Bab 01 Basic Concept of Strategic Management r



Bab 01 Basic Concept of Strategic Management r

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Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

04/21/23 1



Harry Sardjono, SE,M.M.

ABFI Institute Perbanas

Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


• 1 Konsep Dasar Menstrat Bab 1

• 2 Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal Bab 3

• 3 Diskusi/Tugas Walt Disney Company 50--71

• 4 Analisis Lingkungan Internal Bab 4

• 5 Analisis Lingkungan Internal

• 6 Diskusi /Tugas Walt Disney Company 50--71

• 7 Visi Misi Tujuan Bab 2

• 8 Generic Strategy - 273 Bab 5

• 9 UTS

• 10 Grand Strategy- 252 - 272 Bab 5

• 11 Analisis dan Pilihan Strategi Bab 6

• 12 Diskusi/Tugas Strategi yang digunakan

Walt Disney Company

• 13 Implementasi Strategi Bab 7

• 14 Evaluasi Strategi - Balance Scorecard 247 Bab 9

• 15 Diskusi/Tugas

Menilai Kinerja Perusahaan dgn B.Scorecard

16 UAS

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Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

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Tujuan Pembelajaran1. Mahasiswa dapat memahami dan menjelaskan:

• Pengertian Strategi & Manajemen Strategik

• KonsepDasar, Model & Tugas Pokok Manajemen Strategik

• Manfaat Strategi dan Manajemen Strategik

• Perkembangan Manajemen Strategik

2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan:• Pentingnya strategi bagi suatu organisasi

• Peran manajemen strategik di dalam suatu organisasi

• Relevansi antara strategi dan tujuan organisasi

3. Mahasiswa dapat belajar berfikir sistemik & strategik• Berdasarkan tujuan dan arah yang jelas

• Melalui proses pengambilan keputusan dan analisis yang komprehensif

• Bertindak berdasarkan perencanaan yang baik

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Pokok Bahasan

• Pengertian tentang Strategi• Pengertian Manajemen Strategi• Perkembangan Manj. Strategik• Model Dasar Manajemen Strategik• Tugas Pokok Manajemen Strategik• Characteristic of Effective Strategy• Strategic Thinking• Manfaat Manajemen Strategik

Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

“Without a strategy the organization is like a

ship without a rudder, going around in circles.”

Joel Ross and Michael Kami

“The essence of strategy lies in creating tomorrow’s competitive advantages faster than competitors mimic the one you possess today”

Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad

Why Strategy is needed?

What is Strategy?

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Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

What is Strategy? Alfred D. Chandler (1962) The determination of the long run goals and objectives of an enterprise,

and the adoptions of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.

Christensen & Guth (1965):

Alat untuk menciptakan keungulan bersaing. Berkaitan dengan bisnis, fokus strategi itu memutuskan apakah suatu bisnis perusahaan itu harus ada atau tidak.

Henry Mintzberg (1970): Respons secara terus-menerus dan adaptasi terhadap faktor ancaman

dan peluang dari lingkungan eksternal serta faktor kelemahan dan kekuatan dari lingkungan internal yang mempengaruhi organisasi.

Michael E. Porter (1985) An integrated set of actions a company designs to produce a

sustainable competitive advantage and thus attain superior performance. Strategy is about making necessary choices to perform different activities from rivals’ or perform similar activities in different ways.

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What is Strategy? Hamel & Prahalad (1995):

Tindakan manajemen suatu organisasi yang bersifat incremental dan terus-menerus,yang dilakukan berdasarkan sudut pandang tentang apa yang diharapkan oleh para pelanggan di masa depan.

Hunger & Wheelen (1996): Comprehensive master plan that stating how the corporation will achieves it

mission and objectives.It maximizes competitive advantage and minimize competitive disadvantage.

Pola sasaran, maksud atau tujuan dan kebijakan serta rencana-rencana penting untuk mencapai tujuan itu, yang dinyatakan dengan cara seperti menetapkan bisnis yang dianut oleh perusahaan, dan jenis atau akan menjadi jenis apa perusahaan tersebut. (Kenneth Andrew, 1977)

A unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved. (Glueck, 1980)

Gareth R. Jones (1998):The specific pattern of decisions and actions that managers take to use core competences and resources to generate competitive advantages, in order to achieve the organizational goals and outperform competitors.

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Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

Other Definitions of Strategy• Set of managerial decisions and actions that determines long-run

performance (Hunger and Wheelen)

• Upaya mengubah kekuatan perusahaan yang sebanding dengan kekuatan pesaing dengan cara yang paling efisien. (Kenichi Ohmae, 1983)

• Strategy is management’s “game plan”“game plan” to– Attract and please customers – Stake out a market position– Conduct operations– Compete successfully– Achieve organizational objectives

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Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

• Market Leader (Pemimpin Pasar)

• Market Challenger (Penantang Pasar)

• Market Follower (Pengikut Pasar)

• Market Nicher (Perelung/Ceruk Pasar)

Kotler Model of Market Positition

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Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


What is Strategy Look Like?

