Bamboo Newsletter October 2011 Issue.pdf


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Bamboo Newsletter October 2011 

Bamboo makes a great windbreak. It will bend and sway in the hardest wind, giving up only the

youngest culms to the wind.

We have this special bamboo. Its called

Oxytenanthera abyssinica (lowlandbamboo) a clump forming, solid stemmedbamboo. The dense clump consists of 20–100 (exceptionally up to 200) stems(culms) between 10–15m tall and upto 10cm in diameter. 

Its unique mechanical qualities give it theability to bend to the ground under theweight of ice in winter, and with the firstrays of sunlight begin to return to its

upright position. The extremely large rootmass in a mature bamboo grove anchorsthe bamboo much better than trees areanchored. Bamboo windbreaks have beenreported to protect people and propertyin hurricane winds and tornados.

Although not related to wind, in Japanchildren are told to go to the bamboogrove in the event of an earthquake because the root mass stabilizes the earth without much danger of the culmsfalling and causing injury. The thicker (front to back) the grove, the better the reduction in wind force. Because of its unique qualities, bamboo will help reduce the force of wind and protect whatever is behind it.

Growth and development:

A single shoot, which may reach 1m in height, is produced in the first year from a rhizome.

From the third season onwards, several shoots are produced annually. Rhizomes penetrate 30cm in 3 years. Onone acre, you can plant up to 88 seedlings with a spacing of 5 m by 5 m square. It grows with a minimum annualrainfall of between 350 and 800 mm.

Stems reach 1.2cm in diameter and 1.8–3.0m in height within

a few years of germination, reaching full height and diameter

in 4–8 years.

New stems break through the soil surface in the rainy season.

Extensive growth slows down after 3–4 weeks, and ceases

after 2–4 months. New shoots appear at the peripheries of clumps. Clump longevity is estimated 40 years. The stems

mature in 3 years and may survive for 8 years, but they are

over-mature and unsuitable for harvesting from 6 years of 

age onwards.

Advantages of this bamboo: 

We have listed over fourteen uses for this bamboo which include but not limited to the following; charcoal

briquettes, building, manufacture of wooden products like tiles and, perquets, tooth picks, match-sticks, incense-

sticks, scaffolding sleepers, flower/horticultural stands, industrial wood for energy e.g. in tea factories, edible

shoots and voliage. Medicinal, water filtering.

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