BR 0209 Issuu



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w w w. b r i l l i a n t p u b l i s h i n g . c o mFEBRUARY | 09




The Best Way To

Contact Leads

page 30

Hiring Right page 24

Pay It Forward

Today!page 8

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features: 8 Paying It Foward!

columns: 6 publisher's letter

7 contributors: who’s who in industry

14 insight: make recognition your resolution

16 marketing: question the status quo

20 incentives: motivating our employees

22 travel: motivating our employees

24 management: hiring right

26 it’s all personal: to motivate and how

28 leadership: kaizen

30 exhibit: the best way to contact leads

32 last word

33 ad-index

34 off the cuff: great quotes



Vol. 6, No. 02 2009


4 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl


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EVERY year Brilliant Results selects February as

our Motivation issue. Why? It is the month when most

of the country realizes winter is going to hang around a

bit longer… every year it seems that darn old groundhog

sees his shadow! It is also the month when most of those

carefully crafted New Year’s resolutions may start to fall by

the wayside. Yes, it is the month when most of us need a

bit of help to find those silver linings.

I hope this issue will provide just what you need to

stay motivated…whether to be a better marketer, a better

company, or just a better person overall. With that in mind

our cover story is about paying it forward because often

spontaneously doing something for someone else may be

just the thing to brighten your day and it will most certainly

make the world a little nicer place.

With that thought in mind it may also be just the right time

to start a reward and recognition program to motivate your

employees. After all motivated employees lead to satisfied

customers, smoother operations with less waste, more sales

and ultimately a better bottom line. This month Dr. Tarlow

provides tips for motivating those in the travel and tourism

industry, Mary English offers five key strategies to insure

that you get the most out of your recognition programs

and Arnold Light discusses the four drivers that stimulate

motivation in a corporation. With all that motivation, your

sales staff will value the tips on contacting leads and you

may even want to think about hiring additional talent, so

don’t miss any of this month’s articles.

This month think sunshine and seek out those things that

motivate you, your associates and your customers, whether it’s

a song, a movie, a show or a movement fi nd it embrace it and

the rest is history! After all motivation may just be the key to

success and happiness in the coming year and if you remember

to pay it forward it will defi nitely make for a better tomorrow.

publisher’s letter

Brilliant Publishing LLC9034 Joyce Lane

Hummelstown, PA 17036Ph: 717.571.9233Fax: 717.566.5431



EDITORIALEditor in ChiefMaryAnne Morrill

Senior EditorMichelle Donofry

Style EditorCharity Plata

Asst. EditorMolly Anika

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSMichael Merrick Crooks, Mary English

Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., Arnold Light, CTC, Dave Ribble, MAS, Barry Siskind, Megan Slabinski, Dr. Peter Tarlow

PRODUCTION / DESIGNArt DirectorJeremy Tingle

Brilliant Results is published monthly by Brilliant Publishing LLC,

9034 Joyce Lane Hummelstown PA 17036 (717) 608-5869; Fax#

(717) 566-5431. Postage paid at Mechanicsburg PA and additional

offices. POSTMASTER please send address changes to Brilliant

Results, 9034 Joyce Lane, Hummelstown PA 17036. Volume 6.

Number 02. Brilliant Results subscription rates: one-year $120;

Canadian $160 USD; one-year foreign $225 USD. All subscriptions

are non-refundable. Copyright © 2009 Brilliant Publishing LLC. All

rights reserved. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject

any advertising or editorial material. Advertisers, and/or their agents,

assume the responsibility for any claims against the publisher based

on the advertisement. Editorial contributors assume responsibility for

their published works and assume responsibility for any claims against

the publisher based on published work. No part of this publication can

be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means,

including information storage and retrieval systems, without written

permission from the publisher. All items submitted to Brilliant Results

become the sole property of Brilliant Publishing LLC. Editorial content

does not reflect the views of the publisher. The imprints, logos,

trademarks or trade names (Collectively the “Marks”) displayed on

the products featured in Brilliant Results are for illustrative purposes

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Have A Brilliant Day

Maureen 717-608-5869


a Mary English is the Vice President of Marketing for Hallmark Insights, the leader in providing business incentive solutions and personalized reward programs for employee recognition, customer acquisition and retention, sales and dealer incentives, and health and wellness programs. To learn more, go to

b Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D. For more than two decades Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, and government organizations have relied on Dr. Barton Goldsmith to help them develop creative and balanced leadership. He is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, business consultant and author. His columns appear in over 500 publications, including the Chicago Sun-Times, the Detroit News, and the Los Angeles Business Journal. He may be contacted through his web site

c Megan Slabinski is executive director of The Creative Group, a specialized staffi ng service placing creative, advertising, marketing and web professionals with a variety of fi rms on a project basis. For more information, visit

d Arnold Light, CTC, Founder of Fire and Light has 35 years of marketing experience specializing in incentive and loyalty marketing helping multinational corporations develop and implement B2B and B2C results oriented performance improvement programs. For additional information visit

e Dave Ribble, MAS, is President of The Company Image, an award-winning promotinal marketing company specializing in listening to what you want to accomplish, then providing solutions within your budget. For more information please visit

f Barry Siskind is an internationally recognized trade and consumer show expert. He is author of six bestselling business books including Powerful Exhibit Marketing. Watch for his newest book, Selling from the Inside Out. Visit Barry at

j Dr. Peter Tarlow is a founder and president of Tourism & More Inc. Dr. Tarlow has appeared on National televised programs such as Dateline: NBC and on CNBC. Dr. Tarlow organizes conferences around the world dealing with visitor safety and security issues and with the economic importance of tourism and tourism marketing. He also works with numerous cities, states, and foreign governments to improve their tourism products and to train their tourism security professionals. For additional information visit

k Michael Merrick Crooks owns Crooks Advertising Alliance, a creative strike-force specializing in creative problem-solving. The author of “ReThinking Trade Show Giveaways: Exposing the Obscure Obvious”, Crooks has more than two decades of advertising and promotional marketing experience. Learn more at



Have A Brilliant Day

6 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

Brilliant Publishing LLC9034 Joyce Lane

Hummelstown, PA 17036Ph: 717.571.9233Fax: 717.566.5431



EDITORIALEditor in ChiefMaryAnne Morrill

Senior EditorMichelle Donofry

Style EditorCharity Plata

Asst. EditorMolly Anika

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSMichael Merrick Crooks, Mary English

Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., Arnold Light, CTC, Dave Ribble, MAS, Barry Siskind, Megan Slabinski, Dr. Peter Tarlow

PRODUCTION / DESIGNArt DirectorJeremy Tingle

Brilliant Results is published monthly by Brilliant Publishing LLC,

9034 Joyce Lane Hummelstown PA 17036 (717) 608-5869; Fax#

(717) 566-5431. Postage paid at Mechanicsburg PA and additional

offices. POSTMASTER please send address changes to Brilliant

Results, 9034 Joyce Lane, Hummelstown PA 17036. Volume 6.

Number 02. Brilliant Results subscription rates: one-year $120;

Canadian $160 USD; one-year foreign $225 USD. All subscriptions

are non-refundable. Copyright © 2009 Brilliant Publishing LLC. All

rights reserved. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject

any advertising or editorial material. Advertisers, and/or their agents,

assume the responsibility for any claims against the publisher based

on the advertisement. Editorial contributors assume responsibility for

their published works and assume responsibility for any claims against

the publisher based on published work. No part of this publication can

be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means,

including information storage and retrieval systems, without written

permission from the publisher. All items submitted to Brilliant Results

become the sole property of Brilliant Publishing LLC. Editorial content

does not reflect the views of the publisher. The imprints, logos,

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the products featured in Brilliant Results are for illustrative purposes

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implied or actual endorsement by the owners of the Marks of the

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a Mary English is the Vice President of Marketing for Hallmark Insights, the leader in providing business incentive solutions and personalized reward programs for employee recognition, customer acquisition and retention, sales and dealer incentives, and health and wellness programs. To learn more, go to

b Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D. For more than two decades Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, and government organizations have relied on Dr. Barton Goldsmith to help them develop creative and balanced leadership. He is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, business consultant and author. His columns appear in over 500 publications, including the Chicago Sun-Times, the Detroit News, and the Los Angeles Business Journal. He may be contacted through his web site

c Megan Slabinski is executive director of The Creative Group, a specialized staffi ng service placing creative, advertising, marketing and web professionals with a variety of fi rms on a project basis. For more information, visit

d Arnold Light, CTC, Founder of Fire and Light has 35 years of marketing experience specializing in incentive and loyalty marketing helping multinational corporations develop and implement B2B and B2C results oriented performance improvement programs. For additional information visit

e Dave Ribble, MAS, is President of The Company Image, an award-winning promotinal marketing company specializing in listening to what you want to accomplish, then providing solutions within your budget. For more information please visit

f Barry Siskind is an internationally recognized trade and consumer show expert. He is author of six bestselling business books including Powerful Exhibit Marketing. Watch for his newest book, Selling from the Inside Out. Visit Barry at

j Dr. Peter Tarlow is a founder and president of Tourism & More Inc. Dr. Tarlow has appeared on National televised programs such as Dateline: NBC and on CNBC. Dr. Tarlow organizes conferences around the world dealing with visitor safety and security issues and with the economic importance of tourism and tourism marketing. He also works with numerous cities, states, and foreign governments to improve their tourism products and to train their tourism security professionals. For additional information visit

k Michael Merrick Crooks owns Crooks Advertising Alliance, a creative strike-force specializing in creative problem-solving. The author of “ReThinking Trade Show Giveaways: Exposing the Obscure Obvious”, Crooks has more than two decades of advertising and promotional marketing experience. Learn more at




e f

j k


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8 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

MOTIVATION is the focus of this month’s issue is the focus of this month’s issue

of Brilliant Results and it is diffi cult to think of a more of Brilliant Results and it is diffi cult to think of a more

worthy motivation then that of encourgaing people to worthy motivation then that of encourgaing people to

help one another. The expression "pay it forward" is help one another. The expression "pay it forward" is

used to describe just such a concept. Here a third party used to describe just such a concept. Here a third party

benefi ts when a creditor offers the debtor the option of benefi ts when a creditor offers the debtor the option of

"paying" the debt forward by lending it to a third person "paying" the debt forward by lending it to a third person

instead of paying it back to the original creditor. Debt instead of paying it back to the original creditor. Debt

and payments can be monetary or by good deeds.and payments can be monetary or by good deeds.

