Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


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  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    By SashaAlexis

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight L

    The Benefit of

    Tea has become fouaging tool. This istea, called polyphcharacteristics. Theand that offers highe

    Understand to drink

    fact it comes wi

    consumption. Teas

    inflammation, lowerrings you lots of en

    losing weight.

    Drinking tea has andrinking more liquid


    For Detail Information Kindly Visit h

    ea in Common

    d to be beneficial as a weightainly because the ingredientsnols, which have effectivearker teas have higher portionantioxidant values.

    tea without using milk and su

    h great benefits without

    re able to purify the body of t

    cholesterol, stimulates digestivrgy. All essential nutrients for

    added benefit. It gets you intand you are also flushing tox


    oss and anti-contained inantioxidantof nutrients

    ar due to the

    any calorie

    xins, reduce

    system andyour goals of

    the habit ofns from your

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    body. Tea also speeds up your metabolism and detoxifies yourliver.

    Anyway, tea has different types based on how they are processed.

    But these types of tea use Camellia Sinensis. Based on thestudies conducted, this plant contains antioxidants, polyphenols,essential nutrients, theaflavins, and epigallocatechin gallate.These substances found in the tea make it beneficial to thehuman body, thus it enhances metabolic rate, reverse the effectof obesity, and other health benefits.

    There are only two clinical studies conducted which haveJapanese men as the subject. The first study revealed the resultthat catechins present in tea can really control the person's bodyfrom becoming overweight. The Second study gave a conclusionthat green tea has the thermogenesis effect in the body thus itboosts the heat production in the body at the same time improvethe metabolic rate.

    Other health benefits that a person can reap in drinking tea arecontrolled cholesterol levels and high blood sugar levels. Sincethe tea has antibacterial properties it also protects your gumsfrom antibacterial infection and your teeth from having cavities.The best tea for weight loss is not only effective in trimming downexcess weight but also in improving your overall wellness.

    Variety of Tea for Weight Loss Purpose

    Green Tea

    The properties and benefits of green tea have been known for

    centuries in many Asian civilizations. However, green tea has

    become increasingly popular in the west only in recent times, and

    it is only now that mainstream science has started to take notice

    of the long purported health benefits of green tea consumption.

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight L

    Several key research

    many of these clai

    consumption can

    cardiovascular healt

    health conditions an

    types of cancer.

    This short report foc

    on human health, a

    significant findings i

    emphasis on its role

    look at combining th

    the process known a


    Tea, whether it is bla

    of different varieties

    etween different ty


    For Detail Information Kindly Visit h

    studies have gathered evidence

    ms. Studies have shown th

    have potentially positive

    , can help in the reduction of

    d may also have a role in prev

    ses on the effects of green tea

    claimed by traditional wisdo

    recent scientific studies, wit

    in weight loss. The report wi

    e effects of green tea, with oth


    ck, green or white, originates fr

    f the plant Camellia Sinensis.

    es of tea (green tea, black t


    in support of

    t green tea

    impacts on

    stress related

    nting certain


    , as well as

    a particular

    l also take a

    r teas, under

    m the leaves

    he difference

    a, white tea,

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    oolong tea etc.) does not lie in the species of the plant itself, but

    in the way the tea leaves are processed.

    Green tea leaves undergo minimal oxidation as opposed to black

    tea leaves, which helps it retain a high proportion of its anti-oxidant content. While, there are many ways in which green tea

    is grown as well as processed, the common factor between all

    these ways is that they ensure that polyphenols and anti-

    oxidants are retained to the maximum.

    Green tea in particular contains a high amount of natural

    polyphenols known as flavonoids, which have become

    increasingly interesting to researchers the world over due to theirbeneficial properties. Green tea is also rich in minerals like

    chromium, zinc and manganese, and a good source of vitamin C.

    The Known Health Benefits of Green Tea

    Green tea has a very long history, especially in China, as

    Camellia Sinensis is native to this region. So long has this brew

    been known as an agent of good health, that it has been an

    integral part of ancient Chinese culture for over 4000 years.

    It has been traditionally known to improve overall health and well

    being, stave off disease, and maintain youth. More specifically,

    green tea is thought to improve blood circulation, and maintain

    good heart health. As it is thought to improve the circulatory

    system of the body, it is also thought to ward off cardio-vascular

    diseases like angina and stroke, as well as other conditions suchas diabetes mellitus.

    According to traditional Chinese wisdom, green tea is also a

    stress buster and helps calm the nerves. It is known to be

    generally good for mental wellbeing and is thought to help keep

    the mind nimble and alert.

    Green tea is traditionally thought to have anti-ageing properties,

    both mentally as well as physically. By keeping the mind agile

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight L

    and skin supple an

    green tea is thought

    lthough these clai

    is only with the progare able to test them

    actually at work.

    Lets look at some s

    green tea on health.

    Research Findings

    Green Tea is rich in

    salubrious polyphen

    oxidants have been

    hich include boostcancer properties.


