arXiv:1002.0354v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 1 Feb 2010 · a=4.5 silanol groups may be found in locally...


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Elucidating the bimodal acid-base behavior of the water-silica interface from first


Kevin Leung,1∗ Ida M.B. Nielsen,2 and Louise J. Criscenti11Sandia National Laboratories, MS 1415,

& 1322, Albuquerque, NM 871852Sandia National Laboratories,

MS 9158, Livermore, CA 94551∗

(Dated: February 1, 2010)

Understanding the acid-base behavior of silica surfaces is critical for many nanoscience and bio-nano interface applications. Silanol groups (SiOH) on silica surfaces exhibit two acidity constants—one as acidic as vinegar—but their structural basis remains controversial. The atomic details of themore acidic silanol site govern not just the overall surface charge density at near neutral solutionpH, but also how ions and bio-molecules interacts with and bind to silica immersed in water. Usingab initio molecular dynamics simulations and multiple representative crystalline silica surfaces, wedetermine the deprotonation free energies of silanol groups with different structural motifs. Weshow that previously proposed motifs related to chemical connectivity or inter-silanol hydrogenbonds do not yield high acidity. Instead, a plausible candiate for pKa=4.5 silanol groups may befound in locally strained or defected regions with sparse silanol coverage. In the process, irreversiblering-opening reactions of strained silica trimer rings in contact with liquid water are observed.


Deprotonation of silanol (SiOH) groups[1, 2] at water-silica interfaces is one of the most common and impor-tant, yet intriguing, interfacial chemical reactions. Sil-ica (SiO2) is a major component of rocks and lines thechannels of many nanofluidic devices.[3–5] Deprotona-tion governs dissolution rates,[1] affects lipid binding tosilica nanostructures,[4] creates negative surface chargesthat can be tuned with moderate changes in solutionpH to perform desalination and ion gating,[5] and mayeven hinder extraction of positively charged crude oilcomponents[6] from underground deposits. In particu-lar, the atomic level structural details of deprotonatedSiOH groups govern both the overall surface charge den-sity and the binding of ions and molecules to immersedsilica surfaces. In this work, we apply ab initio molecu-lar dynamics[7] (AIMD), which takes into account pro-ton dynamics and hydrogen bond network fluctuationsin liquid water essential to acid-base reactions in smallmolecules[8–11] as well as cooperative hydroxyl hydrogenbonding behavior specific to oxide surfaces,[12, 13] to in-vestigate the enigmatic SiOH deprotonation equilibriumconstant as a function of structural motifs.

Measurements of interfacial pKa (defined as − log10Ka, where Ka is the acid dissociation constant) havebeen revolutionized by surface-sensitive second harmonicgeneration (SHG) and sum frequency vibrational spec-troscopy (SFVS) techniques.[14, 15] In 1992, Ong etal.[16] demonstrated that 19% of silanol groups on fusedsilica surfaces exhibit a pKa of 4.5, about the sameas vinegar (acetic acid), while 81% exhibit pKa=8.5.SFVS experiments on α-quartz reached similar conclu-sions and further suggested that the low-acidity silanol

groups reside in regions with strong water-water hydro-gen bonds.[17] A titration study on silica gel (amor-phous silica)[18] and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopymeasurements on quartz[19] also independently demon-strated the existence of SiOH groups with pKa between4 and 5.5. Such qualitative agreement on different formsof silica is expected because liquid water is known toreact with even crystalline silica to form an amorphouslayer.[2, 20] These measurements suggest that the earlier,single pKa ∼6.8 reported in amorphous silica titrationexperiments[21] may reflect a composite of two types ofSiOH.

The acidities of surface silanol groups have been as-signed to different chemical connectivities or inter-silanolhydrogen bonding. In accordance with the literature,we differentiate SiOH groups according to whether theyare directly hydrogen bond to other SiOH (“H-bonded,”Fig. 1a), or are not so hydrogen-bonded (“isolated,”Fig. 1b); whether the 4-coordinated Si atom of the SiOHis part of 3 covalent Si-O-Si- linkages (“Q3,” Fig. 1c),or only part of 2 Si-O-Si (“Q2,” Fig. 1d). It has beensuggested that the ratio of H-bonded to isolated SiOHis about 1 to 4, similar to the relative occurrence ofpKa=4.5 and 8.5;[16] thus pKa=4.5 has been ascribedto isolated silanol groups.[16, 22–24] On the other hand,the Q2:Q3 ratio has also been described as either ap-proximately 1:4 or 4:1, which has prompted assignmentof the pKa=4.5 SiOH group to either Q2 (Refs. 25, 26) orQ3 (Refs. 27–29). The conflicting estimates of the ratiosof silanol groups with different structural motifs[25–29]likely reflect the difficulty brought about by the tendencyof liquid water to react with crystalline silica.[20] One in-disputable experimental finding is that the silanol surfacedensity is σSiOH ≈ 4.6 nm−2 on well-soaked amorphous


