Bibliography Primary Sources The Philippine Gazette. N.p...


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Primary Sources "1st Death Anniversary of Cory Aquino." The Philippine Gazette. N.p., 1 Aug. 2010. Web. 14

Jan. 2015. <>.

As a primary source, the pictures/ gallery of Cory's first death anniversary depicts her death as a tragedy to millions of Filipinos. Many mourned for her death. This source has helped us place many of the images on the website to create a more reliable and educational site.

A Message from Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to the Death of Cory Aquino. Y-ABS_CBN. N.p., 1 Aug. 2009. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.

Through the tragic death of Cory Aquino, this video shows how the current president of the time, Gloria Macapgal, announced the news to the people of the Philippines. From her message denotes how grave the news of her death was, and how much Cory meant, not just to Macapagal, but to the Filipino people.

Aquino, Benigno Simeon, Jr. "The Undelivered Speech of Senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr. upon

His Return from the United States." Speech, August 21, 1983. GOVPH.

This is an undelivered speech senator Benigno S. Aquino wrote before his assassination in the Philippines. This gives insight into what type of leader he was as well as his beliefs and how it affected Corazon Aquino's way of leadership.

Aquino, Corazon. Malacanang Manila Proclamation No. 9. Publication no. 9. Manila, Philippines: Conspectus Foundation, 1986.

This source is Proclamation No. 9 issued by Corazon Aquino which provides for the creation of a constitutional commission to draft a new charter “truly reflective of the ideals and aspirations of the Filipino People,”. It states the basis of a new constitution Aquino made to cancel out Marcos' former suspension of the constitution. This source gives insight into Aquino's constitutional goals for the Philippines that reflect her executive decisions.

———. Malacanang Manila Proclamation No. 1. Publication no. 1. Manila, Philippines: Conspectus Foundation, 1986.

This source was a proclamation issued by Corazon Aquino in 1986, calling all appointive public officials to submit their courtesy resignations. It was issued not long after her inauguration and stated the help she needed in running the government. This source was useful in understanding Aquino's policies during her presidency and what kind of government she ran as the newly elected president of the Philippines.

———. "The Speech of President Corazon Aquino during the Joint Session of the U.S.

Congress." Speech, Joint Session of the United States Congress, Washington, DC, September 18, 1986.

This speech was made by Corazon Aquino on September 18, 1986, just 7 months after she was swept to power by a popular revolt against Dictator Ferdinand Marcos. President Aquino addressed the joint session of the United States Congress during her first visit to the country since she came home to bury slain opposition leader and husband Sen. Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino, Jr. in August 1983. This gives insight into her future goals as president and foreign relations between her administration and the United States.

———. "Speech upon Receipt of the Fulbright Prize." Speech presented at U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC, October 11, 1996. Gifts of Speech.

This speech was made by former President Corazon Aquino at the Fulbright Prize ceremony taken place at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. This account was important due to her insight on her background and opinion of her own leadership during her presidency.

Aquino, Cory. "A Call for Transformation, Courage and Selflessness." 15th Death Anniversary of Ninoy. EDSA Shrine. 21 Aug. 1998. Speech.

This speech of Cory Aquino, call for the Filipino People to rise above their capabilities and show what the Filipinos are made of, strength, courage, and selflessness. This speech shows that amidst the history of tyranny, assassinations, and wars, Cory has led the people to where they are now; a united nation.

- - -. "Excerpts from Aquino's Speech in the United Nations." New York Times. New York Times, 23 Sept. 1986. Web. 15 Jan. 2015. <>.

This primary source describes the true intentions Aquino has promised for her country. Through her honorable words and promises for the greater good, her United Nation's speech has helped us, using some quotes for the website, to describe Cory's hardworking fight to give back the Filipino people what was rightfully theirs; their freedom. Her great leadership seeps throughout this speech and does not cease to bring out her passion for People's Power.

- - -. "The Gifts of Democracy." World Affairs Council. Houston, Texas. 28 May 1999. Speech.

This speech focuses on Cory's passion to better the government of Philippines. Through this speech, it has done nothing but prove how Cory fought all she could to create a democracy where the voices of the people are finally heard. The speech creates the motif of Cory's rule, which was to make the Philippines better and the best it can be, nothing else.

- - -. "Our Hope Is in Ourselves." 72nd Birthday. 25 Jan. 2005. Speech.

