BALRANALD SHIRE COUNCILBalranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016....


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Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 1 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Balranald Shire Council held in Council Chambers, Market Street, Balranald commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Barnes (Deputy Mayor), Cr

Purtill, Cr Mannix, Cr Cooke, Cr Jolliffe, Cr O’Halloran and Cr Campbell. General Manager - Aaron Drenovski, Director Corporate & Community Development – Elizabeth White and Director Infrastructure & Development – John Stevenson were also in attendance.




Calendar of Events April - May


19 Council Meeting @ 5pm

20 Councillor Budget Workshop @ 9am in Council Chambers

26 Community Safety Precinct Meeting @ 11am

28 Caravan Park Meeting @ 4pm


3 Euston Beautification & Tourism Management Committee Meeting @ 9am

3 Tourism Committee Meeting @ 5pm

4 Balranald Beautification Committee Meeting @ 7pm

6 Balranald/Wentworth Shire Council joint meeting @ Euston Club 9.30am

9 Councillor Budget Workshop @ 9am in Council Chambers

10 – 12 Managing Emergencies Training in Albury – General Manager

16 Cultural Committee Meeting @ 5pm

17 Council Meeting @ 5pm

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 2 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Recommendation: That: “The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 15th March 2016 copies having previously been circulated to each Councillor be taken as read and confirmed.” “The minutes of the Confidential Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 15th March 2016 copies having previously been circulated to each Councillor be taken as read and confirmed.”

04.16.3674 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Mannix and Jolliffe that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting and Confidential Meeting held on Tuesday 15th March be accepted.

PRESENTATION/DELEGATIONS June Spinks - Update on investigations into Fluoride & town water supplies Mr Alan Kane - Iluka

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 3 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.


04.16.3675 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Barnes and Mannix that the Mayoral Report be accepted. MAYORAL REPORT 20

th March drew the lucky entry prize for the fishing classic - fisherman from Mildura won this. Interesting

to note that not many carp were caught, a lot of small cod but no keepers.


April GM and I travelled to Griffith and met with Adrian Picolli, and Essential Energy’s Steven Ilitch,

Peter Elias and Karen Roscoe in relation to the power problems down at Kyalite/Tooleybuc



April Senior Citizens Lunch at Theatre Royal an excellent day.

My thanks to Aaron, Elizabeth, Carol, Cherie, Ray, Mark and Nikita for their help on the day.


April Cr O’Halloran and I attended the Traffic meeting, both of us had to leave early however we did

discuss the accident down at Euston and the ramifications of another accident.


April GM and I travelled to Wentworth for the Far West initiative meeting the delegates from the 8

councils had a dinner with Paul Toole, Sarah Mitchell and John Williams. This was more of a get

to know and chat about things in general.


April Far West Initiative Meeting where after an exhaustive 5 hrs we agreed in principal on a model.

At this point in time we are still waiting on the minutes from this meeting.


April GM & I met with Susan Ley at Wentworth and asked if there was any more funds available re

Hostel short answer No!


April Crs O’Halloran, Campbell GM and I met with Homes out West new Chief Executive Officer

Lyn Diskon and were told that they are only like an Estate agent in that they manage the houses

they DONOT build or apply for building applications.

On another matter my congratulations to the Police on both sides of the river - if you didn’t

know there was a lot of robberies down at Euston/Robinvale where properties were being robbed

almost nightly, over a period of time. But the culprits I believe have been caught.

I have a meeting with Euston police on Thursday re setting up a neighbour hood watch.

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 4 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.


04.16.3676 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Purtill and O’Halloran the committee reports be accepted and recommendations therein be adopted.

REPORT OF THE MEETING OF BALRANALD SHIRE COUNCIL RETIREMENT HOSTEL COMMITTEE HELD AT THE BIDGEE HAVEN HOSTEL ON MONDAY 4th APRIL 2016 COMMENCING AT 5.00 PM PRESENT: Cr Steve O’Halloran (Chair), Helen Edmonds, Cheryl McFarlane, Ariana Stefan (Hostel Co-ordinator), Cr Elaine Campbell, Cr Linda Cooke, Elizabeth White (Director of Corporate & Community Development) APOLOGIES: Simon Coelli

Accepted: Cr Cook Seconded: Cheryl McFarland


Accepted: Cheryl McFarland Seconded: Cr Campbell

DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT: Balranald Manor Units – A copy of the current draft flyer was presented to the committee. The committee agreed that the current flyer should be upgraded to a glossy brochure, with better photographs of the units, both inside and out. An advertising campaign was also discussed, including the use of bill boards and electronic mediums. It was suggested by the Committee that an amount of $10,000 be allocated in Council’s 2016/2017 budget for advertising of the units and Hostel accommodation. A question was raised as to the long-term viability of the units It was moved Clr Campbell, seconded Clr O’Halloran that the committee be provided with a report as to the viability of the units over 10 years in order for a Council decision to be made whether to retain the units or to sell them to private owners. Clr O’Halloran raised a question regarding Reserve funds. The Director advised there were no current funds in Reserve for the Units. A query was raised as to what arrangements were in place for any emergency after hour’s maintenance requirements. Director will investigate options.

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 5 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

A report was provided on Hostel Fees, as per the Committee’s request. The Hostel financial report as at 31st March 2016 was provided to the Committee for information. A question was raised about the cost of the consultancy fee paid to RSM for their report. A further question was raised regarding chemist costs and the Committee requested a break-down of these costs. There was a question regarding the new fire sprinkler system installed at the Hostel and the fact that advice had been received that this system would not be adequate for the facility when the expansion takes place. The Director advised that the existing sprinkler system was installed as per Legislative requirements. Agency nursing costs was discussed and a question was raised as to the current arrangements for on call allowance being paid to the Co-ordinator. The Committee was advised that on-call was included in her contract costs, although an alternative arrangement needs to be negotiated to cover periods of leave. A question was also raised regarding long term Workers Compensation payments. HOSTEL COORDINATOR REPORT: Coordinator’s report is attached. Coordinator, Ariana, is working her way through a lot of work to get things up to standard: Ariana’s report encompasses the following 4 standards 1. Management systems, staffing and organisational development 2. Health & Personal Care 3. Care Recipient Lifestyle. 4. Physical Environment & Safe Systems Councillor O’Halloran thanked Ariana for her report and stated she was doing a good job, Simon Coelli joined the meeting at 6.45p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS: New Business It was suggested that a flyer regarding the Hostel be circulated at other functions/ areas e.g. Hatfield happenings. It was moved by Ariana/ Seconded by Simon Coelli

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 6 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

That Condolences be sent to the Family of the Late Ivan Bish who up until recently was a resident of the Hostel. Clr. Cooke raised a question as to how many people were currently on the waiting list. Both the Co-Ordinator and the DCCD advised there was no current waiting list. A question was raised regarding the veranda (currently being used as a store-room) and whether it could be altered to provide a closed under- cover area for residents to sit. The committee was advised that this would require building works as the area is currently enclosed with meshing and is not waterproof. Clr. O’Halloran stated that 2 Shade-Sails were required in outdoor areas of the Hostel to provide shade for any residents who wished to utilise outdoor areas There being no further business meeting closed 7.20 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Monday 6th June at 5.00pm. Recommendation: That Council receive and note the minutes.