In 2000, Catherine Ryan Hyde's novel Pay It In 2000, Catherine Ryan Hyde's novel Pay It

Forward was published and adapted into a Warner Forward was published and adapted into a Warner

Brothers fi lm, Pay It Forward. The idea of the book is Brothers fi lm, Pay It Forward. The idea of the book is

also being championed in real life by the Pay It Forward also being championed in real life by the Pay It Forward

Foundation. In Ryan Hyde's book and movie it is Foundation. In Ryan Hyde's book and movie it is

described as an obligation to do three good deeds for described as an obligation to do three good deeds for

others in repayment of a good deed that one receives. others in repayment of a good deed that one receives. others in repayment of a good deed that one receives.

Such good deeds should be things that the other person Such good deeds should be things that the other person Such good deeds should be things that the other person

cannot accomplish on their own. In this way, the need cannot accomplish on their own. In this way, the need cannot accomplish on their own. In this way, the need

to help one another can spread exponentially through to help one another can spread exponentially through to help one another can spread exponentially through

society, creating a social movement with the goal of society, creating a social movement with the goal of society, creating a social movement with the goal of

making the world a better place. making the world a better place.

This simple concept is enjoying resurgence and this This simple concept is enjoying resurgence and this This simple concept is enjoying resurgence and this

renewal is being assisted in part by the involvement of renewal is being assisted in part by the involvement of renewal is being assisted in part by the involvement of

the promotional products industry’s concept of providing the promotional products industry’s concept of providing the promotional products industry’s concept of providing

tangible rewards to motivate individuals. Here’s how tangible rewards to motivate individuals. Here’s how tangible rewards to motivate individuals. Here’s how

it works. You, your company, your community, your it works. You, your company, your community, your it works. You, your company, your community, your

family & friends can make the world a better place family & friends can make the world a better place family & friends can make the world a better place

with a simple PAY IT FORWARD bracelet. When you with a simple PAY IT FORWARD bracelet. When you with a simple PAY IT FORWARD bracelet. When you

receive a “thank you” for whatever it is you have done, receive a “thank you” for whatever it is you have done, receive a “thank you” for whatever it is you have done,

just remove the bracelet and ask that person to “PAY IT just remove the bracelet and ask that person to “PAY IT


With the goal of spreading 1,000,000,000 bracelets With the goal of spreading 1,000,000,000 bracelets

around the world, SnugzUSA, a major promotional around the world, SnugzUSA, a major promotional

products supplier, donated the fi rst installment of products supplier, donated the fi rst installment of

bracelets. Brilliant Results recently had the opportunity bracelets. Brilliant Results recently had the opportunity

to interview Charley Johnson, one of the co-owners of to interview Charley Johnson, one of the co-owners of

SnugzUSA and a member of the board of the Pay It SnugzUSA and a member of the board of the Pay It

Forward Foundation.

BR: How did you get involved

with Pay It Forward?

CJ: I am a BIG people watcher. I have always liked CJ: I am a BIG people watcher. I have always liked

to watch the way people treat each other and from my to watch the way people treat each other and from my

observations I didn’t like what I was seeing. When I was observations I didn’t like what I was seeing. When I was

younger I always wondered why so many people honked younger I always wondered why so many people honked

their horns, treated waiters and waitresses so badly (if their horns, treated waiters and waitresses so badly (if

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 9www.bri l l iantpubl

you really want to see how a person is, take them

to dinner and watch how they treat the waiter and

you will get your truth), treated cashiers like idiots,

yelled at people for no reason and got so upset over

something so small. Most people look up to people

and see how they want to be, I looked up to people

and saw how I DIDN’T want to be. A little later in

life I saw the movie Pay It Forward and it all made

sense. After being completely hooked by watching

the movie I was amazed when a HUGE movement did

not result. I knew that there was the foundation, but I

couldn’t believe it didn’t take over the world. For the

next 5 years after watching the movie I always tried

to help others. One way that I remember helping is

by leaving BIG tips at restaurants. I often wanted to

leave some sort of note to let them know it was their

turn to help someone else, but I never could think

of a way of doing this… so I just kept doing what I

was doing. While I was making many waiters happy

along the way, I never felt that the recipients would

understand my motivation and pay my good deed

forward to someone else. Then the bracelet idea

came about and brought everything full circle.

BR: What is your most memorable BR: What is your most memorable

Pay It Forward Gesture?

CJ: It hasn’t happened yet. There are too CJ: It hasn’t happened yet. There are too

many stories I hear of to pick a favorite and way too many stories I hear of to pick a favorite and way too

many more that need to be done to help change many more that need to be done to help change

the mindset of the people on this planet. The most the mindset of the people on this planet. The most

memorable Gesture I plan on celebrating is when we memorable Gesture I plan on celebrating is when we

hit the 1 billion mark for bracelets sent out into the hit the 1 billion mark for bracelets sent out into the

world. We have tracked a few bracelets and asked world. We have tracked a few bracelets and asked

some questions and from what we have found the some questions and from what we have found the

bracelets are changing hands a minimum of 5 - 6 bracelets are changing hands a minimum of 5 - 6

times. You get 1 billion bracelets passed out times times. You get 1 billion bracelets passed out times

the number they will change hands and you have the number they will change hands and you have

swept the globe with pay it forward.swept the globe with pay it forward.

BR: What lead you to apply the BR: What lead you to apply the

rubber bracelet concept to Pay It Forward rubber bracelet concept to Pay It Forward

and what has its impact been?and what has its impact been?

CJ: The bracelet idea came to me while driving CJ: The bracelet idea came to me while driving

home one day. I thought to myself instead of home one day. I thought to myself instead of

wearing the bracelet to support a cause how about wearing the bracelet to support a cause how about

wearing the bracelet as a reminder it is your turn wearing the bracelet as a reminder it is your turn

to help someone. With pay it forward I know many to help someone. With pay it forward I know many

people already practice this way of life but they really people already practice this way of life but they really

have nothing to pass on to remind the other person have nothing to pass on to remind the other person

it is their turn. In steps the bracelet! I discussed it is their turn. In steps the bracelet! I discussed

the idea with a few people and they loved it… but the idea with a few people and they loved it… but

many people love cool ideas that don’t work…so we many people love cool ideas that don’t work…so we

decided we had to test this one. We made about 500 decided we had to test this one. We made about 500

bracelets and started handing them out around town. bracelets and started handing them out around town.

We also took some to a tradeshow to get people’s We also took some to a tradeshow to get people’s

reactions. I knew when hundreds of people came reactions. I knew when hundreds of people came

up to me looking for their own bracelet we were on up to me looking for their own bracelet we were on

to something.

Our next order was for 2,000, then 5,000, Our next order was for 2,000, then 5,000,

then 10,000 and then 100,000. As the order size then 10,000 and then 100,000. As the order size

increased more and more people in more and increased more and more people in more and

more cities were talking about it and one of those more cities were talking about it and one of those

cities just so happened to have Catherine Ryan cities just so happened to have Catherine Ryan

Countries Paying it Forward!Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria,

Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Greece, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kuwait, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sweden, South Africa, Spain, Sultanate of Oman, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Pay It Forward really is working, not just around the United States but also around

10 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

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Z8109_BrilliantResults.indd 1 10/7/08 3:07:05 PM

CJ: It hasn’t happened yet. There are too

many stories I hear of to pick a favorite and way too

many more that need to be done to help change

the mindset of the people on this planet. The most

memorable Gesture I plan on celebrating is when we

hit the 1 billion mark for bracelets sent out into the

world. We have tracked a few bracelets and asked

some questions and from what we have found the

bracelets are changing hands a minimum of 5 - 6

times. You get 1 billion bracelets passed out times

the number they will change hands and you have

CJ: The bracelet idea came to me while driving

home one day. I thought to myself instead of

wearing the bracelet to support a cause how about

wearing the bracelet as a reminder it is your turn

to help someone. With pay it forward I know many

people already practice this way of life but they really

have nothing to pass on to remind the other person

it is their turn. In steps the bracelet! I discussed

the idea with a few people and they loved it… but

many people love cool ideas that don’t work…so we

decided we had to test this one. We made about 500

bracelets and started handing them out around town.

We also took some to a tradeshow to get people’s

reactions. I knew when hundreds of people came

up to me looking for their own bracelet we were on

Our next order was for 2,000, then 5,000,

then 10,000 and then 100,000. As the order size

increased more and more people in more and

more cities were talking about it and one of those

cities just so happened to have Catherine Ryan

Hyde, the author of Pay It Forward, visiting to Hyde, the author of Pay It Forward, visiting to

give a speech. A lady in the audience gave her give a speech. A lady in the audience gave her

a bracelet and said there was a young man that a bracelet and said there was a young man that

would probably love to hear from her. A week later would probably love to hear from her. A week later

I received an e-mail from Catherine with a subject I received an e-mail from Catherine with a subject

line of “nice to electronically meet you”. After a line of “nice to electronically meet you”. After a

few e-mails back and forth she decided to add the few e-mails back and forth she decided to add the

bracelet to her Pay It Forward Foundation website bracelet to her Pay It Forward Foundation website

and promote it as a great way to pay it forward. and promote it as a great way to pay it forward.

After the bracelet made it to her website… the After the bracelet made it to her website… the

website that comes up fi rst if you Google ‘pay it website that comes up fi rst if you Google ‘pay it

forward’… I had no idea what would happen next. forward’… I had no idea what would happen next.

