campbell best single issue



Jan/Feb issue

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The Voice of James Campbell High School

Volume 27ISSUE 4JAN - FEB 2012 Ewa Naupaka

While most students were out enjoying their vaca-tion, others came to school, waiting in long lines, to meet with their counselor about switching their classes. Starting this session, a new procedure for schedule changes involved students coming in on a specified day. They needed to bring their I.D., the completed schedule change form, and a copy of their schedule. The new procedure pre-vented students from mak-ing any changes during class hours. Since students came over the break to revise their schedules, they started the session in the correct classes. Unlike previous years where they would start class after changes were made. Administration’s con-cern were to keep students in class for the first week of school, so they wouldn’t miss

out on instructional time. Pre-vious years, students would be waiting in long lines for a few days. Teachers would have to delay starting the actual class curriculum because there were students signing in and out of their classes. “The major concern was students being out of class to get schedule changes. With this new system, I have noticed less students out of class,” said Julie Ramos, one of the registrars. On December 28 and 29, sophomore, junior, and senior students were allowed to come to the administration building between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. to receive a schedule change. “It definitely was a busy day. I think the new system works, but it needs to get out to the students so they know when they need to go in,” said David Perreira, the senior counselor. When students came back to school, it was definite-

ly noticeable that there were shorter lines in the adminis-tration building for schedule changes. “The new procedure is effective in lowering the rush. Usually we have many students that come in during class, but that was not the case this time,” said Rick Yamashi-ro, the sophomore counselor. Students stood in line, with a completed request form, and when it was their turn, they entered their coun-

New procedure for schedule changes

selor’s office and discussed the changes that needed to be made. “I think it is good, but it would be more useful if there were more time, and if it were more organized,” said Josh Fernandez, 11. Not only are counselors seeing the improvements, but the students are as well. “I feel that the change is efficient and easy to navigate,” said Mi-chelle Fluellen, 11. Although the counselors

NJROTC cadets place at competition

On January 28, James Campbell High School’s very own Naval Junior Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) unit went to Kaimuki High School to com-pete in the West Point drill competi-tion against other schools located on the state. Drill competitions give ROTC units the chance to showcase the skills that they learned throughout the school year. At the West Point drill competi-tion, schools were permitted to partici-pate in seven categories: Armed Regu-lation, Armed Exhibition, Alternative Armed Exhibition, Unarmed Regu-lation, Unarmed Exhibition, Armed Quad, and Color Guard. In the regulation categories, com-petitors must present their marching skills, while the exhibition categories allow cadets to show their creativity by coming up with their own three to five minute routine. The points that judges look for in

News: 1-2 Clubs: 6-7 Valentine’s Day: 8-9Sports: 3-5

Photo Courtesy of Pam Borchert

Photo by Alexis WootenJulie Ramos helps Donna Lyn Rouleau, 11, pick out the classes she wants for session two.

A judge grades as the drill team performs.

Swimming competitionSee page 4

By Alexis WootenStaff writer

By Regine DulatrePhotography Editor

the competitors range from precision to uniform to military bearing. In order to increase their chances of winning, JCHS’s NJROTC unit en-tered in all categories. At the end of the competition, the unit was successful in receiving 3rd place in the Unarmed Exhibition cat-egory, commanded by Cadet Ensign Regine Dulatre, 12, and also 1st place in Armed Exhibition section, com-manded by Cadet Commander Jayke

agree that the new procedure is more efficient, there is still room for improvement. One way students can help speed up the process would be by knowing what specific classes they want to change before talking to their counselor. “Students need to know what the policies are and they need to follow them. It would have really helped if the stu-dents would have known See Schedules on Page 2

Honors NightFebruary 3, 2012Carig, 12.

“Based on what I saw when other schools performed, I knew that we were going to get 1st place. I wasn’t surprised, but I am still proud that we gave it our all and kept our 1st place run going,” said C/CDR Carig. Although the team who entered the Armed Regulation category did not place, Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade, Dairius Kawewehi received recogni-tion for his performance as the team commander. Kawewehi was awarded 1st place for Outstanding Leadership by the Sargeant Audie Murphy Club. “I felt that my team of Freshmen did extremely well. Despite not plac-ing this time around, I feel we still made a statement based on the level of drill that was portrayed,” said C/LTJG Kawewehi, 12. Although the unit had hoped to achieve more at the West Point drill competition, they were still proud of their accomplishments. The unit aims to place in more categories in the next competition: the Pacific Rim National Drill Meet hosted by the Kings Guard leaded by Paul Naki.


AP students getting paid to pass

Are you looking to chal-lenge yourself, sugar-coat your high school transcript, and possibly get college credit for prerequisite classes in col-lege? Then take an AP class! Beginning just this year, the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) organization set their sights on motivating students to pass their AP ex-ams in May. Zeroing in on students taking AP classes in math, science, or English, the NMSI organization provided helpful workshops for all three of the specified subject areas. Furthermore, students taking any one of the three subject area exams had half of the payments for each exam sponsored by NMSI. NMSI also set up a hundred dollar incentive for any student who passes the exam with a score of 3 or higher. The free workshops pro-vided by NMSI have supplied

students with the skills and techniques to pass their AP exams, a task in which is very difficult for many and almost impossible for some. Laurence Idos, 12, who will be taking the AP litera-ture exam, attended one of the recent workshops and said, “The teachers taught us a lot of different techniques that will make the test easier;

they’ve been really helpful.” For those who did not already know, AP exams cost eighty seven dollars each, a price that manages to burn a hole in your parent’s wallets. Thanks to the NMSI, students only had to pay half of that, saving hundreds of dollars for many who are taking more than just one AP exam. “I was relieved that we only had to

Photo Courtesy of Ann TanakaAP students annotate a passage while listening to the presenter.

pay half instead of full price, it took a burden off my fam-ily’s finances, considering all the other things we have to pay for this year,” said Tracy Duclayan, 12. If both the free work-shops and the fifty percent off deals haven’t already lured you in to take on AP classes, think about the hundred dol-lar incentive- a student who scores 3 or higher on their ex-ams will be sent a check for a hundred dollars courtesy of the NMSI organization. That’s three hundred dollars in your wallet if you pass all three of the math, science, and English AP exams. Interested now? NMSI continues to reach out to public high school stu-dents, setting forth a “mo-mentum for change,” and our students have even more rea-son to challenge themselves. In high school, we all have the same goal: to gradu-ate, go off to college, and be successful. NMSI is one of those organizations helping us do just that.

