Bibliography - Springer978-3-658-05255-3/1.pdf · annotated by Herczeg, Y.Z., Brooklyn, ... A...


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Biblical and Rabbinic Literature


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annotated by Herczeg, Y.Z., Brooklyn, NY, 1994/1995.


According to the manuscript attributed to Moses Maimonides1306


The Vilna Edition, Vilnius, 1799.1307 The Tosefta, translated by Neusner, J., New York, NY, 1979.


Sifra o The Weiss Edition, Vienna, 1862. o Sifra on Leviticus. With Traditional Commentaries and Variant Readings,

Shoshanah, Abraham (ed.), Cleveland/Jerusalem, 1991. o Sifra. An Analytical Translation, translated by Neusner, J., Atlanta, 1988.

1305 Provided by the online resource Mechon Mamre, 1306 Provided by the online resource Mechon Mamre, 1307 Provided by the online resource Mechon Mamre,

N. L. Kaplan, Management Ethics and Talmudic Dialectics,DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-05255-3, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2014

360 Bibliography

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Based on The Venice Edition, Venice, 1523.1308 o The Piotrkow Edition, Piotrkow, 1898/1900.1309 o The ArtScroll Series, Brooklyn, NY, 2005/6.

Talmud Bavli o The Vilna Edition, Vilnius, 1870.1310 o The Soncino Edition, London, 1952/1990. o The ArtScroll Series, Brooklyn, NY, 2002/3. o German translation by Lazarus Goldschmidt, Berlin, 1930.


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Kagan, Yisrael Meir, , B’nei Brak, 1991.

1308 Provided by the Bar Ilan Responsa Project, 1309 Provided by the online resource Mechon Mamre, 1310 Provided by the online resource Mechon Mamre,

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Illustration 1: The various components of corporate ethics programs

Corporate ethics programs utilize a variety of components

SOURCE: Crane & Matten (2007), team analysis

Component Description

Mission, vision, values statements

Statements of corporate aims, beliefs and values

Ethics codes Explicit outlines of what type of conduct is desired and expected of employees

Reporting/advice channels Gathering information on ethical matters, receiving advice regarding ethical dilemmas. Ethics hotlines, ombudsmen

Risk analysis and management Spelling out risks of ignoring ethics, measuring these risks in monetary terms(fines, damages, sanctions)

Ethics managers, officers, committees

Individuals or groups appointed to co-ordinate and/or take responsibility for ethics management, e.g., Ethics Officers, CSR committees

Ethics consulting services Environmental consulting, research services, project management, strategic advisory, social and environmental auditing and reporting, verification, stakeholder dialogue

Ethics education and training Training formats, knowledge and tools to recognize and resolve ethical dilemmas more accurately and easily

Stakeholder consultation, dialogue, partnership programs

Means of including stakeholders more fully in corporate decision-making

Auditing, accounting and reporting

Measuring, evaluating and communicating corporate impact and performance on a range of social, ethical and environmental issues of interest to stakeholders

N. L. Kaplan, Management Ethics and Talmudic Dialectics,DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-05255-3, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2014

378 Appendix

Illustration 2: Business risks of unethical conduct

SOURCE: Various empirical studies compiled by the Josephson Institute, Global Insight

On the flipside, business conduct perceived to be unethical carries substantial risks

80% of people decide to buy a firm's goods or services partly on their perception of its ethics

74% said their perception of a firm's honesty directly affects their decision about whether to buy its stock

Increased fines and jail time if a firm does not have an ethics program in place

Companies without an ethics program have up to three times lower market value-added than companies with one

Those who contribute the most to a company's revenues and reputation show the greatest drop in productivity because of others' unethical behavior

71% of employees who said honesty applies rarely or never in their organization have seen misconduct in the past year compared to 25% who reported honesty is common

78% of workers in firms with an ethics program said they report misconductwhen they see it compared to 39% of employees at firms with no ethics program

79% of employees said a lacking concern for ethics at their employer would be a key reason to leave

41% of low-morale organizations feel absenteeism is a serious issue, while just 20% of high-morale firms feel the same

Up to $4 trillion in value at stake globally from regulation, which increases in the wake of misconduct

Illustrations 379

Illustration 3: Examples of how the seven dimensions of the business ethics taxonomy impact performance

The active management of risk and opportunity in the 7 areas of the business ethics taxonomy can have a significant impact on performance

1 Davy et al 1988; 2 Lord and Benoit 2006; 3 Aggarwal and Williamson 2006; 4 Godfrey et al 2008; 5 Roberts and Dowling 2002; 6 Banker et al 2000

One-third to one-half of mergers fail due to matters such as cultural assimilation and leadership issues1

Philosophy and spirit

Regulation and compliance

Firms that went from poor to good compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley outperformed the Russell 3000 by an average of 8%2

GovernanceGood governance is rewarded by the market with a 10% increase in market-to-book ratio3

Firms that do not have good governance suffer an average of a 6% market-to-book ratio loss when governance regulations are introduced3