We were receiving multiple orders every day for We were receiving multiple orders every day for

bracelets from all over the world, not just the USA bracelets from all over the world, not just the USA

anymore. This was amazing… I never thought this anymore. This was amazing… I never thought this

would happen so I was happy…but then the orders would happen so I was happy…but then the orders

really started piling in and that 1st 100,000 was really started piling in and that 1st 100,000 was

gone in 4 months, the next 100,000 was gone in gone in 4 months, the next 100,000 was gone in

3 months and then 2 months and the 4th 100,000 3 months and then 2 months and the 4th 100,000

was promised before we even received them. To was promised before we even received them. To

date we have sent out over 400,000 bracelets to

51 countries and those countries can be seen in

the textbox accompanying this interview and on

our blog at along with

hundreds of stories from people all over the world.

We would be well over 1,000,000 but we have had

to turn down or decrease some order sizes to get as

many people involved as possible.

These bracelets really brought pay it forward to

another level in 2008 and due to this Catherine had

me join her pay it forward foundation board. There

has also been enough increase of exposure and

cash that they hired their fi rst full time “Executive

Director” in 2009 to help grow even more. Most

people visiting the pay it forward website were

schools and teachers but now big businesses,

governments, churches and individuals were clicking

online and requesting bracelets from every corner of

the planet. Amazing how powerful this simple little

white bracelet has become.

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 11www.bri l l iantpubl

BR: What is the

PAW It Forward program

that PetCo is affi liated

with and how was it

developed from the Pay

It Forward concept?

CJ: PAW it forward

was the idea of a fellow

board member, Bob Littell

(creator of Net Weaving).

He is an animal lover and

when the idea came to

him, he called a few of

his contacts and fi nally

reached PetCo, who loved

the idea. A few weeks

later I was in contact with

them on how they wanted

to customize their bracelet

and the rest is history.

Look for these bracelets to be in all their Southeast

stores for the initial launch and hopefully expand

to all US stores by the end of 2009. The PAW it

forward bracelets works like this: "When someone

says something nice about your 'rescue' pet which

you have adopted from an animal rescue or other

PETCO adoption program, thank the person . . .then

take your wristband off, give it to that person and

ask him or her to 'Paw It Forward' and encourage

him or her to either adopt a rescue pet or encourage

someone else they know to do so. Always Think

Adoption First"

BR: How can other businesses

get involved in the Pay It Forward

program and is there a cost?

CJ: With our Goal of 1 billion bracelets we

will need many business and individuals to get

involved. The 1st 400,000 bracelets have come

out of our own pocket including shipping to all these

countries; to date we are in over $65,000. When a

business decides to get involved, we can customize

the packaging the bracelet comes in to include

the company’s Logo, website or whatever they

would like so that the world knows who is paying

it forward. The packaging is an individual polybag

that includes one bracelet, it has our blog website of and some text on how

the bracelet works. We can change this packaging

to suit individual businesses’ needs. The packaging

we just did for PetCo had their text on the package we just did for PetCo had their text on the package

and included their PetCo logo in place of our blog and included their PetCo logo in place of our blog


Let’s say Coca Cola wants to get involved and Let’s say Coca Cola wants to get involved and

hand out millions of pay it forward bracelets at events hand out millions of pay it forward bracelets at events

during 2009, we can put whatever wording they want during 2009, we can put whatever wording they want

on the polybag along with any full color logo. We can on the polybag along with any full color logo. We can

also put their website on the inside of the bracelet so also put their website on the inside of the bracelet so

when people take the bracelet out of the packaging when people take the bracelet out of the packaging

they will still know who is paying it forward. The they will still know who is paying it forward. The

companies could start their own website and track companies could start their own website and track

how and where their bracelets travel. It offers great how and where their bracelets travel. It offers great

PR for any company, whether they are motivating PR for any company, whether they are motivating

their employees or the entire world! With a cost of their employees or the entire world! With a cost of

only about .09 net per bracelet you can’t make a only about .09 net per bracelet you can’t make a

bigger impact with such small amount of money!bigger impact with such small amount of money!

BR: What are your goals for the BR: What are your goals for the

Pay It Forward organization?Pay It Forward organization?

CJ: The main goal is to change the world like CJ: The main goal is to change the world like

no one ever thought possible, to get more people no one ever thought possible, to get more people

involved in the world they live in, to get them to live

more for others rather than themselves. Doing this

is not as diffi cult as people would think, think about

the impact we have already had with only 400,000

simple white bracelets. The other part of the goal is

to send out 1 billion bracelets and touch every single

life on this planet with pay it forward.

BR: Is there anything else you

would like to share with our readers

about the Pay It Forward Program?

CJ: Please be sure to visit our blog at www. and see all the stories from

all over the world. It's also a source of some good

news for a change, a way to renew your faith in

human nature. And if you have a great pay it forward

story please feel free to share it with us so we can

get it up on the blog for the world to see. is also the place to visit

if you would like your own supply of bracelets to get a

pay it forward movement going

in your community. Just let me

know the quantity and ship to

address, then we will make it

happen. Pay it forward is not

just a one-time thing, it’s a

“Mindset” that helps people

better themselves and the

world around them. Charley Johnson

12 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl


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Make Recognition Your Resolution

snacking after dinner? Write this

resolution on a piece of paper and

tape it on the refrigerator. this visual

clue will remind you and help you

resist those late night temptations.

Visible rewards also play a large

role in a successful incentive reward

program. Rewarding people with

gift cards can allow them to choose

the award they want, providing a

visible reminder to them of their

achievement. this tangible reward

can provide trophy value whether it’s

in the employee’s home or at the offi ce

where their coworkers can see it.

Know the ultimate goal

the most important part of any

resolution is the real meaning behind

the goal. Someone may choose to

lose 30 pounds as a resolution, which

leads to the ultimate goal of that choice

– living a healthier lifestyle.

A recognition program also must

convey the real meaning behind

its awards. Offering gift cards as

an award option and committing to

giving employee recognition all year

is a great organizational resolution,

thereby leading to the ultimate goal

– happier, more engaged employees

and a healthier company overall.

Follow these five simple

suggestions and you’ll find that

keeping your resolution of employee

recognition is one that everyone can

help achieve.

It’S February. the month you

can practically set your clock on two

common occurrences. Punxsutawney

Phil comes out of his winter home on

Feb. 2 to see his shadow and people say

goodbye to their New Year’s resolutions

– usually around the same day.

Making resolutions is a tradition

for many people. Some choose to

lose weight, some choose just to eat

healthier, while others vow to be nicer

to people. But resolutions don’t have

to stop with individuals. Organizations

can get in on the act of making

resolutions and one that companies

and managers should select and

strive to maintain all year long is giving

employee recognition and rewards.

Studies have shown that there are

fi ve key strategies a person should

follow to help them stick to a resolution.

these strategies are just as useful for

incentive managers when building

a successful yearlong recognition


Know your limits

One of the biggest reasons

people fail at keeping resolutions is

they don’t know their own limits and

choose too many. Losing weight,

volunteering at a charity, joining a

school committee and helping a youth

club are all commendable choices, but

success comes from keeping things

in perspective and knowing personal


Likewise, a recognition program

must understand its limits. Gift cards,

thank you notes and verbal recognition

are all great options for incentive

rewards, but you must keep the

recognition in perspective and provide

the proper reward for a particular

outcome. You might award gift cards

as recognition to reward someone for

winning a monthly or quarterly sales

incentive, or write a quick thank you

note to a coworker for helping you

compile 300 sales packets. On the

fl ip side, you’re likely not going to give

someone a $500 gift card for putting

new toner in the copy machine. To keep

your incentive program successful all

year, make sure to set appropriate and

consistent limits for incentives used

throughout the organization.

use progressive goals

One way to reach a resolution is

to break the overall goal into smaller,

progressive steps. Someone who

decides to lose 30 pounds may view

losing that much weight as nearly

impossible. Instead of focusing on

the large goal, a person could commit

themselves to losing 3 pounds per

month. that not only seems much

easier to accomplish, by the end of the

year, they will actually over-achieve

their original goal.

In a company setting, a recognition

program can be used to reward

employees for continued growth or

progress toward yearly goals. Rather

than giving one large award at the end

of the year for reaching a particular

goal, give recognition on a regular

basis throughout the year. Smaller

awards, such as $25 gift cards,

given monthly or quarterly can keep

employees focused and committed to

reaching a long-term goal.

tell someBody

telling your resolution to a friend

is an important part of successfully

keeping your commitment throughout

the year. By sharing your goal with

someone else, they can provide

encouragement and motivation – or

a quick, friendly scolding – when you

need it.

In the same manner, recognition

of employees shouldn’t be kept

secret. While not every employee

enjoys receiving public recognition,

it’s important that small and large

achievements alike be shared with

team members and the company.

Handing out gift card awards in a setting

like department or company meetings

is a great place to share successes

and can provide encouragement and

motivation to others.

maKe it visiBle

Having a visual reminder of your

resolution can play a large role in

helping you reach your goal. Did

you promise yourself you would stop

14 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

Br_0209.indd 14 2/1/09 10:24:51 PM


Make Recognition Your Resolution

snacking after dinner? Write this

resolution on a piece of paper and

tape it on the refrigerator. this visual

clue will remind you and help you

resist those late night temptations.

Visible rewards also play a large

role in a successful incentive reward

program. Rewarding people with

gift cards can allow them to choose

the award they want, providing a

visible reminder to them of their

achievement. this tangible reward

can provide trophy value whether it’s

in the employee’s home or at the offi ce

where their coworkers can see it.

Know the ultimate goal

the most important part of any

resolution is the real meaning behind

the goal. Someone may choose to

lose 30 pounds as a resolution, which

leads to the ultimate goal of that choice

– living a healthier lifestyle.

A recognition program also must

convey the real meaning behind

its awards. Offering gift cards as

an award option and committing to

giving employee recognition all year

is a great organizational resolution,

thereby leading to the ultimate goal

– happier, more engaged employees

and a healthier company overall.

Follow these five simple

suggestions and you’ll find that

keeping your resolution of employee

recognition is one that everyone can

help achieve.

It’S February. the month you

can practically set your clock on two

common occurrences. Punxsutawney

Phil comes out of his winter home on

Feb. 2 to see his shadow and people say

goodbye to their New Year’s resolutions

– usually around the same day.

