    investigator shall *e reviewed *0 the IP oard of overnors upon the record and evidencetransmitted to it *0 the Investigator with his report. The decision of the oard upon such

    review shall *e in writing and shall clearl0 and distinctl0 state the facts and the reasons on

    which it is *ased. It shall *e promulgated within a period not e:ceeding thirt0 3)'4 da0s from

    the ne:t meeting of the oard following the su*mittal of the Investigators report. 3Emphasis


    In Teodosio vs. Nava!/ the Court stressed the important function of the re?uirement that the decision

    of the oard of overnors state the facts and the reasons on which it is *ased! which is a;in to what

    is re?uired of the decisions of courts of record! thus2

    ,or aside from informing the parties the reason for the decision to ena*le them to point out tothe appellate court the findings with which the0 are not in agreement! in case an0 of them

    decides to appeal the decision! it is also an assurance that the 1udge! or the oard of

    overnors in this case! reached his 1udgment through the process of legal reasoning. 5

    In this case! the oard of overnors resolution a*solving respondent of an0 misconduct does not

    contain an0 findings of facts or law upon which it *ased its ruling. Ordinaril0! non$compliance with the

    rule would result in the remand of the case. Nonetheless! where the controvers0 has *een pending

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    resolution for ?uite sometime and the issues involved could *e resolved on the *asis of the records

    on appeal! the Court has opted to resolve the case in the interest of 1ustice and speed0 disposition of 

    cases.) This case falls within the e:ception.

    Ae hold that respondents out*urst of appear ;a ng appear! pumasa ;a muna does not amount to

    a violation of "ule &.'/ of the Code of Professional "esponsi*ilit0.

    ased on the facts of this case! such out*urst came a*out when respondent pointed out to the trial

    court that complainant is not a law0er to correct the 1udges impression of complainants appearance!

    inasmuch as the 1udge! in her Order of +anuar0 /6! 5''5! noted that complainant is a law0er.6 Such

    single out*urst! though uncalled for! is not of such magnitude as to warrant respondents suspension

    or reproof. It is *ut a product of impulsiveness or the heat of the moment in the course of an

    argument *etween them. It has *een said that law0ers should not *e held to too strict an account for

    words said in the heat of the moment! *ecause of chagrin at losing cases! and that the *ig wa0 is for

    the court to condone even contemptuous language.%

    Nonetheless! we remind respondent that complainant is not precluded from litigating personall0 hiscases. part0s right to conduct litigation personall0 is recogni-ed *0 Section )6 of "ule /)& of the

    "ules of Court2

    SEC. )6. 0 whom litigation conducted. $$ In the court of a 1ustice of the peace a part0 ma0

    conduct his litigation in person! with the aid of an agent or friend appointed *0 him for that

    purpose! or with the aid of an attorne0. In an0 other court! a part0 ma0 conduct his litigation

    personall0 or *0 aid of an attorne0! and his appearance must *e either personal or *0 a dul0

    authori-ed mem*er of the *ar.

    In @aderada vs. @ediodea!

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    Clearl0! in appearing for herself! complainant was not customaril0 or ha*ituall0 holding

    herself out to the pu*lic as a law0er. Neither was she demanding pa0ment for such services.

    =ence! she cannot *e said to *e in the practice of law.9

    On the other hand! all law0ers should ta;e heed that law0ers are licensed officers of the courts who

    are empowered to appear! prosecute and defendB and upon whom peculiar duties! responsi*ilitiesand lia*ilities are devolved *0 law as a conse?uence. @em*ership in the *ar imposes upon them

    certain o*ligations. @andated to maintain the dignit0 of the legal profession! the0 must conduct

    themselves honora*l0 and fairl0.& Though a law0ers language ma0 *e forceful and emphatic! it

    should alwa0s *e dignified and respectful! *efitting the dignit0 of the legal profession. The use of

    intemperate language and un;ind ascriptions has no place in the dignit0 of 1udicial forum.(

    A=E"E,O"E! the complaint against respondent tt0. Stanle0 Ca*rera for misconduct in violation of 

    the Code of Professional "esponsi*ilit0 is DISMISSED for lac; of merit. =e is!

    however! 'mo)+:e' to *e more circumspect in the performance of his duties as an officer of the


    SO O"DE"ED.

