Beyond the Basics Resume Tips



Resume Writing Tips

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  • Beyond The Basics

    Resume Tips

  • Table of ContentsIts a Crowded Market

    Part 1 | Types of Resumes

    Part 2 | Keyword Resumes (An Introduction)

    Part 3 | Recent Graduates Resume Tips

    Final Thoughts

    Take Away Checklist

    Tell Us What You Think

    Contact Us









    2 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Make the first impression with your resume. Employers do not get to see your smiling face or fancy outfit. They do not

    get to feel your firm handshake or listen to your confident voice. Employers see nothing but a piece of paper with your

    name at the top in large, bold letters followed by a number of words indicating your viability for the job. Without that

    piece of paper, most companies would not know you exist.


    3 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

    There is more to learn about resumes than the stuff you find on most job tip websites.

  • Its a Crowded Market

    Did you know there is more than one type of resume?

    Did you know that hiring managers now use computer programs to search through resumes?

    Did you know there are specific resume tips for graduates that can help them win over an employer?

    The Internet is filled with basic tips and tricks for creating a great resume. You can find information on formatting,

    action verbs, and other generic resume tips that are important for getting your resume noticed. There is a wealth of

    information available online and in books that can assist you in generating an effective resume.

    Yet many of these books only cover the basics. For example, these books often recommend the importance of

    keeping your resume under a page, and also writing an effective objective statement. However, these are common

    resume tactics that they teach in college. There are several additional resume tips that may be beneficial for recent

    graduates. For example:

    In this guide, we will show you some of the additional resume tips available, and hopefully provide you with

    useful information that will help you find a job.

    4 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Types of Resumes1

    Chronological ResumeMost of you have created a resume in the past. Chances are it was designed like so:

    Objective Statement


    Work History

    Skills/Awards, Volunteer, etc.

    Some people switch education and work history, and others will not have a skills or volunteer experience section on

    their resume, but in general your resume is going to keep to that format. Work history also has a set structure. The

    most recent job is listed at the top (along with services performed), followed by previously held positions at other


    This type of resume is called a Chronological Resume. Chronological resumes have your work history listed

    counter-chronologically by company. This means listing the most recent work history at the top. Most employers are

    used to receiving chronological resumes from their applicants.

    5 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Skill Based ResumeChronological resumes are not your only option. There is another type of

    resume called a Skill Based Resume. Skill based resumes do not focus on

    dates or jobs. Skill based resumes focus on skills. The main difference between

    a Skill Based and Chronological Resume is in the work history section. A typical

    work history looks like so:

    It may not be that useful

    yet, but a skill based

    resume may be the best

    way to find a job as you

    expand your work


    Work Experience

    2008-2010 StudyCorp,Inc. Tacoma,Wa

    Study-Crop,Inc is company that Supplies in depth Personality research Statistics to market research companies across the country. While at Study-Crop,I

    Performed daily research tasks including daily data checks sa needed.

    Research Associate

    2003-2006 tacoma Grocery Company Tacoma.WA

    This job required a strong attention to details and organization, the ability to multitask,and a personal Responsibility to both the employer and the

    customer.This job greatly increased my conversational and interpersonal skills as well as my work ethic and motivation. Location in the center of a major

    urban area, I had experience with members of every social class, and the interpersonal skills Ive refined will become invaluable in my future career as a

    research associate.


    The information is listed pretty straight forward. The first position is your most recent job. The second position is your

    next most recent joband so on.

    Skill based resumes take an entirely different approach. Chronological resumes show when you held the job, but skill

    based resumes only worry about the skills you have. Below is a sample of the work history portion of a skill based


    6 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Successfully ran 20 research studies with varying age, gender and

    socio-economic classes.

    Coordinated with leading research in the field.

    Provided weekly summaries to executives.


    Research Management

    Single-handedly led research staff of five.

    Central responsibilities for research completion.

    Worked on deadline with multi-lingual research staff.


    Proficient in endnote, Salesforce,Survey Monkey and SPSS.

    Knowledgeable of Microsoft,office,PowerPoint,Excel,Access and


    Published three professional research papers.

    Managed multi-country research cooperation.

    Identified five new variables for future research.

    Named Tacomas Next Generation research leader in Sea Tac Magazine.