Strut your prom stuff

Girls in beautiful prom dresses and guys in handsome tuxedoes walked down the runway, and showed off their inappropriate and appropriate prom attire in front of hundreds of juniors and se-niors. This year’s Prom Fashion Show took place at the gym on February 14 during second period. Juniors and seniors were taken to the gym for a voluntary assembly put on by the Junior and Senior councils. During the fashion show, participants walked down the runway with prom dresses, supplied by Princess Brides, and tuxedoes, supplied by Charity Formals, that were- either appropriate or inappropriate for prom. Michael Baldovino, 12, who participated in the show, said, “ I liked getting all dressed up and fancy with all my friends, it was fun to prepare.” Baldovino wore tennis shoes with his tuxedo, making his outfit inappropriate. Some of the inappropriate examples seen at the fashion show were tuxedoes with missing parts, like tuxedoes with no vest or jackets, and revealing dresses, like a floor length dress with a big hole on the side. There were also inappropriate accessories displayed on the runway, such as over-sized purses and backpacks. Other examples of inappropriate at-tire for prom includes slippers, large bags, and re-vealing dresses. Appropriate prom attire includes floor length or knee length dresses, tuxedoes, and dress shoes. For more information about the appropriate attire for prom, check the front of your planners. The fashion show is a good way to show stu-dents what to wear and what not to wear to prom. It also helps prom events run more smoothly so the chaperones and students can avoid these issues. The prom fashion show not only informed students about appropriate attire, but it also got everyone ex-cited for prom.

By Karla DubeyCopy Editor

By Kayla MukaiCopy Editor

Schedules from Page 1

what classes they wanted, and if they had the completed doc-uments,” said Gregory Char, the junior counselor. The new schedule change procedure will be used in future years. However, the counselors are no longer going to just give schedule changes to anyone who wants them. There are only going to be certain reasons for approved schedule changes. “The reason we are changing the way we give out schedule changes is because students were coming in with frivolous reasons,” said Nell-wyne Young, the IB, AP, and AVID counselor. Schedule changes are only going to be given to stu-dents who have an incomplete schedule, duplicate courses, need certain classes to gradu-ate, are on a part-time school schedule, or have failed cours-es during the first school session. If students have any questions or concerns, they will need to see their grade level counselor during non-class hours.

Prom Fashion ShowFebruary 14, 2012

Photos by Carwin Cambre

The junior and senior models show students what is and isn’t appropriate attire for prom.


Saber boys pull off a “Linsane” season

Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch Going for the ball, Aaron Steele, 12, makes a rebound for Campbell.

By Mariah MafnasStaff writer

Soccer girls kick their way to reach their goals

Soccer is rough. It means physical contact. It means adrenaline. It requires fitness and endurance on your body. But in the end, it is teamwork and de-termination that counts. “The most important thing in soccer is working together as a team, like our shirt said, ‘Together we stand, divided we fall.’ Without the team, we will be nothing. We are like a puzzle; without a piece, we are incomplete,” said Jenevahlynn Wilson, 11. This year, the Varsity soccer girls had a strong team, good teamwork, and cooperation. They made it all the way to the play offs; however, the players also credit the success to their coach, Brett Kagawa, who both played an essential role this season. “This season is different because of our new coach. When the new coach came in, we had no sup-plies such as balls, water coolers, pennies or cones. We had to improvise for a while and we used the boys’ materials,” said Wilson, who has been playing soccer since she was eight years old. With Brett Kagawa starting as the new coach, a more positive atmosphere came along. “He made things more fun,” said Melody Antonio, 11. The girls trained harder than before. They prac-

ticed five days a week from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., as well as, Saturday mornings and over the winter break. Antonio said, “He made us work harder but it was more fun. We did things with more purpose, not just running. We did a lot of ball skills and drills.” The hard work, countless practice hours, team-work, and dedication paid off. The soccer girls suc-cessfully ended the season with a 6/5/2 record. They won six games, lost five games, and had two

Photo Courtesy of LifetouchKeani Rivera, 12, dribbles the ball past her opponent.

By Lisa ValandtStaff writer

ties. Mariah Santiago, 11, said, “It really helped and it was good for disciplinary reasons.” As of last year they were able to make it into the OIA Red Division play offs. “Our biggest success was against Kahuku. The score was 1 – 0 within the first 10 minutes overtime,” said Wilson. When Campbell played Mililani, they were not able to score and left the field with a 1 – 0 loss. The next game was against Pearl City, where they had to be mentally prepared for this important game. The girls tried their best in the pouring rain at Pearl City High School and were able to even out Pearl City’s goal in the second half. Since neither Campbell nor Pearl City could score in overtime, penalty kicks were utilized to settle the game. Pearl City scored two, while Campbell could only score one, which ended the season for the varsity girls. Even with the tough 3-2 loss, it was an outstand-ing season. “We were proud because honestly we played really well. It was an amazing game. I wasn’t really sad; we tried our best,” said Antonio. Having a great relationship with their new coach as well as each other, the team has set up a solid foundation for future successful seasons. All the girls’ hard work and accomplishments made for the season helped the Varsity team achieve the success they’ve been pursuing ever since the be-ginning of the season.

With another new year and season, the Saber boys basket-ball team returns with new and familiar faces including new games for the season. With a total of ten games, the Saber boys did great over-all this season through long and hard practice hours. “It is going real good right now and we are working real hard to keep up our winning streak,” said Gilbert Dayanan, 10. This year, the JV team is undefeated and are currently playing in the championship games. With their last game being against Mililani, the JV boys ended the season with pride and victory. The JV boys practiced re-ally hard accomplishing their goal of winning at the cham-pionships. The boys had to practice every day to gain

strength and endurance to de-feat Mililani. “We strive to go to the championship and win it all,” said Dayanan. The Varsity boys, per-formed just as well. With their last game being senior night, the varsity boys played energetically for that special game. Though things did not turn out as planned, they had fun and enjoyed playing their last game. After the game, the seniors were introduced to the au-dience and were greeted by friends and family with leis. They also took their last shots as high school basketball play-ers. This night is a special mo-ment for most players because they’ve work so hard. “The most memorable mo-ment for me was the ceremony after the game, when I hugged my parents in the middle of

the court, and taking my last shot at Campbell. I will never forget that night,” said Micah Cadiente, 12. So what is the secret to the Saber boys success? Team chemistry! With great team bonding, they push each other to never give up and help each other better themselves when someone makes a mistake. “We talk to each other a lot, and help each other,” said Jo-mar Gapusan, 9. For the Varsity team, their team chemistry comes from more than support from each other. It also came from their pride as well as the motivation and drive from their coaches. “It helped us work togeth-er and execute mostly every game this year,” said Cadi-ente. With all the hard work and accomplishments made for this season, it is definitely something that JV and Varsity will never forget.

JV basketball: How does it feel to win the OIA Championship?

“I guess it feels great because it feels like we made history by being

undefeated.” – Gilbert Dayanan, 10

“It feels good to be able to accomplish our goal, and to come back from a losing season.”

– Issac Hurd, 10

“It feels amazing, I just can’t put it into

words.” – Jomar Gapusan, 9

“It feels pretty good, we started undefeated and ended up being a

champion.” – Juan Felizardo, 9

“It feels great making history at this school.”

– Lamart Dudley, 9

“It feels good to win the championship and be the first JV to win

for Campbell.” – Melvin Bergado, 10

Boys wrestling team takedowns the competition

On January 21, the members of the swimming club won third place in the OIA Western Division at Ka-lani High School. Some of the categories in the OIA Western Division are the two hundred freestyle, two hundred individual med-ley, one hundred breaststroke, one hundred butterfly, and one hundred backstroke. Anastasia Malmos, 12, took first place in the OIA Western Division two hun-dred and five hundred meters. Malmos’ strategy for the race was to first pace herself and then sprint it in the end. “I felt accomplished. All the train-ing I did paid off. I was really happy,” said Malmos. Laxmi Diaz has been the new coach for a month. She was accidentally given

the title of head coach. At first, she applied to be an assistant coach but found out that there was no head coach for the club, so she did all the work and planning. Eventually, she decided to become the new head coach. “I love being the new head coach for the swim-ming club. It’s stressful, yet fun,” said Diaz. Practices are held after school at Hope Chapel Kapo-lei in Barber’s Point. Practices are held from 4 PM-6 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and 3 PM-5 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. During practice hours, they perform sprints, long distances, and land training. “The hardest part of being in the swimming club is training because getting faster requires hard work and working hard for three hours straight is chal-lenging,” said Peter Agustin, 11.

Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

Watch out, Sabers are making waves

Check out that wrestler: that’s him jogging at 10 pm, forcing his legs to become a little bit stronger, demanding himself to be more confident because he will step onto the mat tomorrow; the same mat he will win his state title on. In high school, wrestling is one of the most challenging sports. The wrestling team trains from August until Feb-ruary, with rigorous workouts, in order to ensure a successful season. “Pushing yourself past your own limits was the hard-est thing to accomplish this season,” said Triston Quitu-gua, 10.

Wrestling demands ex-treme dedication and extra work, because even just tak-ing time to run on the week-ends might determine whose hand will be raised at the next tournament. Determination, preparation, and the motiva-

tion to succeed will determine the winner. The coaches have seen improvements with the team as a whole as well as individ-uals. “Working hard and do-ing extra [running after prac-

tice and lifting on the week-ends] is not an exception, it’s the norm for our team,” said Coach Brian Weida. The boy’s wrestling team has trained for months to in-crease their strength, stamina, and mental toughness; their efforts showed on the mats at the West Dual Competition hosted at our school. The boys’ wrestling team went head-to-head with Nanakuli, Radford, and Pearl City. They dominated Nanakuli with a 70-0 end-ing score and Radford with a score of 66-6. The team they were most determined to beat, though, was Pearl City. “I needed to work harder so that I’d be able to beat my opponent,” said

William Yoro, 11. By giving a lot of effort, hard work, and support, this goal was accomplished with an ending score of 41-24. “Each person wrestled their hardest and gave it their all on the mat,” said Miles Whelan, 12, “That’s why we won.” The success of the boys team wasn’t an overnight re-sult. For months they dedi-cated their time to training as well as building self-con-fidence in order to overcome their opponents, both men-tally and physically. “Some of us have trained every second of our lives just to win these 6 minute match-es and succeed,” said Keanu Richardson, 12.

Photo courtesy of Le’tisha Hosaka

Loreto Deuz, 10, stops his opponent from scoring points.


Peter Agustin, 11, and Zach Smith, 11, practice for an upcoming meet using the backstroke technique.

By Karen Joy LambinoStaff writer

By Kiyana TellsStaff writer

Soccer is the number one sport played all over the world, and is played here at James Campbell High School, by the boys soccer team. Many underestimate the sport as nothing more than just kicking a ball around, however, Campbell’s soccer team practices for 3 hours, Monday through Saturday, shooting drills, suicides, and other rigorous drills to prepare the team. “It’s fun but it is also tiring,” said Tevin Sales, 11, “and I like spend-ing time with the team.” Coached by Coach Randy, Coach Chris, Coach Jaime, Coach Kyle and

Coach Brennan, boys of all grades make up the team, and come together to play as one. Richard Orpilla, 10, said, “It’s a team sport, not only one person can play alone, it takes the whole team to win.” The team has represented Camp-bell proudly this season with a total of 6 wins, 4 loses, and along with that, making it to the playoffs, held on Feb-ruary 7th. Campbell played against Kailua’s team at Moanalua High School. “I felt motivated to play the game,” said Sales, “the girls team won their first playoff game, so we felt that we should also.” In the end, Campbell came out victorious, with the score 2-0.

Campbell players dribble towards a successful season By Leilani Gutierrez

Staff writer

Each season, they be-come friends with new mem-bers of the team. They also im-prove their skills and stay in shape during practice hours. The swimmers have many techniques in order to win a race; they practice their techniques to improve them-

selves. Although the swimming club has only nine members, they have a lot of potential and passion for swimming. They work as a team, and motivate each other through practices and swim meets. At swim meets, they cheer to get

Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch Ryan Mun, 12, runs to steal the soccer ball.

Shortly after winning their play-off game, the team played once again to see if they qualified for states. “I was nervous for my team because we all wanted to make it to states and make Campbell history,” said Niklas Ta-mura, 9. On Febraury 8th, they played against Kalani and won with the score 3-0, and on the 9th, they played against Moanalua and lost 0-1. Despite the loss, the boys soccer team represented Campbell proudly, and has had a fun time doing so. “I’ve made a lot of friends, and I get to have a great time while getting better at soc-cer,” said Tamura. The team had a great season, training hard and practicing to make

each other pumped up. They are all champi-ons, whether they win or lose. What matters the most is that they try their best and put all their effort into the race. Each individual goes through the toughest challenges with con-fidence and perseverance.

their school and themselves, proud. “It’s nice to be on a team that respects each other and enjoys soccer as much as we do,” said Orpilla.


Paddling the distance

Paddling was estab-lished in Hawaii by ancient Hawaiians in the 1700’s. Many people see it as just a hobby and others see paddling as a passionate sport. This season, JCHS’s pad-dling team showed their hard work and dedication to the sport. “I joined paddling be-cause it’s a sport that was originated in Hawaii, and it was and still is a family tra-dition. Another reason is be-cause every spot on the boat is important,” said Kaiu’lani Fraticelli, 11. This season Saber Pad-dling changed in many ways. The distance they were re-quired to travel increased, and as a result, their practices became more rigorous. “Our season changed because the distances for the races got lon-ger,” said Fraticelli For our Saber paddlers this was one of their best sea-sons. With the courses getting more challenging, every pad-dling race displayed their hard

work because they were get-ting closer to winning. They also found out that the key to all their success was with techniques and teamwork. “By all the challenging practices we had it paid off when we got closer and closer to our goal,” said Fraticelli. The paddling team wants to come ready and prepared for anything their coach has in store for them. “I’m going to prepare for next season by

having more communication with my teammates,” said Bi-anca Kuga. Now that Saber Pad-dling is ending their season, the paddlers can’t wait until the next season begins. They are starting to prepare for the season by practicing. “I can’t wait to prepare for next season so we can go to states, and show everyone that paddling isn’t just a hob-by,” said Fraticelli.

By Brittanee-Deana HirataStaff writer

Hawai‘i Pacific University admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status and disability.

JV boys hit or missBy Carwin Cambre

Staff writer

The JV Baseball team had one of their greatest sea-sons this year, ending with six wins and only two losses. The boys were close to making playoffs but came out short with their loss to Mililani and Kapolei. However, they walked away feeling satisfied with the progress they’ve made in the season. In every team, they experience minor setbacks to their season. “The biggest challenge with JV was having so many players on the team,” said Zachary Recolan, 10. With the growth of players, the coaches were inspired to go above and beyond their jobs to provide the team with what they needed to become better players. “The best part about JV baseball would be the bus rides home from any game,” said Waylen Lindsey, 10. The players were more than just a team on the field. They be-came a family off the field as well. The boys continue to practice to prepare for next year and also support their fellow players who are moving up to Varsity to compete with the team as their season begins March 3, 2012. Although the season is done, it’s not the end of the road for Campbell.

