Building Talented Communities



There are a lot of misconceptions about talent databases, networks, pools and communities in the world of work today. What truly differentiates them all? Talent databases are nothing new, but one-way job broadcasts do not a community make. In this session, I will faciliate a discussion around true talent community best practices that include developing a community strategy, creating a community structure, choosing a site and/or platform, defining a community management model, and then developing and executing a content marketing strategy to keep the community engaged ongoing beyond basic employment brand info and job postings.

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Ah, the romance…






• There are a gazillion people on social media today

• Recruiters do source using social media

• Candidates do use social to search for jobs

• Professionals do learn from one another and orgs online

• Companies still ban social media at work

• Companies are still mixed as to recruiting/engagement value


Back in the day


Hey, big boy






Talent Network/Community Origins

Early Computer User Groups:Early Computer User Groups:

Early Internal User Groups:Early Internal User Groups:

Early Online User Groups:Early Online User Groups:


Government and Higher EducationGovernment and Higher Education

CompuServe, AOL and Yahoo GroupsCompuServe, AOL and Yahoo Groups


The rise of social networks


Social leads to online community



Community Evolutionary Leap #1

Online Community Members Don’t Have to Apply for Jobs to Belong


Community Evolutionary Leap #2

Online Community Members Can Share Personal Content and Collaborate Around It


Community Evolutionary Leap #3

Online Community Members Can Mentor One Another


Community Evolutionary Leap #4

Online Community Members Learn About Inside-Out Connections


Community Evolutionary Leap #5

Online Community Members Learn More About Employer Brands Via Relevant Content Marketing

and Thought Leadership


Community Evolutionary Leap #6

Online Community Members Can Belong to More Than the Big Three Networks, And/Or Your Own


Quality, not Quantity


Why? Attract, Engage, Develop?

• Listen• Communicate• Connect• Collaborate• Teach• Learn• Encourage• Recruit


What is a successful talent community?

@RecruiterMoe: Not sure I agree. Talent communities are self-generating, found in the wild by recruiters. We can ruin them w/ tampering.

@KevinWGrossman: You can, but talent communities can also be generated and maintained by orgs. If the goal is ongoing development, not jobs.

@RecruiterMoe Concur, just think stocked ponds have uses, but they’re so, so limited. Only a small slice will enter and participate.

@KevinWGrossman: Agreed. When you're looking for those needles in haystacks, then the small slice will enter and participate.

@RecruiterMoe: Good point

@KevinWGrossman: No, thank you for keeping me honest, my friend. We’re in an interesting talent acquisition and management transition today.

Why, just the other day…


The Transitioning Transactional


The sandbox

Kevin W. GrossmanDirector of Marketing, BraveNewTalent

T: +1 (831) 419-6810E:

Twitter: @KevinWGrossmanBlog: Blog:

To learn more about building To learn more about building true true Talented CommunitiesTalented Communities, ,

contact me me today.