SocietySocially responsible activities targeted at secondary shareholders can provide an insurance-like benefit that reduce the impact of adverse events by an average of 68%4

EnvironmentSevere regulatory backlash and permanent brand damage can result in the event of an environmental catastrophe

Product and brand

There is a strong positive relationship between increased quality perception and stock return2

Corporate reputation, distinct from financial reputation, results in persistent above-average ROA for up to five years5

Value chainEmployee satisfaction, adjusted for compensation, has significant effects such as increased revenues and decreased costs and can be improved through factors such as store cleanliness and manager experience levels6


SOURCE: Ethics Radar team analysis








380 Appendix

Illustration 4: The Ethics Radar, enabling supervision and management of corporate ethical dilemmas

SOURCE: Ethics Radar team

The Ethics Radar is a supervision and management tool showing ethical dilemmas and how well a corporation is working to resolve them

4. Capabilities of the company to deal with issues are assessed (sufficient to insufficient)

3. Status on how the company is current-ly dealing with issues is diagnosed (from “not resolved” to “resolved”) along 4 dimensions (strategy, leader-ship, implemen-tation, monitoring)

Sufficient capabilitiesInsufficient capabilities

1. Issues/dilemmas are categorized along the 7 business areas related to ethics

2. Issues are priori-tized (I being the most important) according to their potential impact on performance



Not resolved

Being resolved






Illustrations 381

Illustration 5: A theoretical-methodological framework to assess the degree of legitimacy in applying talmudic sources to corporate practice

A theoretical-methodological framework reflects and strengthens thelegitimacy of applying talmudic concepts in corporate practiceMethodoglical Aspirationsconcerning three aspects of application

Interpretation: Avoiding a “voreiligeAngleichung der Vergangenheit an die eigenen Sinnerwartungen” and attempting “die Überlieferung so [zu] hören, wie sie sich in ihrem eigenenanderen Sinne hörbar zu machenvermag.”1

Selection: Developing a holistic perspective on all relevant talmudictraditions and positions regarding a certain issue instead of conducting selective “Steinbruch Exegese”



3 Implication: Presenting a talmudicperspective with practical relevance, as a source of inspiration and guidance to reflect Kant’s fundamental question of ethics: “Was soll ichtun?”2

Source abstraction

1 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, Tübingen, 1960, p. 289.2 Kant, Immanuel, Logik. Ein Handbuch zu Vorlesungen, Wiesbaden, 1800/1958, A26, p. 448.

Management relevance

Risk of ivory tower

Risk of premature harmonization

Lowest application legitimacy

Highest application legitimacy

Application Matrixto assess the degree of legitimacy in applying traditions to management practice

382 Appendix

Illustration 6: The methodology of this thesis

Capitalism, Judaism, Philosophy: A five-step methodology to develop a talmudic perspective on ethical dilemmas in corporate management

Management Studies: Corporate Practice

Philosophy: Applied Ethics

Jewish Studies: Talmudic Traditions

1. Presentation of an ethical dilemma encountered in corporate management practice

2. Analysis of the clashing values, norms, and beliefs giving rise to the management dilemma

3. Study of talmudic sources germane to the management dilemma under examination

4. Extraction and synthesis of ethical content from the talmudic traditions

5. Derivation of implications for corporate practice regarding the management dilemma





Chapter Structure

Illustrations 383

Illustration 7: The fused elements of the Talmudic Work Ethic and Yeshivah Culture

Corporate culture in the field of tension between the talmudic work ethicand the culture of the Yeshivah


Talmudic Work Ethic

Elitism Am-bition



BalanceSocietal develop-


384 Appendix

Illustration 8: The talmudic whistle-blowing dilemma

Whistle-blowing requires balancing obligations to protest and to protect


Protest Protect

Whistle-blower’s dilemma


Balancing obligations to…

Dissent bShab 54b



bBM 31aRava



bShab 55a





mSan 8,9Sifra Qed 4,8

bBM 108abQid 42b

mAv 2,14Hillel

bQid 42b

, , ; , ; ,

bBM 62a R. Akiva

Illustrations 385

Illustration 9: Analysis of the -Sugya (mBM 6,1; bBM 76a)

The Talmud perceives four cases of justified causes for resentment in third-party wage determination processes

Agent respon-sible for wages

Agreed and accepted

Wage agreed upon by workers

Observe themarket wage

3 4



Wage stipu-lated by house-holder

Cause for resentment

Full wage to be paid andrecovered from thehouseholder based on benefit provided

Householder responsible for wages

Other job preferred; <4 below dignity;

Superior work provided

Do not withhold a goodfrom whom it is due

386 Appendix

Illustration 10: The talmudic stance towards material wealth

The Talmud encourages the accumulation of wealth while urgingmoderation in light of the risks of riches


