Camera Shotlist for DownStage



1st Draft

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1st Draft Shot List for ‘Down Stage’ Pilot Episode.

Created by Sam Babington.Scene/Shot

Action Shot/Framing Sound Duration



1.1 Fading to view Alex sitting on chair, preparing for interview. The interview is set in the school hall, positioned in the centre of the hall, showing the school stage blurred in the background.

FADE FROM BLACK. M/C/U of Alex, positioned to have some of the background in shot.

INTERVIEW; ALEX – “Is this on, is it working OK? Can you hear me alright? “

00:00 – 00:06


1.2 Alex continues to prepare for interview. We see the Janitor sweep into and out of shot in the background. We see him in focus

Same M/C/U; see Janitor sweeping in and out of shot behind Alex. PULL FOCUS of Alex onto Janitor for a brief

INTERVIEW; ALEX – “I’m Alex, Alex Mousk, and I’m the assistant for “AA”, “Actors Anonymous”, an Am Dram production company”.

00:06 – 00:12


just enough to work out who he is, before focusing back onto Alex.


1.3 We now leave the same shot from Alex to zoom out to see Giles sitting next to Alex.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT – to M/S; showing Giles sitting next to Alex. We seem him fanning his hands and being very enthusiastic

INTERVIEW; GILES – “Oh me? Is it me now? Is an introduction necessary? Maybe. I’m the Giles Phillipé.”

00:12 – 00:20


1.4 Staying as the same shot, we now see Giles nudge Alex for reassurance, as he continues to boast about himself. We see Alex glare at Giles and not looking impressed, judging from her bored-looking expression.

Same M/C/U. INTERVIEW; GILES – “Me, well I’ve been in the bizz now for, many years [nudge]. I’ve produced phenomenal theatrical work to short, intimate plays. You name it, I’ve directed it.”

00:20 – 0:30


1.5 We still continue to see Giles boast about his life. He fans his hands out and blurts out his words when talking about his encounter with Sir Andrew.

Same M/C/U. INTERVIEW; GILES – “I’ve even met THE Andrew Lloyd Webber… It was the back of his head as he got into a taxi, but, I just know if he had time we’d be the best of friends right now!”

00:30 – 00:37


1.6 Alex now interrupts Giles by placing her hands on his shoulders to calm his excitement down, before asking the camera if they’d like to see their auditionees. Alex leaves the scene by standing up and walking off shot, whilst Giles is left sitting on the chair. END OF TEASER

Same M/C/U. INTERVIEW; ALEX – “ Anyway... how about we show you around? We’ve got our auditions soon so people should already be turning up!”

00:37 – 00:46


2.1 We are introduced to a pan leading from the auditionees to Giles, as he walks onto the stage

M/C/U; behind the auditionees. PAN; RIGHT to M/S - Giles walking towards

COMM; AUDITIONEES – Echo of people murmuring/talking/laughing.

00:46 – 00:50


coming from the hallway. The camera is positioned just behind the auditionees and is focused on them talking to one another.

auditionees, before stopping a few yards in front.

2.2 The shot stays still until a few seconds after when Alex joins Giles. She can be seen murmuring as she is looking at how many scripts she has in her hands.

M/S; PAN; RIGHT slightly and ZOOM; IN to M/C/U; Alex looking at the script, as she stands next to Giles.

COMM; AUDITIONEES – Continuing as above.COMM; ALEX – “Five, six, seven, eight….”

00:50 – 00:54


2.3 We then zoom back to see Giles telling the auditionees to stop talking as he raises his hand and purposely coughs to gain attention.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT to M/S; Giles gaining the auditionees attention.

COMM; GILES - coughing.COMM; AUDITIONEES – Talking slowly coming to a halt.

00:54 – 00:58


2.4 The auditionees then stop talking and all turn around to listen to Giles as he begins to give the instructions for the auditions.

PAN; LEFT from M/S; back to same M/C/U – behind auditionees. You see them stopping talking and facing to listen to Giles.

COMM; AUDITIONEES – Talking now stopped.

00:58 – 01:00


2.5 We now move back to Giles as he introduces the auditions. The camera is now positioned to the right hand side of the auditionees.

Back to M/C/U; of Giles. Camera positioned to the RIGHT side of auditions.

COMM; GILES – “Gather round everyone, gather round. Welcome back for another show – ‘Peter Pan: The Musical!’ “

01:00 – 01:07


2.6 As Giles introduces Alex, we see her smile, before leaving Giles to follow Alex, as she begins to hand out the audition sheets. She starts from the right hand side, making her closest to the camera before gradually moving to the left-hand side.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT to M/S - showing Alex in frame. Camera then FOLLOWS ALEX as she walks towards auditionees.

COMM; GILES – “Thank you all for being here today, Alex, my assistant director, will be handing out the audition sheets.”

01:07 – 01:13


2.7 We see Alex hand out a white Following a M/S; ALEX before COMM; GILES – “The first sheet is the song 01:13 – STAGE

sheet to Chantelle and Jordan (closest to camera) – seeing Chantelle stroke his hair whilst Jordan looking uninterested. The camera stays on the two after Alex hands Jordan the sheet.

ZOOM; IN to M/C/U - Chantelle and Jordan.

you need to perform…” 01:17

2.8 Continuing to pan to the left, we now see Vic receive the script from Alex. He can be seen concentrating on Giles and acknowledges Alex by smiling openly. He then raises his hand to his chin as he continues to listen to Giles.

PAN; LEFT - keeping a M/S however now on VIC.

COMM; GILES – “…A remix of the hit song ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ by Frank Sinatra, remade to tell the tale of Peter Pan!”

01:17 – 01:25


2.9 Still panning to the left, we now see Jamie and Ruby sitting closely together. Jamie whispers in Ruby’s ear something (which we don’t hear on camera) causing her to giggle. She then stops laughing and smiles at Alex to grab 2 copies of the audition sheets.


COMM; GILES – “The second sheet is a monologue direct from my hit musical…”

01:25 – 01:31


2.10 Lastly, the pan ends to view Maddie, who is positioned further left slightly more to give an awkward and noticeable gap between her and Ruby. She takes the audition sheet and mimes ‘thank you’. She then turns her head down to look at the sheet. We see her nibble her bottom lip as she concentrates.

PAN; LEFT & ZOOM; OUT – M/C/U of Maddie.

COMM; GILES – “…After both of these auditions, please wait outside to be called back in. You have 20 minutes before we see the first auditionee!”COMM; MADDIE – “Thank you” (MIMES)

01:31 – 01:40


2.11 As Giles continues to talk, we see PAN; back to Giles and Alex. COMM; GILES – “...Oh and as you may have 01:40 – STAGE

him look and point to the camera.

ZOOM; OUT to M/S; Giles and Alex.

noticed, we have some company today! So time to work extra hard!


2.12 Now that the pan has ended, we return back to the same shot as Giles as he ends his speech about the auditions.

Same M/S; showing GILES and ALEX.

COMM; GILES – “We will be announcing the roles at the end of the day. Any questions? No? Good luck.”COMM; O/S; CHANTELLE – “Yeah, actually I’ve got a question…”

01:47 – 01:59


2.13 We hear someone say something off screen that turns out to be Chantelle asking a question. The camera leaves Giles before quickly panning to view Chantelle.


COMM; CHANTELLE – “What if we don’t want to audition with that stupid song? What if we bought our own song?”

01:59 – 02:05


2.14 Giles, whom is slightly disappointed by Chantelle, then responds.

Same C/U.ZOOM; OUT - L/S; showing Giles and Chantelle in opposite sides of frame.

COMM; GILES – “Of course CHANTELLE, whatever suits you best.”

02:05 – 02:10


2.15 We now see Chantelle leave the group and walk off stage, walking towards the hall. She jumps off the stage before disappearing down the end of the hall.

L/S; lead to PAN; LEFT to Chantelle. ZOOM; IN - C/U; to Chantelle as she stands up, following to a L/S; as she walks off stage.

SFX – Chair movementSFX – Chantelle chewing gum

02:10 – 02:18


2.16 Giles, who ignores Chantelle’s departure, now claps his hands to break the tension and asks the auditions to start rehearsing for auditions.

M/C/U; Giles, still standing in same position.

COMM; GILES – “Chop chop ladies and gents! Time is making fools of us again!”

02:18 – 02:23


3.1Moving onto the montage of interviews and auditions, we first begin with Chantelle. We first see her audition on stage [IMPROVISED]


COMM; CHANTELLE – her song [TBC] 02:23 – 02:38


4.1 Leaving her audition, we now M/S; CHANTELLE standing. COMM; CHANTELLE – “Right OK I’m 02:38 – CHANGING

see Chantelle’s interview. Her interview is based in the hallway leading to the changing room, where you can see the rear end of the stage in the background. Here we can see Jordan looking at Maddie preparing for her audition. She plays with her hair and looks at herself in a mirror as she prepares for the interview. Chantelle has CHANGED CLOTHES for her interview.

ready.” 02:43 ROOM HALLWAY

4.2 She continues to throw her hair back and talk about herself to the camera.

Same M/S.

PULL FOCUS at “But that’s in the past” to show Jordan looking at Maddie.

