Bathymetric Gradients of Lineated Abyssal Hills- Inferring Seafloor Spreading Vectors and a New...




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  • 5/25/2018 Bathymetric Gradients of Lineated Abyssal Hills- Inferring Seafloor Spreadin...


    Bathymetric gradients of lineated abyssal hills: Inferring seafloor

    spreading vectors and a new model for hills formed at ultra-fast rates

    Kelly A. Kriner, Robert A. Pockalny , Roger L. Larson

    Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Horn Laboratory, South Ferry Road; Narragansett, RI 02882, United States

    Received 28 July 2004; received in revised form 28 April 2005; accepted 2 May 2005

    Available online 18 January 2006

    Editor: R.D. van der Hilst


    Abyssal hill morphology provides a preliminary measure of the direction and rate of seafloor spreading, however, additional

    information (e.g., magnetic anomaly data or a nearby mid-ocean ridge) is usually required to verify these estimates. Previous

    attempts to identify a unique spreading rate proxy from abyssal hill dimensions (e.g., height, length, width) have largely failed due

    to the relatively large scatter of data or the non-linear character of spreading rate trends. We present a new, stand-alone method of

    determining both spreading rate and spreading direction using the distribution of azimuths for slopes facing toward and away from

    the ridge axis. The spreading rate is determined with the peak height parameter, defined as the difference in the height (maximum

    frequency) of the two dominant modes observed in the azimuthal histograms. This parameter exhibits a clear, nearly linear

    spreading rate trend and allows half spreading rates to be estimated to within 1020 km/Myr. The spreading direction is determined

    with the peak width parameter, which compares the average width of the two dominant modes in the azimuthal histograms. The

    wider distribution of slope azimuths is oriented away form the paleo-ridge axis for all spreading rates, and thus spreading direction

    can be determined. The trends in the peak height and width parameters are used to constrain a new model of abyssal hill formation

    at ultra-fast spreading rates, which require greater off-axis extensional faulting resulting in a few large-throw faults on the outward-

    facing hillsides, and many smaller throw faults on the inward-facing hillsides.

    2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Abyssal hills; seafloor morphology; plate tectonics; mid-ocean ridges; slope analysis

    1. Introduction

    Abyssal hills constitute 80% of the seafloor and

    thus are the most common landform on Earth [1]. The

    morphology of abyssal hills is best observed on

    relatively young ocean crust flanking mid-ocean ridges

    where sediment accumulation has not masked their

    appearance. In these settings, the hills are elongateparallel to the ridge axis, have relief of 50500 m, and

    characteristic width of 110 km[2]. The proximity of

    abyssal hills to the ridge axis suggests these features are

    the result of the interplay between tectonic and volcanic

    processes occurring within the plate boundary zone.

    Once formed, the hills are transported onto the ridge

    flanks by plate motion and their basement morphology

    is preserved.

    Since the early days of seafloor mapping, it has been

    realized the general morphology of abyssal hills varies

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 242 (2006) 98 110

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 401 874 6926; fax: +1 401 874


    E-mail (R.A. Pockalny).

    0012-821X/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.05.046

  • 5/25/2018 Bathymetric Gradients of Lineated Abyssal Hills- Inferring Seafloor Spreadin...


    as a function of spreading rate; basically, slower

    spreading rates generate larger abyssal hills [3]. With

    the advent of swath mapping systems, this spreading

    rate dependence has become even more apparent and a

    three-dimensional description is available. In general,

    abyssal hills created at slower spreading rates are higher,wider and longer than those hills created at faster

    spreading rates [2]. These relationships led to the

    development and refinement of abyssal hill formation

    models where tectonic processes dominate at slower

    spreading rates and volcanic processes dominate at

    faster spreading rates (Fig. 1). At slow spreading rates

    (b25 km/Myr, half-rate), back-tilted or listric fault

    blocks suggest a predominantly tectonic origin of

    abyssal hills [4,5]. At intermediate spreading rates

    (2540 km/Myr, half-rate), the split volcano model

    suggests tectonic and volcanic processes contributeequally as waxing phases of volcanism create an axial

    rise that is subsequently bisected during waning

    volcanic phases [6,7]. At fast spreading rates (4060

    km/Myr, half-rate), the presence of a steady-state

    magma chamber precludes the formation of split

    volcanoes at the ridge axis, so the abyssal hills are

    generated slightly farther off-axis by the formation of a

    graben along the shouldersof the axial high[8]. In this

    model, the fault scarp closest to the ridge axis is

    subsequently covered by volcanic flows emanating from

    the ridge axis.

