Blue Personality


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  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


    Blue Personality: Analyzer/Organizer

    A Blue personality uses its five physical senses to access information. An emotionally drivenpersonality, you need to be liked and accepted. It is one of the "needs" that can cause

    apprehension in your personality. You are a polite, cooperative person who seeks to create

    conflict-free surroundings. You possess highly developed powers of observation. Family is

    important to you and you sometimes find yourself in the role of being a caretaker.


    1. Orderliness

    2. Conscientious

    3. Disciplined

    4. Precise

    5. Thorough

    6. Diplomatic with people

    7. Analytical

    Ideal situation

    1. Being able to concentrate on detail

    2. Opportunities to critique

    3. Stable surroundings and procedures

    4. Exact job description, expectations

    5. Opportunities for "careful" planning

    6. Sufficient time to do things right

    7. Opportunities for reassurance from authority


    1. Indecisive (looking at all data)

    2. Get bogged down in details

    3. Rigid on the "how to's"

    4. Avoids controversy

    5. Low self esteem

    6. Hesitant to try new things

    7. Sensitive to criticism

    8. Can be pessimistic

    Needs others to provide

    1. Quick decision making

    2. Optimism

    3. Help in persuading others

    Personal growth area

  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


    1. Be more open with their feelings

    2. Be more optimistic

    Green Personality: Helper/Supporter

    A strong Green individual lives in a world of intangibles where hopes, dreams and emotions

    are most important. You look at the big picture, are not detail oriented, and like to explore

    possibilities and alternative ways of doing things. You march to your own drummer and

    frequently find it difficult to get on the same wavelength as others. This often puts pressure on

    your relationships. You have a rich vivid imagination and thrive in an atmosphere that

    encourages the use of your creative abilities and talent. Your intuition is highly developed and

    you seem to be able to sense what others are feeling.


    1. Supportive

    2. Agreeable

    3. Loyal

    4. Self control

    5. Consistent

    6. Good listener

    7. Opportunity to develop personal relationships

    Ideal situation

    1. Sincere appreciation by others

    2. Minimal conflict between people

    3. Security

    4. Acknowledgement of work by others

    5. Limited territory

    6. Traditional procedures

    7. Opportunity to develop personal relationships


    1. Resist change

    2. Trouble making deadlines

    3. Overly lenient with people

    4. Procrastinates5. Indecisive

    6. Holds grudges

    7. Overly possessive

    8. Lacks initiative

    Needs others to provide

    1. Push to try new challenges

  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


    2. Help in solving difficult problems

    3. Initiative and accepting change

    Personal growth area

    1. Facing confrontation and dealing with it

    2. Moving at a faster pace and initiating

    Red Personality: Leader/Promoter

    A dominant Red score indicates lifes experiences must make sense to you. You are logical,

    practical and do not display emotions easily. Because of your desire for structure, you seek

    control of both your environment and people, and are sometimes seen by others as

    domineering. You are punctual and may become irritated if you think your time is being

    wasted. A natural leader, you are driven by the need for power and control. What stresses you

    is lack of organization and last minute changes.


    1. Getting immediate results

    2. Making quick decisions

    3. Persistence

    4. Solving problems

    5. Taking charge

    6. Looking self reliant

    7. Accepting challenges

    Ideal situation

    1. New varied activities

    2. Opportunity to really get things done

    3. Continual challenges, multi-tasker

    4. Difficult assignments

    5. Freedom to act from their instinct

    6. Control over the situations

    7. Direct answers from others, no innuendoes


    1. Insensitivity towards others2. Impatient

    3. Overlook risks

    4. Inflexibilty, demanding of others

    5. Talks too much

    6. Inattentive to details at times

    7. Resenting of restrictions

  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


    Needs others to provide

    1. Attention to routine tasks

    2. Caution

    3. Focus on details and facts

    Personal growth area1. Greater patience

    2. Sensitivity to others' needs

    3. Flexibility

    Yellow Personality: Creator/Performer

    Yellows are self-confident personalities who will challenge anything and everything; authority,

    rules and established ways of thinking. This tendency to question everything can create a

    strained atmosphere in both business and personal situations. You are interested in theories,

    abstractions, innovations and change. You are a conceptual deep thinker and enjoy getting

    "lost in your head" as a way of exploring new ideas and looking for innovative ways to make a

    difference. You are a true "out-of-the-box" visionary and adept at multi-tasking. Searching for

    the hidden meanings behind every day life gives you great pleasure.