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 7 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

BIDGEE HAVEN RETIREMENT HOSTEL - Revenue & Expenditire & WIP to 31st MARCH 2016


INCOME Actuals Annual Budget Variance

Mar-16 2015/2016

Grants - 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

Permanent Care Subsidies 538,261.82 820,400.00 282,138.18

Training Subsidy - 7,000.00 7,000.00

Resident Care Fees 226,376.43 240,000.00 13,623.57

Interest on Entry Contributions - 11,000.00 11,000.00

Workers Compensaton Reimbursements 26,143.37 35,000.00 8,856.63

Hostel Carpets From Reserve 39,464.82 50,000.00 10,535.18

Loan Hostel Expansion - 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00

Loan Hostel Expansion - Loan Repayments - 82,000.00 82,000.00

TOTAL REVENUE 830,246.44 4,445,400.00 3,615,153.56


Salaries 701,177.14 850,000.00 148,822.86

Hostel Medical Expenses 1,361.65 3,000.00 1,638.35

Training 6,499.40 7,000.00 500.60

Advertising 1,894.69 500.00 - 1,394.69

Audit Fees 3,000.00 5,700.00 2,700.00

Consultancy RSM 12,631.82 - - 12,631.82

Electricity - Operational 17,553.23 30,000.00 12,446.77

Insurance 14,396.07 20,000.00 5,603.93

Printing & Stationery 2,799.76 3,000.00 200.24

Rates & Charges on Council Property 6,666.40 8,000.00 1,333.60

Subscriptions & Memberships 5,349.01 5,000.00 - 349.01

Telephones 1,594.35 2,000.00 405.65

Hostel R & M 28,018.34 30,000.00 1,981.66

Workers comp Paid to employees 33,549.43 35,000.00 1,450.57

General Expenses 2,008.13 3,000.00 991.87

Chemist Costs 10,111.79 11,000.00 888.21

Cleaning & Laundry 7,981.09 8,000.00 18.91

Hostel Admin Fees 41,250.00 55,000.00 13,750.00

Interest on Expansion Loan - 82,000.00 82,000.00

T.fer from Hostel Reserve 39,464.82 50,000.00 10,535.18

Depreciation 42,015.00 56,020.00 14,005.00

Food 25,898.19 50,000.00 24,101.81

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,005,220.31 1,314,220.00 308,999.69

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 8 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

Capital Works Actuals Annual Budget Variance

Hostel Expansion(Architects fees) 34,761.13 3,200,000.00 3,165,238.87

BBQ Shelter to be funded from reserve 9,983.00 9,983.00 -

Minor Plant & Equipment / New TV - 5,000.00 5,000.00

Curtains 1,481.82 1,481.82 -

Staff Room Furniture 790.00 1,500.00 710.00

Carpets 28,000.00 50,000.00 22,000.00

Defribulator - 2,700.00 2,700.00

Total Capital 75,015.95 3,270,664.82 3,195,648.87

Total Expenditure including Capital Works 1,080,236.26 4,584,884.82 3,504,648.56

RESULT Income Less Expenditure - 249,989.82 - 139,484.82 110,505.00

Plus/minus Depreciation 42,015.00 56,020.00 14,005.00

Total excluding Depreciation - 207,974.82 - 83,464.82 124,510.00

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 9 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

Hostel Committee Meeting _ 4th

April, 2016

Hostel Coordinator’s Report Standard Action Standard 1.

Management systems, staffing and

organisational development.

Residents and their families are all very happy with the Hostel care.

Roster – Staff hours have been substantially reduced to reflect the decreasing workload. On Tuesday 15.03.2016 a meeting was held

with staff where Elizabeth White (DCCD) spoke about the necessity to decrease hours. She gave staff a very clear appreciation of the

financial situation and although staff are not thrilled about working fewer hours, they are happy with the inclusive manner this was

achieved, and also that hours are being cut fairly. I would like to thank Elizabeth for her input and I commend all staff for their


Staff are happy with the new simplified timesheet.

I have been liaising with people about admissions – ACAT Dareton, Palliative Care at Dareton, Balranald Hospital (John Curran,

Nurse Manager), Chris Demania (ACAT), Swan Hill Health and Bendigo Health. Despite wide consultation we have had no new

admissions, apart from respite.

Staff development Programme (Staff Training and Education) for 2016 progressing well.

ACFI ongoing – accurate and up to date.

Ariana is writing an article for the Council Newsletter each month in order to promote the Hostel.

Fundraising activities are being planned in consultation with DCCD and community members who have previously been very

successful with raising money for the Hostel. Monies raised will be fully accounted for through Council.

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016.

This is Page 10 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th April 2016.

Standard 2.

Health and personal care.

Clinical Work Plan in progress. Assessments and Nursing Care Plans progressing well.

Policies and Procedures still being updated.

Audits now up to date and audit results are satisfactory.

I have organised more frequent visits from Allied Health in Robinvale to improve resident care eg. Physiotherapy (more frequent

reviews), Speech Pathology, Dietician and Palliative Care.

Dr. Zotov still only visits fortnightly. This is not ideal as we have many resident visits to the Medical Centre between doctors’ visits

to the Hostel. This takes staff off the floor which is now more difficult with less staff hours.

Staff spend a lot of time going back and forward to the Medical Centre with residents’ Medication Charts which often need adjusting.

Dr. Zotov has recently agreed that he will think about visiting more often.

Standard 3.

Care recipient lifestyle.

Resident (and relative) and Staff Meetings are held regularly on a monthly basis. The residents enjoy the opportunity for

communication and inclusion.

We are constantly working on improving social activities for residents. Each Resident meeting they are asked what they would like to

do and various outings are discussed and agreed upon.

The bus shelter has been adjusted and it is much more convenient to have the bus parked in the carpark at the back.

