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    Blackarachnia (BW)

    From Transformers Wiki

    The name or term "Blackarachnia" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Blackarachnia


    Blackarachnia is a Predacon who changes allegiances with alarming frequency from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1

    continuity family.

    A sultry femme fatale, Blackarachnia is smart, sexy, and dangerous. She's got eight legs, and she knows how to use them. Of the several rebellious

    Predacons under Megatron's command, she's one of the very few who can, on occasion, outguile him. Always looking out for Number One,

    Blackarachnia values her independence and freedom above all else. She would rather be deactivated than be a slave.

    Blackarachnia's greatest weakness, other than her overconfidence, is her feelings for the Maximal Silverbolt. Something about his heroic demeanor and

    the kindness he shows her makes her uneasy. She hasn't experienced unconditional love before, and it scares her, though she'll never admit it.
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    Hot, poisonous, and deadly. Rawr!

    Even when I'm good, I'm still bad. Blackarachnia, "Crossing the Rubicon"


    1 Fiction

    1.1 Toy bios

    1.2 Cartoon continuity

    1.2.1 Beast Wars cartoon

    1.2.2 IDW Beast Wars comics

    1.2.3 3H comics

    1.2.4 Transformers Legends anthology

    1.2.5 Beast Machines cartoon1.2.6 Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity Beast Wars Diorama Story Binaltech (unused)

    1.3 Beast Wars Metals comic

    1.4 Universe CD-ROM

    1.5 TransTech

    2 Games

    2.1 Beast Wars: Transformers video game

    2.2 Transformers Beast Wars: Transmetals video game3 Toys

    3.1 Beast Wars

    3.2 Beast Machines

    3.3 Universe (2003)

    3.4 Beast Wars Telemocha Series

    3.5 Binaltech

    4 Merchandise

    4.1 Robot Heroes

    5 Notes
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    Ah, the art of tightrope walking! One can't deny

    5.1 Foreign names

    6 References


    Toy bios

    Working by moonlight, Blackarachnia posed as a double agent. In reality, this was merely a ruse she utilized in order to lure unwitting Maximals into her

    darkened den, where she first paralyzed her victim with a poisonous missile. She then proceedd to restrain her victim with her powerful legs, and

    subsequently sucked their life force dry... kinky. She was capable of converting thermal energy into cyber venom. Blackarachnia bio

    The new Transmetal 2 body Blackarachnia acquired from Megatron's mysterious new technology had the power to cast illusions, altering her physical

    appearance and position for up to five minutes thanks to the electro disruptor housed in her... rear segment. Transmetal 2 Bl ackarachnia toy bio

    Cartoon continuity

    Beast Wars cartoon

    Voice actor: Venus Terzo (English), Ryka Yuzuki (Japanese), more

    Blackarachnia was born from one of the Maximals' fallen stasis pods. Tarantulas, watching a

    black widow fight and devour another spider, was inspired. Megatron, observing the slim and

    attractive Blackarachnia transform and strike a few poses, suggested that he had "ulterior

    motives behind her beast form selection" but she was a Predacon, and that was what was

    important. In the battle with the Maximals that followed, she easily defeated Cheetor with a few

    well-placed kicks. She was later reported as "missing," though the reasons why and how were

    never addressed. Double Jeopardy

    She was soon assigned to a mission with Terrorsaur and Waspinator to dig under the Maximal

    base and use a sonic emitter she had invented to blow a hole into the bottom. She didn't get on

    well with either of them, but they managed to eventually get to the point where they were ready

    to trigger the emitter... only for Tigatron to steal it. By the time they caught up with the Maximal,

    the emitter was ready to explode, and they could only flee the blast area. A Better Mousetrap When
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    Blackarachnia her talents.

    Prime used to leave his trailer behind when

    he transformed, so why can'tshe do the

    same with her thorax?

    Blackarachnia empowered by the


    Scorponok's virus turned Optimus Primal into a berserker and he invaded the Predacon base,

    Blackarachnia and Terrorsaur battled the other Maximals as they also tried to gain entry.

    Unfortunately Cheetor slipped past them and was able to rescue Primal, however at least the other Maximals were held off. Gorilla Warfare

    Blackarachnia was present during the interrogation of Cheetor when the Predacons discovered that a Maximal probe was flying past the planet, and took

    part in the battle to destroy the signal array which the Maximals were building. Once Dinobot was locked into his dino-mode by Tarantualas's

    transformation lock lens, Blackarachnia delivered the coup de grce with several kicks, only to be subsequently blasted off a cliff by Rattrap. The Probe

    The Predacons staged a deception, faking their own destruction and using signal dampeners invented by Blackarachnia to hide while the Maximals use

    parts from their ship to repair theAxalon. After being discovered by Dinobot, they pursued him. During an attempt to rush the Axalon, Blackarachnia

    was blasted by the ship's defenses. Victory

    After Megatron turned Rhinox into a Predacon using a Transmuter, Blackarachnia and Megatron were

    startled by Waspinator's impression of Shrapnel. Dark Designs Blackarachnia and Scorponok were

    dispatched to retrieve the latest crashed stasis pod. They encountered Tigatron, who disabled Scorponok,

    but was himself paralyzed by Blackarachnia's venom. At the pod, she fought Cheetor at length, but he

    caught her venom dart and used it to knock her out. The Spark

    The discovery of a mysterious flying island led to Megatron

    dispatching Blackarachnia and Scorponok to investigate it.

    Blackarachnia, when she saw the power wielded by the island,

    resolved to herself that she would take control of it.

    The Trigger, Part 1 As the pair reached the obelisk in the center of

    the island, Waspinator and Terrorsaur arrived, and Blackarachnia

    tricked them into using their weapons, causing the island defenses

    to blast them. She then got rid of Scorponok using one of the island's traps, and took control of the island's

    power herself. Though she started piloting the island toward theAxalon, Tigatron was able to destroy its energysupply, and the whole thing crashed to the ground. The Trigger, Part 2

    She soon attempted to forge an alliance with Tarantulas, flattering him and accompanying him on a mission to

    secure the latest stasis pod to crash. Unfortunately they were too late to ensure the protoform obtained an arachnid beast mode, and Inferno was born.

    While Blackarachnia was trying to get the new Predacon under control, Tarantulas made off with the real prize the stasis pod itself. After the pod was

    destroyed, Tarantulas revealed to her that the planet was doomed, and she realised he'd intended to use the pod to build an escape ship, but he rebuffed

    her offer of further help and threw her out of his lair. Spider's Game

    A Predacon plan to steal the rectifier coil from theAxalon resulted in the Maximals going feral, and Blackarachnia was part of the hunting party whichpursued them into the jungle. She was defeated by Dinobot after the Maximals overcame their little problem. Call of the Wild When Starscream took,_Part_2,_Part_1
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    Her eyes are up there! And down there! Take

    your pick.

    Tarantulas feels pretty, oh so


    control of Waspinator's body and the Predacons were able to conquer theAxalon, the Decepticon

    took Blackarachnia under his wing as a student and revealed his true intent to overthrow Megatron.

