Beta Bulletin #144



"Galloping into the Future"- a half-yearly e-publication of the International Y's Men's Club of Singapore (Beta Chapter)

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  • 1 Vol. 144 Jan-Jun 2014

    MCI(P) 130/11/2013

    Ys Men International & Metropolitan YMCA Singapore

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    Vol. 144 January June 2014

    CONTENTS Editorial: Galloping into the Future p.3

    57th Installation Dinner p.5

    Presidents Fellowship Night p.9

    An Evening at Bee San Avenue p.11

    Kite Flying with MY Manna Kids p.13

    February Dinner Meeting p.15

    March Dinner Meeting p.17

    April Dinner Meeting p.20

    May Dinner Meeting p.22

    Dinner with the Pontrefacts p.24

    SMIT & Regional Conference p.25

    Birthdays & Anniversaries p.27

    MCI(P) 130/11/2013

    Mr Norman Wee

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    EDITORIAL Galloping into the Future

    To encourage membership extension, Ys Men International gives Booster Pin awards to clubs which have increased its membership by at least three within a service year.

    Beta Chapter has never won a Booster Pin in its entire history. We had never been able to increase our membership by three, at the very most by two. Most years we cannot even recruit a member, try hard as we would. It does reflect poorly on our

    membership extension efforts. In fact attrition had been the order of the day. With diminishing membership and flagging interest, Beta was on the point of closing down till persuaded by the District Council, Alpha Chapter and the Metropolitan YMCA (MYMCA) to give it a shot for another year. President Norman Wee even volunteered to stay on for another year three successive years, unheard of in Betas history. At most the President serves two terms.

    All these magnificent efforts are now paying rich dividends. It started with the President of the MYMCA himself, Samuel Yeak, signing up as member, busy as he is. With his influence, he has now recruited four members David Wong Wei Li, Oliver Seet, Loh Peng Wah and Henry Goh. He has even lined up others to join the Club namely Pearl Pwee, our guest speaker for our February Dinner Meeting. For his stupendous efforts, Beta has now won for the first time the Booster Pin: which will be Samuel Yeaks property.

    This is the year of the Horse a magnificent animal which is created for greater things, which in times of peace or war leads the charge to glory land. It is perhaps apt that Beta has chosen the year of the Horse to mount a revival of the Clubs fortune. All indications point to success. Beta will once again gallop effortlessly, with great pride and with great joy into a bright and glorious future. Hopefully in a couple of years we will consolidate our position and allow others to speak about the great influence Beta had in Ysdom.

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    To succeed we need every member, new or old, to put their shoulders to the plough. We will cultivate the ground and let the seeds of our efforts germinate and multiply for a good harvest.

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    50 Ys Men, their families and friends were present to witness the installation of the new President and his Board of Directors at Betas 57th Installation Dinner. This took place on 29 June 2014 at the Vines, MYMCA. Present for the function were DG (SMIT) Ys Man Taweechai Termkunanon from the Bangkok Ys Men Club and 10 members from the Alpha Chapter (DG Ys Man Lee Liat Cheng our Guest-of-Honor and his wife Shook Ken, Ys Men Edward Ong, Tan Song Thiam, James Tan, Freddie Lee, John Yap, Ma Poh How and Lady Ys Man Patricia Lim and Lady Ys Man Chan Soon Sim). Ys Man Paul Tan was the Master of Ceremonies. He welcomed all our guests. Before dinner he invited everyone to stand to sing the Ys man grace.

    At 8.30pm outgoing President Ys Man Norman Wee inducted two of Betas new members Loh Peng Wah and Henry Goh Soo Heng. He then made his closing address, thanking his Board of Directors for their support in his three years of office. He was thankful that despite its many problems he was able to see its revival. He was hopeful that

    the club under the strong leadership of the incoming president, Ys Man Samuel Yeak will grow from strength to strength and be what it was years ago.

