BPR Sessions



BPR Terminologies

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1st Session

Today we discussed some paradigms on BPR and scenarios for which it is still relevant.

detailed the discussion on practical definition of business process reengineering

Referred the conceptual distinction of TQM and Six Sigma with BPR concept with few examples

We discussed with examples "What BPR is not?"

We shared on the aspect of three C's in past and present time and how they put impetus on undertaking BPR initiatives.

Customer, Competitor, Change

The objectives, components of BPR, commonalities in re-engineered process and new world after BPR have been discussed with sharing some examples.

In today's discussion we emphasized the view on Process in organization, evolution of complexity in process and illustrated BPR with a case study of Ford (A/c payable).

Before the case study we shared our view based on query of students that every process is not candidate of  BPR.

Based on student query we also complied the BPR notion with examples that IT is an enabler of BPR and both are helping each other in pay off. 

One student also queried on impact of BPR on Organisational Structure and we shared our views in this regard.

2nd Session

We discussed two classical video cases on BPR in Ford and Insurance companiesKodak case discussed with a slideKodak case:•In 1987–Kodak’s arch-rival, Fuji came up with a new 35mm single-use camera–Kodak has no competitive offering•Kodak’s Traditional Product Development Process–Slow: would take 70 weeks to produce a rival to Fuji’s camera!•Result:the new process, “Concurrent Engineering”–Reduce turnaround time to 38 weeks•Key Redesign Strategy–Apply innovative use of CAD/CAM + integrated product design database Allow engineer to design at computer workstations–Database collect each engineer’s work and combines into overall design–Each morning, problems are resolved immediately–Manufacturing can begin tooling design just 10 weeks into product design instead of 38 weeks in the past–Reduced cost of single use camera by 25%•A company–that can not change the way it thinks about IT can not reengineer.–that equates technology with automation can not reengineer.–that looks for problems first then seeks technology solutions for them can not reengineer•IBM credit company, by computerizing the process might have achieved a 10% performance improvement, instead of more than 90% performance achieved by reengineering

•Ford might have computerized its accounts payable system to eliminate 20% of 500 jobs, instead they eliminated 80% of jobs by undertaking reengineering•Using only CAD station Kodak could have saved a few days but would never achieved 50% time reduction without the effort of reengineeringInformation Technology and RE•From inception RE has been a close partner of IT•Technology enables processes-the essence of RE to be redesigned•IT and RE-symbiotic relationships•Without RE, IT delivers little payoff and vice versa•ERP and RE was a successful marriage shown by IBM, Owens Corning, Amoco, General Mills etc.•In absence of robust, Reengineering processes, e-Commerce is a nightmare, not a dream.•Business Week recognised the term “e-engineering”•Internet demands new way of working and RE is a tool that can create itWe discussed Learning to think Inductively•To recognise the power of IT and visualise application of IT, businesspeople usually don’t learn and may feel uncomfortable•Managers know how to think deductively. They are good at defining problem, then seeking and evaluating different solutions to it.•But applying IT to RE demands inductive thinking-the ability to first recognise a powerful solution and then seek the prolems it might solve, problems the company probably doesn’t even know that it has.•Ford originally thought their problem was to find a method for processing vendor invoices quicker and with fewer people.•What they found instead was a solution that let them do away with invoices entirely.•IBM credit’s executives thought their problem was how to speed the movement of information among various groups of specialists.•IT allowed the company to eliminate the specialists so that it did not need to move the information around at all.•Kodak thought its problem was pushing designers to work faster so that succeeding design steps could start sooner.•Its technology solution virtually eliminated the need for sequential design.•Fundamental error-looking at technology through the lens of existing process.•They ask, “how can we use these new technological capabilities to enhance or streamline or improve what we are doing?”•Instead, they should be asking, “how can we use technology to allow us to do things that we are not already doing?”•RE, unlike automation, is about innovation.•It is about exploring the latest capabilities of technology to achieve entirely new goals.•Hardest part of RE is recognizing the new, unfamiliar capabilities of technologies instead of familiar ones.Intention of technology and Innovative Application in new process•Thomas J. Watson of IBM-shortsightedness(<50 dtop)•Pc+telecommunication to store data•Telephone-loneliness of farmer’s wife•Thomas Edison, “dying gentleman” to record last wishes-phonograph•Marconi-radio as wireless telegraph-broadcast media•Xerox-IBM offered patent of 914-FUND shortage-replace carbon paper•Sony-walkman/Apple•Say’s law: supply creates its own demand