    After he abandoned her in the Maximal base, leaving her to escape Primal and Dinobot on her own,

    she took that as a hint to return the favour, and later shot a cluster of energon crystals, blasting

    Starscream free from Waspinator. She then engaged in some quick talking to get herself out of

    trouble with Megatron. Possession

    Tarantulas infected Rhinox with an energon discharge virus, and was later himself incapacitated,leading the Predacons to investigate his lair to see if they could dig up any more of the virus.

    Blackarachnia was able to find a counter-virus, but while Megatron was attempting a brilliant gambit

    against the attacking Maximals, Rhinox countered with an almighty fart which left the Predacon

    forces hanging from a tree. The Low Road Some time later, Megatron called a truce when signs pointed

    to the aliens returning. Tarantulas stole a transwarp cell from theDarksyde, leading Megatron to

    assign Blackarachnia to keep an eye on him. The two spiders attempted to stop Tigatron escaping

    the Predacon base, but were tricked into being flattened by a boulder by Dinobot. They were the

    least damaged, however, and dragged the rest of the Predacons back to base. Before the Storm

    Blackarachnia offered to help Tarantulas break into the Maximal base to steal a stasis pod. They were able to

    use one of Blackarachnia's inventions to penetrate theAxalon shields and overcome Rhinox and Dinobot.

    Other Voices, Part 1 As Tarantulas worked to turn the stasis pod into an escape ship, Blackarachnia turned on him,

    intending to use the pod herself. They were interrupted by Inferno, who slagged Tarantulas, but Blackarachnia

    was easily able to defeat him in return. She linked to Tarantulas's mind to obtain the necessary information, and

    successfully completed modifying the pod... only to be captured by the Maximals. Optimus forced her to change

    the control codes to respond to him, so he could pilot the pod himself and destroy the Planet Buster weapon

    threatening the planet. As it happened, Megatron had sabotaged the transwarp cell, and Optimus was unable to

    eject before impact. Other Voices, Part 2

    While attempting to escape from the Maximal base, Blackarachnia was shocked to discover that her earlier

    interfacing with Taratulas had resulted in a permanent mind-link between the two of them. Tarantulas was able to

    force her to take his body with her as she left the base. Though she was intercepted by Tigatron and Airazor, Megatron happened to turn up at that

    point. He threatened to terminate Blackarachnia, but she talked her way out of it by pointing out the simple fact that Megatron's stock of troops was

    sorely depleted. Of course, during the inevitable battle, Tarantulas forced Blackarachnia to retreat with his body. Aftermath

    Returning to the Predacon base, Blackarachnia interrupted Dinobot stealing the Golden Disks, but refused Tarantulas's order that she should try to get

    them back. Instead she repaired him, but discovered that the mind link persisted. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1) While Tarantulas went to help Megatron's latestbattle, Blackarachnia dug through the base's computer for information on the Golden Disks and discovered important data, including the access codes to,_Part_2,_Part_1
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    She blinded me with computer


    Spousal abuse!

    the Ark. she was able to download it while Tarantulas was unconscious, and destroyed the computer. She later

    told Megatron and Tarantulas that Dinobot had destroyed the computer and the data lost. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)

    The two spiders were later sent with new recruit Quickstrike to build a refueling station in a cave full of energon.

    Tarantulas schemed to take over the cave himself and attempted to persuade Blackarachnia to join him, but soon

    realised she was hiding something from him. When he tried to rip the information from her mind, she cracked an

    energon cube, the radiation causing them both pain and forcing him to sever the mental link. He threatened to tear

    her apart, but was interrupted when Rattrap and Silverbolt arrived to fight. Silverbolt, much to Rattrap'sannoyance, refused to strike Blackarachnia because she was female. In the end, Tarantulas used the battle as

    cover to fake the destruction of the cave, and the trio had to report their failure to Megatron. Tangled Web

    When Dinobot attempted to defect back to the Predacons, Blackarachnia suggested he prove himself by fighting

    with Quickstrike. Maximal, No More During another alien incursion, Megatron took Blackarachnia and Inferno to the Maximal base, where they were able to

    overcome Rhinox, the sole Maximal there. Blackarachnia grabbed the alien Golden Disk. Megatron and Tarantulas colluded to work against the aliens,

    and when Megatron questioned why, Blackarachnia revealed that she had learned from the mind link that Tarantulas hated the aliens and wanted to

    destroy them. Other Visits (Part 1) Though Blackarachnia was rendered unconscious by a blast from the alien construct that appeared, she was reactivated

    when Megatron took control of the construct and brought the other Predacons aboard. She was one of the Predacons sent out to defend the constructagainst the Maximals, but Tarantulas managed to infiltrate and destroy it anyway. Other Visits (Part 2)

    When an energon blast sent her and Silverbolt into the middle of the dense jungles, they were forced to

    work together. Though attracted to the Fuzor, Blackarachnia was endlessly frustrated by his seemingly

    idiotic chivalry and need to treat her specially. Megatron, listening in via a synch-pulse transmitter he'd

    planted on her, was disgusted by the obvious romance going on. Still Silverbolt and Blackarachnia

    worked together surprisingly well, saving each other's life in turns, and eventually defeating Rampage

    with the help of Optimus and Cheetor. Bad Spark

    When the Predacons attacked the valley of proto-humans, Blackarachnia was teamed with Inferno. She

    did considerable damage to Dinobot before being blasted herself. Code of Hero

    Blackarachnia took advantage of Silverbolt's obvious interest in her, meeting the Maximal at a secluded

    location to obtain a graviton generator. She used the generator to convert a stasis pod into a makeship

    hoversled, and later overheard Megatron giving a mission to Waspinator. As the Maximals fought their

    way into the Predacon base, Blackarachnia emerged on her sled to encounter Silverbolt. Silverbolt refused a direct order from Optimus to shoot her,

    allowing her to leave and tail Waspinator instead. The Agenda (Part 1) Silverbolt eventually caught up with Blackarachnia, who resorted to shooting him in

    order to try to get the point across that he should leave her alone. It didn't really work, and when the hoversled she was on hit Waspinator, Silverboltsaved her from plummeting to the ground. He subsequently joined her in digging into the side of the mountain they had been heading towards.,_No_More
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    I can walk, you know.

    Actually just picking up lunch.