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    Our Guest-of-Honor, Ys Man Lee Liat Cheng in his address was pleased to see Beta on its feet once again. He told the parable of the three servants, the first two doubling what their master had given to them and the third afraid to invest hid his talents. He prayed that Beta

    members will be like the first two servants and invest their talents wisely for the benefit of society and for the glory of God. He then installed the new President and his Board of Directors for service year 2014-2015.

    It was time for our new President to give his inaugural address. He thanked the club for giving him the honor to lead it and promised to make the Club a better and stronger Club. He would do his utmost to improve on the clubs membership. He outlined his vision of the club. Let us help this club grow not as a burden, but to enjoy serving, especially in support of the Metro-Y programmes... As a group, encouraging one another, we can do much, much more.

    The new DG for SMIT, Ys Man Taweechai, was handed his badge of office in the regional conference in Chiangmai by RD Lady Ys Man Patricia Lim.

    Ys Man Edward Ong, ICM and Area President made remarks on how Beta had risen from the ashes like a phoenix. He wished the club all the best under its new leadership.

    Our new DG, Ys Man Taweechai presented the club awards: Most number of guests invited: Ys Man Norman Wee Top Recruiter: Ys Man Samuel Yeak Best in Attendance: Ys Man Norman Wee Ys Man of the Year: Ys Man Norman Wee

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    Table photos were taken after the evenings function closed at 10pm.

    With Guests from Alpha Chapter

    L-R (standing): PCP Norman, DG Taweechai, PDG Lee Liat Cheng, Ys Man Tan Song Thiam, CP Samuel Yeak, Elizabeth Yeak, RD Patricia Lim, Lady Ys Man Chan Soon Sim, Ys Man Freddie, Ys Man Mah Poh How.

    L-R (Seated): Ys Menette Ming, Kang Gee Bah and wife Madaline, APE/ICM Edward Ong, DT Anna Loo.

    Ys Man Paul Tans guests, together with CP Samuel & Ys Menette Elizabeth:

    L-R (standing): Dr Ong Eng Yau, Ys Man Leslie Struys, Paul, Ys Man Mah Poh How.

    L_R (Seated): Mrs SH Chen, Dr SH Chen, Lynn Ong, Ys Menette Daisy Tan, Irene Struys.

    With the VIP table:

    L-R (standing): DG Taweechai, DT Anna Loo, GOH & PDG Lee Liat Cheng, APE/ ICM Edward Ong, RD Patricia Lim, CP Samuel, Ys Menette Elizabeth, PCP Norman.

    L_R (Seated): HS Phyllis, Ys Menette Shook Ken, Sharon Lee, Pearl Pwee

    Well-deserved: Ys Man of the Year Award went to PCP Norman Wee

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    Ys Man Wong Wei Lis guests:

    L-R (standing): Ysling Kristofer Wong, Darrell Wong, Yeo Soo Pio, Ys Man David, CP Samuel, PCP Norman

    L_R (Seated): Ysling Kelley, Patsy Wong, Linda Yeo, Ys Menette Li Lian, Ys Menette Elizabeth

    With new Beta members:

    L-R (standing): Ys Man Oliver Seet, CP Samuel, Hon Sec Phyllis

    L_R (Seated): Ys Man Henry Goh, Ys Man Loh Peng Wah, Catherine, MYMCA Liaison staff Rebecca Thio, Lady Ys Man Maggie Mun.

    Beta Members looking distinctive in red and white

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    PRESIDENTS FELLOWSHIP NIGHT In the true tradition of Beta Chapter when the President of the new service year hosts either a Christmas or a New Year Fellowship night, Norman opened his home on January 18, 2014 for the Clubs fellowship gathering.

    A total of 53 persons were there for the party. 20 were Ys Men and their Ys Menettes, including 3 from Alpha Chapter (Ys Men Edward Ong, Lee Liat Cheng and his wife). The others were Normans friends and members of the Creative Arts Ministry of Barker Road Methodist Church. Betas ex-member, Dr Ong Eng Yau and his wife Lynn also graced the function. Eng Yau has been regularly attending Betas function and we are hoping his interest will be rekindled for him to rejoin the Club.