Menu changes have been a success with residents. They are all very happy with the meals. All staff spend time in the kitchen and

they do a great job.

Residents are being encouraged to help with the new vegetable garden.

Standard 4.

Physical environment and safe


Computerisation of systems being looked into.

Equipment being updated eg. Printers, faxes, etc.

Maintenance is up to date and the Hostel and surrounds are looking a lot better.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 11 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

HOSTEL FEES – Four main types of costs

1. A basic Daily Care Fee: This covers living costs, and is set at 85% of the

single aged care pension. Pension currently $794.80.

Therefore basic daily fee is calculated as follows:

$794.80 x 85% = $675.58 divided by 14 = $48.25 per day

For some residents this will be the only fee you are required to pay.

2. A Means Tested Care Fee: This is an additional contribution toward the cost

of care that some people may be asked to pay. The Department of Human

Services will work out if you are required to pay this fee based on an

assessment of your income and assets.

3. Accommodation fees: This is for your accommodation in the Hostel. Some

people will have their accommodation costs met in part or in full by the

Australian Government, whilst others will need to pay the accommodation

price agreed with the Aged care home. The Department of Human Services

will advise which applies to you based on an assessment of your income and


4. Fees for extra or additional optional services: This does not apply to

Bidgee Haven Hostel.

Clients cannot be asked to pay for their accommodation if they are receiving Respite Care. Is an income & Assets Test Required? ( Form available from Office or on-line) Everyone moving into an Aged care Home for the first time from July 2014 will need to have their Income & Assets assessed by the Department of Human Services or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs if they want to receive Government assistance with their care & accommodation costs. The Department of Human Services will conduct the Assets & Income assessment, and will advise you and the Aged Care Provider of the fees payable for your circumstances. What if I am a member of a couple? Each member of the couple will need to complete an assessment form if they are both thinking about taking up aged care. Otherwise only the person entering care needs to complete the form. If you are a member of a couple, the value of your income will be assessed as half the value of your combined assessed assets.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 12 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Will my former Home be counted as an Asset? Part of your former Home may be counted in your assets assessment; however there are some exceptions to this. It won’t be counted as an asset if:

Your partner or dependent child is living there

A carer eligible for an Australian Government income support payment has

been living there for at least two years or

A close relative who is eligible for an Australian Government income support

payment has been living there for at least 5 years.

The full value of the home will not be included in the assessment of your asset. Instead, a capped amount of $159,423.20 (as at 20th March 2016) will be included in the net market value of your house, if lower. Where the home is included as an Asset, and the person is a member of a couple, 50% of the net market value of the home will be attributable to each member of the couple, and each member’s proportion will be subject to the full value of the cap that applies at that time. It will be the lower amount of either the cap or the net value of each member’s part of the home that will be included as an asset.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 13 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

MINUTES OF THE BALRANALD SHIRE EUSTON BEAUTIFICATION & TOURISM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT EUSTON COURTHOUSE ON TUESDAY 5TH APRIL 2016 COMMENCING AT 9:00AM PRESENT: Mayor Leigh Byron, Cr Ken Barnes (Chair), Mrs Bev Harbinson, Mrs Edna Price, Mr Barry Watts, Mr Ian Bolt and Nikkita Manning-Rayner. APOLOGIES: Mrs Vicki Barnes and John Stevenson. The Committee welcomed their newest member Mr Ian Bolt. Business arising from the minutes: 1. “The Committee requests that the required number of people for a

quorum be decreased by one (1) following the departure of one of the

regular Committee members.

Moved – B Watts Seconded – B Harbinson”

Resolved via acceptance of the Committee minutes is total at Council’s

March 2016 meeting.

2. Memorial Park

The Committee enquired as to the progress of the new plaques and

reiterated the need to have them in place prior to ANZAC Day.

3. Medley Park

One of the Mallee Fowl sculptures was knocked off its stand on a Friday

night and has been welded back on. The Committee discussed the

possibility of having signage put in place stating that the sculptures are

not to be sat on. DID to investigate.

4. Berrett Park

N Manning-Rayner advised that a Crown Lands Grant is being lodged for

improvements to the park.

5. Cemetery

The Committee discussed various Cemetery improvement works;

Red Gum Historic Grave Marker – B Watts volunteered to install the

marker if B Harbinson could show him the location.

Cemetery Access Rd off Cowper St – L Byron advised that funds have

been allocated to seal part of the road.

B Harbinson advised that a complaint had been received regarding the

rock monument in the middle of the roundabout. The Committee

suggested that a set of stepping stones be placed in the garden to allow

people to walk up closer to the plaque. DID to action.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 14 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Ashes internment – The Committee discussed the need to have a firm

location set out in a policy / guidelines. Staff to form guidelines and

recommend fees.

6. Euston Courthouse

General discussion regarding commencement on Court House

refurbishment. Contractor engaged. DID to liaise with a program.

7. General discussion took place on the Euston Club initiative to establish

avenues of trees on the two highway approaches to town. Concerns have

been raised from groups in the area regarding the trees possibly

attracting birds. DID to report to next meeting.

8. The Committee noted that works had commenced at the River Front

Reserve, utilising the club community grant.

9. The Committee noted that the pavement at the end of Shailer Terrace

has yet to be repaired. DID to follow up.

10. Benanee Settlement History Project – Excursion to the proposed sites to

be undertaken next month. Next meeting to run later to accommodate the


11. Main town entrance signs – Signs are fading and need to be replaced.

DID to action.

New Business: 1. B Harbinson advised that the peppercorn tree branches hanging over the

footpath out the front of the Euston Courthouse need to be trimmed. DID

to action.

2. Lake Benanee Donations Box – B Harbinson opened the cash tin and

counted the funds. The initial donation amount was $135.80. The

Committee reinforced that this income is to be specifically identified for

future Benanee camp ground improvements.

There being no further discussion the meeting closed at 10:00am. Next Meeting to commence at 9am on Tuesday 3rd May 2016 at the Euston Courthouse, followed by a drive to the likely interest points of the Benanee Settlement and railway history.

Recommendation that the report be accepted and noted.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 15 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.