    The Agenda (Part 2)

    Finally they broke through into a huge cavern containing the Ark, and Blackarachnia explained the ship's

    significance to her companion. While she was keen to take the power for herself, Megatron arrived and

    knocked Silverbolt offline before caving in the tunnel they'd dug. Having always intended for her to reach

    the Ark as he knew she had the access codes, Megatron threatened to vape Silverbolt unless she did

    what he said. Bitterly, she agreed to his demands, reluctantly opening the ship and, while Megatron went

    on, using the Ark's security system to hold off the Maximals. Megatron took the opportunity to attempt toassassinate Optimus Prime, potentially erasing the Maximals from history. The Agenda (Part III)

    Unfortunately for Megatron, Blackarachnia had originally been a Maximal protoform, and certainly wasn't

    willing to die for his cause. She activated Teletraan I's security nets to force Megatron off the ship. With

    Silverbolt's help, she got the dying Autobot leader under life support and began the repairs. The Maximals

    were forced to accept her help, but while the Maximals were occupied with Megatron, Blackarachnia

    slipped out... only to be trapped by falling rocks, and slagged by Megatron during his escape. Silverbolt

    cradled her to his chest as she shut down, swearing vengeance until the other Maximals suggested he stop messing around and get her to a repair

    chamber. With no much other choice, Blackarachnia joined the Maximal ranks. Optimal Situation She even spent time on guard duty outside the base withSilverbolt. Deep Metal

    Blackarachnia quickly showed her usefulness to the Maximals, building a hand-powered subaquatic stealth vessel that could retrieve Sentinel from the

    Axalon's underwater resting place. Rattrap was less than thrilled about having to use the "Predacon beach ball". Changing of the Guard

    She was even less thrilled when she ended up having to escort two human children back to their tribe along with

    Cheetor, who was exhibiting a boyish crush on her, much to Silverbolt's annoyance. Rattrap was also rather

    distrusting of her, as earlier he had spied Blackarachnia sneaking some parts from a classified area. But when

    Megatron's new cyber raptors attacked, Blackarachnia showed her good side by defending the children, eventaking a hit from Tarantulas for them, which she immediately denied to an impressed Silverbolt by saying she

    slipped. With the cyber raptors defeated, she informed Cheetor that he was a nice kid - which were two strikes

    against him, so don't go looking for strike three. Cutting Edge

    Depth Charge returned from a mission reporting that Cheetor had been destroyed trying to interfere with

    Megatron's experiment, however the Maximal had secretly brought back the Transmetal driver, a component of

    Megatron's experiment. Though he tossed it into a pool of lava, Blackarachnia was able to grab it before it was

    destroyed. Feral Scream Part 1 She took part in the search for Cheetor, leading Silverbolt to develop jealousy at her apparent concern for their comrade. He

    later turned up with, it transpired, a new Transmetal 2 body, which Blackarachnia took particular interest in. Feral Scream Part 2
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    Look at that trustworthy face!

    Blackarachnia's not going to

    backstab us!

    80% more pointy edges!

    After Rhinox scanned her and found the shell program that made her a Predacon, Blackarachnia finally got fed up

    with Rattrap's attitude and Cheetor's crush, and would have choked/blasted them both if Optimus hadn't

    intervened. Weary that apparently she hadn't proven herself to the Maximals and thinking that Optimus and Rhinox

    were planning to force her to remove the shell, Blackarachnia decided to split... which turned out to be a bad

    decision, as Dinobot II had been waiting for this moment. Taking turns hunting each other, Blackarachnia got the

    upper hand but was caught off-guard by Dinobot's power and durability. Fleeing to a mesa, she was found by

    Silverbolt, who got in a fight with Dinobot and was about to be slagged. Blackarachnia shot him out of the way,

    then tried to make a deal with Dinobot to take over the Ark and the Predacons, which backfired and allowedDinobot to stun her, but he was distracted by Silverbolt long enough for the two Maximals to finally defeat him.

    After an argument between the pair, where Blackarachnia was enraged that Silverbolt thought she'd really been

    striking a deal with Dinobot instead of trying to con the villain, Optimus arrived to point out that the decision to

    remove the program had always been up to her. Proving Grounds

    When Megatron attempted to fire his new disruptor cannon on the Maximal base, the Maximals prepared for the worst, but the cannon blew up instead.Go with the Flow

    Seeking more power, Blackarachnia attempted to use the Transmetal driver on herself.Silverbolt, not realizing what she was planning, bailed her out of the contraption. Like every

    good girlfriend, she began to chew him out, but was cut off as an energy surge made her lose

    control of her circuits. A security system Tarantulas installed had been triggered by her

    tampering with her core, and the only way to fix it was to cut the Predacon shell program loose.

    Reluctantly, she agreed, especially since this was a very difficult procedure that could lead to her

    death. With time running out, she passed the Ark's access codes on to Primal in case she didn't

    make it and shut herself down, leaving herself in Rhinox's care. Rhinox began the operation, but

    his tinkering tripped an alert in Tarantulas's lair. The Predacons got wind of what he was doing

    and mounted an attack on the Maximal base. The Maximals countered their attack, but thepower was disrupted by a shot fired by Tarantulas at a critical stage. This apparently killed


    Distraught, Silverbolt took off to avenge her death, blinded by rage. However, in Silverbolt's

    absence, Blackarachnia's body attracted the attention of the Transmetal driver, and she was

    resurrected in a new Transmetal 2 form. She arrived just in time to save Silverbolt from Rampage. Rampage admitted that he liked her new look, but

    tried to kill her just the same. Surprisingly, Blackarachnia was able to disarm and stun the titanic Rampage, ultimately throwing him over the horizon using

    her webs. Silverbolt was, of course, overjoyed to see his beloved alive, but Blackarachnia told him to knock off the vengeful hero stuff so she wouldn't

    have to keep endangering herself with inevitable rescue attempts. Crossing the Rubicon
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    Actually a real spider in Australia.

    Spot the Mega Class toy!

    Some time later, Blackarachnia returned to base to find the doors open. It was the result of Megatron's

    latest plan as it turned out, which involved Quickstrike taking control of Optimus Primal's body, rendering

    the other Maximals unconscious and placing them in a cage. Left in Rampage's "care", Blackarachnia was

    able to use some sort of telekinesis to make a girder fly through the air and disable the Predacon. After

    dealing with Inferno, she went to release the other Maximals, only to run into Quickstrike and Primal. She

    freed Primal by disabling Quickstrike's control suit, and subsequently managed to stop the Ark's destruct

    sequence, which Tarantulas had set in motion, before rescuing the other Maximals and helping fight

    Megatron off. Master Blaster

    When an object from space destroyed the Predacon

    base, Blackarachnia realised that the aliens had returned

    in this case in the form of the Vok emissary

    Tigerhawk. She cut short Rattrap's celebrations by

    pointing out that when Tigerhawk had finished with the Predacons, he'd probably come for them.