    For Detail Information Kindly Visit h

    d youthful looking, and the

    o promote longevity.

    s have been made for thousan

    ess of modern science and meand understand the mechanis

    ecific research and findings on

    n the Effects of Green Tea

    naturally occurring anti-oxida

    ls. The beneficial properties

    nown to science for some time

    ing immunity, anti-ageing effe


    ody healthy,

    s of years, it

    icine that wes which are

    the effects of

    ts known as

    f these anti-

    now: some of

    cts and anti-

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    With the help of research we have now come to know that the

    anti-oxidants in green tea fight off harmful free radicals in the

    body, an action which has numerous positive effects on health.

    Effects on Cardio Vascular Health

    Research done specifically on green tea consumption suggests

    that ingestion of green tea, either in the form of tea or its extract,

    can reduce the risk of heart disease, and other cardio vascular

    problems such as angina and stroke.

    In a case control study conducted in Japan, subjects whoconsumed one or more than one cup of green tea per day

    had a reduced risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage by 26%and 44% respectively than subjects who did not consume

    the green tea.

    Green tea is known to improve the health and condition of the

    cells that line the walls of arteries known as endothelial cells.

    Studies suggest that due to its anti-oxidation properties, it can

    help in keeping these cells healthy and minimize the build-up of

    plaque in the blood vessels. This finding has major implicationsfor heart disease as well as blood pressure-related conditions.

    Findings from studies on the relationship between green tea

    consumption and cholesterol levels in the body suggest that

    green tea may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol (Low Density

    Lipo-protein Cholesterol) in humans, by reducing the absorption

    of cholesterol in the gut.

    A recent study conducted by a team from the University ofBirmingham found that the rates of fat oxidation in subjects

    who ingested green tea extract were 17% higher than in

    subjects who were given a placebo. This indicates that green

    tea consumption is linked to weight reduction and this has

    implications for many illnesses, including cardiovascular


    Stress Reduction and Mental Wellbeing

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    Green tea consumption seems to help reduce stress and the

    symptoms of stress related disorders.

    A 2009 Japanese study published in the American Journalof Clinical Nutrition found that increased and more frequentintake of green tea in subjects was associated with a lower

    incidence of depression and symptoms related to


    Several other studies have suggested that green tea may have a

    positive association with mental wellbeing and may also help

    combat the effects of stress. Significantly, some studies have also

    linked regular consumption of green tea with a reduced risk ofdeveloping Alzheimers.

    Green Tea and Cancer

    Green tea contains naturally occurring anti-oxidants known as

    flavonoids in abundance. Naturally occurring anti-oxidants are

    thought to have anti-carcinogenic properties and research is still

    being undertaken to understand more about these properties.

    Based on current findings, flavonoids are thought to includeproperties that may inhibit tumor growth and invasion.

    A study undertaken in China studied the eating habits of alarge cohort of Chinese women. The findings showed that

    the regular consumption of mushrooms in combination with

    green tea was linked to a staggering 90% lower occurrence

    of breast cancer.

    Effects on Immunity

    Green tea has long been associated with longevity andimproved immunity. Many recent studies have corroborated

    with this claim. An important study by a team at the Linus

    Pauling Institute, from Oregon State University, has shown

    that EGCG, a key anti-oxidant present in Green tea, has a

    strong ability to boost the immune system by increasing the

    regulatory T cells in the body.

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    Effects of Green Tea Consumption on Weight Loss

    There has been a lot of interest in scientific circles in the effect

    green tea consumption can have on metabolism and fat

    reduction. Studies have found that green tea can reduce the

    amount of bad cholesterol and increase fat oxidation by a

    significant degree.

    A study conducted in 2005 by the Division ofCardiovascular Medicine at the Vanderbuilt University

    Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee found that subjects

    given enriched green tea extract for a specific period hadover 16% lower levels of LDL than the baseline as compared

    to the subjects that were given a placebo drug.

    Findings of a 1999 study published in the American Journalof Clinical Nutrition showed that green tea has strong

    thermogenic properties. Thermogenic substances boost

    metabolism which causes more calories to burn. The study

    found that green tea caused a much higher level of fat

    oxidation than could be attributed merely to its fat content.

    It was found that as much as 4% of the overall energy

    expenditure in 24 hours could be attributed to green tea

    extract. This expenditure was observed to be taking place

    during the day. Since the bodys own rate of burning

    calories (thermogenesis) contributes to 8-10% of daily

    energy expenditure, the burning of calories caused by green

    tea translated to a staggering 35-43% increase in day time


    In a 2003 study conducted in Taiwan on 1210 subjects, itwas found that test subjects who had regularly consumed

    tea for more than ten years had a smaller waist

    circumference and waist to hip ratio, and lower percentage

    of body fat. Out of these subjects, only 4% consumed

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    regular black tea, and 96% consumed either green or oolong


    In a controlled study conducted in France in 2001, theeffect of green tea extract was studied on 70 overweight men

    for 12 weeks. The findings showed a 4.6% decrease in

    overall body weight. The researchers also observed a

    reduction of the waist to hip ratio by 4.5% in the test


    In a Taiwanese study conducted in 2000, the effects of greentea consumption on fat absorption in rats fed on a highsugar diet were observed. It was seen that green tea lowered

    the levels of fat storage in the liver and heart, and reduced

    apparent fat absorption.

