BPF 05 D 8140 · 1 day ago · 87 BELC 2297197 71 BELG 6378018 82 BELG 6380170 78 BELG 6145268 BELG...


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3't Buiten StreetSchweizer Reneke

South AfricaTel: 27835609871

eMail: elma@zanwill.co.za

BAND/R|NG $PF 05 SA D 9140STRAIN:Houtren

COLOR: Schalie Blue

NAME/ALIAS: Absolute Stnr

SEX: Cock D.O.B: 2005/01129

EYE INFO:Orange l cttorv(0)


Medium size check cock, well built and muscled, soft feathers, goodtail,-perfect balance and perfect wing with thin flights, intelligeni head,1 00% breeding throat, this cock is a true champion, breeder of winnersand his children are also breeding winners, I have many in stock bredout of 2 world class Houben pigeons, pure gold unobtainable, eyeorange, thick pigmentation on lris, ,10 wide yellow Bishop, perfe;tcerated inner circle , eye moving, jumping, wobble, many internationalwinners in progeny, champion pigeon one of a kind! I saiute you, bestpigeon I have ever owned. Breeder of the following positions in theMainRace SCMDPR (Million Dollar Race) since its existence: 3, 5, 7, 13.

ias "Robin"

KBDB '9l.erc

Alias ".Ionge Artiest"

Alias "Kletskopje"Tth Nat. Asduif

.Alias "'Pinnochio""

Strain: lJoubenColor: Sclralie BlueI st Argenton 4740p- 1 st Aruenton 9864pThe bcst ofth bestl Breeder ofthe lbllorvingpositions il the mair race SA MDPR sinceit's e\istcr)ce 2l vcars ago:3.5.7. I i. I i7.(r2.67 79 80.8car u.inner 4th Hot Spot car racel

Alias "'Pama"'Straiu: I IoubenColor: Schalie BIueOne ofthe best Houben pigeons in SouthAliica.-flrc

most erpensirc pigeon I ever bouglrt.Bred r tripplc u.inner.double winner and a Fed. wirrner in his firslVear rn Soltth Aliica

Color: L. CheckerHalfiister ofthe rvorld famous 'Dustr/ ufiichrs tlrc :ire oftlre uorlclfamous 'Chanti' rvhich is the sire ofthe lorldfrunous'Hcrbie'all aceracers/producers 1br the Houben {amilr'. The010 Anrert'is the dam,'l -ercral rrirrrier..including 3 fcderation rvinners fbr NicoDrever.Shehas a sirall to medium size. rveightless & venrrell brlarrccd hodr urtlrruagrificicnt muscles. supcrb airbags. silkvsoft fcathers. terrific tl[oat,

Alias "'Luana"'

Strain HoubenColor: Iflue BarDaur olZino. 69.1-02. RiankaBreeder ofthe litllorving positions in the mainrace SA N,IDPR since it's existencc 22 r,earsago: Hot spot Car Wirurer20ll.-r.5 i 1l t8 r.1 -17,18.50.i7 $.iurer -lth Hot Spot car racel


. Strain: HoubenColor: Blue Bar9th Nat. 'Asduif'KBDB '93 &ste of Natasha.Pontiac. etc.

Strain: HoubenColor: BIue BarFull sjster olRobin, Chipv & dall of LuanaThe besl ofth bestl Breeder ofthe lbllorvirrg

Alias "De 2.17"

Alias "Kapitein"

Alias "Nikita"

AIias "-longc futiest"

Alias "Klclskopje"

Alias "Arliest"

Alias "Fursl"

Alias "Super Provilciaal"

Alias "Daughter of Kletskop"

Alias "ril]hnr, l UELC 92 64jStrlrn Horrbcrr l ---- -- "'Color: Chcck AIas "Sister of Etim,'Diun olFalstal-- Kitti. Pinocchio. Samnrv- etcI lrc hc.,r ol rlt hcir' Breeder ol rhe rolloirirr,,


BELG 95 6230635Alias "'I-ex""

Alias "-lonce,\1iest"Slrau: HoubenWon 7 x I Prijzen. Vdr Sony. Cript. RobuBreeder of the tbllorvine positions m therDan rac. SA N{DPR since it's eristence ll

Strain: -lanssen-VerbrugtenColor: L. Checker

Strain HoubenCoktr: Blue Bartsrother of ColLrmbo. This cock is ahallbrother

, ofSonv, Vikorng. Robin. Deru, Renzo-Gbria. Alhoa- Chipl.The best olth bestl Breeder of the tbllori'irgpositirns iu the main race SA MDPR sinceit's e\istelce 22 leus ago:3.5.7. i3. r,50.57 i7.62 wilxler 4th Hot Spot car raccl

Bourues 10670p & ereat grarddatn ofthcfarnous Herbie -l9thNat. fugenton 324,12p,2nd opv. olvnpUtrtclrt. She isone ofthe slar producers ofthc Houben 1oftl

Cobr: l. CheckerGrald Darrghter of'-longe Baron'Breedcr ofthe lbllog,ing positions il the

Alias "Boomke"

82 BELC 6380170

BELG 9A 627739787 BELG 2297197

BELC 95 6300237

BELG 96 3121904BELG 92 6472138

BELG 90 6277606

BELG 92 6074426BELG 88 6470734

82 BELG 6380170

BELG 97 616557987 BELC 2297197

71 BELG 6378018

82 BELG 638017078 BELG 6145268

BELG 87 4357347

DV 93 1439975BELG 92 2198273

Alias "'Five StarStrail: Houben

Daughter ol'Super Provinciaal"Brecder ofthe follorving positions in the BELG 73 6736019

BELG 86 670234LBELG 8t 6116727Sfrain

DV 88 0001026 Color: I-. CheckerBr'lliant nrodrcer

Alias "Schonc Drrivin"

AJias "Ciqrr"Strain: Houbeu'JanssenColor: L. CheckerUarrr ul'l)rrstr. lo I-90. 880- i.U-ql, 5.1j-gj55 I -95, She is also the garddarn ofChanti -4th Na1,

The best ofth hestl Breccler offlre firllou'ing BELG 82 6380345

BELG 87 6697659 Alias "Kleine Zwarte"

Alias "'l-iclrt Houben"'Strain: l louben

80 BELG 6360487

Produced by Hawkeye Loft Management System - www.Comproware.com ERER

Slrain: HoubenCheck