    Other Victories Tigerhawk, in fact, joined the Maximals. When Silverbolt was injured looking for the

    Predacons, Blackarachnia rode to his aid on Cheetor's back, and the pair took him back to base for

    repairs. Nemesis Part 1 After Megatron raised theNemesis from the depths of the ocean, the Maximalsstruggled to prepare the Ark for moving. In search of something to make a power link, Blackarachnia

    grabbed Rattrap's tail-whip, snipping off the end and repurposing it as a power cable. Though the

    attempt to shift the Ark failed, Rhinox used a shuttle to defeat Megatron. The Maximals subsequently

    blasted off for Cybertron in the shuttle. Nemesis Part 2

    IDWBeast Wars comics

    While the Maximals attempted to remove her Predacon shell program, an alternate Transmetal "Vok" body was somehow automatically created (by

    someone, somehow) in subspace just in case it was needed. It wasn't, and so it was "sidelined". Beast Wars S ourcebook
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    She stabbed my basketball, and the speakers to my


    3H comics

    After Megatron took on his dragon form, Blackarachnia participated in Point Omega and was eviscerated by Shokaract's firepower. She got better as

    space-time rebooted itself with the disappearance of the Dark Essence from the past. Terminus

    Shortly after Cybertron underwent the Great Reformatting, the Quintessons seized the opportunity to attack, believing that the revolutionary change

    would have rendered the planets' inhabitants confused and docile. Suffice to say, the Transformers were greatly underestimated. Silverbolt and

    Blackarachnia were successfully able to fend Cybertropolis from Quintesson invaders. Wreckers: Fi nale Part II

    One year later, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were chosen to greet a ship of returning Autobot

    heroes from the Great War. Their welcomes were ignored by the crew, which included

    Sideswipe, Trailbreaker, Roulette, and Shadow Striker, when they realized that their home had

    been transformed into a strange technorganic paradise. Only Sunstreaker was unphased,

    choosing to talk up Blackarachnia and Silverbolt so that he could mug for Rook's cameras.

    Their greeting was interrupted by a series of what appeared to be fireworks. Instead, they were

    beams of energy sent by Unicron to capture the returning crew, Blackarachnia, and Silverbolt,

    and bring them to him. When they arrived, a booming voice welcomed them to the Pit, a

    dimension inside Unicron. Blackarachnia and her fellow captives were painfully smelted down andreformed; only Trailbreaker emerged unchanged. Since she arrived, Blackarachnia had begun to feel a growing anger that she couldn't control. And in
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    Hey, guys, I turned evil


    Closure? Maybe?

    this new Unicron-tainted form, she more than welcomed the swarm of creatures that began swarming her group.

    Overwhelmed, Blackarachnia and the others were herded into the Cauldron and filed into prison cells. As Blackarachnia

    protested, she was silenced by Tankor, one of their hosts.

    It was revealed to them by the master of ceremonies, Razorclaw, that they would be forced to fight fellow abducted

    Transformers. The loser's spark would fuel and empower Unicron, whose form had fallen into disrepair. Blackarachnia's

    uncontrollable rage welcomed this bloodsport, as Silverbolt watched helplessly as she fell under Unicron's evil spell.


    Optimus Primal, resurrected by Primus, arrived to rescue the prisoners of the Cauldron, and with help from Silverbolt and

    Trailbreaker, its captives were set free. But Unicron's grip on Blackarachnia was too strong. She began lashing out

    madly, even at Silverbolt, and the Fuzor took tight hold of her so that he might swiftly remove her from Unicron's grip.

    But as the others began jumping through a portal that would lead them to their respective homes across the multiverse,

    Blackarachnia had a moment of clarity. Sadly, she told Silverbolt that Unicron had awakened her true nature, then bid

    him farewell and threw him through the portal.

    Soon, she was escorted by Tankor and Obsidian to the center of Unicron,where she was repulsed to meet a familiar face: Tarantulas! Escape

    Blackarachnia was dispatched to Cybertron's Undercity, where she

    observed Rattrap for a while. Finally, she made her presence known, stinging him with her cybervenom.

    She never had liked the vermin, after all. Suddenly, Rattrap was saved by Depth Charge, back from the

    dead. Blackarachnia was knocked out, and Depth Charge left the weakened Rattrap to fend for himself.

    As Depth Charge departed, he found himself surrounded by Blackarachnia's Piranacons. Homecoming

    Note: 3H Productions lost the license, and so this story was never finished as intended.

    However, a look into the end ofUniverse was shown in a comic published by the next licensee,

    Fun Publications.

    Much later, Optimus Primal waged one last desperate assault against Unicron, and his Children of Primus were able to defeat the Minions of Unicron. As

    Unicron himself seemed to dissolve below them, Silverbolt carried Blackarachnia with him, saving her from sharing the gruesome fate of her evil peers.Revelations Part 2

    Transformers Legends anthology

    Not long after Megatron took the original Megatron's spark into himself, he had Quickstrike deliver a device to the Maximal base which amplified the
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    When they say she's all legs, they ain't kidding!

    Nice forehead!

    Maximals' aggression. Blackarachnia was attacked by Rhinox before escaping while Silverbolt distracted him. Once Optimus Primal was able to

    overcome the device's effects and free the other Maximals, they attempted unsuccessfully to capture Megatron in one of Blackarachnia's webs.A Meeting of Minds

    After the Maximals returned to Cybertron, Blackarachia was trying to persuade Silverbolt that it was all right for them to resume their romance after

    Megatron's apparent death, when they were attacked by a strange zombie-like creature. After it zapped Silverbolt, she unsuccessfully tried to attack it in

    retaliation. Singularity Ablyss

    Beast Machines cartoon

    Voice actor: Venus Terzo (English), Ryka Yuzuki (Japanese), more

    When the Autobot shuttle crashed on Cybertron and the Maximal team was gassed,

    Blackarachnia's Transmetal 2 powers were stripped away from her, as were her memories. As

    such, the amnesiac Maximal decided to head underground, distraught and confused. Locked out

    of her robot mode, she awaited her imminent deactivation...until the other three survivorsan

    equally disoriented Optimus Primal, Rattrap and Cheetorplunged into her web. Primal madethe decision to head underground, and Blackarachnia complied, using her webs to grant them

    safe passage. However, in her weakened state her webbing was limited, and so the foursome

    plummeted most of the way down into the chamber of the Oracle. She watched as Optimus

    emerged in his technorganic form, and she was the fourth and last Maximal to be reformatted,

    emerging as a pink black widow spider with green markings. When attacked by a squadron of

    Cycle Drones, she put her technorganic mode to good use, trapping one of the Vehicons in a

    tangle of web. The Reformatting

    Under Primal's tutelage, Cheetor and Blackarachnia relearned the ability to transform, and the Maximalsset about finding a new base. Blackarachnia managed to goad Cheetor into accompanying her

    aboveground to find out what had happened to the residents of Cybertron. They accessed the Cybertron

    InfoCore, only to find it had been wiped. The Maximals visited the Council Citadel, allowing

    Blackarachnia to test her new powers in combat, including an ability to fire electrical "stings" through the

    ground. To her shock, they discovered that the mastermind behind the cleansing of Cybertron was none

    other than Megatron. Master of the House During an attempt to access the Cybertron Archives, she received a

    vision of prehistoric Earth and Silverbolt. She sneaked off to the spaceport to consult the records of their

    arrival and was followed by Rattrap. As well as encountering Megatron's new, sentient Vehicon generals,

    they discovered that there had been six occupants in the shuttle. Seeking more information, Blackarachniaattempted to access the logs from the shuttle itself, only for Megatron to attempt to access her own mind,
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    She looks a bit more normal when she closes the

    extra eyes.

    and she was only prevented from revealing the location of the Maximal base by Rattrap severing the link.

