A.t'O 782 U~HTT~D ::::>'l'.~-./L'r,;~ . .-;.1.-H'Y 442RCT Journal... ·...


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.A.t'O 782 U~HTT~D ::::>'l'.~-./L'r,;~ . .-;.1.-H'Y


24 l\1ovember 1945.

Map Heferences : Nap of Italy 1;50,000, Sheets 104- II, 111- I, lll~II, 184- I , 184-II, 134- IV. Ital y Road . Hap 1 . 2\JO, 000 , C:.heets 11 , 13, 15.

1. (a) Civilians in PBS t Elrri t ory are capable of thP following actions:

(1) Haidlng of 0upply Dumps .

(2) Sabo tagP of vital install ations .

(3) Or~unization of a gener al civilian uprisinj .

(b) In the evPnt of a civil distu~bance, all U. S. t~oops as­sign0d or attachPd to Yi3S ar0 availablP for use . PPrsonn0l of this Regi!"'Pnt wi 11 be relieved of their normal duties within Or:!.r:: ( 1) hour after the sounding of an alert by }W.rsonnel under conGrol ·of sectJ_on chiefs .

2. rl'he 442d Infantry wi l l when the alert is sounded;

(a) Constitute a mobile rPsPrve fore?. for use witl:nn the ?BS area of Italy .

(b) Protrct vital points and instal la t ions w1thin and reaso~1-ably adjacent to U. 8. Army installations in the Naples and leghorn areas such as bridges, undPrpasses, tunnels, r oad junctions, water su1Y~1ly sources· and electric pom?.r stations not otherwise il~otPcted and necessary to the U, So Army .

3 . (a) The lOOth Battalion will, upon beir .. g relieved fro;'l1_ pre.se11t duties~

( 1) .tiSS emble in pr<>sent bivouac areas and prepal"'0 to MOVe, by truck, as ordered.

( 2) I!11l'l1Edia tely on •i alert ·i, deplo~r troops in accordance with JJ.nnex 2 attachE>d, · for the protection of bridc;es, uncl-?r;_•asses, t unnels, water supply sources and electric powPr stations necessary to the U. ;:; • .~-~.rmy in the. Leghorn area .

(b) . The 2nd Battalion will, upon being relieved from ~rPsent dutl 8So

(1) Asse~ble in present bivouac areas and prepare to move by truck to Naples, Italy on order .

( 2) Use a maxiJ'I1.Urn of two rifle comnani0s and ono heavy mac~ine gun platoon for the protection of bridges, undPrpasses, tunnols, water supply sources and electric power st 0 tions n-n.cessary

Color Control Patches Green Yellow Red Magenta


Authori~ty NNP"13sor:r



C 0 N F I D E N T I A L - ----. Opero.tions Hemo, Hq 442d RCT, il.PO ?82, U. s. Army, dtd 24 Nov 45, Contd .

to tho U. s . hrmy in the Naples area in accordance with Annex 4 att0.ched .

(3) Hequire 11 H11 Co, now in Naples, to establJ.sh guards over key points liste d in Annex 4 until r e lie ved by othGr troops of the 2nd Battal1on.

(c) Tho 3rd Battalion will, u p on being r e lieved from ~resent duties.

(1) Assemble in present bivouac areas and prrp&rc t o move, by truck, as ordered .

( d ) The AT Co will, upon being relieved from present du ties:

( 1) 1-i.ssomble in present bivouac ar · ~as and prc'pEL!". to move, by truck, as ordered .

(2) Irnmediat0l:_r on ilalertil deploy troops in accordance vii th l_nnex 2 a ttached for the protoction of bridges, und or:).:c'..3 s< s 3 tunnels , water supply sources and e l ec tric p o wer stations nocrssary to thn U. S . A~1y in tho Leghorn ar~a .

( c' ) Servic f' Co will pc<rfor·m its norm[~1 supply functions from its presont bivouac area a nd be prepared t o ~avo by truck, as ordered.

(f) Hc.,adquartors Company wil l a:::sc-,....,b:._c in j_ts pr0s0nt bivouo.c ar0a .:md be prepared to move, by truck, as ordered.