PRESENT: Mayor Leigh Byron, Cr Steve O’Halloran, Police Officer Ray Wilson, Fazul Hoque (RMS), Margie Vanzanten (Local Members representative) DID John Stevenson and Nikkita Manning-Rayner. APOLOGIES: Nil 1. Items 6 & 8 of the agenda raised initially to allow the Mayor and Cr O’Halloran to

leave the meeting by 3pm. General discussion on the recent Murray Valley intersection incident, and redirection of traffic via Brett Road and Leslie Drive. (a) The DID contact the RMS with the committees concern that a completion of

pavement marking at the intersection be undertaken as a priority. Resolved by consensus

(b) A meeting be called for RMS/Council to explain to residents, the additional measures include dust suppression and speed monitoring will be incorporated in any future use of the diversion route.

Resolved by consensus 2. Cr O’Halloran raised the issue of a lack of roadside rest area toilet in the Prungle

rest area. Also need for other rest area toilets on Sturt Hwy to be better maintained. - RMS will follow up.

3. General discussion on the deficiencies at the McCabe/Market intersection. It was

considered that signage was sufficient. Constable Ray Wilson suggested “rumble strips” on the approach lanes as the most positive and cost effective improvement to avoid “drive through”.

Resolved by Consensus 4. DID explained the need to gazette Morris Road, Euston for B-Double access @

GML load capacity to formalise the present usage to grape warehouses. Carried by Consensus

5. General Discussion on the need to pursue the RMS for a commitment to upgrade Morris Rd intersection with the Sturt Hwy – to a 90o intersection. RMS indicated that planning has been undertaken despite no work commitment. DID to follow up with RMS.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 16 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

The Mayor L. Byron left the meeting at 2.55pm 6. Discussion of truck usage patterns in Brett Road Euston to access one

warehouse (and a 2nd planned warehouse nearby).

Road is narrow and not equipped to permit B-Double access. Constable Ray Wilson suggested a public meeting, inviting Brett Road residents’ to comment on a gazettal proposal to permit single trailer, (HR) trucks to enter Brett Rd. The road should not be used by B-Double transport.

Agreed to consensus

7. The DID provided information on an offer of Euston club to provide funding towards the establishment of an avenue of advanced trees on both approaches to Euston.

A further study on the extremities of the plantings is to be provided.

The RMS have no objection, providing the trees are beyond the clear zone.

Police request that no trees be established within 50m of the roundabout.

A further report will be provided on the project in the near future.

It was moved that an avenue of trees be established subject to the constraints provided by grape block owners and the community.

Agreed by Consensus 8. Discussion on Mayall Street parking, 45o in lieu of parallel parking between

Market Street and Court Street. DID provided information on a request from adjacent business houses, for the additional car spaces. A plan was tabled indicating approximately 75% more vehicles could be provided for in the area. Constable Ray Wilson requested that 45o parking be restricted at the hotel frontages and supermarket entrance to avoid congestion or pedestrian risk. DID to undertake public consultation on the parking change and undertake a trial period prior to formalising.

Agreed by Consensus

9. DID advised that consent for the ANZAC procession has been lodged, approvals pending. Standard traffic control measures will be implemented by Council as per previous years.

10. DID advised the committee of several requests from NHVR for higher mass

limits loads, particularly on Ivanhoe Road and Yanga Way. A standard refusal has been provided on the grounds that it may adversely impact on road pavements. Action supported by the Committee.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 17 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

11. Nixon St Parking Bay adjacent to Euston Club Carpark.

The Committee were informed of continuing damage to this pavement and the adjacent road surface from regular turning of vehicles who attempt to return to the roundabout after mistaking the route to Mildura. Euston Club have generously offered to fund the installation of a number of 30° parking bay separation islands which will allow safe parking whilst restricting a U-Turn and encourage traffic to return to Cary St via Selwyn or Cowper St. Council will undertake these private works for the Club. Action supported by the Committee.

No further General business. Next Meeting – At a date to be advised, pending on an Agenda CLOSED – The meeting closed at 3.45pm.

Recommendation That the report be accepted and recommendation therein be adopted.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 18 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

REPORT OF THE BALRANALD SHIRE COUNCIL TOURISM COMMITTEE TOUR OF THE Ben Scott Memorial Bird Trail ON TUESDAY 5th April 2016 COMMENCING AT 4.00PM Committee Members were picked up (Courtesy of Outback Geo Adventures) outside Council Office at 4.00pm as advised and were driven to the Ben Scott Memorial Bird Trail. 1. PRESENT:

Cr Ken Barnes (Chairman), Wayne Whitby, Ken Spinks, Ian Field, Di Williams, Sue O’Halloran, Martin Kendall, Ema Serevi, Dylan Walsh

2. APOLOGIES: Cr Leigh Byron (Mayor), Elizabeth White (Director Corporate & Community Development), Connie Mallet (Tourism Coordinator), Cr Steve O’Halloran, John Stevenson, Simone Carmichael, Dinitee Haskard, Bronwyn Brougham, Linda Nelson, Jo Gorman, Peter Lawler, Jo Pedler, German Ugarte, Myrtle Matarazzo


To assess the state of the Ben Scott Memorial Bird Trail in relation to tourism – its appeal and what is required to make it a viable tourism asset and attraction. If time permitted, they would also travel to and assess the proposed River/Bird Walk proposed by Ken Spinks.

4. ASSESSEMENT OF THE BEN SCOTT MEMORIAL BIRD TRAIL The Committee identified a number of items to bring the Bird Trail into a reasonable state: 1. Water as a Priority: A permanent supply is absolutely necessary (no water

no birds). Discussion should be opened with environmental water managers. Committee member Dianne Williams has good contacts and will explore this avenue further. It is believed that her contact will be in Balranald in about 2 weeks. A time for a meeting is to be arranged

2. Other Identified Issues/Challenges/Suggestions include: Walking path may have to be raised in some areas to provide access

when water is permanent.

Access by trail bike and 4-wheel bush vehicles should be restricted, e.g.,

boundary barrier logs. The walking track had obviously been used by both

types of vehicles that had caused considerable damage. It was

suggested that the walking tracks could have formations, such as large

rocks, that ‘meandered’ enabling comfortable walking but difficult for

motorized traffic.

Seats and table along the track essential

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 19 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Vandalism was a recognized problem that should be actively addressed

once the walk became more established.

The area could be made more presentable with entry signage and

signage along the track.

