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With human capital increasingly acknowledged as an organizations strategic asset and competitive advantage, the HR function is increasingly under pressure to create value for the business. This statement has been repeated so often that it has almost become clichs for the HR community. But there is more: todays businesses are also constantly operating across borders, helped by advances in technology and logistic infrastructure. For the HR practitioner, this means dealing with a growing number of employees moving across borders for periods ranging from a few days to several years.

As part of an organization then, HRM must be prepared to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. Managing people in international settings requires human resources to address a broader range of functional areas. It requires more involvement in the employees personal life. The firm should establish different human resource management systems for different geographic locations. It must closely watch the moves made by external constituencies including foreign governments, political and religious groups. A host of other issues relating to employee compensation, health, safety, welfare etc., need to be monitored carefully. Employees on international assignments represent valuable assets and hence need to be managed systematically and strategically so that they can easily adapt, survive and flourish in diverse cultures and environments.

All this requires an understanding of the implications of globalization, work-force diversity, changing skill requirements, corporate downsizing, total quality management, reengineering, the contingent work force, decentralized work sites, and employee involvement.



Should we do away with HR? This is a silly question and senseless debate. Of

Course, we should do away with HR if it fails to add value and impedes performance. If, however, it creates value or delivers results, we should keep HR. As there should be more focus on what HR professionals deliver than what they do, HR practices have been modified to incorporate this new concept. Current HR thinking reflects what HR people do: staffing, development, compensation, benefits, communication, organization design, high performing teams, and so on.

So, the role of HR department in organizations covers the following aspects:

1. The role of the HR professional

2. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

3. The relationship of HR roles and management functions

4. Dimensions of change in the HR profession

A. Managing projects

B. Managing change

C. Managing third - party contractors

D. Managing technology


It is the design of formal systems in an organization that ensures effective and efficient use of human talent, in order to accomplish organizational goals.

Historical view of HR roles

Current HR Roles

HR Dimensions of Change

Business partnering

Long-term, strategic perspective

Organizational change

New technology

Diversity and work/life balance

Shift in responsibilities to line managers

Decentralization of HR

Outsourcing of operational and administrative HR

Off shoring

Measurement and quantification

Lateral movement

Social responsibility

Development of intellectual capital

Mergers and acquisitions

In general, the focus of todays HR Manager is on strategic personnel retention and talents development. HR professionals will be coaches, counsellors, mentors, and succession planners to help motivate organizations members and their loyalty.


Business transformation is a key executive management initiative that attempts to align People, Process and Technology initiatives of a company more closely with its business strategy and vision to support and help innovate new business strategies. Business transformation is achieved through efforts from alignment of People, Process and Technology strategies towards a strategic end-state.

Business transformation can be achieved through new technology, business models and management practices. Business transformation is now considered an essential part of the competitive business cycle.


Organisations and their HR departments are open systems and are affected by the external and internal environment in which they operate. There are a number of critical trends affecting the employment relationship that further affect how organisations need to manage their employees. The functional areas, structural changes, specific cultural issues peculiar to a unit, HR systems, corporate policies and a lot of other factors influence the way the HR function is carried out.

External and Internal Factors Influencing the Personnel Function

1. Technological Changes:

The impact of technology on HR can be profound. New technologies can decimate organisational layers, low-end jobs and make existing employee skill absolutely obsolete. Internet and intranet revolution have changed the way business is carried out worldwide. HR managers need to handle the people impacted by such sweeping changes carefully.Impact of technology on HRM

a. New skills required: They need strong interpersonal and communication skills as well as ability to handle customer complaints in a flexible wayb. Downsizing: it means the planned elimination of jobs. The wave of merger and acquisition activity, in recent times, has often left the new, combined companies to downsize operations ruthlessly.Managing a human resource surplus

Why downsizing?

Automation Restructuring Mergers Acquisitions Competitive pressures Managing survivors of downsizing

Bitterness, anger disbelief and shock need to be handled properly Give information as to why the action had to be taken Tell how it is going to help the firm and employees in long runc. Telecommuting: the rapid advances in technology have led to the relocation of work from office to home. Companies have been able to increase the applicant pool through this mode.

d. Internet and intranet revolution: In HR, internets and intranets are being used to handle training, benefits administration, performance management and outplacement functions. Managing virtual corporations and virtual workers in this technology driven world is going to pose tough challenges for HR managers in the year ahead.Role of HR in a Virtual organisation

A assume virtual organisation is a network of companies of employees connected by computers. Virtual workers work from home, hotels, their cars, or wherever their work takes them. The human resource function plays a unique role in a virtual organisation.