    The significant findings of these studies, as well as other key

    studies suggest that green tea has significant potential to help in

    fat reduction and weight loss.

    Using Tea in Synergy

    Different teas such as green tea, Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea andwhite tea are all produced from the tea plant. As such, allthe teas possess some basic characteristics that are similarto each other.

    For instance all teas contain polyphenols, which have beenshown by several studies conducted worldwide to bebeneficial in weight loss and maintaining cardio vascularhealth, and preventing obesity.

    However, each tea also has its own unique strengths and isnot quite the same as the other tea. For instance, studies

    have shown green tea to be very effective in lowering fat

    absorption in the body, while Pu-erh tea is effective in

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    suppressing hunger. Both these properties can be very

    useful in controlling weight gain and preventing obesity.

    Hence, it may be most effective to take the teas in the rightblends or combinations in order to maximize their benefits.

    This is what is known as synergy.

    Side Effects of Green Tea Consumption

    Being a completely natural substance, green tea when consumed

    in moderation or as prescribed, either in tea form or as an

    extract, does not have any known harmful side effects.

    Pharmacological evidence does show that green tea anti-oxidants

    in very high concentrations can cause oxidative stress and liver

    toxicity. It is important to be aware of this fact, and exercise

    caution when using any commercial herbal products made from

    green tea extract.


    Green tea has quite an impressive list of health benefits, both

    claimed by traditional knowledge and wisdom, as well as those

    that are proved and being proved by scientific research.

    Its health effects are traditionally thought to include boosting

    immunity, anti-ageing, stress reduction and the promotion of

    overall good health. Many claims have received scientific backing

    by various studies, and the strength of evidence for thenumerous benefits of green tea is increasing.

    Some important findings have shown that green tea improves

    circulation, helps reduce bad cholesterol levels, and significantly

    reduces the risk of cardio vascular illness. Studies have also

    suggested green tea may have anti-carcinogenic properties

    against certain cancers, and may also have a role in preventing


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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    Several studies have shown that green tea plays a significant role

    in increased fat oxidation by stimulating metabolism, and

    therefore has important implications for weight loss, and

    preventing obesity. Taking green tea extract in combination with

    certain other herbal teas can be a highly effective agent of weight

    loss and fat reduction and this is known as synergy.

    White Tea

    Whether it is green tea, Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea, or white tea, eachof these teas has been traditionally known to have unique

    beneficial health properties. As more and more scientific research

    is conducted into these effects, it is becoming clear that these

    teas may possess numerous properties that make them beneficial

    to human health.

    This report will take a detailed look at the known health and

    dietary benefits that are associated with white tea; it will also

    discuss the concept of synergy, whereby the effectiveness of

    different teas are combined together to maximize the full

    potential benefits.


    White tea has been traditionally produced in Fujian province on

    the south-east coast of China. While all the other types of tea

    produced from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) are brewed from

    tea leaves, white tea is produced from the leaves as well as buds

    of the plant.

    In fact, the tea has acquired its name from the silvery downy

    hairs on the buds of the tea plant. Selection of white tea leaves is

    very stringent as only small and young leaves are suitable for the


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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    White tea is very lightly oxidized,

    and the buds and leaves are allowed

    to wither in natural sunlight before

    light steaming. Further processing is

    avoided in order to prevent more

    oxidization of the tea.

    The Known Health Benefits of

    White Tea

    Being derived from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis), green tea,

    Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea and white tea all share similar chemicalproperties and make up, and therefore similar health effects.

    For instance, white tea also contains a high amount of

    polyphenols, which are plant based anti-oxidants. Several studies

    have shown that polyphenols are responsible for a number of

    important health benefits.

    These anti-oxidants are linked to a reduction in the level of

    cholesterol. Catechins which are anti-oxidants belonging to this

    category are known to keep arteries healthy by preventing the

    build-up of plaque on the endothelial lining of arteries.

    Polyphenols have been linked to reducing cholesterol, keeping the

    circulatory system healthy and improving circulation. This helps

    in keeping blood pressure down and improving cardio vascular


    Polyphenols attack harmful free radicals in the body and studies

    have found a link between these anti-oxidants and anti-cancer

    action. A 2010 study links white tea extract consumption with

    suppressive action on cancer cells.

    White tea is also found to inhibit the growth of bacterial


    A study conducted in 2004 at Pace University, New York,found that white tea extract may have

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    prophylactic applications as it was found to have anti-

    bacterial properties that retarded the growth of

    streptococcus infections, staphylococcus infections,

    pneumonia as well as dental infections. It was also found to

    have anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. White tea extract

    was found to totally inactivate Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    yeast cells and Penicillium spores. The study concluded that

    the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of white tea

    may be greater than green tea.

    Studies have also found that polyphenols present in white tea

    may boost immunity by increasing the level of regulatory T cells

    in the body.

    Studies have also shown that these anti-oxidants can have anti-

    ageing action, by keeping connective tissue healthy and

    maintaining the health of skin and eyes. Indeed, in China tea has

    been known to be an agent of youth and health.

