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By Raviteja


Born to Fight for freedom

It was way back in 1910, when a 3 year old boy was walking with his father.

After some time there was also an elderly man with the father.

Chatting, all 3 walked on and went beyond the village.

Green crop delighted their eyes and the elders were walking along the edge of a field.

When the boy's father was not able to hear the footsteps of his son ,he looked back.

Lets Start with the with small story


There, the boy was sitting on the ground and seemed to be planting some thing. The father became curious and asked.

"What are you doing?" and the boy replied

"Look, father, I shall grow guns all over the field".

#) His eyes shone with the strong faith that guns would grow in the field.

#) Both the elders were struck with wonder at the little boy's words.


The boy was none other than SHAHEED BHAGAT

SINGH the great freedom fighter ,one of most

influential revolutionaries of Indian

independence movement, the patriotic who later fought like a

hero for India's freedom and sacrificed his life.

Its not how many years.... It is What u have done

At the age of 23 if anyone was smiling just before he

was being hanged to death, it was SHAHEED


This world doesn't see, for how much year we live but what we did during our life span.... and

here is the true hero who made a great impact in the struggle for

Independence of our country, and he is none other than the legend BHAGAT SINGH, and he will never

be forgotten and we shouldn't forget his sacrifice for our


Patriotic Family

It was not Bhagat Singh who was the first one from his

family who fought for freedom but Bhagat Singh belonged to a

family of freedom fighters where, the entire family, starting from his great

grandfather, all where very Patriotic and freedom Fighters..

Bhagat Singh’s Family

How was his early life

Bhagat Singh full name was Bhagat Singh Sandhu, and he was born into a Sikh family to Sardar Kishan Singh Sandhu and Vidyavati in the Khatkar Kalan village near Banga in the Jalandhar district of Punjab on September 28,1907 and he was the third son to them.

The name itself speaks that he is patriotic as the meaning of the word Bhagat means "DEVOTEE" and "FORTUNATE".

School Life of Bhagat Singh

His grandfather Sardar Arjun Singh didn't allow him to study at Khalsa High School in Lahore because he discovered that the school was loyal to the British authorities.

So his father enrolled him in Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School, an Arya Samajist school.

Bhagat at age of 11

A True friend to all

He had a great interest in his studies and he was ahead of the others in his class. He was the favourite student of all his teachers.

All his class- mates, liked him very much and he was their leader.

During his school days big boys in the class used to carry Bhagat Singh on their shoulders to the school and back home.

This was a great indication in his childhood itself, that later he would become a leader of revolutionaries, in the motto of getting the freedom to the Nation.

He used to make friends with all and naturally his companions were his friends.


He doesn't have any discrimination or separation on the basis of religion as cart men and coolies, and the very men who swept the streets were his friends.Here is a interesting story to describe how he used to attract the people's heart.

Once a old tailor of the village who stitched clothes, delivered them at the house and went away and his mother asked him.

Mother: Who is that who brought the clothes.

Bhagat Singh: My friend.

Mother: What! Is the tailor, too, your friend?

Bhagat Singh: Yes, every one in the village is my friend

Thus the ability to win the hearts of men grew in Bhagat Singh right from his childhood.

Bhagat Singh Vs. Gandhiji

let us discuss what made Bhagat Singh to move from the Gandhi's policy of non violence to become a revolutionary freedom fighter.

It would be interesting to hear that even Bhagat Singh do followed Gandhi's way of non-violence.

It was in 1919 during the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre he was deeply affected.

Bhagat Singh Vs. Gandhiji

His mind was deeply disturbed by this event and the next day he did not return home after the school hours which made his family at home waited and waited and grew anxious.

Instead of going to school, he went straight to the place where the tragedy took place and collected a bottle of mud wet with the blood of Indians and returned home.

After he returned home late, his younger sister said, "Where were you all this time? Mother has been waiting to give you something to eat.“

But he showed the bottle in his hand, and said,

"Look here. This is the blood of our people killed by the British. Salute this.“

After that he put the bottle in a niche and worshipped it with flowers.

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Bhagat Singh Vs. Gandhiji

Bhagat Singh was totally disturbed and lot of things were going in his mind and he wants The British to be driven out of the country.

That was the time when the Indian National Congress was fighting for the country's freedom under Gandhiji.

This made the people united and motivated to fight for the freedom.