The group also saw the potential of identifying local birds, plants trees


3. Conclusion Generally the group felt that if permanent water was in place the rest would follow.

5. ASESSMENT OF THE RIVER WALK AS PROPOSED BY MR KEN SPINKS The group travelled from Island Road end and walked to the river bend and back into town via the hospital (Court Street) The proposed walk was from the town area to island Road, back along the levee bank to the river bend and back into town past Moore’s Bus and Hospital. The Committee’s initial assessment was as follows: a. It had merit as a ‘hands on’ to-do exercise

b. Signage as originally proposed was sufficient to identify this

c. The river bend was badly in need of a clean-up and this would have to be constantly monitored

d. There would times in high rivers or environmental flows when it would be inaccessible

e. The river bend did not have a ‘name’ investigation should be done to find out if it had a local name or one that is relevant. Printed information would have much more impact if this could be identified as (for example) “Big Bad Bills’ Walk” along with the appropriate MAP

f. There is a small cross located there with the name “Maxi”. To investigate further as to its meaning.

6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 3rd May, 2016 Recommendation that the report be accepted and noted.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 20 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.


PRESENT: Cr Elaine Campbell, Jill Bath, Vicki Burke, Mary Grisdale, Greg Camin and DID John Stevenson. APOLOGIES: Cr Steven O’Halloran, Karen Norfolk, Gaye Renfrey and Marg Vanzanten. The Committee met at the Discovery Centre grounds and undertook a general inspection of the landscaping with a view to positively assisting Council staff to overcome the deficiencies with watering and planting during the cooler months. It was noted;

Existing soaker hose and sprinkler system installation is not operative in many locations – needs replacement

Many areas require replanting

Large native tree fronting carpark on pathway between playground and toilets has sterilised its footprint. DID to action.

Most beds have weeds emerging. DID to action.

Garden beds on River St corner frontage require trimming. DID to action. DID explained to the Committee that the current parks & reserves budget is depleted however essential maintenance will be undertaken. Irrigation system replacement and other improvements will be addressed as a budget consideration. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:00pm.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2016 - meet at Council Chambers at 7pm.

Recommendation that the report be accepted and noted.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 21 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.


Cr Trevor Jolliffe - The Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC visit. Cr Steve O’Halloran - The Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC – suggested we follow up

with a letter requesting Dialysis. - Central Murray Regional Transport Forum with John - Clay Target Shoot at Homebush, Fishing Classic and

MotoX event. Cr Ken Barnes - Community meeting – Hostel extension. - Amalgamations.


Cr Ken Barnes

1. That Council introduce “questions on notice” into the Council meeting agenda.

04.16.3677 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Barnes and Campbell that council

introduce “questions on notice” into the Council Meeting agenda.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 22 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.


Staff Reports)

Corporate and Community Development Division

ITEM C - 1 STATEMENT OF FUNDS File number: 085 Reporting Officer: Elizabeth White Director of Corporate and Community Development Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – a community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance Officer Recommendation:

1. That Council receive and note the report

04.16.3678 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Purtill and Campbell that the report be

noted. Purpose of Report Funds Report for the Month Ending 31st March 16.

Investment Held: Bankwest 1,000,000

Bendigo 1,000,000

NAB 1,000,000

Westpac 1,500,000


FUNDS HELD Investment Bank Combined Restricted Balance General 2,900,000 53,027 2,953,027 2,049,000 904,027 DWM - 128,436 128,436 60,000 68,436 Water 100,000 371,264 471,264 428,000 43,264 Sewer 1,500,000 298,491 1,798,491 1,777,000 21,491

Total 4,500,000 851,218 5,351,218 4,314,000 1,037,218

Report All investments shown have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, the regulations and council’s investment policy.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 23 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Bank Reconciliation Balance B/F From Previous Month


ADD Receipts for Month: Caravan Park 42,549

Certificates 4,453 Debtors 16,405 Grants 1,893 Hostel Fees 8,385 Hostel Subsidy 49,453

Interest Received

4,790 Investments – Called back 500,000

Rates & Water 189,157 Rent 1,595 Discovery Centre 9,362 Tip Tokens 450

Truck Wash 259

Sundry 2,885


LESS Payments for the Month:

Administration 22,176 Caravan Park 55,220 Communication 4,787 Councillor Fees 9,798 Discovery Centre 19,473 Fuel 27,805

GST/PAYG 19,947 Hostel 12,465 Lease 23,565 Licence 8,091

Loan Repayment 46,922

Mech. Repairs 10,768 Parks, Gardens, Cemetery 18,188 Payroll 395,719 Postage, Printing & Stationery 6,167 Power 15,980

Repairs & Maintenance 6,992 Roads 163,204 Sewer 19,185

Street Lighting 3,329 Street Sweeping 4,250

Training/Conferences 6,371

Vehicles 28,506 Waste 1,800

Water 55,379


Cash Book Balance as at End of Month


Less Outstanding Deposits as at end of Month


Plus Unpresented Cheques as at end of Month


Bank Balance as at End of Month


Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 24 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

ITEM C – 2 TOURISM REPORT – March 2016 File number: 771B Reporting Officer: Director of Corporate & Community Development Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 3: Our Economy – 3.2.1 Tourism Officer Recommendation:

2. That Council accept the March Tourism report for information.

04.16.3679 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Mannix and Barnes that the report be

noted. Purpose of Report

To provide Council with a progress report on Tourism activities.

Report Attached to this report is the Tourism Monthly Reporting Dashboard for the month of March 2016. The following is a summary of the Statistics provided in this report;

March has been a record month on a number of levels and a busy month of marketing & promotional activities around the “Easter in Balranald” events & the Murrumbidgee Classic. Walk-In increased by 49% compared to March 2015 and an increase of 92% compared to last month. The income increased by 144% compared to March 2015 and up by 286% compared to last month. The largest percentage of visitors in March came from intrastate visitors at 48% and interstate at 41% in the following order VIC, QLD, SA, WA & TAS. International visitors was at 5%, coming from the Germany, UK, France, USA and Italy. Coaches/Groups were at 6%.

Most popular merchandise: - Bes Murray & Bodinnar’s books, Magnets, Robinvale Estates Products, Construction Postcards & Frog Figurines

Traffic on Social Media posts was at an all-time high. The Council Facebook page is now at 1,813 LIKES and the Balranald Discovery Centre Facebook page is now at 2,333 LIKES over the month of March. The Council page had a large total reach of 70,505 from 13 promotional posts and the Discovery page also recorded a large reach of 55,431 from 8 promotional posts. Note all promotional posts are targeted which make the results an outstanding one.

The “Easter In Balranald events were very well attended and reviewed by visitors with the Info Centre reporting many visitors staying the extra night to attend the activities.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 25 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Financial Implication Nil

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Tourism Monthly Reporting Dashboard

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 26 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 27 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Infrastructure and Development Reports

Item I - 1 CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATES File number: 600 Reporting Officer: Director Infrastructure and Development – John Stevenson

Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 6 Officer Recommendation: That the report be noted.

