Burlington United Methodist · The Burlington United Methodist Church is an inclusive Christian...


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September 2019 Newsletter

Signs of Life The Burlington United Methodist Church is an inclusive Christian

Community, dedicated to growth in Jesus Christ through worship,

teaching and service.

Burlington United Methodist Church

857 West State Street

Burlington, WI 53105

Phone: (262)763-2288 Fax: (262)763-5208

Email: churchoffice@burlingtonumc.org




Worship Times:

Saturday Praise Service 5:00PM

Sunday Traditional Service 8:30 AM

Fellowship Time 9:45 AM

Christian Education

10:00 -11:00 AM


Church Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

After Hours: By Appointment

Rev. Ebenezer K. Insor, Pastor

Email: ebenezer@burlingtonumc.org

Phone: (414)559-9939

Pastor’s Message

Simply Trusting

How time flies! It doesn’t seem like we have gone through summer as spring was later in arrival than

expected. However, we survived the turn in tide to still enjoy an occasional glimpse of our traditional

summer. Such are the changes that we encounter in our life’s journey, when sometimes our

expectations fall short. Yet as Paul encourages us in all things we should give thanks to God, and with

prayer and supplication make our request known to God. So, what can we rejoice about as a church?

As I reflect on the many blessings that we have experienced by God’s grace, I cannot help but be

thankful to God for his generosity that we have been blessed with. Through the many gifts of our

church family we were able to accomplish a lot in our music and children ministries.

In these two ministries of the church, we saw the innovation and creativity of our gifts come alive with

the passion and leadership of some of our members. This encouraged support from the whole church

family. We have seen our music ministry revived by two groups who replaced our faithful choir which

had given its best over decades. For the second year we were able to organize the “Family Fun Day”

successfully with children from the community as well as our local police, rescue squad and

firefighters. It was quite a fun day with lots of activities filled with fellowship and friendship. This

would not have taken place without the passion and gifts of some members supported by the whole

church family in prayers. We look forward to next year’s with hope for a glorious fun time.

Then came the Vacation Bible School which did not meet our usual expectations last year. So, from

the initial planning, uncertainty loomed as whether it will happen. While the team met to figure out

the theme and all the logistics, it also wasn’t quite sure about the children. Especially, when the initial

registration wasn’t too pleasing. However, with constant reminders and praying, God’s wisdom and

guidance took center stage as he manifested the direction this should go. With a catchy theme of “Yee

Haw” which was launched on one of the Sunday services, the preparation just took off with much

excitement and encouragement. There were many instances of God’s miracle leading up to the week

of the program which encouraged the faith of the team.

Many of the children who came were part of our church family compared to the previous years. In

addition, the innovation and creativity coupled with our family, fellowship and friendship once again

paralleled that of our spring Family Fun Day. Our traditional sanctuary became a cowboy ranch with

all its ranch style decorations run by the buckaroos of all ages. It was quite an intergenerational

experience for our whole church. The three-day event turned out to be a great blessing to God’s glory

with all the fun activities involved exceeding expectations.

We grow stronger in our faith through life’s encounters with perseverance. Paul’s advice in the

Philippians passage “in all things………….” reminds us of the unexpected changes that we may

experience in life, but simply trusting God and making our request known to him will lead to victory

to his glory.

Ebenezer Insor

Who’s in the Pew?


Bill was born to William and Gladys Campbell on August 27th in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. He was the

oldest of 5 children. He grew up in Iowa County on a farm. He went to a one-room schoolhouse,

grades 1 through 8. There was no electricity or running water and the boys carried water from a

nearby farm to the school. The school had two outhouses. He attended Barneveld High School where

he lettered in football, basketball and baseball. He attended the University of Wisconsin Platteville

and played football there.

Ginger was born in Salem, New Jersey on August 23rd. She graduated from Penns Grove High School

in New Jersey. Not in her class but two well-known actors also graduated from her high school, Bruce

Willis and John Forsythe. After graduation she worked for the Delaware Power & Light.