    A study undertaken in 2009 at Kingston University, London,found that white tea consumption could lower the risk of

    rheumatoid arthritis, certain cancers, as well as heart

    disease due to its strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant

    properties and its ability to keep connective tissue healthy.

    The study also found that white tea prevented or slowed

    down the breakdown of collagen and elastin caused by

    enzymes, resulting in anti-ageing effects.

    How Might the Tea Aid with Weight Loss?

    Obesity is a growing concern today, especially in postindustrialized nations. The rising incidence of obesity and relatedconditions such as cardio vascular problems and diabetes hasmade the issue very relevant.

    The potential effects of white tea on fat storage and weight gainhave attracted the interest of scientists worldwide. Severalstudies have and are being conducted on these effects in order to

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    understand the full extent to whichwhite tea may aid in weight loss, andthe results do look very promising.

    White tea has been found to aidweight loss in various ways.Polyphenols present in white teahelp lower the levels of cholesterol inthe blood, as well as improve thecirculatory system. A healthy heartis the first step to maintaininghealthy weight through good dietand regular exercise.

    White tea may also prevent the storage of fat in the body, andhelp metabolize fat quicker. It is also found that white tea cansuppress appetite, making it easier to follow a healthy diet.

    White Tea Suppresses Growth of Fat Cells

    A 2008 study conducted on the effect of white tea extract onhuman fat cells showed that white tea extract caused thebreakdown of existing fat cells and inhibited the growth of

    new fat cells. It was found that white tea suppressed ordecreased the expression of genes associated with thecreation of new adipocytes. The study concluded that whitetea extract is a potent and natural source that can inhibitadipogenesis which is the conversion of pre fat cells intofat cells, and stimulate lipolysis which is the breakdown offats for utilization by the body for energy.

    The study by a German health food company in 2009 foundthat Chinese white tea reduces growth of new fat cells andbroke down the fat contained in existing cells.

    Helps Burn Calories Quicker

    White tea contains caffeine and is a naturally thermogenicsubstance. This means that it helps speed up the metabolism. Byboosting metabolism, white tea can help increase the rate at

    which stored fat is burnt.

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    While white tea speeds up the metabolic breakdown of calories, itdoes not contain any calories, making it effective in weight loss.Also, unlike other teas which also contain caffeine, white teacontains a very small amount, making it free from the unpleasant

    side effects of caffeine consumption.

    Suppresses Appetite

    White tea is known to dull the appetite, making it easier torefrain from snacking between meals. This can make it mucheasier to stick to a healthy weight loss diet.

    Using Tea in Synergy

    While all teas derived from the Camellia Sinensis(tea) planthave the same basic components and nutrients, each teaalso has its own character, developed due to the way the teais produced and processed. Even within white tea, forinstance, the amount of polyphenols can vary based on theprocessing, the strain of the tea plant etc.

    Green tea, Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea and white tea all havetheir own strengths and weaknesses when it comes toweight loss. However, several studies have shown that allthese types of tea can be effective in combating weight gainand obesity.

    For instance, while green tea has been shown to beparticularly effective in reducing the amount of fat stored inthe body, Pu-erh tea has properties that impact thedigestive system and improve the efficiency of digestingtough fats. White tea has been shown to suppress the

    growth of new fat cells and help the breakdown of existingfats.

    Thus using different types of tea together in the rightcombinations can help create an effective weight loss regimethat heightens the benefits of each tea, while overcomingany weaknesses.This can be done by consuming a blend ofteas designed specially to heighten the weight loss effects ofeach tea, or by taking a health supplement consisting of theright blend of tea extracts.

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    Side Effects of White Tea

    White tea is a completely natural substance, as it has been

    derived from the tea plant and minimally processed. It contains a

    very small amount of caffeine, so there are known to be no realside effects for white tea. However, in order to avoid adverse

    interaction with any existing medication, it is important to seek

    medical advice before taking any health supplements and

    products made from concentrated white tea extract.


    White tea is a minimally processed tea traditionally produced in

    the south-east of China. Being derived from the tea plant, white

    tea shares many of its health benefits with other teas such as

    Oolong and green tea.

    The polyphenols present in white tea are beneficial to health in a

    number of ways. They can help keep the circulatory system

    healthy and improve cardio vascular health. Studies show that

    they also play a preventative role in heart disease and other

    cardio vascular conditions such as stroke. Polyphenols have the

    ability to lower bad LDL cholesterol, and prevent the build-up of

    plaque on the lining of arteries.

    These anti-oxidants are also linked to anti-ageing action. A 2009

    study found that white tea is particularly effective in slowing

    down the enzymatic breakdown of elastin and collagen, resulting

    in anti-ageing action.

    In the light of the global obesity epidemic, white tea has become

    especially interesting to researchers owing to its potential

    benefits for weight loss.

    A 2008 study showed that white tea may have an anti-obesity

    effect on human fat cells. The study found that white tea has the

    ability to suppress the expression of genes that cause the

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    generation of new fat cells. Not only this, white tea also brings

    about the breakdown of existing fat cells.