    /uno, Callejo, r!, "inga, and Chico-1azario, ##!, concur.


    Senator abuses parliamentary immunity In the recent administrative case of ANTERO J. $O9RE v. Se). MIRIAM DE!ENSOR- SANTIAO,

    A.#. No. 7344, A&(&* 26, 2004, the Philippine Supreme Court dismissed the letter$complaint of ntero

    +. Po*re against SenatorLtt0. @iriam Defensor$Santiago! conforma*l0 to rt. VI! Sec. // of the

    Constitution! *ut castigated! so to spea;! the feist0 and aggressive! if not foul$mouth! respondent lad0

    senator for using what I would call intemperate and hate$filled language in a privilege speech she had

    delivered *efore the Philippine Senate which was directed against the Philippine Supreme Court Chief

    +ustice rtemio Pangani*an and the +udicial and ar Council 3+C4.

    The +C had previousl0 re1ected her nomination as Chief +ustice of the Philippine Supreme Court.

    I am trul0 glad the +C had re1ected her nomination to the highest tri*unal of the land! considering her

    notorious pu*lic image as a war$frea; person.

    In the aforecited case! although the Court held that the privilege speech of the com*ative lad0 senator

    was not actiona*le criminall0 or in a disciplinar0 proceeding under the "ules of Court! it however

    e:pressed its deep concern a*out the language Senator Santiago! a mem*er of the ar! used in her

    speech and its effect on the administration of 1ustice. To *:e #o&r*, *:e /'; e)*or : &)'o&b*e'/;

    5roe' *:e /+m+* o< 'e5e)5; )' (oo' =ro&o*e' **+)( *:* :e ?)*e' @*o =+* o) *:e

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    :+ 5o:or* +) *:e S&=reme #o&r*, )' 5//+)( *:e #o&r* @S&=reme #o&r* o< +'+o*.

    The offensive and disrespectful words of the lad0 senator were as follows2

    @B B B I m )o* )(r;. I m +r*e. I m

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    should en1o0 the fullest li*ert0 of speech and that he should *e protected from resentment of ever0 one!

    however! powerful! to whom the e:ercise of that li*ert0 ma0 occasion offense! the Court said! citing

    previous decided cases.

    Aithout parliamentar0 immunit0! parliament! or its e?uivalent! would degenerate into a polite and

    ineffective de*ating forum. #egislators are immune from deterrents to the uninhi*ited discharge of their

    legislative duties! not for their private indulgence! *ut for the pu*lic good. The privilege would *e of little

    value if the0 could *e su*1ected to the cost and inconvenience and distractions of a trial upon a

    conclusion of the pleader! or to the ha-ard of a 1udgment against them *ased upon a 1udges speculation

    as to the motives.

    The Court said that it does not interfere with the legislature or its mem*ers in the manner the0 perform

    their functions in the legislative floor or in committee rooms. n0 claim of an unworth0 purpose or of the

    falsit0 and mala fides of the statement uttered *0 the mem*er of the Congress does not destro0 the

    privilege. The disciplinar0 authorit0 of the assem*l0 and the voters! not the courts! can properl0

    discourage or correct such a*uses committed in the name of parliamentar0 immunit0.

     lthough the Court held that the privilege speech of the com*ative lad0 senator was not actiona*lecriminall0 or in a disciplinar0 proceeding under the "ules of Court! it felt! however! e:pressed its deep

    concern a*out the language Senator Santiago! a mem*er of the ar! used in her speech and its effect on

    the administration of 1ustice. To the Court! the lad0 senator has undou*tedl0 crossed the limits of decenc0

    and good professional conduct. It is at once apparent that her statements in ?uestion were intemperate

    and highl0 improper in su*stance. To reiterate! she was ?uoted as stating that she wanted Mto spit on the

    face of Chief +ustice rtemio Pangani*an and his cohorts in the Supreme Court! and calling the Court a

    MSupreme Court of idiots.