We see that IBM credit, Ford, Kodak used technology to break rules•The rules, explicit or not were neither frivolous nor absurd when they were first articulated.•They were expressions of wisdom people had derived from experience•A smart plant manager runs short of parts only for few times due  to unexpected demand before he learns to order a little extra.•Advent of forecasting technology breaks the reigning rules for safety stocks to buffer demand•It is this disruptive power of technology, in its ability to break the rules that limit how we conduct our work, that makes it critical to companies looking for competitive advantage.The next discussion was on Enabling role of Information TechnologyOld Rule: Information can appear in only one place at one time

Disruptive technology: Shared databases

New rule: making information available at many places


Old Rule: Only expert can perform complex work

Disruptive technology: Expert systems

New rule: allowing generalists to perform specialist tasks


Old rule: business must choose between centralisation and decentralisation

Disruptive technology: Telecommunication networks

New rule: allowing organisations to be centralised and decentralised at the same time

Old rule: managers make all decisions

Disruptive technologies: Decision support tools, modeling, database access

New rule: allowing decision making to be a part of everybody’s job


Old rule: field personnel need offices where they can receive, store, retrieve, and transmit information

Disruptive technologies: Wireless data communication and portable computers

New rule: allowing field personnel to work office independent


Old rule: the best contact with a potential buyer is personnel contact

Disruptive technologies: Interactive videodisk

New rule: to get in immediate contact with potential buyers

Old rule: you have to find out where things are

Disruptive technologies: Automatic identification and tracking technology

New rule: allowing things to tell where they are instead of requiring to be found


Old rule: plans get revised annually

Disruptive technologies: High performance computing

New rules: allowing on-the-fly planning and revisioning


It should be clear from examples we discussed today that further advances in technology will break more rules about how we conduct business. Rules that still appear inviolate today may become obsolete in a year or less.

Exploiting potential of tech to change a company’s business process and move it dramatically ahead of its competitors is not a one time event. Nor is it something a company can do occasionally, say once a decade.

On the contrary, staying on top of new tech and learning how to recognize and incorporate it into an organization must be an ongoing effort different from R &D or marketing. It takes a practice eye and imaginative mind to spot the potential in a tech that does not at first appear to have any obvious application to a company’s work or to see past the obvious to the novel applications of a tech that superficially seems useful only for marginally improving the status quo.

Companies need to make technology exploitation one of their core competencies if they are to succeed in a period of ongoing tech change. Those better able to recognise and realise the potentials of new tech will enjoy a continuing and growing advantage over their competitors.

If you can buy a technology, it is not new.

The greatest hockey player, Gretzky once asked about his success and he exceptionally answered, “because I go where the puck is going to be, not where it is”. The same rule is applied to the technology. Building a strategy around what what one can buy in the market today means that a company will always be playing catch up with competitors who have already anticipated it. These competitors know what they are going to do with tech before it becomes available.

Companies successfully applied tech like American Express for example, used image processing system allows it to send digitized copies of original receipts to both corporate card holder and their a/c dept. Chrysler with its satellite communication systems for helping dealers manage their parts inventory were asking for the tech they needed well before it appeared in the market. Year after year, Chrysler sent out RFPs that outlined what it wanted; when a vendor eventually responded with the needed capabilities, Chrysler was ready to implement. Management knew what rules they wanted to break with the technology before the technology was even at hand.

Companies cannot see or read about a new technology today and deploy it tomorrow. It takes time to study it, to understand its significance, to conceptualise its potential uses, to sell those uses inside the company and to plan the deployment. An organisation that can execute these preliminaries before the techno actually becomes available will inevitably gain a significant lead on its competition-in many cases, three or more years.