Set of managerial decisions and actions

that determines the long-run performance of a firm.


Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


Strategy = Strategic Decision & Action What makes a decision strategic?

Strategic decisions deal with the long-run future of the entire organization and have three characteristics:

1. RARE: Strategic decisions are unusual and

typically have no precedent to follow.

2. CONSEQUENTIAL: Strategic decisions commit substantial

resources and demand a great deal of commitment.

3. DIRECTIVE: Strategic decisions set precedents for

lesser decisions and future actions throughout the organization.


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What is Strategic Management?

Defined as: An art and a science of formulating,

implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its future objectives. (Fred R. David).

The process by which managers choose and implement or adapt a set of strategies for the enterprise to pursue its vision and mission.

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What is Strategic Management?The process of examining both present and future environments, formulating the organizational objectives, making and implementing strategy, and controlling decisions focused on achieving these objectives in the present and future environments. (Smith, Arnold & Bizzell, 1988)

The process whereby managers establish an organization’s long term direction, set specific performance objectives, developing strategies, to achieve these objectives in light of all the relevant internal and external circumstance, and undertake to execute the chosen action plans. (Thompson & Strickland, 1987)

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Strategic ManagementNot always a formal process:• Where is the organization now?

Where are we now? How is our company position? If no changes are made, where will we be in the future?

• Where do we want to go? What kind of business we want to be in and which market

position we want to stakeout? Which buyer needs and groups we want to serve? What is outcomes we want to achieve?

• How will we get there? What specific actions should management undertake? What are the risks and payoffs involved?

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Four Phases of Strategic Management(Glueck, Kaufman& Walleck, 1982)

1. Basic Financial Planning (1900’s)

Mengupayakan pengendalian operasional dan manajerial yang baik dengan menggunakan anggaran sebagai alatnya.

2. Forecast-Based Planning (1950’s)

Mengupayakan sistem perencanaan yang lebih efektif dengan memper-kirakan keadaan masa depan untuk kurun waktu yang lebih panjang.

3. Externally-Oriented Planning/Strategic Planning (1960’s)

Mengupayakan peningkatan kepekaan terhadap perubahan pasar dan persaingan dengan cara mencoba untuk berpikir strategik.

4. Strategic Management (mid 1970’s)

Mengupayakan untuk mengatur semua sumberdaya dan mengembang-kan daya saing dalam menghadapi perubahan lingkungan bisnis yang serba cepat, dan menciptakan masa depan perusahaan yang lebih baik.

Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


Basic Model of Strategic Management

Four Basic Elements


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Evaluation and Control

and Control

Strategic Management Model(Hunger and Wheelen)

Strategy Formulation

Strategy Implementation








Societal Environment:

General Forces

Task Environment t:

Industry Analysis

Structure Chain of Command

Resources Assets, Skills

Competencies, Knowledge

Culture Beliefs, Expectations,


Reason for existence

What results to accomplish by when Plan to

achieve the mission & objectives Broad

guidelines for decision making


Activities needed to accomplish a plan


Cost of the programs Procedures

Sequence of steps needed to do the job

Process to monitor performanceand take corrective action




Evaluationand Control


Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5



Chapter 6


Mgmt Issues

Chapter 7

ImplementStrategies:Marketing,Fin/Acct,R&D, CISChapter 8

Measure &Evaluate


Chapter 9

Vision &


Chapter 2

Strategic Management Model(Fred R. David)


Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

1. ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING: Audit external environment Audit internal environment

2. STRATEGY FORMULATION: Determine corporate mission and vision Establish long-term objectives Evaluate, Generate & Select strategies Determine policies

3. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION: Implement selected strategies

4. STRATEGY EVALUATION AND CONTROL: Measure & evaluate performance Making correction

Strategic Management Model

Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


The Five Task of Strategic Management

Develop a strategic

Vision & Mission

1 2 3 4 5

Set Organization’s

goals & objectives

Formulate strategy

to achieve Organization’s


Implement strategy

Evaluate &


Revise as needed

Revise as needed



Make Correction

&Recycle as needed


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Perspectives on StrategyIgor Ansoff:

Environment as a central actor Adaptation

Michael E. Porter:

Competitive advantage Low cost Differentiation Focus

Hamel & Prahalad:• Build Core competence

Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

Copyright 2007 Prentice Hall

• What kind of business should we become?• Are we in the right fields?• Are there new competitors?• Is there a new technology?• What strategies should we pursue?• How are our customers changing?