Photo by Carwin Cambre

JV players put in the time after-school to practice their throwing skills.

Photo Courtesy of Alex YozaPaddlers make their way back to shore after completing the race.


Chemistry is in the air RSVP reels in cans and cash

Many people recycle looking to benefit from the mon-ey that comes out of it, but recycling means so much more than just money. It prevents pollution, saves energy, and de-creases the emission of greenhouse gases. Raising Student Voice and Participation (RSVP), is a club that has realized all of these benefits, and has made it their mission to take part in changing our school, and our world, through recycling. Commonly known as “the recycling club” at our school, RSVP has made recycling into an organized business. First step: getting a bin into as many classrooms as possible. This comes in the form of a flyer put into the teacher’s mailboxes at the beginning of the year. Second step: recruiting students into the club. RSVP held its first meeting in Ms. Jones’ room in D205. Third step: assign the club members to a specific classroom, where they will be responsible for picking up the cans and bottles at every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fourth step: make sure everyone does their part in picking up cans and bottles every week to be ready in time for the HI5 cash in every month. Last step: the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped both the school and environment. “We tried to recycle as much cans and bottles by pro-moting recycling, because if we do, we get money for our school,” said the president of RSVP, Michael Baldovino, 12. His promotion of recycling was very successful, as RSVP was able to recycle enough cans and bottles to win a $1000 grant from the Kokua foundation. “That, in addition to the over $1000 we have raised from recycling will allow us to create the school garden. This will be our most notable fu-ture event!” said Jones, the RSVP club advisor. Reduce, reuse, and recycle everyone. Take it from RSVP, the hard work is worth it. The club continues to do their part in helping the environment and setting up a posi-tive image for our school. “We are going to make a visible, positive change to JCHS, and it will be a collaborative ef-fort,” said Jones. Will you RSVP to do just that?

After taking a break for a school year, science club has made a return to JCHS. Science club is known for not only tutoring students with their science courses but also applying what they learn in competitions. “Science club helps stu-dents by learning the concepts through hands on activities,” said President Joanna Gerelo-ga, 12. The club is open to stu-dents of all grades, whether you are good at science or not; joining science club will be a great experience and improve your abilities in science. Science club meets on Fridays during lunch in room O-302 to practice for science competitions. “We usually come in and discuss what we having coming up and start preparing for it,” said Sharla Rivera, 12. During the meetings, the club spends time divid-ing into teams to prepare for future competitions. The science club recently competed in The Science Bowl which was held at Honolulu Community College on Janu-ary 28, 2012. The students went up against other schools and answered a series of trivia questions based on Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. “It was difficult because I was unsure whether my an-swers were correct or not,” said Lyzet Millan, 12. Campbell was able to place fifth out of eight schools. “It was a good learning expe-rience and it’s only upwards from here,” said Advisor Jay-

son Reynon. Science club also com-peted in the Science Olympiad which was on Saturday, Feb-ruary 11, 2012 at Windward Community College. At the Science Olympiad the members participated in five different categories which explored every category of Science. Campbell spent the entire day with students from other schools who share the same love for science. Students were also pro-vided with a free showing of Windward Community Col-lege’s planetarium. At the end of the day, Campbell took second place out of eight schools. Science club will advance to the state competition on March 3rd, 2012 at Leeward Community College. “It felt pretty good to take second place, consid-

ering that we were the only Leeward school there,” said Spencer Buan, 12. Now that they qualify for states, the members of science club have more categories to compete in. With no time to waste, they started preparing for the new categories each meeting twice a week after school. Students have differ-ent perspectives on why they should join science club. “Sci-ence club is a fun environment to be around and helps you understand so much about whatever you’re learning in class,” said Candice Ashley Delto, 12. The moment you join the club, you begin to expand on your knowledge and under-standing about science. Take the challenge and join science club today.

By Carwin CambreStaff writer

By Karla DubeyCopy Editor

HOSA gives experience to future medical studentsBy Chance Baldonado

Copy Editor

The Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) club provides stu-dents with opportunities to prepare themselves for their future health pro-fessions. HOSA is a national organization supported by the U.S. Department of Education. In a society with an acute short-age of qualified workers for the health care industry, HOSA members ben-efit society by fulfilling their mission. HOSA’s mission is “to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science tech-nology education students, therefore, helping students to meet the needs of

the health care community.” Students joined the club to gain experience and insight into the health and medical fields. Jenny Rose Amita, 12, said, “I joined HOSA because I wanted to pursue my interest in medi-cine.” HOSA members also prepare for a statewide competition held every February. Members compete in vari-ous categories such as Public Service Announcement, Medical Reading, Medical Math, Medical Terminology, and Sports Medicine. Competitors meet on Tuesday afternoons to study for their category. Marichie Barbasa, 12, said, “My category is Medical Reading. I pre-pare for it by reading the five assigned medical books and by taking notes on them.” There are 23 students from our

school that will compete in the compe-tition; many of them are very excited. Roxanne Joy Peralta, 12, said, “I am

looking forward to meeting other peo-ple from different schools who share the same passion as me. I also want to further the health skills that I’ve gained from HOSA.” This competition is a major event for the club. If they place at the state competition, they can move on to the national level, which will be held dur-ing the summer in Florida. The HOSA club at our school also provides its members with various in-ternship opportunities at hospitals and clinics. The club has even participated in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk to Cure Diabetes, a national diabetes walk. The club’s 57 members meet on Mondays during lunch in Ms. Baran-gan’s room. After high school, students can even continue their membership at select colleges and universities.

Photo by Carwin CambreSpencer Buan, 12, studies scientific formulas for the competition.

Photo by Karla DubeyTracy Duclayan, 12, drops off cans and bottles for collection day.

Photo by Regine DulatreHOSA officers teach students how to create a DNA necklace at Parent Night .


Campbell’s culinary chopped champs

“And the winner of the state competition with a check of $450.00 is… James Campbell High School!” Last year, culi-nary students won first place for the CTSO competition. All the hard work paid off thanks to the help of Julie Morihara-Itagaki. “I was very proud of my students because I knew how hard they worked!” said Morihara. Sheena Respicio, a senior at Campbell High was in the competition when they won that year. “I was really ex-cited when we won because I was jumping up and down screaming!” said Respicio. The upcoming event for Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) will be held at Ala Moana Hotel on Wednesday, Febru-ary 22. The students who are in the competition practice during lunch and after school

every other day in G105. The competition categories consist of knife cutting and culinary. It isn’t just about the taste of the food but also how you present the food and work faster be-fore time runs out! They practice what’s on the menu about an hour and a half to two hours depend-ing on the menu. They also compete with former students from Leeward Community College (LCC). Practice makes perfect! They not only win com-petitions but culinary-two students also cook and pre-pare for Saber-Grill. The class splits up into two groups. One is front of the class and the other is back of the class. Check out that culinary stu-dent; with her uniform on, covered shoes, and hair tied up, prepping the food the day before Saber-Grill, focused and dedicated to making peo-ple come back for more food. The front of the class stu-

dents are the ones serving the guests and cashing them out. This position requires custom-er service skills, multitasking, taking care of numerous cus-tomers and making customers happy so they will come back.