INTERVIEW; CHANTELLE – “This is my 17th

play with the company. It should actually be 18, but that was the summer of 2011 when Jordan broke my heart and got with some sket from the crew. But that’s in the past, he came running back as per, and how could he not?”

02:43 – 02:56



4.3 Now that we’ve seen Jordan watching Maddie, the camera returns back to Chantelle. She then plays with her hair before turning around to look at Jordan.

Same M/S.PULL FOCUS back to Chantelle

INTERVIEW; CHANTELLE – “Look at me.” 02:56 – 03:02



4.4 [ANOTHER ANGLE] Chantelle, who is now looking at Jordan, has a disgusted and angry look, as she sees that Jordan is interested in Maddie preparing for her audition.

REVERSE SHOT; Now behind Jordan. L/S; him looking at Maddie, and Chantelle looking at him.ZOOM; IN – Chantelle’s angry look.ZOOM; OUT - Jordan acknowledging Chantelle.M/C/U; Jordan looking down.

SFX; Microphone touching/turning onSFX; Background noise – people talking echo O/S

03:02 – 03:07



4.5 [ORIGINAL ANGLE] Chantelle now looks back towards the camera, straining a smile as she tries to contain her anger. We see Jordan walk off stage, as he is annoyed with Chantelle spying.

Back to M/S of CHANTELLE. SFX; Background noise CONT.O/S; Jordan walking off stage.

03:07 – 03:13



5.1 We now move to Jordan’s brief interview. He has the same ‘disappointed’ expression but now he is in the lighting box. He’s sitting unimpressed with his arm’s folded and back against the chair.

M/S; INTERVIEW of Jordan INTERVIEW; JORDAN – ‘sighing’ – for 3-4 seconds.

03:13 – 03:18


6.1 Returning back to the school stage, we now see Maddie’s audition. She rustled her script as she tries to remember the lines and is clearly nervous.

M/S; Maddie standing on stage.ZOOM; OUT to C/U- showing nerves on her face.

COMM – MADDIE; swallowing.SFX; Rustling of paper.

03:18 – 03:22


7.1 We now move to an interview with Maddie. She fidgets and shuffles on her seat as she tries to get comfy, but can’t as she is nervous.

M/S; Maddie fidgeting on chair.ZOOM to M/C/U; once Maddie stays still.

COMM – MADDIE; “What part am I auditioning for? I’m auditioning for Wendy, but, erm, this is the first time that I’ve auditioned for anything. Ever. I’ve been wanting to join for a couple of years now and I knew this is my last chance. I can’t believe “AA” could be shutting down for good this year, I mean, I saw them last year and it was amazing. But I’ve never done anything like this, well, at least in front of people but signing in the shower doesn’t count... or does it?”

03:22 – 03:46


8.1 We now return to Maddie’s audition, where her performance seems impressive to Giles, Alex and Vic who are watching.

M/L/S; Maddie’s performance. COMM – MADDIE; “Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars...”

03:46 – 03:51


8.2 The camera then moves to Vic, who is sitting watching her performance carefully. Suddenly, the curtains open without him realising and Ruby appears and scares him, causing Vic to jump.

PAN; LEFT to M/C/U; Vic sitting on chair.ZOOM; OUT to M/S; Curtains rustling to show Ruby scare Vic.

COMM O/S – MADDIE; “Heading far outta sight, second star, to the right.”SFX; Curtains rustling.COMM – RUBY – “So WHOSE AUDITONING NOW?”

03:51 – 03:58


8.3 Vic, whose catching his breath, laughs once he realises it was Ruby.

Same M/S. COMM – VIC – “Oh Ruby, you frightened me half to death! I didn’t see you there! It’s the new girl, I think her names called Maggie? She certainly has some talent.”

03:58 – 04:07


8.4 Ruby, whilst laughing, then pulls the curtain apart and sits down to the chair next to Vic.

Same M/S. COMM O/S – MADDIE – “...Neverland...” 04:07 – 04:13


8.5 Ruby then realizes that Maddie has talent, and smiles at her whilst she’s performing. She leans forward to get a better view. We then see the camera pan to show Alex and Giles show similar reactions.

Same M/S. PAN; RIGHT to M/S of Giles and Alex. ZOOM; IN - to M/C/U to show their expressions.

COMM O/S – MADDIE – “I’m coming for you...”

04:13 – 04:18


9.1 We now return back to the lighting box to see an interview with Ruby. She seems happy and energetic and smiles towards the camera.

M/C/U; Ruby sitting on chair. INTERVIEW; RUBY – “I’d be totally devastated if this was our last ever performance. I’ve moved from Wales to study a drama diploma and this company means so much to me.... “

04:18 – 04:27


9.2 Jamie then can be seen creeping up the glass outside the lighting box, preparing to scare Ruby.

Same M/C/U. Jamie coming into shot.

INTERVIEW O/S; RUBY – “...I mean, I wouldn’t have the friends I’d have now, or the confidence. But I have a feeling this...”

04:27 – 04:34


9.3 He then bangs the glass, causing Ruby to jump, before opening the door. They both laugh until Jamie realizes that the crew are filming.

Same M/C/U.Jamie in shot. Ruby turns around to see him.

SFX; Banging noise on window.COMM; RUBY – “Jamie!”SFX; Door Creaking openCOMM; JAMIE – “Hey, err, am I interrupting?”

04:34 – 04:42


9.4 Ruby is then reminded that the crew are still filming and instantly seems shy.

Same M/C/UZOOM; OUT to M/L/S showing the two in same shot.

COMM – RUBY; “Oh hey, err, I’m just being interviewed, err, what’s up?”

04:42 – 04:49


9.5 Jamie too is lost for words but manages to ask Ruby if she wants to go out for lunch with him. He too glances between Ruby and the crew.

PAN; LEFT to M/C/U; to Jamie – same shot however now Jamie instead (show part of Ruby)

COMM – JAMIE; “Oh, sorry! Err, yeah that’s fine, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to grab some lunch? I’ll err, meet you at the hall?”

04:49 – 05:00


9.6 Ruby now looks at Jamie only instead of the film crew. You can see her smile getting bigger as she gets excited. Jamie then smiles and closes the door, glancing at the camera one last time.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT to previous M/L/S; of Jamie & Ruby.

COMM – RUBY; “Yeah, sounds neat!” 05:00 – 05:06


9.7 As Jamie closes the door, Ruby turns back round to face the camera. She seems in love judging from her smile as she looks into the camera.

Move to C/U; Ruby being interviewed.

SFX; door closingSFX; Ruby shuffling back around

05:06 – 05:11


9.8 Her smile suddenly changes as she seems annoyed at herself and pulls a scrunched up face because she said embarrassingly said ‘neat’.

ZOOM; IN to C/U; her ‘romantic’ smile.ZOOM; OUT to same M/C/U; her embarrassed.

INTERVIEW; RUBY – “Neat?! Eurh!” 05:11 – 05:17


9.9 She then laughs at herself as she wipes the embarrassment off her face as she continues the interview.

Same M/C/U. INTERVIEW; RUBY – “Oh, that’s Jamie, he’s auditioning for Smee which definitely suits him. He likes to think he’s the joker of the group!

05:17 – 05:25


9.10 She then giggles to herself as she thinks about Jamie. She leans down and lifts herself back up as she stops laughing before

Same M/C/U. SFX; RUBY giggling 05:25 – 05:30


smiling to herself as she thinks about Jamie.

10.1 Returning back to the end of Maddie’s audition, we see Vic stand up and applaud Maddie – seeming impressed as he smiles at her.

M/S; Maddie Singing.PAN; LEFT to M/S; Vic clapping.

COMM O/S – MADDIE; “Neverland, please be true.”SFX; Echo of people clapping

05:30 – 05:44


11.1 We now move to Vic’s interview. He sits sophistically – he leans back into the chair, raises one of his feet to balance on the other and hands his together on his lap, revealing a pleasant smile.

M/S; Vic sitting on chair being interviewed in school hall.Slight L/A; camera looking up at him sitting holding his hands.

INTERVIEW – VIC; “Oh good morning, let me introduce myself. My name is Vic Chapman, and I’ve been doing this for years, it’s a strong passion of mine – it makes me feel alive being on the stage in front of everyone! It’s good to keep the heart pumping with this kind of adrenaline at my age now, and not the kind of adrenaline you get when Bargain Hunters come on!”

05:44 – 06:00


11.2 Vic then giggles to himself for a couple of moments.

Same M/S & L/A. SFX; VIC giggling. 06:00 – 06:05


11.3 His interview continues as he talks about Maddie and Chantelle. The scene then ENDS showing a concerned Vic twiddling his moustache, as he begins to think that there could be a disruption between Maddie and Chantelle.


INTERVIEW – VIC; “Mattie’s audition was outstanding! She is exactly who we need to save “AA”. I’m not sure if Chantelle will be best pleased that she’s auditioning for Wendy though.

06:05 – 06:19


12.1 Moving outside to the school car park, we see the Documentary Crew walk towards the school hall before turning around as a car pulls up to the car park. The camera turns and zooms to see Chantelle and her father talking

M/S; Camera walking to hall entrance.PAN; RIGHT; To turn to follow car.ZOOM; IN to M/C/U – Chantelle and her father in car

COMM; CHANTELLE – “Right daddy I’m about to find out if I’m Wendy or not. Wish me luck!”