It is entirely possible to stay 3 years ahead of market, there does not exist a technology that will become important in three years that is not yet demonstrable today. Smart companies can be figuring out how they will use a tech, even while its developers are still polishing their prototypes.

As an essential enabler in RE, modern IT has an importance to the RE process that is difficult to overstate. But companies need to beware of thinking that tech is the only essential element in RE.

To RE a company is to take a journey from familiar into the unknown. This journey has to begin somewhere and with someone. Where and with whom?

That is the question we addressed in the session.


Today two students asked to repeat BPR and we discussed two video cases to give an earlier overview on BPR

One student asked on difference between CPI and BPR-I have tried to contextualized the same in todays session, what we already discussed on last session I could not repeated on the same.

Based on students query, we discussed on process complexity also discussed on last session in a real life organization context--the basic processes how they added exception/special provision etc with the increase in growth of the organisation and turned into a bureaucratic process/organization--thus emerging into a complex process((Indian Railway example cited as huge complexity from its basic processes of

reservation). We also discussed the underlying problem, to which bureaucracy has been and remains a solution , is that of fragmented processes. the way to eliminate bureaucracy and flatten the organisation is by RE the processes so that they are no longer fragmented. Then the company can manage nicely without its bureaucracy.

A discussion has been invited on "If you can buy a technology, it is not new. "-Students came up spontaneously with their views correctly linking technology as enabler of BPR

A view was sought on "Companies cannot see or read about a new technology today and deploy it tomorrow" and the essence of discussion correctly reflected the discussion made today.

Student's query on situation of BPR implementation has been partly answered as in a separate session we will have dedicated discussion on these aspects.

Benchmarking: looking for companies that are doing something best and learning how they do it in order to emulate them.

Business Process: collection of activities that takes one or more kinds of input that is of value to the customer.

Case for action: a dramatically persuasive argument, supported by evidence, that spells out the cost of doing anything short of reengineering.

Deductive thinking: defining problems then seeking and evaluating different solutions to the problems.

Delinearizing: speeding up processes by eliminating the straight line sequence in which tasks must be done in order so that various tasks can be done simultaneously whenever possible.

Discontinuous thinking : identifying and abandoning the outdated rules and fundamental assumptions that underlie current business operations.

Humpty Dumpty School of Management : companies break processes up into lots of little pieces (or tasks) then has to hire all the king’s horses and all the king’s men to paste the fragmented work back together again.

Inductive thinking : recognize a powerful solution and then seek the problems it might solve.

Insiders : members of the reengineering team who currently work inside the process undergoing reengineering.

Leader : in the reengineering process, a senior executive who authorizes and motivates the overall reengineering efforts.

Outsiders : members of the reengineering team that don’t work in the process that’s undergoing reengineering or the company.

Process maps : a picture of how work flows through the company, thus creating a vocabulary for the reengineering team to work with.

Process owner : a manager with responsibility for a specific process and the reengineering effort focused on it.

Process Team : a unit that naturally falls together to complete a whole piece of work—a process.

Reengineering : the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.

Reengineering czar : an individual responsible for developing reengineering techniques and tools within the company and for achieving synergy across the company’s separate reengineering projects.

Reengineering team : a group of individuals dedicated to the reengineering of a particular process, who diagnose the existing process and oversees its redesign and implementation.

Say’s Law : supply creates its own demand.

Signals : explicit messages that the leader sends to the organization about reengineering: what it means, why we are doing it, how we are going about it, and what it will take.

Steering Committee : a policy making body of senior managers who develop the organization’s overall reengineering strategy and monitor its process. Symbols : actions that the leader performs to reinforce the content of the signals, to demonstrate that he or she lives by his or her words.

Systems : management systems must measure and reward people’s performance in ways that encourage then to attempt major change.

Triage : the initial step in a process that determines which of the (usually three) different versions of a process the customer should be carried through.

Vision statement : a qualitative and quantitative statement of the kind of organization the management believes the company needs to become

3rd Session

Processes not organisations are object of RE.

Organizations don’t RE their sales/mnfg/mktg dept rather they RE the work that the people in those depts. Do.