Photo by Gabrielle HernandezSir Anfernee Azavier Jones, 12, and Joshua Velicaria, 12, preps spam musubi and wraps them up.

By Gabrielle HernandezStaff writer

Saber stocks rises to the top

If you like spending money like the finance club, it’s about time you check them out. The finance club offi-cially became a chartered club just last year; a new addition to Campbell’s long list of clubs. With Julie Reyes’ growing interest in financing and the AKAMAI program, she became the adviser of the club. AKAMAI Finance Academy- High School Chapters (AFA-HS) is only open to 8th-12th graders and was designed to increase awareness for Hawaii students about career oppor-tunities in finance. The finance club (FC) is a great opportunity for those who plan on go-ing into the business field or want to expand their knowledge in money and stock markets. Vice president of the finance club, Nicholas Espinosa, 9, had a different response, “I joined because it was like an experiment and I just wanted to try it out.” Joining FC helped the members gain experience in using the Bloomberg system to analyze companies and work as a team. “I learned that you have to put a lot of effort in learning about the stock prices,” said Jasmine Vitale, 9. Using the Bloomberg terminal keyboard along with their six comput-er monitors, the members are able to access real-time financial market data movements and place trades. The members were also given $1 million in fictional money to invest

Once upon a time, there was a club knoawn as LitCon that spread literary cheer to all the little boys and girls who were near. LitCon’s purpose is to make lit-erature engaging for all students, no matter the grade level, and to improve the literary in the community. The members in LitCon live up to this purpose in multiple ways. They achieve this purpose by reading to el-ementary kids four to five times a year. They also achieve this is by encourag-ing members to read for fun. Accord-ing to Ann Tanaka, one of the LitCon advisers, the members read the Hun-ger Games series last year. Not only do the members of Lit-Con read in order to achieve their club purpose, but they also try to watch two plays a year. This past year, Lit-Con members were able to watch the opera, Aida. Jennifer Tolentino, 12, said, “It was awesome because it was my first opera and it was also a great opportunity to have a group bonding as well as being exposed to different types of literature from different cul-tures.” One thing Ann Tanaka is try-ing to do this year is to invite the play-wright to the classroom to talk about the play before they view it. Every other year, LitCon mem-bers gain the opportunity to travel abroad and learn about literature in different countries. In the summer of last year, members had the opportunity to travel to Italy. There, they were able to make connections, such as with set-ting, with the books they were reading.

Tanaka is planning to travel abroad to London, UK, Dublin, IRE, and Paris, FR in the summer of 2013. In London, Tanaka plans to take her club members to the Globe Theatre, which is known for the Shakespeare performances that take place there. However, traveling to London, Dublin, and Paris doesn’t come cheap. Tanaka said, “We are fundraising to help pay for the registration fee or part of our spending money.” LitCon members continue to spread literary cheer to elementary students by reading to them, as well as reading on their own. They’ll continue to fundraise to get them to their hap-pily ever after of traveling to Western Europe. The End.

and compete with other high school-chapters. There was a competition last April, where the finance club mem-bers went against other Hawaii high school-chapters in stock market stim-ulation. With it being their first time, they were unable to reel in the virtual cash. When preparing for competition, the members as well as other students head over to a big convention associ-ated with AKAMAI. Here they get fa-miliar with the Bloomberg system and learn about managing stock prices. In fact, the members are preparing for an upcoming competition this April. Every Thursday during lunch at 0-204, the finance club has meetings where they discuss the amount of fic-tional money they gain or lose and are given lessons by Adviser Reyes. Finance club members hope for the club to become more known and get more people involved. “I want to focus on getting it known and making our club bigger,” said Espinosa. So anyone out there with an in-terest in finance or a thrill for money should check out the finance club.

Reading with a passion

Photo by Jade IbosNicholas Espinosa, 9, uses the Bloomberg system.

By Jade IbosStaff writer

By Kayla MukaiCopy Editor

“I chose to work as front of the class because I like taking charge and interacting with other people,” says Jeremy Mateo, 12. As for back of the class they mainly cook the recipes

and try not to mess it up. “I like being as the back of the class because I like the satis-faction of making customers happy,” says Joshua Velicaria, 12. So come and support your schools Saber-Grill!

Photo by Kayla Mukai Deizhanna Kaya-Abad, 11, discusses up-coming LitCon events.


Behind the Valentine’s Day romancesBy Kayla Mukai

Copy Editor

On February 14, family, friends, and significant oth-ers exchanged gifts to show each other’s love for one an-other. Many couples usually give each other items such as chocolates, cards, flowers, and teddy bears to show their af-fection. But, how did this day full of romance become a worldwide tradition? There are many different legends that explain how this holiday of love originated. First of all, the word Val-entine came from the name Saint Valentine who lived dur-ing the ancient Roman times. One legend says that Valen-tine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. At the time, Emperor Claudius decided that single men made better soldiers than married men, so he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine thought this was injustice, so he defied Emperor Claudius and con-tinued to marry young lovers secretly. When Valentine’s se-cret was discovered, Emperor Claudius ordered that he be

put to death. Another legend says that Valentine sent the very first valentine greeting. During his time in prison, he fell in love with a young girl who visited him during his confinement. Before he was sentenced to death, he wrote the young girl a letter, signing it “From your Valentine,” which is an expression still used today. Even though some of the leg-ends are unclear, they empha-size the heroic, romantic figure

of Valentine. Many people believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to honor the anniversary of Val-entine’s death. Others believe that the Christian church de-cided to celebrate Valentine’s feast day in the middle of Feb-ruary in order to christianize celebrations of the pagan Lu-percalia festival. The Lupercalia was a festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agricul-

ture. During the festival, all the young women in the city would place their names in a big urn. The city’s bachelors would then choose a name and become paired with their chosen woman for a year. The matches usually ended in marriage. Later, around 490 A.D., Pope Gelasius declared Feb-ruary 14 to be St. Valentine’s Day. During the Middle Ages, in France and England, Feb-

ruary 14 was the beginning of the birds’ mating season, which added to the idea that February 14 should be a day for romance. It’s predicted that Ameri-cans began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s and in the 1840s, Esther A. Howland began to sell the first mass-produced valen-tines in America. Ready-made cards were an efficient way for people to express their emotions to-wards one another. Valen-tine’s day greetings are also very popular due to the cheap postage rate, which was prob-ably why an estimated one billion cards are sent each year on Valentine’s day. Besides from the United States, Valen-tine’s Day is also celebrated in Canada, France, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Austra-lia. Next year, on February 14, while you give and receive gifts from your loved ones, think about the saint that started this worldwide, love-filled holiday. Without Saint Valentine, February 14 would just be like any other average day of the year.

