BASIC HUMAN VALUES: AN OVERVIEW Theory, Methods, and Applications


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Theory, Methods, and Applications

Introduction to the Values Theory

Values Are criteria people use to evaluate actions, people, and


Each of us holds numerous values with varying degrees of importance.

The Ten basic values Ten motivationally basic values are derived from three universal

requirements of the human conditions. Needs, social interaction, and survival.

Intended to include all the core values recognized in cultures around the world. Self direction Stimulation Hedonism Achievement Power Security Conformity Tradition Benevolence Universalism

The Structure of Value Relations

Applying the ten values to the case

“Gay men and lesbians should be free to live their own life as they wish”

- Conformity and Tradition values are negatively related to personal freedom of gay people.

- Hedonism and Universalism values are positively related to freedom for gays.

Sources of Value Priorities

People’s background:Age, Gender, Education

Life circumstances

Value Priorities

Pattern of Value Relations with Other

Variables Variables: gender, age, education, socialization, and

learning experiences• Value theory: a

coherent structure enables us to treat peoples’ value systems (the Ten Values)• values that are close in

the structure, should have similar association with others

• when association of values with other variables most positively, the opposite of the circle values would view the most negatively associated values

Age Influences Values

Age influences values: Cohorts (partners) Physical Aging Life Stage

Cohorts: effects on people's lives that arise from the characteristics of the historical periods during which they experienced in their stages of life such as childhood or middle age. (e.g., war, depression) i.e. elders give higher priority to materialist values materialist values than

younger due to economic and physical insecurity experience in adolescence.

While youngers give greater priority to self-direction, stimulation and less priority to security and tradition values

Age Influences Values

Physical Aging: strength, energy, cognitive speed, memory and sharpness of sense decline with age

when age arises….. Security values more important While, stimulationstimulation values less important because risks

are more threatening; and hedonismhedonism and achievement achievement are less important

Life Stage: opportunities, demands, and constraints in life stages cause age differences in values In early adulthood, work and family establishing is

primary concern In middle adulthood, stable work and family and

maintain social networks

Gender Influences Values

Psychoanalytic Theorists Women are more related and affiliated. Men are more autonomous and individuated.

Cultural Feminist theories Women show more concern for an ethic of care and responsibility. Men focus more on an ethic of rights based on justice and fairness.

Social Role Theorists Women assume more expressive, person-

oriented roles Men engage in and learn more instrumental,

task-oriented roles

Education Influences Values

Educational Experiences Increase the openness to non-

routine ideas and activity central to stimulation values and self-direction values.

Education correlates positively with achievement values The constant grading Comparing of performance in

schools The higher priority to

universalism values, the higher education we seek

Sources of Value Priorities

People’s background:Age, Gender, Education

Life circumstances

Value Priorities

The Schwartz Value Survey (SVS)

The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ)