Making resolutions is a tradition

for many people. Some choose to

lose weight, some choose just to eat

healthier, while others vow to be nicer

to people. But resolutions don’t have

to stop with individuals. Organizations

can get in on the act of making

resolutions and one that companies

and managers should select and

strive to maintain all year long is giving

employee recognition and rewards.

Studies have shown that there are

fi ve key strategies a person should

follow to help them stick to a resolution.

these strategies are just as useful for

incentive managers when building

a successful yearlong recognition


Know your limits

One of the biggest reasons

people fail at keeping resolutions is

they don’t know their own limits and

choose too many. Losing weight,

volunteering at a charity, joining a

school committee and helping a youth

club are all commendable choices, but

success comes from keeping things

in perspective and knowing personal


Likewise, a recognition program

must understand its limits. Gift cards,

thank you notes and verbal recognition

are all great options for incentive

rewards, but you must keep the

recognition in perspective and provide

the proper reward for a particular

outcome. You might award gift cards

as recognition to reward someone for

winning a monthly or quarterly sales

incentive, or write a quick thank you

note to a coworker for helping you

compile 300 sales packets. On the

fl ip side, you’re likely not going to give

someone a $500 gift card for putting

new toner in the copy machine. To keep

your incentive program successful all

year, make sure to set appropriate and

consistent limits for incentives used

throughout the organization.

use progressive goals

One way to reach a resolution is

to break the overall goal into smaller,

progressive steps. Someone who

decides to lose 30 pounds may view

losing that much weight as nearly

impossible. Instead of focusing on

the large goal, a person could commit

themselves to losing 3 pounds per

month. that not only seems much

easier to accomplish, by the end of the

year, they will actually over-achieve

their original goal.

In a company setting, a recognition

program can be used to reward

employees for continued growth or

progress toward yearly goals. Rather

than giving one large award at the end

of the year for reaching a particular

goal, give recognition on a regular

basis throughout the year. Smaller

awards, such as $25 gift cards,

given monthly or quarterly can keep

employees focused and committed to

reaching a long-term goal.

tell someBody

telling your resolution to a friend

is an important part of successfully

keeping your commitment throughout

the year. By sharing your goal with

someone else, they can provide

encouragement and motivation – or

a quick, friendly scolding – when you

need it.

In the same manner, recognition

of employees shouldn’t be kept

secret. While not every employee

enjoys receiving public recognition,

it’s important that small and large

achievements alike be shared with

team members and the company.

Handing out gift card awards in a setting

like department or company meetings

is a great place to share successes

and can provide encouragement and

motivation to others.

maKe it visiBle

Having a visual reminder of your

resolution can play a large role in

helping you reach your goal. Did

you promise yourself you would stop

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 15www.bri l l iantpubl

Br_0209.indd 15 2/1/09 10:24:54 PM




Questioning The Status Quo

Creative Problem-Solving: Part 2

The Status Quo

16 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

Br_0209.indd 16 2/1/09 10:24:57 PM


Questioning The Status Quo

WHEn you were a kid, you may

not have had all the answers, but you

certainly had all the questions. “What’s

this?”…“What’s it do?”… “How’s it

work?”… “Are we there yet?” As you

grew older, “Why?” became a staple

of your vocabulary until a deadly

combination of your parent’s infl uence

and the educational system taught

you to stop questioning authority.

Since conformity is the path of

least resistance, you began to rely

more on your ability to “roll with the

fl ow” than your ability to question the

world around you. But if you want to

develop new ideas and concepts to

solve promotional marketing and

other business problems, rolling

with the status quo ain’t gonna

cut it.

Last month, I discussed

the death of creativity and

what impedes the creative

problem-solving process.

This month we’ll look at two

methods by which you can

expand your creative problem-

solving prowess: Questioning

and Reversing Your Thinking.

Whenever I discuss the

Questioning concept I recall a

client for whom we produced

a membership directory. For

years we saddle-stitched the

booklet (putting 2 staples in the middle

of the booklet) to bind it. My client now

wanted the booklet to open and lay

fl at. While spiral binding would solve

the problem, it was outside my client’s

budget. Then I asked one question

that changed everything, “Does the

booklet need to be this size.” She

said, “No”.

The booklet was tall and narrow

with 2 columns of names per page.

Widening the booklet allowed more

names per page. this reduced the

number of pages and all related

production activities. the savings

allowed us to spiral bind the directory

without additional charges.

When using the questioning

technique, it’s necessary to get back

in touch with that little kid that used

to ask a million questions. If you’re in

management, the fi rst question you

must ask is, “Does my management

style foster questioning?” The next

question is, “Does my company foster an

atmosphere that allows questioning?”

Answer those questions truthfully and

you may have some issues to address

right there. Beyond that:

• Take a look at your company

policies and ask why? Why are you

doing what you’re doing? Why are

you doing it the way you’re doing it?

Sometimes, a function that has always

WHEn not have had all the answers, but you

certainly had all the questions. “What’s

this?”…“What’s it do?”… “How’s it

work?”… “Are we there yet?” As you

grew older, “Why?” became a staple

of your vocabulary until a deadly

combination of your parent’s infl uence

and the educational system taught

you to stop questioning authority.

Since conformity is the path of

least resistance, you began to rely

more on your ability to “roll with the

fl ow” than your ability to question the

world around you. But if you want to

develop new ideas and concepts to

solve promotional marketing and

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 17www.bri l l iantpubl

Br_0209.indd 17 2/1/09 10:24:59 PM



been done is being duplicated by

software and is no longer necessary.

Other times, functions are being done

because at one time a company policy

or governmental law that no longer

applies required them.

Ask the people in your organization

why they do what they do the way they

do it. times change. Maybe there’s a

better way and the person doing the

job knows it, but has never thought to

say anything or worse — is scared to

say anything.

Sure, sometimes asking questions

will open up a can of worms. If you’re

unwilling to go there … then that’s a

clear indication that that’s EXACTLY

what needs to be done. From a

promotional marketing standpoint,

tough economic times is an especially

great time to question what you’re

doing, why you’re doing it and how

you’re doing it.

the next concept to aid in Creative

Problem-Solving is to Reverse Your

Thinking. In his book, “A Whack

On The Side of The Head”, Roger

von Oech tells of ABC Corp that hit

hard times. All efforts to identify the

problems failed until they reversed

their thinking. Instead of focusing

on how to fi x problems they couldn’t

identify, the staff was asked to

pretend that they were spies

for the competitor who had

gotten a job with ABC Corp.

They were then asked to

write down everything

they would do to sabotage

the company. After the lists were

complied, it became apparent that the

employees were actually doing more

than half of the items on the list.

Reversing your thinking is where

“branch offi ces” came from. Instead

of thinking, “How do we draw more

consumers to our business?”…The

thinking became, “How do we take

our business to the consumer?”

Sales protocol is often designed to

make it easy to sell. Reserve that

thinking and the focus becomes how

to make it easier for the consumer

to buy. For promotional marketing

applications, consider the use of

fl ash drives, CD-ROM’s and DVD’s

sent via courier or direct mail. You

can send your prospects an audio or

video presentation of your product

line, services or a whole retail store.

If you’re selling a high-end product for

instance, sending prospects a DVD in

the mail that also serves as a ticket

to a private sales event could achieve

greater ROI than a shotgun, mass-

media approach.

I’m not knocking mass marketing

tactics such as radio, tV

and newspaper to reach

large numbers of people

in a hurry. But what is

your target audience

doing when they’re not

watching tV or

listening to the

radio? Maybe

they’re at the

symphony or

at their kid’s

sporting event. Instead of broadcasting,

reverse your thinking and consider

narrowcasting … creating appropriate

messages and delivery methods to

impact your target in a more precise


For example, sponsoring a wine

and cheese tasting event prior to

the symphony if that’s your target

audience. Health-related businesses,

insurance companies or sporting

goods stores might consider a booth

at the little league baseball game

handing out baseball cards and their

brochure on how to prevent sport’s

related injuries.

Outright Questioning or Reversing

Your Thinking are two methods by

which you can challenge the status

quo. Marketing managers must,

however, ensure that management

styles and corporate culture foster

and encourage respectful questioning

of the status quo and consideration

of viewpoints that are 180 degrees

from “policy”.

next month, in Part 3, we’ll discuss

using things for something other than

their original purpose. Keep in mind,

inanimate objects don’t know or care

what they are supposed to be used

for. It’s our perceptions that limit us.

And within that insight, lies creative

problem-solving power.

von Oech tells of ABC Corp that hit

hard times. All efforts to identify the

problems failed until they reversed

their thinking. Instead of focusing

on how to fi x problems they couldn’t

identify, the staff was asked to

pretend that they were spies

for the competitor who had

gotten a job with ABC Corp.

They were then asked to

tactics such as radio, tV

and newspaper to reach

large numbers of people

in a hurry. But what is

your target audience

doing when they’re not

18 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl

Br_0209.indd 18 2/1/09 10:25:00 PM




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MOTIVATING employees is

certainly not a new revelation. Ever

since Eve tried to persuade Adam

to partake of the hidden fruit one

could say this was the beginning of

motivation. Ever since human kind has

realized there are rewards for hard

work, trying to defi ne what motivates

people to action has been a goal of the

global corporate world.

In an article published in The

Harvard Business Review in the July-

August 2008 edition authors Nitin

Nohria, Boris Groysberg and Linda-

Eling Lee, point out through extensive

research that people are motivated

by four emotional needs, or drives.

These drives are best remembered as

ABCD—The drive to: Acquire, Bond,

Comprehend and Defend.

To put into practice and to satisfy

what these four drives mean the

authors completed two major studies.