Psychological fit: the lack of face-to-face interaction in a virtual organisation virtually compels HR professionals to determine the psychological fit between different units initially. System alignment: given the lack of physical proximity, it becomes even more critical that an organisations mission, vision and measures be aligned and that all parties are familiar with these issues; the HR function can play an important role in this task. Reconsider rewards: in a virtual unit, very few permanent positions exist. In many cases, the organisation will be staffed with workers having different motivational forces. So rewarding each entity in an effective way becomes an important job.

Reconsider staffing needs: in a virtual organisation, most employees work on a contractual basis. Finding people with requisite skills, knowledge, and motivation levels becomes an important activity.

Build partnerships: virtual teams have to be built from scratch, paying attention to their unique requirements. The concept of employment needs to be replaced by the concept of partnerships, especially when most tend to work independently, away from the permanent employees or owners of the organisation.

Develop leaders: leaders become the major forces for building trust, creating a mission and instilling a sense of belonging to the organisation. HR can play a major role in ensuring that leaders these responsibilities and meet them in an effective way.

e. Total Quality Management: A way of creating an organisational culture committed to the continuous improvement of skills, team work, process, product and service quality and customer satisfaction.

f. Improving productivity through HRIS (Human Resource Information System)

A computerized system offers current and accurate data for purposes of control and decision making. For e.g. most employers probably still write their own job description, but more are turning to the internet to find the desired job title.

2. Economic, political, social and local factors also influences the way in which HR managers meet their objectives.

3. Workforce diversity: workforce is becoming increasingly diverse and organizations are doing their best to address their employee concerns and to maximise the benefits of different kinds of employees with diverse educational, cultural and religious backgrounds.

4. From specialized to enlarged jobs

Job enlargement means assigning workers additional same level activities, thus increasing the number of activities they perform.

Why managers dejobbing their companies?

Whether specialized, enlarged or enriched, however, workers still generally have had specific jobs to do, and these jobs have required job description. In many firms today, jobs are becoming more amorphous and more difficult to define. In other words, the trend is toward dejobbing.

Dejobbing- broadening the responsibilities of the companys jobs, and encouraging employees not to limit themselves to what is on their job description.

Here is a sampling of organizational factors that have contributed to this weakening, and to encouraging workers not to limit themselves to narrowly defined jobs.

Flatter organizations: instead of traditional, pyramid shaped organizations with seven or more management layers, flat organizations with just three or four levels are more relevant.

Work teams: managers increasingly organize tasks around teams and processes rather than around special functions.

Boundaryless organization: organization marked by the widespread use of teams and cross-functional task forces that reduce and make more permeable the boundaries that typically separate departments and hierarchical levels.

Reengineering: The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed. HR can play a great role in improving commitment of employees by hiring competent people, offering the right incentives and installing effective two way communication practices.5. Competency based job analysis

Competencies are demonstrable characteristics of a person that enable performance of a job. Competency-based job analysis means describing a job in terms of the measurable, observable, behavioural competencies an employee must exhibit to do a job well.

Why use competency analysis?

There are three reasons to describe jobs in terms of competencies rather than duties:

First, traditional job descriptions (with their lists of specific duties) may actually backfire if a high performance work system is your goal.

Second, describing the job in terms of the skills, knowledge, and competencies the worker needs is more strategic. Third, measurable skills, knowledge, and competencies are the heart of any companys performance management process for e.g. as at Canon, achieving a firms strategic goals means that employees must exhibit certain skills and competencies.Performance management is basing your employees training, appraisals, and rewards on fostering and rewarding the skills and competencies he or she needs to achieve his or her goals.

6. Replacing job description with the Skill Matrix

Modern, competency-based job analysis/job design techniques can help companies implement high-performance strategies. In one firm- British Petroleums exploration division the need for more efficient, flexible, flatter organizations and empowered employees, inspired management to replace job descriptions with matrices listing skills and skill levels.

HR prepared a matrix for each job or job family such as (drilling manager). The matrix listed (1) the basic skills needed for that job (such as technical expertise and business awareness) and (2) the minimum level of each skill required for that job or job family. As you can see, the emphasis is no longer on specific job duties. Instead, the focus is on specifying and developing the new skills (technical expertise, business awareness, and so on) needed for the employees broader, empowered, and relatively undefined responsibilities.


Deployment: easily getting the right skills to where we need them, regardless of geographic location. Knowledge and innovation dissemination: spreading state-of-art knowledge and practices throughout the organization regardless of where they originate Identifying and developing talent on a global basis: identifying who can function effectively in a global organization and developing his or her abilitiesInternal transition

People within the organization face a greater challenge during the restructuring, mergers & acquisitions. They have to handle trust issues, learn new roles and get the job done. Empirical data indicates that managers with task rather than people focus tend to get recognized in the short run. Most merger/acquisitions ail from this malady; bright managers who want to get on with the job when what they need to do is to pause, listen to people, communicate and integrate. Most merger/acquisition/restructuring efforts fail because the people side has not been handled properly. One to one career coaching helps them to reflect, identify sensitivities and key competencies required to become successful.