06:19 – 06:24


in which the boom microphone picks up their conversation. Her father stops and answers a phone call.

12.2 Chantelle’s father ignores Chantelle and is more interested in his phone call. The Documentary Crew slowly walks down to move out of their sight.

Same M/C/U. COMM; CHANTELLE’S DAD; “Hello? Yeah give me half an hour I’ m dropping Chantelle off quickly.”COMM; CHANTELLE – “Daddy?”

06:24 – 06:29


12.3 He then places his phone to his chest as he talks to Chantelle, before raising it again and showing more interest in his phone call. Chantelle hops out the car seeming upset.

Same M/C/U. Now angled to the RIGHT.

COMM; CHANTELLE’S DAD; “Sorry one second. Darling, Tokyo’s on the phone. I’ve got to go.”

06:29 – 06:33


12.4 Chantelle slowly walks to the hall seeming upset that her father isn’t interested in her. She turns around as he drives off and continues to look upset.

ZOOM; OUT to M/S; showing Chantelle walk towards the hall entrance.ZOOM; IN to M/C/U; after Chantelle has turned around.

SFX; Car driving offSFX: Chantelle scrapping the floor with her feet.

06:33 – 06:43


13.1 We are now introduced to a new location where the auditionees gather to see who is announced for each role. It is just after the lunch break so some characters are on their way back. We first see Maddie sitting alone at the end of a stair, before the camera follows Jamie and Ruby who are walking. Jamie is holding a bag of sweets that they both eat from. We see Chantelle sitting down with Jordan with her arm wrapped around him before

FADE to COLOUR.M/S; Maddie sitting on edge alone.PAN; LEFT and FOLLOW; M/S of Ruby and Jamie walking.PAN; LEFT to M/S; Chantelle and Jordan.

SFX; Rustling of Jamie & Ruby’s sweet bagSFX; People talking – echo in hall

06:43 – 07:00


leaving shot as the camera stays on Chantelle wrapping her arm around Jordan.

13.2 Suddenly, Chantelle spots John & Janitor on the other side of the hall and leaves Jordan before standing up and pacing over to him.

Same M/S.PAN; LEFT to FOLLOW Chantelle as she runs over to John & Janitor

COMM; CHANTELLE – “John! I want a word.”

07:00 –07:05


13.3 Chantelle then looks at the janitor, giving a look that is hinting for him to leave. The janitor responds with an unimpressed look before leaving the scene, heading towards the canteen. John and Chantelle then walk towards the changing room.

M/S; in-between Chantelle and John & Janitor.ZOOM; IN to C/U; showing Janitor’s unimpressed reaction to “May I?”ZOOM; OUT (after 2 secs) back to M/S, showing Janitor leave.

COMM; CHANTELLE - “May I?” 07:05 – 07:11


14.1 Now in the changing room, we see John mutter to Chantelle, seeming uninterested, as he plays on his phone. Here the camera is hiding behind the entrance from the hallway leading to the stage.

L/S; Behind entrance wall, spying on John and Chantelle

COMM; JOHN – “What’s up Chantelle, can I help?

07:11 – 07:15


14.2 Chantelle seems suspicious and takes a brief step towards John.

Same L/S.ZOOM; IN to M/L/S - when Chantelle steps forward.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “I was just wondering, we’ve got enough budget for this show to work this time, right? If you don’t mind me asking.”

07:15 – 07:23


14.3 John laughs at Chantelle and still seems uninterested as he browses his phone.

Same M/L/S. SFX; JOHN sniggering.COMM; JOHN – “You know I cant tell you that.”

07:23 – 07:29


14.4 He then places his phone back into his pocket. He takes a breath and stretches as he prepares to

Same M/L/S. COMM; JOHN – “We’ve got just about enough for the show, but if this show doesn’t end well, then there’s not much

07:29 – 07:41


say something serious. more I can do for “AA”. Don’t worry, we can only try our best, can’t we?”

14.5 He then pulls his phone back out again – as if he has nothing more to say. Chantelle meanwhile glances around the room acting like she’s about to blackmail John – she smiles and seems quite sarcastic.Meanwhile, the cameraman spots the janitor from the other end of the hallway – he too is spying on the conversation.

Same M/L/S.ZOOM; IN to M/C/U - Chantelle and John that also shows a M/S; of the Janitor, peeking around the door.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “So like, what if I knew a certain someone who could, let’s say, support us?”

07:41 – 07:49


14.6 Still seeming uninterested, John continues to look at his phone.

ZOOM; OUT to previous M/L/S; still showing the Janitor.

COMM; JOHN – “What do you mean?” 07:49 – 07:54


14.7 Chantelle now looks around the room to make sure no one is looking. The cameraman realizes that she is checking so hides behind the wall for a couple of seconds, before returning back and spying on the two. The janitor does the same and neither gets caught.Chantelle inverts her fingers as she says ‘support’

M/L/S moves to PAN RIGHT; camera swings around to REVERSE SHOT; for a couple of seconds before PANNING back to same M/L/S.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “My daddy is willing to ‘support’ us. He’s been in theatre all of his life and knows what it’s like when a theatre group is on it’s last leg. He knows how much it means to me.”

07:54 – 08:04


14.8 John again takes interest and slides his phone into his pocket – now with more force. He seems agitated and too glances around the room, causing the janitor and cameraman to hide again

Same as before: M/L/S; moves to PAN RIGHT; camera swings around to REVERSE SHOT for a couple of seconds before PANNING back to same M/L/S.

COMM; JOHN – “Don’t be stupid Chantelle that’s ridiculous, I could never take money from your father, you know I’ve known him for years!”

08:04 – 08:14


14.9 Chantelle then tuts in annoyance Same M/L/S. COMM; CHANTELLE – “That’s exactly why 08:14 – CHANGING

because John won’t take her bribe. She takes another step forward and stands on her tiptoes so she’s eye level with John.

ZOOM; IN to M/C/U; with John and Chantelle in shot.

you should take it, John. He’s doing you and all of us a favour, you wouldn’t want to let everyone down, would you?”

08:24 ROOM

14.10 John then takes a step back from Chantelle and takes a deep breath as he thinks.

Same M/C/U. COMM; JOHN – “OK. I’ll think about it. I’ll talk to your father in more detail. This is very kind of him and your family, you’re doing “AA” a massive favour.

08:24 – 08:36


14.11 Chantelle responds and now seems calm now that she’s got what she wants.

Same M/C/U. COMM; CHANTELLE – “It’s fine. Daddy’s always trying to help. However, there was one thing he needed in return.

08:36 – 08:44


14.12 She then takes another step forward to John, seeming very smug.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; IN to C/U - when she starts talking.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “If he’s going to be giving away his hard earned money, I’m sure it would be totally amazing for him to see his daughter perform as the lead role. Don’t you think?”

08:44 – 08:56


14.13 John angrily takes a step back and raises his voice.

Same C/U.ZOOM; OUT to M/C/U.

COMM; JOHN – “Chantelle you know I can’t do that, it wouldn’t be fair on everyone else!”

08:56 – 09:04


14.14 Chantelle then raises her finger to John’s lip telling him to be quiet for a few seconds, before getting in John’s face again. This time however she is very angry – her voice raises and she begins to intimidate John

Same M/C/U. COMM; CHANTELLE – “Listen John I’m doing you a fucking favour here. Do you really think I’d do this if it’s not gonna benefit me? I want that lead role and you’re not having the money if I’m not Wendy. Got it?”

09:04 – 09:17


14.15 Seeming shocked, John is lost for words, as he didn’t expect this from Chantelle. He attempts to swallow and almost seems scared of Chantelle.

Same M/C/U. COMM; CHANTELLE – “But Chantelle it isn’t...”

09:17 – 09:21


14.16 Chantelle continues to intimidate and scream at John.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT to M/S; showing

COMM; CHANTELLE – “Isn’t what? Fair? My daddy’s doing you a fucking favour! Just

09:21 – 09:35


Chantelle leave.ZOOM; IN to M/C/U; John looking scared.

make sure you do it otherwise you can wave goodbye to the money, and wave goodbye to “AA”.

14.17 Chantelle then storms out of the room, leaving a very shocked John. He then continues to stare into space, seeming shocked as to what has just happened.


SFX; Door opening/closing.SFX; JOHN sighing.

09:35 – 09:42


15.1 We now move to an interview with John. He pulls out his blazer and fiddles with his tie, pulling the knot upwards to his top button on his shirt.

M/C/U; John sitting on chair in lighting box

INTERVIEW; JOHN – “Of course what I’m doing isn’t fair on the auditionees. But sometimes you have to take risks in life and think what’s best for everyone and the Am Dram group.”

09:42 – 09:58


16.1 [BEFORE]. As his interview continues, we move to the car park to see a drained and old looking grey car, where the engine isn’t sounding too healthy. The car drives past the documentary crew and stops a few yards in front of them.

M/S; showing John’s car drive past.ZOOM; IN; to M/C/U - the car’s mirror to show John’s face in the mirror.

O/S; JOHN – “At the end of the day, money makes the world go round, and we definitely need some money right now.”SFX: Car engine turning off

09:58 – 10:13


16.2 The documentary crew focuses their attention on the car as they realise its John. The crew stays behind the car however move to the right to get a better view of John. John stares seeming worried about something (and doesn’t notice the crew) before pulling out a white crinkled sheet saying ‘WARNING’.