( rr) Cannon Company will i:ls;,Grnbl0 in. 1~resont bivouac area and l:E.< C> .t

proparrd to novo , by truck, as ordered.

(h) 1i:ach ,Jattalion and Sc'parat£' Cor ,pany 1Ni11 mako th< noccsso.!'y detalJJ·d plans, aft or a thorough rc conna.i~; s anc0 of ins talla:cions, ic"' carrying out its "'1ission. Actual sit0s for neces sary ro::tcL b locks aJ/. other obstacles wil l be constructGd .

Gv.ards for vita.l- points and ')atrols a.s indicatGcl, ·o?Jcra.­tion :~ r1ap, Ann::>x 2 and 4 will bG st:'nt o'.lt i:r:rn.odiat,.,1y on sounding of alert calL

Alort warning wi ll consist of the transmissibn of tho word iiAlCl"'t il and incl udc.• the' type of alor J:; (prac ticc or actual)~ instaLi.e.-­tion, and rno.p coordinat0s if known.

Telephone calls pertainin~ to an al0rt will b n giv0n priority, if precodod by tl1n word ;iHlc:rt Callli .


Color Control Patches Green Yellow Red Magenta


NN P""f.3sot-r

White 3/Color

(c) Th0 3rd l3attalion will~ UJ)Qn being reliEwed from ~Jresont duties.

( 1 ) .d.Ssemb l e in present bivouac areas and prepc,rc t o move, by truck, as ord~rod .

(d ) Tho AT Co vlill, upon being relieved from prc>sont duties;

( 1) r.ssemble in prosent bivouac ar·"'as and prrpa)~, to mov0, by truck, as ordered .

( 2) Im.modiat0ly on l1alPrt 11 deploy troops in accoJ_'dance \lith .c-.nnt=x 2 attachE:>d for thE' protc·ction of b ridges, undor•J::-:.3scs , tunnels, water supply sourcrs and electric po·~or stations n0cessary to thn U. s . An1y in tho Leghorn arta .

(c) Service Co will perform i~s no~mal supply functions from its 01esont bivouac area and be propared to movo by truck, as ordPrcd.

(f' ) Hc,adquartors Company will asSPl"-'~b :_c, in its pr('SPnt bivouac ar0a "'-nd bo prepared to move, oy truck, a_s ordor(·d.

(e;) Cannon CoYl1.nany '.i'Till d.S~ ... o:r.,olo i:1 r-rcsc·nt bivouac ar"a and l:s· . prcpa?C'd to novo , by truck, as ordered .

(h) '~ach ,Jattalion and Separate Cor ,pany will make tr~c ncccssa_:-y detallc~d plans, af·ter a thorough r( conna:'Ls s ancP of in.s tall2.tiorLs, J r; I"J

carr~-ring out lts Yl1.ission . Actual s:I.t0s for necessary ro:otc~ blocks .:u/ other obstacles will bo constructed .

G·u_ards for vi ta.1. points and ',Jatrols as indica te-e;_) o'Jcra.­tionc~ r1ap, Annox 2 and 4 will be-. sent o:lt iJ1"r:1c-di8_tc'J.::t on sov.~1dine; c_f al<-rt call,

alert Darning will consist of tho transmission of tho word 11 Alcpt ;, and incl udG the· typo of alcr '~ (prac ticP or actual), insta:;_~~ a ... tion, and map coordinates if known.

Tnlc·phonE' calls pertainin&; to an al0rt will b0 f'~i v0n priority , if prc'cedc'd by t Jy, word i i Hlr·rt Call ti .

Uniforrt - F'ull f: .. t~ld .

~urplus prop(erty will be assembled by each CO""!'Iuny and lnft under a two - man guard .

comr)O_ny . gr0nc.d('S .

Hiflc corr:panios wi 11 t.:>ain and 0g_uip one gas s qu2.cl Dt->r See Ann0z 1 for instruc~ions on usc of 3ns nndjor s~oko

One guide from Cil~h compan7 ·will rc'port to Hcr:;l1"1·- n.tal Motor Officer at Yan:{ec StudiUY'1 on sound ins of 11 Alert Call n, for :ourposo of c-;u:uiing supple111cntary vnhicl0s to their comDanic·s . Soo 1-l.nnox 3 for trdnsportation allocat1ons .