Even after her presidency, this speech shows how dedicated Cory remains tot he Filipino people. She believes that the only way the Philippines can be better, is if everyone betters themselves. No change will come to those who are not willing to change. She stands up for what she did, which was uniting the nation, and in order to keep it that way, everyone must put together differences and come together.

- - -. "Prayer Power." UNIV Conference. Rome, Italy. 5 Apr. 1993. Speech.

Another one of Cory's famous speeches, that brought attention to the churches and their capabilities to bring the people together. Growing up Cory was a very religious person, and her speech showed just that. She talks about the power of prayer and the life it brings to a nation.

- - -. "Reconstructing the Philippine Economy: Days of Freedom." John F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University. 29 Sept. 1992. Speech.

This speech recalls the tremendous effort the Philippines, as one, had to do in order

to restore back the democracy and the power back to its people. Through careful analysis, this speech has showed how much effort it actually took improve the government. The hardships and military coup attempts Cory had to go through, whilst comforting a broken country.

- - -. "Remembering Ninoy: Our Freedom Founded on His Sacrifice." 10th Anniversary of

Ninoy's Death. Sto. Domingo Church. 21 Aug. 1993. Speech. This speech provides the ideas and aspirations of Cory Aquino to continue the work of her late husband, Ninoy Aquino. She repetitively calls to fight for the Filipino, showing her passion and leadership that has led the nation to unity.

Aquino, Noynoy. "President Aquino's Speech at the Ninoy and Cory Aquino Fellowship Awards." Official Philippines Gazette. Official Gazette, 6 Dec. 2011. Web. 17 Jan. 2015. <>.

NoyNoy Aquino, son of the late Cory Aquino, relays a message to the Fellowship awards that are regarded to those who showed immense contribution to the Filipino People, as Cory Aquino has done. This primary source presents his speech that describes Cory's leadership to advertise intellectual exchanges between different countries, and the control for Government power. It has helped our research to prove that even after her death, Cory has yet to finish shaping the Philippines to be better.

Aquino Administration GOVPH. Malacanang Manila Proclamation No. 3. By Corazon Aquino. Publication no. 3. Manila, Philippines: Official Gazette, 1986.

This document is Proclamation No. 3 issued by Aquino, proclaiming her government a “revolutionary government.” With this, she suspends the 1973 Constitution installed during martial law and promotes a provisional “Freedom Constitution,” which vests legislative making powers on her, pending the enactment of the new constitution. This sources gives further insight into what kind of government Corazon Aquino ran and her process of preserving the Constitution.

De Leon, Simon, V. E-mail interview. 19 Jan. 2015.

From our own questions, we asked one of the main Educators regarding the history of presidents in the Ayala Filipino heritage Museum. Through this interview, we have learned just how much Cory Aquino has impacted the Filipino people through a scholar's perspective. Although his answers we biased, it did show what the people, who were voting for Aquino, would say.

De Leos, Maria Gina. Interview by Ishka De Leos. 12 Jan. 2015.

From this interview, we have learned from someone that was there during Marcos' martial law, his escape to Hawaii, Cory Aquino's election, and her death. This sources gave us insight as to what it was like to live in the mess of Marcos' tyranny, and then saved from Aquino's election.

Dumon, Marv. "Ninoy Aquino's Last Words." The Examiner. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2015.

This website gave us information of Ninoy Aquino's wishes that he hoped to express through his future political career. He repeatedly said that he hopes to make the Philippines a better nation, but unfortunately, was not able to run as president because of his assassination. Nevertheless, it shows his passion to save the Filipino from tyrannical power. This primary source gives the exact excerpts from Ninoy’s speech.

Government, Philippine. President’s Activities in Zamboanga City. N.p.: n.p., 13 Sept. 2013. Print. The press release of current president, Noynoy Aquino, shows how after his parents passing, he lives for the Filipino people. He makes his time to spend as a citizen that cares for their country just as Cory had done. Even after Cory's death, her legacy lives on through her son Noynoy.

Karnow, Stanley. "Reagan and the Philippines: Setting Marcos Adrift." New York Times

(New York City, NY), March 19, 1989, sec. A, 1-3.