04.16.3680 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Purtill and Barnes that the report be noted.

Purpose of Report To advise Council of Certificates issued under delegated authority. Report The following Construction Certificates, Complying Development Certificates, Section 68 Certificates and / or Notices of Determinations have been issued since the March 2016 meeting of Council.

Application Owner/Applicant Locality Description

DA 50/2016 B. Doyle 36 Mayall St, Balranald


DA 57/2016 N. Eskarous 107 Market St, Balranald


of Awning

DA 53/2016 D. Arentz 144 Ballandella St, Balranald



Container and


Dwelling Unit

DA 54/2016 B. Torney 205 Dowling St, Balranald



Financial Implication Nil.

Legislative Implication The approvals process.

Policy Implication Nil.

Attachments Nil.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 28 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Item I - 2 MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM File number: 726 Reporting Officer: Director of Infrastructure – John Stevenson

Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 5 – Our Infrastructure Officer Recommendation: That the report be noted and accepted.

04.16.3681 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Jolliffe and Mannix that the

report be noted.

Purpose of Report To provide Council with a progress report on works, since the March meeting. Report 1. Road Maintenance Maintenance works have commenced on grids and grid approaches on Mildura Ivanhoe Rd. At the time of writing works are progressing on Clare Oxley Rd to be followed by Clare Freshwater Rd and Tarwong Freshwater Rd.

2. Roads to Recovery Program Gravel re-sheeting of 3km section of Prungle Mail Rd has been completed at this time.

Reconstruction of 1.2km section Weimby-Kyalite Rd from the end of existing bitumen is nearing completion and is planned to be primer sealed in the week commencing 18th April.

3. Main Road 514 Repair Program 3km section on the eastern end of bitumen has been reconstructed and primer sealed in the past month.

4. Miscellaneous Works a) Minor paving works completed in Mayall St and within the Caravan Park b) Cenotaph Park rose garden border completed c) Powder Activated Carbon water treatment processing installed to combat

blue green algae alert – Balranald Water Treatment Plant d) Resealing program – at the time of writing Euston town streets works are

underway, to be followed by Balranald town streets between 15 and 17 April. Rural and main road reseals will follow in conjunction with primer seal Weimby-Kyalite Rd.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 29 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

MR514 - Repair Program

Financial Implication As per budgeted works program.

Legislative Implication Nil.

Policy Implication Rural Roads Policy.

Attachments Nil.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 30 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Cenotaph Park Rose Garden Border

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 31 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

General Manager’s Reports Item G – 1 CHANGE OF DATE FOR JUNE COUNCIL MEETING File Number: 028 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – A community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance. Officer Recommendation: That the Standing Orders be changed to allow the June Council meeting to be held on Thursday 23 June 2015.

04.16.3682 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr O’Halloran and Jolliffe the standing

orders be changed to allow the June Council meeting to be held on Thursday 23rd June 2015.

Purpose of report To request a change of date for the June Council Meeting. Report It is proposed to change the date of the June Council meeting from Tuesday 21st June 2016 to Thursday 23rd June 2016 to allow the Mayor, Councillor O’Halloran and the General Manager to attend the National General Assembly in Canberra from 19th to 22nd June 2016.

Financial Implication Nil

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Nil

04.16.3683 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr O’Halloran and Campbell that the meeting

adjourn at 6.40pm for 30 minutes for dinner.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 32 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Item G - 2 MOBILE BLACK SPOT PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION File Number: Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Two: Our Place – A liveable and thriving community that maintains lifestyle opportunities and addresses its disadvantages Officer Recommendation: That Council reserve $10,000 from the allocated $20,000 in the 2015/16 budget towards the provision of a mobile phone tower in the Clare Region.

04.16.3684 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Mannix and Jollife that the

recommendation be adopted.

A MOTION was made by Cr Campbell and SECONDED by Cr O’Halloran that Council reserve the allocated $20,000 from 2015/2016 budget for a mobile phone tower in the Clare region.

CARRIED 04.16.3685 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Campbell and O’Halloran that Council

reserve the allocated $20,000 from 2015/2016 budget for a mobile phone tower in the Clare region. Purpose of Report To formalise Council’s commitment to provide co-contribution funding towards the provision of a mobile phone tower in the vicinity of the Clare Public School. Report At the April 2015 Council meeting Council considered a report to support an application for a mobile phone tower to be provided in the Clare Region under round 1 of the Mobile Black Spot Programme. Council resolved: “That Council write to the Department of Communications advising them of Council’s in-principle in-kind co-contribution of $20,000 towards the access track for a mobile phone tower in proximity to the Clare Public School.” Council provided $20,000 in the 2015/16 budget towards the round 1 application; however the application was not successful. Telstra intend to submit an application for funding for the proposed Clare mobile phone tower under Round 2 of the Mobile Black Spot Program. The Clare Public School P & C Association have written to Council (as attached) seeking support from Council to contribute $10,000 towards the project. If Council contributes funds towards this application a memorandum of understanding is to be entered into with Telstra committing to the funds – should the application be successful. It is suggested that Council reserve $10,000 of the $20,000 in the current budget towards a mobile phone tower in the Clare Region.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 33 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Financial Implication Currently there is $20,000 committed in 2015/16 budget for the round 1 application

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Letter from Clare Public School P and C Association

7th April 2016

Aaron Drenovski General Manager

Balranald Shire Council

70 Market Street BALRANALD NSW 2715

Dear Aaron,

RE: Mobile Blackspot Programme – request for third party co-contribution

We would be pleased if you could tender this letter at the April Council meeting.

Applications for Round 2 of the Mobile Blackspot Programme will be considered by the Federal Government

in June 2016. The Department of Communications will ensure that at least $10 million of funding is set

aside for Proposed Base Stations which are located in Remote or Very Remote areas.

1. Clare is classified as a very remote area.

2. The proposed site at Clare remains on Federal MP Sussan Ley’s Priority List.

3. Telstra have indicated a keen interest in applying for this area in round 2.

4. The Clare Community has committed to a third party co-contribution of $10,000, with a

commitment from the Clare Public School P&C to coordinate the raising of these funds locally.

5. Every $10,000 contributed by a third party gives an extra point being added to the point selection


Mobile phone infrastructure in this very remote location of the Shire would have some very positive benefits

to safety, business efficiency and education. The ability of the Council to continue to conduct its core

business and duty of care obligations in this area of the Shire will be greatly enhanced, with road crews having

greater access to communications in order to do their jobs more efficiently and cost effectively.