    By speeding up metabolism, white tea can help increase the rate

    of fat oxidation. It also has an effect of suppressing hunger,making it a very effective component of any weight loss regime.

    Although different teas derived from the Camellia Sinensisplant

    have similar base properties, each tea also seems to have its own

    unique properties as well. For instance, while white tea is found

    to cause the breakdown of fats, Pu-erh tea is found to have a

    degreasing effect and help in getting rid of certain types of fat.

    Consuming different teas together as part of a regime can be themost effective way to use them in weight loss. This concept is

    known as synergy, where different teas can be used together to

    overcome any individual weaknesses and maximize their


    Pu-erh Tea

    Pu-erh tea is a Chinese tea native to the Yunnan province in

    southern China and has a long history and a firm place in

    indigenous Chinese tradition. It is a post fermented tea, in which

    the raw tea leaves undergo microbial fermentation after the tea

    leaves have been dried and rolled.

    Pu-erh has been known for its health benefits for centuries in

    Chinese culture. In recent times, though, modern science is also

    beginning to discover the effects of Pu-erh tea on health in

    general and weight loss in particular.

    In this short report we will look at the known benefits of Pu-erh

    tea, along with significant studies and their outcomes, with a

    particular focus on its potential role in weight loss. We will also

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight L

    discuss the even g

    com ining differentsynergy.

    The Known Health

    The tea plant Came

    surprise that variou

    an integral part of C

    tea, red tea, Oolon

    consumed in China

    and preventative pro

    Traditionally Know

    Pu-erh has been tra

    enhance the functio


    For Detail Information Kindly Visit h

    reater rewards that may be

    teas together under a conce

    enefits of Pu-erh Tea

    llia Sinensis is native to Chin

    ways of producing and cons

    inese heritage and culture. Gr

    g tea, as well as Pu-erh te

    or centuries and are known for


    Effects of Pu-erh

    ditionally thought to improve

    ing of the stomach and spleen


    achieved by

    t known as

    , so it is no

    ming tea are

    en tea, white

    a have been

    their healing

    igestion and

    . Customarily

  • 7/29/2019 Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss


    The Benefits of Tea for Weight L

    it has been used t

    consumption. It is

    improve blood circul

    ody free of toxins

    een known in Chi

    help to detoxify bloo

    Effects of Polyphen

    Pu-erh, like other ty

    contains a high am

    polyphenols. Resear

    play a significant rol

    by keeping arteries c

    Pu-erh tea may

    cardiovascular illnes

    Polyohenols may als

    cancer. Studies ha e

    attack harmful free

    anti-cancerous and


    For Detail Information Kindly Visit h

    combat the unpleasant effe

    used in Chinese traditional

    tion, eyesight and digestion; a

    and improve immunity. It ha

    ese medicine as possessing p



    es of tea such as green tea an

    unt of plant based anti-oxida

    h has shown that these co

    e in keeping the circulatory sy

    earer and prevent the build-up

    therefore play a preventat

    es like stroke, angina and hyp

    have a preventative link to ce

    shown that the anti-oxidants

    adicals in the body, which ma

    nti-ageing effects on the body.


    ts of alcohol

    medicine to

    d to keep the


    operties that

    d Oolong tea,

    ts known as

    pounds can

    tem healthy,

    of plaque.

    ve role for


    rtain types of

    in Pu-erh tea

    translate to

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    Findings from a study conducted in 2006 found that Pu-erh

    consumption may protect human fibroblast cells (connective

    tissue) from oxidative damage.

    Cleansing and De-greasing Effects

    Pu-erh has been traditionally used to cleanse the body and

    blood of toxins and excess fat. Scientific studies conducted in

    recent times have strong evidence that this may well be the case.

    Pu-erh tea has the ability to remove bad fats from blood, and

    studies conducted on lab animals have also shown that Pu-erh

    may also have a role to play in keeping liver tissue healthy and

    preventing it from becoming fatty.

    How Might the Tea Aid with weight loss?

    Several studies conducted around the world on lab mice as well

    as human subjects have found evidence that Pu-erh tea has

    significant cholesterol lowering effects. Studies have also shown

    that Pu-erh has degreasing properties which help the body

    remove unwanted and hard to digest, leftover fats. It is this

    cleansing ability of Pu-erh that has brought it to the attention of

    researchers the world over.

    Effects of Pu-erh on Cholesterol Levels

    A study conducted at the Wun-Shan Branch Tea Researchand Extension Station, in Taipei, compared the effect of

    different teas on the cholesterol levels in lab rats. When

    extracts of green, black, Oolong, and cooked Pu-erh tea

    were fed to rats, it was found that the rats that were fed Pu-

    erh tea not only had lower percentages of bad LDL

    cholesterol than the other rats, but also had heightened

    levels of good HDL cholesterol.

