Building Talented Communities

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There are a lot of misconceptions about talent databases, networks, pools and communities in the world of work today. What truly differentiates them all? Talent databases are nothing new, but one-way job broadcasts do not a community make. In this session, I will faciliate a discussion around true talent community best practices that include developing a community strategy, creating a community structure, choosing a site and/or platform, defining a community management model, and then developing and executing a content marketing strategy to keep the community engaged ongoing beyond basic employment brand info and job postings.

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Ah, the romance…

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• There are a gazillion people on social media today

• Recruiters do source using social media

• Candidates do use social to search for jobs

• Professionals do learn from one another and orgs online

• Companies still ban social media at work

• Companies are still mixed as to recruiting/engagement value

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Back in the day

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Hey, big boy

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Talent Network/Community Origins

Early Computer User Groups:Early Computer User Groups:

Early Internal User Groups:Early Internal User Groups:

Early Online User Groups:Early Online User Groups:


Government and Higher EducationGovernment and Higher Education

CompuServe, AOL and Yahoo GroupsCompuServe, AOL and Yahoo Groups

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The rise of social networks

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Social leads to online community

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Community Evolutionary Leap #1

Online Community Members Don’t Have to Apply for Jobs to Belong

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Community Evolutionary Leap #2

Online Community Members Can Share Personal Content and Collaborate Around It

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Community Evolutionary Leap #3

Online Community Members Can Mentor One Another

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Community Evolutionary Leap #4

Online Community Members Learn About Inside-Out Connections

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Community Evolutionary Leap #5

Online Community Members Learn More About Employer Brands Via Relevant Content Marketing

and Thought Leadership

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Community Evolutionary Leap #6

Online Community Members Can Belong to More Than the Big Three Networks, And/Or Your Own

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Quality, not Quantity

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Why? Attract, Engage, Develop?

• Listen• Communicate• Connect• Collaborate• Teach• Learn• Encourage• Recruit

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What is a successful talent community?

@RecruiterMoe: Not sure I agree. Talent communities are self-generating, found in the wild by recruiters. We can ruin them w/ tampering.

@KevinWGrossman: You can, but talent communities can also be generated and maintained by orgs. If the goal is ongoing development, not jobs.

@RecruiterMoe Concur, just think stocked ponds have uses, but they’re so, so limited. Only a small slice will enter and participate.

@KevinWGrossman: Agreed. When you're looking for those needles in haystacks, then the small slice will enter and participate.

@RecruiterMoe: Good point

@KevinWGrossman: No, thank you for keeping me honest, my friend. We’re in an interesting talent acquisition and management transition today.

Why, just the other day…

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The Transitioning Transactional

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The sandbox

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Kevin W. GrossmanDirector of Marketing, BraveNewTalent

T: +1 (831) 419-6810E: [email protected]

Twitter: @KevinWGrossmanBlog: BraveNewTalent.com/blogPersonal Blog: Reach-West.com

To learn more about building To learn more about building true true Talented CommunitiesTalented Communities, ,

contact me today.contact me today.