    The pair were subsequently rescued by Primal and Cheetor, but Blackarachnia's information reawakened memories of Rhinox and Silverbolt in them all.Fires of the Past

    Rattrap's use of a transformation enhancer got the Maximals captured by Megatron for a short time, but during their escape, Optimus reported that

    Tankor's spark seemed familiar. Mercenary Pursuits Blackarachnia and crew later discovered the bat-creature Nightscream, who led them to a strange,

    organic fruit tree. Upon eating the fruit, Blackarachnia began to revert to her instinctual "animal" mind, and it was only thanks to Cheetor that her feral

    mind returned to normal, and thanks to Primal that the bat's life was saved and reformatted into a technorganic body. Forbidden Fruit After another missionwas fouled up by Rattrap's antics during Optimus's convalescence from reformatting Nightscream, the remaining Maximals discussed what they needed

    to do about Rattrap. Blackarachnia was irritated by Rattrap's uselessness, but Cheetor asserted that they had to cover for their friend. They were

    shocked to find a while later that Rattrap had overheard them and taken up with Megatron in exchange for weapons. Primal talked Rattrap around,

    scolding the other Maximals that they undervalued their teammate. The Weak Component

    Later, the group stumbled across one of Megatron's many Transformer junkyards, where the

    lifeless, sparkless bodies of the city's inhabitants were disposed of. When Thrust and

    Blackarachnia were split up from the battle, the two made an unofficial truce, but when Thrust

    saved her life and her spark, having strange recollections of doing so before, her mind was set:He was Silverbolt, mutated and made evil by Megatron. She resolved to get her lover back, but

    didn't reveal to the other Maximals that she believed Thrust was Silverbolt.

    Revelations Part I: Discovery When Cheetor enacted a subsequent plan to try to hack into Tankor,

    Blackarachnia volunteered to keep Thrust busy. She made numerous appeals to Thrust to try to

    bring out his Maximal nature, but Thrust was hesitant and was soon bullied into extracting her

    spark by Jetstorm. Revelations Part II: Descent As her spark rocketed into the darkness, Nightscream

    fought Jetstorm for it. At the same time, on another plane of existence, Blackarachnia

    encountered Primal, who calmed her astral spirit down, at the same time allowing Nightscream

    to restore it and bring her back. She and Nightscream were able to come to Cheetor andRattrap's aid, but they had found that Tankor was really Rhinox, and their old friend was now

    siding with Megatron's view of a technological Cybertron. Revelations Part III: Apocalypse

    After Nightscream was snatched away by the Vehicons, the other Maximals gave pursuit. Blackarachnia's hesitation in attacking Thrust allowed the

    Vehicon to pursue Primal and Nightscream, who had discovered a cave full of fossils, proving Cybertron was once organic. Survivor When Tankor

    gained control of the Key to Vector Sigma and "infected" Nightscream and the new orchard with the Key, Blackarachnia quickly found that the organic

    goo they'd just discovered was a cure to the technomatter. While the other Maximals went to get a mole drone, Blackarachnia stayed behind to look

    after Nightscream, only to be infected by him and temporarily lose her own sanity. The other Maximals eventually returned with a drone and were able to

    cure her. The Key
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    Nine eyes, then tw o, now six:

    fourth time lucky?Sorry, your boyfriend was behind door

    number 2!

    Taking a vial of the goo, Blackarachnia kidnapped Thrust,

    trapping him in a web and using the goo to force out his inner

    personality, in the expectation that Silverbolt would emerge.

    Instead, she discovered that Thrust was Waspinator, who'd flown

    to Cybertron from prehistoric Earth. When Jetstorm attacked,

    another mishap with the organic goop occurred, and for a

    moment Silverbolt's true personality emerged, sweeping

    Blackarachnia in his arms. However, as he and Waspinator foughtover Blackarachnia, the goo vanished from the both of them, and

    the Vehicons' minds both returned. Blackarachnia was swiftly

    rescued by the other Maximals, riding a giant vine created by a

    catalyst which Rattrap had found. The Catalyst

    Blackarachnia was involved in the battle in Megatron's Citadel, holding off the Vehicons as Primal confronted Megatron within, though she, along with

    the others, were all overwhelmed by the Key to Vector Sigma and became comatose. End of the Line The clashing energies of the Key and the Plasma

    Energy Chamber restored the four Maximals to life. Entering the Council Citadel, they found that the battle had claimed Primal, Megatron and Tankor.

    They headed for the Oracle in search of guidance, where they found Optimus Primal floating within, and they convinced him to return to real-space andcontinue his leadership.

    The Maximals returned to the surface to find a giant floating head in the likeness of Megatron. Fallout Blackarachnia and Nightscream tried unsuccessfully

    to infiltrate the head. Leaving Optimus to try and contact Megatron's spark, the other Maximals went to find the two remaining Vehicon generals and

    encountered a strange, organic Transformer named Noble, who changed from a wolf into the dragon-like Savage. Savage Noble The Maximals later

    infiltrated the Council Citadel, looking for information, only to discover that Noble was actually Megatron, trapped in his own organic half. Megatron

    used spark extractors to remove his spark, taking over the huge, flying head and reactivating the Vehicon drone army, which forced the Maximals back

    underground. Prometheus Unbound

    When Rattrap revealed he's created a device he hoped could be used to restore the stolen sparks into new bodies, Blackarachnia "borrowed" it. She

    managed to force Jetstorm into a large pool of the organic goo, and his body began to change. Scanning a nearby condor skeleton, he awoke in a new

    form, a purple technorganic bird of prey. Blackarachnia was startled by the change in him. Instead of the lovable, chivalrous knight in shining armor, he

    was a brittle, haunted bot, tormented by the images of the evil deeds he had done...done by choice. Though he gave up on himself, she never did, urging

    Silverbolt to forgive his past, prompting him to head to the Grand Mal to confront his old master and rescue Primal and Cheetor. In Darkest Knight

    Blackarachnia continued to assure Silverbolt that things would get better. After Silverbolt inadvertently spread a new, Megatron-enhanced version of the

    old Hate Plague, causing dissension in the ranks, he blamed himself, but she and the other Maximals were supportive. A Wolf in the Fold Later, when a

    Maximal spaceship crashed, the Maximals split up to reach it in time. As they did, Blackarachnia confided to Rattrap that she'd found Silverboltincreasingly cold towards her. At the ship, they encountered a strange, alien plant monster, which Primal reformatted, revealing it to be Botanica, a fellow
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    Vamp meets goth.

    Eeek! That smile! Go back to


    Maximal. Home Soil

    The Maximals would soon encounter two new Vehicon generals, Obsidian and Strika, whose gambit

    almost defeated them until Botanica stepped in. Sparkwar Pt. I: The Strike Blackarachnia and Silverbolt were

    teamed up with Cheetor during a search for the missing sparks. Though Silverbolt was uncomfortable

    about following someone he still regarded as a kid, Blackarachnia defended Cheetor.

    Sparkwar Pt. II: T he Search The Maximals attempted to infiltrate the Grand Mal to find the missing sparks, only

    to discover that Megatron was using them to fuel his great ascension. Nightscream's intercession appeared

    to dispel the Vehicon leader's spark. Sparkwar Pt. III: The Siege

    Once the Maximals had celebrated, Blackarachnia tried to talk to

    Silverbolt, believing now was the time for them to renew their

    romance. Silverbolt was not convinced of Megatron's demise,

    and in fact, he was right: Megatron still lived as a disembodied and depolarized spark. The pair found themselves

    being attacked by a zombie of pieced-together Vehicon parts, animated by the power of Megatron's spark.