    In a study at the Chinese Kunming Medical College,consisting of 86 subjects with very high levels of bloodcholesterol the differences in the treatment of patients with

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    Pu-erh tea verses conventional cholesterol medication were

    observed. 55 subjects took a regimented amount of Pu-erh

    tea three times a day, while the remaining subjects took a

    cholesterol-lowering prescription drug known as PCIB. At

    the end of a two month period, subjects who took Pu-erh

    tea showed a 64.29% reduction in blood cholesterol levels,

    while the group taking the prescription cholesterol

    medication showed 66.67% reduction.

    Studies have found Pu-erh tea to contain a chemical called

    Lovastatin in small quantities, which has the ability to lower LDL

    levels in the body. Lovastatin is a prescription chemical used to

    control cholesterol. Pu-erh tea therefore can play a uniquelysignificant role in lowering bad cholesterol.

    Anti-Obesity Effects of Pu-erh Tea

    Studies that have found that Pu-erh tea has a lowering effect on

    LDL and triacylglycerol have also shown that Pu-erh may

    suppress weight gain and help prevent obesity.

    A study conducted at the Institute of Biochemistry andMolecular Biology, College of Medicine, National TaiwanUniversity, Taipei, on lab rats, found that the rats

    supplemented with Pu-erh tea showed hypolipidemic and

    anti-obesity effects. The active compounds in the tea that

    were found to be responsible for the anti-obesity effect were

    caffeine, an anti-oxidant known as catechin, and theanine.

    In another study conducted at the Yunnan AgriculturalUniversity, the anti-obesity effects of Pu-erh tea

    consumption on rats with high fat diet induced obesity were

    observed. It was found that Pu-erh tea significantly lowered

    the overall body weight, as well as reduced fatty deposits in

    the body. Pu-erh tea was also seen to reduce cholesterol

    levels, particularly LDL and triglycerides concentrations. It

    was not seen to affect good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

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    In a French study conducted at the ARMA Medical ResearchAssociation, Dr. Tran Dai-Sy and his team found that out of

    350 study subjects, 299 subjects successfully achieved

    weight loss with a regular diet supplemented by a cup of Pu-

    erh tea per day. The extent of the weight loss was a

    staggering 5-10 pounds per subject over a span of two


    The anti-oxidant polyphenols in Pu-erh tea help boost

    metabolism, which increases the rate of fat oxidation, which

    effectively helps burn calories. At the same time, Pu-erh tea alsohas unique properties that help activate the stomach and spleen

    and improve digestion.

    While a healthy spleen absorbs nutrients from the food, and gets

    rid of excess fluids, an unhealthy spleen accumulates fluids,

    which, in the course of time, turn to fat. Pu-erh helps stimulate

    and tone the spleen and stomach and keeps them cleansed and


    Pu-erh tea may possess another unique property in that it may

    help suppress appetite by creating a feeling of fullness. This has

    important implications for weight loss and preventing obesity.

    Using Tea in Synergy

    Studies have shown that Oolong tea, green tea and whitetea also have properties that make them effective on weight

    loss. Being derived from the same tea plant, all these teas

    have the same basic make up and certain common


    However, each tea also has its own unique strengths, asfindings from various international studies have illustrated.

    For instance, while Oolong tea may have a strong impact onfat oxidation, Pu-erh tea is particularly effective in tackling

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    tough and hard to digest fats in the body. By keeping the

    digestive system healthy it also prevents excess fluids from

    turning into fatty deposits.

    Maximum weight loss effect could therefore be achieved bytaking these teas in combination with each other, and using

    the properties of each tea in synergy to take full advantage

    of their weight loss and health effects. This can be done by

    consuming the teas in a blend that is designed to maximize

    their weight loss properties, or in the form of a health

    supplement (even a convenient tablet) consisting of the

    correct blend of extracts.

    Side Effects of Pu-erh Tea

    Pu-erh tea is a natural substance, and there are no known side

    effects of consuming the tea in sensible amounts. However, it is

    important to note that Pu-erh tea does contain caffeine, albeit in

    relatively small quantities. Therefore, all the contra indications

    that apply to caffeine consumption do also apply to Pu-erh tea.

    If taken in moderation, Pu-erh tea either as a brew or its extract

    is safe and has no known side effects.


    Pu-erh tea is a Chinese tea traditionally produced in the

    southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan. Pu-erh has been

    consumed for several centuries, and is known to have a number

    of beneficial properties. It is particularly known to help the body

    get rid of toxins, clean the blood and help get rid of hard to digest


    Recent scientific studies in the effects of Pu-erh tea on health

    have found evidence to support many of these claims.

    Pu-erh is rich in anti-oxidants called polyphenols which havemany beneficial health effects. Like other herbal teas such as

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    green tea and Oolong tea, Pu-erh is known to improve circulation

    and maintain cardio vascular health. Some studies have also

    found a preventative and suppressive link between these anti-

    oxidants and cancer tumors.

    Several key studies have found that there is a strong link

    between Pu-erh consumption and the lowering of bad LDL

    cholesterol. Some studies have also found that Pu-erh

    consumption can increase good HDL cholesterol levels.

    Pu-erh can have anti-weight-gain effects as it speeds up

    metabolism and increases fat oxidation, while also improving the

    functioning of the stomach and spleen, which helps the body getrid of excess fluids. It is also known to suppress appetite.