The first surveyed 385 employees of

two global corporations. The second

surveyed 300 employees from

Fortune 500 companies. In order to

define overall motivation the focus

of the studies was on four measured

workplace indicators: engagement,

satisfaction, commitment, and

intention (to quit). The two research

studies pointed out that a businesses'

ability to meet the ABCD drives

explains on average, about 60% of

MOTIVATING employees is

certainly not a new revelation. Ever

Motivation…A New Perspective!

employees’ variance on motivational

indicators. They also found that certain

drives can influence motivational

indicators more than others. For

example fulfilling the drive to bond

has the greatest effect on employee

commitment. The research provided

insight into two other important

factors: the fact that a company can

best improve motivational practices

by meeting all four drives by putting

them into action together and that

individual managers influence

overall motivation regardless of

organizational policy.


The Four Drivers That Stimulate

Motivation In A Corporation

A – The drive to Acquire. •

As humans we are all driven to

acquire “things” that satisfy our

sense of “well being”. We are happy

or fulfi lled when this drive is attained.

When such things as food, clothing,

housing and transportation are

fulfi lled we are content or satisfi ed

and want more. Herein lies the Law

of Satiety and can be fulfi lled by

reward from a corporation. This is

why a formal, well-planned employee

recognition program is imperative.

B – The drive to Bond. •

As mentioned earlier the drive to

bond has a great effect on employee

commitment. This drive accounts for

the important feeling of motivation

when an employee feels he or she

is part of an organization and an

emotional let down when they feel the

organization has not done right by them.

Because employees become close to

other associates in a department or

division this sometimes makes it hard

for them to want to leave or go on to

another area in the company. One

way to create an environment for real

bonding is through a formal employee

recognition program where associates

are recognized and rewarded for their

efforts. Through the eyes of their peers

this is a strong bonding vehicle.

C – The drive to Comprehend. •

There is nothing like a challenge

to motivate an employee. These

challenges according to the authors

enable an employee to grow and

learn, and when the challenges are

monotonous or lead to mundane

work often they leave their

companies to find a new challenge

elsewhere. Every employee wants

to make an important contribution to

the organization and be recognized

for that contribution. And again this

is where an employee recognition

program is so vital to the successful

implementation of all four drivers.

D - The drive to Defend. •

People generally have a resistance

to change. Therefore fulfi lling the

drive to defend brings out feelings of

confi dence and security particularly

when a corporation has clear goals

and inspires people to express

their feelings, ideas and opinions.

To gain this new perspective on

motivating your employees no matter

what size your company all four of the

drivers: Acquire, Bond, Comprehend

and Defend (ABCD) must be launched

at the same time. You can’t expect

one to work without the other. For

instance, it would be diffi cult to offer

a reward program without bonding

or comprehension or defending. And

you cannot just pay good salaries and

expect your employees to feel good

about their work if there is no support

for the drive to bond.

These drivers according to the

study are the fundamental needs

warranted to motivate a workforce to

perform above and beyond the

predetermined goals management

has established.

Have a Rewarding Day.

20 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

MOTIVATING employees is

certainly not a new revelation. Ever

since Eve tried to persuade Adam

to partake of the hidden fruit one

could say this was the beginning of

motivation. Ever since human kind has

realized there are rewards for hard

work, trying to defi ne what motivates

people to action has been a goal of the

global corporate world.

In an article published in The

Harvard Business Review in the July-

August 2008 edition authors Nitin

Nohria, Boris Groysberg and Linda-

Eling Lee, point out through extensive

research that people are motivated

by four emotional needs, or drives.

These drives are best remembered as

ABCD—The drive to: Acquire, Bond,

Comprehend and Defend.

To put into practice and to satisfy

what these four drives mean the

authors completed two major studies.

The first surveyed 385 employees of

two global corporations. The second

surveyed 300 employees from

Fortune 500 companies. In order to

define overall motivation the focus

of the studies was on four measured

workplace indicators: engagement,

satisfaction, commitment, and

intention (to quit). The two research

studies pointed out that a businesses'

ability to meet the ABCD drives

explains on average, about 60% of

employees is

certainly not a new revelation. Ever

Motivation…A New Perspective!

employees’ variance on motivational

indicators. They also found that certain

drives can influence motivational

indicators more than others. For

example fulfilling the drive to bond

has the greatest effect on employee

commitment. The research provided

insight into two other important

factors: the fact that a company can

best improve motivational practices

by meeting all four drives by putting

them into action together and that

individual managers influence

overall motivation regardless of

organizational policy.


The Four Drivers That Stimulate

Motivation In A Corporation

A – The drive to Acquire. •

As humans we are all driven to

acquire “things” that satisfy our

sense of “well being”. We are happy

or fulfi lled when this drive is attained.

When such things as food, clothing,

housing and transportation are

fulfi lled we are content or satisfi ed

and want more. Herein lies the Law

of Satiety and can be fulfi lled by

reward from a corporation. This is

why a formal, well-planned employee

recognition program is imperative.

B – The drive to Bond. •

As mentioned earlier the drive to

bond has a great effect on employee

commitment. This drive accounts for

the important feeling of motivation

when an employee feels he or she

is part of an organization and an

emotional let down when they feel the

organization has not done right by them.

Because employees become close to

other associates in a department or

division this sometimes makes it hard

for them to want to leave or go on to

another area in the company. One

way to create an environment for real

bonding is through a formal employee

recognition program where associates

are recognized and rewarded for their

efforts. Through the eyes of their peers

this is a strong bonding vehicle.

C – The drive to Comprehend. •

There is nothing like a challenge

to motivate an employee. These

challenges according to the authors

enable an employee to grow and

learn, and when the challenges are

monotonous or lead to mundane

work often they leave their

companies to find a new challenge

elsewhere. Every employee wants

to make an important contribution to

the organization and be recognized

for that contribution. And again this

is where an employee recognition

program is so vital to the successful

implementation of all four drivers.

D - The drive to Defend. •

People generally have a resistance

to change. Therefore fulfi lling the

drive to defend brings out feelings of

confi dence and security particularly

when a corporation has clear goals

and inspires people to express

their feelings, ideas and opinions.

To gain this new perspective on

motivating your employees no matter

what size your company all four of the

drivers: Acquire, Bond, Comprehend

and Defend (ABCD) must be launched

at the same time. You can’t expect

one to work without the other. For

instance, it would be diffi cult to offer

a reward program without bonding

or comprehension or defending. And

you cannot just pay good salaries and

expect your employees to feel good

about their work if there is no support

for the drive to bond.

These drivers according to the

study are the fundamental needs

warranted to motivate a workforce to

perform above and beyond the

predetermined goals management

has established.

Have a Rewarding Day.

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 21www.bri l l iantpubl

Motivating Our Employees and Ourselves: Getting Brilliant Results by Motivating our Employees



showing appreciation for a job well done,

being empathetic when an employee

has personal problems, and letting your

employees know that they are part of

your team. Listen to what is said and

to what is not said. Give employees a

chance to "emote" in a safe environment

where they can express themselves

without fear or worry.

Consider the following ideas as means of inCreasing employee motivation:

Become a "team" by making sure that •

employees feel they can trust you

and can share their problems with

you. When an employee has a

personal problem, be there for that

person and always maintain an

employee's right to privacy.

Develop an objective set of criteria by •

which to judge work. Employees who

feel that their managers set capricious

standards quickly feel loss of

motivation and often seek other jobs.

Offer in-house training to all •

employees. In-house training not only

provides additional knowledge, but it

is a subtle way for employees to

realize that you value them enough to

invest in them as a human-resource.

Develop yearly or bi-yearly •

re-orientation programs. Few

employees in the tourism industry are

allowed to serve the public without

first going through an orientation

program. A good job renewal

program is not necessarily meant to

teach anything new, but rather it

refreshes everyone's memory about

the reason for the job's existence.

Re-orientation programs can help

provide a psychological lift for front

line employees who must provide

good service on a constant basis.

have fun. Perhaps the best motivational

technique is to work hard and at the

same time have fun at work. Enjoying

work is the best motivational tool for

putting a smile on our employees'

faces. Take the time to laugh and

lighten up. When dealing with a

difficult customer or guest, think of

yourself as being secretly recorded

for a television program such as

"Candid Camera!" Remember that

managers too need to have fun.

What makes tourism a great industry

is that working in it is not only a

chance to have fun but also a chance

to create fun.

In these difficult economic times

those companies that offer the public

well-motivated employees have an

edge in the competition for brilliant

results. In customer service industries

such as tourism we must never forget

that our customers have a right to

demand highly motivated employees

who offer great service, given with

a smile, and provided with a sense

of caring.

IT is never easy to motivate

employees, especially during the

winter season when many parts of the

world suffer from a lack of sun and

weather conditions that can make even

the shortest commute a challenge.

Tourism, being a service industry

however cannot afford to have angry or

disgruntled employees. In fact the best

way to get brilliant results is to have

well-motivated and creative staffs.

A common complaint among tourism

leaders, and many other service-

centered professions, is that, despite

their best efforts, those who serve the

public often lack motivation to provide

good service. In fact, although tourism

leaders never tire of stating that

"service" is their main business, too

many passengers on airplanes, guests

at hotels or restaurants, or visitors to

tourism attractions can testify how at

times they felt more like the "enemy"

than the "honored" guests.

To help stimulate your employees and

yourself here are some reminders on

ways to instill a desire to provide the type

of service that produces brilliant results:

Be a manager and not a Boss!

Your job is to direct, manage and

inspire your workers, not to boss them

around. A major reason cited for

employee lethargy is the feeling that

bosses see their employees as merely

"commodities" to be bought (hired) and

sold (fired) at will. Employees serve the

public best when they are recognized

not only for going beyond the call of

duty but also are appreciated for simply

well-serving the public on a daily


Be where the aCtion is. It is impossible to solve a problem

(or even know that the problem exists)

if you are not where your customers

experience your service. If you run

a hotel, spend time in the lobby, with

the doormen, and in the kitchen. If

you are in charge of a Convention and

Visitor Bureau, take the time to observe

how visitors are treated as they come

through the door, and if you are in

charge of an attraction, be where the

"event' is taking place. Watch how

tickets are sold, how your host and

hostesses conduct tours, and how well

your food service is doing its job. There

is no substitute for observation.

try to determine if your employees are satisfied with their joBs.

Do you really know what your

employees desire from their job?