Many farmers utilise technology that sends data back to their smart phone or computer relating to stock health

and watering points on their farms – this would be of huge benefit to productivity for our local farmers to tap

into this technology that their counterparts in mobile areas currently have access to.

Stock agents, wool buyers, contractors, fuel suppliers and transport companies (just to name a few) will have

the ability to continue their daily business activities when travelling around the Clare area, increasing

productivity and building capacity in the wider community.

With Clare Public School being an important facility of concern, mobile phone service availability to school

staff, parents and students is not a convenience but an essential safety issue. This topic was covered at the

recent ICPA-NSW conference.

Given the positive outcomes listed above, the ratepayers in and around the Clare/Hatfield Community

respectfully request that Balranald Shire Council consider setting aside $10,000 ($5000 in the 2017

budget and $5000 in the 2018 budget) effectively boosting the Clare community commitment of $10,000,

making a combined co contribution of $20,000.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 34 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

If Telstra’s bid for Clare is successful, the build date will likely go ahead sometime in 2018, so it really is a

small dent in the budget weighed against the significant benefits to improving the community, education and

business efficiency. This infrastructure will literally be life changing for the ratepayers of the Clare and

Hatfield area and we sincerely ask Council to consider partnering with us in a $10,000 cash contribution that

will bring our tally to $20,000.

Yours sincerely,

Delee Fitzgerald (President) Sylvia Comitti (Vice President) Claire Butler (Secretary/Treasurer) Rachael

Fitzgerald (Publicity)

Attached: Telstra MOU Agreement

Jock and Kerry Harris – Manfred

Zack and Kathleen Harris – Harts Horns

Sarah and Rhys Harris – Mulurulu

Ewan and Barb Waugh – Clare

Gillbee Family – Binda

Syvia and Max Comitti – The Ridge

Ros and Garry Griffiths – Baymore

Marc and Joanne Griffiths – Orange Grove

Jim and Joy Harris – Round Plain

Claire and Shane Butler – The Vale

Stuart and Anja Croft – The Lake

Delee and Jamie Fitzgerald – Clarebank

Joel and Rachel Fitzgerald – Carinya

Lorraine and Greg Ayson – Bidura

Sandy and Philip Pippin – Wintong

Rex Scott

Geoff and Kaylene - Claremont

Kara and Dwaine Scott – Killarney

Russell and Suzanne Nield – Benilkie

Marie, Ray and Nigel Scott – Belgium Park

Rachel and Tim Brindley – Magenta

Bill and Pip Ryan – Curragh

Fleur and Greg Turner – Stanbridge

Rachael Williams and Paul Alderuccio – Murrundi

Helen Armstrong

Gilbert Williams – Mail Contractor

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 35 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

ITEM G – 3 BIDGEE HAVEN HOSTEL EXTENSION PROJECT File number: 373 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Three: Our Economy – a community that ensures a strong and resilient economy

Officer Recommendation: For Council consideration and decision.

A MOTION was made by Cr Cooke and SECONDED Cr Jolliffe that Council not proceed with the Hostel expansion at this stage and wish to withdraw from the funding agreement. In accordance with Section 375A of the Local Government Act 1993, Cr Purtill called for a Division. Crs Cooke, Jolliffe, O’Halloran and the Mayor Cr Byron VOTED IN FAVOUR OF THE MOTION. Crs Purtill, Mannix, Barnes and Campbell VOTED AGAINST THE MOTION. Mayor Cr Byron used his casting vote.

04.16.3686 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Cooke and Jolliffe that Council not proceed with the Hostel expansion at this stage and wish to withdraw from the funding agreement. Purpose of Report To provide Council with an update on the Bidgee Haven Hostel Extension Project community consultation meeting and seek direction on the Project. Report Council last considered this project at the February Council meeting where Council resolved: 1. “A public consultation meeting be held to inform the public of all the facts

including financials pertaining to the future viability and outcomes for the project to be held prior to the concept design being put on public display.

2. The report from RSM that was presented to the December Council meeting be made available to the public minus the confidential sections.”

The Community Consultation meeting was held on Wednesday 16 March at the Theatre Royal. All households within the shire where sent a flyer detailing the meeting, posters were installed on the 3 notice boards, in a number of businesses and on the Council website. In the order of 30 people were present at the meeting (which included a number of councillors and staff members).

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 36 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Bruce Bailey from RSM Australia provided a presentation at the meeting (which has been uploaded onto Council’s website for viewing) with the presentation focusing on: Background to Residential Aged Care, LGA providers in context, About Balranald Shire, About the Facility, Expansion Option, Others Solutions and Key Findings. The Key findings reported to the meeting are: 1. Bidgee remains viable through explicit and implicit subsidies from council 2. Report operating arm’s length results 3. Not appropriate to expand at this time 4. Consider alternative options Numerous questions were asked of the presenter and those in attendance were provided the opportunity to complete a questionnaire and provide comments. In total 17 questionnaires were returned. The question asked was: “Do you wish Council to proceed with this expansion?” of the 17 respondents, 10 replied “yes” and 7 replied “no”. Councillors have been provided a copy of completed questionnaires under separate cover. Council’s current position on the Hostel extension project was resolved at the February 2015 Council meeting and is as follows:

“That Council resolve to accept the grant for the Hostel Extension and borrow up to $1.2M for the construction and $460K to fund the operational shortfall in the first 3 years.”

The facts are:

Council does not have a waiting list for people wishing to enter the Hostel

The average occupancy rate at the Hostel for the past 2 ½ years is around 80%

Council currently subsidises the Hostel by $100,000 to $200,000 per year (equivalent to 7 to 15% of rate income)

Annual loan repayments on the Capital extension component will be an additional $91,914.21 (subject to interest rate) per annum

T-Corp have advised Council that they should not borrow anymore funds

RSM have advised Council and the Community that the extension will provide additional financial burden on the Council

Other Councils have previously relinquished Aged Care facilities with 2 Far West Councils (Broken Hill & Cobar) as an example – due to the losses they were incurring.

The Mayor and General Manager spoke to both Susan Ley (Minister for Health) and Sarah Mitchell (Parliamentary Secretary for Regional & Rural Health and Western NSW) separately on Wednesday 6 April concerning the matter. Both the Federal Government and State Government do not have additional funds available to further assist with the extension or to assist the operations.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 37 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

As per the advice from Bruce Bailey from RSM – It is not appropriate to expand at this time. It is suggested that Council write to the Department of Health advising that Council will not be proceeding with the Hostel expansion at this stage and wish to withdraw from the funding agreement. Furthermore, Council has incurred a cost of $35,100 towards the development of the concept designs which can be used at a future time and Council will respectfully request that the Department of Health assist with funding 50% of these costs.