    Earned Company $450.000 in extra revenue during the 2009 fiscal year.

    Microsoft office Project.


    Research Assistant -2009-2010 Assistant Research Associate-2008-2009

    Employment HistoryStudyCorp, LCC-tacoma, Washington -2008-2010

    In a chronological resume, you would list the office manager job

    first. All of the important information about what you

    accomplished as a Research Assistant at StudyCorp is pushed

    lower down on the page, which gives the visual impression that

    you worked at the job a long time ago.

    On a skill based resume, the skills you have learned are lumped

    together and it does not matter if you worked at the job last

    month or twenty years ago. For example, if you led a research

    staff of 5 in 1991 at a different company, it would still appear on

    top on a skill based resume.

    The most important

    difference to note is that

    none of the skills or

    a c h i e v e m e n t s i s

    associated with the job

    at StudyCorp. Lets say

    you held another job

    a f t e r w o r k i n g a t

    StudyCorp as an office

    manager at a local

    doctors office.

    7 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Skill based resumes are

    designed to be

    deceiving, but that

    deception is often more

    accurate than the truth.

    Benefits of a Skill Based Resume

    Weaknesses of a Skill Based Resume

    The primary benefit of skill based resumes is that it takes away the when and

    focuses on the what. If you know how to use Microsoft OneNote, it does not matter

    if you learnt how to use it at your current job or back in college. If you have

    management experience, it does not matter if you were a manager at your last job or

    at a job you had 5 years ago. Skill based resumes also allow you to cut down the

    number of jobs on your resume while focusing instead on your achievements and

    experiences that are relevant to the employer. They are also useful for people

    making a career change. They allow you to highlight the similarities between the

    jobs rather than the differences.

    Skill based resumes are not generally designed for recent graduates. They are used

    most often by people who:

    Switch careers

    Have held a lot of jobs in the past

    Have a long period of time without employment

    Accomplished a lot at jobs from the distant past

    Nevertheless, skill based resumes are useful to know. If your work history does not

    look impressive in a chronological format, see if it might look better in a skill based

    format. If you worked and also did an internship during college, you may find that a

    skill based resume allows you to show off your achievements in a much better way

    than a chronological resume.

    8 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Millions of people across the globe are looking for work. At the same time, the internet allows employers to reach an

    enormous number of job seekers. This means that every job posted may receive as many as one hundred

    applications or more.

    This incredible volume of applications has caused hiring managers to turn to new ways of reviewing resumes.

    Reviewing 100 or more resumes by hand is simply not possible, especially in larger businesses with large scale hiring

    needs. Employers have turned to resume database systems to speed up the process.

    Resume databases work like any database. Once the employer receives the resume, they import the information into

    the database, where it becomes a part of a larger set of resume data. When the employer is ready to search for

    candidates, they will enter search terms into the computerized search program and all of the resumes that contain

    those search terms will come up in the search results. The employer will then print out those resumes for review, and

    call the applicants in for an interview.

    How Do They Work?

    Keyword Resumes (Introduction) 2

    Keywords: Words or phrases of interest to the searcher. A single keyword can be more than one word.

    9 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Keyword Optimizing Your Resume

    How to Keyword Optimize

    It is a good idea to keyword optimize your resume. Most resumes do not have many

    keywords. Traditional resumes tend to use facts and figures (increased efficiency

    by 50%), or use a number of verbs (Coordinated, Achieved, etc.). Employers do

    not search for verbs. Employers search for nouns. They will search for words like

    HTML and Lead Generation. They will search for nouns that are useful for the


    It is useful to note that keywords help improve your resume even if it is not placed in

    one of these computerized search programs. If an employer is looking for someone

    who has Project Management experience, for example, project management terms

    in your resume will help your resume stand out.

    Keyword optimization is an art form. You need to strike the delicate balance

    between maintaining a resume that highlights your strengths while containing

    nouns and keywords that help your resume show up in a search.

    To find useful keywords, you should first review the job posting. Knowledge

    requirements usually indicate useful keywords. You should also review similar jobs

    posted on other websites. Chances are you will find additional keywords that were

    not listed on the available job description.

    As you are writing your resume, keep these keywords in mind. Incorporate them into

    your resume where you can. There is no need to overdo it, but it will improve your

    chances of showing up in a keyword search and piquing the interest of the people

    that view your resume.