    Megatron was later trapped in a Diagnostic Drone by Rattrap. Spark of Darkness

    Silverbolt, Blackarachnia and Nightscream attacked the Vehicons while the others attempted to secure the

    sparks in the Grand Mal. They were subsequently able to put Megatron's Vehicon factory out of commission,

    but the Grand Mal itself was brought down. Endgame Pt. I: The Downward Spiral Blackarachnia and Silverbolt were able

    to share a quiet moment before the final battle, and they received a spark power-up from the collective

    population of Cybertron. However, they were both felled during battle by Obsidian and Thrust, respectively.

    Their sparks were then torn from them by cycle drones. Endgame Pt. II: When Legends Fall Though unable to assist

    physically, Blackarachnia and the other Maximals were able to give moral support to Primal during his final battle

    against Megatron, which resulted in the sacrifice of both leaders and the reformatting of Cybertron into a technorganic paradise. With harmony restored,

    Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were finally able to be together. Endgame Pt. III: S eeds of the Future

    Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

    Beast Wars Diorama Story

    Soon after Starscream's intrusion into the Beast Wars, Blackarachnia joined a battle between Maximals and Predacons. Optimus Primal Chapter

    Blackarachnia faced against Dinobot, who attacked with his Dino Sabel. Dinobot Chapter Blackarachnia counterattacked with her Anchor Shot.

    Blackarachnia Chapter The battle was joined by Autobots and Decepticons from another universe, Tigatron Chapter and the collective Maximal/Autobot forcesfaced off against their opposite factions. Motorarm Chapter
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    The triceps are willing, but thesteel is weak.

    Binaltech (unused)

    As the victorious Maximals travelled forward in time from prehistoric Earth to far-future

    Cybertron, their shuttle was suddenly struck by a powerful force of darkness. Hurled into the

    early 21st century, Blackarachnia was forced by Unicron to aid him in his efforts to destroy the

    Matrix of Leadership. Her spark was placed inside the silver Beta Unit Honda S-2000 Aero

    Style body intended for the Autobot warrior Windcharger, and her mind was overwhelmed by an

    evil essence that forced her to do Unicron's bidding.

    Still possessing her extrasensory Transmetal 2 powers including telekinesis, Blackarachnia gained

    several additional weapons courtesy of her new form: a long-range Venom Sniper Gun that fired

    system-disrupting energy bullets, a defensive riot shield that projected an electromagnetic field

    from its edge, and the ability to fire strong artificial webs from her grill, exhaust pipe and hands in

    robot mode.

    Blackarachnia was partnered with the newly-created Decepticharge and dispatched to confront Shockwave's forces on Earth. Finding them in the middle

    of a Starscream-led uprising, the pair put down the rebellion and ordered the Decepticons to defeat Optimus Prime and destroy the Matrix.

    While forced to act as a Decepticon, Blackarachnia's true self remained intact but submerged, struggling to overcome Unicron's control and desperate to

    correct the warped Binaltech timeline.


    Beast Wars Metals comic

    Following the Quantum surge, Blackarachnia was one of the few Transformers notto be upgraded into a

    Transmetal. As Quickstrike and his armies laid siege to the weakened Maximal base, Blackarachnia waited in

    secret for an opening. When Rhinox was forced to shut Sentinel down to let an injured Airazor in, Blackarachnia

    saw her chance and entered the base. Knocking out Airazor and ripping Rattrap's arm off, Blackarachnia

    confronted Rhinox. Rhinox proceeded to pull out a "gun", but instead of shooting her with it, he blasted himself in

    the head (the "gun" actually being a machine allowing him to enter Transwarp space). Confused, but seeing no

    further use for the Maximals, Blackarachnia left the base. As the base collapsed behind her, she was approached

    by Quickstrike, who didn't like her "interfering" with his business. Not in the mood, she immediately kicked his

    head off. Raise the Curtain for Beast Wars Metals!!!!
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    Silverbolt would not approve.

    Universe CD-ROM

    Blackarachnia followed Reptillion[sic] in battle against Optimus Primal and his Autobot forces. She teamed up with Razorclaw to fight Striker before

    being abducted by Unicron. Universe CD-ROM


    Though she may appear to be a native of Axiom Nexus, Blackarachnia was brought online in a far

    different universe. On a Cybertron where the Autobots and Decepticons had grown too decrepit to carry

    on the Great War, they constructed proxy armies in the form of the Maximals and Predacons. As a result

    from her first moments Blackarachnia knew only strife and combat. Increasingly questioning the orders of

    her Autobot masters, the breaking point came with the death of her colleagues Silverbolt and Rhinox. She

    conspired with Nightscream and together they killed their commander, Optimus Primal.

    Joined by the malcontent Predacons Immorticon and Scavenger, they fled and activated an experimental

    transwarp device, hoping to escape Cybertron. Instead, they found themselves in Axiom Nexus. After

    processing, they were placed in the care of Alpha Trion. He convinced her that the Transcendent

    Technomorphs who ruled the city were little different from the Autobots under whose yoke she had

    chafed. Under his tender ministrations, her spark was transferred from her Lowtech body into that of her

    Transcendent Technomorph counterpart, with the authorities of Axiom Nexus none the wiser."TransTech" Blackarachnia's profile in Club magazine #25

    Thus upgraded, she joined Alpha Trion's insurrectionist organization, and was part of the raid on

    Shockwave's laboratory in the hopes of rescuing Breakaway. Blackarachnia and her comrades

    successfully stormed into Shockwave's inner sanctum, where they came face-to-face with the formidable

    Megatron. Transcendent #5 Despite that rather severe obstacle, Blackarachnia and the Alpha Trion's minionsmanaged to secure the transit room and transwarp to the Old One's original universal stream. Transcendent #6

    On the other side of the transwarp portal, Alpha Trion ordered Blackarachnia to prepare the cloaking device in order to keep his return a secret.Reunification #1


    Beast Wars: Transformers video game
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    I'm... sure she has a nice

    personality... wait, no. No, shedoesn't.

    Note:Blackarachnia is a playable character in the Predacon mode of this game for normal gameplay. Due to the nature of this game,

    a player may select various individual characters to perform the feats required in every level, and complete the game's narrative.

    Thus, any playable Maximal can fill the role of protagonist in Maximal Mode, and any playable Predacon can fill the role of

    protagonist in Predacon Mode. As such, each character's page only lists said character's actions when they fill the role of antagonist

    during gameplay. To view the various feats Blackarachnia can accomplish throughout gameplay in Predacon Mode, it is told on the

    pages of the several Maximals included as opponents in this game, as well as the game's main antagonists, the Skriix, wherein

    Blackarachnia fills the role of the nameless Predacon. To view the plot as a whole view the Beast Wars: Transformers (video game)page.

