Attribute inheritance between country deliveries and Wise Main Rivers and Lakes version 0



Attribute inheritance between country deliveries and Wise Main Rivers and Lakes version 0 Test case with Germany Walter Simonazzi ETCLUSI / Roger Milego ETCLUSI. Index. WISE Main lakes v0 versus lakes delivered by Germany. WISE Main Rivers v0 versus rivers delivered by Germany. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Attribute inheritance between country deliveries and Wise Main Rivers and Lakes version 0

Test case with Germany

Walter Simonazzi ETCLUSI / Roger Milego ETCLUSI


- WISE Main lakes v0 versus lakes delivered by Germany.

- WISE Main Rivers v0 versus rivers delivered by Germany

Preliminary Analysis:

Number of elements for the reporting area:

• WISE Main Lakes v0:

2 elements,

- Steinhuder Meer (Area = 28.45 km2)

- Dümmer (Area = 13.12 km2)

• DE delivery: 28, where:

- 2 elements are in the range of Area>=10km2

- EUCD: DE_LW_DENI_12034 (Lake: Steinhuder Meer)

- EUCD: DE_LW_DENI_25018 (Lake: Dümmer)

- 1 element is close to the range:

- Lake name: Endersee, Area 9.63km2, not included in WMLv0 due to area criteria.

- EUCD in DE delivery: DE_LW_DEHE80001428539100

- 25 lakes are out of range of area criteria, so they are not included in WISE Main Lakes but they are present in ECRINS Lakes (source layer use for WMLv0)

Test: Germany Lakes delivery against WISE Main Lakes v0

Geometry coincidence between WMLv0 and DE deliver:2 lakes are coincident. 1.- Steinhuder Meer

Test: Germany Lakes delivery against WISE Main Lakes v0

Geometry coincidence between WMLv0 and DE delivery: 2.- Dümmer

Test: Germany Lakes delivery against WISE Main Lakes v0

Lake close to the range of area but not present in WMLv0:Finding Lake Endersee: Area =9.62 km2 in ECRINS Lakes

In red: ECRINS LakesIn purple: DE delivery

Lake Endersee is present in ECRINS Lakes layer but not in

WMLv0 due to area criteria

- Coincidence by name: No name for Lakes has been reported.

- Coincidence by EU_CD code: No EU_CD code in LEcrins, so neither in Wise Main Lakes v0.

Reporting Lakes names can make easier the process of attribute inheritance to WMLv0

How to inherit attributes?

Two solutions:

1) By polygon intersections (spatial join)

2) By common attribute using a join procedure using names present in Country delivery or EUCD in WML.

Test: Germany Lakes delivery against WISE Main Lakes v0

Different river Densities,

Different geometries

In green, art. 5

In purple, ECRINS

In thick blue, WISE Main Rivers v.0

Test Art.5 Germany against WISE Main Rivers v0

How to inherit attributes?

Two solutions:

1) By line intersections (such as the naming exercise)

2) By common attribute (names, foreseen in ECRINS v.1). The preliminary exercise done shows that the inheritance of rivers names from ERM works and con give a common attibute to identify elements eventhough the geometry are not identical.

Name from ECRINS (naming exercise): WESER Name from ART.5: WESER

Names comparison

Te he mandado un correo explicativo de como interpretar la tabla 1, espero no tengas problemas. Para el ejercicio hemos hecho un relate de la tabla de nombres con WMRv0 y se muestra un caso, para el río weser. Basicamente, donde pone n_names=5, significa que ese segmento de ecrins ha heredado de erm 5 nombres distintos, en nombre 5 es Wesser, que se añade 15 veces.En la tabla 2, se muiestra el resultado de un identify a los datos de los paises, en donde solo hay un nombre, Weser.Parece ser que los rios en donde un nombre se añade mas veces, es el candidato con mas probabilidad a ser el nombre correcto de ese rio en ecrins, por otro lado es lo mas lógico.

Muchas gracias Moltes gràcies Eskerrik Asko Muitas gracias

* * * * *

Dziekuje Merci beaucoup Mного Благодаря Obrigado

Paldies Ευχαριστώ Tack Thank you very much Dank u

Hvala Köszönöm Dekuj Multumesc Dakujem Danke Takk

Aitäh Grazzi Kiitos Grazie Dêkuji Cпаси́I бо ا ْك0ًر. ُش2For further information, please


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