    Look at other job

    descriptions for keyword


    10 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Recent Graduates Resume Tips3

    Parts 1 and 2 are resume tips that may not affect your resumes now, but are likely to play a greater role in the future.

    Recent graduates need to change their resumes now in order to find employment. Here are some tips for recent

    graduates on how to properly create a resume that helps you stand out in todays tough economy.

    Your education is a tremendous benefit. Throughout your college years you generated documents, participated in

    Research and internships, learned advanced concepts in the field and more. Your work history may be lacking, but

    your educational history is both fresh and relevant.

    Consider expanding your education section as though it were a work history section. If you were a marketing major,

    did you learn to create marketing documents? Which types? If you studied communications, did you work with online

    media? What did you do? Did you take any advanced classes that will give you an edge in the job? What were those


    These are all pieces of information that are relevant to the job. If you programmed a database in an informatics class

    and you are applying for a job as a database programmer, you should mention it in your resume. If you are applying for

    a job in economics and took a few graduate level economics classes as electives, you should mention those too. Your

    education is extremely relevant and you should milk it for all its worth.

    Tips for Graduates

    1. Focus on education

    11 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Listing every summer job youve ever had is not going to help your chances.

    12 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

    2. GPA/TER etc.. is Optional

    3. Keep Work History Short

    4. Bring Your Resume with You to the Interview

    Graduates have a tendency to want to share their GPA with employers. Employers do not really care what your GPA

    was unless it is exceptional. If you received a 3.8+ as your cumulative grade, or 3.8+ in the classes in your major, that is

    worth mentioning. If you received a 3.3, that may be a great accomplishment, but it will not help you win the position.

    Leave GPA out unless it is truly something worth mentioning.

    Many graduates worked several odd jobs during college to pay for clothes, books, tuition, alcohol and other

    expenses. It is tempting to put them all on the resume to show employers that you have a long work history despite

    your young age. Dont get too carried away. If you worked part time for a pizza delivery service, and you are applying

    to a job as a financial accountant, they probably do not care about whether or not you were able to deliver the pizza in

    30 minutes or less.It is useful to show employers that you have held a job before. If pizza delivery service was your only job, it may be

    useful to put it on your resume. However, if you worked in pizza delivery and held a part time job as a paid intern for a

    financial accountant, leave the pizza job off of your resume. Removes the extra words your resume. However, if you

    worked in pizza delivery and held a part time job as a paid intern for a financial accountant, leave the pizza job off of

    your resume.

    One final tip for graduates is to bring along several printed versions of your resume with you to the interview.

    Employers like to see a young person take initiative. Bringing your resume to the interview is a sign of professionalism.

    Employers appreciate recent graduates who act professional and it will be easier for you to discuss your resume with

    the employers without inconveniencing them.

  • You can change your world by changing your words... Joel Osteen

    Overall Graduate Tips

    Final Thoughts

    Your resume is not going to be much different than a seasoned worker. You should emphasize your education to

    make up for anything left out of your work history. You should only put relevant/important jobs as part of your work

    history (though try to put at least one job, If you had one). You should bring your resume to the interview and only

    mention GPA if it is truly impressive.

    You spent roughly four years of your life earning a degree designed to help you find employment in todays tough job

    market. Yet there is still more work to be done. You need to get yourself noticed. You need to have a resume that

    draws peoples attention. You need to tailor your resume for the job you are applying for.

    When you create your resume, it is important to remember that there are different types of resumes available;

    keywords are important, and there are specific tips for graduates that can help your resume impress employers.

    Follow these tips and you will find yourself taking your first steps towards your new career.

    13 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

  • Take Away ChecklistOne final thing - it is a good idea to go through the checklist below and see what you can remember. If you can

    remember the details without going back through this document, good job! You are already a step ahead of other


    14 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

    Check to see if you would benefit from a skill based resume.

    Check for keywords when you write your resume.

    Check the job description of the open position.

    Check related job descriptions for additional keywords.

    Write your resume and add keywords when applicable.

    Expand your education section if your work history is not very relevant to the job.

    Omit odd jobs and GPA unless applicable.

    Bring multiple printed versions of your resume to the interview.

    Image: BlueSkyImages, Dollar Photo Club

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  • 16 | Beyond The Basics Resume Tips

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