    1. Optimsm

    2. Enthusiasm

    3. Makes good impressions

    4. Verbally articulate

    5. Likes to help others

    6. Creates entertaining climate

    Ideal situation

    1. Friendly warm environment

    2. Freedom from control

    3. Public recognition of ability

    4. Opportunity to talk

    5. Positive reinforcement

    6. Enthusiastic response to ideas


    1. Following through

    2. Overestimating results

    3. Misjudging capabilities

    4. Talks too much

    5. Acts impulsively

    6. Jumps to conclusions

  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


    7. Over commits

    8. Acts first, thinks second

    Needs others to provide

    1. Follow through on details

    2. Focus on tasks3. Logical approach

    Personal growth area

    1. Time awareness

    2. Objectivity in decision making


    The Four Color Personality Test

    What Color Are You?

    For the following statements, select the ones that best describe you.

    Do not think about your choices, and keep your first response.

    When you are finished, click the Display Resultsbutton at the bottom to see your


    Consoling to others Sacrifices personal goals for others

    Listens effectively, closely Remains silent; fails to speak up

    Recognizes feelings quickly Reacts emotionally, not objectively

    Cooperative Gives in easily; will avoid competition

    Forms intimate relationships Waits too long to respond to criticisms

    Trusts quickly Discourages action

    Reassures convincingly Submits to others readily

    Follows directions Postpones decisions

    Follows willingly, loyally Abandons own priorities

  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


    Accepts opportunities readily Fails to follow through frequently

    Attracts attention of others Seems immature, distracted at times

    Generates innovative ideas Acts unpredictably

    Models enthusiasm Gets bored easily

    Adapts quickly Develops unrealistic options at times

    Provides alternatives in thinking Fails to keep promises

    Influences comfortably, easily Needs much attention from others

    Expresses ideas convincingly Acts indiscreetly under stress

    Thinks logically, provides information Withdraws into work

    High standards, careful planning Relies too much on information

    Works independently Takes things too seriously

    Analyzes carefully Proceeds too long, wastes time

    Produces accurate results Perfectionistic, rigid

    Employs structure Censors new ideas, likes ritual

    Organizes consistently Resists and criticizes spontaneity

    Speaks assertively Judgemental/ critical of others

    Confrontive, challenging Argues unnecessarily; seems arrogant

    High energy level Exploits weakness in others; pushy

    Produces despite problems Demands performance

    Decisive; acts quickly Intimidates easily; acts prematurely

    Accepts challenges Commits beyond capability, time

    Ambitious, confident image Suceeds at other's expense

    Focused, promotes well Refuses compromise, takes credit

  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality



    Sensitive To Needs Of Others. Sincere. Expresses Appreciation. Cooperative. Collaborative. Creative. Caring. Team Builder And Player. People Person. Engages Others. Artistic. Inspirational. Spiritual. Inclusive. Mediator. Peacemaker. Idealistic. Intuitive. Romantic. Loyal. Seeks Unity And Harmony. Caretaker.

    Famous Blues: Mozart, Dorothy (Wizard of Oz), Thomas Jefferson, Cinderell a,

    Ghandi, M ohammed Al i, Jimmy Carter


    "Just Do It" Action Oriented. Quick-witted, Charming, Spontaneous Playful. Injects fun into work. Lives In Here & Now. Risk taker. Creative. Enjoys Diversity, Variety, Competition. Multi-tasker, Cheerful, Energetic. Bold.

    Quick Thinking and Acting. Takes Charge. High Visibility Performer. Accepts Challenges. Enjoys Problem Solving. Negotiator. Performs Well Under Pressure. Resilient.

    Famous Oranges: JFK, Ameli a Earhart, Lucil le Ball, Rhett Butler, FDR,

    Francis of Assissi, Lee Iacocca, Winston Churchil l, Garf ield


    Respects Authority Rules, Routines, Policies. Alligant, Faithful, Dependable, Prepared, Efficient. Remembers The Traditions That Work. Values Family. Work Comes Before Play. Practical. Systematic. Orderly. Identifies With Groups. Strives For A Sense Of Security. Thorough, Sensible, Convential, Proper.

  • 8/12/2019 Blue Personality


    A Right Way To Do Everything. Stick-To-Itivness. Evaluates Actions As Right Or Wrong. Stable. Organized. Punctual. Helpful.

    Famous Golds: Mothera Teresa, George Washington, Santa Claus, LBJ,

    Joan Rivers, Henry Ford, Fl orence Nightingale


    Looks Forward And Sees Impact Of Actions Taken Now. Explores All Facets Before Deciding. Checks for Accuracy. Careful Planner. Enlivened By Work. Status Quo Buster. Designer Of Change. Inventive. Systematic. Logical. Theoretical. Self-Sufficient. Often Not In The Mainstream. Persistent. Thorough. Intellectual. Inquisitive. Impartial. Improvement Oriented.

    Famous Greens: Socrates, Sherlock Holmes, Benjamin F rankl in , Carl Jung,

    Thomas Edison, Eleanor Roosevelt , Katherine Hepburn, Rosalyn Carter

    Return toTrue Colors Personality Styles.