Adapting to Change – Key Strategic Management Questions

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Why Do Strategies Evolve?• There is always an ongoing need to

react to:– Shifting market conditions– Fresh moves of competitors– New technologies– Evolving customer preferences– Political and regulatory changes– New windows of opportunity– The crisis of the moment

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Effective Strategy• The Characteristics of An Effective Strategy:

1. has clear goals

2. builds on strengths of an organisation

3. brings about initiative and energy for action

4. creates commitment and confidence

5. is politically acceptable

6. is aligned with organisation’s philosophy & values

7. works technically(adapted from J. B. Quinn, J. M. Bryson)

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1. Systems Perspective (Interconnections)

2. Focus on Intent (Vision and Capabilities)

3. Intelligent Opportunism (What’s there?)

4. Thinking in Time (Past, present, future)

5. Hypothesis driven (If A, then B?)

Adapted from Jeanne Liedtka, Elements of Strategic Thinking

Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


Benefit of Strategic Management

FINANCIALBENEFITS� More profitable and successful� Improve sales,profitability & productivity� High-performing Firms

NONFINANCIAL BENEFITS Clearer sense of strategic vision for the firm Sharper focus on strategic issues Understanding of a rapidly changing environment Understanding of competitors’ strategies Reduced resistance to change Order and discipline to the firm View change as opportunity Awareness of external threats & opportunity Understand of internal strengths & weaknesses


Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


Benefit of Strategic Management

Improved understanding of competitors strategies Enhanced awareness of threats Reduced resistance to change Enhanced problem-prevention capabilities Identification of Opportunities Objective view of management problems Improved coordination & control Minimizes adverse conditions & changes Decisions that better support objectives


Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


Benefit of Strategic Management


Effective allocation of time & resources Internal communication among personnel Integration of individual behaviors Clarify individual responsibilities Encourage forward thinking Encourages favorable attitude toward change Provides discipline and formality to the

management of the business

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1. Jelaskan pentingnya strategi itu penting

bagi suatu perusahaan/organisasi?

2. Jelaskan perbedaan pengertian antara

strategi dan manajemen strategik!

3. Uraikan tugas-tugas pokokmanajemen

strategik dalam suatu organisasi!

4. Jelaskan berbagai manfaat yang dapat

diperoleh manajemen perusahaan/organisasi

yang menerapkan manajemen strategik!

Koq tidak mengerti? Tadi Anda kuliah apa tidur?

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Daftar Pustaka• Hunger, J. David & Thomas L. Wheelen. 1996. Strategic Management.

Fifth Edition. New Jersey: Addison-Wesley.• David, Fred R. 1998.Concept of Strategic Management. Seventh Edition.

Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall,Inc.• David, Fred R. 2006. Manajemen Strategis: Konsep dan Kasus. Edisi 10.

Alih bahasa: Paulyn Sulistio dan Harryadin Mahardika. Jakarta: Penerbit Salemba Empat.

• Pearce II, John A. & Richard B. Robinson, Jr. 2003.Formulation, Implementation, and Control of Competitive Strategy. Eighth Edition.New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

• Hubeis, Musa dan Mukhamad Nadjib.2008. Manajemen Strategik Dalam Pengembangan Daya saing Organisasi. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.

• Husein Umar. 2001.Strategic Management in Action: Konsep, Teori dan Teknik Menganalisis Manajemen Strategis, Strategic Business Unit Berdasarkan Konsep Michael Porter, Fred R. David, dan Wheelen-Hunger. Edisi Pertama. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

• Setiawan Hari Purnomo& Zulkieflimansyah. 1996. Manajemen Strategi: Sebuah Konsep Pengantar. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia.

Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1


• 1 Konsep Dasar Menstrak Bab 1

• 2 Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal Bab 3

• 3 Diskusi/Tugas Krispy Kreme Doughnut 46 – 61

• 4 Analisis Lingkungan Internal bab 4

• 5 Analisis Lingkungan Internal

• 6 Diskusi /Tugas Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 46 – 61

• 7 Visi Misi Tujuan Bab 2

• 8 Strategi Generik - 247 Bab 5

• 9 UTS

• 10 Grand Strategi - 228 - 246 Bab 5

• 11 Analisis dan Pilihan Strategi Bab 6

• 12 Diskusi/Tugas Strategi yang digunakan

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

• 13 Implementasi Strategi Bab 7

• 14 Evaluasi Strategi - Balance Scorecard Bab 9

• 15 Diskusi/Tugas

Menilai Kinerja Perusahaan dgn B.Scorecard

Krispy Kreme Doughnts

• 16 UAS

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Manajemen Strategik Perkuliahan 1

Closing Ceremony

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