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British English ? American English ? Australian English ?Level 1-unit 9

A number of words in American or Australian English are different from British English. Here are some of them.

What’ a mosquito called in Australia ? -> it’s called a ‘mossie’.

o Match the words with the same meaning:

Australian (Oz) British English (Pom for the Australians)Aussie mosquitobrekky wild dogdingo postman / postwomanfish ‘n’greasies Australiamossie British personOz fish ‘n’ chipsPom / Pommie breakfastpostie Australian

o Match the words with the same meaning:

The American usually say   : The British usually say   :subway flatgas ground floorgas station petrol station / filling stationcookies liftcan Undergroundapartment petrolfirst floor autumnelevator biscuitsfall tin

o Complete :a) There was a blackout in New York last .............................. . Nick found it difficult to get home. His car had run low on (=manquait de) ................................ , but the pumps at the ................................... were not working. The ................................ trains had stopped too, so he had to walk home. There were crowds of people in the streets. In the end, he got to his house. As he went in, he met his friend who lived on the .................................... . His friend said that he couldn’t use his cooker, so he had to eat some .............................. and open some .......................... . Nick lived on the ...................................... . Of course the ............................... had stopped, too, so he had to walk up to his ............................... . b) There was a blackout in London last .............................. . Mary found ... go on !
