Bs Fyp Grading Procedures 2012



Grading Policy for BS Final Year Mechatronics Engineering Project

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Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering


April, 2012

BS Final Year Projects (FYPs) Grading Procedure

Semester 6 Topic Presentation 25

Form 25 (Form FYP1)

Oral Exam 50 (Format Attached)

Marks: 100

Semester 7 15 Weekly Reports 45 (Form FYP2)

2 Deliverables 30

Summary Report 25

Marks: 100

Semester 8 3 Monthly Reports 30 (Form FYP3)

Fabrication 20 (Form FYP4)

Performance 20 (Form FYP5)

Final Report 30 (Form FYP6: according to Template provided by the Dept.)

Marks: 100

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

BS Final Year Project

Form FYP1

Name: ______________________________ Reg.No: ____________ Re

Group Members: ____________________________________________________

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Supervisor: ________________________________________________________

FM Area In-Charge: _________________________________________________

I. Project Description:

II. Individual Work Description:

II.a. Mechanical (Design and Fabrication)

II.b. Sensors

II.c. Data Acquisition

II.d. Actuators

II.e. Software

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

II.f Testing

II.g. Other

III. Equipment Needed:

Description Model Website Unit Price Qty Total Price

IV. Milestones: (Sept – May)

V. Deliverable 1: (October 15)

VI. Deliverable 2: (December 15)



Area In-Charge:

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

BS Final Year Project

Semester 6 BSFYP-Oral Examination

Name: ______________________________ Reg.No: ____________ Re

Group Members: ____________________________________________________

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Supervisor: ________________________________________________________

FM Area In-Charge: _________________________________________________

Oral Exam should be taken by both Supervisor and Area In-Charge. Final Marks will be entered

by Area In-Charge.

1. Description of Project [Marks:10]

2. Description of Individual Work [Marks:10]

3. Evaluation of Theoretical Understanding (Examiner should ask questions relating to

principles and theoretical foundations, mathematical formulation of problem, and any

connection with courses studied by student as part of the curriculum [Marks:20]

4. Evaluation of Conceptual Design, Fabrication and Performance of the planned product


Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

BS Final Year Project

Form FYP2

(Semester 7: Weekly report)

Each report should be emailed to supervisor and Area In-Charge and should show the time emailed to be latest by

Monday 1200 hrs. Each report carries 03 marks. Report submitted after the deadline stated above will not be given

any marks. A student may be orally examined by the Supervisor or Area In-Charge on the contents of the report.

Marks: _____

Cumulative Marks: _____

Weekly Report No:

Date Last Report Submitted:

Date This Report Submitted:

Name: ______________________________ Reg.No: ____________ Re

Group Members: ____________________________________________________

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Supervisor: ________________________________________________________

FM Area In-Charge: _________________________________________________

I. Project Description:

II. Work Done During Previous Week:

II.a. Mechanical (Design and Fabrication)

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

II.b. Sensors

II.c. Data Acquisition

II.d. Actuators

II.e. Software

II.f Testing

II.g. Other

III. Equipment Used:

Equipment Model Description of Use of this equipment

IV. Any other work done in the previous week.



Area In-Charge:

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

BS Final Year Project

Form FYP3

(Semester 8: Monthly report)

Each report should be emailed to supervisor and Area In-Charge and should show the time emailed to be latest by 1st

of the months March, April and May. Each report carries 10 marks. Report submitted after the deadline stated above

will not be given any marks. A student may be orally examined by the Supervisor or Area In-Charge on the contents

of the report .

Marks: _____

Cumulative Marks: _____

Monthly Report No:

Date Last Report Submitted:

Date This Report Submitted:

Name: ______________________________ Reg.No: ____________ Re

Group Members: ____________________________________________________

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Supervisor: ________________________________________________________

FM Area In-Charge: _________________________________________________

I. Project Description:

II. Work Done During Reporting Period:

II.a. Mechanical (Design and Fabrication)

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

II.b. Sensors

II.c. Data Acquisition

II.d. Actuators

II.e. Software

II.f Testing

II.g. Other

III. Equipment Used:

Equipment Model Description of Use of this equipment

IV. Any other work done.



Area In-Charge:

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

BS Final Year Project

Form FYP4

(Semester 8: Fabrication)

Each report should be emailed to supervisor and Area In-Charge and should show the time emailed to be latest by


May (or next working day) 1200 hrs. This report carries 20 marks. Report submitted after the deadline stated

above will not be given any marks. A student may be orally examined by the Supervisor or Area In-Charge on the

contents of the report .

Marks: _____

Date This Report Submitted:

Name: ______________________________ Reg.No: ____________ Re

Group Members: ____________________________________________________

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Supervisor: ________________________________________________________

FM Area In-Charge: _________________________________________________

Description of Product Fabrication

Describe the following and provide any other relevant information: Mechanical (Design and

Fabrication), incorporation of Sensors and Actuators. CAD work, if performed, should also be




Area In-Charge:

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

BS Final Year Project

Form FYP5

(Semester 8: Performance)

This form should be filled at least 2 weeks after evaluation of Form FYP4. This evaluation is to be filled by

Supervisor, Area In-Charge and 03 other FMs of the Department. Grading will be based on the average marks. This

report carries 20 marks which may be awarded to each member of the Group. Any student in the Group may be

orally examined by the Supervisor or Area In-Charge .

Marks: _____

Date This Evaluation Carried Out:

Name: ______________________________ Reg.No: ____________ Re

Group Members: ____________________________________________________

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Supervisor: ________________________________________________________

FM Area In-Charge: _________________________________________________


Name Signature



Area In-Charge:

Air University Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

BS Final Year Project

Form FYP6

(Semester 8: Final Report)

This form should be filled after Final Presentations scheduled by the Department. This evaluation is to be filled by

Supervisor and Area In-Charge. Grading will be based on the average marks. This report carries 30 marks. The Final

Report should be in accordance with the Template provided by the Department. It should have been checked for

plagiarism after the student has been briefed on the general ethics of reporting scholarly work.

Marks: _____

Date This Evaluation Carried Out:

Name: ______________________________ Reg.No: ____________ Re

Group Members: ____________________________________________________

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Supervisor: ________________________________________________________

FM Area In-Charge: _________________________________________________

S.No Description Total Marks Marks Awarded

1 Abstract 10

2 Introduction 10

3 Literature Survey 10

4 Description of Work 20

5 Results 10

6 Conclusions 20

7 Figures 10

8 Tables 10




Area In-Charge: [