Dept/division/groups are familiar to people in business but processes are not

Organizational lines are visible, plainly drawn on organizational chart and processes are not

Organizational units have names, processes most often do not

Every company on earth consists of processes-these are what companies do

Processes can have process map

Texas Instrument Process map:strategy development(creates strategy), product development(generates overall product design), customer design and support(produces a custom design), order fulfillment(delivers what customers want)  are main processes. TI process map displays a clear, comprehensive picture of work at texas instrument semiconductor business.

TI process maps displa something that never comes in orgn chart


No company can RE all its high level processes simultaneously, there are three criteria to help them make their choices: dysfunction, importance, feasibility

Dysfunction: broken processes(product development process hasn’t hatch any new product in last 5 year), employee spend typing in a terminal from a computer generated printout,..post-it-notes to remind on wall of cubicle in front of a pc


A Process Excellence maxim is treat the disease, not the symptoms. There are several common symptoms that correspond to underlying process diseases.

Symptom: Extensive information exchange, data redundancy, rekeying.Disease: Arbitrary fragmentation of a natural process.Treatment: Share data among organizational units, and/or reintegrate tasks into a process. 

Symptom: Complexity, exceptions and special cases. 

Disease: “Accumulation onto a simple base,” in which a process starts out being simple, but grows more complex due to new variations. Treatment: Don’t try to handle all situations with one process; use different versions of a process.

Symptom: Excessive inventory and inventory buffers. Disease: System slack to cope with uncertainty. Treatment: Remove uncertainty by sharing information (for example, coordinating production planning across suppliers and customers), and thereby reduce the need for inventory.

Symptom: High ratio of checking and control activity to value-added activity. Disease: Fragmentation. Organizations perform checking and control due to the errors and mistrust that are the result of fragmentation.Treatment: Remove the fragmentation; integrate activities that make up the process.

Symptom: Rework and iteration. Disease: Inadequate feedback along chains. Problems are not caught when they happen, but later in the process, requiring more than one step to be redone. Treatment: Increase feedback and communication, and simplify the process if possible.


We also discussed:

About process/types of process/Four Perspective of Business Processes

Implication of four process perspective:

•Mechanistic view: analysis and improvement of technical, well-defined process•Discrete even simulation: unpredictable, complex interaction•Feed back loop: system dynamic approach•Social construction: problematic human processesStudents participated on identification of "flow units"  in a process they knowA detailed Concept of Performance of Process and numerical illustration were discussed

Students also given independent task of two problems in this regard.

4th Session

Framework/Model/Approaches/Methods?We started our session on Business Framework Versus Model

A framework is a set of principles, standards, and rules which provides the support system. It might not be the whole picture but it provides a strong base to build upon. A framework has a variety of components that are used to construct models.An example : The CMMI framework is process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes. Using the CMMI framework different models can be generated based on the needs of the organization using it. Hence, the phrase “CMMI models” refers to all possible models that can be generated from the CMMI framework. There are fi ve maturity levels in this framework numbered one to fi ve. Each maturity level comprises a prede fi ned set of process areas. Each maturity level stabilizes an important part of the organization’s processes.

Business Process Model

A business process model illustrates how the diverse managerial activities like marketing, selling, human resources, manufacturing, strategizing, fi nancial arrangements, etc. work together in an interconnected consistent manner to generate the bottom-line pro fi ts from a business initiative:• A model for each business process enhances the understanding of the owners and the managers regarding the operations of the company and hence aids in the decision-making process.• A model captures the business processes very well and helps in getting idea regarding the best tools and methodologies.• In order to create a process model, a few steps need to be followed. In step the knowledge of the process gets better and better. The importance of that process to the functioning of the business is understood.• A detailed, accurate business process model will be able to explain the strengths, the weaknesses, and the bottlenecks in the existing operations.An example: The following is an example of a business process model. Here the goal is to take the customer orders. Then these orders are shipped out. The process begins with an inquiry. Later the shopping cart, book catalogue, warehouse inventory, and online pages get involved. In this stage the customer order is of signi fi cance.In the second half the process is required to respond to the order and then ship it. This calls for the involvement of the shipping company. The process ends when the customer receives what he had ordered for.


