By Shane Phillips 6NSW. Founded on May 28 th 1892 by John Muir ‘The oldest, largest, most...


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By Shane Phillips 6NSW

Founded on May 28th 1892 by John Muir ‘The oldest, largest, most influential

grassroots environmental organisation in the United States’

Governed by a 15 man Board of Directors who coordinate actions and policies throughout America.

Have localised groups in all 50 states. Work together with the Sierra Club Canada.

To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Beyond Coal Beyond Oil Natural Gas Reform Protecting America’s Waters Resilient Habitats Youth and Diversity

Contribution to become a member of the Sierra club which goes towards their efforts to protect the environment.

Organise local outdoor activity trips (hiking, cycling, skiing)

Peaceful protests and Demonstrations (Support the Occupy Movement)

Donations to politicians. In 2010, out of the $370,000 given to candidates in Congress, only $2,500 was given to 2 Republican Congressmen representing New Jersey.

The Sierra Club have their own radio station, the Sierra Club Radio

Recently celebrated the news that the 99th and 100th Coal Plants since January 2010 in Chicago are to close down.

Retirement of these 100 plants is estimated to prevent more than 2,042 premature deaths, 3,299 heart attacks and 33,053 asthma attacks, according to the Clean Air Task Force.

Proposals for 166 new coal-fired power plants have been abandoned, opening market space for clean energy.

Have a 1.4 million members Successfully supported the Presidential campaign of

Barack Obama citing "his strong record of support for clean air, wetlands protection, and clean energy."

Sierra Club v Morton 1972. (However, despite losing the case, they would win the war.)

The main controversy in the Sierra Club resides around the issue of population control and immigration.

Issue began in 1969 with the publishing of ‘The Population Bomb’ which has been linked to theme of Eugenics

The Sierra Club have previously supported the idea that population growth results in environmental decline, thus measures must be taken to limit immigration.

March 1st; filed a formal complaint against the Department of Energy against exporting natural gas produced by fracking.

Execute the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force Early Restoration Strategy. (Want a fund of at least $10 billion to do this)

Continuation of support for President Obama since his proposed 2013 budget speech which includes increasing investment into cleaner energy.

But we have the means to reverse global warming and create a clean, renewable energy future. Working with some of the world's top climate scientists, engineers, and energy experts, the Sierra Club has developed a Climate Recovery Agenda -- a set of initiatives that will help cut carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, create a clean-energy economy, and protect our natural heritage, communities, and country from the consequences of global warming.