This article provides information on the United States' relationship with the Philippines during the reign of Ferdinand Marcos. The article analyzes the positive relationship they had with Marcos until Benigno Aquino's assassination. Through this article, we can see a definitive turning point in Philippine history that not only led to the rise of Corazon Aquino, but changed foreign relations between the United States and the Philippines.

Lacierda, Edwin. "Statement: The Presidential Spokesperson on the Fourth Death Anniversary of President Cory Aquino." Philippine Gazette. N.p., 31 July 2013. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <>.

As a primary source, to celebrate the fourth year of Cory's death, the Presidential Spokesperson relays a few words in recognition of the blessing Aquino's term was to the Philippines. His speech has helped us learn one of the greatest lesson Cory' has taught the Philippines, which was the tremendous work it takes to maintain and improve a working democracy.

MacArthur and Me. Internet Archive. N.p., 31 Dec. 1902. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <>.

As a primary source, the video describes the Japanese invasion to the Philippines. This helps our research regarding the past presidents and the background history of the Philippines. But because of the Japanese invasions, it also set an example for one of the many times the Philippines was held captive. it then emphasizes how great Aquino's work to free the Filipino from tyrannical power.

Ronald Reagan. "Letter to President Corazon C. Aquino on the Internal Situation in the Philippines," July 8, 1986. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project.

This letter referred to President Aquino's successful handling of the failed attempt by former President Marcos' running mate Arturo Tolentino, to establish a new government. Through this source, we are able to see Aquino's effective leadership in the eyes of another effective leader, Ronald Reagan. It also gives us better understanding on how much impact Aquino had due to her global recognition.

"Speech of President Aquino at the Dedication Rites of the Cory Aquino Democratic Space and Henry Sy, 3." Philippines ABS-CBN. N.p., 13 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.

As a primary source, this website displays the video of Cory's son, current president Noynoy Aquino, making his speech regarding Cory Aquino Democratic Space. By looking through his speech and videos, we have learned that even after Cory's death, she continues to aspire students to push through academic pressures. She remains as Philippines' source of encouragement, which guides us to prove our thesis.

Sunday Express. "FM Declares Martial Law." Sunday Express (Manila, Philippines), September 24, 1972, sec. 1, 1-2.

This newspaper article issues the Ferdinand Marcos' announcement of Martial Law in the Philippines. The fact that the event headlined the newspaper displays that this was a huge event that would greatly concern the Philippines.

"'They Made History' - Corazon Aquino." MP4 video, 10:00. YouTube. Posted by Steffen Kretz, August 7, 2009. Accessed January 27, 2015.

This video clip is a short interview of Corazon Aquino discussing her life before and during her presidency. It was made in 2005 but published on YouTube in 2009. The film captures Aquino's feelings towards the turning points in Philippine history regarding her husband and Ferdinand Marcos. This source was helpful in understanding Aquino's point of view of the election and restoring democracy. We can better understand her struggles through her presence and explanations in the video.

Venturanza, Att. Dindo. Interview by Ishka De Leos. 12 March. 2015. Although the interview was not as long as I would hope, Attorney Dindo Venturaza

summed up his personal experiences and professional point of view concerning Corazon Aquino’s leadership, in a way that was easy to understand. His interview gave us a government professional’s view (besides a citizen’s view) on her political and economic legacy.

Secondary Sources ABS-CBN NEWS. "Milestones after EDSA 1: Events That Shaped the Philippines and the

World." Last modified February 24, 2011. Accessed May 18, 2015.

This source gave insight into revolutions past EDSA, including the European and Asian countries arguably inspired by People's Power int he Philippines. This source also helped use determine a world legacy for Corazon Aquino and the use of People's Power stemming from the Philippines.

Anderson, Michael, J. "Ferdinand E. Marcos." Britannica. N.p.: n.p., 2014. Encyclopedia

Britannica. Web. 15 Jan. 2015. <>.

Through this secondary source, we were able to understand the life of Ferdinand Marcos, know to the Philippines as dictator thats established the martial law. This source has given us background information regarding Ferdinand Marcos' page that explains the terror he has placed to the people and the government of the Philippines.

"Aquino, Benigno S., III 1960– ." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online (accessed January 28, 2015).

This article provides information on Benigno Aquino's background and career as a senator of the Philippines. The source also provides statistics about the votes of the presidential election between Corazon Aquino and Ferdinand Marcos. This source was useful in reading more about Benigno Aquino's activities as a rising political figure in the Philippines as well as seeing his impact through the success of his wife obtaining votes after his death.