Students also have explained few of the business process models on e-commerce, manufacturing etc.


Next we discussed the participants in BPR, Basic Phases of  BPR: The 3 ‘R’s of Reengineering

Re-design, Re-tool, Re-Orchestrate

We entered into the main topic by discussing some basic frameworks and models, with examples how they work.

We identified some commonalities and distinct points from the models of champions/proponents like Hammer & Champy, Davenport, KODAK etc.

A possible common framework of BPR has been explained to be derived from the frameworks discussed.

The consolidated framework has been detailed with respect to five phases:

1. Preparation for reengineering

2. Map and analyze As-Is process

3. Design to-be process

4. Implement reengineered process

5. Improve process continuously


Last part of our discussion was on BPR Implementation and as it is a critical step we discussed various issues on it.

From the notes Reengineering Design is radical; Reengineering Change is Not! we tried to built up the concept and understanding on:

•Revolutions are disruptive, costly, risky and counter cultural•Organ facing crisis have little choice and take revolutionary path but the orgn do not face crisis may harm themselves more than good by undertaking radical changes in a revolutionary fashion.•By taking evolutionary path firms initially compromise their radical vision but after gaining direct measurable benefits in short term and learn how to change (so as to continue change).

•Over time, the firm move toward the radical vision through incremental cumulative changes.Thus we discussed the advantages and disadvantages on radical and evolutionary BPR implementation.We shared how the biological punctuated equilibria is relating with the BPR implementation.In the light of examples case study from the notes we explained the situation when the radical redesign be implemented using the approach either revolutionary or evolutionary.The success of Revolutionary path assumes quick implementation of radical designs.There are three conditions of success we discussed:•1) change takes place in a small self-contained unit•2) a true business performance crisis exists and•3) the organisation has deep pocketsToday students are also guided on presentation/participation(mandatory)/submission of assigned case analysis for each group including assessment criteria and norms to be followed

5th Session

First of all we discussed the formality to be followed in case analysis, presentation, participation and scribe etc. and evaluation of case analysis for the assigned group and other students and assignment to be submitted by today evening.

Then we start our session on what businesses expect with an African proverb and graphical illustration.

Our main topic of discussion held on session 5 was on Tools for BPR and following tools we discussed with active participation from students.

What is an Operational Definition?

Context for a “clean table”

elements of operational definition(criteria,test and decision)

examples discussed:we develop a 50% woolen blanket/Rust free/fast in pharmacy service

We also discussed the same operational word "Sale" means different to sales/distribution and finance function

Students also opined views on: “Secured” IIM campus/ “Good” Internet speed" and agreed to derive respective operational definitions

Next tool was well known Brainstorming.

Two decision making tools were discussed and illustrated with examples: Multivoting and Nominal Group Technique

Multivoting reduces long lists of ideas and identifies important items

NGT is used for generating ideas and prioritizing items

Details of them can be found at



A detail application was discussed for both of them with examples


We discussed Affinity Diagram as a tool that collects large amounts of data related to ideas, opinions, issues and organizes them into groupings based on their natural relationships.

We have shown how to create Affinity Diagram and a related practical example has been illustrated followed at our Institute few months back


How to generate information required for any kind of implementation like ERP/change intitiative/reengineering

In this context we discussed an interesting tool Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is a useful decision-making technique.�It helps to make a decision by analyzing the forces for and against a change, and it helps to communicate� the reasoning behind the decision.One can use it for two purposes:�◦to decide whether to go ahead with the change; and◦to increase your chances of success, by strengthening the forces supporting change and weakening those against it.Describe your plan or proposal for change in a box in the middle of the paper.�List the forces�  for change in a column on the left-hand side, and the forces against change in a column on the right-hand side.As you do this, consider the following questions:�◦What business benefit will the change deliver?◦Who supports the change? Who is against it? Why?◦How easy will it be to make the change? Do you have enough time and resources to make it work?◦What costs are involved?◦What other business processes will be affected by the change?◦What are the risks  ?An example about academic change�  initiative has been discussed with the force field analysis.Next Case 1 was presented by Group 1 and approx 5 students actively put their major/minor observations on the case analysis

This note is an explanation in detail how practically you will apply and connect various BPR tools for documenting "As-is" processes mapping

What is Process Mapping?