Cupid got us falling in love again

Everyone knows Cupid, the small winged boy armed with a bow and arrow. The icon for Valentine’s Day shoots arrows with piercing hearts to inspire romantic love. One shot from Cupid’s arrow makes his victims have the uncontrollable desire to fall in love. Cupid is known mostly for be-ing the symbol of “Valentine’s” Day. He shoots his arrows to both mortals and Gods causing them to fall deep-ly in love. In ancient Greece he was known as Eros, the God of Love and Beauty. According to a Roman myth, Cupid was born from a silver egg. He is the son of Mercury, the winged messenger of the Gods, and Venus, the Goddess of love. Cupid fell in love with a mortal bride named Psyche. Being mortal, Psyche was forbidden to look at Cu-pid. Psyche’s sisters persuaded her to look at Cupid telling her that Cupid could possibly be a monster. When Psyche looked at Cupid, he punished Psyche by leaving her. Wishing to destroy Psyche, Cupid gave her dangerous tasks to accom-plish. Psyche failed and Cupid found her on the ground lifeless. The Gods were moved by Psyche’s love for Cu-

By Amy KanemitsuStaff writer

pid, they made her the Goddess of Soul. In a story, Venus, Cupid’s moth-er had complained to Themis, the God of Law and Justice, that Cupid only re-mained a little boy or cherubic lad that never grew older. Themis told Venus that this was because Cupid was iso-lated from other children. If Venus had another child, Cu-pid would become an adult. Soon af-ter, Venus decided to get a second son, whose name was Anteros. In some cases he is represented as an avenger of slighted love and sometimes as the opposer of love. He is the god who puts obstacles in the path of a lover. Once Venus had Ante-ros, Cupid almost immediately grew in size and strength. Cupid is often described as an innocent, mischievous, and a naughty boy. Cupid tends to carry with him two different sets of arrows: gold-headed arrows, which inspire love and lead headed arrows, which inspire hatred. Shooting the gold-headed ar-rows lead you to fall hopeless and madly in love with the next person you meet. The lead arrows leads a person to hate the next person they meet. The Greeks had another story of Cupid which portrayed him as a really powerful God who was to be feared. He was a terrible god; they called him Eros, one of the oldest gods, who was

Graphic Illustration Courtesy of Angelica Recaido

born from Chaos. The Greeks thought of Eros as a meddlesome child. They described him as a boy whose arrows burned with the fire of lust as well as madness and romance. His arrows lead to driv-ing men and women to betray their families or countries, to rape, to mur-der, or to commit suicide. This is the terrible aspect of Cupid. Although some myths portray Cupid as careless and cruel, he was generally viewed as generous, on ac-count of the happiness he put upon couples both mortal and immortal. But, Cupid’s icon will forever be remembered on Valentines Day for that little boy who flies around with his bow and arrows, making people fall in love with each other for many more years to come.

Photo Courtesy of Andrea SarmientoAndrea-Mae Sarmiento, 12, and Joshua Swayne, 11, spend their Valentine’s day at the beach together.

Students were asked what they would

want for Valentine’s Day and here are the





Stuffed Animals








What do you plan on getting your Valentine?

“A plushy and some flowers.”

- Kobe Wellman, 9

“I would get her a dozen red roses.”- Scott Barnard, 10

“I would give my valentine chocolate and

I’d sing to them.”- Alyssa Regina, 11

“Handpicked flowers.”- Alvin Kokubun, 11

“A card with a sweet note and their favorite

candy.”- Rikki Ignacio, 11

“A big surprise.”- Jayke Carig, 12

Vows that will last a lifetime The newest love story that has hit the big screen is The Vow, starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAd-ams. It opened on February 10th, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Based on the true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, this movie is all about true love and perserverance. This couple shows the world how far they had to go to save their love and stay true to their vows. In the movie, Paige and Leo are happy and in love. They are married, set in their careers, and ready to start their family. However, they are faced with a harsh obstacle. One winter night, they got into a car accident and ended up in the hospi-tal. Leo ended up with minor injuries, but Paige ended up in a coma. When Paige woke up from the coma, she had forgotten all about her and Leo’s rela-tionship. She didn’t even know she was married. Throughout the movie, Leo tries to help her regain her memory. It was difficult for the both of them and they had to face many struggles. “It was a pretty good movie, but it made me

mad because she wasn’t giving him a shot when he was trying so hard,” said Michael Ramun, 11. This couple had a lot to work at to get back to where they were before the accident. Many people waited months, weeks, and days for this movie to come out and when it did, many peo-ple went out to see it. The Vow topped the box office with $41.2 million open-

Photo Courtesy of thevow-movie.netChanning Tatum and Rachel McAdams portrayed the real life couple well.

Top 10 Movies to Watch on Valentine’s Day

1. The Vow 2. A Walk to Remember 3. The Notebook 4. Beastly 5. The Proposal 6. P.S. I Love You 7. A Cinderella Story 8. Letters to Juliet 9. 27 Dresses 10. Valentine’s Day

Chocolate kisses for cute couples

By Shaina BacnisStaff writer

Roses are red, violets are blue, sug-ar is sweet and so are you! The saying goes that, “the way to a girl’s heart is chocolate.” Is that true? On Valentine’s Day, people spend their money on spe-cial gifts for their valentine. According to the National Retail Federation 2010 Valentine’s Day sur-vey, the total amount of money that Americans spend on Valentine’s Day is approximately $13 billion. One of the most popular items that consumers spend their money on is chocolate. Chocolate is said to induce romance and to bring smiles to the broken-hearted. More than 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are sold. “I plan on getting my valentine a big candy bar,” said Darylene Ca-cas, 11. A n o t h e r popular treat c o n s u m e r s p u r c h a s e during this time is Sweet-hearts Candies. These pastel sugar heart-shaped candies include quirky sayings such as “Be Mine,” “Let’s Kiss,” and “#1 Fan.” This company has been around for almost 145 years and each year, produces over 8 billion hearts. When buying a gift for their valen-tine, people go anywhere to find that special gift for that special someone. According to the National Retail Foun-dation, 40.9 percent of Americans go to discount stores, 31.1 percent go to de-partment stores, and 21.4 percent go to specialty stores. Surprisingly, the most popular gift for Valentine’s Day isn’t flowers; 54.9 percent of Americans spend their money on cards and only 35.6 percent buy flowers. The other 47.2 percent buy candy, 15.5 percent buy jewelry and 14.4 percent buy other gifts. “I’ll get my valentine chocolate and bal-loons,” said, Justina Cabunoc, 11. This Valentine’s day, stores will be packed with red hearts, roses, and es-pecially chocolate. Will you go along with the crowd and buy your valentine chocolates and flowers? Or will you be different and do something sweet for your sweetheart? Graphic Illustration Courtesy of Angelica Recaido

ing weekend. Many students from Campbell went with their friends, or with their Valentine’s date to watch the movie. This movie is filled with laughter, sadness, joy, and of course, love. The real life couple has opened up their love story to share with the world. They show us that our vows are not just words to say at our wedding, but a promise to keep forever.

By Shaila ToyamaEditor-in-Chief


The Mock Trial Team, is made up of Campbell’s finest speakers, actors, and debat-ers. Advised by teachers Wade Murasaki and Jerry Oi-shi, the Mock Trial Team is part of an inter-school compe-tition where students are given a court case and play the role of both the prosecution and defense. These competitions are held around the months of January and February. Mock Trial is similar to court. Despite the hard work, the students enjoy the work they’re doing. Joanna Gero-laga, 12, said, “The court room experience is my favorite part; I also gain many skills, like thinking on the spot, speaking skills, interpreting, and act-ing.” Mock Trial has several great opportunities to expe-rience what it is like in a real courtroom and what it is like to be in front of a real judge. “It’s a great club because it gives students a hands-on les-son. It not only becomes a club, but it is also a lesson about the U.S. government and the way the judicial system works,” said advisor, Wade Murasaki.

