Bio Midterm Free Response Practice



Practice AP Biology free response

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Edward Dame2. Explain what occurs during the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and electron transport by describing the following:a. The location of the Krebs cycle and ETC in mitochondria. The Krebs takes place in the mitochondrial matrix, inside the mitochondria.The ETC takes place in the inner mitochondrial matrixb. The dif between the substrate level and oxidative phosphorylation in ATP production.Substrate level produces 2 net ATP, Oxidative Phosphyorylation produces 30 net ATP. Oxidative requires oxygen to happen, substrate can occur without the presence of oxygenc. The oxidations and reductions involvedThe oxygen is reduced, and glucose is oxidized.d. The chemiosmotic production of ATP during Electron transport A gradient is formed with hydrogen electrons. This gradient is used to produce ATP as the ions move back across the membrane.

3. Energy transfer occurs in all cellular activities. For 3 of the following 5 processes involving energy transfer, explain how each functions in the cell and give an example. Explain how ATP is involved in each example you choose

Cellular movementIn muscle contraction, the proteins that contract use ATP hydrolysis in order to contact. Cytoplasmic streaming is another kind of cellular movement, and is the movement of cytoplasm within a cell. Locomotion involves cilia, flagella, and pseudopodia. Their movement is powered by ATP. ChemiosmosisChemiosmosis occurs in mitochondria or chloroplasts. In mitochondria, chemiosmosis forms a proton gradient across the cristae. H+ ions are forcibly pumped into the space between the inside between the cristae and outer membrane. The difference in pH creates free energy and the H+ ions pass back across the membrane. Oxygen is the acceptor of the hydrogen ions, forming water and ATP is produced. In the chloroplast, a similar process occurs with protons from the stroma being pumped into the thylakoid sac. A pH gradient develops like in mitochondria, and the H+ passes back over creating free energy. The final acceptor of the H+ ion in chloroplasts is NADP, which becomes NADPH FermentationFermentation is a process in anaerobic respiration. Fermentation starts with glycolysis. Then substrate level phosphorylation produces 2 net ATP. Fermentation can break down organic compounds to synthesize more ATP. The reduction of the pyruvic acid creates lactic acid in animals and ethanol in plants.
