


national and int inportance

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1. Cairo has long been considered as a hub for business and tourism

2. With Many international organizations that consider Cairo as the

most feasible option to establish presence in the Middle East

3. And with nearly the nation’s entire movie studios and major

newspapers located in City, = working in Cairo is an important

step in the careers of many Egyptians.

4. As a result, almost a quarter of the nation's Population live and

work in Cairo = Making it the largest metropolitan area in Africa.

5. With thousands of factories and old vehicles crowding Cairo's

streets without government regulations = industrial and vehicular

emissions give Cairo a serious air pollution problem.

6. However,

7. Popular for its warm climate and famous as the home of many of

ancient Egyptian mummies and treasures, Cairo is Egypt's most

popular tourist city with roughly one 3rd of Egypt's hotels are

located in the Cairo.

8. One of the famous Egyptian Authors who lived his entire life in

one of the popular neighborhoods of Cairo and was inspired by this

city to write in order to tell its people’s stories of suffer and joy is

Naguib Mahfouz

9. Born in Cairo in 1911 in a family of 7 children, Naguib Mahfouz

began writing when he was 17.

10. His first novel was published in 1939 and by the appearance of his

Cairo Triology in 1957, Mahfouz has became famous throughout

the Arab world as a depictor of traditional urban life.

11. In 1988, Mahfouz was one of the first contemporary writers of the

Arabic literature to win the Nobel prize of literature.

12. It also worth mentioning, also Taha Hussein, nicknamed the dean

of the Arabic literature.

13. Taha Hussein who became blind at the age of 3 from a

combination of eye disease and folk medicine,

14. = overcame his poverty and blindness to become a leading cultural

and public figure in Egypt

15. Indeed, Hussein is considered among one of the most influential

Egyptian writers and intellectuals who ever lived in Cairo.