Role of HR During Change:

A.Showing personal commitment and positive attitude.

B.Involve people in the change process.

C. Ensures that top management is supportive.

D. Communicating with employees and top management

E. Reinforce change with incentives

F. Anticipating resistance and finding ways to deal with it.

Mr. Brian Carroll, Director, Brian Carroll and Associates Pty Ltd, an Australia based learning, training and development co., suggests the following strategies which can be used by the managers to assist employees through the change process:

Managers to consult with employees through the planning/implementation stages and to explain the benefits/reasons for the changes.

Staff to reassured that adequate training will be provided.

Managers to encourage staff to raise their concerns and to make suggestions for improvements.

The role of the Human Resource Manager is evolving with the change in competitive market environment and the realization that Human Resource Management must play a more strategic role in the success of an organization. Organizations that do not put their emphasis on attracting and retaining talents may find themselves in dire consequences, as their competitors may be outplaying them in the strategic employment of their human resources.


. How to Drive and Achieve Measurable, Sustainable Business Results Talent is imperative in todays economy and the increase in globalization means the competition for global talent is rife. At Infosys, we recognize the importance to invest in skills globally and provide opportunity for future business leaders to understand the changing dynamics of a flat world.

Nandan Nilekani, CEO, Infosys Technology

We need to define talent. We need to measure talent. We need to measure peoples' talent. We need to hire people with the right talent. Talent is what we bring to the job. We need to define talent. We need to measure talent. We need to measure peoples' talent. We need to hire people with the right talent. Talent is what we bring to the job.

Developing And Retaining Human Assets Through Talent Management:

Talent Management, often referred to as Human Capital Management, is the process of recruiting, managing, assessing, developing and maintaining an organizations most important resource-its people! Talent Management is the end-to-end process of planning, recruiting, developing, managing, and compensating employees throughout the organization. The 4 pillars of talent management are: recruiting, performance management, learning management and compensation management.

Talent management implies recognising a person's inherent skills, traits, personality and offering him a matching job. Every person has a unique talent that suits a particular job profile and any other position will cause discomfort.

It is the job of the Management, particularly the HR Department, to place candidates with prudence and caution. A wrong fit will result in further hiring, re-training and other wasteful activities. Talent Management is a strategic approach to Managing Human Capital- the most valuable assets of your company.


1. Overcoming Talent Drain:People often speak of organizations and the management of organization without first thinking about the employees who form the core of organization.

Reasons cited by employees for wanting to leave a company:

Better compensation package Better career opportunities to utilize ones skills Better benefits More meaningful workThus, apart from addressing- theall-essential-issue-of-retention, companies need to foster a deep level of employee commitment by offering opportunities, teaching new skills, providing inspired leadership, effectively communicating and introducing competitive pay package as their first step towards creating an Engaged Organization

1. Managing Ineffective Workers

Dilbert Principle:

The most ineffective workers will be systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage, i.e. Damage management is the central principle of Dilbert. The foibles and fallacies of the modern business world and rampant management fads which include such aspects as management incompetence, overbearing egos, a cubicle view of bosses, a bottomless bureaucracies, petrifying performance reviews, long hour meetings, confusion of information super highways, ineffective teams, downsizing to grow sick, absurd corporate re-engineering, quality free total quality, employee empowerment drama, fictions styled vision statement, unplanned business plans. This implies that a large number of people agree with salient observations of Dilbert principle. Therefore, top managers in general and HR managers in particular must see that their organizations will not become victims of this principle.

Hence, the transition of employees moving out as well as staying in is a huge challenge. In the western world which have been long inflicted by the aftermath of mergers/acquisitions/restructuring, and employee service called career transition support is well established. This involves providing a coaching service for emotional and intellectual support to employees to handle their transition challenges, take right career decisions and in effect convert a crisis situation into a life changing opportunity. In India this service is still nascent.

PEOPLE CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL (P-CMM):People Capability Maturity Model has emerged in middle of last decade and is called in short as P-CMM. Prior to this, there was no clear yardstick for measuring peoples development in an organization. Branding the organizations human capital processes and instituting best practices in management is the key to corporate success in skill-intensive industries like software and information Technology.

The aforesaid model P-CMM was appreciated by leading and progressive organizations as one of the best guidelines for building organizational success through best practices of human talent processes. The CMM provides an organization with a clear cut vision to improve resource value through systematic application of global practices in high tech talent management. There are quality consultancy firms that are helping organizations to get P-CMM grade certification. Club Mahindra, L&T, Siemens are a few among the firms to obtain the grade very early.

