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  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good



    Welcome to the overview of “CSPD Connections” our intranet application andinformation portal. CSPD Connections was built to enhance communications

    within the Department as well as with the public; reduce repetitive and duplicate

    data entry and maintenance; to encourage the sharing of data and thus improve

    our ability to provide superior police services to our community while utiliing our

    resources to their fullest.

    !he Colorado Springs Police Department currently has "#$ employees who

    provide police and support services to the citiens of Colorado Springs. ColoradoSprings has a population of appro%imately &$'(''' with a county)wide population

    in e%cess of $''('''. We have four *rea Commands dispersed throughout the

    city. +y developing our programs as web)based applications *,, Department

    personnel can view( enter data and generate reports from any of our locations.

    -ur application and information portal is available only to our employees via our

    internal networ. /nfortunately( we are unable to show you the functionality and

    design of our applications. !herefore( we have put together this brief PowerPointpresentation of screen shots from CSPD Connections.

    Please feel free to contact us if you have any 0uestions.

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

    2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good



    Home Page


    The main navigation

    panel is shown at the

    top in blue. Each

    category offers a drop

    down list of numerous

    other pages or

    applications. WebSystems contains

    many of our

    applications which

    are widelyused by



    The home page also

    has main sections

    which are displayed

    by the use of buttons.

    Simply clic" on the

    blue #PE$ button to

    e%pand the section.

    2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good



    Home Page

    Screen shots of the

    drop down navigation

    fields (moving from

    left to right).

    &lic" you mouse to

    see the ne%t screenshot.

    Employees are

    continually surveyed

    on the layout and

    contents of these


    2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good



    Home Page(sections)

    Sections are noted with

    blue #PE$ buttons. 'y

    clic"ing on these buttons

    the sections will e%pand

    or close.

     Announcements provide

    info on upcoming

    activities New Additions 

    lists new items or

    updates to the site (new

    crime maps bulletins

    rosters meeting minutes

    etc.) News provides lin"s

    to local news For Your

    Info contains community

    wide interest itemsGov

    Tech News provides lin"s

    to government and other

    tech related articles Web

    Sites of the Week  

    provides a group of lin"s

    on one topic and Events

    lists upcoming

    department or city

    sponsored eventsclasses and activities.

    2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good


      2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal


    Enhanced Tactical

    &ommunications System

    This was our first webbased

    application. +t replaced a manual

    system which had each area

    command type out a form fa% it

    to the &hief,s #ffice who made

    and distributed copies to the

    command staff. Who made and

    distributed copies for their staff

    etc. +nformation too" a long timeto get disseminated

    and many times #fficers never

    heard about important &-S.

    ET*&S allows personnel to input

    data directly into the system from

    any !ivision and that information

    is available to all personnel within


    * second component of the

    system displays authoried

    records on our internet site. +t is

    called Police 'lotter. +t is one of

    the most visited pages on our site

    and we receive positive

    comments from the public


    &lic" your mouse to movethrough several screen shots.

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good


      2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal


    Tactical *sset

    &hec"#ut System 

    T*S is a department

    wide application that uses

    barcoding technologies

    to trac" important tactical

    e/uipment (shotguns

    tasers rifles etc.) used by

    all Patrol #fficers.

    This is the newest of our

    systems and was built toprovide Patrol with a

    simple to use interface (a

    cross between a boo"

    chec"out system and a

    point of sale system).

    The system will help

    ensure that lifesaving

    tactical e/uipment nolonger ends up missing or

    is bro"en and not


    -rom the comments

    received this system has

    surpassed all

    e%pectations and the use

    of bar code technologieshas made it simple for *00

    #fficers to use.

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good

    7/12  2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

    &-S 1eports

    &alls -or Service


    The &-S 1eports system

    generates reports for

    analysis using the data

    from our &*! system. $o

    data entry is needed and

    the system is accessible to

    *00 department personnel.

    !ata can be searched and

    sorted by !ivision &allType and area (233 bloc" of

    specific street address).

    The department,s

    foundation of Problem

    #riented Policing is a way

    of being proactive to calls

    instead of always being

    reactive. This systemprovides an e%cellent tool

    to review &-S data develop

    trends and try to attac" the

    root cause of the problem

    instead of 4ust the effects of

    the problem.

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good

    8/12  2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

    Training &enter 

    This system was developed and

    implemented in 5336. The

    system replaces a timeintensivemanual paper system for

    scheduling #fficers and &ivilians

    for elective and mandatory


    Sergeant,s can now sign up their

    #fficers directly into the system

    at their convenience. The

    system emails the #fficer thespecifics of the class he7she was

    registered for then 8 days before

    the class the #fficer will receive

    a reminder notice. *ll of the

    records are now stored in a

    database and they can generate

    reports on attendance to ensure

    that all mandatory training is


    The system also allows

    individuals to view the classes

    they have ta"en as well as they

    are scheduled.

    !uring the 6rd 79th /uarters the

    Training &oordinator reported

    for the first time *00 mandatory

    training had been completed.

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good

    9/12  2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

    S#1T Se%ual #ffender

    1egistration and Trac"ing


    This system automatednumerous tas"s as well as

    reduced duplicate !ivision

    databases and has recently been

    upgraded to generate bills for

    S# who do not pay at time of


    The system allows 1ecords

    personnel to add or update arecord directly when a S#

    reports in (previously a form was

    filled out and sent for data

    entry). The information is

    available to #fficers immediately

    (previously they received a

    monthly report of S#

    registrations and then #fficers

    entered the data into separatedatabases to trac" the S#s in

    their !ivision). $ow #fficers can

    generate a wide array of reports

    with a few clic"s of a button and

    they are no longer re/uired to

    maintain their own data. The

    reports tie to our !igital :ug

    Shot System which provides the

    most recent photograph of theS#.

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good

    10/12  2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

    Evidence Self


    This system provides a

    way for &SP! personnelto search the Evidence

    :anagement system to

    determine disposition of

    evidentiary items.

    The search features

    while e%tremely

    comprehensive are easy

    to use. Some of thesearch features include

    the ability to select a

    property type or enter a

    suspect7 victim name or

    enter an #fficer,s name

    or +': number or 4ust

    do a search by


    #nce a list of matches is

    displayed clic"ing on

    the !escription lin" will

    display the record


    This has saved #fficers

    in the field and Evidence

    personnel countless

    hours determiningevidentiary disposition.

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good

    11/12  2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

    ;ang$et *pplication

    The ;ang$et *pplication

    provides the ;ang$et #fficers

    who wor" throughout all of our!ivisions with the ability to view

    current news7notices

    events7meetings and most

    importantly review basic

    information and photos for four

    gang member categories< :ost

    *ctive :ost Wanted $ewly

    &onfirmed and $ewly Paroled.

    *fter clic"ing on a main

    category you can select a

    specific individual and view

    complete information including

    scars mar"s tattoos wants and

    warrants and view the most

    recent photo of the gang


    The system is completelyadministered via an

    administrators system. The

    ;ang$et *nalyst maintains the

    data with the *dmin system.

    The system has been in

    production for 8 months and has

    become a valuable tool for the

    ;ang$et #fficers.

  • 8/18/2019 Bow Presentation good

    12/12  2004 Best of the We & Digital !o"ernment Achie"ement A#ards

    CSPD Connections- Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal

    This has been a

    /uic" overview of

    some of our

    applications. We

    would be happy to

    provide more

    information on any

    of our applications

    or our intranet

    portal =&SP!


    We have included

    screen shots of

    additional pages

    and applications

    within &SP!