    No law0er who has ta;en an oath to maintain the respect due to the courts should *e allowed to erode the

    peoples faith in the 1udiciar0. The Court stated that in this case! the lad0 senator clearl0 violated Canon &!

    "ule &.'/ and Canon // of the Code of Professional "esponsi*ilit0! which respectivel0 provide2

    Canon &! "ule &.'/.JJ law0er shall not! in his professional dealings! use language which is a*usive!

    offensive or otherwise improper.

    Canon //.JJ law0er shall o*serve and maintain the respect due to the courts and to the 1udicial officers

    and should insist on similar conduct *0 others.

    It will *e noted that SenatorLtt0. Santiago was a former "egional Trial Court 1udge! a law professor! an

    oft$cited authorit0 on constitutional and international law! an author of numerous law te:t*oo;s! and an

    elected senator of the land. Needless to stress! Senator Santiago! as a mem*er of the ar and officer of

    the court! li;e an0 other! was dut0$*ound to uphold the dignit0 and authorit0 of this Court and to maintainthe respect due its mem*ers. #aw0ers in pu*lic service are ;eepers of pu*lic faith and are *urdened with

    the higher degree of social responsi*ilit0! perhaps higher than their *rethren in private practice. Senator

    Santiago should have ;nown! as an0 perceptive individual! the impact her statements would ma;e on the

    peoples faith in the integrit0 of the courts.

    The Court stressed that a careful re$reading of her foul and repulsive utterances would readil0 show that

    her statements were e:pressions of personal anger and frustration at not *eing considered for the post of

    Chief +ustice. In a sense! therefore! her remar;s were outside the pale of her official parliamentar0

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    functions. Even parliamentar0 immunit0 must not *e allowed to *e used as a vehicle to ridicule! demean!

    and destro0 the reputation of the Court and its magistrates! nor as armor for personal wrath and disgust.

     uthorities are agreed that parliamentar0 immunit0 is not an individual privilege accorded the individual

    mem*ers of the Parliament or Congress for their personal *enefit! *ut rather a privilege for the *enefit of

    the people and the institution that represents them.

    The Court stated that Senator Santiagos out*urst was directl0 tracea*le to what she considered as an

    Mun1ust act the +C had ta;en in connection with her application for the position of Chief +ustice. ut

    while the +C functions under the Courts supervision! its individual mem*ers! save perhaps for the Chief

    +ustice who sits as the +Cs e:$officio chairperson! have no official dut0 to nominate candidates for

    appointment to the position of Chief +ustice. The Court is! thus! at a loss to understand Senator

    Santiagos wholesale and indiscriminate assault on the mem*ers of the Court and her choice of critical

    and defamator0 words against all of them.

     s e:plicit is the first canon of legal ethics which pronounces that it is the dut0 of a law0er to maintain

    towards the Courts a respectful attitude! not for the sa;e of the temporar0 incum*ent of the 1udicial office!

    *ut for the maintenance of its supreme importance. That same canon! as a corollar0! ma;es it peculiarl0

    incum*ent upon law0ers to support the courts against un1ust criticism and clamor. nd more. Theattorne0s oath solemnl0 *inds him to a conduct that should *e with all good fidelit0 to the courts.

      law0er is an officer of the courtsB he is! Mli;e the court itself! an instrument or agenc0 to advance the

    ends of 1ustice. =is dut0 is to uphold the dignit0 and authorit0 of the courts to which he owes fidelit0! Mnot

    to promote distrust in the administration of 1ustice. ,aith in the courts! a law0er should see; to preserve.