Bill served in the Army and was stationed in Maryland where he met Ginger at a dance. They were

married in Ridgeway, Wisconsin on December 11, 1958, 60 years ago this past year. They have 3

daughters and 4 grandchildren.

Bill had a J.I. Case Implement business for 27 years which he sold and spent the rest of his working

years working for Mangold Insurance. He retired in 2009. He was on the Burlington School Board

for 31 years, is a member of the American Legion and was a 30-year member of the National Ski


Ginger worked for the University of Wisconsin in Madison for 13 years. She has been very active in

our church, in many areas, especially working with the youth groups. She enjoys entertaining and

playing with her bridge groups. She is a member of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Ginger’s

love for entertaining came from her grandmother and great-grandmother who lived in a big Victorian

home out east and loved entertaining in the style of the 1800’s, and for anyone who has ever been

entertained by the Campbells, you know she learned her lesson well from them.

They like collecting antiques (Ginger loves to shop). They belong to a classic car group and travel with

them, but they also do a lot of travel world-wide and state-side. I asked if they had a favorite, but they

said all were memorable.

For 59 years they have been a part of our church in so many different ways. We are blessed to have

you both here and appreciate all you have for done for the Burlington United Methodist Church.

God bless you both!

Finance Update

Our bulletin reports our giving on a weekly basis.

Monthly, the newsletter includes our Year-To-Date and Budget figures.

Income Year-To-Date Budgeted Amount

2019 General Fund Offering $100.009.99 $160,000

2019 Apportionment Fund


$4,750.00 $22,308

2019 Mortgage Reduction

Fund Offering

$48,215.00 3-Year Goal of $200,000

Our 2019 Apportionment Fund Goal is $22,308. This equates to $12.50 per member/per month.

Originally, we had a 6-year Mortgage Reduction Goal. This was carried out in two phases. Our

second 3-year phase started in January of 2017 and runs through December of 2019. The goal is

$200,000. Currently, we have received donations totaling $137,136.49

Our mortgage balance is $142,709.67 and is due on July 1, 2020. We pay $4,311.62 per month to the

Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation toward the mortgage balance. This payment comes out of

the General Fund and does not include the money we receive from the Mortgage Reduction Fund.

Volunteer for Generosity Day

Saturday September 7, 2019

Thrivent Financial is sponsoring a Volunteer for Generosity Day on Saturday

September 7th at Wehmhoff Square Park in Burlington. The family-friendly

event will include City Clean-up, Cemetery Clean-up and other service activities.

Registration is at 8:00 am. Projects are from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Lunch will

be at 12:30 pm. To reserve your spot, contact Jen Grimme at (262)806- 4728 or


Secret Sisters

Throughout the year you can do various acts of kindness for your Secret

Sister like: Birthday & Anniversary Cards, little gifts that reflect her

hobbies or interests, give a special gift at Christmas or her birthday. These

are just a few ideas. Be sure to keep this a secret.

Members Update

As most of you know, after 25 years Nancy Kilpin retired as Director of Music. Music has been and

continues to be a large part of Nancy’s life. She shared she is currently playing piano at the Bay Ridge

Nursing Home in Burlington and thoroughly enjoys the residents and their singing. We are most

grateful Nancy shared her gift of music with us. On behalf of our church family, Nancy will be taking

a boat ride on Lake Geneva which she said has been many years since she has had the opportunity to

do so. She sends her blessings and thanks!

Steve and Paula Herold and family have relocated to Berea, KY. They will remain members of our

church until they are settled and find a home church. A farewell package of Omaha Steaks and

delicious popcorn was sent on behalf of our church family to welcome them.

Advice from a horse:

Take life’s hurdles in stride.

Loosen the reigns.

Be free spirited.

Keep the burrs from under your saddle.

Carry your friends when they need it.

Keep stable.

Spur yourself onto greatness.

