Asynchronous Computer-mediated Communication


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While you are waiting…

1. Follow at

2. Make sure you are a member of the Google Group (should have rcv’d an email invite).

3. Sign up for this site:

1. Audioboo (

4. Download on your smartphone/table (if you use one) a QR code reader (for next class).

1. iTunes: QR Reader for iPhone

2. Google Play: QR Droid or Scan

Asynchronous CMCCALL 3/4/13Follow at


• Discuss materials development 1

• Modes of Asynchronous CMC

• Writing

• Audio

• Video

• Homework: Service Encounter (for 3/25)

RSS feeds

• An RSS feed allows a reader to automatically receive updates from a source you subscribe to.

• Use an RSS reader/aggregators to subscribe to blogs, Youtube channels, Audioboo, news services, etc.

• Automatically follow your students’ work to facilitate asynchronous CMC.

• Also a great tool for collaborating related reading/news.

• Example RSS readers: Google Reader, Feeddler, Flipboard, Pulse, Feedly

Lesson plans reviews

• Login into the Google Group and find your discussion thread.


• Look at the presentations of your group members.

• In the discussion thread, respond to the topic and your groups’ comments.

GroupsTurkan, Erin A, Jena Dan, Alan, Marianna

Kerry, Hongbo, Kristen Randy, Erin S

Joe, Haley Cynthia, Katie, Guanya

Nour, Karen, Taichi

Asynchronous CMC• Writing

• Google groups, discussion threads (e.g., BBLearn discussion), wikis, blogs, micro-blogging (e.g., Twitter)

• Audio

• Audacity, Audioboo, Voicethread, podcasts

• Video

• Youtube, screencasting

Tech presentations

• Nour: Wikis


• Jena: Audacity (

Audioboo (

• Record up to 3 minutes of audio, post them on your Audioboo channel.

• Can add pictures, location, etc.

• Can upload via smartphone, website, or email.

• Can link to outside social media.

• Can subscribe to Audioboos via iTunes/RSS feeds.

• Can respond to other Audioboo messages.

• Also, Stephen Fry (lots of interesting, short passages)

Let’s try it out

• Go to, sign-up for an account.

• If you would like to use the program on a mobile device, download it.

• In browser:

• In mobile app: Browse -> Featured Boos -> Search jwsmart

• Listen to my message and record a response.

• Include a picture of the restaurant, if possible.

• If you have a device w/ you, record it now (or use a headset)

• Otherwise, record it before next class (via laptop, phone, etc.). You can also send via email.

In-class project (for 3/25): Service Encounters

• Service encounters include a broad range of activities, such as

• visiting a professor in an office hour,

• ordering food at a restaurant,

• going to an office for a service (e.g., doctor, registrar),

• making an appointment.

• They can be in person or over the phone.

• SEs are often difficult and intimidating to learners.

• Learning about SEs can be motivating and an excellent basis for TBLT.

Service Encounters Homework

• Develop a short teaching activity about a type of service encounter at an American university.

• Create* or find an excellent example of a service encounter to use as a model.

• Use one of the modes of CMC we have covered in class as a teaching tool.

• We will work on this in class today and Wed. Submit it on your blog by 3/25 (after spring break). We will share.

*Get permission if you are recording/filming someone.

QR code reader for next class

Download on your smartphone/table (if you use one) a QR code reader (for next class).

• iTunes: QR Reader for iPhone

• Google Play: QR Droid or Scan