    Transformers Beast Wars: Transmetals video game

    Voice actor: Janet-Laine Green (English), ? (Japanese)

    Transmetal Blackarachnia joined her fellow Predacons in distributing various one-on-one beat downs to the

    Maximals. Eventually, Silverbolt convinced her to defect to the Maximals but she never truly reformed. It was her

    betrayal at a key moment that eventually assured the Maximals victory in the Beast Wars. Once back onCybertron, she worked as a double-agent between the Maximal and Tripredacus Council with no loyalty to either

    side. She often pondered what would have happened if she had remained on the Predacon's team throughout the

    war. Beast Wars Transmetals

    Note:Each character possessed an alternate ending, displayed if the Nintendo 64 version of the game

    was beaten with said character. Each character has only their own ending listed on their pages, see

    the other characters' pages for Blackarachnias fate in those outcomes.


    Beast Wars

    Blackarachnia (Deluxe, 1996/1997)

    Japanese ID number: D-8

    Accessories: Launcher, 4 leg-missiles
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    When she chokes you she can taste your fear.

    She might have an F-cup...or an E.

    Battle of the redecos.

    Blackarachnia's original toy is a redeco of the Tarantulas mold, transforming into a rather

    generic-looking organic spider. It features a removable spring-loaded launcher hidden in its

    beast-mode abdomen. It nominally fires the "grappling hook" attached to its abdomen by a

    string, but its front four beast-mode legs can also be removed and used as ammunition.

    Like all first-yearBeast Wars Deluxes, the robot-mode head has both a "robot" face and a

    "mutant" face; Blackarachnia is always depicted in fiction using the "robot" one (or a rough

    approximation thereof).

    The Takara release of the toy has numerous color differences from the Hasbro version, but

    they are of dubious merit as far as making her more "show-accurate" go. The bright green

    of the Hasbro version's forearms is replaced with dull silver, while the brighter purple is

    replaced with a darker, more desaturated purple. Her dark copper paint is replaced with a

    brighter gold. Her robot-mode facemask is painted gold, which is closer to the show model... but

    her face beneath is black with gold eyes (instead of gold with black eyes), and she inexplicably

    gains a new painted-black forehead crest, where the show model has gold.

    This mold was later used to make the "Beast Wars 10th Anniversary" version of Tarantulas, and

    theBeast Wars Telemocha version of Blackarachnia. It was intended to be used to make a

    second Universe version of Blackarachnia, but that toy set was canceled.

    More information on Deluxe BW Blackarachnia at


    Deep Forest Showdown: Tigatron VS Blackwidow (VS set, 1997)Japanese ID number: VS-8

    Accessories: Launcher, 4 leg-missiles

    In Japan, "Blackwidow" was available both as an individual and in a "VS" pack with Tigatron. Both

    toys were identical to their individual releases.
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    She's got a great personality.

    'Sup, bra.

    Blackarachnia (Happy Meal promotion, 1998)

    McNumber: 5

    Part of the second McDonald'sBeast Wars Happy Meal pack-in, Blackarachnia's

    "Transmetal" form resembles some sort of dust mite more than a spider, though it does

    have a black widow-esque hour-glass shape on the abdomen. It has a very similar

    transformation to the earlier promotional figure Beetle.

    Like the other two Transmetal Happy Meal figures, Blackarachnia has some metallic-

    sheened plastic intended to resemble the colored chromed finish of the retail Transmetals


    More information on McDonald's BW Blackarachnia at


    Blackarachnia (Transmetal 2, 1999)

    Japanese ID number: C-48

    Accessories: Mandible grapnel-line

    The Transmetal 2 version of Blackarachnia transforms into a large, organic/mechanical,

    monstrous spider, featuring a grappling hook, switching faction symbols activated by

    rotating her spark crystal around, and a spring-loaded spin-kick action feature. She also

    has a half-assed "defense mode", bringing the chromed abdomen bits down to cover her

    chest. Like all larger Transmetal 2s, Blackarachnia has hints of an abandoned "transport"mode, mainly the free-spinning wheels and concealed rockets in the spider-mode


    This toy was initially hard to find at retail, as one of the toy's features, a piece of removable

    chest armor (no, really), was altered slightly, delaying later shipments.

    This mold was used to make the BotCon 2000 exclusive Arcee.

    More information on Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia at

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    InBeast Machines, Silverbolt doubled his bird and

    so did she.

    This is transformed correctly, right? Right?

    Beast Machines

    Blackarachnia (Deluxe, 2000)

    An early toy in theBeast Machines line, Blackarachnia transforms into a technorganic

    spider. In spider mode, squeezing its pedipalps together raises its central fangs; they werespring-loaded to release and lower, respectively. In keeping with the earlyBeast

    Machines "articulated features" motif, her robot mode head has a multi-piece articulated

    brow, which can slide up to reveal two extra sets of eyes, as she does on the cartoon.

    This mold was later redecoed to make the Universe version of Blackarachnia, as well as

    Crystal Widow.

    More information on Beast Machines Blackarachnia at


    Blackarachnia (Happy Meal, 2000)

    McNumber: ??

    As one often toys in the third Transformers McDonald's Happy Meal promotion,

    Blackarachnia is a super-simplified version of her retail toy, with a coloration closer to the

    Mainframe CG model, though more shockingly pink rather than maroon. This toy isdesigned for the younger set, with softer plastic and no removable parts.

    She is the only Beast Era character to get two McDonald's Happy Meal toys.

    More information on McDonald's BM Blackarachnia at


    Blackwidow (Deluxe, 2005)
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    What a maroon.

    You can pick your faction, and you can pick yourgirlfriend, but you can't pick your girlfriend's


    Japanese ID number:BR-04

    Part of the Japanese Toys "R" Us-exclusiveBeast Wars Returns series, this toy is a

    redeco of the originalBeast Machines Blackarachnia in a more show-like maroon

    coloration. Reportedly, this toy was limited to 3000 pieces, a full thousand less than the

    others in the original assortment. Since she was also the most changed from the US release

    in the initial batch of toys, this made her considerably harder to get.

    Universe (2003)

    Blackarachnia (Deluxe, 2003)

    Part of the second wave ofUniverse Deluxes, Blackarachnia returned as a Decepticon

    and as a redeco of the originalBeast Machines figure. However, her forearms were

    mistakenly swapped, leaving her forearm "spikes" pointing up towards her biceps rather

    than down near her elbows. She received a Decepticon faction symbol over her spark

    crystal as well.

    This mold (with the same swapped-forearms error) was used to make Crystal Widow.

    More information on Universe Blackarachnia at


    Leatherhide Vs. Blackarachnia (Halloween Horrorcon value pack, unreleased)

    Accessories: Launcher, 4 leg-missiles

    In 2004, a group of test-shots made their way onto eBay, among them a redeco of the original Beast Wars Tarantulas/Blackarachnia mold in
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    black with silver spider-legs and salmon-colored robot parts. Later, Hasbro's official

    website checklist featured listings for two Universe "Halloween Horrorcon Value Packs"

    that were to be Wal-Mart exclusives... which also likely explains why they were canceled.