(Author Unknown)

Church Ministries


Tuesday Mornings

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Discipleship Study: “Living in Christ &

Gospel of John”


Thursday September 12th

at 5:00 PM

Sign-up sheets for September-

October are in the Gathering

Area. If you are interested in

helping with this mission, you

can make the entire meal or

make with a friend. Please

contact Lisa Hernandez our

coordinator, at (414)588-7721.

“Soul Food” Sunday

The first Sunday of every month has been

designated as “Soul Food” Sunday.

Please bring in a nonperishable food or

laundry item to help the needy in our

community. May this experience “feed

your soul” as well as help our neighbors. Join the Prayer Fellowship

on Friday nights from

6:30 PM – 8:30 PM.

Blood Pressure Screening

September 15th

Blood pressure screening will be

provided in the Church Office after

the 8:30 AM service.

Cook’s Night Out

Our next meal will be held on Thursday September 19th at

5:30 PM. Bring a dish to share. Table service and beverages will

be provided. Any questions, please call me at (262)763-6797.

Thank you!

Judy Vande Sande

Church Ministries (Continued)

From The Secretary’s Desk

I have been asked many times, when are you in the office? I am in the office on Monday and Thursday

from 9:00 am – noon. I prepare the Weekly Bulletin, Community Connections (formerly called the

green sheet) and work with Lyann on the Newsletter. If you have items for either one, you can email

them to churchoffice@burlingtonumc.org or contact me at 763-2288. I can also be reached at

(262)949-8362 (home). Marge Albrecht, Church Secretary

Church Communications

We are here to listen, answer your questions, and keep you informed. Please talk with Lyann Jung,

Communications Coordinator at church or contact her via the church office at 763-2288. She may

also be reached at: 763-8563 (Home), (262)939-2566 (Cell/Text), and at



The choir will resume singing in October, watch for exact date in the Community Connections. All

are welcome to join us. If you play a musical instrument that would be great. Ann Newman

Community Garden Update

Mark Sheldon reports the following:

Schneider Electric has done a great job installing electrical circuits, outlets,

switches, and paddle fans to the garden’s shelter. Thank you to them!!!

Everything is now working as it should and we are so happy to have a place to

cool down, clean produce, store veggies, and get shade.

Remaining work: In the fall, I believe that Peter Leedle and his students will install the interior

trim. Before that, we need to paint the walls and stain the interior ceiling. Also, we are looking into

having moveable benches installed with a table and bulletin board(s) with information on the

meditation trails and the indigenous flora and fauna.

Garden yields: We have had 4 harvests thus far and the most recent was two full grocery bags of

cabbage, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and lettuce...all organic and all donated

to Love Inc.

Thank you to everyone who has been there to help, especially those who have recently done the

thankless but necessary job of weeding! Awesome job!

Church Ministries (Continued) Health and Wellness Committee

The committee has been working with Advocate Aurora to enable us to provide valuable information

to our congregation. The articles are provided by Advocate Health Care,

featuring different topics each month. Following is September’s article. Our

next meeting will be Thursday September 26th at 6:00 p.m.

Church Ministries (Continued)

Packing Up:

Prevent Backpack Injuries

Kids are carrying more than ever in their backpacks and the load is getting heavy! Backpack injuries

are a real concern. Doctors treat at least 14,000 children each year with injuries related to heavy

backpacks. Dr. Anisha Shetty, an Advocate Children’s Medical Group pediatrician, offers this advice

for keeping your child’s back healthy:

Watch. Encourage your child or teenager to tell you about numbness, tingling or discomfort in the

arms or legs, which may indicate poor backpack fit or too much weight being carried.

Ease. Watch your child put on or take off their backpack to see if it is a struggle. If the backpack

seems too heavy for the child, have them remove some of the books and carry them in their arms to

ease the load on their back.

Act. Do not ignore any back pain in a child or teenager. Seek medical advice and care.

Partner. Talk to the school about lightening the load. Team up with other parents to encourage


Strategize. Encourage your child to stop at his or her locker when time permits throughout the day

to drop off or exchange heavier books.