    The goal of many seafloor morphology studies has

    been to identify a parameter or set of parameters that

    can be used to determine the kinematic setting in

    which a parcel of seafloor was created. This would be

    particularly useful in sections of the seafloor where

    conventional methods of determining spreading rateswith seafloor magnetic anomalies are compromised

    due to the lack of correlatable magnetic anomalies in

    crust created at northsouth trending mid-ocean ridges

    near the magnetic equator and in crust created during

    periods of uniform magnetic polarity (e.g., Cretaceous

    magnetic superchron, 12184 Ma). Abyssal hill

    morphology would initially seem to be an attractive

    alternative within these magnetically challenged

    regions; however, the spreading rate variability of

    these first-order morphologic parameters (relief, width,

    length) often is not linear and the scatter is too largeto identify a unique spreading rate. Even when

    combined with lower-order parameters (e.g., vertical

    skewness and kurtosis), a unique spreading rate cannot

    be obtained [2].

    In this study, we explore the use of bathymetric

    gradients (magnitude and direction of seafloor slope) to

    determine the kinematic environment of abyssal hill

    formation. Since the abyssal hill formation models

    predict asymmetric distributions for volcanism and

    tectonism on the sides of abyssal hills facing toward

    and away from the ridge axis, our analysis compares the

    Fig. 1. Three general models of abyssal hill formation and associated ridge morphologies for a) slow, b) intermediate, and c) fast spreading rates(after Macdonald et al. [8]).

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    slope characteristics of the two sides. Our results

    indicate spreading rates can be predicted with improved

    confidence and the direction of spreading can also be

    determined. In addition, a new abyssal hill formation

    model is proposed for seafloor created at ultra-fast

    spreading rates (N60 km/Myr, half-rate).

    2. Data and methods

    2.1. Data

    Gridded multibeam bathymetry data from 64 areas of

    known spreading rates are used in this study (Fig. 2).

    Each area consists of lineated abyssal hill topography

    located adjacent to a mid-ocean ridge (Fig. 3,Table 1),

    encompassing a 5050 km area of seafloor. Extreme

    care was taken to ensure the areas were fully imagedwith overlapping swaths and were devoid of transform

    faults, anomalously deformed seafloor, or excessive off-

    axis volcanism. The bathymetry data were obtained

    from the RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project [9] as

    gridded data sets with grid node spacings ranging from

    100 to 300 m (Table 1). The highest resolution (smallest

    grid node spacing) is chosen for each area, and is

    dependent on the resolution of the imaging systems used

    to collect the data. To ensure the different node spacing

    did not adversely affect our analyses, additional

    bathymetric grids were created from the ping data with

    grid intervals increasing in increments of 100 m [10].

    The suite of slope analyses, described below in the

    methods section, was applied and the results were

    consistent for grid intervals less than 500 m. For grid

    intervals greater than 500 m, the results deviated

    significantly and became quite variable.

    Spreading rates for the chosen areas were deter-

    mined with two methods. In areas where high-quality

    marine magnetics data are available, spreading rateswere determined directly by forward modeling of

    magnetic anomaly data obtained from the NGDC

    trackline geophysics archive [11]. In the areas where

    magnetics data are inconclusive (e.g., near the

    magnetic equator), the current spreading rate of the

    adjacent ridge is used based on the global plate

    motion model Nuvel-1A [12].

    2.2. Methods

    Abyssal hill asymmetry is evaluated by expanding ona method previously developed by Shaw and Smith

    [13,14] and Smith and Shaw [15] that compares the

    distributions of bathymetric slopes. With this method,

    the surface of an individual grid cell, defined by four

    grid nodes, is parameterized by a unit vector oriented

    normal to the grid cell surface. The unit vector is then

    decomposed into azimuthal and dip components with

    the GRDGRADIENT command available with the

    Generic Mapping Tools software package [16]. The

    distribution of slope angles, as a function of azimuth,

    provides a measure of asymmetry in the cross-sectional

    shape of abyssal hills. This was the method used be

    Smith and Shaw[15] to demonstrate that abyssal hills

    created at slow spreading rates are asymmetric in cross-

    Fig. 2. General location of the multibeam bathymetry data used in this study. Within each of the four regions marked by boxes, 16 data sets were used,8 from each side of the included spreading ridge ( Table 1). The bathymetry examples inFig. 3are from areas within each of the four boxes.

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    Fig. 3. Examples of lineated abyssal hill topography for a) slow, b) intermediate, c) fast, and d) ultra-fast spreading rates. The shaded box on each map

    is an example of a selected region used in our analysis. The double-arrow line indicates the direction of spreading. The histograms in Figs. 4 and 7correspond to the data set location shown in a). The inward and outward facing azimuths are also indicated in a).