After finishing his 8th and before getting into 9th standard, when he was 13, he told his father of his decision to join the movement and asked for his permission. As his father himself a revolutionary, Kishan Singh willingly gave his consent.

Bhagat Singh Vs. Gandhiji

Bhagat Singh left the school and joined the movement. It was during this time, there was a powerful anti- foreign cloth movement in the country.

Bhagat Singh took part in this movement with great enthusiasm and as a matter of fact right from his early days, he used to wear only Khadi.

He used to collect foreign clothes every week, heap them up and late he will burn them.

During that time, he had great hopes that Gandhi would bring freedom in India.

But the turning point of his life was during the time when Gandhi called off this movement following the Chauri Chaura riot in 1922, and Bhagat Singh was really disappointed.

So, disgruntled with Gandhi's nonviolence action, and he later joined the Young Revolutionary Movement and began advocating a violent movement against the British.

This is the time where Both Bhagat Singh and Gandhiji were against each other only in the method which they followed but the goal was same for both as they aimed at getting freedom in their own ways

What made him a Revolutionary Freedom Fighter

The important part was the Chauri Chaura incident in 1922, where people locked up twenty-two policemen together in a house, set fire to the house and burnt them.

This made Gandhiji to end the non- cooperation movement which was then going on in the country as he was very sad knowing people take violence in their hands.

Bhagat Singh who was 15 years old that time was disappointed as he couldn't accept why Gandhi gave up the movement due to this Chauri Chaura incident.


But even before that, a nineteen-year-old revolutionary, Kartar Singh was hanged by the British Government and none of these supporters of nonviolence raised

any objection and that raised the question in his mind "How could

nonviolence become so important now?" and these thoughts made Bhagat Singh

lose faith in non - violence and non-cooperation movements.

And then onwards he was very confident that armed revolution was

the only practical way of winning the freedom from the Britishers Bhagat Singh as a Revolutionist.

Bhagat at age of 17

Revolutionary Movement

Bhagat Singh wanted to continue his studies and though he had not been to school for some years, Bhagat Singh had a good knowledge of history and politics and principal of the National College admitted him.

This college was started by great patriots like Lala Lajpat Ray.

Listening classes in morning and discussing the revolutionary ideas among friends during the evening hours was his routine during college days.

Historical photograph of students and staff of National College, Lahore, which was started by Lala Lajpat Rai for education of students participating in the non-cooperation movement. Shaheed Bhagat Singh can be seen standing third from the right.

Revolutionary Movement

In March 1926, the Naujawan Bharat Sabha was formed in Lahore with Bhagat Singh, as its secretary.

In 1928 he attended a meeting of revolutionaries in Delhi and came into contact with Chandrasekhar Azad.

The two formed ‘Hindustan Samajvadi Prajatantra Sangha’ and their aim was to establish a republic in India by means of an armed revolution.

Revolutionary Movement

It was in 1928 under Lala Lajpat Rai all parties rally was conducted against the Simon Commission which led to the death of Lala Lajpat Rai.

To take a revenge, Rajguru and bhagat singh killed the police Saunders and on april 1929 Batukeshwar Dutt and bhagat singh threw a bomb onto the corridors of the assembly and shouted 'Inquilab Zindabad' which means "Long live the revolution".

Revolutionary Movement

After that he left Lahore, so as to escape being caught and to make is identity unknown he shaved his beard.

But he was arrested and On October 7, 1930 Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Raj Guru were awarded death sentence by a special tribunal.

Even in jail, he went on hunger strike protesting the inhuman treatment of fellow-political prisoners by jail authorities

Bhagat Singh in jail at the age of 20.

Great Sacrifice

In spite of great popular pressure and numerous appeals by

political leaders of India, Bhagat Singh

and his friends Rajguru, Sukhdev were hanged in the early hours of

March 23, 1931.

They died with the name of

Bharat Mata on their lips.

Knowing the death of their heroes , all over the country

tributes were paid to them who fought for

freedom and sacrificed their


Great Sacrifice

Hundreds of songs were composed and sung about the martyrdom of

Bhagat Singh.

Even today, the heroic spirit of Bhagat Singh is an unfailing source of inspiration to the youth of the country

and we should never forget his sacrifice.

He sets an example to all with his courage, spirit of adventure and


Bhagat Singh at Jail

News about the death of Bhagat

Singh by the

Tribute paper from



Never Forget

He is our hero and we should we should never forget his sacrifice.......



Tribute to Great Hero's

Thank you