    ,or! to undermine the 1udicial edifice Mis disastrous to the continuit0 of government and to the attainment

    of the li*erties of the people. Thus has it *een said of a law0er that M7a8s an officer of the court! it is his

    sworn and moral dut0 to help *uild and not destro0 unnecessaril0 that high esteem and regard towards

    the courts so essential to the proper administration of 1ustice.

    The Court in a su*tle wa0 critici-ed the Senate itself for neglecting its dut0 to discipline the respondent

    senator for her offensive language. The "ules of the Senate itself contains a provision on>nparliamentar0 cts and #anguage that en1oins a Senator from using! under an0 circumstance!

    Moffensive or improper language against another Senator or against an0 pu*lic institution. ut as to

    Senator Santiagos unparliamentar0 remar;s! the Senate President had not apparentl0 called her to order!

    let alone referred the matter to the Senate Ethics Committee for appropriate disciplinar0 action! as the

    "ules dictates under such circumstance. The lad0 senator clearl0 violated the rules of her own cham*er.

    It is unfortunate that her peers *ent *ac;wards and avoided imposing their own rules on her.

    CA*'* 5

     by (artin 8avino


    %A.C. *o. 3"5, 9uly , !667&

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report



    Complainant Atty. #eyes filed a case for disbarment against respondent Atty. Chiong

     because of the latter>s violation of Canon 5 of the Code of $rofessional #esponsibility dealing

    with the idea that lawyers should treat each other with courtesy, dignity and civility. Chiong>s

    client did not appear upon the court when $rosecutor 4alonga issued a subpoena for their  preliminary investigation, the $rosecutor filed a criminal complaint for estafa against said client.

    After which Chiong made an urgent motion to uash the warrant concomitant with his filing for 

    a civil complaint and collection for a sum of money and damages against Atty. #eyes, ?u %the

    complainant>s client& and the $rosecutor. /pon their confrontation, no settlement was reached.

    Chiong argues that there was no disrespect impleading Atty. #eyes as codefendant in Civil Case

     *o. "55" and no basis to conclude that the suit was groundless. 1e argues that he impleaded the

    $rosecutor because the criminal investigation had irregularities due to the action of the

    $rosecutor to file estafa case despite the pendency for his client>s motion for an opportunity to

    submit counter affidavit and evidence.


    ;id respondent violate Canon 5 of the Code of $rofessional #esponsibility@


    Bes, it was recommended by the I$ that defendant>s purpose of filing for the collectionsuit with damages was to be able to obtain leverage against the estafa case of his client. Clearly

    there was no need to implead complainant and $rosecutor 4alonga because they never had any

     participation in the business transactions between $an and ?u, clearly it was for the mere

    harassment of the two. Chiong was suspended for two %!& years from the practice of law and was

    implemented immediately.

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    CA*'* 5

     by (artin 8avino


    %A.C. *o. 3D

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report



    . ;id the I$ err in finding Atty. =errer guilty of the charges set against him@

    !. In the affirmative, was the penalty imposed on him justified@


     *o, there was no reason to disagree with the findings of the I$ because it can be seen

    that there was an appropriate and tedious investigation set upon him for administrative purposes

    and it can be inferred that the decision went through a rigorous process.

    Bes, because as stated in Canon 5 of the Code of $rofessional #esponsibility, all lawyers

    conduct themselves with courtesy, fairness and candor towards their fellow lawyer and more

    specifically in #ule 5.6 a lawyer shall not in his professional dealings, use language which is

    abusive, offensive, or otherwise improper. It was clearly seen in this case that there was a

    violation of this Canon and also Canon D which dealt with the proper conduct of a lawyer and

    how he should not behave in a scandalous manner that would discredit the legal profession,

    appearing drun0 and having multiple cases piled against him would be very clear that there is a

    clearcut violation of said Canon.