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    Table 1

    Bathymetry data locations, spreading rates, grid node spacing, and imaging systems used



    Adjacent ridge Bounding coordinates Half-rate


    Grid nodes

    pacing (m)

    Imaging system

    W E S N

    1 N. Mid-Atlantic

    Ridge (Slow spreading)

    45.00 44.51 21.77 22.22 11.5 200 Hydrosweep and Seabeam

    2 45.79 45.30 21.96 22.41 11.5 200

    3 44.84 44.35 22.41 22.86 11.5 200

    4 45.65 45.16 22.41 22.86 11.1 200

    5 43.02 42.51 28.85 29.30 11.5 200

    6 43.76 43.25 29.00 29.45 11.5 200

    7 41.91 41.40 29.40 29.85 11.5 200

    8 44.01 43.50 29.75 30.20 11.5 200

    9 42.51 42.00 28.80 29.25 11.5 200

    10 44.27 43.76 29.10 29.55 11.5 200

    11 41.75 41.24 30.00 30.45 11.5 200

    12 42.71 42.20 30.20 30.65 11.5 200

    13 44.75 44.24 23.20 23.65 11.8 200

    14 46.11 45.60 23.20 23.65 10.9 200



    42.00 28.80 29.25 11.5 20016 43.91 43.40 29.05 29.50 11.5 200

    17 Southeast Indian

    Ridge (Intermediate


    109.60 110.27 49.60 49.15 37.1 200 Seabeam

    18 109.33 110.00 50.12 49.67 37.5 200

    19 101.93 102.60 47.85 47.40 32.4 200

    20 101.58 102.25 48.35 47.90 37.2 200

    21 114.90 115.57 49.95 49.50 40.5 200

    22 114.58 115.25 50.40 49.95 45.9 200

    23 112.75 113.42 50.20 49.75 36.0 200

    24 112.80 113.47 50.75 50.30 36.0 200

    25 108.00 108.67 48.60 48.15 39.1 200

    26 107.58 108.25 49.15 48.70 32.2 200

    27 107.28 107.95 48.40 47.95 36.8 200

    28 106.91 107.58 49.02 48.57 32.2 200

    29 103.25 103.92 47.85 47.40 40.8 20030 103.03 103.70 48.45 48.00 36.0 200

    31 100.95 101.62 47.45 47.00 36.0 200

    32 100.48 101.15 47.95 47.50 33.6 200

    33 N. East-Pacific Rise

    (Fast spreading)

    104.20 103.75 14.45 14.90 42.1 300 SeaMARC II and

    Hydrosweep34 104.90 104.45 14.15 14.60 52.7 300

    35 104.00 103.55 13.75 14.20 44.9 300

    36 104.90 104.45 13.75 14.20 52.9 300

    37 103.95 103.50 13.25 13.70 44.4 300

    38 104.65 104.20 12.80 13.25 53.4 300

    39 103.90 103.45 12.74 13.19 45.8 300

    40 104.50 104.05 12.74 13.19 53.8 300

    41 103.70 103.25 11.55 12.00 54.7 300

    42 104.30 103.85 11.30 11.75 53.7 300

    43 103.60 103.15 10.35 10.80 57.7 200

    44 104.40 103.95 10.25 10.70 55.7 200

    45 104.10 103.65 9.25 9.70 51.7 300

    46 104.90 104.45 9.30 9.75 60.7 300

    47 103.75 103.30 8.60 9.05 51.0 300

    48 104.95 104.50 8.45 8.90 62.7 300

    49 S. East-Pacific Rise

    (Ultra-fast spreading)

    107.60 107.15 7.85 7.40 69.5 100 SeaMARC II and

    Hydrosweep and Seabeam50 108.46 108.01 7.70 7.25 69.5 100

    51 112.85 112.40 16.70 16.25 75.7 200

    52 113.60 113.15 16.70 16.25 75.7 200

    53 113.00 112.55 17.50 17.05 79.6 200

    54 113.75 113.30 17.50 17.05 76.7 200

    55 112.90 112.45 16.50 16.05 73.8 200

    56 113.60 113.15 16.50 16.05 73.8 200

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    section and that this asymmetry decreases or is

    statistically insignificant at intermediate spreading rates.

    For our study, we utilized the azimuthal distribution

    of the vectors to obtain a measure of abyssal hillasymmetry. This method is based on previous work

    [14,15]that indicates the majority of slope azimuths are

    oriented perpendicular to the abyssal hill lineations. This

    results in a bimodal slope azimuth distribution with

    histogram peaks that are typically about 180 apart and

    centered on azimuths oriented perpendicular to the hills

    (Figs. 3a, 4a and 5a). Each peak in the population

    distribution is therefore comprised of those slopes on

    opposite sides of the abyssal hills.