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 1: (a)-(d) Four types of SiOH groups discussed in thiswork. (a) Hydrogen-bonded; (b) isolated; (c) Q3; (d) Q2.Oxygen, silicon, and hydrogen atoms are colored in yellow,red, and white, respectively.

samples.[2, 30] On the theoretical side, static geochemicalmodels,[31, 32] which do not account for aqueous phasehydrogen bonding and dynamical proton motion, havealso been applied, but they have not yet explained thetwo observed acidity constants,[16–18] while quantumchemistry or DFT methods with a dielectric continuumtreatment of the bulk water environment have been lim-ited to calculating the pKa of small silica fragments.[33–35] DFT modeling of amorphous silica slabs have alsobeen considered,[36] but the pKa estimates therein of-ten do not treat water explicitly or dynamically. (SeeSupporting Information (SI) for discussions of the signif-icance of hydrogen-bond network fluctuations and excessproton hopping.)

AIMD simulations have successfully reproduced thepKa of molecules in aqueous solution[8–10] and should beparticularly well-suited for distinguishing relative SiOHpKa that are 4 pH units apart in different environments,provided we can demonstrate that reproducible pKa forchemically equivalent SiOH’s can be predicted. Coupledwith static high-level quantum chemistry corrections,they provide the most rigorous predictions for liquid statereactions. As computing power has increased, AIMDmodeling of liquid water-material interfaces has becomeviable,[12, 13, 37–41] although it remains costly becausewater dynamics is slower at interfaces.[42, 43] Further-more, investigation of multiple reaction sites and/or crys-talline facets is often necessary when dealing with ma-terial surfaces. In this work, we study the bimodalacid-base behavior of silanol groups[16–18] by perform-

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

FIG. 2: The heterogeneous SiOH environments examined inthis work. (a) Hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100) surface. TheSiOH groups have σSiOH ∼ 8 nm−2, are Q2 and H-bonded.pKa=7.6 ± 0.3. (b) Hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100) sur-face with one SiOH group replaced with a SiH to break thechain of hydrogen bonds. The tagged (deep blue) SiOH (Q2

and isolated) exhibits pKa=8.9±0.3. (c) Reconstructed β-cristobalite (100) surface, σSiOH ∼ 4 nm−2, Q3 and isolated;pKa=8.1±0.5 (6 layers of water) and 7.0±0.4 (4 layers). (d)The structure in panel (c) comes from removing atoms shownhere in blue, and attaching the resulting undercoordinatedSi and O atoms. Panels (a)-(d) represent ∼1.5 simulationcells in the lateral direction. (e) (H3SiO)3SiOH, which is Q3

and isolated, exhibits pKa=7.9±0.5. (f) Top half of a recon-structed quartz (0001) surface model containing cyclic silicatrimers (Si-O)3, σSiOH ∼ 2.3 nm−2, Q3 and H-bonded; oneSiOH resides on a trimer ring (pKa=5.1±0.3), the other doesnot (pKa=3.8±0.4 and pKa=4.8±0.4 depending on whethera nearby trimer ring breaks; see text). Si, O, and H atoms arein yellow, red, and white, respectively. (b) and (e) are finite-temperature AIMD snapshots, with water molecules omittedfor clarity, while (a), (c), and (f) are shown at T=0 K.

ing AIMD simulations to directly calculate the pKa value.Given the absence of well-defined water-crystalline silicainterfaces,[20] and the fact that the precise atomic struc-ture of amorphous silica surfaces is unknown, we examinesix distinct, representative silanol environments. Theseinclude hydroxylated β-crystobalite (100) (Fig. 2a), hy-droxylated β-cristobalite (100) with one SiOH removed(Fig. 2b), reconstructed β-cristobalite (100) (Fig. 2c), amolecular system (Fig. 2e), and two distinct SiOH on re-constructed quartz (0001) (Fig. 2f). They represent theSiOH motifs proposed to be responsible for pKa=4.5 or8.5 in the literature (Figs. 1a-d).