'Aquino, Benigno Simeon, Jr' 2015, World Book Advanced, World Book, Chicago, viewed 28 January 2015, <>.

This source includes a brief history of Benigno Aquino, Corazon Aquino's husband. It goes into detail regarding Benigno Aquino's upbringing and opposition to Marcos. This source was useful in clearly identifying Benigno Aquino, as he was the driving factor in Corazon Aquino's decision to run in the Philippine presidential campaign.

Baine, David Haward. "Corazon Aquino: The Story of a Revolution." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 10 May 1987. Web. 17 Jan. 2015. <>.

As a secondary source, the article from the Los Angeles times has given their share of thoughts regarding Aquino's fight for freedom. Because the article was written during the time of Aquino's run for term, it has given us an insight of what was happening through an outsider’s perspective. The author explains in detail how Aquino was the Leader for the people and nothing else.

Barnes, J. "Filipino President Corazon Aquino Sense of Justice Compelled Her to Run for

President." Last modified September 26, 2000. Accessed January 21, 2015.

This is an article summarizing Corazon Aquino's life before, during, and after presidency. It includes quotations for her and people with close relations discussing personal feelings and/or afflictions regarding her presidency and the assassination of her husband. This source was helpful in understanding this era of the Philippines from Cory's perspective.

"Corazon Aquino." Bio. N.p., 2015. Web. 24 Jan. 2015. <>.

The secondary source explains a brief description of the before, during, and after presidency of Aquino's life. it has helped us compare other information to place the most accurate research in our website. Not only that, but through this source, we have found out more information on her ability to encourage and unite the Filipino people.

"Corazon Aquino Is Philippines President." On This Day: n. pag. BBC News. Web. 23 Jan. 2015.

Through this newspaper article, reviews Cory's monumental shift from a widow, to the first female president of the Philippines and Asia. This article gives insight to Marcos, the president before Aquino, and his exile to Hawaii where he died shortly after.

"Cory Aquino: Leadership Legacy." Cory Aquino. Ninoy and Cory Foundation, 2010. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <>.

Cory's official website honors the great life she has lead, and emphasizes the legacy she has left behind. This secondary source has helped us pull ideas regarding Aquino's legacy, and showcase her interactions with he Filipino people through pictures. Images spread out on her page came from her official website.

"Corazon Aquino Obituary." Legacy. Associated Pr., 2009. Web. 25 Jan. 2015. <>.

Through this secondary source, it has helped us understand the toppling rule of Aquino over the dictatorship that ruled for over 20 years in the Philippines. Although it was obvious biased towards Aquino's rule, nevertheless; it guided our research to better understand what Cory had to stop in order to create a more unified nation.

Crisostomo, Isabela. Cory Profile of a President. Illus. Heherson Alvarez, T. Manila: Braden bk, n.d. Print.

The book by Crisostomo describes in vivid detail the tremendous work Aquino has done to save the country from Marcos' tyranny. Meanwhile, as a secondary source, it has showed how troubled Cory's life was with the incessant paranoia with Marcos' military coup that was after her, during her terms as president. But through threats and failed assassination attempts, this book has showed her strength to continue as Philippines' hope.

Cruz, Elfren. "Marcos: One of 15 Worst Dictators." Philstar. Last modified September 21,

2014. Accessed January 27, 2015.

This website provides information on the ranking of Marcos as a dictator. He is ranked number eleven out of fifteen dictators, the first being Hitler. This sources gives insight into how powerful he was and how much opposition he obtained that ultimately led to his overthrow.

Cruz, Enten. Cory's Legacy of Leadership. Philippine Star. N.p., 1 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. This press release give a great analysis at to what is Cory's legacy. This source gives further insight to one of Cory's greatest gifts to the Filipino People, "a legacy of leadership that symbolizes and dares to fight what is truly the best in the Filipino people".

Dahm, Bernhard. Economy and Politics in the Philippines under Corazon Aquino. 1991 ed. Hamburg, Germany: Institut für Asienkunde, 1991. This book contains information regarding the economic and and political stability of the Philippines under the authority of Corazon Aquino. The text explains how she dramatically changed politics for the Republic of the Philippines by restoring democracy for the nation. The economy continued to recover from Marcos' corruption, but Corazon Aquino ended the corruption as she assumed presidency. This source gives insight on the impact of Aquino's presidency and how much the Philippines changed as a result.

