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  • 8/19/2019 budget_xpress2016.docx


    Budget Xpress - 2016

    On 19th of March, Batch 2015-17 of MDIM is going to organize an event on Budget

    discussion. In the re !unch session there "i!! #e an intergrou co$etition fo!!o"ed

     #% ane! discussion in the ost !unch session.

    &or the event the ane!ists are'

    1. (rof. (artha Bagchi )*+ (rofessor, II haragur /(*I34

    2. Mr. 3ou$en 3arar ,Branch 6ead, IDBI Ban /(*I34

    . Mr. . Mar8it, M, B:D /(*I34

    ;. Mr. 3u#has 3erahi$, DM, B:D /(*I34

    5. (rof 3u8it Basu, *+