Process mapping is a technique of diagrammatical modelling.

The diagram represents a series of processes and how they are related.

Process mapping provides a representation of who does what and in what order.

Why and when is process mapping used?

Process mapping helps to clarify the steps involved in a particular process. 

It is used for:

• understanding the current processes• clarifying responsibilities• identifying process inefficiencies• designing new procedures• training How to produce a process map•Consult with the experts. These are the people managing and working with the process.•Identify the boundaries. Where does the process begin? where does it end?•Identify the participants. What roles are involved in the processes?•Hand draw the process in front of the expert, getting then to confirm the steps.•Identify the steps.  What is done first? What is done next? By who?

•Identify the decision points. What are the alternatives? What determines which alternative is chosen?•Draw an initial process flow. Draw and label the swim lanes (see next slide for details) using standard symbols.•Check for completeness. Are all participants represented? Are all processes shown? Are there any alternatives that have not been considered? Refine and finalise.•Review with the experts to ensure completeness.Let Discuss Process Mapping required in business Processes for Government Services (ref: National Institute for Smart Government, www.nisg.org on behalf of the Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India)As understood Process Mapping is the process of documenting various aspects of business processes with the intention of developing a correct understanding of how things happen “actually”.Process Mapping is necessitated in the business processes of government scenario due to the following reasons:• Government service delivery evolves over time• First a good process is established for a small set-up; it is usually efficient and responsive• As the demand for the service grows, more people, functions and hierarchies are involved in a process• Government needs from time to time gradually change the process• Some changes are not always for the better• Everyone tries to do their best but the process evolves over a period of time to the current state (in some cases these are person-specific)• Rich experiences of people are lost when they leave the organization / function Additionally, government processes have certain unique attributes, which need to be kept in mind while documenting the processes:• Processes are usually derived from the underlying set of laws and regulations• Compliance and control requirements are higher than in business processes, due to increased levels of accountability and need for transparency• Changing processes radically might take longer timeframe than in business processed, as it may require legal & regulatory changesObjectives of Process MappingFollowing are the objectives behind undertaking the activity of process mapping:• To understand “how do we actually work” as opposed to “how are we supposed to work”• To understand the four attributes of process:


 Process flow

 Policies, Standards and Responsibilities

 Phases with clear start & end-points and process time-lines

• To identify the Critical to Process metrics• To identify “Quick Wins” in the process• To understand response time & cycle time• To determine process efficiency

 Value-added activities and Non value-added activities

• To estimate the cost of the process o The concept of waste

Thus process mapping provides a holistic view of the process. Different types of process mapping are used, based on the level of detail required. The common types of process mapping are:• Value Stream Mapping

  Mapping the entire value stream of the process on a single page

• Supplier - Input - Process - Output - Customer (SIPOC) Map 

   Mapping the key constituents of the process and their interactions

• Flowcharting

    Detailed activity / task level graphical representation of the process These techniques are

described in detail     in the following sections.

Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping represents the entire business in one page. The Map is used to analyze the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a consumer. It does not delve into details of the sub processes. An illustrative Value Stream Map is given below.


The Map shows the different steps which happen in the overall business process, with the actual Hands on Time (HoT) and waiting time before the next step. The total Turn Around Time (TAT) for the sub process is the sum of HoT and wait time. The sub processes in Value Stream Map are further drilled down using flow charting techniques.