Battalion s and Sopar ato Comp~ni0s w1 l l dispatch ;:_ liaison off1 l" or HC0 to hoginc•ntal Hou.dquartcrs upon the· soundin-, of tho

. .. ----..,. .... - 2 -1

c Q N E I :!:2. Ti; N T., l .!: L

Com Shelf

Color Control Patches Green Yellow Red


NN PT3S'Qf1-



C 0 N F I D B N T I A L ------------Opcr c;. tions ~;femo, Hq 41) 2d HCT , 1-1.PO 782, U. ~ . 1~rmy , dtd 24 hov 45, Contd .

ttAl crt•• . 11.sslste.nt .t~.djutant will report to G-3, PBS as Rcgic-;onte.~L Liaison 0fficor.

4 . Su:;rp ly Plan .

a . CJnc day 1 s ration nK' 1 to b( dis tribtl. t C' d to a ll CornDL'.nics -Company Commancllng Officnr will s i~~n ~~T/li. for r a tions and will r c, nd "':::> weekly re-ports on s c::rnc to Hogim_cnt 1. l su·1ply Office C'vcry Monc~c.y . Rations vnll b e• used only whc'n H--.,;:r;lm_cnt lS alnrt«d .

b. One day 1 s rs.tion .;Koi for He gim.<·nt will be~ stored ai.; S C' r-v .1\ ·

Company . c . .n.uthorizod am__ount of arrrnm.ni tion to be distributr·d i.;o each

Company; lcs s ~·Torta.r, hocket Launcher amm_uni tion, and Cherrtic al s, which '· lJ.l be stored e.t 0orvice COY'l •)any and distri1Yut,., .. d to Co



on RoglMental Order.

5 . CP 1 s prcsont loc J tion - Aid 0t Rtions at CP's.

1tc.•.dio cornmunica tion wi ll b e os tablishod and ma:Cntainc d 1.FiOD the alort signal b 0tvwen l'c-gimcnto.l hoadquarters and Bo.ttalion o.nc~ Sep -

arat e; Compunios.

4 Incl s Ann ox l Annoz: 2 Annex 3 Anne~~ 4


\ •,_c·· ' \ '· '"1 · IZ.r -... ·'· ~--, GTWR\}1''\ G . Gn":T~ .. :·

llbjor, J''icld Art1' lc r·_,-_ S - 3 .


Authori.ty Nf\JPr3rorc

Color Control Pa ches Cyan Green YelloW Red

. . . ~· ' _,·\ '~ ~~

· ' , , , , .. __ : ;~~tJ~r:<·+~~

J ' ·'

C 0 N F I D ~ N T I A L --------

J_a I ns trur.tion s ln th, us o of t o~r gas andjor smoi~0 grcnud c G a r c u s follows:

u . In uny inst 2.nc c when Alli e d troops arc cmp loy c: d to qu e ll civil disturb anc e' s, tL ~ n.r g a s and/or smoke gr c·n o.d 0 s mo:y bo emp loye d subj t' Ct to tho following r e strictions:

(1) Ev ery s e curity pr0c aution will b e employ e.::l. to insure tha t stocks of the s e g r e n a d e s d o not f a ll into unauthoriz e d h a nds.

(2) No g r e n a d e s will b e issu ( d to tro oDs or us e d by troops exc e pt on c omman d of an offic e r .

(3) Gr en a d e s will b e cmployo d only 1.vh0n it is cons id0r c d tha t us c of forc e is n 0c css ary , a nd tha t tho obj e ctive will b e achie v ed wi t l .. f ow0r c a sua ltie s by the us 0 of t eLT gas and 1

or smoke than by op ening f ir0 .


· Authority NNPT3.s-ocl- " •

Color Control Patches Cyan Green Yellow Red Magenta White

C 0 N F I D ~ 8 T I A L

ANNEX; 2 .

l. ;

'-' • '7 o . 4 . 5 .

6 . 7 . 0 (_..) .

9 . 10. ll. 1 2 . 1 3 . l '-1 . 1 5 . 10 . 17 0

1 8 . 1 9 . 20 . 21. 2-~ .

23 . 2L1. 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31. 32 35

3G . 38 . 39 .