Forsaking God Envy Shame Arrogance

Attain Prosperity

Avoid Poverty


List of Abbreviations 387

List of Abbreviations1311

Biblical Books

Gen Genesis Na Nachum Ex Exodus Hab Habakkuk Lev Leviticus Zep Zephaniah Num Numbers Cha Chaggai Deut Deuteronomy Zec Zekhariah Jos Joshua Mal Malakhi Jgs Judges Ps Psalms Sam Samuel Prov Proverbs Kgs Kings Job Job Isa Isaiah Song Song of Songs Jer Jeremiah Rut Ruth Ez Ezekiel Lam Lamentations Hos Hosea Eccl Ecclesiastes Joel Joel Est Esther Am Amos Dan Daniel Ob Obadiah Ezr Ezra Jona Jonah Nech Nechemiah Mi Micah Chron Chronicles

1311 Based on Liss, Hanna, Tanach – Lehrbuch der jüdischen Bibel, Schriften der Hochschule für jüdische Studien Heidelberg Bd. 8, Heidelberg, 2005, p. 392;Schostak, Désirée, Form-Megille. Die formale Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 31-34 _2008-04-07.pdf; Chicago Manual of Style, Books of the Bible in Text and Notes, Chicago, IL, 1906/2010, Par. 10.46; Klein, Isaac, A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice, New York, NY, 1979, pp. xi-xiv.

388 Appendix

Mishnaic and Talmudic Tractates

A Av Avot B BB Bava Batra Ar Arakhin Bekho Bekhorot AZ Avodah Zarah Ber Berakhot Beit Beitzah Bik Bikkurim BM Bava Metzi’a BQ Bava Kamma C Chag Chaggigah D Dem Demai Chal Challah Chu Chullin E Ed Eduyot G Git Gittin Er Eruvin H Hor Horayot K Kel Kelim Ker Keritot Ket Ketubot Kil Kilayim M Maas Ma’aserot N Naz Nazir Mak Makkot Ned Nedarim Makh Makhshirin Neg Nega’im Meg Megilla Nid Niddah Me’i Me’ila Men Menachot Mid Middot Miq Miqva’ot MSh Ma’aser Sheni MQ Mo’ed Qatan O Oha Ohallot P Pa Parrah Orla Orla Pea Peiah Pes Pessachim

List of Abbreviations 389

Q Qid Qiddushin R RH Rosh Hashanah Qin Qinnim S San Sanhedrin T Taan Ta’anit Shab Shabbat Tam Tamid Shevi Shevi’it TY Tevul Yom Shevu Shevu’ot Tem Temurot Sheq Sheqalim Ter Terumot So Sotah To Toharot Su Sukkah U Uk Uqzin Y Yad Yada’im Yev Yevamot Yo Yoma Z Zab Zabim Zeb Zebachim

390 Appendix

Further Abbreviations of Rabbinic Literature

AvRN A/B Avot de Rabbi Natan (Version A and B)

MidPs Midrash Psalms

b Talmud Bavli PesR Pesiqta Rabbah DerER Derech Eretz Rabbah PesRK Pesiqta Rav Kahana DerEZ Derech Eretz Zutta PirRE Pirqei de Rabbi Eli’ezer DtnR Deuteronomy Rabbah RutR Ruth Rabbah EcclR Ecclesiastes Rabbah SedER Seder Eliyahu Rabbah EcclZ Ecclesiastes Zutta SedEZ Seder Eliyahu Zutta ExR Exodus Rabbah SedOR Seder Olam Rabbah GenR Genesis Rabbah SedOZ Seder Olam Zutta GenZ Genesis Zutta SedTA Seder Tannaim

veAmoraim IggSR Iggeret Rav Sherira

Ga’on SoSR Song of Songs Rabbah

LamR Lamentations Rabbah SoSZ Song of Songs Zutta LeqT Leqach Tov SifD Sifrei Deuteronomy LevR Leviticus Rabbah SifN Sifrei Numbers

Mishnah Sifra Sifra MekhY Mekhilta de Rabbi

Yishma’el SifZ Sifrei Zutta

MekhS Mekhilta de Rabbi Shimon b. Yochai

t Tosefta

MidG Midrash haGadol Tan Tanchuma MidProv Midrash Proverbs TanB Tanchuma B NumR Numbers Rabbah y Talmud Yerushalmi MidTann Midrash Tannaim YalqS Yalqut Shimoni

List of Abbreviations 391

Examples of Abbreviation Usage

Gen 18,3 Book of Genesis, Chapter 18, Verse 3 mBer 2,5 Mishnah, Tractate Berakhot, Chapter 2, Mishnah 5 tYev 4,3 Tosefta, Tractate Yevamot, Chapter 4, Halakhah 3 bBer 2a Talmud Bavli, Tractate Berakhot, Folio 2, Front side bBer 2b Talmud Bavli, Tractate Berakhot, Folio 2, Back side yPes 1,1 27a Talmud Yerushalmi, Tractate Pessachim, Chapter 1, Halakhah 1,

Folio 27, Column a yPes 1,5 27d Talmud Yerushalmi, Tractate Pessachim, Chapter 1, Halakhah 5, Folio 27, Column d