    Norman this time catered a peranakan dinner which was greatly appreciated by all present. The dinner included ayam buah keluak, ngo hiang, stewed chicken, fish fillet, otah and mixed vegetables. It was so delicious that we ran out of food and Norman had to buy chicken rice to supplement the dinner. His satay man failed to

    deliver the 500 sticks of satay ordered. For dessert we had pulut hitam. After allowing time for us to fellowship, it was then time to enjoy the performance of the Creative Arts Ministry from Barker Road Methodist Church. They put up two dance items to the strains of two hymns: I Surrender All and Bind Us Together. After the last item we were all invited to participate and learn the dance steps. Almost all present participated including the children.

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    The party ended at 10pm.

    Thank you, Norman and Ming, for being such gracious hosts.

    Ys Man Hak Hai, Ys Menette Ee Har and family posing for the camera in Normans beautiful garden

    DG Lee Liat Cheng (Alpha Chapter), probably trying to convince guests Loh Peng Wah and Henry Goh to sign up as members

    Host CP Norman Wee with his grand Ysling watching the dance performance by the Creative Arts Ministry.

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    AN EVENING AT BEE SAN AVENUE Betas new member and club president elect, Ys Man Samuel Yeak and his wife, Elizabeth graciously opened their home for a fellowship gathering on April 5, 2014. Present for the dinner were Club President Norman Wee and Ys Menette Ming, Ys man David Wong Wei Li and Ys Menette Li Lian, Ys Man Paul Tan and Ys Menette Daisy, Ys Man Ng Hak Hai and Ys Menette Ee Har and Ysling Wen Ping, Ys Man Lee Yut Khoon, Ys Man Loo Fook Sung, Lady Ys Man Anna Loo, Lady Ys Man Phyllis Tan and Lady Ys Man Maggie Mun who brought along her friend from KL, Rosie Lee. Ys Man David Wong had invited two friends, Ron Centeno, an American Filipino and Gemyl Aung, a Myanmar Singaporean.

    Our hosts had also invited their friend Chan Tiong Hin and his wife, Ethel. Alpha Chapter was represented by Ys Man Edward Ong and Lee Liat Cheng and his wife.

    Elizabeth had bought from Westlake Restaurant braised sea cucumber and pork belly with Chinese buns. As she had prepared steam boat, Samuel remarked that we had to cook our own dinner. It was indeed a novelty, one we thoroughly enjoyed. At least it kept us busy for quite a while. For dessert we had an assortment of grapes and fruit jelly prepared by Ethel.

    The longan drinks cooled our systems.

    Early arrivals Ron, Maggie, Daisy, Rosie, Li LIan Davids guests Ron and Gemyl

    Helping ourselves to the sumptuous steamboat spread

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    The evening was spent eating and fellowshipping. It was then time to retire into the living room. With Ethel on the piano and Samuel projecting the lyrics of the hymns, we sang songs of praise and some old hymns. It was indeed a heartwarming, inspirational session. It ended with old boys of the Anglo-Chinese School (and there were a sizeable number) standing up to sing the ACS Anthem - In Days of Yore.

    The evening ended at 10pm. Thank you Samuel and Elizabeth for being such gracious hosts.

    Post-script: We were shocked and saddened to learn that Ethel was called home to the Lord on 8 May 2014, a little more than a month after this wonderful fellowship. Our heartfelt condolences to Tiong Hin and family. May she rest in peace.

    David, Samuel and Norman enjoying a tte--tte over the hot pot

    Ethel providing piano accompaniment to a lively session of praise, worship and golden oldies

    Samuels mother (foreground) enjoying the sing-along

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    Together with 8 members from Beta Chapter, six students from Raffles Institution and Raffles Girls Secondary and two MYMCA youth interns took 12 of the children under the MY Manna programme for an outing to Marina Barrage on 19 April 2014. The children came from lower-income families, and attended free tuition classes at MYMCA Sims Centre in the morning. This was a unique opportunity for the children to get to know some of the adults of the larger Y family and an opportunity to interact together.