AIMD simulations apply the Perdew-Burke-Ernezhof(PBE) functional,[44] the Vienna Atomic SimulationPackage (VASP),[45, 46] a 400 eV energy cutoff, Γ-


point sampling of the Brillouin zone, deuterium massfor all protons, and a 0.375 fs time step at each Born-Oppenheimer dynamics time step. The trajectories arethermostat at T=425 K; elevated temperature is neededto represent liquid water properties when the PBE func-tional is applied and quantum nuclear effects are ne-glected, which is the case herein (SI, Sec. S1). Fourto six umbrella sampling windows of 20 ps productiontrajectory length each are used per pKa calculation onhydroxylated β-cristobalite (100) (Figs. 2a,b) and recon-structed β-cristobalite (Fig. 2c) surfaces. These periodi-cally replicated simulation cells measure 10.17×10.17×26A3. Their lateral dimensions are commensurate with sim-ulation cells often used for AIMD studies of pure waterstructure or ion hydration. This is one of the reasons wehave focused on the (100) rather than the (111) surfaceof β-cristobalite, which actually has a σSiOH similar tothat of amorphous silica.[2] The more computationallycostly reconstructed quartz (0001) system has a cell sizeof 10.0×17.32×24 A3, and 12 to 18 ps trajectories areused per window. For each crystalline silica simulationcell, we always start from crystal slab structures opti-mized at zero temperature using Density Functional The-ory (DFT) and the PBE functional.[44] Next we switch tothe CHARMM SiO2 force field[47] and the SPC/E modelfor water.[48] The number of water molecules occupyingthe simulation cell is determined using these force fields,the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) technique,and the Towhee code.[49] With this approach, the spacesbetween hydroxylated and reconstructed β-cristobalitesurfaces are filled with 58 and 63 water molecules, re-spectively, which amount to roughly six layers of wa-ter, while the reconstructed quartz simulation cell con-tains about 63 (about 4 layers of) water molecules. The(H3SiO)3SiOH pKa calculation utilizes a (12.42 A)3 cellwith 57 H2O and 20 ps sampling trajectories. Finally, tocheck system size dependences, umbrella sampling sim-ulations for a smaller reconstructed β-cristobalite (100)simulation cell, 20 A in the z-direction and containing44 (4 layers of) water molecules, are also conducted forat least 10 ps per window.pKa has been reported for molecules in liquid water

using the AIMD technique.[8–10] It is related to the stan-dard state deprotonation free energy ∆G(0) via − log10exp(−β∆G(0)), where β is 1/kBT and

∆G(0) = −kBT ln



∫ Rcut


dRA(R) exp[−β∆W (R)]



Here C0 denotes 1.0 M concentration, R is the reactioncoordinate, A(R) is a phase space factor to be discussedbelow, Rcut is the cutoff distance delimiting the reac-tion and product valleys in the free energy landscape,and W (R) is the potential of mean force which pro-vides the information needed to compute the free energyof deprotonation. Regardless of the reaction coordinate

used,[8, 9] W (R) generally do not exhibit turning pointsin the deprotonated region, and Rcut can be taken as theonset of the plateau where W (R) → 0.

The umbrella sampling method[50] is used to computethe W (R) associated with SiOH deprotonation. A four-atom reaction coordinate R (Fig. 3a) is found to workbest under our simulation conditions. It controls whatwe call the “wandering proton” problem. We label thefirst, second and third neighbor H2O molecules of theSiO− oxygen (green sphere) shown in Figs. 3b-d “water1” (O depicted red), “2” (blue), and “3” (pink). WhenR ∼ −0.4 A (Fig. 3b), the SiOH bond is intact. As Rdecreases to∼ −1.1 A (Fig. 3c), the SiOH proton is trans-ferred to a “water 1” which has been hydrogen-bondedto the SiOH group, yielding a SiO−-H3O

+ contact ionpair. As R further decreases (Fig. 3d), a proton origi-nally residing on “water 1” is now transferred to a secondwater molecule (“water 2”), creating a water-separatedSiO−/H3O