    Two parameters are used to assess the cross-sectional

    asymmetry of abyssal hill morphology. The first

    parameter, peak height, is the difference in the height

    (maximum frequency) of the two dominant modes

    observed in the azimuthal histograms (Fig. 4). We

    subtract the histogram height of the inward-facing side

    (i.e., facing the ridge axis) from the histogram height of

    the outward-facing side to obtain a positive or negative

    peak height that depends on the sense of asymmetry.

    A positive peak height indicates the inward-facing

    side of the abyssal hill is steeper than the outward-facing

    side. Conversely, a negative peak height indicates the

    outward-facing side of the abyssal hill is steeper than the

    inward-facing side. The magnitude of the peak heightincreases as the asymmetry increases. A zero peak

    height indicates a symmetric abyssal hill cross-section.

    The second parameter, peak width, is the

    difference in the average peak width (APW) of the

    two dominant modes observed in the azimuthal

    histograms (Figs. 4, 6). The initial step to calculate the

    APW is to sum the peak widths (PWi) for each interval

    of 10 (number of slopes) from the base (PW1) to the tip

    (PWN) of each peak. Where PW1is determined to be the

    larger of the two minimum values (number of slopes) for

    both peaks, and interval PWNis calculated at the largest

    increment of 10 for that peak. The APW is the sum of

    the interval peak widths divided by the number of

    intervals calculated (N).

    APW N



    As with the peak height, the peak width is

    calculated by subtracting the APW of the inward-facing

    Table 1 (continued)



    Adjacent ridge Bounding coordinates Half-rate


    Grid nodes

    pacing (m)

    Imaging system

    W E S N

    57 113.00 112.55 17.00 16.55 74.7 200

    58 113.70 113.25 17.00 16.55 74.8 200

    59 113.35 112.90 19.00 18.55 80.6 200

    60 114.00 113.55 18.50 18.05 69.9 200

    61 113.10 112.65 18.00 17.55 81.6 200

    62 113.80 113.35 17.95 17.50 73.8 200

    63 113.47 113.00 20.00 19.53 84.5 200

    64 114.20 113.75 19.75 19.30 73.8 200

    Fig. 4. a) Cartesian histogram for the data set shown inFig. 3a, indicating the percentage of slopes that face each particular azimuth. The two peaks are

    centered on azimuths perpendicular to the abyssal hill lineations. The difference in height between the two peaks (peak height) is a relative measure

    of the cross-sectional asymmetry of the hills. b) Cartoon explaining that a longer running, more gently sloped hillside has a greater number of equallyspaced data points (taller azimuth peak) than a shorter, more steeply sloped hillside.

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    side of abyssal hills from the APW of the outward-

    facing side.The APW is very similar to other measures of

    variance (e.g., standard deviation). Instead of calculat-

    ing the range over which 69% of a population occurs for

    the standard deviation, the APW defines the average

    width of the population curve above some defined

    background value. Larger values of the APW indicate

    the range of slope azimuths are more broadly distributed

    and would suggest an undulating, sinuous or hummocky

    topography (e.g, Fig. 5). A smaller APW indicates a

    more uniform slope azimuth associated with more

    lineated topography. We also experimented with the

    standard deviation and kurtosis of the histogram peaks

    as measures of azimuthal dispersion; however, the APW

    parameter provides the best graphical description of the

    key observations when the azimuthal data were

    projected onto rose diagrams.

    3. Results

    The bathymetric slope azimuth distributions for 64

    areas (Figs. 2, 3) from a range of known spreading rates

    are analyzed. The results are plotted as histograms (e.g.,

    Fig. 4a) and rose diagrams (e.g.,Fig. 5a) and the results

    are consistent with previous studies that have charac-

    terized the linearity of abyssal hill topography with

    bimodal distributions [1315]. However, our study has

    quantified variations in the plots with the peak height

    and peak width parameters to identify observed

    changes in abyssal hill morphology as a function of

    spreading rate.

    Fig. 5. a) Rose diagram for the area shown in Fig. 3a, which is the same histogram data as shown in the Cartesian histogramFig. 4a. The two peaks/

    lobes are centered on azimuths perpendicular to the hill lineations. The angular width of the lobes (range in azimuths) is measured as the average

    width in degrees of azimuth of the lobe, and is named Average Peak Width (APW). b) A wider rose lobe (greater range of azimuths) is interpreted as a

    more volcanic surface, and the narrower lobe (smaller range of azimuths) is interpreted as a smoother, faulted surface.

    Fig. 6. The peak width (PW) is calculated at intervals of 10 (number of slopes), from the base to the tip of each peak. The intervals start at the higher of

    the two trough values (PW1) and end at the maximum interval for that peak (PWN). The APW (average peak width) is the sum of the peak widthcalculations (1

    NPWi) divided by the total number of intervals (N). This is done separately for each peak.