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report





     This is a complaint for disbarment[1] filed by Pedro Linsangan of the

    Linsangan Linsangan & Linsangan Law Office against Atty.

    Nicomedes Tolentino for solicitation of clients and encroachment of

    professional services.

    Complainant alleged that respondent, with the help of paralegal Fe

    Marie Labiano, convinced his clients[2] to transfer legal

    representation. Respondent promised them financial

    assistance[3] and expeditious collection on their claims.[4] To induce

    them to hire his services, he persistently called them and sent them

    text messages.


     To support his allegations, complainant presented the sworn

    affidavit[5] of James Gregorio attesting that Labiano tried to prevail

    upon him to sever his lawyer-client relations with complainant and

    utilize respondents services instead, in exchange for a loan

    of P50,000. Complainant also attached respondents calling card:[6]





  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    #A O,,,ICE




    ,e @arie #. #a*iano



    /st @I+I @ansion! 5nd ,lr. "m. @$'/ Tel2 )

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    Respondent, in his defense, denied knowing Labiano and

    authorizing the printing and circulation of the said calling card.[7]

     The complaint was referred to the Commission on Bar Discipline(CBD) of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for investigation,

    report and recommendation.[8]

    Based on testimonial and documentary evidence, the CBD, in its

    report and recommendation,[9] found that respondent had

    encroached on the professional practice of complainant, violating

    Rule 8.02


     and other canons


     of the Code of ProfessionalResponsibility (CPR). Moreover, he contravened the rule against

    soliciting cases for gain, personally or through paid agents or

     brokers as stated in Section 27, Rule 138[12] of the Rules of Court.

    Hence, the CBD recommended that respondent be reprimanded

     with a stern warning that any repetition would merit a heavier


     We adopt the findings of the IBP on the unethical conduct of

    respondent but we modify the recommended penalty.

     The complaint before us is rooted on the alleged intrusion by

    respondent into complainants professional practice in violation of

    Rule 8.02 of the CPR. And the means employed by respondent in

    furtherance of the said misconduct themselves constituted distinct violations of ethical rules.

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    Canons of the CPR are rules of conduct all lawyers must adhere to,

    including the manner by which a lawyers services are to be made

    known. Thus, Canon 3 of the CPR provides:


    CNON ) $ #AGE" IN @IN NOAN =IS #E#

    SE"VICES S=## >SE ON#G T">E! =ONEST! ,I"!


    O, ,CTS.

     Time and time again, lawyers are reminded that the practice of law

    is a profession and not a business; lawyers should not advertisetheir talents as merchants advertise their wares.[13] To allow a lawyer

    to advertise his talent or skill is to commercialize the practice of law,

    degrade the profession in the publics estimation and impair its

    ability to efficiently render that high character of service to which

    every member of the bar is called.[14]


    Rule 2.03 of the CPR provides:


    ">#E 5.'). #AGE" S=## NOT DO O" PE"@IT TO E




    Hence, lawyers are prohibited from soliciting cases for the purpose

    of gain, either personally or through paid agents or brokers.[15] Such

    actuation constitutes malpractice, a ground for disbarment.[16]

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report



    Rule 2.03 should be read in connection with Rule 1.03 of the

    CPR which provides:


    ">#E /.'). #AGE" S=## NOT! ,O" NG CO"">PT




     This rule proscribes ambulance chasing (the solicitation of almost

    any kind of legal business by an attorney, personally or through an

    agent in order to gain employment)[17] as a measure to protect the

    community from barratry and champerty.[18]

    Complainant presented substantial evidence[19] (consisting of the

    sworn statements of the very same persons coaxed by Labiano andreferred to respondents office) to prove that respondent indeed

    solicited legal business as well as profited from referrals suits.


     Although respondent initially denied knowing Labiano in his

    answer, he later admitted it during the mandatory hearing.