+ pair, at which point the deprotonation re-action is almost complete. This analysis appears consis-tent with insights from a transition path sampling AIMDsimulation,[11] as follows. The Fig. 3d configuration,with the excess proton and the SiO− separated by two hy-drogen bonds, form a possible free energy dividing surfacebetween the intact and the deprotonated acid species,provided that the electric polarization between the twostates, arising from the surrounding water molecules,[11]has sufficient time to equilibrate. Our simulation condi-tions allow such equilibration, and the excess proton isindeed observed to diffuse away if R fluctuates to regionssignificantly more negative than ∼ −1.4 A. Umbrella po-tentials of the type (A/2)(R−Ro)

2 are used to sample thereaction coordinate R. Just as significantly, they ensurethat R > −1.4 A and control the extent of proton trans-fer from “water 1” to all possible “water 2,” so that atmost a water-separated ion-pair is obtained. Otherwise,if the excess proton is several hydrogen bonds removedfrom the SiO− (say if it spends a significant amount oftime on “water 3” via proton transfer from “water 2”),it can start to diffuse (“wander”) through the simulationcell via the Grotthuss mechanism at O(1) ps time scaleper proton transfer. With tens of H2O molecules in thesimulation cell and 10-20 ps trajectories, once the excessH+ leaves the second hydration shell of the SiO− it doesnot return, and equilibrium sampling is not achieved.This “wandering” likely arises because the higher tem-perature and longer umbrella sampling trajectories thanare generally used in the AIMD literature facilitate dif-fusion of the excess proton away from the SiO−. Otherdeprotonation reaction coordinates used in the literatureare discussed in the SI (Sec. S2). They are found to giverise to wandering excess protons under our simulationconditions. As long as equilibrium sampling is achieved,the deprotonation free energy cost should not depend onthe choice of coordinate.


To apply Eq. 1, we use a method similar to Ref. 8:finding the most probable optimal O(water 1)-H

+ hydro-gen bond distance rO−H at each R, thus locally convert-ing W (R) to W (rO−H); performing a spline fit to theresulting W (rO−H); and integrating over rO−H with a4πr2O−H volume element, which takes the place of thephase space factor A(R) in Eq. 1. Equation 1 assumesthat the entropic factors such as rotations of the reac-tant and products about the O-H axis are adequatelysampled in the AIMD trajectories; otherwise additionalconstraints and entropic factors are introduced.[51, 52]SI Sec. S2 shows that such constraints do not affect wa-ter autoionization free energies, partly because the varia-tion in rO−H needed to complete the deprotonation reac-tion is relatively small. Furthermore, we always referencepredicted silanol pKa to that of water autoionization[9]computed using the same reaction coordinate and ele-vated temperature. This minimizes systematic error aris-ing from the simulation protocol (SI Sec. S2), and phasespace contributions approximately cancel out.The metadynamics technique,[53–55] a promising and

powerful alternative to umbrella sampling, has been ap-plied to calculate dissociation free energies on surfaces[37]and acid-base reactions of small molecules.[10] Thismethod, not yet implemented in VASP, can potentiallybe used for efficient comparative study of pKa on othermaterial surfaces after it has been adapted to deal withthe wandering proton problem.Gas-phase, high-level ab initio calculations are per-

formed to check and correct chemical bonding ener-gies predicted with the PBE functional used in theAIMD simulations. The Gaussian03 program suite isapplied.[56] The pertinent sample chemical reaction is

Si(OH)4 +H2O · · ·OH−

→ Si(OH)3O−

· · ·H2O+H2O(2)

Geometries are optimized, and harmonic vibrational fre-quencies computed, with density functional theory usingthe B3LYP method[57, 58] and the 6-311++G(d, p) ba-sis set. At the B3LYP geometries, energies are computedwith the coupled-cluster singles and doubles method in-cluding a perturbative correction for triple substitutions,CCSD(T),[59] using the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set. Basis setincompleteness corrections are added to the CCSD(T)energies. Finally, zero-point vibrational energy correc-tions computed from the B3LYP/6-311++G(d, p) fre-quencies are added. Using this protocol, the high-levelab initio calculation yields a reaction energy of -30.51 forEq. 2. Gas-phase VASP-based PBE calculations, con-ducted with an energy cutoff identical to that in AIMDsimulations, predict -27.17 kcal/mol. These numbers donot include the 2.24 kcal/mol zero point energy (ZPE)corrections. Thus, the overall AIMD reaction energiesshould be corrected by a modest -1.10 kcal/mol. Thebasis set extrapolation procedure may have a systematicerror larger than 1 pH unit (SI Sec. S3) but this does not