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    3.1. Abyssal hill asymmetry and spreading rate

    A clear trend is observed in the peak height

    distribution when the histograms are viewed as a

    function of spreading rate (Fig. 7). At slower spreading

    rates, the histogram peaks of the outward-facing sides ofthe abyssal hills are taller than the peak for the inward-

    facing sides; this pattern is reversed at faster spreading

    rates (i.e., the peak height values pass through zero).

    To quantify this trend, the peak height parameter (e.g.,

    outward-facing peak minus inward-facing peak) is

    plotted against spreading rate. It exhibits a roughly

    linear decrease as function of increasing spreading rate.

    For slow and intermediate spreading rates (b40 km/

    Myr, half-rate), the peak height values are all positive,

    which indicates the inward-facing slopes are steeper

    than the outward-facing slopes. At fast-spreading rates(4060 km/Myr, half-rate), the peak height decreases,

    suggesting more symmetric abyssal hills. At ultra-fast

    spreading rates (N60 km/Myr, half-rate), the majority of

    the peak height values are negative, which indicates

    the sense of asymmetry has switched and the outward-

    facing slopes are now steeper than the inward-facing

    slopes. If enough data points are included in the analysis

    (e.g., Fig. 7), the overall trend is nearly linear as a

    function of spreading rate.

    A similar decrease in abyssal hill asymmetry as a

    function of spreading rate has also been observed in

    other abyssal hill morphology studies. Smith and Shaw

    [15] used conventional Sea Beam multibeam data and

    characteristic slope analyses to show the inward-facing

    slopes of abyssal hills created at slow spreading rates

    were significantly steeper than the outward-facing

    slopes. At intermediate spreading rates, the magnitude

    of the measured asymmetry decreased to the point where

    the difference between inward-and outward-facing

    slopes was statistically insignificant. Carbotte and

    Macdonald [17] used a range of surface- and deep-

    towed side-scan data to show the percentage of inward-facing fault scarps was greatest for slow spreading

    ridges. The relative difference in inward- versus

    outward-facing scarps decreased linearly as a function

    of spreading rate, suggesting a symmetric abyssal hill

    cross-section. All of these studies exhibit the same

    general trend in the cross-sectional asymmetry as a

    function of spreading rate. In our study, however, we

    show the sense of asymmetry of abyssal hills created at

    ultra-fast spreading rates actually reverses to steeper

    outward-facing slopes.

    3.2. Comparison of inward-and outward-facing

    azimuth distributions

    Another pattern is observed when the slope azimuth

    distributions are displayed as rose diagrams (Fig. 5).

    These plots reinforce the bimodal distribution of slope

    azimuths by the presence of two lobes corresponding to

    the inward- and outward-facing slopes of abyssal hills.

    The interesting aspect of these plots, however, is that the

    lobe corresponding to the outward-facing slope is

    almost always the wider or broader lobe. We use the

    peak width parameter to quantify the relative

    difference between the outward-and inward-facing

    average peak width. In all cases but two, the outward-

    facing slopes have a broader distribution of slopes than

    the inward-facing slopes (Fig. 8). The average peak

    Fig. 7. peak height values for all 64 data sets plotted versus spreading rate. Positive values indicate the outward-facing side is more gently sloped

    (taller azimuth peak), and negative values indicate the inward-facing side is more gently sloped. The mean peak height and 95% confidence limitsare shown for each spreading rate interval. A best-fit line (dashed line) for the individual data points and associated equation are shown.

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    width is 9 and does not change significantly as a

    function spreading rate. The variability of the peak

    width is fairly uniform for spreading rates greater than

    30 km/Myr (half-rate), but increases for abyssal hills

    created at slow spreading rates.

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Inferring spreading rates

    The observed correlation between the peak height

    and spreading rate (Fig. 7) suggests this parameter may

    be used to infer spreading rates for areas of the seafloor

    where such information is lacking. For instance, positive

    peak height values would indicate spreading rates

    were definitely less than 40 km/Myr (half-rate), and

    more than likely less than 60 km/Myr (half-rate).

    Negative peak height values would likely indicate

    spreading rates greater than 6065 km/Myr (half-rate).

    Knowing the difference between abyssal hills created at

    fast versus ultra-fast spreading rates may initially seemtrivial; however, there are large portions of the seafloor

    for which no spreading rate information is available. For

    example, crust created during the Cretaceous magnetic

    superchron (12184 Ma) in the southwest Pacific has

    estimated spreading rates very near the changeover from

    positive to negative peak height values. Since the

    spreading rates here are interpolated over a long period

    (36 million years), the actual spreading rates likely

    varied during this time. The peak height parameter

    would be very useful in identifying which sections of

    the seafloor in such regions were created above or belowthis threshold spreading rate.