     Through Labianos actions, respondents law practice was

     benefited. Hapless seamen were enticed to transfer representation

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    on the strength of Labianos word that respondent could produce a

    more favorable result.

    Based on the foregoing, respondent clearly solicited employment violating Rule 2.03, and Rule 1.03 and Canon 3 of the CPR and

    Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court.

     With regard to respondents violation of Rule 8.02 of the CPR, settled

    is the rule that a lawyer should not steal another lawyers client nor

    induce the latter to retain him by a promise of better service, good

    result or reduced fees for his services.


     Again the Court notes thatrespondent never denied having these seafarers in his client list nor

    receiving benefits from Labianos referrals. Furthermore, he never

    denied Labianos connection to his office.[21] Respondent committed

    an unethical, predatory overstep into anothers legal practice. He

    cannot escape liability under Rule 8.02 of the CPR.

    Moreover, by engaging in a money-lending venture with his clientsas borrowers, respondent violated Rule 16.04:


    "ule /

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    fees for transcript of stenographic notes, cash bond or premium for

    surety bond, etc.) for a matter that he is handling for the client.


     The rule is intended to safeguard the lawyers independence of

    mind so that the free exercise of his judgment may not be adversely

    affected.[22] It seeks to ensure his undivided attention to the case he

    is handling as well as his entire devotion and fidelity to the clients

    cause. If the lawyer lends money to the client in connection with the

    clients case, the lawyer in effect acquires an interest in the subject

    matter of the case or an additional stake in its outcome.[23] Either of

    these circumstances may lead the lawyer to consider his own

    recovery rather than that of his client, or to accept a settlement

     which may take care of his interest in the verdict to the prejudice of

    the client in violation of his duty of undivided fidelity to the clients


     As previously mentioned, any act of solicitation constitutes

    malpractice[25] which calls for the exercise of the Courts disciplinary

    powers. Violation of anti-solicitation statutes warrants serious

    sanctions for initiating contact with a prospective client for the

    purpose of obtaining employment.[26] Thus, in this jurisdiction, we

    adhere to the rule to protect the public from the Machiavellian

    machinations of unscrupulous lawyers and to uphold the nobility of

    the legal profession.


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    Considering the myriad infractions of respondent (including

     violation of the prohibition on lending money to clients), the

    sanction recommended by the IBP, a mere reprimand, is a wimpy

    slap on the wrist. The proposed penalty is grossly incommensurate

    to its findings.


     A final word regarding the calling card presented in evidence by

    petitioner. A lawyers best advertisement is a well-merited reputation

    for professional capacity and fidelity to trust based on his character

    and conduct.[27] For this reason, lawyers are only allowed to

    announce their services by publication in reputable law lists or use

    of simple professional cards.

    Professional calling cards may only contain the following details:


    (a)  lawyers name;

    (b)  name of the law firm with which he is connected;

    (c)  address;

    (d)  telephone number and

    (e)  special branch of law practiced.[28]


    Labianos calling card contained the phrase with financial

    assistance. The phrase was clearly used to entice clients (who

  • 8/18/2019 Canon 8 Report


    already had representation) to change counsels with a promise of

    loans to finance their legal actions. Money was dangled to lure

    clients away from their original lawyers, thereby taking advantage of

    their financial distress and emotional vulnerability. This crass

    commercialism degraded the integrity of the bar and deserved no

    place in the legal profession. However, in the absence of substantial

    evidence to prove his culpability, the Court is not prepared to rule

    that respondent was personally and directly responsible for the

    printing and distribution of Labianos calling cards.


     WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino for violating

    Rules 1.03, 2.03, 8.02 and 16.04 and Canon 3 of the Code of

    Professional Responsibility and Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of

    Court is herebySUSPENDED from the practice of law for a

    period of one year effective immediately from receipt of this

    resolution. He isSTERNLY WARNED that a repetition of the same

    or similar acts in the future shall be dealt with more severely.