-1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2R (A)



SiO- H


SiO- H





R1 R


R = R1 - R2 - R

3 (a)

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 3: (a) The 4-atom reaction coordinate R, illustrated forsilicic acid in water but is similar for all silanol containingspecies. Panels (b)-(d) are snapshots from AIMD deproto-nation simulations, with outershell H2O molecules removedfor clarity reasons. As deprotonation proceeds, R progressesfrom intact SiO-H (R ∼ −0.4 A, panel (b)) to SiO− H3O


contact ion pair (R ∼ −1.0 A, panel (c)) and then, via a Grot-thuss proton transfer, to a solvent-separated SiO−/H3O

+ pair(R ∼ −1.32 A, panel (d)). Yellow, red, white, and greenspheres represent Si, O, H, and the “O−” atoms, respectively.Additionally, the water O atoms which are second and thirdnearest neighbor to the SiO− oxygen are colored blue andpink, respectively. pKa predictions for silicic acid will be re-ported in a future publication.

affect the relative pKa of different SiOH groups.See the SI for details about constraints introduced to

prevent proton attacks on SiO−, the AIMD intializa-tion protocol, further justifications for adopting the four-atom reaction coordinate, extrapolating quantum chem-istry results to the infinite basis set limit.


Hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100): chemically homoge-neous SiOH. We first show that our simulation protocolpredicts reproducible pKa for chemically equivalent SiOH


groups on the hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100) surface(Fig. 2a). This well-studied model crystalline surface ex-hibits σSiOH=8 nm−2, larger than the experimental valueof 4.6 nm−2 for amorphous silica.[2] At zero-temperature,it features two types of Q2 silanol groups: alternating hy-drogen bond donors and acceptors arranged in chains[60](Fig. 2a) not found in small molecules.[8–10] This fea-ture is dynamically preserved in our finite-temperature,aqueous-phase simulations (SI Sec. S4).

Figure 4a shows that two chemically equivalent, hy-drogen bond-accepting SiOH groups on this surfaceare predicted to exhibit deprotonation W (R) within0.5 kcal/mol of each other. At large negative values ofthe reaction coordinate R, the deprotonated SiO− is sta-bilized with three hydrogen bonds (i.e., Nw=3, Figs. 4band 4c). At R >∼ −0.8 A, the SiO-H bond is only par-tially broken, Nw < 3, and the local W (R) is not sensi-tive to the slight difference in Nw in the two simulationsthat arises from statistical noise. These observations ap-pear consistent with a recent two-dimensional potentialof mean force analysis of formic acid deprotonation.[10]Accounting for zero-point energy, correcting the AIMDfunctional with more accurate quantum chemistry meth-ods, and referencing Eq. 1 to the water autodissociationconstant pKw=14,[9] we estimate pKa values of 7.5 and7.7, close to the less acidic pKa value reported by Ong etal.[16] The standard deviation is 0.3 pH unit. Multipledeprotonation on this surface is discussed in SI Sec. S5.

Heterogeneity: Isolated, H-bonded, Q2, and Q3 SiOHall exhibit pKa > 7. We next show that, contrary to pre-vious hypotheses,[16, 23–29] isolated, H-bonded, Q2, andQ3 silanol groups all exhibit pKa > 7.0. We first createan isolated silanol group by replacing a hydrogen bond-donating SiOH group on the hydroxylated β-cristobalite(100) surface with a SiH so that its neighboring SiOHgroup is no longer H-bonded (Fig. 2b). Figure 5 showsthat this isolated SiOH exhibits pKa=8.9±0.3, and is lessacidic by 1.2-1.4 pH unit than when the SiOH hydro-gen donor is present (Fig. 2a). This is entropically rea-sonable because a hydrogen bond-donating SiOH part-ner stabilizes the neighboring SiO− alongside two watermolecules, while three water molecules are required foran isolated SiO−. AIMD correctly accounts for this effectbecause it models H2O and SiOH on the same dynami-cal footing and because water-water and water-silanol hy-drogen bond energies are similar.[60] Hydroxyls on oxideswith more ionic character than SiO2 form stronger hydro-gen bonds, and indeed the relative abundance of inter-hydroxyl hydrogen bonding may partially be responsiblefor the crystal facet-dependent acidity of α-Al2O3.[61]This will be the subject of future, comparative studies.