    A more precise measure of seafloor spreading rates,

    or range of spreading rates, may be obtained by fitting a

    regression curve and error estimates to the peak

    height data (Fig. 7). Based on the linear trend and the

    standard deviation of the peak height graph, the

    spreading rate of a given parcel of seafloor can be

    determined to within about 1020 km/Myr (half-rate).

    The linear trend in the peak height parameter is one of

    the measured abyssal hill morphology parameters that

    show a nearly uniform and monotonic trend as a

    function of spreading rate. Other parameters, such as

    abyssal hill roughness[2,18], exhibit a general decrease

    as a function of spreading rate; however, the roughness

    increases again at ultra-fast spreading rates producing an

    ambiguity if this parameter is used to estimate spreading

    rate. The combination of the peak height with these

    other abyssal hill morphology parameters, such as

    seafloor roughness, and abyssal hill height, length or

    aspect ratio, may provide even better means for

    determining spreading rates.

    4.2. Inferring spreading direction

    Abyssal hill lineations are frequently used to estimate

    the general direction of seafloor spreading, however, in

    some situations it is difficult to determine which side of

    the abyssal hills point toward or away from the paleo-

    spreading ridge, and hence the true spreading direction.

    Plots of the azimuthal distribution of abyssal hill slopes,

    presented as rose diagrams (Fig. 5a), indicate the

    broader lobe coincides almost invariably with the side

    of the abyssal hill facing away from the ridge axis oforigin. The peak width parameter quantifies this rose

    Fig. 8. peak width values for all 64 samples plotted versus spreading rate. A positive value indicates a larger average width for the outward-facing

    lobe and is interpreted as a hillside with a broader distribution of slope azimuths. The mean peak width and 95% confidence limits are shown for

    each spreading rate interval.

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    diagram trend and supports the observation that the

    wider lobe is consistently associated with the outward-

    facing slope (Fig. 8).

    Identifying the paleo-spreading direction from multi-

    beam bathymetry data alone has many applications. In

    tectonically complex areas of seafloor (e.g., microplatesand triple junctions) with variable spreading histories,

    knowing the paleo-spreading direction would be

    essential for tectonic reconstructions. The relative

    direction of the paleo-spreading ridge, as well as its

    approximate orientation can be determined by the

    peak width method without the need for any other

    information about the surrounding area. This can aid in

    seafloor reconstruction studies as well as allow study of

    areas where other data for identifying spreading

    direction, or position relative to a spreading ridge, are

    unavailable.Our technique is quick and easy to use, and does not

    require extensive pre-editing of the data. It may be

    performed while at sea during the collection of new

    bathymetry data, as well as on previously collected data

    from many different surveys. Thus, it can be used to

    help guide a survey in near-realtime or to subsequently

    analyze the results.

    4.3. Implications for models of abyssal hill formation

    The slope azimuth distribution histograms (Figs. 4a,

    7) indicate the degree of hill asymmetry decreases as

    spreading rate increases (i.e., peak height values

    approach zero). A transition occurs from fast to ultra-

    fast spreading rates as negative peak height values

    become more common at faster rates. For ultra-fast

    rates, the peak height is generally negative (Fig. 8)

    indicating the outward-facing hillsides are generally the

    more steeply sloped sides. These results support

    previously proposed models of abyssal hill morphology

    and formation for slow to fast spreading rates [8](Fig.

    1). At ultra-fast rates, however, the change in the sense

    of abyssal hill asymmetry (Fig. 7) does not allow for thesimple extrapolation of formation models applicable to

    fast spreading rates. Below we review previous models

    for hills formed at slow, intermediate, and fast rates, and

    propose new models for hill morphology and formation

    at ultra-fast rates.

    4.3.1. Slow to fast spreading rates

    At slow spreading rates (b25 km/my, half rate),

    magma supply is lowest and the crust is relatively cool

    and brittle[19,20].Hills formed in this environment are

    a result of back-tilted fault blocks and have a largeasymmetry (Figs. 1a and 9a). Large-throw normal

    faulting forms the inward-facing hillsides, which creates

    a steeper, smoother surface. The outward-facing sides

    are relatively unfaulted, creating a rougher and more

    gently sloped surface.

    At intermediate spreading rates (2540 km/my, half

    rate), magma supply is intermittent [19,20]. Axialvolcanoes form during times of higher magma supply

    and are then split and rafted away by continued

    spreading during times of low magma supply (Figs. 1b

    and 9b). Large-throw normal faulting also forms the

    inward-facing sides of these hills, though the hillsides

    are not as steeply sloped as those of the slow rate hills.