    Why Kite Flying? First, we thought it would be fun for the children to visit Marina Barrage, a large open space with a spectacular view of the new Singapore skyline. Children growing up in the city have very little opportunity to do something so common in the old kampong days.

    The children were first asked to personalize their kites by writing names and drawing their favourite things on them. Project Director Ys Man Ng Hak Hai was presented with a large thank you cork board from the children.

    Group Photo with the children before leaving for Marina Barrage together with Ys Men present (Ng Hak Hai, Phyllis Tan, Maggie Mun, Loo Fook Sung, Samuel Yeak with Elizabeth, Wong Wei Li with Li Lian

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    We set off for Marina Barrage in a rented bus. The week leading up to that Saturday had seen heavy downpour, and we were thankful for a clear, sunny and windy day. Through the outing, the children were guided to draw lessons of teamwork and perseverance. They were encouraged to persevere in their studies and not give up easily, just like how the kites needed to be held and released at the right time, and given sufficient tension to soar.

    The children and staff from MYMCA Sims Centre expressed their gratitude to the Beta Chapter Ys Men, and hoped that more of such events could be organised for them.

    Ys Man Samuel had his kite soaring high in the sky

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    February 23, 2014

    Guest Speaker : Ms Pearl Pwee Audiologist in Private Practice Topic : Audiology

    Our guest speaker was kind enough to offer her services to test the hearing of members and their guests, and came early to set up the equipment and run the tests.

    Three members, Lady Ys Man Phyllis Tan, Lady Ys Man Maggie Mun and Betas newest member, Dr Oliver Seet and a friend of Club President Ys Man Norman Wee, Mrs Poon Hoh Kam presented themselves for the test which was in three parts: checking for blockage/ wax, gauging response to a range of beeps at different pitch and intensity. Those with a fairly good response (Phyllis) need not take third part the bone hearing test.

    Lady Ys Man Maggie Mun having her hearing tested by Pearl.

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    In a discourse which ran for over 90 minutes she took us through what audiology was about. Unfortunately, audiology in Singapore is not regulated. It is even conducted by unqualified people. Because of this, many people have been fitted with improper devices. She gave us a lesson in the anatomy of the ear and how sound waves are conducted. Hearing is also age related. At age 65 a quarter of us have hearing loss and this would increase to 50% at age 75 years. The ear is a self-cleansing organ and there is no need to clean

    ones ear using cotton buds or in the case of the Chinese a metal spatula to dig into the ears. This procedure can cause damage to the ear.

    Testing of hearing is done by a series of tests: Audiogram (which measures air and bone conduction), Otoscopy, Tympanogram check, test for loudness and a speech material test. The symptoms of hearing loss include turning up the volume of TV, missing telephone calls, trouble following a conversation, speak loudly and frequently asking someone to repeat what he has been saying. The causes of hearing loss are: prolonged exposure to noise, hereditary, illness, reaction to drugs, injury, ear wax and aging. In a child it may be congenital, genetic or acquired usually from a high fever and the use of drugs. Today, hearing tests for new born babies are universal. The consequences of hearing loss are physical, which can even lead to depression and social as a hearing impaired person can be ostracised from society. On average, people with hearing loss wait 10 years before seeking professional help. Tinnitus which is buzzing in the ears is not only annoying but can lead to mental issues. It can also be caused by more serious condition such as an Acoustic Neuroma, which is a tumor of the auditory nerve. It can also be Menieres Disease which also affects ones balance (Vertigo).

    Ys Man Oliver Seet taking the test.

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    There are today many hearing aids, some very sophisticated and expensive. It is important that these hearing aids will result in binaural hearing. One needs to get a qualified audiologist to assist in choosing the right hearing aid.