Il-~STALLATICJ.TS Al·:D VI'l'AL POL'I'3 TO B ~ GUA1m'i.D IMiVL~DI!-I.'i' "2 L-:!. OiT ALi:,.-{i' B i[ l OO'r:_ ~11 Aii[D AT CO

C001i.DIHAT"::.,S 1:50,000 INS'l'ALL.i-~.'i' IC N LOCATION ------·- ----

Q 057527 Bridge Stagno 1\ 0 56.5~0 Bri:lge .3tJ.gn o "

1 020480 Central ~ o~;.rer Sta. L i v oTno "' 0::::>8487 Substation Livorno --~

0 05752.5 .Jator'.rror :s " 3ub-"" St 'l t ion Stagno

r- 02751C.~ Dralnarre Station Livorno ~ '--~

1 014(55 Sub3t"tj_on I.)_ v orno 1 020469 Te l e'lhone - l :..XCDange LJ.vorno '"'. 017562 2L76 -=.ngr Sup Depot Vic y·; ar in A. di Pis a u 998612 2L77 'Sngr ·s~.:PJ Depot l arina di Fisa '), 4b9lr)g C-enerat ln-, Plant Larderello 'j 487068 Substc.t1cn Caste 1nucvo " ,,

lt1,652l -~ all "JaY ;Jrids,e Colle Salvetti Q 150504 =taJ_l -rvay Terli1lnus Colle Salvetti ,~ 1 .1""7.") r1

~Jr i d.13e ,....

of Li VO:.C'DO, Jt l ~ r~0"-00 ~~ . r 108 -'-''7 1Jriclsc '"" of L l vorno , Ht l ·..).

r~ 1 ·--:- 5:,;':1s Brid·-e -~ ' . .J

0 d o of Livorno, •.it l

,---. 0? 50~:<.:; }rlCl;;e ,..., of Li vorno, .c lt l " Jo

/"' 075.315 r)r ldze '--' of l lvorno, 1t l -~ . ?, 07::J3~El Eridje 3 . oi' Livorno, nt l A 072355 -, " :'l s . 0f Livorno, ~t l i -'·'r lCL00 r 070360 JJr:Ld-:::;o ,J. of Livorno, it l Q 0593'71 ·n .. 1 <::' 'Jf Li vorno , :~t l :)rl -:.tge u . ,...

018.374 .,..., . , ., of Li vornc , it l "

J.Jrl Ctcze ::, . -""\ 037 331 Tunnel C1 o.f Li vornc) (t l ~·~ ..J o

"' 035390 Bridge .':] . c-f Li vorno, :\t l ._, ....

" 0":52'=) 5 Dridse -). of Li vorno , :t l " - 03lt::l5 13r id.ge ·'3 . of Li vorno , ,t l ~ 030429 :3ridge Livorno ~

o ,~8Ll!l 7 Bridge Livorno -~

'"" 453210 Bridge l~~ . of La r dere l1 o ~

·'"' 2329v5 Lydro - -:nee tric :::'lan.t Pian de lla 1.occa 0

'"'· 11 "5757 later l umpinz Sta . J.nd -:-.!..lee c.ric r l ant Fi1let ole

r- 007645 :;3ridse Vic ?isa, lt l " u CJS58:25 ··J . ~ Viareggio . .:>rl,.F"e ,)

'"', 058705 ~3r:l.dge Acros s Serchio R.

c 0 :l i•' I D .2.1 l~r T I A L -- -- - - -- -

NO C"" J'

co I':Sl T

A 8 It I.

li l l_j

li. c

A f)

11.. 6 A -.. A L? D 2 jePp c, D ) j ew;;'.:! .~

c ?5 c A 8 A 1 2 D 8 B 8 ~3 8 l:J n ! J C)

B 8 n 8 7-1 8 D 8 n n ~_)

c 8 c 8 c 8 c 8 f" 8 ,__,

c 8 c 8 c 8 AT 10

1\f'l . ;. .L 24 _{.l_'I} 3 f;_T 8 AT 8

c 0 N F I DE N T I A L

ANNEX: 3 Trucks from 49th QJ•T Truck Gp Value 193

To be Dispatched from Yanke: On Hand in Companies Stadium on Alert

Scout Half ~~ScoU~-t~~lial~f-

Company -;~ 3/4 1.1. 2.1. Car Track l 3/4 ll 21t Car Track 2 2 4 2 ... ·---··-A 2 9 1 '7.