    (Wal*Mart had taken a good half-dozen exclusives and released them more-or-less

    simultaneously, leading to a huge glut. A lot of otherTransformers exclusives were

    canceled during the Universe era.) One of the sets was "Leatherhide Vs. Blackarachnia"...

    and thus, the mystery spider was confirmed, as the other test-shots in that group lined up

    with the name listings given in the sets.

    Gallery of Halloween Horrorcon test-shots


    Proceed on your way to oblivion.

    This item has been canceled, with no

    current plans for release.

    Beast Wars Telemocha Series

    Blackwidow (Deluxe, 2007)

    Japanese ID number:TM-06

    Accessories: Launcher, 4 leg-missiles

    As part of theBeast Wars Telemocha line, the original Blackarachnia toy was extensively redecoed with a ridiculous number of gold paintoperations, making her closer to show-accurate in coloration than the other versions of the mold, but still not quite there. (Her shoulders are silver
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    It almost works!

    in the show.) All of the gimmicks of the original toy were retained, though her alternate

    head didn't receive any paint that wasn't intended to make her nominal head look more


    She came with a DVD containing "The Assassin Virus", the Japanese dubbing ofBeast

    Wars episode 10, "Gorilla Warfare".

    More information on Telemocha Blackarachnia at


    Blackwidow (Binaltech, unreleased)

    Japanese ID number: BT16

    Accessories: Engine-rifle, roof-shield

    In 2005, the mold used forAlternators Decepticharge was presented as an upcoming release for

    the JapaneseBinaltech line. They decided to give the toy an entirely new deco, as the Hasbro toy's

    deco didn't appeal to their ideal of "real-life accuracy". In robot mode, the toy was given a color

    scheme based on Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia, with the toy's name being changed to

    "Blackwidow", Takara's name for the character. Though a bio and story chapter were written to

    accommodate it into theBinaltech fiction, and photoshopped images released through an online

    retailer revealed the intended color scheme, Takara ultimately decided to cancel the toy altogether,

    as they were fearing that another redeco (in addition to the upcomingBinaltech Asterisktoys)would be too repetitive. Plans to release this toy as part of a different line were never picked up


    This mold was ultimately released in Japan as part of an unexpectedBinaltech continuation, this

    time as Arcee. The original version of the mold was used to makeAlternators Windcharger and

    Binaltech Overdrive. It was also planned to become a new toy of the Paradron Medic, but that

    also got canceled.

    / / ( ) f
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    Honda wouldn't appreciate their car being

    hot, poisonous, and deadly.Proceed on your way to oblivion.

    This item has been canceled, with no

    current plans for release.


    Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)

    Blackarachnia was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for

    the Beast Wars card game.

    Robot Heroes

    Cheetor vs. Blackarachnia (2-pack, 2008)

    Part of the first wave ofUniverse-branded Robot Heroes, Blackarachnia is a simple, yet

    well-detailed two-inch tall figurine with exaggerated, cartoony proportions. She was only

    available in a two-pack with Cheetor.

    More information on Robot Heroes Blackarachnia at


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    Cute and poisonous.

    Dirty girls, make some noise.

    Move that ass for dirty boys.


    Blackarachnia's original Beast Wars card art has her wearing a spike-studded collar... while her chest

    seems to be leopard-spotted. Kinky.

    Reportedly, Blackarachnia's show model was created after some Mainframe folks had taken the design

    modeler to a strip club only a few days prior for, um... inspiration.[1]

    Like her fellow spider Tarantulas, her original beast mode is depicted with nine eyes rather than eight.

    In the "jovial" Japanese dub ofBeast Wars, Blackarachnia's character underwent a few small (depending

    on your point of view) changes. Firstly, she had a voice that can only be described as "bipolar". She would

    switch between her usual sultry, flirtatious voice to a screaming blood-thirsty maniac at the drop of a hat.

    Another notable change is that, while still a strong female character, she was made less independent and

    was occasionally prone to begging for mercy from her enemies, something she never did in the English

    version. However, this isn't the first time the Japanese have done their best to "improve" upon a female

    character.The artwork advertising the Transmetal Blackarachnia toy on Happy Meal Bags was rendered with the toy

    transformed incorrectly. Her beast mode head isn't flipped down, leaving her organic-looking robot mode

    chest exposed.

    Even though Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia's toy has a unique faction-switching spark crystal, the feature

    doesn't make sense in a fictional context. By that point in theBeast Wars television series, the Transmetal

    Driver had destroyed her Predacon shell program, making her fully Maximal. (Though, to be fair, it had

    happened mere moments previously.)

    Blackarachnia exhibited what appears to be telekinesis not long after gaining her Transmetal 2 form,levitating a steel girder to stop Rampage in "Master Blaster". The ability only appeared once and was never explained, though it resembles the

    other strange, almost supernatural powers wielded by Transmetals 2 in the cartoon. Following her reformatting inBeast Machines, Blackarachnia

    no longer possessed this ability.

    Blackarachnia's Transmetal 2 animation model is noticeably tweaked from the toy design, with her extremely large shoulder-pads and back

    rockets all being significantly reduced to a very discreet size. Although arguably more toy-accurate than the CG model of her original body, this

    level of alteration was uncommon in new characters/upgraded bodies introduced from Season 2 onwards, as their animation models were more

    closely based on their respective toys (at least in appearance, if not always in capabilities.) [2]

    Character and fiction information for the cancelled BT-16 "Blackwidow" toy finally emerged in late 2007 with the release ofThe Transformers

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    Woke up in Vegas next to BB.

    Binaltech Stories: Profiles and Technical Specifications, an unofficial publication byBinaltech story

    writer Hirofumi Ichikawa that compiled all then-currentBinaltech information as well as that of the

    unreleased Blackarachnia and Ginrai toys. As it was never officially released, this information can be

    considered pseudocanonical at best.

    Blackarachnia is (strangely) depicted solely using a golden orange version of her Transmetal II body in her

    IDWBeast Wars Sourcebookprofile entry. She received properly colored coverage of all her modes in

    the trade paperback version.

    In the Nintendo 64 version ofBeast Wars: Transmetals, Blackarachnia was a stretched palette-swap of

    Transmetal Tarantulas. The PlayStation version does not stretch out Tarantulas, instead remeshing the

    model to resemble her Transmetal 2 form.

    Foreign names

    Japanese:Blackwidow (Burakkuwid)

    Cantonese:Alaina (Hong Kong,Aa Lai Naa)

    French:Mygale (Canada toy), La Veuve Noire (Canada cartoon, "The Black Widow")[3]

    German:Schwarze Arachnia (Beast Wars Cartoon only)


    Latvian:Zirneklene (Derived from "zirneklis", meaning "spider")

    Mandarin:Hi Jr-j (Taiwan,, "Black Spider"), Jr-j (TaiwanBeast Machines,, "Spider")


    Portuguese:Aracniana (Portugual), Viva Negra (BrazilBeast Wars, "Black Widow")

    Russian:Chornaya Vdova ( , "Black Widow")Spanish:Araa Negra ("Black Spider")[3]