On Wednesday, Janu-ary 25, Campbell’s Mock Trial team met at the state court-house along with about ten other schools. This was the team’s first court case of the season. In the end, Joanna Gerolaga,12, was named the Outstanding Wit-ness and Sandy Fragoso, 12, was named Outstanding At-torney. Campbell was tied for last, however Murasaki said, “They did very well and rep-resented their school proudly.

Order in the mock trial court

It is not about the score, it is about what the students get out of the experience.” Again, on February 1, Campbell competed and had a well-earned victory against Farrington High School. Mia Baybayan, 11, was recognized as the Most Outstanding At-torney for the Defense and Kristen Moylan, 9, was rec-ognized as Most Outstanding Witness for the Defense. Although stress is put onto the Mock Trial members before they compete, they

know that it is worth it in the end. “When you get down to trial, it is a lot of stress but you get a lot out of it,” said Jerry Oishi. The Mock Trial students continue to strive and work hard, and although it is some-times difficult, they enjoy what they are doing, while making new friends, gaining lots of knowledge, and gain-ing great experiences. These students have a pasion for this and they are so willing to put all of their effort into it.

Photo by Leilani GutierrezDesiree Norbrey, 12, stands at the podium, and rehearses her lawyer role during practice after school.

By Leilani GutierrezStaff writer

“Witness, because you get to pretend to be someone

you’re not.”- Kristen Moylan, 9

“I like the opening part because I think it is the

easiest part.”-Princess Mae Visconde, 10

“I like being a lawyer be-cause it feels so awesome

to object.”- Cassandra Romero, 9

“I like the witness role because I can act as a

character.” - Gerick Banga, 9

What is your favor-ite Mock Trial role?

February 29: The day that comes every four years

A Leap Year happens every four years. It con-sists of 366 days, as opposed to a common year, which consist of 365 days. Excitingly, 2012 is a leap year! Julius Caesar introduced the Leap Years in the Roman empire which was about 2000 years ago. He came up with an interesting rule: any year evenly di-visible by 4 would be a Leap Year. This lead to too many leap years, this problem didn’t get corrected until the start or introduction of the Gregorian Cal-endar which was more than 1500 years ago. The Gregorian calendar called for a day to be added every four years, February 29, making up a

By Amy KanemitsuStaff writer

total of 366 days. If we don’t add an extra day, we would lose almost six hours off our calendar every year. After only 100 years, the calendar would be off set by around 24 days!

When people have their birthdays on Leap Day, they celebrate their “real” birthday every four years. Statistics show that a baby has about 1 in 1,500 chance of being born on a leap year. Surveys also show that there are about 187,000 people in the U.S and 4 mil-lion people in the world who are born on a Leap Day which is on February 29. There are 366 days in the year of 2012, which means we have an extra day to make this year worth-while. Even companies use Leap Day to have special sales and events. This year, DisneyLand stayed open for an entire 24 hours on February 29. That makes for an extra day of fun that wouldn’t have occurred on a regular year. What did you do on your extra day in 2012? Will you be prepared for the next Leap Year, which will occur on February 29, 2016?

Senior Luau February 11, 2012 at the Hawaii Prince Golf Course

Graphic Illustration Courtesy of Angelica Recaido


Dragon babies soar into the new year

Gong xi fa cai! Wishing all of you Sabers to be “prosperous in the com-ing year,” as the Chinese New Year cel-ebrates 2012, the Year of the Dragon. Every year in China, construction workers, factory workers, business owners, etc. stop working for a span of fifteen days to go home and celebrate the Chinese New Year with their fami-lies. This year, Chinese New Year be-gan on the midnight of January 23, 2012. So, what’s the history behind a holiday with the ability to bring bil-lions of Chinese families together in a heartbeat? Legend says that it all started with a bloodthirsty monster named Nian, who would come out at night to destroy villages and eat people. A wise old man advised the people to make loud noises in order to protect them-selves. The people lit fireworks, banged on their drums, and burned bamboo all night to keep Nian away. The loud noise worked, scaring the monster to hide in his cave. Thus, every year af-terward, the Chinese New Year has been celebrated. Today, before the 15-day celebra-tion of the Chinese New Year, tradition calls for the home to be thoroughly

cleaned, in order for the ill fortune and bad luck to go away. Family gather-ings are then held, providing delicious feasts and fireworks at midnight on New Years Eve. In a span of two weeks, festivities are held featuring colorful dragons or lions, and children are given money in Chinese inscribed red envelopes. Possibly the best part of Chinese New Year is the continuation of huge feasts that bring together family and friends, forgetting for just a moment, the hard-ships of life.

On the last day of Chinese New Year, the Lantern festival is held, where families and friends gather and mingle outside with lighted candles, creating a beautiful light display. The Chinese Lunar Calendar cel-ebrates one of twelve animal symbols each year. This year is the Year of the Dragon. According to Chinese horo-scopes, the dragon is said to symbol-ize “good fortune and sign of intense power.” Positive characteristics of those born in the Year of the Dragon include:

innovation, braveness, passion, and self-assurance. Negative characteris-tics include: conceitedness, quick-tem-perament, scrutiny, and tactlessness. For years, festivities celebrating the Chinese New Year have helped bil-lions start off the new year in a posi-tive state of mind. With an entire year of change and obstacles awaiting to be lived out, the Year of the Dragon, known to the Chinese as a “divine beast,” will help everyone “beast” in striving to accomplish all of their aca-demic, career, and personal goals.

Drawing by Carol Bangi


By Karla DubeyCopy Editor

Chinese New Years Facts 1. Wearing black is unlucky, instead wear red. Red is a

lucky color in China.

10. At the stroke of mid-night, the Chinese open

their windows and doors to release last year’s stresses.

6. The dragon represents wisdom, strength, benev-olence, and good fortune.

2. Dragons are known for sincerity and are

trusting souls.

4. Dragons are usually popular people, but be-cause of their personali-ties, they seem to gather

as much criticism as they do esteem.

8. The Chinese wish each other by saying “Kung Hei

Fat Choy” which means hav-ing a great fortune.

5. Common Chinese New Year Activity includes cleaning the houses from top

to bottom, purchasing new clothes, paying off debts, painting their doors and window panes, and even getting

new haircuts.

3. Tradition holds that on the seventh day of the new year, all people in China

become a year older.

9. Hong Kong showed that 70% of couples wanted their children to be born under

the dragon sign.

7. The Chinese year is based on the cycles of the moon. This is called a

lunar schedule. Due to this, the Chi-nese New Year festivities are called

the Lunar New Year.

Drawing by Jazlyn Barlahan Students that are taking Japanese classes, celebrated the Chinese New Year by creating artwork that symbolize the year of the dragon.

Graphic Illustration by Shaila Toyama



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Is it really the end of the world for us?