Same M/C/U. PAN; RIGHT; slightly to get better view of John.ZOOM; IN; C/U; letter saying WARNING.

SFX; Crew footsteps as they walkSFX; John rustling paper.

10:13 – 10:25


16.3 John then looks up and takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Suddenly, his phone rings,

Same C/U.ZOOM; OUT – to previous M/C/U; John’s reaction

SFX; Paper rustling as John throws to back seat.SFX; Phone ringing MUFFLED

10:25 – 10:30


causing him to scramble and reach for it.

through car mirror.

16.4 We understand the call is from his mother, asking how the auditions went.

Same C/U.ZOOM; OUT – to M/C/U; showing him getting a phone call.

SFX; Phone ringing CLEARCOMM; JOHN – “Hi mum, yeah I’m fine, how are you?”

10:30 – 10:36


16.5 He then lays into his seat getting comfortable as he talks on the phone.

Same M/C/U. ZOOM; IN – back to C/U.

COMM; JOHN – “Yes I’m home for dinner. No honestly, I’m fine. I’m just caught up with everything. Well, the auditionees were good, but I think I’ve messed up. Remember I was telling you about Chantelle? She’s done it again, and this time it’s not good.”

10:36 – 10:51


17.1 [BACK TO PRESENT] We now move to the School canteen as John talks to Giles and Alex. He exhales before seeming serious on what he’s about to say. The camera meanwhile is spying behind a wall in the canteen.

Peering from wall. M/L/S; showing Giles, Alex and John in shot.

COMM; JOHN – “Right, I’m going to be straight and honest about this. We all know this could be our last chance for this to work, otherwise it’ll be the end of ‘AA’, so I don’t want any changes to be made.”

10:51 – 11:03


17.2 John then exhales again and seems annoyed at what he’s about to say.

Same M/L/S.ZOOM; IN – M/S; of Giles John and Alex.

COMM; JOHN – “ Neither of you want to return back to your old jobs, do you? So we need to make a safe decision. Make sure Chantelle gets the role as Wendy – no argument. She’s a very talented performer and is the sort of person our company will need.”

11:03 – 11:17


17.3 Giles and Alex look at each other in confusion, causing Johns anger to rise. Alex attempts to respond but John interrupts her.

Same M/L/S.ZOOM; IN to M/S - of three characters.

COMM; JOHN – “Just choose the people who you know will perform well and DON’T take any risks thinking someone could be good if they are given the chance. Understand?”

11:17 – 11:27


174 The sound of a phone ringing interrupts and John leaves the

Same M/S. JOHN walks out of shot.

SFX – Phone ringing.COMM; JOHN – “Don’t let me down.”

11:27 – 11:32


scene, leaving a confused Giles and angry Alex. He heads down the opposite direction from where they entered the canteen.

PAN; LEFT – Hide behind wall as John leaves.PAN; RIGHT – Back to M/S; after John leaves.

17.5 Giles attempts to smile but seems very startled. Alex’s eyes glimmer as her eyes water from anger.

Same M/S; Now only Giles and Alex.ZOOM; M/C/U; Giles reaction.

COMM; GILES – “Oh darling, I’ve never let any man down.”

11:32 – 11:37


17.6 Alex meanwhile can barely contain her anger. She storms out of the canteen the same way the three entered.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT to M/S. ALEX leaves shot.

SFX; Door opening/slamming. 11:37 – 11:41


18.1 We now see Giles and Alex getting interviewed. Alex is still furious whilst Giles is sat quietly.

M/C/U; Alex standing up. INTERVIEW; ALEX – “How can John possibly think Chantelle should be Wendy? We all know Maddie is best suited for the role! Giles why aren’t you doing anything about this?”

11:41 – 12:01



18.2 Giles in a panic rushes his hands through his hair as he panics. Alex responds by glancing at Giles worryingly and then sits on the chair next to Giles as they both sit and nervously think.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT to M/S; showing Giles and Alex.

INTERVIEW; GILES – “Alex darling I know, I know. But we must listen to John, maybe Chantelle isn’t the best for the role but she will still deliver. I know Maggie has talent but I cannot risk going against John. I cannot bare knowing that one of my own shows were to be a failure. Not only will that look horrendous on me but I may never get the chance to direct a theatre company again!”

12:01 – 12:24



19.1 We now return to the school hall to see Giles and Alex announce the roles. Giles raises his hand to gain attention – he still seems startled from earlier.

L/S; Behind auditionees. ZOOM; IN to M/C/U; Giles and Alex walking to stop in front of auditionees.

SFX; Auditionees Talking, coming to a halt.COMM; GILES – “Ladies and gentleman, the time has come for us to reveal the roles for the show.”

12:24 – 12:36


19.2 Alex looks across the auditionees and doesn’t seem herself.

Camera in between audience and Giles and Alex. M/C/U; of

COMM; ALEX – “Firstly, we would like to say thank you for all of your auditions. It is

12:36 – 12:46


Alex. never an easy process but Giles and I have made our decisions.”

19.3 She then looks down at a sheet containing the roles for a brief moment, before announcing Jamie as Smee. People applaud lightly and Jamie smiles. Ruby looks at Jamie and mimes “Well done!”

Same M/C/U. PANS; LEFT to stop on Jamie and Ruby.

COMM; ALEX – “Right so, chosen for the role as Smee – Jamie. Well done, who else would fill that role!”SFX; People clappingCOMM; RUBY – (miming) “Well done!”

12:46 – 12:58


19.4 Giles announces Ruby as Tinkerbell. People applaud again.

Same M/C/U.PANS; LEFT slightly to Ruby.

COMM; ALEX – “Congratulations Ruby, You’re Tinkerbell!”SFX; People applauding.

12:58 – 13:07


19.5 Jamie congratulates Ruby by hugging her and then realising that he shouldn’t of.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT slightly as Jamie hugs Ruby.

COMM; JAMIE – “Well done Ruby! I knew you’d get it!

13:07 – 13:11


19.6 Ruby then seems startled and embarrassed. She looks at the camera in shock whilst Jamie tries to shrug it off as if nothing happened. We then see Chantelle seem very shocked and confused. Ruby then smirks as she laughs at Jamie.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; IN to C/U; Showing Ruby’s reaction.ZOOM; OUT to show Chantelle’s reaction and Ruby smirking in shot.

SFX; Clapping stopping.SFX; Ruby smirking.

13:11 – 13:22


20.1 We then move to a brief interview with Jamie in the canteen. He is standing casually as he balances himself against a kitchen surface. He laughs at himself in a sarcastic way.

M/S; Jamie standing. COMM; JAMIE – “A girlfriend? Me? Ha! Can’t believe it right? I know, I’m a right catch – honest. I’ve just been promoted to chief cashier at Morrisons now so you know. What more could a girl want?

13:22 – 13:34


21.1 We return back to Alex announcing the role as Vic as hook. More people are clapping and it’s louder + some people laugh. Vic nods as a way of

M/C/U; L/A; Alex holding paper with roles.PAN; LEFT to M/C/U; of Vic + showing people applaud.ZOOM; IN; C/U; Vic’s reaction.

COMM; ALEX – “Now there’s no one else more perfect for this role. Vic is our hook! Congratulations Vic, better start growing a face rug! Need that moustache looking pristine.”

13:34 – 13:47


saying thank you.21.2 Giles now announces Jordan as

the role as Peter. He winks at Jordan as he says toosh, causing Jordan to smile before looking down once Chantelle looks at him in a concerned manor. Some auditionees laugh.

M/C/U; L/A; Giles talking to auditionees and then wink at Jordan.PAN; LEFT; M/S; Jordan and Chantelle. Jordan smiles and then looks down.

COMM; GILES – “Next up, Peter Pan. And there’s only one toosh I want to see flying above me.”

13:47 – 13:58


21.3 Auditionees applaud at a louder and faster pace – mostly from Chantelle. Jordan smiles before Chantelle lunges herself on Jordan and kisses him on the cheek, causing him to nearly stumble off his chair.

Same M/S. ZOOM; IN – to M/C/U; Jordan smiling.ZOOM; OUT; M/L/S – Chantelle lunging on Jordan, till he nearly falls of his chair.

COMM; GILES – “A very well done Jordan, we feel this character is perfect for you.”SFX; Clapping LOUDER

13:58 – 14:06


21.4 Alex now begins to announce the role for Wendy. Chantelle now brings her attention to Alex – forgetting about Jordan.

M/C/U; L/A; Alex announcing results.PAN; LEFT – M/S; Chantelle leaning forward waiting for results.

COMM; ALEX – “Now for the role of Wendy. This was a very hard choice for us...”

14:06 – 14:14


21.5 Maddie glances up and seems nervous as she waits for the results.

Same M/S. PAN – RIGHT; ZOOM – IN M/C/U; Maddie clenching fists waiting for results.

COMM; ALEX – “But...” 14:14 – 14:17


21.6 Chantelle is announced as Wendy. She hops up to celebrate and throws her audition sheet to the floor. She glances at the camera for a brief moment.