B 2 9 1 3

c 2 9 1 3

D 8 1 11 7

Hq lOOth 4 1 4 5 5 1

E 2 7 1 3

F 2 7 1 3

G 2 7 1 3

H 8 1

Hq 2nd 4 4 5 1

I 6 1 11 1 3

K 2 4 9 1 '· '-'

L 2 4 8 1 3

~1 7 12 3

Hq 3d 5 1 4 5 1 ..J..

Hq 442d 15 1 4 9

sv 4 l 9 7 4

CN 4 1 7 3

AT 4 1 3 2 2

r·::o ~') 3 -----·-- ------~---· --- ·--- --·-TOTAL 88 12 31 :B 42 108 12-l~ (),~'!': I_

t:.J I '·

---- ..:=:=..:.:;--===----::-::=.-.:::.-::::;::=..::-_::....-::. ..... ---~- -·· --=-= -..:::==·=-= . .=..-=-=-~ ~===-=::..-=. ·~-..-:.

~~ To be dru.wn us soon as possible

c 0 N n ..,.. D E N T I A L :..' .L -- -- -- ·- - - - - -- --.-


Authority NN:PT3S""Ql"1-~

Color Control Patche Green Yellow Red White

l. () ;.._, .

'7 ' .

10 . 1:1 . 12 . 13. 1(. 1 5 . 1 6 . 17. 18. 1 0

~ .

20 .


C001ivETA'r :,s 1:10 , 000

TO•,vr PL.-i ~ : OP

--------IT 220544 N 229533 ]\j 2735(8 : i .-:-;395J.O F 24'2516 •T

1" 21 64?1 H 2LJ 7t:V',8 .i.~- G49~1~34 •,\T

~5660b J

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l,f l :3:24 l'7 lT 1 'iL1C'~ N l9r)478 l1T


c 0 :~ P I D ~~ 1·T T I A. L

HJ.ST ALL A. 'T' I 0 IT ------ ---~-------- CO IJO OF I-TSN

,(oad ·'unc tJ.on ;l_oad June t ~~-en ·!·lln''jin Stat1cn r:~ t er . ~e S CJ.") 110 i.e

}LJ.l'F::; in S G J. t '- Oll. Central Tslc~tonc .xchn~go -;~l-3ctr")j_c '}erlc~r:ltcl~ (0 5.8S3l) ~l~ctr~c ~ener~tor Oil Stor13G ~rea

( ::>te a:11)

F F F' F F F' -:-r J.'


_jy_--J o s e cl ,:Jr :LC::: =,8

-_i_)J:-" id~cc

ht·cr Llne (Lc- 'i ~-ri.orit,r) .1-Vrl ac,uct ( L o--, :i:r:i_nr= ty) '::: l-;.(1-_F1C\1.ct (LO 'J i-rio~·jty) .:.;

hter :e s;:cvoir Jote~~ ,c servo ir

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~-'--''1~},_n~·. St.a.tlo:1 1 '""~_ter 1.:e ser ·vo i ::..--:.

~lsctric 3u~st 1t~on

1'":1 ·..:. -, ~~

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Ac ross 1_:{d fr· :::O I.cotr•.c 1• .l.:;.~ec:~. 7th (ep l Jer ot)

One Sr]uad One Scuad C'ne .sc;v J.l

12 1 8

One s~·uaLI

Cne 3qna:::l One .:i"n:=J..:l One 3c-;-uad , · ~ <~ lf '.!.,rae'' I';J.tro1

6 6 0

One ,.:)quad One ')c,uad One )c:u.J. .1 Cine -)C'uad C,no Squad Cn(:; ~quhJ.

One '3c:tuaJ

r:alf Squad

a . rc l i.:.: "'~ c~

C c· r:' ,..., ,.:llr,r ("' ]'""~ r· 1) .. I J:l, ~-

II j"} I;


; .-1 ,-.,.., " " ::>



b • '_l'i,G

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Color Control Patches Green Yellow Red Magenta White