    As Ms Pwees talk exceeded the time, there was no Q&A session. We were shown the many devices she had exhibited. Ys Man Samuel Yeak introduced the guest speaker, Ys Man Paul Tan was the marshal for the day and Ys Man Lee Yut Khoon gave the vote of thanks.

    Some of the equipment and displays that Pearl brought with her.

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    March 23, 2014

    Guest Speaker : Mr Glenn Lim ASEAN Ambassador, Social Work

    Topic : Living a Legacy

    We had a most interesting speaker in Glenn Lim who proved that nothing is impossible if one has the will and help from God. Glenn was a school dropout and mixed with the wrong company which taught him how to be involved in gangs and drugs. At a young age the rebellious boy was sent to Boys Town, a home for wayward boys. On his discharge he was housed with Teen Challenge, where he was taught by Mr Kumar who later became his mentor. He became involved with drugs and soon started trafficking in drugs. He was imprisoned in Changi and faced a life sentence or a death sentence. It was a wake-up call. He became a Christian and resolved to change his life for the better. In prison he studied the Bible and studied for his O levels which he passed with flying colors.

    From day one, his teacher, Mr Kumar believed in him and inspired him to turn his life around. His father who was estranged from him had enough faith in him to bail him from prison. He then went on to further his studies and is currently working on his PhD thesis. He fervently believes that God is connecting with this generation and has implanted in us a seed which we need to pass on. Proverbs 13:22 God has left an inheritance to his childrens children. God has given us his love, a spiritual legacy which we must pass on to future generations. Psalm 145:4 declares one generation will praise our deeds to the next. Each generation will talk about our mighty deeds.

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    He cited the people delivered from bondage in Egypt and yet the very next generation disowned God and worshipped idols. Glenn feels strongly that this is what is happening to the present generation. They believe in free sex, same sex and the power of drugs. We must therefore reclaim this generation. Teach them moral values. The concerns of todays parents are shifting. They are more concerned with academic grades and pursuing wealth, and forget to inculcate in their children that they are children of God who loves us. This generation is crying out for a father figure to guide them out of their turmoil. Glenn was by Gods grace lucky to have a person such as Mr Kumar to be that father figure. We need to instill in them the need to respect authorities and to put our lives in Gods hands.

    Glenn closed his talk with a prayer that God will put it in our hearts the need to pass his legacy to the next generation. Lady Ys Man Phyllis Tan introduced our guest speaker. Ys Man Paul Tan was the marshal of the day and Ys Man Samuel Yeak gave the vote of thanks.

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    April 27, 2014

    Guest Speaker : Dr Eve Greenslade Chiropractor with Body Contour Pte Ltd

    Topic : Befriending Stress

    Our guest speaker is a UK trained chiropractor and a member of the General Chiropractor Council, the UKs statutory professional register. She is also a Dru Yoga teacher and a NutriGenomics practioner. She takes an integrated and holistic approach to the health needs of her patients. By working on the cause of the problem, rather than just treating the symptoms, she is able to give unique patient-specific care.

    She started her talk by giving us the basic principles of anatomy and physiology. Movement is health. The body is alive and is made of 100 trillion cells, some of which are specialized within an interdependent system. The nervous system regulates our body, and a state of homeostasis with constant cell renewal exists. Pain is a warning system. Taking pain killers just shut down the system, but the basic cause is not addressed. The basic cause of pain is stress on the body. It can be mental, emotional or physical. Mental/ emotional stress is governed by the sympathetic/ parasympathetic nerves of the nervous system. In some cases there is adrenal release of hormones and this can lead to a complete breakdown of bodily functions. Deep breathing using the diaphragm can slow the heart rate and calm a person. The physical cause of pain is usually due to musculoskeletal disorder. The majority of Singaporean office workers report pain symptoms from musculoskeletal disorders neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain. This denotes health problems of the locomotor apparatus i.e. muscles, tendons, the skeleton, cartilage, ligaments and nerves. These include all forms of ill-health ranging from light, transitory disorders to irreversible, disabling injuries. These disorders are caused primarily as a result of daily mechanical overload on our muscle tissues.