    The outward-facing sides are formed by the axial

    volcanic flows, resulting in a more gently sloped surface

    than the inward-facing side. These hills have a smaller

    and more variable asymmetry than the slow-rate hills

    (Fig. 7).At fast spreading rates (4060 km/my half rate),

    magma supply is more steady state and the crust is

    warmer and more ductile [19,20]. Hills created in this

    environment result from off-axis rifting of the seafloor

    which creates fault bounded grabens, followed by

    volcanic flows originating at or near the axis that flow

    outward and partially cover the innermost fault scarp [8]

    (Fig. 9c). Since the rifts form the valleys between hills,

    one rifting episode creates half of two abyssal hills. The

    scarp that is covered by volcanic flows forms the

    outward facing side of one hill, while the scarp not

    covered by flows forms the inward facing side of

    another hill. Two rifting episodes result in one complete

    hill with a volcanically covered outward-facing hillside.

    These hills are usually more symmetric than slow or

    intermediate abyssal hills, and occasionally result in a

    steeper outward-facing side (Fig. 7), possibly dependant

    on the amount of volcanism. Regardless of which side is

    steeper, the inward-facing side generally remains the

    relatively smoother surface, as indicated by the smaller

    peak width (Fig. 8).

    4.3.2. New models for ultra-fast spreading ratesThe observations we must satisfy for abyssal hills

    formed at ultra-fast rates (N60 km/my half rate) are

    that the outward-facing hillsides are generally steeper

    and yet always rougher (larger peak width) than the

    inward facing hillsides. Ultra-fast spreading rates are

    accompanied by greater extensional stresses acting on

    the crust. This results in a magma supply that is closest

    to steady state and very high volume, with extensive off-

    axis volcanism occurring up to several kilometers from

    the spreading axis[21]. Hills created in this environment

    begin to form similarly to those of fast rates, by off-axisrifting and volcanic flows. More extensive volcanism

    107K.A. Kriner et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 242 (2006) 98110

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    and/or greater extensional faulting at ultra-fast ratesfurther modifies the abyssal hills, making them slightly

    larger than those of fast rates [2,18] and reversing the

    sense of asymmetry (Fig. 7). We now speculate on how

    this might happen.

    One obvious scenario to explain our results is that

    volcanism at ultra-fast spreading rates may include large

    sheet flows originating from the ridge axis and flowing

    outward into the off-axis rift scarps. These volcanic

    flows would cover the outward-facing rift scarps to a

    larger extent than at fast rates, making the outward

    facing hillsides more gently sloped than those of fastrate hills. However, this would only increase the

    asymmetry of ultra-fast hills over that of fast hills,without changing the sense or sign of the asymmetry.

    This is not supported by the peak height results,

    which suggest a reversal in the sense of asymmetry for

    most ultra-fast hills (negative peak height) (Fig. 7).

    Another potential scenario is that volcanism at ultra-

    fast spreading rates may also include off-axis volcanism,

    with off-axis faults acting as conduits to the shallow

    magma chamber[21,22]. The rift faults that create the

    inward-facing hillsides may extend deep enough to tap

    the shallow magma chamber, creating volcanic flows

    that partially cover the inward-facing hillsides. Thiswould decrease the steepness of the inward-facing

    Fig. 9. Four models of abyssal hill morphology and formation as a function of half spreading rate proposed by this study. The spreading center is to the

    right, and the direction of spreading is to the left in all cases. In the new model for ultra-fast rates, fewer and longer throw faults on the outward-facing

    hillsides relative to more and shorter throw faults on the inward-facing hillsides causes the observed reversal in the peak height parameter.

    108 K.A. Kriner et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 242 (2006) 98110

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    hillsides, possibly enough to cause the inward-facing

    sides to be more gently sloped than the outward-facing

    sides. This would reverse the sense of asymmetry

    observed at slower spreading rates. The peak height

    results support this model (negative values for ultra-fast

    rates) (Fig. 7). However, the volcanic flows would haveto be more extensive on the inward-facing side than

    those produced from the near-axis flows that cover the

    outward-facing side. This is contradicted by the peak

    width results that indicate that the inward-facing side is

    always the more planar side (Fig. 8).

    A primarily tectonic scenario assumes extensional

    stress at ultra-fast spreading rates is partially accommo-

    dated by inward-facing listric faults, which causes a

    back tilting of the abyssal hills, as they rotate outwards

    along these faults. The back tilting results in a steeper

    outward-facing hillside and a more gently slopedinward-facing hillside. This would cause a reversal in

