BrochureIngMeccanica2010!11!01 Milan


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  • 7/31/2019 BrochureIngMeccanica2010!11!01 Milan






    Dipartimento di Meccanica -Department of Mechanical Engineering- Dynamics and vibration of mechanical systems and vehicles- Machine and vehicle design- Manufacturing and Production Systems- Methods and tools for Product design- Measurements and Experimental Techniques- Materials

  • 7/31/2019 BrochureIngMeccanica2010!11!01 Milan


    Table of contents

    1. PhD School of Politecnico di Milano

    2. PhD in Mechanical Engineering3. Admission procedure4. PhD Programme activi ties5. Employment opportunities after awarding the PhD degree6. Short presentation of the Department of Mechanical Engineering7. PhD theses awarded in year 2010

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    1. PhD School of Politecnico di MilanoThe PhD School of Politecnico di Milano coordinates 25 Doctoral Degree Programmes in the areas of Engineering,Architecture and Industrial Design. The Doctoral Programmes aim to develop professional competences capable to carryout high level research in design, manufacturing and service companies, public bodies and universities. The DoctoralProgrammes train a selected number of highly qualified graduates, endowed with solid foundations and keen intellectual

    curiosity, who have the opportunity to acquire a highly qualified professional expertise in specific scientific, technological,social and economic fields.The PhD graduates are skilled in carrying out research projects and are also capable of developing new knowledge onscientific frontiers, which can be immediately applied in professional activities.About 1000 PhD students are currently enrolled in the PhD School of Politecnico di Milano, which testifies the quality ofthe Degree Programmes and promotes scientific cross fertilization among them.

    2. PhD in Mechanical EngineeringThe Doctoral Programme in Mechanical Engineering is coordinated by the Dipartimento di Meccanica Department ofMechanical Engineering. It enrols slightly less than 10% of the total number of PhD students of the PhD School of

    Politecnico di Milano. In figures, it enrols an average number of 25 students every year, many of them supported byscholarships from public institutions and private companies. Each student is assigned a tutor, who is a member of theDoctoral Board, and a research supervisor, who is a professor of the Faculty. Educational activities consist of selectedcourses. Advanced courses (taught in English) dedicated to doctoral students and senior graduate students bring theattendants to the frontiers of knowledge in those research sectors where the Department of Mechanical Engineeringexcels and is most active.Dedicated courses on relevant topics are organized yearly by various national and international schools, and offered toour PhD students. All lecturers are prominent at international level in their respective field of expertise.

    The PhD students can carry out their study and research activities within the following major research areas.

    Dynamics and vibration of mechanical systems and vehicles

    This research area includes mechatronics and robotics, rotordynamics, wind engineering, road vehicle dynamics,and railway dynamics. All these topics address general and specific issues concerning dynamics and vibrations ofmechanical systems and vehicles. New research topics are directed towards the development of more reliable andmore environmentally friendly structures. In addition, research on mechatronics and robotics is being applied inseveral fields, ranging from MEMS to bio-medical applications. For what concerns vehicles, the research will focuson the integration of mechatronics and diagnostics into vehicle systems.

    Machine and vehicle designThis research area addresses advanced design methods and fitness for purpose of mechanical components.Advanced design methods refer to the definition of multiaxial low and high cycle fatigue life prediction criteria, and theassessment of structural integrity of cracked elements, the prediction of fatigue life criteria of advanced materials aspolymer matrix composite materials (short and long fibres), the definition of approaches to predict the influence ofshot peening on fatigue strength of mechanical components. Gears, pressure vessels and helicopter components arealso investigated.New research trends are devoted to the exploitation of modern techniques for NDT control in all phases related todesign and structural integrity assessment. In particular, US phased array equipment combined with the applicationof methods for simulating US scans will improve knowledge regarding POD of inspections and their impact upondesign and assessment. For what concerns the research on vehicles, advanced techniques, such as optimal designof structures and structural integration of vehicle mechatronics is being focused on active safety, passive safety andenvironmental friendly vehicles, with broad attention being paid to issues concerning greener, safer and smartervehicles. The optimal design and the testing of vehicle systems (active and passive safety) create a synergy betweenthe theoretical and the experimental research.