Employees cannot offer the public good

service, if their managers do not provide

motivational leadership. That means

22 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

Motivating Our Employees and Ourselves: Getting Brilliant Results by Motivating our Employees

showing appreciation for a job well done,

being empathetic when an employee

has personal problems, and letting your

employees know that they are part of

your team. Listen to what is said and

to what is not said. Give employees a

chance to "emote" in a safe environment

where they can express themselves

without fear or worry.

Consider the following ideas as means of inCreasing employee motivation:

Become a "team" by making sure that •

employees feel they can trust you

and can share their problems with

you. When an employee has a

personal problem, be there for that

person and always maintain an

employee's right to privacy.

Develop an objective set of criteria by •

which to judge work. Employees who

feel that their managers set capricious

standards quickly feel loss of

motivation and often seek other jobs.

Offer in-house training to all •

employees. In-house training not only

provides additional knowledge, but it

is a subtle way for employees to

realize that you value them enough to

invest in them as a human-resource.

Develop yearly or bi-yearly •

re-orientation programs. Few

employees in the tourism industry are

allowed to serve the public without

first going through an orientation

program. A good job renewal

program is not necessarily meant to

teach anything new, but rather it

refreshes everyone's memory about

the reason for the job's existence.

Re-orientation programs can help

provide a psychological lift for front

line employees who must provide

good service on a constant basis.

have fun. Perhaps the best motivational

technique is to work hard and at the

same time have fun at work. Enjoying

work is the best motivational tool for

putting a smile on our employees'

faces. Take the time to laugh and

lighten up. When dealing with a

difficult customer or guest, think of

yourself as being secretly recorded

for a television program such as

"Candid Camera!" Remember that

managers too need to have fun.

What makes tourism a great industry

is that working in it is not only a

chance to have fun but also a chance

to create fun.

In these difficult economic times

those companies that offer the public

well-motivated employees have an

edge in the competition for brilliant

results. In customer service industries

such as tourism we must never forget

that our customers have a right to

demand highly motivated employees

who offer great service, given with

a smile, and provided with a sense

of caring.

IT is never easy to motivate

employees, especially during the

winter season when many parts of the

world suffer from a lack of sun and

weather conditions that can make even

the shortest commute a challenge.

Tourism, being a service industry

however cannot afford to have angry or

disgruntled employees. In fact the best

way to get brilliant results is to have

well-motivated and creative staffs.

A common complaint among tourism

leaders, and many other service-

centered professions, is that, despite

their best efforts, those who serve the

public often lack motivation to provide

good service. In fact, although tourism

leaders never tire of stating that

"service" is their main business, too

many passengers on airplanes, guests

at hotels or restaurants, or visitors to

tourism attractions can testify how at

times they felt more like the "enemy"

than the "honored" guests.

To help stimulate your employees and

yourself here are some reminders on

ways to instill a desire to provide the type

of service that produces brilliant results:

Be a manager and not a Boss!

Your job is to direct, manage and

inspire your workers, not to boss them

around. A major reason cited for

employee lethargy is the feeling that

bosses see their employees as merely

"commodities" to be bought (hired) and

sold (fired) at will. Employees serve the

public best when they are recognized

not only for going beyond the call of

duty but also are appreciated for simply

well-serving the public on a daily


Be where the aCtion is. It is impossible to solve a problem

(or even know that the problem exists)

if you are not where your customers

experience your service. If you run

a hotel, spend time in the lobby, with

the doormen, and in the kitchen. If

you are in charge of a Convention and

Visitor Bureau, take the time to observe

how visitors are treated as they come

through the door, and if you are in

charge of an attraction, be where the

"event' is taking place. Watch how

tickets are sold, how your host and

hostesses conduct tours, and how well

your food service is doing its job. There

is no substitute for observation.

try to determine if your employees are satisfied with their joBs.

Do you really know what your

employees desire from their job?

Employees cannot offer the public good

service, if their managers do not provide

motivational leadership. That means

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 23www.bri l l iantpubl



In past years, attracting talented

marketing employees posed a key

challenge for many firms. Now, with

a greater pool of qualified creative

professionals seeking opportunities,

hiring can be just as daunting but for

different reasons. The availability of

numerous promising prospects makes

choosing among them a more difficult

task. At the same time, selecting the

right candidate has grown increasingly

important, since tight personnel

budgets allow little room for costly hiring


How can you find the ideal person for

your department and company? While

there’s no full-proof formula, avoiding

hiring blunders can help you make better


Following are some common missteps and how to prevent them:

Inconsistency. One candidate has a

45-minute interview in which he’s asked

a number of challenging questions;

another has a brief informal meeting

because the hiring manager is distracted

and running late. The result? No equal

basis on which to evaluate the prospects.

To be most effective, the interview

process should be uniform. Plan your

questions in advance, and use roughly

the same format and timeframe for every

prospect you’re seriously considering.

This will give you a more equal basis on

which to evaluate peoples’ merits.

Blinded by charm. The applicant had

a firm handshake, a winning smile, a

sharp wit and great things to say about

your company — how could you not

hire him? Before extending an offer,

be sure to look at the full picture. While

charm and charisma may be essential in

some roles, such as sales and account

management, it’s not a key component

for others. In fact, the smoothest talker

may not be the most qualified or the best

fit within your firm; he may simply have

had more practice interviewing. While it’s

natural to be impressed by a prospect’s

winning ways, don’t let them unduly

influence your decision. Someone with

a more reserved personality can still be

an outstanding team member.

Too many cooks. While it’s wise to

have employees meet candidates with

whom they will work, don’t include too

many people in the final decision. Once

you’ve narrowed the field to two or three

applicants, restrict the number of people

who will be involved in the selection. If

too many team members have a say, the

likely outcome is a compromise choice.

Instead of getting the best employee, you

will end up with the least objectionable


Fast-tracking. You need a product

manager yesterday. Although this need

is urgent, resist the urge to whiz through

the hiring process. Speeding over or

skipping key steps — such as reference

checks — can result in a poor hire, which

will cost you significant time and money.

The better alternative: See if you can

bring in a freelancer as you continue

your search.

In any economy, identifying the best

professionals for your business requires

a mix of personal and analytical skills,

as well as a fair and logical process.

While finding the time to conduct

thorough candidate evaluations may

pose a challenge, especially if you’re

under-staffed, the effort you expend

making informed selections will enable

you to assemble a stronger, more

talented team.

Hiring Right

How can you find the ideal person for your department and company?

24 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl

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And Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro Seeded

And Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededComplete SuperGro SeededFlower And Plant StakesFlowerFlowerFlowerFlowerFlowerFlowerFlower And Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant StakesAnd Plant Stakes


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To motivate, and how. That is the question...


it’s all personal

new accounts found, certain product

moved, etc., whatever you are trying

to accomplish. And, if set up properly,

the point system can then pay for itself

because the additional revenues have

been fi gured into the anticipated costs

of the program.

Clients and prospects need

motivation, too. They are people and

people have needs, wants and desires.

Take a trip to their offi ces. Look

around for hints and clues as to what

they are into. Do they travel? Are they

sports nuts? What if you rewarded

your clients for referrals? What if your

prospects were provided a special

Birthday Gift specifi cally chosen for

them? Harvey Mackay, famed author

of Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty

says, “It is Better To Give Before You

Receive”. In other words, do something

nice for them ahead of asking them to

become your new customer. People

like to be nurtured and the best time

to do that is before you ask them for

their business. Rewarding them and

you will be motivating them to want

to reciprocate. Reciprocation, then,

could mean not only getting their

business but the business they refer to

you that you cannot get on your own.

Ask their peers and coworkers for

help in determining what that person

likes to do and what they are into. Pay

attention to Birthdays, Anniversaries,

Schools attended, Kid’s and Spouse

names, anything you can do to learn

more about them. Then, remember

that information and incorporate

it into a game plan that improves

your business with them. You will

undoubtedly come up with amazing

ideas through this kind of ambitious


Motivation is about doing for

others and setting up win-win

scenarios. Motivation is about being

recognized and rewarded. You have

the opportunity to create a

motivational program that helps

ensure you get to stay in business

and thrive. Is this the personal way

to motivate people? Absolutely,

because It’s All Personal!

WHAT motivates you? What

motivates your employees? What

motivates anyone, for that matter?

Throughout history, ordinary people

have been thrust into extraordinary

circumstances and motivated to

survive and thrive. In January of ‘09,

a Senator from Illinois endured racism

and a whole lot more to become our

44th President of the United States.

Earlier last month, we watched

everyone escape potential disaster

when an experienced pilot landed his

US Airways Airbus on the frigid Hudson

River in New York City. Motivation to

save lives played a huge role.

People will do things when

motivated to do them. By the same

token, people will rarely do things that

will take more effort, unless they are

motivated to do so. Motivation is key

to accomplishing anything. You have

to want it bad enough to do that which

you would not ordinarily do in order to

receive the thing you wouldn’t have

ordinarily been given.

One of my favorite actors, Dustin

Hoffman starred in a huge 1982 hit

movie called “Tootsie”, playing a

down-on-his luck, hard-to-work-with

actor whom, out of sheer desperation,

auditions and wins the starring female

role in a soap opera. Motivated by

the fact he had bills to pay, Hoffman’s

character went for it and won.

Some industries out there are

hurting. Others are thriving and I

hope you are in an industry that is

thriving. As a personal disclosure,

I am part of a network-marketing

group that distributes a nutritional

drink called Mona Vie* that is part of

a booming industry called Wellness.

The Wellness industry is thriving

because we Boomers don’t want to go

to the doctor anymore, we want to live

forever and look younger every day. In

other words, Boomers are motivated.

It’s just how things work.

So, no matter what industry you

are in, let’s talk about motivating

Employees, Salespeople, Clients &


Employees can make or break you

just in terms of being off sick, stubbing

their toe, giving other employees a

hard time, stealing and bad-mouthing

the business after hours. There is

no way to totally measure all the

ways employees can hurt you but

there are a lot of ways you can keep

employees happy. Motivation is key.