    Let a copy of this Resolution be made part of his records in the

    Office of the Bar Confidant, Supreme Court of the Philippines, and

     be furnished to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and the Office

    of the Court Administrator to be circulated to all courts.



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     Associate Justice





    Chief Justice



    Solicitation of clients. With regard to respondent’s violation of Rule 8.02 of the CPR, settled is the

    rule that a lawyer should not steal another lawyer’s client nor induce the latter to retain him by a

    promise of better service, good result or reduced fees for his services. Again the Court notes that

    respondent never denied having these seafarers in his client list nor receiving benefits

    from Labiano’s “referrals.” Furthermore, he never denied Labiano’s connection to his office.

    Respondent committed an unethical, predatory overstep into another’s legal practice. He cannot

    escape liability under Rule 8.02 of the CPR.Pedro L. Linsangan vs. Atty. Nicodemes Tolentino,  A.C.

    No. (()", September *, "##'.

    1.. G.R. No. L- 24114 June 30, 1970 IN THE MATTER OF PROCEEDINGS FOR


    Homesite and Housing Corporation and University of the Philippines,

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    MARCELINO TIBURCIO, ET AL. FACTS: On October 10, 1969, Clemente M. Soriano, a member of

    the Philippine Bar entered his appearance inthe presentcase (L-24114, PHHC and U.P. vs.

    Mencias,Tiburcio,etal.) as "chief counsel of record"for the respondentsMarcelinoTiburcio,etal.Thisact

    initself wouldhave beeninnocuous were it not for the fact that it was done one year and eight monthsafter the decision in this case became final. Atty. Soriano asked the Court to exhume the case from

    the archives. Atty. Soriano's subsequent explanation did not, however, serve to dissuade this Court

    from requiring him to show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken against him for

    entering an appearance at such a late date. He allegedthatsometimeduringthe firstweekof October

    1969, the respondent Marcelino Tiburcio, in his own behalf and as attorney-in-fact of the other

    respondents, went to him to engage his professional services in two cases, to wit: this terminated

    case (L-24114) and the Varsity Hills case (L-30546). Atty. Sorianoallegedlyrelieduponthe assurance

    of a mutual acquaintance and representation of Marcelino Tiburciothat the twocases were

    pendinginthe Court.He thenagreedtorenderprofessional servicesin the two cases in consideration of

    a contingent fee of 143.33 hectares of land out of the 430 hectares (more or less) involved in the two

    cases. ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Soriano is guilty of negligence. HELD: YES. Before taking over a

    case handled by a peer in the Bar, a lawyer is enjoined to obtain the conformityof the counsel

    whomhe wouldsubstitute. And if this cannot be had, then he should, at the veryleast,give notice to

    such lawyer of the contemplated substitution. His entry of appearance in the case without the

    consent of the first lawyer amounts to an improper encroachment upon the

    professionalemploymentof the original counsel. Atty. Soriano violates Rule 8.02, Canon 8 of the

    Code of Professional Responsibility: Rule 8.02 - A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, encroach

    upon the professional employment of anotherlawyer; however, it is the right of any lawyer, without

    fear or favor, to give proper advice and assistance to those seeking relief against unfaithful or

    neglectful counsel. We find Atty. Clemente M. Soriano guilty of gross negligence in the performance

    of his duties as a lawyer and as an officer of this Court. This inexcusable negligence would merit no

    less than his suspension from the practice of the law profession, were it not for his candor, at the

    hearing of this incident, in owning his mistake and the apology he made to this Court. It is the sense

    of this Court, however, that he must be as he is hereby severely censured. Atty. Soriano is further

    likewise warned that any future similar act will be met with heavier disciplinary sanction.

    Atty.Sorianoisherebyordered,inthe present case, to forthwith withdraw the appearance that he has

    entered as chief counsel of record for the respondents Marcelino
