Brief Literature Review of Entitlement in Personality/Social Psychology


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  • 8/9/2019 Brief Literature Review of Entitlement in Personality/Social Psychology


    Broad Entitlement Literature Review

    Entitled narcissists

    Hold that their superiority entitles them to special treatment, and are committed to asserting their rights to

    special treatment

    Bishop & Lane 2002 (Psychoanalytic Psychology)

    Campbell et al 2004 (scale validation study)A priori: End of the semester persistent emails (Christmas Eve example)

    Is more specific than narcissism in that entitled narcissism involves the other more explicitly (as

    opposed to the self).

    Role of the other:EN and N:

    - easy to offend

    - insist upon repayment for wrongdoing

    - predicts a lack of forgiveness (Exline ea, in press)- prone to denigrate others, especially those who threaten N s grandiose self-concept


    social comparison N s more likely to make downward social comparisons (Bogart ea2004)

    o failure: through performance, performance ratings, or social rejection

    o additionally, N s are more reactive to success and failure feedback compared to non N

    s (Rhodewalt & Morf, 1998)

    Dimaggio ea (2002) suggest that narcissism is characterized more by continual self-enhancement than by

    high self-esteem or self-esteem instability. Narcissists possess a meta-cognitive deficit brought on by both

    the compulsive search for grandiosity and avoidance of negative feedback. Narcissists are likely to engagein grandiose fantasies, which allows the (unstable) positive self-image to persist despite a lack of positive

    social feedback (due to deteriorated social relationships)

    Morf & Rhodewalt (2001)

    Narcissists appear to be more focused on assertive self-promoting behavior, at the risk of greater loss or

    threat in the event of failure or rejection.So narcissism IS the fundamental attribution error. :)

    More specifically, narcissists see everything as self-relevant. Narcissism, and narcissistic entitlement,

    then, is a problem of the self.


    Entitlement / Exploitativeness dimension of Narcissistic Personality Inventory

    I will never be satisfied until I get all that I deserve

    I insist upon getting the respect that is due meI expect a great deal from other people

    I get upset what people dont notice how I look when I go out in public

    Narcissistic Entitlement - (WK) Campbell, 2004

    Sense of Entitlement Attitudes toward Education, Campbell lab at OUTwo factors elicited from honors thesis EDA, 2003

    Factor 1 captures broad entitlement

    - I am entitled to good grades

  • 8/9/2019 Brief Literature Review of Entitlement in Personality/Social Psychology

