candace richard's portfolio




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candace richard

undergraduate portfolio

architecture of today and tomorrow

urban mixed use design[


responds to site]

mixed use]

functional space]



on S


University Ave

These modern residential units have a beautiful view of the nearby oak trees. The residences will enjoy being in walking distance of everything they need.

]retail_level 1office_levels 2-3residential_levels 4-10







A three dimensinal drawing of a fragment of the buiding was done to prove a thorough understanding of materials and methods of construction. [

University of Louisiana at LafayetteVisitor Center[

Saint Mary Blvd.Jo


on S


This design for University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Visitor Center was inspired by the idea of connection. The connection between a student and the university and the connection between the old and the new.[

Phenomena Project[The objective was to find a phenomena and design a way to enhance someone’s awareness of it. The spatial condition under an oak tree in Girard Park was the phenomena I identified.

I designed a device that opened and closed with the movement of the tree, bringing awareness to the change in space. There are also flexible plastic strips attached that allows for physical interaction since these devices circle the perimeter of the tree.[

To connect the top of the device to the tree at it’s outer edge, semi-rigid wire will be used. The wire will be connected to the top of the device and follows the branch back towards the trunk of the tree a with secondary element wrapping the wire to the branch incrementally.

Stakes will be inserted into the ground and the bottom of the devices will be screwed into the base plate of the stake.

“Holding the Difficult”]Starting with a regular tomato cage, I had to transform it while guided by the phrase

Every connection was achieved the same way. Make notches where the pieces were intersecting. At the intersection, wrap small gauge wire around 4 times in each direction.

Totem Pole[

Listening to jazz musician John Coltrane’s serene and rhythmic music led to the design of this totem pole. The materials used to make this outdoor totem pole were plastic folders, eyelets, nylon string, metal rods, and a metal fence post.]