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    Most times the injuries are the result of poor posture or repetitive movements. Soft tissues then degenerate and become harder. Non-invasive and drug free treatment includes Chiropractic adjustment, cold laser, cryotherapy, physical therapy, posture screening and traction. Dr Greenslade stressed on the importance of optimal nutrition, exercise and adequate sleep. These help to stabilise blood sugar, maintain healthy gut bacteria and enable cell renewal. There are 10 times more bacteria in our body than the number of cells and most of these bacteria are good bacteria. Taking antibiotics only kill these good bacteria, as would stress. It will take up to five years to replace these bacteria. Dr Greenslade concluded her talk by giving us four pointers: Listen to your body, be aware of mental and physical stress, befriend stress and take small positive steps to improve ones lifestyle. She quoted from Thomas Edison: Doctors of the future will not give us medicine, but will interest us in a proper diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

    Lady Ys Man Phyllis Tan introduced our guest speaker, Ys Man Loo Fook Sung was the marshal for the day and Ys Man Paul Tan presented the Speakers certificate to our guest speaker.

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    May 25, 2014 Guest Speaker : Dr Lily Wong Professor of Education Psychology & Exec Director, Advent Links-SAUC Education Centre Topic : Training Caregivers for the Elderly

    The Advent Links-SAUC Education Centre started off as a training centre for child care. Over the years they realized the urgent need for elder care. In 2011 there were 326,000 persons above the year of 65 years. It is projected that in 2020, there will be 600,000 and in 2030 it will triple to 900,000. Elder care today is in great demand and there is an urgent need to properly train caregivers. The centre runs training program for caregivers. Each session lasts 12 hours on 2 Sundays. Each program takes 20 caregivers and cost $200 per person. This is fully subsided by the Singapore government. All we need to do is to submit a form to the centre. The elderly has special needs. They are often neglected and may face physical and financial abuse. They can also be easily exploited and often are in a dysfunctional family and faces abuse from family members. One should age with dignity and respect. In the US there is an Adult Protection Service for people above age 65 years. The program is designed to equip caregivers with the necessary skills to administer care and support to the elderly. Caregiving of the elderly can cause great distress to the caregiver. We need to identify the signs and help prevent the elderly from abuse.

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    The program covers the following topics: 1. Medical Care basic first aid, care of pressure sores and detection

    of illness. 2. Hygiene and Nursing care 3. Physical and Rehab care daily living and leisure activities 4. Nutritional care 5. Psychological and emotional care

    The course conducts skill-based assessment e.g. role playing besides lectures and tutorials. Dr Wong strongly believes society should take care of the family from cradle to tomb. It is only right that our parents who cared for us in our early years should be looked after by us in their sunset years. The talk was followed by some interesting observations and comments and many searching questions were asked of the speaker. Lady Ys Man Phyllis Tan introduced our guest speaker. Ys Man Paul Tan was the marshal for the day and Lady Ys Man Maggie Mun presented the Speakers certificate to Dr Wong.

    The dinner meeting was special in that the clubs newest member, Dr Oliver Seet was inducted into the club by Club President, Ys Man Norman Wee.

    Induction of Dr Oliver Seet as the newest member of Beta chapter

    Lady Ys Man Maggie giving the speaker a hug with her vote of thanks.

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    Dinner with John & Barbara Pontefract

    Past Area President John Pontefract and his wife Barbara were in Singapore from 4-7 June 2014 on their way back to Melbourne from the UK. Members of Alpha Chapter hosted a lunch for them. On 5 June members of Beta Chapter arranged a dinner with them at the Metro Y Restaurant, hosted by Club President Norman Wee, with members from Alpha (Ys Man Edward Ong, Lady Ys Men Doris Moh, Patricia Lim, Chan Choon Sim and Julie Lau, and from Beta (CP Norman, Ys Man Samuel with his wife Elizabeth, and Pearl Pwee). It was an evening of warm fellowship over local dishes, including fish head curry.