    Pu-erh tea when taken in combination with other beneficial teas

    like Oolong tea and green tea can help maximize the weight loss

    effects of these different teas. Their unique properties can work

    together in synergy to enhance their effect and get maximum


    Pu-erh tea is known in Chinese medicine to promote the health ofthe stomach and spleen and get rid of dampness from the body.

    It is also known to keep the mind alert and agile and promoting

    sound health by boosting immunity.

    Oolong Tea

    China is the original home of tea, so it is only natural thatdifferent types of tea are an important part of Chinese culture.

    The difference between the teas usually lies in the way they are

    grown and processed. This difference in production and

    processing methods can result in the development of

    characteristics and properties that are unique to each tea.

    This report will take a detailed look at the dietary and health

    benefits that are pertinent to Oolong tea. It will also consider

    taking Oolong tea with other types of teas in an effort to

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight L

    maximize the potent

    from synergy.

    Introduction to Ool

    Oolong tea is one o

    China centuries ago

    rich taste and bene

    lack tea, white tea

    (botanical name C

    This tea differs from

    The tea is made tithering the leaves

    curling and twisting.

    in which the tea is p

    the degree of oxidat


    Oolong tea is known

    its varied and rich ta


    For Detail Information Kindly Visit h

    al dietary and health benefits t

    ng Tea

    f the lesser known teas that

    and to this day is traditionally

    icial properties. Oolong tea, li

    and Pu-erh tea is made from

    amellia Sinensis), which is na

    ther types of tea in the way it i

    rough a unique process wunder the strong sun and oxi

    Within this method there are

    oduced, and depending on the

    on in the tea can vary - rang

    not only for its effects on healt

    ste, which can vary from sweet


    hat can come

    originated in

    known for its

    e green tea,

    the tea plant

    ive to China.

    s made.

    ich includesdation before

    ifferent ways

    rocess used,

    ng from 8 to

    , but also for

    and aromatic

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

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    with notes of honey, woody and thick, or fresh and light,

    depending on where and how it is produced.

    The most well known oolong tea comes from the Wuyi Rock (cliff)

    region in Fujian province in Southeast China, but Oolong tea isalso produced elsewhere in China as well as the world, including

    in Taiwan and India.

    Oolong tea can be taken on its own or can be combined with

    other teas (e.g. green tea, black tea) to combine the effects of all

    these teas together. This is known as synergy and is the ultimate

    way to maximize the benefits driving from these natural teas.

    The Known Health Benefits of Oolong Tea

    Although lesser known especially in the west, Oolong tea is

    known to have several health benefits, just as green tea is. As

    more and more of its health benefits, especially in the area of

    weight loss come to light and are backed by scientific evidence,

    the tea is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

    Oolong tea has been traditionally consumed as an overall tonic,

    and is thought to promote a long and healthy life. It is also

    thought to improve circulation and keep the body as well as mind

    fit and agile, by boosting metabolism, which helps burn off excess


    Oolong tea is known for its effects on cardiovascular health. It is

    rich in naturally occurring plant based anti-oxidants, which help

    improve circulation by keeping arteries healthy and preventing

    the build-up of plaque which can cause the blood vessels to

    narrow and harden.

    This action of Oolong tea and other teas like green tea in keeping

    blood vessels healthy can help improve the circulation system

    and prevent heart disease as well as other cardiovascular

    problems such as stroke.

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    Oolong is also traditionally known for preventing toothdecay and helping keep teeth healthy. Modern scientific

    research into Oolong tea finds that it contains fluoride,

    which is well known for being useful in keeping teeth and

    gums healthy.

    Oolong is also known for its calming properties. Findingsfrom a Japanese scientific study on mice, conducted by the

    Institute for Health Care Science, Suntory Ltd, Mishima-

    gun, Osaka, suggested that Oolong tea consumption can

    have significant stress relieving effects.

    Oolong has numerous other traditionally known properties. For

    instance it is known to have anti-ageing effects, being good for

    skin health and curing skin disorders. It is also traditionally used

    to control blood sugar as a treatment for diabetes.

    How Might Oolong Tea aid with Weight Loss?

    One of the most significant health benefits of oolong tea is its

    ability to aid with weight loss and prevent excess fat


    Oolong tea contains high amounts of polyphenols, which are

    naturally occurring plant based anti-oxidants. These organic

    compounds have properties that help in increasing the rate of

    metabolism in the body, which helps burn fat more quickly.Thermogenesis is the process of heat production in the body. Like

    green tea, and some other types of tea, Oolong tea is a

    thermogenic substance which stimulates metabolism and causes

    increased fat oxidation.

    As a result of encouraging evidence gathered by studies around

    the world, Oolong tea is increasingly being recognized as a

    promoter of weight loss. The same is true for green tea and otherteas like Pu-erh tea. Regular consumption of Oolong tea, in

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    combination with other teas, can help improve circulation, boost

    metabolism and prevent the build-up of excessive fat in the body.