Invest. If your child has back pain that does not improve, consider buying a second set of textbooks

to keep at home.

Prayer: God, our amazing bodies that you created can bear a lot and sometimes we pile on more

than is good for us. Help us teach our children to care well for their bodies by being gentle with


Church Ministries (Continued)

The Salt Shakers

The next meeting is Tuesday September 10th, 5:30 p.m. at The Pine Street

Café. The group is currently studying “30 Life Principles” and would love to

have anyone interested to come join them. If interested, simply show up!

Attention Fellowship Hosts!

If you are signed up for Fellowship Hour and are under the weather or want to switch, please contact

Pat Piper at (262)514-3585.

Grief Share Meeting

Grief Share will be starting up on September 5th at 10:30 a.m. There is a one-time fee of $20 for the

book. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we invite to you to join us. You do not need to be a

member of The Burlington United Methodist Church. We are here for all that grieve no matter how

much time has passed since your loss. Please call Pat Hahn at (262)763-0894 or Pastor Ebenezer at

(262)763-2288 for more information.

“Heavenly Tidbits”

JOHN WESLEY (1703 – 1791)

He rode through the country on horseback to preach. In a single day he would travel 70 miles and

preach 3 sermons.

In his lifetime, he rode more than 250,000 miles and preached 45,000 sermons.

Church Ministries (Continued)

Vacation Bible School

As you all know, we recently held our 2019 Vacation

Bible School program called “Yee-Haw.” Set on a

Western ranch, the Buckaroos learned that “GOD

GIVES GOOD GIFTS.” Not only did they learn that

from the Bible stories they were told, but also by

some special gifts right here that are all around us

every day. Like the farmer who brought his animals

and the garden lady who told them about the

community gardens we have here. They got to pet

the animals and helped pick and wash veggies for

Love, Inc.

We had about 14 kids, some for all 3 days, some for

just 1 or 2 days. We had about 17 volunteers. Our

volunteers showed their good gifts by singing, playing the piano, storytelling, game playing, and

preparing suppers! Lots of pictures were taken (check them out in the Gathering Area) and our

decorations made everyone feel we were on a ranch, bonfire and all! It looked like they were very

proud of the crafts they made to take home.

I hope the Buckaroos had a good time and will remember those 3 nights for a long time! I know the

volunteers will!

Thanks to all of you who helped us make this a success by donating food, various things to make the

ranch look real, and money, and especially Pastor Insor for his prayers and support, thank you.



Church Ministries (Continued)

Hello From Angel’s Attic Mission Center

Have you stopped in to check out Angel’s Attic Resale recently? Did you

know that all proceeds go towards local, national and international missions

and that nothing goes to our church? Through Angel’s Attic we have been

able to contribute to Veterans, Special Olympics, purchase medicine, food,

gas and help with rent, heat and electric for those in need. We have aided in

the construction of school bathrooms and are currently establishing a

library in Ghana. Are you aware that the majority of our donations are from outside our community?

Many of our customers are as well. Due to the expense, our most cost-effective advertising is “word of


Have you seen our displays at the Burlington Public Library in June, July and upcoming September

and December? None of this would be possible without donations and our loyal volunteers. Often,

we are asked “What can we do to help?” There are many ways in which you can participate. You can

donate your lovely items, make a monetary donation, volunteer, make a purchase, and just tell others

about Angel’s Attic and what it represents.

Please watch the upcoming bulletins for the date of a special “sale” for BUMC and ESUMC families

only . . . coming soon. We really hope you will make it a point to stop in before we wind down our 5th

season in October.

“Ask and You Shall Receive”

A huge “THANK YOU” goes out to all of YOU who donated flowers and the “large” baskets. Once

again, you came through to meet our needs in your usual generous way! Bless You all for your

ongoing efforts. Thanks again!!!!! Donna & Myrt

Can You Help?

We are still in need of (3) or (4) “laundry” size baskets (sample on display in

Gathering Area). We need A.S.A.P. as assembly of baskets are currently in the

works. Please place the baskets on shelves in the “Coat Room”. Your donations are truly appreciated!

