Banished you should play it


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Banished: You Should Play It

Banished is the city builder of the countryside — a

peaceful Stronghold, a rural Sim City, and honestly better than both.

Banished is another of those beautiful games that leaves so much for

the player to figure out on their own; some might call it an exercise

in frustration, but those who appreciate city-builders relish in the

immediate challenge. Not being presented with all the tools necessary

to make a bustling metropolis right away, you instead have to fail

continuously, having your beloved villagers starve and freeze to

death, or live off of a diet of only peaches and wheat or otherwise

just generally suffer because you, their omnipotent deity, are a

bumbling fool of a player who has no clue at all why so much food is

freezing in the fields. What do you mean gatherers are important?


how peaceful this looks

To start with, the tutorial for the game is truly excellent. Not only does the actual game contain so 

many minute details, requiring eventual knowledge to thrive, but the tutorial also works quite hard 

at obfuscating them from the player but still managing to make the player feel really comfortable 

with the game. Perhaps  it’s the gentle, graceful music that plays, perhaps  it’s the wild deer and 

birds  fluttering  through  the map, or maybe  it’s  the slow and meandering pace of  the villagers. 

Regardless, one feels utterly, completely at peace when playing Banished. However, the graceful 

pace of the villagers is soon lost once the player begins to become heavily invested in his village. 

The speed very shortly gets cranked up to x10 — one can see all of his beautiful designs of homes, 

farms, and cemeteries come to life before his very eyes and make the player feel like a true god. 

Seriously, one truly does feel  like a god when playing Banished. An  inept,  inefficient and overall 

foolish god, sure, but a benevolent deity no matter what. Seeing everything you’ve planned, seeing 

little Timmy  the  child become a  student,  then graduate  to a miner,  follow with  seeing him be 

crushed to death in your mines trying to gather stone for your newest housing project – all of this 

revealed to you in only text. It changes a person. I find it hard to believe that I could realistically 

feel bad for my villagers when they die gathering resources, or freeze to death because I haven’t 

provisioned them with enough firewood, but I truly, truly do.   

Seriously, just look at this game!

All of that feeling passes in an instant however, because I’m then

immediately more concerned with the loss of efficiency their death

has created. Now there is one less labourer with which to collect

resources so I can expand even further! Bloody ingrates. The game

still has a lot left to add; the developer is planning on continuous

updates for a good while, so there’s likely plenty other game

features still yet to be added to this already excellent

game. Banished is the perfect game for anyone who appreciates city-

building, who appreciates city planning, and most of all, appreciates

efficiency — it is the pursuit of efficiency in Banishedthat will eventually drive you insane. And then, only then, do you truly know

everything, and thus, can create the perfect village.

PC Game CD Keys:

EA Games CD Key 

RPG Games CD Key‐games/rpg‐game.html 

ACT Games CD Key‐games/act‐game.html 

FPS Games CD Key‐games/fps‐game.html 

Adventure Games CD Key‐games/avg‐game.html 

Racing Games CD Key‐games/rac‐game.html 

Sport Games CD Key‐games/spt‐game.html 

FTG Games CD Key‐games/ftg‐game.html 

RTS Games CD Key‐games/rts‐game.html 

SLG Games CD Key‐games/slg‐game.html 