To compare Q2 and Q3 silanol groups, we reconstructthe hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100) surface by condens-ing every other pair of H-bonded SiOH groups into aSiOH and a H2O molecule (Fig. 2c). This involves

the elimination of a hydrogen-bond donating OH groupplus the proton on its adjacent, hydrogen-bond acceptingSiOH (Fig. 2d). The resulting undercoordinated Si and Oatoms are joined together to form a covalent bond, in theprocess pulling apart the remaining H-bonded SiOH pairsso they are now isolated from one another. A similarstructural motif has been considered in the literature.[62]This surface has σSiOH=4 nm−2, with all SiOH groupsbeing Q3, isolated, and residing on silica rings contain-ing at least 5 Si atoms. Such rings should be unstrained,unlike 3-member (Si-O)3 rings discussed below. The pKa

is found to be 8.1±0.5 (Fig. 5).

We also consider a (SiH3)3SiOH molecule featuringan isolated, Q3 SiOH group (Fig. 2e), which exhibitsa comparable pKa=7.9±0.5. Thus, in general, Q3 andQ2 silanol groups do not exhibit pKa’s that differ by 4pH units as previously proposed.[23–29] Over the range4 nm−2 ≤ σSiOH ≤ 8 nm−2, the precise value of σSiOH

has little effect on pKa.

To some extent, all our crystalline silica models arenano-slits with thin water slabs confined between thesurfaces. As the water content decreases, the dielectricsolvation of SiO− and H+ species should decrease, whileintact SiOH groups should be weakly affected. Thus oneexpects a lower acidity and a higher pKa in stronglynano-confined aqueous media.[63] To examine confine-ment effects, a pKa calculation is performed for a smallerreconstructed β-cristobalite (100) simulation cell, 20 A inthe z-direction, containing 4 layers of water. This systemactually yields a lower pKa=7.0±0.4—but is lower onlyby 1.1 pH units (dashed brown line in Fig. 5). It is pos-sible the unexpected pKa decrease between the 6- and 4-water layer models arises from anomalies in the hydrogenbonding network not apparent from visual inspection ofwater configurations. The water density is also affectedby the confinement.[64] In the 4-layer model, all watermolecules are at most two layers away from the crys-talline silica surfaces, and AIMD conducted with GCMC-predicted water content is found to yield a second layerH2O density that is 18% above 1.0 g/cc. However, thisis unlikely to change the dielectric response sufficientlyto lower the pKa by 1 unit. Assuming one can apply theBorn hydration formula for excess proton hydration inthis heterogeneous medium, ∆Ghyd ∼ X(1−1/ǫo) whereX ≈ −264 kcal/mol for the proton.[65] If the 6-layersof water have ǫo=80, the 4-layer system must exhibitǫo=140 to make hydration more favorable by 1 pH unitwhen in fact confinement generally reduces the dielec-tric constant of water.[12] In any case, the discrepancyin pKa is actually within two standard deviations andmay simply arise from statistical uncertainties. This testsuggests that confinement effects are not large for the slitpore geometry[3] down to about 1 nm slit widths. There-fore our reported pKa for 6-water layer systems shouldbe good approximations of pristine crystalline silica sur-




) (




-1.5 -1 -0.5 0R (A)



SiO- H





pKa=7.5 to 7.7



(c) (d)

FIG. 4: Deprotonation free energy on hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100) (Fig. 2a). (a) Potential of mean forceW (R). The most negative R values represent SiO− whileR >∼ −0.8 A indicates intact SiO-H bonds. Red and blacklines: two different but chemically equivalent SiOH groups;blue: water autoionization. (b) Mean hydration number, Nw,in each umbrella sampling window, defined as the numberof protons within 2.5 A (a typical hydrogen bond distance)of the SiO− oxygen. (c) Snapshot of the interface betweenwater and hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100), replicated threetimes in the lateral direction. (d) Side view of slab modelwith silanol groups forming hydrogen bond chains, highlight-ing a Q2, H-bonded SiO− group in its representative hydrogenbonding environment. Yellow, red, and white spheres depictSi, O, and H atoms, respectively.

faces in contact with bulk liquid water. We also stressthat all slab geometries in Figs. 2a-c have been studiedusing 6-water layer simulation cells, and their relativepKa should be mostly free of system size effects. How-ever, two-dimensional confinement in cylindrical amor-phous silica nanopores[12, 23, 66–68] may have a strongerimpact on pKa.[63]

High acidity and chemical reactions on strained recon-structed quartz surfaces. Finally, it seems imperative todemonstrate the possibility of an unusually acidic silanolgroup. The following “computational existence proof” isnecessarily more speculative than the conclusions aboutQ2, Q3, isolated, and H-bonded SiOH pKa discussedabove, but it emphasizes the likely role of defected re-gions when accounting for pKa=4.5.