For questions, contact Donna Reesman at (262)492-2419.

Church Activities

Monthly Saturday Service Potluck

Please bring a dish to pass and join us for fun and fellowship

following the informal Praise Service on the last Saturday of each

month. We will meet in the Crossroads Room. All are welcome!

Adult Sunday School returns from summer break on Sunday September 8th!

Memory Café

Burlington Public Library, Lake Geneva Public Library and Aram (Delavan) Library are hosting

a monthly program entitled “Memory Café.” The program is aimed at giving individuals with

early stage Alzheimer’s or dementia a chance to get out with their caregivers and enjoy a

program with other people with early symptoms of the disease. The focus is not on the disease

itself but on providing a relaxing hour of entertainment. Three libraries operate on a rotating

basis and meet on the first Friday of each month. The schedule for the rest of the year is:

September 6 – Burlington Public Library

October 4 – Lake Geneva Public Library

November 1 – Aram Library Delavan

December 6 – Burlington Public Library

All programs start at 11:00 am.

Examples of previous programs include a violin concert, pets, rocks, and salsa dancing.

Church Activities (Continued)

That Was Delicious! We received a great idea (from more than one person!), to add a recipe section to the

newsletter. We welcome any receipes you would like to share. Please email them to

churchoffice@burlingtonumc.org and mark they are for the newsletter. Thanks!

Our first recipe is an awesome dessert made by Dora Reese that she recently shared at the “Ladies

Who Lunch” gathering at Ginger Campbell’s.

Mandarin Orange Salad

For the crust:

60 Ritz Crackers – Made into crumbs.

½ cup butter

¼ cup sugar

Mix together and put all but ¼ of the mixture into a 9”x13” pan.

For the filling:

6 ounces frozen concentrated orange juice

1 can Eagle Brand condensed milk

8 ounces Cool Whip

3 cans mandarin oranges – drained well.

Mix all together and pour over crumbs, sprinkle rest of crumbs on top. Freeze until 10 minutes before serving.

Worship – Fellowship – Fun

Church Picnic – September 29, 2019 at BUMC

Here are the details of our joint fall picnic with our English Settlement Church family:

Date: Sunday September 29, 2019

Location: Burlington United Methodist Church

Time: Worship at 10:00 a.m. with the picnic immediately following the service.

Please bring a dish to pass. Table service and beverages will be provided.

This is a time for all of us to join together, therefore there will be NO service at BUMC on Saturday

September 28th and ESUMC on Sunday September 29th.

Plans are underway for our 21st annual AUCTION

with TURKEY DINNER. We are looking forward

to another successful event, but to do so requires the

help and support of EVERYONE in the church!

A “DONATION” can be any appropriate item or

service you care to provide. Ex; yard work, dog

walking, chauffeuring, cleaning, handmade items,

baked goods, handmade clothing or event tickets, are

just a few suggestions. The ideas are endless. Please

note that auction items should be NEW or in

UNUSED condition. Please, NO items that would

be sold at a rummage sale.

Previous year’s donations from local businesses represented over 30% of our goods/services. If you

wish to solicit a donation from a local business, please contact the church office first to pick up the

“solicitation form” to present to business owners.

Future information and updates will be available in our weekly bulletin and October newsletter, along

with sign-up sheets in the Gathering Area. Advertising will be through local media outlets,

posters and word of mouth!

Remember to invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Let them know what a great

event this is!

If you have any questions, please contact Lyann Jung at 763-8563 (Home), (262)939-2566 (Cell),

763-2288 (Church Office) or communication@burlingtonumc.org.

Please remember this important date!

Deadline for submission of

Bid-A-Basket and Live Auction Items:

October 12, 2019

So we may give adequate notice to our printer, all slips and items (with the exception of baked goods),

must be in by the above date. Thank you!