DeFronzo, James. "Revolutionary Movementsin World History - V1." In Revolutionary Movements in World History: From 1750 to the Present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2006. This book provides information about Corazon Aquino's involvement in one of the significant revolutionary movements of the Philippines: the People's Power Revolution. It also discusses how much of an impact the revolution had in the Philippines ultimately leading her presidency. This source was helpful in clarifying the historical significance of the People's Power Revolution, Cory's leadership in it, and its impact on Philippine citizens.

"Encyclopedia of the Nations." Philippines Overview of Economy, Information about Overview of Economy in Philippines. 2013. Web. 19 May 2015. <>. Although we were lenient on using encyclopedias as we wanted to widen our sources, this website gave a plethora of statistics concerning the economy after Corazon Aquino’s term. It was important for us to cover not just her political and social legacy, but her economic legacy as well. And like other leaders, Cory Aquino was not perfect. This website showed the lack of economic reforms the Aquino administration had and the work presidents after Aquino had to create economic stability.

Gustafson, MS 2015, 'Women's movement' , World Book Advanced, World Book, Chicago,

viewed 28 January 2015,<>. This article in a database contains information regarding women's movements and Corazon Aquino's impact on a worldwide women's movement being the first female president of the Philippines and Asia, proving her courage and strength as a leader. This source was important in discovering a bigger picture in Corazon Aquino's legacy. She did more than return democracy in the Philippines--she became a role model for women everywhere, proving that they can be as effective leaders as men.

Hill, Gerald N. and Kathleen Thompson. Aquino Assassination: The Story and Analysis of the Assassination of Philippine Senator Benigno S. Aquino. Sonoma, CA: Hilltop Pub. Co., 1983. This book provides a detailed account of Benigno Aquino's assassination and the events that led up to it. Through this source, we are able to understand the assassination in depth and what it meant for Filipinos across the nation. N.p., 2008. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

The Bataan Death March was one of the most tragic events that happened during Japanese Republic rule on the Philippines. This website gives insight and background information concerning the cruelty displayed to the Filipino. This history shows how the Philippines was wounded and even after years past this event, only Cory was able to truly put the Filipino people back to their place of freedom and peace.

"International Affairs in the 1980s." In America in the 20th Century, Marshall Cavendish

Digital, 2015 January 2015). This database article contains information about Corazon Aquino's involvement in international affairs and her headlines in worldwide news for the economic woes, anti-government guerrillas, and an untrustworthy military she had to deal with during her presidency. This source was helpful in seeing a perspective of Corazon Aquino through a worldwide view.

Katsiaficas, George. "The Philippines." Asia's Unknown Uprisings Volume 2 People Power in the Philippines, Burma, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand and Indonesia 1947-2009. Vol. 2. Chicago: PM, 2013. Print. One of the few books that we were able to get our hands on, was incredibly useful, especially when it came to the actual People’s Power. A whole chapter was dedicated to the Philippines, which gave in grave detail the history starting from the Martial Law of Ferdinand Marcos to Cory Aquino’s peaceful EDSA revolution. This book exhumed the total dictatorship of Marcos, which we were able to put in our Marcos Regime page. Overall, this book adds the important details that not only makes our website even more credible, but educational.

Lewis, David. "Sideways strategies: civil society-state reformist crossover activities in the Philippines 1986-2010." Contemporary Southeast Asia: Global Issues in Context, 2013, 27+. This source goes into detail about Aquino's democratic system and the government she ran during her presidency. It also discusses Fidel Ramos' successes during his presidency and his government system. This source was important in understanding Aquino and Ramos' government policies and what impact they had on the Philippines.

Melencio, Sonny. "The Historical Legacy of Former President Corazon Aquino." Statement on Chairman Sonny: n. pag. Tunay Na Pagbabago. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

Not only does this website journal give grave details concerning Aquino's historical legacy, but it has interesting facts that has helped us put together Cory's legacy. This website provides information on the current government of the Philippines and some details on President Gloria Macapagal.

Ninoy's Final Journey. Presidential Museum and Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

From this video, we were able to conduct research on Cory's late husband, Ninoy Aquino. All his accomplishments that led to to his tragic death, which was the sole reason Cory rose to power. She was able to continue the work Ninoy Aquino would have done to the country if he weren't assassinated by Ferdinand Marcos.

Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs. "MILESTONES: 1989–1992." Last modified October 31, 2013. Accessed May 18, 2015.

This government website of the Office of the Historian provides a great amount of information regarding world revolutions following The EDSA revolution of 1986 around the world involving countries such as Europe and Asia. Again, it provides insight on a world legacy and how People's Power impacted many countries politically and socially.

Osi, Carlo. "The Cory Aquino Magic Mere Nostalgia or Political Stimulant?" Last modified August 14, 2009. Accessed May 18, 2015.

This source gave insight into the impact of People's Power on the world in terms of revolutions within other countries, especially in Europe and Asia. This source was helpful in determining a world legacy of Corazon Aquino in which her leadership of the People's Power Revolution inspired others.

Pagusara, Don, J. "Cory Aquino's Greatest Legacy." Davoa's First Online News 13 Sept. 2014: n. pag. Davao Today. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

This news article analyzes the greatest legacy Cory left in the Philippines. Through Cory, he was able to turn back the wheels of history, and lead the government away from the pre-martial-law. The article emphasizes her power that heightened the revolutionary war of People Power. Not only that, but the article considers her son, current president of the Philippines, as one of Cory's greatest legacy.

People's Power Revolution inspired others. A Call to Reflection and Action. N.p., n.d. Web.28

Jan. 2015. This website gave us information in regards to Cory's religious life. Even though she has to watch for military coups from Ferdinand Marcos, she continued to remain as a model citizen through her true Scholastican. Many review her as the ideal woman, awarded woman of the year in Life, because of her strength as the president whilst showing her religious standards in the Catholic Church.

Silvestre, Jaylyn. "The Rise of Women Leaders in the Philippines." A Study of Corazon Aquino and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, 2002, 2-6. This study goes into more detail concerning the achievements of the most prominent women leaders in the Philippines--Corazon Aquino and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The study discusses their relations and rise to power. It also mentions obstacles they had to face due to their background and gender. This source provided us with further insight into Aquino's legacy for achieving more respect for women as leaders.

Teves, Maria Althea. "Timeline: Events in the Life of Cory Aquino." ABS-CBN News. Last modified July 22, 2009. Accessed January 19, 2015. This is a timeline with brief summaries about important events that led to Corazon Aquino's presidency. This was important to include because these initial events defined Corazon Aquino as a leader and were a guide to her following presidency.

"The End of Martial Law and the Beginning of Taiwan’s Democratization." 2011 Dialogue on

Peace in Green Island (blog). Entry posted June 14, 2011. Accessed May 18, 2015.

This blog post provides information on the situation in Taiwan and the restoration of democracy following the restoration of democracy in Philippines after the overthrow of Marcos. It gives insight into more of a world legacy of Corazon Aquino and how People's Power in the Philippines was a source of inspiration for many other Asian countries.

Times, Washington. "Corazon Aquino's Legacy." Washington Times 9 Aug. 2009: n. pag. The

Washington Times. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.

Just after the death of Cory Aquino, Washington Times posts the news article that analyzes the legacy she has left for the Filipino people. Through their analysis, Cory remains to be the hope and reason behind why the Philippines is united as one. This has helped us prove her capabilities as a great female leader.

World Geography: Understanding a Changing World, s.v. "People Power--National Union of Christian Democrats," accessed January 28, 2015. This source provides information on Corazon Aquino's achievements during her presidency and her successor, Fidel Ramos, right after. The information continues Lakas-NUCD presidential candidate Jose de Venecia came in a distant second to Vice President Joseph Estrada in May 1998 elections. This was important in understanding the impact Aquino left and how the following presidencies impacted the Philippines.

World Geography: Understanding a Changing World, s.v. "Corazon Aquino," accessed January 28, 2015. This source provides a detailed summary of her overall presidency, including the reforms and policies Corazon Aquino enacted. It includes a list of her awards, achievements, and degrees as well. This information is useful in understanding more about Aquino's presidency and the history she made while in office.

World History: The Modern Era, s.v. "Ferdinand Marcos," accessed January 28, 2015. This database provides information on the history of Ferdinand Marcos and what policies he enacted during his dictatorial presidency before Corazon Aquino. This source was important in understanding what Corazon Aquino was fighting against and why she decided to fight against it.