Same M/C/U; PAN – LEFT; Back to M/S of Chantelle. FOLLOW her as she celebrates.

COMM; ALEX – “Chantelle. Congratulations, you are Wendy.”SFX; Some clapping (not as much as before)SFX; Chantelle celebrating

14:17 – 14:28


21.7 Chantelle continues to celebrate before returning back to reality acting as if nothing happened. Ruby and Jamie glance at Alex seeming confused.

Same M/S & PAN – LEFT; M/S of Ruby and Jamie’s reactions.

SFX; Chantelle celebrating 14:28 – 14:36


21.8 Alex announces the roles as extras. Maddie looks down and seems upset and disappointed that she didn’t get the role.

M/C/U; Maddie seeming disappointed.

COMM; ALEX – “All other auditionees will fill the positions as the lost boys and the pirates, and be stand in’s if necessary.”

14:36 – 14:42


21.9 Alex wishes people better luck next time. She looks at Maddie as she speaks and seems guilty.

Same M/C/U. PAN; RIGHT – L/A M/S; Alex looking at Maddie

COMM; ALEX – “I’m sorry to those who didn’t get the roles they wanted. There’s always room for improvement and better luck for next time.”

14:42 – 14:50


22.1 Shortly after, we remain at the school hall whilst everyone prepares to leave. We see Jamie hold Ruby’s bag as she zips her coat up. Chantelle climbs on a chair and announces the party scene.

M/L/S; People gathering belongings at the side of the hall, including Jamie holding Ruby’s bag.ZOOM; M/S; Chantelle climbing onto chair.

COMM; CHANTELLE – Everyone, EVERYONE! My bae Jordan is hosting a celebration party tonight, for me getting the lead role. You’re all invited; just make sure you bring your own drink. Get there for half eight. See you soon bitches!”SFX; People talking coming to a stop

14:50 – 15:08


22.2 She then jumps off the chair and nearly walks into the cameraman as she regains her balance, causing her to seem startled. She then looks to the camera.

M/S; Move to M/C/U; as Chantelle nearly walks into the camera.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “Oh, yeah, you guys can come aswell, why not. At least then we can watch it back!”

15:08 – 15:14


22.3 Chantelle then walks past the camera, leaving Giles waving to the janitor goodbye. The janitor ignores him and angrily stares into space.

Same M/S.PULL FOCUS; onto Giles and Janitor.ZOOM – IN; M/C/U; Janitor when Giles leaves.

SFX; auditionees talking 15:14 – 15:22


23.1 Shortly after, we now see Maddie being interviewed. She seems scrunched up and upset that she didn’t get the role as Wendy.

M/C/U; Maddie sitting on chair.

INTERVIEW; MADDIE – “I mean, I knew that I wouldn’t get the role...”

15:22 – 15:29


23.2 During her interview, Vic can be seen putting on his jacket and walking past. He hears what Maddie says and joins her.

Same M/C/U.PULL FOCUS; Vic seeing Maddie in background and walking over.

INTERVIEW; MADDIE – “...but I guess after some people’s reactions to my audition, I thought there may’ve been a slight chance.”

15:29 – 15:36


23.3 He places his hands on Maddie’s shoulders, causing her to jump slightly.

Same M/C/U. COMM; VIC – “Don’t worry Mattie, we all have to start off somewhere. You are extremely talented and you will get the role you want sooner than you think. I remember when I first started in the theatre. It was back in 1971; I was auditioning for Midsummer Night’s Dream, for the role of Theseus.”

15:36 – 15:53


23.4 Maddie attempts to concentrate and listen to Vic but clearly doesn’t seem interested in what he’s saying as she beings to glance around the hall.

Same M/C/U. COMM; VIC – “But it turned out that I got the role as the Ass instead! It wasn’t the best of experiences and it may have knocked my confidence a bit, but I stuck to it and applied for Hamlet in which I succeeded. I was ecstatic! And since then on I...”

15:53 – 16:10


24.1 The camera then fades to black before fading to view the outside of a flat that we presume to be Jordan’s party.

TRACK L/S; Outside of flat. SFX; Echo of bass and music. 16:10 – 16:14


24.2 We enter the flat with the cameraman walking around the flat. We see lit fairy lights as he walks up the stairs before turning left to see Maddie in the kitchen.

POV; Walk upstairs. SFX; Echo of bass and music. 16:14 – 16:24


24.3 She sits on the black counter and taps her feat to the beat of the music whilst taking a sip from her drink. She acknowledges the cameraman but doesn’t have time to respond, as the cameraman then looks right.

POV; Turning left to the kitchen after walking upstairs. Beginning to turn right.

SFX; Echo of bass and music. 16:24 – 16:33


24.3 The cameraman then turns right to see a hallway that is lit up by

POV; Turning right to view the hallway.

SFX; Echo of bass and music. 16:33 – 16:37


the strobe light as it flashes. /KITCHEN24.4 As he walks up the hallway the

echo of Alex’s voice can be heard. Suddenly, the bedroom door opens with Alex inside.

POV; Turning left to see Alex open the bedroom door.

COMM; ALEX (echo) – “Chantelle? Chantelle! Where is...”SFX; Echo of bass and music.

16:37 – 16:43


24.5 She seems shocked, as she didn’t expect to see the Documentary crew.

POV; M/C/U; Alex talking to crew.

COMM; ALEX – Woah, sorry! Thought you were Chantelle then. Err, welcome to the party!

16:43 – 16:51


25.1 We now move to the bedroom to an interview with Alex. She sits on the end of a made bed. There is a noticeable glow from a lamp that shows a rather bored-looking Alex.

M/C/U; Alex sitting on bed. INTERVIEW; ALEX – “Well like always, Jordan throws a party for Chantelle for her getting the ‘best’ role.”

16:51 – 17:00


25.2 Alex begins to talk about how Chantelle ruins parties and does what she wants.

Same M/C/U. INTERVIEW; ALEX – “I mean, they are fun. We start off playing beer pong before Chantelle interrupts and makes up her own rules, making sure she wins.”

17:00 – 17:08


26.1 [ANOTHER ANGLE]The beer pong scene. Alex and Chantelle stand opposite Jamie and Ruby over the beer pong table. Chantelle cheats by leaning on the table to get an easier shot. She screams and celebrates whilst everyone else doesn’t seem interested.

L/S; showing the table and Alex, Jordan, Ruby and Chantelle.ZOOM; IN – to M/S; Chantelle leaning on table.ZOOM; IN – C/U; TRACK; RIGHT – Show Alex looking at camera.

SFX; Music (clearer than before)SFX; Table tennis ball bouncingSFX; Chantelle yelling and celebrating.

17:08 – 17:21


26.2 We return back to Alex’s interview. She now seems enthusiastic and wiggles her fists as she says ‘Karaoke’.

M/C/U; Alex being interviewed.

COMM; ALEX – “And then the best part of the night – karaoke!”

17:21 – 17:25


26.3 She then seems unimpressed straight after, as she is being sarcastic.

Same M/C/U. COMM; ALEX – “When you think karaoke, you think – great, a group activity! No. Not when Chantelle’s around.

17:25 – 17:32


27.1 [ANOTHER ANGLE]The karaoke scene. Chantelle stands directly in front of a small black TV, holding onto a microphone. Alex, Jordan and Ruby are cramped on a two-seat sofa and cringe at Chantelle’s singing.

M/C/U; Chantelle singing karaoke. Show Video and PAN; UP to her as she sings.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “I don’t want nobody else. Without you, there’s no on e left and,SFX; Chris Brown – With You (from ‘Lips’ game)

17:32 – 17:47


27.2 Chantelle continues to sing. Jordan is more interested in watching Chris Brown on the music video.

Same M/C/U. TRACK; RIGHT – to show Jordan Alex and Ruby sitting on sofa.ZOOM; IN; C/U; Alex’s reactions.TRACK; LEFT; Jordan watching TV.TRACK; back to TV; showing him watching Chris Brown.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “You’re like Jordan’s on Saturday, I gotta have you and I cannot wait now, Hey!””SFX; Chris Brown – With You (from ‘Lips’ game)

17:47 – 18:01


27.3 [ORINIGNAL ANGLE]We return back to Alex’s interview. She sighs but then seems happy.

C/U; Alex’s interview. COMM; ALEX – “You know, I suppose all of the crew deserve some time off! I’d hate to think this could be their last time, I’ve never realized how much passion there is in theatre. I mean, I’ve never seen a group of people so dedicated and determined to make this show work.”

18:01 – 18:19


28.1 We now see Alex carefully walk down the darkened hallway and turn the kitchen light on, jumping as she sees Maddie sitting in darkness.

M/S; Follow Alex walking down stairs.

SFX; ALEX – Humming to music playingSFX; Walking down stepsSFX; Alex jumpingCOMM; ALEX – “Woah! Didn’t see you there Maddie! How come your sitting in here in the dark?”

18:19 – 18:31


28.2 Maddie peeks at Alex and smiles briefly, seeming quite nervous and still down from not getting the role as Wendy.

Same M/S. COMM; MADDIE – “Oh hey, I was just err, just about to go in. What are they doing in there?”

18:31 – 18:38


28.3 Alex attempts to sip her drink but sniggers, causing droplets of her drink to splatter on her cheek. She laughs and wipes her cheek before pointing down towards the living room that is open enough to see Chantelle standing.