Financial Implication If Council proceeds with the extension a loan borrowing of $1.2M is required and increased subsidisation by Council.

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Copy of presentation provided by RSM

Balranald Shire Council

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Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 39 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 40 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 41 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 42 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 43 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 44 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 45 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

inItem G – 4 BALRANALD CWA BRANCH File Number: Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Two: Our Place – A liveable and thriving community that maintains lifestyle opportunities and addresses its disadvantages Officer Recommendation: That Council: 1 Write to the Balranald CWA Branch noting that they will close at the end of May and thank them for their contribution to the community. 2. Advise the Balranald CWA Branch that the Honour Board will be relocated to the Theatre Royal hallway.

04.16.3687 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Jolliffe and Campbell that the

recommendation be adopted. An AMENDMENT was made by Cr O’Halloran and SEDONDED by Cr Campbell that Council write to Balranald CWA Branch noting that they will go into recess at the end of May and thank them for their contribution to the community. The Amendment became the motion and was CARRIED.

04.16.3688 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr O’Halloran and Campbell that Council write to Balranald CWA Branch noting that they will go into recess at the end of May and thank them for their contribution to the community.

Purpose of Report To advise Council that the Balranald CWA Branch will close by the end of May 2016. Report Balranald CWA Branch members had a meeting with the General Manager on Thursday 7 April to discuss the future of the Balranald CWA Branch (as per the attached letter). Those present indicated that their membership has fallen to a critically low number and will be closing the Balranald CWA Branch by the end of May 2016. The CWA have a number of tables and chairs in the building and have asked Council if they would be interested in retaining the furniture. The General Manager will negotiate with the CWA to retain sufficient furniture in the building so that for the interim it can be used as a meeting room.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 46 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

The CWA have a large honour board approximately 4m x 2m located within the CWA building as shown in the following photo. The honour board could be relocated to the entry hall in the Theatre Royal so that it can be viewed by the public in years to come. At some stage Council will need to determine what they intend to do with the CWA building (realising that it is attached to the Library and is located on crown land).

Financial Implication $70 annual lease fee and CWA pay for the power use

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Letter from Balranald CWA Branch President

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 47 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 48 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Item G – 5 SUMMARY OF MEETINGS File number: 25 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – a community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance Officer Recommendation: That Council receive & note the report

04.16.3689 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Purtill and Barnes that the report be noted.

Purpose of Report To advise Council of a summary of meetings held. Report A number of Councillors, the General Manager and the Director Corporate and Community Development attend the Community Consultation meeting on the Bidgee Haven Hostel at the Theatre Royal on Wednesday 16 March. Approximately 30 people (in total) attended the meeting where Bruce Bailey (From RSM) provided an overview of Aged Care in General and spoke specifically about The Bidgee Haven Hostel and the proposed extension. There were numerous questions and statements made by those who attended which are discussed in a separate report at this Council meeting. On Tuesday 22 March the General Manager, Director Corporate and Community Development and the Creditors Clerk held a meeting with RFS representatives to discuss the proposed 2016/17 RFS draft budget. The budget discussed is included in the draft management plan which will be discussed at the Council Budget Workshop on Wednesday 20 April. The Mayor and General Manager on Monday 4 April travelled to Griffith to have a meeting with Adrian Picolli and representatives from Essential Energy. Details of proposed significant agricultural developments requiring large amounts of electricity in the Kyalite Region were provided to Essential Energy to facilitate discussion on how the network could be upgraded to supply these developments. The sad reality is that if a developer requires a greater source of electricity than is currently available in the network the developer has to pay 100% of the capital upgrade. On Tuesday 5 April Councillors Jolliffe, Purtill and O’Halloran along with Director Corporate & Community Development inspected the MPS with Sarah Mitchell – Parliamentary Secretary for Regional & Rural Health and Western NSW.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 49 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

On Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6th of April the Mayor and General Manager attended the Far West Initiative Advisory Committee meeting held in Wentworth. The meeting was attended by all Far West Council representatives along with OLG, Premier & Cabinet, Federal Government representative and the Minister for Local Government.

Financial Implication Nil

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Nil

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 50 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.


File Number: 712 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 1: Our People – A community that is proactive, engaged, inclusive and connected Officer Recommendation: For information

04.16.3690 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Mannix and Jolliffe that the correspondence be noted. Purpose of Report To advise Council of recent correspondence of interest. Report

1. Letter of thanks from Mrs Dawn Conway

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 51 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 52 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

Item G - 7 ACTION SHEET Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager File Number: 120 Officer Recommendation: For information

04.16.3691 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Jolliffe and Purtill that the report be

noted. Purpose of Report To bring forward for Councillors information the Action Report with actions taken on previous council resolutions.


MARCH 2016




02.16.3636 DID Euston Beautification Progress works for War nameplates prior to Anzac Day. Arrange Staff to spray weeds in Medley Park Approach landowners to commence concept plan for future Berrett Park improvements. DID to approach tradesmen.


Plaques ordered


Undertaken Approach made,

Grant application

lodged. Casual Painter


02.16.3636 DID Balranald Beautification Roses to be replanted at old Gaol. Branches to be removed at lions park when tree lopping program resumes.

In Progress Awaiting Program

02.16.3648 GM Allocate funds for NSWLG Asset Management Audit Preparedness Self-Assessment to budget for consideration.

In Progress

2.16.3651 GM Submit an application to the Innovation Fund for the purchase and implementation of Records Management and Asset Management System, and if successful allocate the $80,000 budget item for the records system.


Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 53 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.

03.16.3657 DID Euston Beautification Protection spray for Mallee Fowl. Report back to Committee re; avenue of trees. No Dogs allowed sign for Anderson Park Maintenance works Shailer Terrace pavement.

In progress,







defined, liasing

with Euston Club

to commence.

In Progress

Almost Complete

03.16.3662 DID R2R – add list of works to R2R program to eliminate the shortfall.

List of works added to program

03.16.3663 GM Notify the committee that council waive theatre fees if cleaning is satisfactory.

21.3.2016 Letter Sent

03.16.3665 GM Register Crs Byron and O’Halloran and GM to NGA in Canberra

1.4.2016 Registration Completed

04.16.3692 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Mannix and Jolliffe that council move into

closed committee.

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes– Ordinary Meeting – 19th April 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 54 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 19th Arpil 2016.