A SIPOC map helps in creating common understanding of the scope of the focused improvement project from an end to end perspective. It provides visual depiction of how a business works and all players & processes involved.The SIPOC Map lists the following:• The suppliers of these inputs (S)• The inputs required to these processes (I)• The processes that deliver these outputs (P)• The outputs provided to them (O)• All the customers (C)An example SIPOC Map for the photocopying process is given below:



The example SIPOC Map explains the various components of S-I-P-O-C and lists the sub processes. The steps involved in the SIPOC Map preparation are the following:

i. Agree on the Name for the Process

   Use a verb + noun format (e.g. making a photocopy

ii. Define Outputs of the process – tangible things that the process produces

   e.g. a document, a railway ticket 

iii. Define the Customers of the process – people who receive outputs

iv. Define the Inputs of the process – things that trigger the process and goes into making the output

   e.g. filled application form, pre-printed stationery

v. Define the Suppliers of the process – people who supply the various inputs

vi. Define the sub processes that make up the process – activities that are carried out in converting the inputs to outputs


SIPOC Maps are used for obtaining a high level understanding of the process. The Map helps process owners and those working on the process to agree on the boundaries of the process. It also provides a structured way to discuss the process and get consensus on what it involves before rushing off and drawing process maps. In the next step, the sub processes identified in the SIPOC are developed into process maps.


Flow Charting

Flowcharts are used to represent the process steps graphically, using common agreed upon symbols. Flowcharts are prepared based on process walkthroughs with the teams involved in the process.

The common symbols used in flowcharting are shown below:

A number of other symbols are also used, to depict input / output, wait time, manual operation etc. Flow Charts are usually prepared using Computer Tools, using the four field mapping template. The template as shown below captures the following:

• Phase / which process group the current process belongs to

• Standards / Policies and Templates

• Players involved in the Process

• Actual Process Flow

The four field mapping template is shown below:


The steps involved in the preparation of process maps are listed below:


i. Get a cross-functional team of all front-line process players to participate

ii. Discuss & define the start and end-points accurately

iii. List all the players in field 1

iv. Start mapping the process activities one after the other clearly marking the flow of the activities with arrows in field 2

What happens next?


Decisions (yes/ no, if possible)

Identify/ emphasize wait times

v. Ground rule – The activity is not an exception & occurs at least in 20% cases

vi. Note down the relevant policies (rules governing the process activity), the standards (formats, templates used for the process activity) and any responsibility for the particular process activity in field 3

vii. Keep building the time-line in field 4 and finish with end-point; mark completion of any phase with distinct end-points viii. Allocate time for each process activity on the map

All team members must agree on time

ix. Total the time of each activity x. Do a “reality check” – does it make sense?

xi. At the end of each phase, discuss & affix the appropriate process mapping notation

xii. Discuss & map process Problems, Issues and Expectations (PIEs)

xiii. Locate process hand-offs & disconnects xiv. Review the process map with peers, management and other players involved

Is the map a true reflection of the As Is process?

Are there additional issues?


A sample process map, developed for the Railway Reservation system (manual) is provided below:



The following supplementary information shall also be captured along with the flow chart:

• Time taken for each step (including hands on time and wait time)

• Process owner (one person responsible for entire process)

• Actors in the process, and their roles

• Pre-conditions, if any (e.g. applicant should be an Indian, residing in a specific jurisdiction etc)

• Business Rules, if any (If a previous passport application was rejected, period of time for which the citizen has to wait till next application)

• Alternate flows, if any

Once the flowcharting is completed accurately, the team should be able to undertake the following from the process depiction:

• Identify time lags and non-value-adding steps.

• Identify responsibility for each step.

• Brainstorm for problems in the process.

• Determine major and minor inputs into the process with a cause & effect diagram.

• Choose the most likely trouble spots with the consensus builder. The next step after process mapping is the identification of Problems, Issues and Expectations (PIE).

• Problems are non-conformance to defined processes and procedures due to skill gaps, lack of common understanding, resource constraints, etc.

     E.g. documentation not completed as per checklist

• Issues are systemic gaps where processes and procedures are not defined or are illdefined

      E.g. giving a loan to 5 family members

• Expectations are the expectations of that process owners, users and other stakeholders have from world-class best practices

     E.g. loan should be given in 2 days Once the PIEs are identified, they are logically grouped.


The next step is to brain-storm ‘Quick Wins’ & change possibilities in the process. Key PIEs, especially related to process, are analyzed for root causes in the Analyze phase. Other PIEs are reviewed in the process design phase to ensure that the new process addresses all or most of them

6th Session