Same M/S. ZOOM IN; to M/C/U; Alex and Maddie in shot.TRACK; to where Alex points. ZOOM; IN; to M/C/U; Chantelle celebrating in living room.

COMM; ALEX “Oh just the amazing and fun activities that Chantelle wants to do!”

18:38 – 18:45


28.4 They both laugh as Alex jokes. Same M/C/U. TRACK & ZOOM; back to previous M/C/U.

COMM; ALEX – “I’m only kidding.” 18:45 – 18:48


28.5 Alex then leans over looking puzzled yet sarcastic and whispers to Maddie.

Same M/C/U. COMM; ALEX – “Or am I?” 18:48 – 18:51


28.6 They both snigger for a few seconds before Maddie questions Alex.

Same M/C/U. SFX; Alex and Maddie both laugh.COMM; MADDIE – “So what made you join “AA”? If you don’t mind me asking. You don’t seem like the theatre type.”

18:51 – 19:01


28.7 Alex downs her drink and rolls her eyes as if she’s drinking through her sorrows. She smashes her glass on the side.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT – to M/S; as Alex puts glass on side.

COMM; ALEX – “Ha, it’s funny that you say that. I joined because my ex is an actress, so I joined as crew so we could hang out more... She’s just got a job in America. So that’s that.”

19:01 – 19:14


28.8 Maddie seems awkward and her voice stumbles and lightens.

Same M/S. COMM; MADDIE – “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.”

19:14 – 19:19


28.9 Alex kills the tension by bending down and opening the fridge, pulling out a new bottle of wine and forcefully putting it on the side. She continues to rant as she opens the bottle.

Same M/S.TRACK; slightly to show Alex getting another drink.

COMM; ALEX – “Her boyfriend isn’t sorry. You wouldn’t think that being in a relationship for 2 years you’d find out that your ex has slept with a guy from her gym. Oh, and now they’re in a happy relationship and recently moved to Chicago. But you know, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

19:19 – 19:33


28.10 Maddie doesn’t know how to reply so she sips her drink and

Same M/S. COMM; ALEX – “Fancy a top up?” 19:33 – 19:36


looks around the room. Alex then waves the newly open bottle of wine in front of her.

28.11 Jordan arrives. The door slams and he paces upstairs before seeing Alex and greeting her as she peeks around the kitchen wall.

H/A M/S; Jordan walking up the stairs.PAN; following Jordan as he enters kitchen, showing Alex peeking.

SFX; Door closingSFX; Footsteps up the stairsCOMM; JORDAN – “Hey Alex, how’s it going?”

19:36 – 19:48


28.12 Jordan then places a white carrier bag full of cans on the kitchen side. As he does this, he realises Maddie’s there and jumps slightly.

Same M/S.ZOOM; OUT – M/L/S; Maddie and Jordan in shot.

SFX; Tinging sound of cans on kitchen surfaceCOMM; JORDAN – “Sorry I didn’t know you were here, Maggie right? Well, I’m Jordan.”

19:48 – 19:53


28.13 Jordan then puts the drinks in the fridge whilst Maddie nervously bites her lip as she prepares to reply. Alex however replies first and jumps in the conversation.

Same M/L/S.ZOOM; IN - M/C/U; When Alex talks.

SFX; Bottles clinking in fridgeCOMM; ALEX – “Don’t worry Jordan, I’m sure Maddie could work out who you were just by listening to Chantelle.”

19:53 – 20:00


28.14 Alex laughs at her own joke before stopping when she realises Maddie and Jordan aren’t laughing with her.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; Back to M/L/S.

SFX; Alex laughingCOMM; JORDAN – Good one Alex, haven’t heard that one before.

20:00 – 20:06


28.15 They then all grin whilst Jordan stretches over Maddie to grab a glass. Maddie shuffles back as she attempts to get out of Jordan’s way.

Same M/L/S.ZOOM; IN – M/C/U; Jordan leaning over Maddie.

SFX; Slight laugh from Alex, Jordan and Maddie.SFX; Glass chinging

20:06 – 20:13


28.16 [ANOTHER ANGLE]We hear the living room door slam shut and an angry Chantelle stand at the end of the hallway. She grinds her chewing gum and flares her nostrils

M/L/S; Chantelle standing in front of living room door.ZOOM; IN to M/C/U; Chantelle’s angry face.

SFX; Door slamming.SFX; Chantelle chewing gumSFX; Breathing heavily

20:13 – 20:20


28.17 [ORIGINAL ANGLE]Alex Maddie and Jordan turn their head to see an angry Chantelle.

M/C/U; All 3 in shot. Show them looking past the camera seeming shocked at Chantelle.

SFX; Jordan sighing. 20:20 – 20:24


29.1 Chantelle is now being interviewed, seeming just as angry. She shakes her head, as she says ‘NO ONE’.

M/C/U; Chantelle sitting on edge of bed.

INTERVIEW; CHANTELLE – “NO ONE goes for my man. And I mean NO ONE. Especially not this new girl. Maggie? I don’t know who the flipping EFF she thinks she is.”

20:24 – 20:36


30.1 Returning back to the present, Chantelle tries to calm herself down by breathing deeply.

M/C/U; Chantelle at top of stairs trying to calm down.

SFX; Chantelle breathing.SFX; Chantelle chewing gum

20:36 – 20:41


30.2 This fails and she storms across to the kitchen, causing Jordan to murmur to himself and sigh.

Same M/C/U. ZOOM; OUT to M/S; showing her walk down the hallway.

SFX; Loud footstepsCOMM; JORDAN – “Oh God. Here we go again.”

20:41 – 20:45


30.3 As she walks past the cameraman she pushes him slightly, causing the camera to wobble. She then stomps one last time as she reaches the kitchen.

Same M/S. Camera SHAKES and UNFOCUSES as she walks past.PAN; LEFT – showing Chantelle now in kitchen.

SFX; Camera being hit and wobblingSFX; Loud footsteps

20:45 – 20:52


30.4 She looks directly into Jordan’s eyes and waits a few moments as she hints for him to speak for himself. She then screams at him.

M/C/U; Chantelle and Jordan in shot.

SFX; Chantelle clearing her throat (hinting for Jordan to speak)COMM; CHANTELLE – “Jordan! What on Earth do you think your doing with this Maggie girl?!!”

20:52 – 21:02


30.5 Hearing her name wrong again, Maddie responds and corrects Chantelle however says it quietly and doesn’t look at Chantelle.

PAN; LEFT – Maddie looking down when she speaks.

COMM; MADDIE – “It’s Maddie, not Maggie.”

21:02 – 21:06


30.6 Chantelle responds sarcastically and stares at Maddie whilst quivering at her.

M/C/U; Maddie and Chantelle in shot.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “Oh I’m ever so sorry!”

21:06 – 21:11


30.7 She then leans forward and shouts in Maddie’s face.

Same M/C/U. COMM; CHANTELLE – “Mattie, Maggie, whatever your name is!”

21:11 – 21:16


30.8 Chantelle turns her attention back to Jordan – screaming centimetres away from his face.

PAN; RIGHT – Back to M/C/U; Jordan and Chantelle in shot.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “What do you think you’re doing with the new girl? How could you do this on MY party night, does it look like I have mug written on my forehead?”

21:16 – 21:25


30.9 Jordan anxiously steps back and tuts at Chantelle. His voice then rises to compete with Chantelle’s.

Same M/C/U. SFX; Jordan TuttingCOMM; JORDAN – “Chantelle you’re overreacting, I only leaned over to get my drink.”

21:25 – 21:32


30.10 Jordan shakes his drink in front of Chantelle as he says “See?”. Some of the drink leaks as he shakes it with force.

Same M/C/U. COMM; JORDAN – “See?” 21:32 – 21:34


30.11 His voice is still raised as he becomes angry with Chantelle.

Same M/C/U. COMM; JORDAN – “ I was only saying hi! Fucking hell, we’re gonna be working together from now on so I was only introducing myself!”

21:34: - 21:45


30.12 Maddie then gains confidence as Jordan sticks up for her and himself. She looks up to Chantelle.

ZOOM OUT; M/S – Chantelle, Jordan and Maddie in shot.

COMM; MADDIE – “We were just talking, that’s all.”

21:45 – 21:51


30.13 Chantelle doesn’t say anything and glances between Maddie and Jordan. Alex, who is squashed in the corner, acts as if she’s not there and sips on her drink quietly. Chantelle then begins to leave the kitchen.

[Peeking around kitchen wall]Same M/S.ZOOM IN; C/U – Alex sipping on drink when Chantelle leaves.

SFX; Alex sipping her drinkSFX; Chantelle chewing gumSFX; Chantelle’s footsteps

21:51 – 22:00


30.14 [ANOTHER ANGLE]Jamie & Ruby scene. The bedroom door swings open with a drunk Jamie and Ruby. They bounce off the hallway and fall to the floor and are in hysterics. Clueless to people watching,

Same C/U.ZOOM; OUT & PAN; RIGHT – Quickly to show M/S; Jamie and Ruby come out of bedroom.

SFX; Door swinging openSFX; Jamie & Ruby falling to the floorSFX; Jamie & Ruby laughing

22:00 – 22:11


Ruby falls into Jamie’s lap and Jamie hugs her from behind.