P-CMM not only provides a blueprint for talent acquisition, motivation and development, but also list out important parameters through which organizations can evaluate the effectiveness of their own human resource policies and practices. This is done by categorizing into five levels of HRM that give a feedback to the organization about its performance in HRM. Level 5 is the highest and best possible grade.

SEI announced the launch of version 2 of P-CMM in Bangalore in 2001.Organizations in India started responding in numbers. Initially, it was the software majors in India like Wipro, Infosys and others who stepped up for P-CMM assessment by external evaluators. Some of these software service companies even obtained a level 5 the highest possible grade under this model that signifies an optimal level of learning and maturity in the organization. In the software industry, P-CMM has become a standard and a hygiene factor for getting into the big league

Now the trend is moving away from software, slowly and surely and the future is promising. The concerned agencies or consultancies who are authenticated for issuing P-CMM certification are working with industries

At the same time, P-CMM as an issue has not received a lot of attention among organizations. Due to fast-expanding nature of software businesses, the shelf life of an assessment has not been very high. But changes have been proposed in the method of assessment and there can be a lot of discussion and debate about P-CMM very soon in the near future.

Importance and the need of P-CMMMicrosoft has never gone in for P-CMM assessment and neither has Oracle, outside of India. So why should any good organization need it?

Experts opine the primary driver for acquiring P-CMM certification is getting greater volumes of business. An assessment certification provides an objective view to organizations and helps them strengthen themselves. It also helps a company communicate to the external world that its HR processes are stable, and hence the output that they receive is more likely to be consistent. Clients of such companies who are worried about getting a consistent output are satisfied that their source of supply is having a certification of P-CMM and may even be willing to pay a premium for the work they outsource from them.

When certification becomes the entry condition, it helps companies obtain business. It also builds the companys brand with customers. This is why software companies have been very meticulous about getting themselves assessed, since a large number of their clients are in the US. However, experts also believe that when going in for certification, the driving motive should be to take human capital human practices to increasing levels of sophistication where learning, and not the achievement of perfection, is the main objective. This certification will definitely create strong brands internally and externally. If organizations do it just for the sake of it without proper implementation they may not derive the benefits from it in the long run.


Centralize talent management data with integrated best-of-breed capabilities

Reduce time and costs of performance reviews by automating the talent management process in an on-line, easy-to-use solution

Identify and close employee skills gaps by immediately turning automated performances appraisals into training development plans

Reduce time and money spent on non-strategic training by directly aligning training demand with performance needs and strategic goals

Increase productivity by focusing employees on critical tasks by clearly communicating goals implemented by a centralized goal management platform

Monitor progress of review metrics and goals by analyzing performance dashboards at any time

Identify and reward top performers and strategically develop employees by implementing integrated succession and development plans that ensure success in filling talent gaps

Implement consistent, unbiased pay-for-performance initiatives


HR activities abroad comes not just from the vast distances involved, but also from the cultural, political, legal, and economic differences among countries and their peoples. Studies show how such cultural differences can influence HR policies.

HR managers seeking to standardize selection, training, appraisal, compensation, or other HR practises world wide will always meet resistance from local managers who insist, You cant do that here, because we are different culturally and in other ways. The local HR managers should be treated as partners, not as implementers.

Differences in economic systems also translate into differences in HR practices. For one thing, some countries are more wedded to the ideals of free enterprise than are others. For instance, France- though a capitalist society-imposed tight restrictions on employers rights to discharge workers, and limited the number of hours an employee could legally work each week. The codetermination laws, including the Works Constitution Act, largely determine the nature of HR policies in many German firms.

HR must act as facilitators. HRs role is to facilitate the management of talent and to act as coaches and consultants to the line managers. For it to be truly successful, talent management cannot be seen as simply an HR initiative. The main responsibility of HR, therefore, is to develop the organization as an 'employer of choice' and a 'great place to work'.

Looking Ahead

Change management comprises of many different factors. However, there are some key solutions:

Involve all employees, from junior staff to the CEO, through the change process.

Encourage staff to make suggestions to assist with the smooth delivery of the changes.

Provide training and clarification of any changes as they occur so that there are no surprises for the employees.

Introduce some workplace fun activities for staff to enjoy the ride through the changes.

Utilise the services of specialist recruitment and training companies to assist employees with managing change.

Provide guidance, career transition, counselling and outplacement services to retrenched employees, to assist them to move on and find new work opportunities

If the organization has invested time and money in training people, try not to let valuable talent go.

Find a place for them in the organisation and the will help the organisation grow and prosper.

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