    the asymmetry of the hills (steeper side outward) while

    maintaining the asymmetry in roughness (more planar,

    faulted side inwards). This model is supported by both

    the peak height results (Fig. 7) and the peak width

    results (Fig. 8); however, we question the likelihood of

    this model. Though inward-dipping listric faults have

    been proposed to occur near the ridge axis [23], we

    believe rotation is more likely to occur inwards along

    outward-dipping listric faults, which result from the

    collapse of the magma chamber at the ridge axis [24

    26]. Inward rotation would increase the asymmetry of

    the abyssal hills without reversing the sense of

    asymmetry, and therefore, not be supported by our


    Our preferred scenario assumes the extensional stress

    at ultra-fast spreading rates is partially accommodated

    by a large number of small-throw normal faults on the

    inward-facing hillsides, and a lesser number of larger

    throw faults on the outward-facing side (Fig. 9d). Due to

    the age-related thickening and shallow depth of the

    lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary layer, the brittle

    crust is thinner on the inward-facing side of the hills,making it easier to form many smaller faults. On the

    outward side, larger faults form through the thicker

    brittle layer, which can accommodate the same amount

    of strain over a fewer number of faults. The large

    amount of extensional stress created by such high

    spreading rates may not be fully accommodated by

    increased magma upwelling at the ridge axis, so greater

    amounts off-axis faulting are required to accommodate

    the increased extension. The additional extension at

    higher spreading rates is also consistent with elevated

    strain rates predicted by unbending

    of the lithospherewithin 15 km of the ridge axis [27]. The larger number

    of small faults on the inward side creates a longer

    running, more gently sloped surface than that created on

    the outward side by the fewer, larger throw faults. This

    would cause the inward-facing side to be the more

    gently sloped side, giving the hills a reversed sense of

    asymmetry. Since the outward-facing scarps wereinitially formed by flows emanating from the ridge

    axis, as observed at fast-spreading rates, the hills at

    ultra-fast rates should inherit roughly the same peak

    width values. The additional off-axis faulting would

    likely affect the slope distributions of the inward- and

    outward-facing hill sides the same. This model is

    supported by both the peak height results (Fig. 7)

    and the peak width results (Fig. 8).

    5. Conclusions

    Our results indicate the distribution of bathymetric

    slopes obtained with gridded multibeam bathymetry

    data can be used to identify paleo-spreading rates, to

    determine paleo-spreading directions, and to evaluate

    abyssal hill asymmetry. Paleo-spreading rates are

    determined with the peak height parameter, which

    compares the peak or maximum frequency of slope

    azimuth distributions for the outward-and inward-facing

    sides of abyssal hills. Our results indicate the peak

    height parameter has higher peaks for hillsides facing

    away from the ridge axis at slow spreading rates. This

    pattern reverses at ultra-fast spreading rates. When

    plotted as a function of increasing spreading rate, the

    peak height parameter exhibits a roughly lin ear

    decrease, which can be used to obtain an estimate of

    paleo-spreading rate. Paleo-spreading direction is iden-

    tified with the wider lobe of the slope azimuth rose

    diagram, either visually or by calculating the peak

    width. The spreading direction is the azimuth at the

    center of the wider lobe, assuming orthogonal spreading

    (Fig. 8). The variation of abyssal hill asymmetry with

    spreading rate is also evaluated using bathymetric slope

    distributions. For all spreading rates, the inward-facinghillsides are more uniform (narrower range of slope

    azimuths) and are consistent with a tectonic/faulted

    origin, while the outward-facing hillsides have a

    relatively wider slope azimuth that is consistent with a

    volcanic origin (Fig. 8).

    The results from this study support previous models

    for hill formation at slow, intermediate and fast

    spreading rates (Fig. 9 a, b, and c). Slow hills are

    formed as back-tilted fault blocks, intermediate hills

    form as split volcanoes, and fast hills form by a

    combination of rifting and volcanism. We discuss fourscenarios (below) for hill formation at ultra-fast rates.

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    The first three models are not supported by the results of

    our study.

    1) Large sheet flows originating at the spreading axis

    and covering the outward facing rift scarps would not

    result in a reversed sense of asymmetry (Fig. 7).2) Off-axis volcanism, resulting from inward-facing

    faults tapping a magma reservoir would cover the

    inward-facing scarps. This would create hills that are

    not asymmetrical in roughness (Fig. 8).

    3) Back tilting of the hills along listric faults would

    create hills that reverse the sense of cross-sectional

    asymmetry, though we do not believe this model to

    be likely.

    4) We prefer a model of greater off-axis extensional

    faulting resulting in a few large-throw faults on the

    outward-facing hillsides, and many smaller throwfaults on the inward-facing hillsides (Fig. 9d). This

    model is more likely to create hills that have a

    reversed sense of cross-sectional asymmetry and

    agree with peak width observations.


    This research was partially sponsored by the State of

    Rhode Island and NSF grants OCE-9818776 and OCE-

    9912236 to R. A. Pockalny and R.L. Larson. John Goff,

    Deborah Smith, and Rob van der Hilst provided

    comprehensive and useful reviews.


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