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    SMIT District Conference The SMIT Conference was tied in with the Regional Conference, and held in Chiangmai, Thailand.

    Beta Chapter was represented by Norman Wee, SMIT Treasurer Anna Loo and Samuel Yeak. Attending as observers were Ming Wee and Elizabeth Yeak. The SMIT meeting was in the afternoon of the 30 May and held at the Chiangmai YMCA conference room. It was a wet day, and there was a power failure, but eventually it started in good time. The Regional Conference to follow the next day, at the Centera Hotel.

    I must go back 2 days, when Samuel and Elizabeth, arrived in Chiangmai, and through a break-down of communications, was stranded at the Centera Hotel they were not registered. It eventually worked out well as the 25th Anniversary couple upgraded to the Presidential Suite thoroughly enjoyed the VIP treatment offered, the fantastic views of the city, and free flow of drinks, not to mention the attentive service of two hotel staff, as they were the only VIP guests. The next batch from Beta arrived on the Fri 30th May, and was met by a host of Chiangmai and Alpha delegates. Again, a break-down in communications resulted in our names not being on the hotel list and Sam and Elizabeth were not picked up for the lunch hosted by RD Frederick. After lunch we were sent to the Chiangmai Y and Sam and Elizabeth was eventually picked up. The meeting was well conducted thanks to District Secretary Julie and DG Liat Cheng who had everything under control, and the meeting commenced with the Opening Prayer by Alpha Y's Men Ivan Koh, and the usual formalities of roll call, DG's welcome speech, etc etc. After the meeting was the Dinner at the same venue. The spread was great, hawker style, with many Thai traditional dishes represented. A pleasant surprise was in store for Sam and Elizabeth in an anniversary cake with the appropriate number of candles. Thanks Y's Men Chiangmai!

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    A competition was conducted in allocated teams to prepare Thai salad, first demonstrated by an expert from YMCA Chiangmai, step by step. I cannot remember who won the competition. Overall it was a Great Enjoyable evening, and MCs from the Youth section did a fabulous job. The Regional Conference (Southeast Asia Region) was conducted at the hotel where Beta delegates were staying. It was a whole day affair, with reports from the HK districts and SMIT Region. Regional Director Frederick Ng and his team produced a well-documented bound brochure, which covered all aspects of the Southeast Asia Region. To me the highlight was the panel which included Samuel Yeak, and the theme was the sharing of experiences and mutual strengthening between YMCA and Y's Men Clubs; also Club Extension and Membership Conservation. It was very constructive and indeed a problem that needed serious attention not only for us but throughout Y'sdom. There were two VIPs were present at the meeting, Asia Area President Yaz Okano and Frank Tsai, Past District Governor from Taiwan. A fun evening was organised with buffet dinner, a host of Karaoke singing and dancing and an auction of donated memorabilia by members. Sight seeing trips were also organized for delegates. Overall, it was, as always, a Great Conference, and a Great time of Fellowship and Camaraderie.

    Prepared by CP Norman with help from others.

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    Feb 03 Lady Ys Man Maggie Mun Apr 25 Ys Man Lee Yut Khoon Jun 01 Ys Man Prof (Dato) PC Wong 16 Ys Man Dr Paul Tan

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Jan 01 - Ys Man Prof (Dato) PC Wong & Kum Peng Apr 15 - Ys Man Leslie Struys and Irene May 22 - Ys Man Loh Peng Wah and Siw Fer Lin 27 - Ys Man Samuel Yeak and Elizabeth Jun 05 - Ys Man Norman Wee and Kwong Ming

    Remember to punctuate your love letters correctly...

    Dear John:

    I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy - will you let me be yours?


    Dear John:

    I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?

    Yours, Gloria

    Elizabeth Samuel

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