Beginning of the Marking Period 1 9/10/2013 Today is 2013 Do Now: WELCOME TO KMSO With Mrs. McBride...


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Beginning of the Marking Period 1


Today is 2013

Do Now:


Keyboarding and MSO

Let’s Get Started

Do NOW:“Back to School” Word Search

Remember 9/11

DO NOW:Pick up and Complete 2 Handouts1.Proofreading Marks2.Half sheet with Evry-Day edit page.


One World Trade was made to be the tallest building in New York City in 2012. It is a monument to help us remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. One World Trade stands 1,776 feet high in honor of the year America claimed its independence. People from all over the world visit the building every year.


Do Now: Agenda-Folder-Highlighter-Pen-Pencil!!!! Pick up a Newsletter and Read!

Go to assigned Computer

Log On and Open > MS-Word

Create folders-Subjects

Finish Name Tag Folder, Print and Staple

Open Internet>Finish Favorites>Teacher’s Websites and

Create a New Mini-Schedule.

Keyboarding and MSO

Register on to MicroType5 and Skill Analysis


Do Now: Pick up and complete “Proper Care”.


Go to assigned Computer

Log On and Open > MS-Word

Create folders-Subjects

Finish Name Tag Folder, Print and Staple

Open Internet>Finish Favorites>Teacher’s Websites and

Create a New Mini-Schedule.

Keyboarding and MSO

Register on to MicroType5 and Skill Analysis

Today is Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Do Now: Read the Board….Pick up Name Tag!

Go to Tables, pick up The Record Accounting Sheet.

Keyboarding and MSO

Go to Computer Register on to MicroType5 and

Skill Analysis Mini Schedule MT5 Keypad Lessons 1-4 Pretest-Timing, Skill analysis


Do Now: Pick up and Complete handout “Are You a Safe Cyber Surfer?”


Go to assigned Computer

Log On and Open > MS-Word

Create folders-Subjects

Finish Name Tag Folder, Print and Staple

Open Internet>Finish Favorites>Teacher’s Websites and

Create a New Mini-Schedule.


Register on to MicroType5 and Skill Analysis

Today is Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do Now: Read the Board….Complete Handout “Are you Safe Cyber Surfer?”

Keyboarding and MSO

Go to Computer MT5 Numeric Keypad Lessons 1-4 Receive Record Accounting SheetVoc. List: Add to the Agenda

Today is Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Do Now: Read the Board…Voc. List: Add to the Agenda….

Keyboarding and MSO

Go to Tables-Pen, Pencil, Highlighter, Folder & Agenda

Go to ComputerLog On>MT5>Numeric Keypad

Today is Thursday, September 26, 2013

Do Now: Read the Board….

Keyboarding and MSO

Go to Tables-Complete handout page 4, “Computer Parts”Voc. List: Add to the Agenda

Go to ComputerLog On>MT5> Alphabetic KeyboardOpen MS-Word

Today is Monday, Sept. 30, 2013

Do Now: Read the Board……..Write Q in the back of Agenda w/date plus Vocabulary Words

1. Go to Assign Computer– Complete MT5-Lesson 1, Cover Hands with

Folder!!!!!!!!!!– Complete MT5-Numeric Keypad 1-4– Wait for signal– SHAKE AND BREAK

Keyboarding and MSO

Do Now: Write Q in the back of Agenda w/date, Go to assigned computer

Handout, “Proofreading Marks”

Log On

Micro Type 5, Numeric Keypad 1-4

Alphabetic Keyboarding

Log Off

Do I remember your

Name?Keyboarding and MSO

Do Now: Read the Board……..Write Q in the back of Agenda w/date

1. Go to Tables-Review “Save & Print”, page 6.2. Go to Assigned Computer

– Complete MT5-Numeric Keypad 1-4– Complete MT5-Alphabetic 1 & 3! Cover Hands

with Folder!!!!!!!!!! SKIP 2!

– WAIT FOR SIGNAL & SHAKE AND BREAK– Open MS-Word, Type asdfjkl; and h and e!

Today is Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

Keyboarding and MSO

Do Now: Read the Board……..Write Q in the back of Agenda w/date

1. Activity, “What is A Q?” 2.Go to Assigned Computer

– Complete MT5 Alphabetic Lessons 1-skip 2-3

– Cover Hands with Folder!!!!!!!!!!– WAIT FOR SIGNAL & SHAKE AND

BREAK3. MS Word-Type asdf jkl; h and e.

Today is Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013

Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Friday, May 11, 2012

Go To Tables

Do Now: Read the Board 10 minutes! 1. Agenda: Turn to the back of your agenda and write “Q”2. Finish Activity Sheet, “What is A Q?”, 3. Go to Computer- complete Handout, “Outside & Inside of the


Go to Assigned Computer– Complete MT5- Alphabet Lesson 1 Do

Not BackSpace– Print Lesson Report 1– Continue MT5-Alphabet Lesson 3 skip 2– View Mrs. McBride’s Website: Q’s,

Handouts and What’s up Next?

Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Monday, May 14, 2012“Quiz #1”

Do Now: Read the Board…

Go to Tables w/pen

Quiz Seats

Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do Now: Read the Board Agenda: Turn to the back of your agenda Write “Q” Fill in the HomeRowHandout, asdf jkl; he, and ir

Go to Assigned Computer– Complete MT5-Alphabetic Lesson 1-3-4– Complete MT5-Numeric Keypad Lesson 1-4

Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Do Now: Read the Board…. 1. Agenda: Turn to the back of your agenda and write “Q”2. Update, page 5 add “I and R”.3. Self-Assessment Technique-Read and Grade

Go to Assigned Computer-Log OnMT5-

• Go directly to Alphabetic Keyboarding Lesson 1-3-4

Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Thursday, May 17, 2012

Do Now: Read the Board…. “Things to Remember”handout

Go to Assigned Computer-Log OnMT5-• Go directly to Alphabetic Keyboarding: 1,3,4,6,7

• Print Lesson ReportKeyboarding and MSO

Today is FOLDER Fun Friday, May 18, 2012

Do Now: Read the Board…. Go to Tables: Folder w/RAS

Signature Due Record Acctg. Sheet

Complete MT5-Lesson 1,3,4,6,7,8…….

Keyboarding and MSO


Today is Monday, May 21, 2012“Q”-Kinesthetic Awareness

Do Now: Read the Board…. 1. Agenda: Turn to the back of your agenda and write “Q”2. Handout, Cybersafety Word Search, and keyboard

illustration.3. Update, page 5 with “O and T”

Go to Assigned Computer-Log OnMT5-• Go directly to Alphabetic Keyboarding Lesson 1-3-4-6 and 7.

Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Do Now: Read the Board….

Agenda + KMSO calendar! Go to Computers MT5-Lessons

1LR print..skip 2..go to 3LR print ..4 LR print…skip 5…do 6, 7, 8……skip 10!Open Word-Type asdf jkl; asdf jkl;

asdf jkl;asdf jkl;asdf jkl;… Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Do Now: Read the Board….Write in Agenda! Go to Computers MT5-Lessons

1LR print..skip 2..go to 3LR print ..4 LR

print…skip 5…6, 7, 8……skip 9...10!

Keyboarding and MSO

Today is Wednesday, June 6, 2012“Quiz #2”

Do Now: Read the Board…

Go to Tables w/pen

Quiz Seats

Keyboarding and MSO