BUSINESS MALTA IN MIAMI...BUSINESS Patrick Barthet, Honorary Consul of Malta in Florida, recently...


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Patrick Barthet, Honorary Consul of Malta in Florida, recently hosted both a meeting of Malta’s U.S., Canadian and Bahamian Consuls as well as a presentation and exhibition on Malta’s ancient temples in Miami, Florida.

The interactive Webinar format for the Consul Meeting had the Honourable Tonio Fenech, Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investments; Mr. Kenneth Farrugia, Chairman of Finance Malta; Mr. Alan Camilleri, Chairman of Malta Enterprise; and Mr. Kevin Drake, Communications Executive with the Malta Tourism Authority in attendance in Malta, communicating with and replying to questions by eighteen Honourary Consuls representing Malta in the United States, Canada and the Commonwealth in the Bahamas who were gathered in Miami. The panel in Malta was moderated by Dr. Georg Sapiano; the one in Miami by the Honourable Mark Miceli-Farrugia, Ambassdor for Malta to the United States and High Commissioner to Canada and the Bahamas.

Ambassador Miceli-Farrugia spearheaded the Webinar approach, finding it to be a highly effective medium which permits key policy makers to meet and communicate – even when located thousands of kilometers away.

This presentation and exhibition highlighting Malta’s Temple Heritage was the first of its kind in Miami. Attended by some 200 business leaders, Consuls and friends of Malta, and featuring lectures by Professor Alex Torpiano, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture & Engineering at the University of Malta and by Mr. Daniel Cilia, Malta’s internationally renowned photographer, this event introduced Malta to Miami’s business community. Mr. Cilia’s unique photographs were exhibited in what is expected to be the first stop of a North American tour of Malta’s Magnificent Megalithic Monuments.


Patrick Barthet, Malta’s Consul in Miami, and the Honourable Mark Miceli-Farrugia, Malta’s Ambassador to the United States.