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For decades, humans have speculated about a pos-sible apocalypse that will oc-cur on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 p.m. At that time, the world will end as we know it. This apocalypse is sup-ported by several religions and prophecies. For example, the sacred and religious Ma-yan calendar predicts that the world will end on December 21, 2012. The Mayans also be-lieved that over time, changes on Earth would lead to the end of the world. There are numerous biblical prophecies that foretell this catastrophic event. Natural disasters are ex-pected to occur. For instance, super volcanic eruptions are

anticipated to initiate an ice age. An asteroid or comet is forecasted to collide into the earth, causing earthquakes and tsunamis; floating debris from the impact will likely create darkness around the world.

In addition, the North and South poles are expected to reverse position, which can cause the continental and oce-anic plates to behave unpre-dictably. The supposed dooms-day falls on December 21 be-

Photo courtesy of fatalfacts.comEarthquakes and tsunamis are expected in the 2012 apocalypse.

By Chance BaldonadoCopy Editor

cause it’s the date of the win-ter solstice. Also, the earth and sun will be roughly aligned with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy; it’s believed that this event will create a beam of light. The energy from the beam could cause chaos to hu-mans on Earth. Many humans doubt that this destruction will happen. Erica-Lynne Lopez, 12, said, “I don’t believe the world will end because there have been previous dooms-days where people claimed the world was going to end, but it never did happen.” National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists have also tested the theories. NASA sci-entists have discovered that there are no threatening as-teroids that will hit the planet

any time soon. NASA scien-tists also revealed that the Earth and sun align with the center of the Milky Way Gal-axy annually and that there are no significant effects due to this occurrence. NASA also claims that December 21, 2012 is the end of the 26,000-year Mayan cal-endar/cycle and that the cycle will restart. Moreover, a group of scientists calculated that 1.4 super volcanic eruptions oc-cur every one million years. The most recent super erup-tion took place 26,000 years ago in New Zealand. Thus, a super volcanic eruption will not likely happen soon. Scientists worldwide identify no threat to our planet in relation to the 2012 apoca-lypse.

What is one thing you would like to accomplish if the world ended in 2012?

“I would fly a plane and land on any island I see and make friends with the people there.”

- Lilia Frigilana, 9

“I will tell my parents I love them from the

bottom of my heart and see you in heaven.”

- Mark Miguel, 9

“I would go parachut-ing and visit the seven wonders of the world.”

- Ronica Gaston, 10

“Go to Brazil and play soccer with Cristiano

Ronaldo.”- Mariah Santiago, 11

“I want to do some-thing heroic!”

- Zachary-Jordan Angeles, 11

“Go to the happiest place on earth. Disney-

land!”-Cole Torralva, 12

ACEIT Field Trip at Schofield Barracks

February 7, 2012

Editor-in-Chief Shaila Toyama

Layout Editor Shaila Toyama

Photography EditorRegine Dulatre

Copy EditorsChance Baldonado

Karla DubeyKayla Mukai

ReportersShaina Bacnis

Carwin CambreLeilani Gutierrez

Gabrielle HernanadezBrittanee-Deana Hirata

Jade IbosAmy Kanemitsu

Karen Joy LambinoMariah Mafnas

Kiyana TellsLisa Valandt

Alexis Wooten

AdviserJamielynn Quisano

If you have any questions feel free to contact

Ewa Naupaka at:


Hold your firearms, open your heart

Just recently another high school shooting took place in Ohio at Chardon High School on February 27. Thomas M. Lane III, 17, started shooting students around 7:30 a.m. in the caf-eteria. Out of the five victims, three were killed and two were injured. He has been charged with three juvenile counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggra-vated murder, and felonious assault. Lane was dealing with a broken heart after his girl-friend dumped him. How-ever, he was also interested in Russel King Jr. who was the second student Lane shot. Lane, just like other shooters, had a disturbed childhood full of violence and neglect. Many believe Lane may be mentally ill. According to a friend of Lane’s, she noticed that all the kids made fun of him and picked on him because of his physical appearance and his

shy personality. There was also a very explicit post on his Facebook that displayed his dark and disturbed thoughts. It seems to me that high school shootings are becoming more frequent and less sur-prising. We have to ask ourself why these young adults think that bringing a gun to school and shooting innocent victims are the only answer for them. Only after the incident, we investigate these troubled people and change the securi-ty system of these schools. But

I have to wonder why we wait till it is too late? There needs to be ways to lessen the bullying around school, as well as helping these students deal with the pressure of high school in a positive way. Schools need to reach out to their students more of-ten and offer them more help if they need it. Facebook and other so-cial networks are other factors that we all need to be looking out for. Whether someone is posting pessimistic updates

or if someone is getting cyber-bullied, we need to be aware of our surroundings. Everyone wants to feel safe in their high school and it should not get to that point, where it has to be taken to those extremes. If you know someone is going to do some-thing, you should report it or if you are having problems, you should talk to a counselor. I hope all of the people, who were involved in the Chardon High School shoot-ing, can move on and make peace with that day.

Photo courtesy of www.cnn.comA mother and her daughter put flowers in front Chardon High School for the victims of the shooting.


Comic by: Mariah Mafnas

By Shaila ToyamaEditor-in-Chief

Saber Voices: If you could meet any celebrity, who

would it be?

“Mariah Carey.”-Sky Hamamoto, 9

“Tim Tebow.”-Denver Wooten, 9

“Justin Bieber.”-Brett Baucher, 10

“One Direction.”-Rocel Flores, 10

“Beyonce.”-Alexis Agustin, 11

“Ariana Grande.”-Craig Villacorte, 12

“Muhummad Ali.”-Malik Lockett, 11

“Bruno Mars.”-Marc Earley, 12

Ewa NaupakaVolume 27ISSUE 4JAN-FEB 2012

The Voice of James Campbell High School


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EWA NAUPAKAJames Campbell HS91-980 North RoadEwa Beach, HI, 96706

Junior PromJunior Prom will be held on

Friday, March 16 at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki.

Senior AgreementsIf you didn’t turn in your Senior Agreement,

Transportation Waiver Form, and Parent Authorization, you must write an appeal that must be approved by the principal

in order to participate in graduation.

Senior PromSenior Prom will be on Saturday, May 12 at the Sheraton Hotel.

Bid sales start on March 19 during lunch in P12. Bids cost $80 for JCHS students and $90 for outside guest. You must clear all obligations to partcipate in this event.

Senior Baby Pictures

Pick up baby pictures that were submitted for the yearbook in J3 during lunch or afterschool.

Pictures will not be returned.

Cap and Gown Orders If you didn’t order your cap and gown yet,

Jostens is now taking late payments. You must order it through mail. You cannot order it online. Please contact Jostens at (808) 261-6444

Senior Class ShirtsCome to P12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays afterschool

to pick up your class shirt if you preordered one. You can also come to buy class shirts. Shirts cost $12.

Shirts and sizes are limited.

Deizja Norbrey, Hale Elua

Gabrielle Batalla, ACEIT

Spencer Buan, AIS

Christina Javier, Sophomore Academy

Chikako Johnson, Freshmen Academy

Students of the Month

Harold FerwerdaStaff of the Month

Karen ChunTeacher of the Month