30.15 [ORIGINAL ANGLE]Chantelle is extremely shocked judging from her mouth and eyes wide open.

ZOOM; IN – M/C/U; Chantelle’s reaction. ZOOM past Jamie & Ruby.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “What the eff?” 22:11 – 22:17


30.16 Hearing and seeing Chantelle, Jamie and Ruby quickly stand up. Jamie nudges Ruby as she stands very close to him as they stand up. Jordan breaks the tension and claps.

Same M/C/U.ZOOM; OUT – to M/S; Jamie & Ruby standing up.

SFX; Ruby & Jamie standing upSFX; Jordan clappingCOMM; JORDAN – “Wahey! Go on Jamie! I knew you had it in ya boy!”

22:17 – 22:29


30.17 Jordan then high-fives and hugs Jamie. Alex holds her glass seeming smug whilst Ruby begins to seem embarrassed.

Same M/S. PAN & TRACK – Showing Jordan coming over to Jamie.PAN & TRACK; LEFT – M/S; Alex’s reaction.

SFX; Jordan applauding JamieSFX; Ruby stutteringCOMM; ALEX – “Well, who knew?”

22:29 – 22:34


30.18 Ruby panics and flees the scene. She bites her lip and pushes past Jordan and Jamie, grabs her black jacket and leaves the flat, slamming the door behind her. The scene ends with Jamie seeing confused and upset.

M/S & TRACK; Ruby pushing past Jamie & Jordan.She pushes past the camera, causing it to WOBBLE and UNFOCUS (like with Chantelle).ZOOM; IN to C/U – Jordan shouting at Ruby.

SFX; Ruby jogging down stepsSFX; Door slammingCOMM; JAMIE – “Ruby wait! Where are you going?”

22:34 – 22:46


31.1 A new scene is introduced by showing the natural and energetic sunlight paralleling against the hung-over crew. We see light glimmer across the stage floor that then shows Jordan blocking the sunlight from his eyes. Maddie struggles to keep her eyes open whilst

L/S; Sunlight coming into school hall.PAN; RIGHT & ZOOM IN; M/C/U; Jordan blocking sun from his eyes.ZOOM; OUT – to M/S; Alex & Giles walking on stage.ZOOM; IN TRACK; to Chantelle – M/C/U; her

COMM; GILES – “Good morning all, and what a beautiful morning it is! Today is our first day of rehearsals, so let’s begin with a bang and rehearse the ‘You Can Fly’ scene.”

22:46 – 23:13


Giles and Alex stroll onto stage much more energetic than the cast. Giles coughs and raises his hand to gain attention. We see Chantelle glance at Maddie and Jordan in anger.

looking angrily at Maddie and Jordan.

32.1 A new scene is introduced to an interview with Chantelle talking about the first day of rehearsals. She sits on a chair in the lighting box.

M/C/U; sitting in lighting box. Showing cast/crew walking on stage in background. (Moving chairs, setting stage up, etc)

INTERVIEW; CHANTELLE – “How did our first rehearsals go? You can answer that yourself. For a start, NO-ONE put any effort in. I did try telling people not to drink too much last night otherwise it’ll ruin everything for today. But did anyone listen? No.”

23:13 – 23:26



32.2 [ANOTHER ANGLE]Jordan looks through Giles as he talks and is struggling to stay awake. Jamie too doesn’t seem himself, he stares into space and seems upset from last night – he isn’t sitting next to Ruby. Ruby seems ill and stressed and holds her stomach with one hand and her head with the other.

M/C/U; Giles talking.PAN; LEFT – M/C/U; Jordan seeming tired.PAN; LEFT again slightly to Jamie; seeming upset.PAN; LEFT again to Ruby; seeming sick.

COMM O/S; GILES – “Today is our first day of auditions so lets begin with a bang and rehearse the ‘You Can Fly’ scene.”

23:26 – 23:34


32.3 [ORIGINAL ANGLE]Back to Chantelle’s interview. She rants about Ruby throwing up. She inverts her fingers when she says ‘sick’.

Same M/C/U; Chantelle sitting in lighting box.

INTERVIEW; CHANTELLE – “ Secondly, Ruby decided to be selfish by ruining MY scene because she felt ‘sick’. I mean, did she purposely wait till the second I was about to say my line for her to throw up?”

23:34 – 23:43


32.4 [ANOTHER ANGLE]Jordan, Chantelle and Ruby are rehearsing for a part of she show. Chantelle whips her hair as she prepares whilst Ruby suddenly feels ill and holds her

M/L/S; Jordan, Chantelle & Ruby standing preparing for rehearsals.

COMM O/S; GILES – “And, scene set. Action.”

23:43 – 23:47


stomach with both her hands.32.5 Giles says action, causing Jordan

to point to the ceiling.Same M/L/S. COMM; JORDAN – “I know what we need,

pixie dust!”23:47 – 23:52


32.6 Jordan reads from his sheet and then grabs Ruby’s hips, shaking her to get the ‘pixie dust’. Ruby however holds her breath and freezes before pushing Jordan away and running off screen as she is about to throw up. Jordan questions her before she leaves with the sound of her gagging loudening the school stage. We see Chantelle seeming disgusted.

Same M/L/S.TRACK; Follow Jordan to Ruby.ZOOM; IN; to M/C/U; Ruby feeling sick. TRACK; Follow Ruby running off.PAN; RIGHT; M/C/U; Chantelle looking annoyed.

SFX; Ruby GaggingSFX; Ruby running off stageCOMM; JORDAN – “Ruby are you...?”

23:52 – 24:14


32.7 [ORIGINAL ANGLE]Back to interview with Chantelle. She now rants about Jordan.

Move to C/U; Chantelle sitting in lighting box.

INTERVIEW; CHANTELLE – “And lastly. Jordan. He hasn’t even apologized for last night and we’re not even talking. I can’t believe he told me I’m overreacting when I’m CLEARLY not!”

24:14 – 24:21



33.1 Jamie jumps out of his chair to find Ruby, where Giles attempts to stop him but fails, leaving Giles to seem annoyed.

M/S; Jamie standing up.TRACK; follow Jamie run off stage. Stop when he runs past Giles.ZOOM; IN – M/C/U; Giles angered reaction.

SFX; Jamie’s chair creakingCOMM; GILES – “Jamie where are you...”COMM; GILES – “Ok fine. We’ll set for the ‘Thimble Kiss’ scene.”

24:21 – 24: 29


33.2 Chantelle and Jordan get into position. She grunts in disappointment and is clearly furious that nothing is going right.

Same M/C/U.PAN; LEFT & ZOOM; IN to M/L/S; Jordan and Chantelle preparing for rehearsal.

COMM O/S; GILES – “When you’re ready, Jordan.”

24:29 – 24:35


33.3 Jordan searches for the Thimble scene through his script, taking a while which angers Chantelle

ZOOM; IN; M/S – showing Jordan looking through Script and Chantelle snatching script.

SFX; Flicking through script.SFX; Chantelle snatching script.COMM; CHANTELLE – “Jordan look, it’s

24:35 – 24: 47


even more. She then snatches it off him and shows him the correct page.

here.”COMM; JORDAN – “Yes Chantelle I know, give it back.”

33.4 He then rehearses the scene but messes up the first line.

ZOOM; OUT; Back to M/L/S. COMM; JORDAN – “A thimble? What’s a thimble?”

24:47 – 24:52


33.5 Chantelle now explodes and throws her script to the floor. She smashes her foot on the floor in anger.

Same M/L/S.ZOOM; IN; M/C/U; Chantelle throwing script. FOLLOW; script being thrown.

COMM; CHANTELLE – “Everyone knows it’s KISS first, and not THIMBLE! I can’t work with these amateurs! Ugh, I’m taking five!”

24:52 – 24:59


33.6 She storms off stage, making Jordan equally as angry. He glares up to the ceiling before shouting over to her.

Same M/C/U.TRACK; Following Chantelle.PAN; LEFT; M/C/U; Jordan shouting at Chantelle.

COMM; JORDAN – “Chantelle don’t be a diva, I’ve got work in forty-five minutes!” 24:59 –



33.7 Alex shakes her head in disappointment whilst Giles struggles on what to say.

M/S; Giles and Alex seeming disappointed.

COMM; GILES – “Great, err, we need an understudy.”

25:04 – 25:09


33.8 Jordan and Alex both glance at Maddie, knowing she is perfect for the role. Maddie realizes that they’re looking at her and suddenly seems alarmed. The janitor then nudges her forward, causing her to turn to him and begin to panic. She freezes before Giles smiles as he thinks she is volunteering.

Same M/S; They both glance at Maddie.PAN; LEFT – Camera looking at Maddie. Maddie looks and becomes nervous.M/S; When Janitor nudges Maddie.

COMM O/S; GILES – “Ah Mattie, fabulous! Thank-you for stepping in.”

25:09 – 25:26


33.9 Maddie nervously yet in an agitated tone shouts as Giles got her name wrong. Her anger gives her a slight boost as she begins to get fed up with everyone calling her by the wrong name.

ZOOM; IN – M/C/U; when Maddie shouts.