Church Prayers

People of our church who are in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Homes and Homebound need your

prayers, cards, letters and visits. Below are the names of our shut-ins:

Gloria Oakwood Eleanor Thill

Prayers for the following people of our church:

Marilou Hensen Alex Williams

Karen Jacks Ron & Lynn Gebel

Eleanor Thill Kelly Sizer

Delores Martin Grace Rudman

Kenny Achuff Marge Geddes

Gloria Oakwood

Please keep the families of Sally Miller and Merlin Hall in your prayers. Sally passed away on

August 8th and Merlin (brother of Deanna Barels) on August 4th.

For urgent prayer concerns contact Pastor Insor or Deanna Barels.

Hospitalized? Please let Pastor Insor know if you, or someone you know from the congregation is in

the hospital and would like a visit from Pastor Insor. Contact Pastor so he may stop in to visit with you

while you are in the hospital. Would you like a home visit? Please contact Pastor Insor to set up a time.

Church Office: (262)763-2288 Pastor Insor: (414)559-9939 Deanna Barels: (262)763-9713. Please

check with Pat Hahn for prison ministries at (262)763-0894. Letters are so appreciated to those who

are not able to enjoy freedom.

Church Family Celebrations


07 – Joe Zuleger

10 – Molly Ellingstad, Jim Kubath

12 – Mark Caliva

13 – Nancy Zuleger

16 – John Koceja, Dara Herold

24 – Joyce Dreis

10 – Jim and Maxine Kubath

18 – Fritz and Deanna Barels

20 – Bob and Marge Albrecht

23 – Ron and Lynn Gebel

25 – Michael and Jill Rozell

September 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Traditional Service Holy Communion 8:30 am Fellowship 9:30 am


3 Weight Watchers 9:30 am

Bible Study 10:00 am – 11:30 am

TOPS 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

4 5

Grief Share

10:30 am

6 “Prayer Night” 6:30 – 8:00 pm

7 Praise Service 5:00 pm

8 Traditional Service 8:30 am Fellowship 9:30 am Adult Sunday School 9:45 am

9 Weight Watchers 5:30 pm Jubilate Community Singers Practice 6:30 pm

10 Weight Watchers 9:30 am Bible Study 10:00 am -11:30 am TOPS 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Salt Shakers 5:30 pm Pine Street Café


12 Angel’s Attic 9 am – 2 pm Grief Share

10:30 am Love Inc. Meal 5:00 pm

13 “Prayer Night” 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

14 Angel’s Attic 9:00 am - Noon Praise Service 5:00 pm

15 Traditional Service 8:30 am Fellowship 9:30 am Adult Sunday School 9:45 am

16 Weight Watchers 5:30 pm Jubilate Community Singers Practice 6:30 pm

17 Weight Watchers 9:30 am Bible Study 10:00 am – 11:30 am TOPS 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Finance 6 pm Ad Council 7 pm


19 Angel’s Attic 9 am – 2 pm Grief Share

10:30 am Cook’s Night Out 5:30 pm

20 “Prayer Night” 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

21 Angel’s Attic 9:00 am - Noon Praise Service 5:00 pm

22 Traditional Service 8:30 am Fellowship 9:30 am Adult Sunday School 9:45 am Blood Pressure Screening 9:30 am

23 Weight Watchers 5:30 pm Jubilate Community Singers Practice 6:30 pm

24 Weight Watchers 9:30 am Bible Study 10:00 am -11:30 am TOPS 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

25 October Newsletter Deadline

26 Angel’s Attic 9 am – 2 pm Grief Share

10:30 am Health & Wellness Committee 6:00 pm

27 ” Prayer Night” 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm .

28 Angel’s Attic 9:00 am – Noon NO Praise Service

29 Traditional Service 10:00 am BUMC Hosting picnic with ESUMC following the service. (No Adult Sunday School.)

30 Weight Watchers 5:30 pm Jubilate Community Singers Practice 6:30 pm

31 Weight Watchers 9:30 am

Bible Study 10:00 am -11:30 am

TOPS 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