    Manufacturing and Production SystemsThis research field gives relevance to the problem of optimal transformation of raw materials into final productsaddressing all the issues related with the introduction, usage, and evolution of technologies and production systemsduring the entire product life cycle. Ph.D. activities can specifically focus on one of the following research fields:

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    - Manufacturing Processes;- Manufacturing Systems and Quality.Future researchesCurrent research activities in Manufacturing Processes focus on the design, optimization and control of innovativesolutions for challenging manufacturing problems (e.g., micromachining, active fiber laser processing, precisionwaterjet machining, metal foams in lightweight machine tool structures). In this area, new solutions are furtherdeveloped, to enhance conventional machining processes in order to improve their energy efficiency. In the area ofManufacturing Systems, future research trends address the conception and management of flexible, reconfigurableand robust manufacturing systems that co-evolve with products and processes to cope with highly turbulentproduction environments. Research trends in the Qualityarea concern the design and management of standard andmulti-sensor metrology systems and the development of new tools to implement sensor fusion in process monitoringand optimize the quality of complex-shape products.

    Methods and tools for Product DesignThis research area is organized in two main research lines. The first one concerns PLM-Product LifecycleManagement that includes process modelling, engineering knowledge management, product innovation methods,systematic innovation principles and methods, topology optimization systems, and data/process interoperability. The

    second research line concerns Virtual Prototyping that includes virtual models for functional and ergonomicsvalidation of products, haptic interfaces and interaction, emotional engineering, Reverse Engineering, and physics-based modelling and simulation. Future research topic concerns the integration of systematic innovationmethodologies with virtual prototyping of new concept design.

    Measurements and Experimental TechniquesThe research area addresses the development and qualification of new measurements techniques as well as thecustomisation and application of well-known measurement principles in innovative fields. The research activities onMeasurements and Experimental Techniques focus on the design, development and metrological characterisation ofmeasurement systems and procedures, the implementation of innovative techniques in sound/vibrations, structuralhealth monitoring, vision, space and rehabilitation measurements. Recently, the research activities are mainlydirected towards structural health monitoring and new measurement techniques with special emphasis on fiber optic

    sensors and vision-based measurements.

    MaterialsThis research area is focused on the study of production process and characterization of materials for structural,mechanical and functional applications. Excellent research outcomes have been obtained both on fundamentalresearch topics (e.g. nanostructured materials, foamed alloys, chemical phenomena in liquid melts, microstructuraldesign, etc.) and on applied research (e.g. failure and damage analysis, texture analysis, high temperaturebehaviour, coatings for advanced applications, etc.). The current research topics of particular interest are:steelmaking and metallurgical processes, advanced materials, and bulk heat treatments and surface modification.Recently, the research activities have focused on the innovative processing and properties of ultrafine grainedmaterials, and on the investigation of high temperature mechanical behaviour and damage of special alloys.

    Year 2010 call: facts and figures92 applications to the competition consisting of:

    72 foreign candidates 20 Italian candidates (including 2 candidates for PhD Executive positions)

    21 available scholarships including: Scholarships funded by the Italian Government: 8 Scholarships funded by a special project of the Italian Government for young researchers: 3 Scholarships funded by the Department of Mechanical Engineering: 6 Scholarships funded by companies: 4

    Outcome of the selection:

    35 admitted PhD students25 enrolled students (5 foreign students)

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    Doctoral positions in partnership with companies: Executive PhD ProgramIn order to promote the interaction and integration between academia and industry, the Doctoral School of the

    Politecnico di Milano can stipulate specific agreements in partnership with external institutions in order to admit companyemployees as students of the Programme (namely Executive PhD).

    ScholarshipsA considerable number of students admitted to the PhD programme is supported by scholarships. Scholarships aregranted from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, directly from Politecnico di Milano, from the Department ofMechanical Engineering and from companies.An envisaged minimum number of 10 scholarships will be available for year 2011 call.

    BenefitsThe admitted PhD students will receive substantial benefits in addition to the scholarship. An accommodation grant isprovided to foreign students for the first year of their stay in Milan.

