Called Appointed and Anointed by GOD


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  • 7/30/2019 Called Appointed and Anointed by GOD



    Called, Appointed and Anointed by GOD

    John the Baptist had a special Ministry ordained by Almighty GOD, His Ministry was too important for the

    denominational leaders of that day to mess it up.

    John The Baptist was a wilderness man. He lived on locust and wild honey. He grew up far away from the

    corrupting influence of the cold dark denominations of that day.

    He had true fellowship with GOD. He walked with GOD and was taught by GOD and had The True

    Revelation of The WORD OF GOD that was not diluted or polluted by the crude interpretations of that day

    that were tailor made to fleece the flock of GOD instead of feeding the flock of GOD with The WORD OF


    John was a Prophet of GOD.

    John was called by GOD, Appointed by GOD and Anointed by GOD.

    To day we have some so called prophets running all over the show that are a disgrace to Christianity.

    The Church of GOD curses all these self appointed " prophets and bishops " that are nothing but parasites

    to fleece the sheep of GOD.

    May their Ministries dry up and be exposed as a Money Making Gimmick.

    Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses . Look what happened to them.

    Look what happened to Dathan and Korah.

    We got to get back to GOD.

    We got to Line up with The Word of GOD.

    We got to turn away from man made interpretations of The Word of GOD and pray and ask GOD for Divine

    Revelation of His Word and then see if our Revelation of The Word dovetails with The Word of GOD from

    Genesis to Revelation.

    We need to hear from GOD and we can only hear from GOD when we are honest in heart and humble

    ourselves before THE LORD. Amen.



    John The Baptist pointed people away from the cold dead denominations of that day to THE ANOINTEDWORD OF THE HOUR.

    He pointed them to Yeshua Ha-Mashiach The Lord Jesus Christ.

    When people refuse to move with the revelation of the Word of GOD. they die a spiritual death in their


    The WORD OF GOD is moving and we must move with THE ANOINTED WORD OF THE HOUR.

    We must Line up with THE WORD OF GOD.

    We must put the Word of GOD above all man made doctrines and above all man made creeds and aboveall man made interpretations of the WORD OF GOD.

  • 7/30/2019 Called Appointed and Anointed by GOD



    We must HAVE FAITH IN GOD.

    "...And FAITH cometh by HEARING. and HEARING by THE WORD OF GOD...". [ Romans 10:17 ].

    The denominational leaders had misinterpreted the scriptures and had split up the people into

    denominational camps based on man made doctrines and man made creeds and man made traditions and

    man made dogmas.

    Now Church Order is OKAY provided it is a True Reflection of The Divine Order ordained by Almighty


    But when you look around and see how these so called denominationals exalt their creeds and dogmas

    and traditions and doctrines above the WORD OF GOD, then you can see a DENOMINATIONAL

    CHURCH DECEIVED by satan.

    When you see people adding and subtracting to the WORD OF GOD and injecting their own carnal

    interpretations to the WORD OF GOD, then you can see a DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH deceived by

    Enticing spirits.

    People will mutter a quick prayer and read a few scriptures and have some BUSINESS MAN in the pulpit

    pretending to be a man of GOD come make a fine polished speech that is as dead as a doornail preaching

    to dead people in the church pews.

    No person on FIRE FOR GOD will listen to the nonsense that some of these so called denominational

    preachers spew over the pulpit before they make a FINANCIAL PULL for money.

    They got their eye on the LOST COIN instead of The LOST SOUL.

    They preach for financial gain instead of preaching The WORD OF GOD.

    And then the HONEST IN HEART cry out to GOD for revival,

    My dear brother and my dear sister in Christ if you have a scratch of GOD in you , you will pick up your

    Bible and leave that cursed Denomination that refuses to get rid of it's man made creeds and man made

    doctrines and man made traditions and man made dogmas.

    If you want revival , you would COME OUT OF BABYLON AND GET BACK TO GOD.


    We got to get back to The WORD OF GOD so that we can have rapturing Faith.

    We got to be one with THE WORD OF GOD.

    Eve was "...flesh of Adam's flesh and bone of Adam's bone..".

    The ELECT of GOD have to hold forth THE WORD OF LIFE so that The WORD OF GOD may have the

    Pre-eminence in our Lives.

    No denominational creeds. No denominational traditions. No denominational interpretations of The Word of

    GOD. No denominational doctrines. No denominational dogmas and what more.

    We got to get back to the Word of GOD and be united with His WORD and be one with His WORD. Amen

    and Amen.