We can put a point system together

that rewards them for going for a long

period of time without calling in sick,

or stubbing their toe. We can reward

them for helping and training others,

for making good suggestions, for

saving you money. Don’t discount

how many ways your employees can

be motivated to have the right attitude

at work, because motivation comes

from providing them something out of

the ordinary for behaving better than

ordinary, and that’s worth money to

your bottom line.

Your sales force may need

motivating and you need to come up

with rewards that are worth losing

sleep to earn. The rewards can be set

up as points earned for calls made,

That is the question... That is the question...

26 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

To motivate, and how. That is the question...

new accounts found, certain product

moved, etc., whatever you are trying

to accomplish. And, if set up properly,

the point system can then pay for itself

because the additional revenues have

been fi gured into the anticipated costs

of the program.

Clients and prospects need

motivation, too. They are people and

people have needs, wants and desires.

Take a trip to their offi ces. Look

around for hints and clues as to what

they are into. Do they travel? Are they

sports nuts? What if you rewarded

your clients for referrals? What if your

prospects were provided a special

Birthday Gift specifi cally chosen for

them? Harvey Mackay, famed author

of Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty

says, “It is Better To Give Before You

Receive”. In other words, do something

nice for them ahead of asking them to

become your new customer. People

like to be nurtured and the best time

to do that is before you ask them for

their business. Rewarding them and

you will be motivating them to want

to reciprocate. Reciprocation, then,

could mean not only getting their

business but the business they refer to

you that you cannot get on your own.

Ask their peers and coworkers for

help in determining what that person

likes to do and what they are into. Pay

attention to Birthdays, Anniversaries,

Schools attended, Kid’s and Spouse

names, anything you can do to learn

more about them. Then, remember

that information and incorporate

it into a game plan that improves

your business with them. You will

undoubtedly come up with amazing

ideas through this kind of ambitious


Motivation is about doing for

others and setting up win-win

scenarios. Motivation is about being

recognized and rewarded. You have

the opportunity to create a

motivational program that helps

ensure you get to stay in business

and thrive. Is this the personal way

to motivate people? Absolutely,

because It’s All Personal!

WHAT motivates you? What

motivates your employees? What

motivates anyone, for that matter?

Throughout history, ordinary people

have been thrust into extraordinary

circumstances and motivated to

survive and thrive. In January of ‘09,

a Senator from Illinois endured racism

and a whole lot more to become our

44th President of the United States.

Earlier last month, we watched

everyone escape potential disaster

when an experienced pilot landed his

US Airways Airbus on the frigid Hudson

River in New York City. Motivation to

save lives played a huge role.

People will do things when

motivated to do them. By the same

token, people will rarely do things that

will take more effort, unless they are

motivated to do so. Motivation is key

to accomplishing anything. You have

to want it bad enough to do that which

you would not ordinarily do in order to

receive the thing you wouldn’t have

ordinarily been given.

One of my favorite actors, Dustin

Hoffman starred in a huge 1982 hit

movie called “Tootsie”, playing a

down-on-his luck, hard-to-work-with

actor whom, out of sheer desperation,

auditions and wins the starring female

role in a soap opera. Motivated by

the fact he had bills to pay, Hoffman’s

character went for it and won.

Some industries out there are

hurting. Others are thriving and I

hope you are in an industry that is

thriving. As a personal disclosure,

I am part of a network-marketing

group that distributes a nutritional

drink called Mona Vie* that is part of

a booming industry called Wellness.

The Wellness industry is thriving

because we Boomers don’t want to go

to the doctor anymore, we want to live

forever and look younger every day. In

other words, Boomers are motivated.

It’s just how things work.

So, no matter what industry you

are in, let’s talk about motivating

Employees, Salespeople, Clients &


Employees can make or break you

just in terms of being off sick, stubbing

their toe, giving other employees a

hard time, stealing and bad-mouthing

the business after hours. There is

no way to totally measure all the

ways employees can hurt you but

there are a lot of ways you can keep

employees happy. Motivation is key.

We can put a point system together

that rewards them for going for a long

period of time without calling in sick,

or stubbing their toe. We can reward

them for helping and training others,

for making good suggestions, for

saving you money. Don’t discount

how many ways your employees can

be motivated to have the right attitude

at work, because motivation comes

from providing them something out of

the ordinary for behaving better than

ordinary, and that’s worth money to

your bottom line.

Your sales force may need

motivating and you need to come up

with rewards that are worth losing

sleep to earn. The rewards can be set

up as points earned for calls made, *

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 27www.bri l l iantpubl


passionateleadershipWRITER baRTon golDSMITH, PH.D.

In Tough Times… Want Loyalty? Give Loyalty!

the form of new competitors? Who

knows—yet it is worth pondering?

WHAT’S A LEADER TO DO?If you want loyalty from your •

customers, practice the concept of

loyalty in your dealings with


If you discover that adversary •

relationships are in your

organizational DNA, put new

policies into place to mitigate the


If you want collaborative DNA at the •

core of your organization, review

how your key people are being


Reward the behavior you want

repeated—meaning, do not reward

the procurement department only for

squeezing an additional dime out of

your suppliers. Rather, build strategic

sourcing relationships.


After you do a major overhaul in the

area of supplier treatment, you can use

your newly found strategic sourcing

understanding to develop better

relationships with those customers you

feel are capable of partnering. In diffi cult

economic times, everyone is looking

for a deal. However, the customers that

somehow see you as their partner are

the place to start in building a new era

of loyal relationships.

800 467 1996


Recruiting, Instore Displays,Trade Show Booths,

& Onsite Events

800 467

800 467

800 467 1996

www.bri l l iantpubl ishing.comwww.bri l l iantpubl November 2008 | Brilliant Results 45www.bri l l iantpubl

tHE Japanese philosophy of kaizen

emphasizes that business gets better

a little bit at a time. Progress is

made in small, seemingly insignifi cant

increments. This outlook can help any

individual or company who wants to

move forward. It is a tried-and-true way

of thinking that can assist those who

are dealing with almost any diffi culty,

including the current economic turmoil.

It also can be very useful when reaching

for a goal.

Dealing with a serious situation can

be overwhelming. You may not know

where to turn or what to do. Taking very

small steps helps you to keep forging

ahead and gives you a sense that you

are doing something positive. that

knowledge can make the difference

between getting through your issues

or suffering with them for a lifetime.

For a company or leader who is

challenged, just getting into the offi ce

every day and facing the possibility of

lay-off's or bringing your business back

into the black may be monumentally

challenging. Rather than focus on this

entire task, you can instead take the

small step of offering superior service

and assistance to your current clients

and team members. this is a great

starting place. the next day you can

start looking for new customers, and

each day thereafter go a little further.

These small steps add up quickly, and

before you know it, things will be back

in balance. Perhaps not as profi table

as you would like, but under the

circumstances, just staying afl oat and

keeping the doors open and your team

paid is a huge success.

Most of the changes people make

are not big ones. I usually suggest to

clients that instead of trying to make

huge alterations in their lives, they

should instead fi nd something small in

their world and work on that fi rst.

If you're not happy at work, look

for one small thing that can make

you feel better about what you do or

whom you do it with. Perhaps taking

a mental health day will get your head

in the right place. then you can start

to make other small, progressive

adjustments on a daily basis. You

will be astonished at how quickly

the changes add up and help make

positive and permanent shifts.

One of the better books on this

subject is "the Kaizen Way" by UCLA

professor Robert Maurer, Ph.D. One

of the most poignant statements he

makes is that "while the steps may

be small, what we're reaching for is

not." For those dealing with huge life

transitions, it's a reminder of how

important it is to do something, even a

very little something, each and every

day to help you out of the pit or achieve

your dream.

With a little time and the goal of

making very small improvements on a

regular basis, you can create new

business, reach your goals, and even

make the world a better place. Give it

a try - you'll be amazed at how quickly

your team, company and life will


28 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

Br_0209.indd 28 2/1/09 10:25:31 PM



800 467 1996


Recruiting, Instore Displays,Trade Show Booths,

& Onsite Events

800 467

800 467

800 467 1996

In Tough Times… Want Loyalty? Give Loyalty!

the form of new competitors? Who

knows—yet it is worth pondering?

WHAT’S A LEADER TO DO?If you want loyalty from your •

customers, practice the concept of

loyalty in your dealings with


If you discover that adversary •

relationships are in your

organizational DNA, put new

policies into place to mitigate the


If you want collaborative DNA at the •

core of your organization, review

how your key people are being


Reward the behavior you want

repeated—meaning, do not reward

the procurement department only for

squeezing an additional dime out of

your suppliers. Rather, build strategic

sourcing relationships.


After you do a major overhaul in the

area of supplier treatment, you can use

your newly found strategic sourcing

understanding to develop better

relationships with those customers you

feel are capable of partnering. In diffi cult

economic times, everyone is looking

for a deal. However, the customers that

somehow see you as their partner are

the place to start in building a new era

of loyal relationships.

800 467 1996


Recruiting, Instore Displays,Trade Show Booths,

& Onsite Events

800 467

800 467

800 467 1996

www.bri l l iantpubl ishing.comwww.bri l l iantpubl November 2008 | Brilliant Results 45www.bri l l iantpubl

tHE Japanese philosophy of kaizen

emphasizes that business gets better

a little bit at a time. Progress is

made in small, seemingly insignifi cant

increments. This outlook can help any

individual or company who wants to

move forward. It is a tried-and-true way

of thinking that can assist those who

are dealing with almost any diffi culty,

including the current economic turmoil.

It also can be very useful when reaching

for a goal.

Dealing with a serious situation can

be overwhelming. You may not know

where to turn or what to do. Taking very

small steps helps you to keep forging

ahead and gives you a sense that you

are doing something positive. that

knowledge can make the difference

between getting through your issues

or suffering with them for a lifetime.

For a company or leader who is

challenged, just getting into the offi ce

every day and facing the possibility of

lay-off's or bringing your business back

into the black may be monumentally

challenging. Rather than focus on this

entire task, you can instead take the

small step of offering superior service

and assistance to your current clients

and team members. this is a great

starting place. the next day you can

start looking for new customers, and

each day thereafter go a little further.