    4. PhD Programme activitiesThe students of the PhD Programme in Mechanical Engineering are required to gain 180 credits, which are split asfollows: 120 credits related to the doctoral thesis, 40 credits related to the so-called basic courses (Foundations), and 20credits related to the so-called electives. In addition, introductory courses are offered to students lacking necessarybackground for advanced studies.

    Educational activity

    Introductory coursesIntroductory courses provide the necessary background for advanced studies in the field of Mechanical Engineering.These courses are assigned only to students who need to complete their background knowledge by attending graduatecourses.

    FoundationsFoundations are core courses that present, examine and discuss the major theories and methods at the basis of thescientific research in the domain of Mechanical Engineering (a total of 40 credits have to be gained by the end of thesecond year).

    ElectivesElectives include seminars, conferences and workshops. These kinds of activities allow the students to develop in-depthknowledge in the specific field of research of the doctoral dissertation.

    Development of the Doctoral DissertationDuring the first year the students will choose a main subject for their research, which will be carried out under theguidance of the supervisor. This subject, called the major, will be developed in the doctoral thesis.The research activities carried out have the goal to develop new knowledge on a topic of industrial, social and economicsignificance, with a high level of scientific and technologic excellence. The Doctoral dissertation should document a solidknowledge in the chosen area, present original contributions, and demonstrate appropriate ability in the individual workand in the presentation of the results.During the development of the thesis work, students are encouraged to get in touch with external laboratories andarrange visits, in order to extend their own scientific, methodological, and cultural frontiers. In addition, it is highlyrecommended that students participate at national and international conferences, in order to learn how to promote theirown research, and to get new stimuli from other researchers. Meeting people and fostering professional relations areimportant aspects for the students future career.

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    5. Employment opportunit ies after awarding the PhD degree

    From our statistics, we can state that about 80% of PhD students enrolled at the Department of Mechanical Engineeringfind a position within one month after awarding the PhD degree.The doctorate fellows, employed in Italy, earn a net monthly wage up to 4.000 Euro after 2-3 years from awarding theirPhD degree.

    6. Short presentation of the Department of Mechanical EngineeringThe vision behind the development of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is that top-level research inmechanical engineering is based on an excellence of experimental skills, modern laboratories, specialized equipmentand the input of a number of short-term researchers (PhD students, post-docs, temporary researchers). All of thesefactors, supported by an excellent performance in competitive funding, makes the Department one of the biggestdepartments in Mechanical Engineering in the European context, boasting a critical mass and competencies in different

    research topics, as listed in Section 2. The permanent staff, consisting of 94 people, is working on research and R&Dprojects together with PhD students and temporary research assistants, who are hired for the specific projects.Administrative and technical services are assured by a service staff of 18 people.The vital core of research at the Department is its laboratories. In fact, the Department boasts some of the most uniqueset-ups in Europe equipped with all the necessary state-of-the-art equipment in different research areas. TheDepartment has always aimed at guaranteeing the excellence of its laboratories, in which it has continued to investheavily through the subsidization of funds raised through research contracts. The quality of the research work isdemonstrated by the broad network of partnerships including the best international research labs, which makes theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering one of the fundamental players in the worldwide scenario of scientific andtechnological innovation. For more information:

    7. PhD theses awarded in year 2010A list of PhD theses awarded in year 2010 is reported hereafter, in order to give an idea of the broad research areas ofthe PhD Programme in Mechanical Engineering:

    Modelling in the time domain of non linear aerodynamic forces on bride decks Dynamics of vertical axis tidal current turbines with freely hinged blades: numerical and experimental analysis The truck mounted concrete boom pump system: an active control applied to reduce the boom vibration Advances in optimal design of mechanical systems with application to the road vehicles active safety Evaluation of methods for pressure distribution measurement Theoretical and experimental assessment of active safety and comfort of road vehicles Influence of profile modifications on transmission error and noise of spur gears Mechanical design of a FTIR for Mars Innovative prototypal realisation of a plug-in hybrid electrical vehicle: energy control strategies for improving overall


    Fem approach to spur and helical gears: effects of micro geometries and misalignments on gear meshcharacteristics.

    Multiaxial fatigue in the presence of defects.