Having considered σSiOH=8 and 4 nm−2, we examinean even lower SiOH surface density. A recent experi-mental study has attached crystal violet dyes to deproto-nated silanol groups. Based on the flat, 120 nm2 surfacearea of the dye molecule, it is proposed that strong acid-ity is correlated with local SiOH surface density σSiOH

< 0.83 nm−2.[22] In our DFT calculations, the opti-mal geometry of crystal violet when covalently bondedto (HO)3SiO

− is not flat but is substantially distorted.However, this suggestion of low SiOH surface density be-ing associated with the more acidic SiOH appears consis-tent with other experimental and theoretical observationsdiscussed below.

Since most cuts through crystalline forms of silica yieldsurfaces with substantial hydroxylation,[69] we investi-gate a reconstructed, completely dehydroxylated quartz(0001) model, featuring (Si-O)3 trimer rings, predictedto be metastable in vacuum.[70, 71] 2.3 SiOH groups persquare-nanometer are re-introduced by removing two sur-face Si atoms and performing further reconstruction andhydroxylation to keep all atoms fully coordinated. Thisyields two types of silanol groups which are hydrogen-bonded to each other; one member of the pair resideson a cyclic trimer while the other does not (Fig. 2f).Regions devoid of SiOH and dominated by siloxane (Si-O-Si) bridges are hydrophobic, and this model surfacemay therefore be consistent with hydroxyl groups in hy-drophobic pores reported to be unusually acidic on otheroxides.[72] We conduct one deprotonation umbrella sam-pling simulation of a silanol group residing on a cyclictrimer (Fig. 5, solid violet curve), and two simulationswhere the SiOH does not reside on a trimer (dashedand dot-dashed violet). Figure 5 indeed shows thatthese SiOH groups exhibit pKa ∼ 5.1±0.3, 4.8±0.4, and3.8±0.4, respectively — close to the experimental value of4.5. More significantly, their average pKa are separatedfrom the median of all other SiOH groups previously ex-amined in this work by 3.4 pH units.

Unlike cyclic silica tetramers or larger Si-O rings, cyclicsilica trimers are strained.[1, 74, 75] At zero temperature,in the absence of water, the Si atom of the SiOH groupresiding on a silica trimer ring exhibit Si-O-Si angles of137.5o, 130.4o, and 132.0o. For the SiOH group not re-siding on a silica trimer, the angles are 154.9o, 131.8o,and 147.8o. A few of these angles deviate substantiallyfrom the ideal, unstrained Si-O-Si value of approximately145o. This likely accounts for the low pKa computed forthese SiOH groups. Other trimer rings not decoratedwith SiOH are also strained, and the slow spatial decayof their surface strain fields[73] may also contribute tothe high acidity of SiOH group not residing on them.

Within hours in moist air,[1, 74, 75] cyclic trimer-containing surfaces are known to incorporate water andbreak open to reduce strain and increase the local σSiOH.At the water-reconstructed quartz interface, during um-


-1.5 -1 -0.5 0R (A)






) (




pKa=3.8 to 5.1

pKa=7.0 to 8.9



FIG. 5: Distribution of pKa. Black and red lines: W (R)for SiOH on the hydroxylated β-cristobalite (100) surface(Fig. 2a); green: same surface but with hydrogen bond-donating SiOH artificially removed (Fig. 2b); brown, solidand dashed: reconstructed β-cristobalite (100) (Fig 2c), with6 and 4 layers of water in the simulation cell, respectively;yellow: (H3SiO)3SiOH (Fig. 2e); violet: reconstructed quartz(0001), (Fig. 2f), with the SiOH residing on a silica trimer ring(solid) or otherwise (dashed and dot-dashed). Blue: W (R) forwater autoionization.