    Research Findings on the Effects of Oolong Tea

    As mentioned earlier, Oolong tea is rich in plant based anti-

    oxidants known as polyphenols. Epigallocatechin gallateis one of

    the main polyphenols that are found in oolong as well as green


    A placebo controlled study published in the Journal of theAmerican College of Nutrition observed six overweight menwho took epigallocatechin gallatesupplements for two days.

    The researchers found that epigallocatechin gallate has

    strong potential to reduce body weight by increasing fat

    oxidation significantly. Although the sample size of the

    study was small, this finding has strong implications for the

    role of Oolong and other teas in weight loss.

    A study conducted at the Beltsville Human NutritionResearch Center, in Maryland, USA, observed participants

    who drank either 4 cups of Oolong tea or 4 cups of plain

    water daily for three days. At the end of the observational

    period, it was found that the participants who drank the

    Oolong tea had a 3% greater energy expenditure and

    burned, on average, 67 more calories a day than they

    previously had. Apart from the higher rate of energy

    expenditure, Oolong tea drinkers had a whopping 12%higher fat oxidation rate than the water drinkers.

    In a 2003 study conducted in Taiwan on 1210 subjects, itwas found that test subjects who had regularly consumed

    tea for more than ten years had a smaller waist

    circumference and waist to hip ratio, and lower percentage

    of body fat. Out of these subjects, only 4% consumed

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    regular black tea, and 96% consumed either green or oolong


    In two randomized, controlled Japanese studies, the effectsof Oolong tea consumption on the metabolism of subjects

    were studied. Energy expenditure and rate of fat oxidation

    was measured in subject consuming the tea supplement.

    The first study found an increase in energy expenditure by

    2.9% and increase in fat oxidation by 12%. The second

    study found an increase in energy expenditure by 4% and

    increase in fat oxidation by 35%.

    In a 2000 study conducted in Taiwan, the effect of black tea,Oolong tea and green tea extracts on fat absorption in rats

    fed with a high sugar diet were observed. The findings

    suggested that rats consuming Oolong tea had a reduced

    food intake. Cholesterol levels were lowered, and the tea

    consumption also showed lowering of triglyceride content in

    the liver.

    Using Tea in Synergy

    Many studies have been undertaken on other related teas, mainly

    green tea, as it is better known at the moment. It has been found

    that Oolong tea, green tea, pu-erh tea and white tea are all rich

    in polyphenols, being produced from the same source. All the

    teas have been found tohave some effect on

    weight loss.

    However, each tea has its

    own production and

    processing methods, and

    therefore develops its own

    unique properties. It

    therefore follows that in

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    order to get the most from these beneficial teas, and to maximize

    their effect on weight loss, it may be more useful to take them in

    the right combinations with each other, so that they can work in


    Side Effects of Oolong Tea

    Oolong tea is a plant based product and has been consumed

    traditionally in China and other countries in the region for

    centuries. All the active compounds in Oolong tea that have a

    positive impact on health are naturally occurring and can be

    consumed safely.

    There are no known side effects in consuming Oolong tea, either

    as a brew or its extract, in moderation or as prescribed. However,

    Oolong tea does contain caffeine and appropriate caution should

    therefore be exercised in consuming it.

    Oolong tea, like green tea, contains high proportions of anti-

    oxidants, and evidence does suggest that polyphenols taken in

    very high concentrations could cause liver poisoning and

    oxidative stress. It is therefore important to be cautious and

    consult a doctor before taking any commercial herbal products

    containing Oolong tea extract, not least during pregnancy.


    Oolong tea is relatively less known in the west as compared to itsnear cousin green tea. However, this situation is fast changing as

    more and more of its plentiful benefits come to light and are

    increasingly backed by scientific evidence.

    The tea is rich in naturally occurring plant based anti-oxidants

    known as polyphenols, which have a host of benefits for health,

    especially in weight loss. Research studies have shown that these

    anti-oxidants help keep arteries healthy and improve circulation.

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    The Benefits of Tea for Weight Loss

    Findings suggest that Oolong tea is good for cardiovascular

    health, and may help in preventing heart disease and stroke.

    Anti-oxidants present in Oolong tea may also have anti-ageing

    properties, and help keep the body as well as mind youthful and


    Oolong tea contains small amounts of fluoride, and is therefore

    especially good for maintaining healthy teeth and gums and

    preventing tooth decay.

    Like green tea, white tea, and pu-erh tea, findings from various

    studies have suggested a strong link between Oolong tea and

    increased weight loss. Oolong tea activates thermogenesis, whichincreases the rate of fat oxidation. Studies have found that

    polyphenols can contribute as much as 4% of day time

    thermogenesis which translates to 35-43% overall fat oxidation in

    the body.

    There is increased interest in the roles that green tea, pu-erh tea,

    white tea and Oolong tea play in effective weight loss. While all

    these teas contain certain compounds that have a significant

    impact on fat oxidation, each tea also has unique properties. It

    may therefore be useful to consume Oolong tea in combination

    with other beneficial varieties of tea, as this can have maximum

    impact on fat oxidation and help lose weight more effectively.

    This is what is known as the concept of synergy.