These small steps add up quickly, and

before you know it, things will be back

in balance. Perhaps not as profi table

as you would like, but under the

circumstances, just staying afl oat and

keeping the doors open and your team

paid is a huge success.

Most of the changes people make

are not big ones. I usually suggest to

clients that instead of trying to make

huge alterations in their lives, they

should instead fi nd something small in

their world and work on that fi rst.

If you're not happy at work, look

for one small thing that can make

you feel better about what you do or

whom you do it with. Perhaps taking

a mental health day will get your head

in the right place. then you can start

to make other small, progressive

adjustments on a daily basis. You

will be astonished at how quickly

the changes add up and help make

positive and permanent shifts.

One of the better books on this

subject is "the Kaizen Way" by UCLA

professor Robert Maurer, Ph.D. One

of the most poignant statements he

makes is that "while the steps may

be small, what we're reaching for is

not." For those dealing with huge life

transitions, it's a reminder of how

important it is to do something, even a

very little something, each and every

day to help you out of the pit or achieve

your dream.

With a little time and the goal of

making very small improvements on a

regular basis, you can create new

business, reach your goals, and even

make the world a better place. Give it

a try - you'll be amazed at how quickly

your team, company and life will


www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 29www.bri l l iantpubl

Br_0209.indd 29 2/1/09 10:25:48 PM




The Best Way to Contact Leads

AFTER exhibiting at a trade show you come back to the

offi ce with lots of leads. You know you should tend to them

quickly but are not sure of the best method.

You can send an e-mail or text message, which is fast

and inexpensive but leaves you wondering if it got through

a spam fi lter or was designated as junk. You can send your

information by snail-mail, which is slower and not terribly costly

but you don’t know for sure if the person who you intended

to contact actually received the message. Or you can send

a package by courier, which is costly but dependable as you

can rest assured that your intended recipient did receive your

information. Which is the best method?

The answer is simply it depends. Not on what but who.

Each lead you obtained will have a personal preference for

follow up. Some want information sent by snail-mail and

others welcome e-mail or text message. Then depending on

where in the world you exhibited, courier may be your only


Finding this out is easy and will not add additional time to

your already overworked staff. There are two steps.

1. It is essential have some sort of lead gathering

system at your disposal. This can take the form of one of

the many electronic lead retrieval systems that are available

through show management. You may also have an electronic

system of your own tied into your PDA. Another solution is

to create a lead card. This is a pre-printed form with a list of

all the questions you will ask each visitor and room to record

additional information you pick up during the conversation. In

no case should you consider writing on the back of a business

card as you can only jot down sketchy and inconsistent

information and in some cultures it’s often considered rude.

2. Whatever technology you choose be it electronic

or manual, make sure you have room to ask one additional

question which is, “What is the best way to stay in touch with

you?” This goes to the heart of their personal preference and

knowing this important bit of information will help you create

a follow-up plan that has a better chance of success.

Once you return to the offi ce you can instruct your staff to

follow-up with each lead according to their preference. If this

sounds like a lot of work, it really isn’t. The trick is to focus

your lead generating efforts on quality rather than quantity

and to gather information in a consistent manner.

It’s easy to come back from a show with hundreds maybe

thousands of names but many of these are not real

prospective customers. By focusing your energy on fi nding

those prospects that closely fi t your customer profi le and

asking the right questions to whet their appetite for more

information, you have done your job well. You may come

back with fewer, but better quality leads and if you contact

them in the manner they choose your chances of improving

your exhibit ROI are greatly enhanced.


follow up. Some want information sent by snail-mail and

others welcome e-mail or text message. Then depending on

where in the world you exhibited, courier may be your only

Finding this out is easy and will not add additional time to

1. It is essential have some sort of lead gathering

system at your disposal. This can take the form of one of

the many electronic lead retrieval systems that are available

through show management. You may also have an electronic

system of your own tied into your PDA. Another solution is

to create a lead card. This is a pre-printed form with a list of

all the questions you will ask each visitor and room to record

additional information you pick up during the conversation. In

no case should you consider writing on the back of a business

card as you can only jot down sketchy and inconsistent

information and in some cultures it’s often considered rude.

2. Whatever technology you choose be it electronic

or manual, make sure you have room to ask one additional

question which is, “What is the best way to stay in touch with

you?” This goes to the heart of their personal preference and

knowing this important bit of information will help you create

30 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl

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Last word


The creative types at Direct Antidote just wanted to

have fun with the company’s annual holiday card. They

never dreamed their interactive greeting would become an

overnight Internet sensation grabbing attention in Canada

and the U.S. and attracting 400,000 online votes for an

unusual gift-wrapping contest.

Employees at Direct Antidote, a full-service loyalty agency,

broke into nine teams and wrapped each other up in holiday

materials. The farcical wrapping exercises were fi lmed and

posted online. Word spread via email that viewers could

judge their favorite “wrappers”- all for charity. The videos

also popped up on YouTube, Facebook and MySpace. Their

tactics helped attract 11 votes a minute from December 11

through January 6.

“This is a great example of how you can go from a

whisper to a roar when you harness an innovative idea to

the viral power of the web. The results can be astonishing

for your brand, your business and for charity,” said Di

Cullen, managing director of Direct Antidote. The winning

charity, Kids Help Phone, came in fi rst and won a $2,500.00



Innovator 3M has introduced a new product in its Post-it®

line. The new poster paper features 1-4 color imagery on

high-quality cardstock paper with a full adhesive coating

that makes mounting clean, crisp and neat. The adhesive

allows for placement where tape or tacks aren’t allowed. The

liner peels off and the poster is repositionable for accurate

placement and of course as with all Post-it® products it can

be removed cleanly without leaving any residue. Available

in 8.5” x 11” and 11” x 17” sizes, your posters deserve this

21st century technology available from a trusted supplier.

Free Product InformationFor free product information from these suppliers, please complete and mail this page to:

Brilliant Results Magazine, 9034 Joyce Lane, Hummelstown, PA 17036or fax to (717) 566-5431

Please circle items of interest.

Name Title

Company Industry

Address City State Zip

Phone Fax E-mail


line. The new poster paper features 1-4 color imagery on

high-quality cardstock paper with a full adhesive coating

that makes mounting clean, crisp and neat. The adhesive

allows for placement where tape or tacks aren’t allowed. The

liner peels off and the poster is repositionable for accurate

placement and of course as with all Post-it® products it can

be removed cleanly without leaving any residue. Available

in 8.5” x 11” and 11” x 17” sizes, your posters deserve this

21st century technology available from a trusted supplier.

32 Brilliant Results | February 2009 www.bri l l iantpubl www.bri l l iantpubl


The creative types at Direct Antidote just wanted to

have fun with the company’s annual holiday card. They

never dreamed their interactive greeting would become an

overnight Internet sensation grabbing attention in Canada

and the U.S. and attracting 400,000 online votes for an

unusual gift-wrapping contest.

Employees at Direct Antidote, a full-service loyalty agency,

broke into nine teams and wrapped each other up in holiday

materials. The farcical wrapping exercises were fi lmed and

posted online. Word spread via email that viewers could

judge their favorite “wrappers”- all for charity. The videos

also popped up on YouTube, Facebook and MySpace. Their

tactics helped attract 11 votes a minute from December 11

through January 6.

“This is a great example of how you can go from a

whisper to a roar when you harness an innovative idea to

the viral power of the web. The results can be astonishing

for your brand, your business and for charity,” said Di

Cullen, managing director of Direct Antidote. The winning

charity, Kids Help Phone, came in fi rst and won a $2,500.00



Innovator 3M has introduced a new product in its Post-it®

line. The new poster paper features 1-4 color imagery on

high-quality cardstock paper with a full adhesive coating

that makes mounting clean, crisp and neat. The adhesive

allows for placement where tape or tacks aren’t allowed. The

liner peels off and the poster is repositionable for accurate

placement and of course as with all Post-it® products it can

be removed cleanly without leaving any residue. Available

in 8.5” x 11” and 11” x 17” sizes, your posters deserve this

21st century technology available from a trusted supplier.



Free Product InformationFor free product information from these suppliers, please complete and mail this page to:

Brilliant Results Magazine, 9034 Joyce Lane, Hummelstown, PA 17036or fax to (717) 566-5431

Please circle items of interest.

Name Title

Company Industry

Address City State Zip

Phone Fax E-mail


3M ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover

Aprons, Etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Beautiful American Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Brilliant Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 29, 31

Display Solutions by Aprons, Etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

GROLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 13, 19, 25

Hallmark Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover, 29

Macy’s Gift Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Nike Gift Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Pay It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

PromoBiz USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Uncommon Threads Line by Aprons, Etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Warwick Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover

www.bri l l iantpubl February 2009 | Brilliant Results 33www.bri l l iantpubl

off the cuff

Lately every bit of business news seems

to speak of growing diffi culties, with that in

mind the following thoughts may help…

“Success is not fi nal, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”


People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”


Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.”


“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”


“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”


“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”


And Finally…Don't Quit


"When things go wrong as they sometimes will

When the road you're trudging seems all up hill.

When funds are low and the debts are high.

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit.

Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.

As everyone of us sometimes learns.

And many a failure turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out:

Don't give up though the pace seems slow -

You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out -

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.

And you never can tell how close you are.

It may be near when it seems so far:

So stick to the fi ght when you're hardest hit

It's when things seem worst that you must not QUIT.

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.


The individual who knows the score about life sees diffi culties as opportunities.


Quotes to Inspire


www.bri l l iantpubl ishing.com34 Brilliant Results | February 2009

– ralPh WalDo eM

– Martin l

is an ability to work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed.” – VáclaV

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The Brand you trust. The Brand you rely on to get your message across.

Sheet after sheet, impression after impression, put your message on a Post-it® Note and get noticed everyday!

For more information, please contact your 3M Promotional Products Distributor. 1-877-863-6961 or visit

Br_0209.indd 36 2/1/09 10:26:07 PM