COMM; MADDIE – “It’s Maddie!” 25:26 – 25:30


33.10 Giles claps and regains enthusiasm as him and the crew

ZOOM; OUT to M/L/S – Giles clapping, and people preparing

COMM; GILES – “Right everybody! Let’s try the ‘Thimble Kiss’ scene, everybody get

25:30 – 25:38


get excited to see Maddie. for rehearsal. into position.”33.11 Maddie’s nerves are still kicking

in as she attempts to swallow to clear her throat. Giles points to the part of the script where the scene is.

M/C/U; Giles pointing to part of script with Maddie.PAN: RIGHT – M/C/U; Jordan too seeming nervous.

COMM; GILES – “Right Maddie we’re going to start from here.”

25:38 – 25:48


33.12 Giles swiftly shuffles black and claps as he says ‘ACTION!’

PAN; LEFT – Back to M/C/U. Giles moves out of shot.ZOOM; IN – C/U; Maddie seeming nervous.

COMM; GILES – “And ACTION! So Maddie begin with ‘How old are you Peter?’”

25:48 – 25:54


33.13 Maddie then takes a deep breath and lightly nods her head. She closes her eyes briefly and looks at Jordan who too seems anxious judging from his tight posture.

Same C/U. COMM; MADDIE – “How old are you, Peter?”

25:54 – 26:01


33.14 Jordan and Maddie remain anxious and continue to look down at the script.

Same C/U. ZOOM; OUT – to M/S; Jordan and Maddie.

COMM; JORDAN – “Quite young.”COMM; MADDIE – “Don’t you know?”

26:01 – 26:09


33.15 Jordan takes a step back, giving little actions for his rehearsal.

Same M/S of Jordan and Maddie.

COMM; JORDAN- “I ran away. One night I heard my mother and father talking on what I need to do to become a man. So, I ran away to Kensington gardens which is where I met Tink.”

26:09 – 26:17


33.16 Maddie now seems more confident in which Jordan responds to. She seems confused when Jordan talks about Tinkerbell.

Same M/S of Jordan and Maddie.

COMM; MADDIE – “Tink?”COMM; JORDAN – “Tinkerbell. My fairy.”COMM; MADDIE – “But there’s no such thing as...”

26:17 – 26:31


33.17 They now both engage in acting. Jordan runs over to Maddie and covers her mouth. We see Giles and Alex both watch with a serious gaze.

Same M/S of Jordan and Maddie. ZOOM; IN to C/U; Jordan covering Maddie’s mouth.PAN; RIGHT – C/U; Giles and Alex watching (then pan back

COMM; JORDAN – “Don’t say that! Every time someone says that, a fairy somewhere falls downs dead. And I shall never find her if she’s dead!”

26:31 – 26:40


after couple of seconds)33.18 He removes his hand from her

mouth causing Maddie to respond and raise her eyebrows and seem surprised.

ZOOM; OUT – to M/C/U; when Jordan moves his hand.

COMM; MADDIE – “You don’t mean to tell me, there’s a fairy in this room?”COMM; JORDAN – “Yes. And I need to find her.”

26:40 – 26:52


33.19 Maddie then walks towards Jordan and gently drops the script, as she knows the script off by heart. Jordan then sighs, as he feels briefly disappointed.

Same M/C/U.TRACK; DOWN – showing Maddie dropping the script.

COMM; JORDAN – “I knew it.”COMM; MADDIE – “I should like to give you, a, kiss.”

26:52 – 27:02


33.20 Jordan briefly looks around the room as he questions Maddie.

Same M/C/U. COMM; JORDAN – “What’s that?” 27:02 – 27:08


33.21 Now is the scene where Maddie and Jordan are due to kiss. Maddie realises this and suddenly becomes nervous again. We wait for a several seconds before loud clapping appears. John seems impressed with Maddie’s performance. Jordan and Maddie smile at each other whilst everyone else applauds.

M/C/U; Janitor watching carefully.TRACK; Back to M/C/U; Jordan and Maddie.ZOOM; IN – C/U; of Maddie seeming nervous. (Looks at camera)ZOOM; OUT to M/S – John appearing on stage clapping.

SFX; John clappingSFX; Clapping from auditioneesCOMM; JOHN – “That was amazing, well done both of you!”

27:08 – 27:26


33.22 Alex smiles at Maddie in which she excitedly smiles back. John continues to seem impressed.

M/C/U; John walking to Maddie.

COMM; JOHN – “Maggie you have incredible talent, why haven’t we seen any of this? You both work extremely well together. Giles, I don’t know why you haven’t given Maddie a shot as Wendy, she is what we need to turn the company around!”

27:26 – 27:40


33.23 Giles then seems shocked and angry. He walks over to John and whispers in his ear.

Same M/C/U. ZOOM; OUT & PAN; RIGHT to M/S – Giles walking over to John.

COMM; GILES – “John darling, I’m just doing...”

27:40 – 27:44


33.24 John ignores Giles and steps Back to M/C/U; John getting COMM; JOHN – “Usually I’d play it safe and 27:44 – SCHOOL

towards Maddie. closer to Maddie.PAN; LEFT – Maddie smiling.

I’m hoping I won’t regret this. But Maddie, do you fancy the role as Wendy?”

27:51 STAGE

34.1 We move to an interview with John. He talks about Maddie being Wendy before being interrupted by a phone call.

M/C/U; John sitting on black chair.

INTERVIEW; JOHN – “As soon as I saw Maddie’s performance I could picture her being Wendy. Yes I know we need the money but we can just about cope without Chantelle’s help. Maddie could be the one to turn this company around! Let’s just...”SFX; Phone ringing MUFFLED

27:51 – 28:05


34.2 He pulls out his phone and talks to his mother before excusing the Crew. He smiles to himself when he’s on the phone.

Same M/C/U. SFX; Phone ringing CLEARINTERVIEW; JOHN – “Sorry one second.”COMM; JOHN – “Hi mum, can I call you back in a minute? I’m in an interview at the moment.”

28:05 – 28:16


34.3 He continues to smile whilst talking to his mother

Same M/C/U COMM; JOHN – “Yeah, I done it. You should come in for the next rehearsal, you would love Mattie! I’ll call you in a bit. Yes, I’ll be home in time for dinner. OK mum, love you, bye.”

28:16 – 28:28


34.4 John then hangs up and goes back to the interview.

Same M/C/U. INTERVIEW; JOHN – “Sorry that was just my mother, she’s constantly ringing to see how it’s all going. Sometimes I think she loves the theatre more than me!”

28:28 – 28:36


35.1 Maddie now seems ecstatic and glances at Alex for reassurance. Alex smiles and mimes something. We see Jordan glance at Maddie and Alex.

Previous M/C/U; Maddie smiling, showing her glance at Alex.PAN; RIGHT; M/C/U; Jordan seeming tensePAN; RIGHT again; M/C/U; Alex egging Maddie on.

COMM; ALEX – “Do it!” 28:36 – 28:40


35.2 A bang is heard off stage. Jordan jumps slightly but then shakes his head and covers his eyes in

Same M/C/U.PAN; LEFT – Back to Jordan, see him cover his eyes.

SFX; Microphone hitting the floorSFX; Chantelle screamingCOMM; CHANTELLE – “Turn this off now!

28:40 – 28:48


embarrassment as Chantelle appears. Heavy footsteps smash on the floor before stopping as Chantelle appears on stage. She flares her nostrils and clenchesher fists as she hears John offering Maddie the role as Wendy. She rips off and throws her microphone causing an echoing boom.

ZOOM; OUT – to M/S; showing John and Maddie hear the banging sound.PAN; LEFT – To see Chantelle her flaring her nostrils and clenching her fists. She sees the camera crew filming.

Turn it off!”

35.3 The scene ends with Chantelle chasing and running after the cameraman who eventually stops filming Chantelle and instead focuses on running away from her.

ZOOM; IN – M/C/U; Chantelle.TRACK; Camera filming her chasing cameraman. Camera eventually LOOKS DOWN and FADES TO BLACK as the cameraman runs away.

SFX; Chantelle screamingSFX; Cameraman runningCOMM; CAMERAMAN – “Stop! Chantelle!”

28:48 – 28:53


36.1 We return back to the hall with an interview with Giles and Alex. They seem on edge after what happened.

M/C/U; Alex and Giles in shot, with stage in background.

INTERVIEW; ALEX – “Firstly, we’d just like to apologize for Chantelle’s actions, we didn’t really expect her to go crazy at the camera. Oh and we’ll cover the damage for the clip mic. However...”

28:53 – 29:01


36.2 Giles interrupts like he does at the start.

Same M/C/U. ZOOM; OUT – M/S when Giles speaks.

INTERVIEW; GILES – “But what do you know, Maggie is now Wendy! We all know that show bizz is tough, but at least now we have a chance to shine!”

29:01 -29:11


36.3 Likewise to the beginning of the episode, Alex gently brings Giles back to his chair. She then laughs at him.

Same M/S. INTERVIEW; ALEX – “Giles, you do know her name’s Maddie, not Maggie, right?”

29:11 – 29:19


36.4 Giles attempts to replies but stops as he realizes that Alex is right. He seems embarrassed and looks around the room before

Same M/S. SFX; Alex giggling. 29:19 – 29:24


returning back to Alex and smiling.We fade to black and then move to the end credits.