brella sampling deprotonation of the SiOH group residingon a 3-member ring (Fig. 2f), we indeed observe a watermolecule forming a transient bond with another Si atomon a Si-O trimer 6 A away from the tagged SiO− withinpicoseconds (Fig. 6b). The resulting 5-coordinated Si hasbeen observed in simulations[71, 76, 77] and found to bethe intermediate in the trimer ring-opening mechanismon wet silica amorphous surfaces in reactive force fieldand molecular orbital calculations.[76–78] Our AIMDtrajectories show that this mechanism remains operativeat explicit liquid water-silica interfaces; proton hoppingvia the Grotthuss mechanism occurs readily, enablingthe H2O adsorbed on the surface Si to lose a proton tobulk water, forming a new SiOH group within ∼ 10 ps(Fig. 6c). Then, in 2 of the 4 sampling windows, a Si-O bond on the now 5-coordinated Si breaks to open theOH-incorporated (Si-O)3 ring and irreversibly introduceanother new SiOH (Fig. 6d). Our trajectories thus dif-fer from a recent molecular dynamics study of the liquidwater-reconstructed quartz interface, where the adsorbedwater molecule, not described by a reactive force field, ul-timately desorbs from the 5-coordinated surface Si atomwithout inducing chemical reactions.[71]

These irreversible side reactions prevent strict equi-librium sampling needed for W (R) calculations. Fortu-nately, for the SiOH residing on a cyclic trimer (Fig. 6),analysis of the pre- and post ring-breaking statistics re-veals that the nearby chemical reaction has little effect onits pKa. We further analyze trimer ring-opening effectson the pKa of another SiOH group, this one not residingon a surface 3-member ring. A H2O incorporation reac-tion also occurs in the neighborhood of this tagged SiOH(Fig. 7). We split the sampling windows into two groups:(A) those without irreversible hydrolysis of a nearby sil-ica ring (Fig. 7a); and (B) those with trimer ring breakingand formation of two new SiOH groups (Fig. 7b). Thentwo complete sets of sampling windows spanning the en-tire deprotonation pathway are spawned from these seedwindows, yielding two pKa: case A, pKa=3.8 (Fig. 5,dashed violet curve); and case B, pKa=4.8 (Fig. 5, dot-dashed violet). The results show that H2O incorporationand a single ring-breaking event nearby does appear in-crease the pKa of the tagged SiOH not residing on atrimer ring. However, the increase is only 1.0 pH unit,almost within statistical uncertainties. In case (A), thethree Si-O-Si angles on the silica trimer ring average to121.1o, 134.0o, and 132.2o along the trajectory; the firstrefers to the angle where both Si are below the silicasurface (“buried”). In case (B), this angle linking theburied Si atoms relaxes significantly to 140.5o. The sec-ond angle, which involves the surface Si and a buried Si,remains almost unchanged at 136.0o. (The third linkageis destroyed during ring opening.) Si atoms which nolonger participate in strained Si-O-Si linkages should bemore stable against H2O attack.

From these considerations, we conclude that, despiteinterference from H2O incorporation reactions, there re-mains a statistically significant difference in the pKa’son this surface, and the pKa’s ranging from 7.0 to 8.9for all other silanol groups investigated before (Fig. 5).This finding suggests that strain, low local silanol surfacedensity, hydrophobicity, and low pKa are correlated onamorphous silica surfaces. Indeed, atomistic model sur-faces with low local σSiOH regions almost always exhibit3-member rings.[70, 76, 79] These regions may be in dy-namic equilibrium with solvated silica fragments in solu-tion, constantly being dissolved/hydrolyzed and reconsti-tuted when dissolved fragments re-nucleate on hydroxy-lated regions.[71, 80–82] The dynamic equilibrium has re-cently been demonstrated in Monte Carlo simulations[81]using a reactive silica force field.[83]

We have only observed one ring-opening reaction oneach surface. The limited AIMD trajectory length doesnot conclusively allow us to predict how many trimerrings persist at the liquid water-amorphous silica inter-face as a function of time. Therefore we do not defini-tively assign this structure to the observed pKa=4.5SiOH group, and instead pose it as a challenge to experi-


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 6: Water incorporation onto reconstructed quartz. (a)Initial equilibrated snapshot of SiO− H+ contact ion pairon the reconstructed quartz (0001) surface where the SiO−

resides on a 3-member ring (truncated in this figure). Thetagged SiO− oxygen is in deep blue; its H-bond SiOH donoris out of the frame. All other Si, O, and H atoms are in yel-low, red, and white, respectively. (b) Snapshot after ∼ 3 ps.To the left of the SiO−, a water molecule (light blue) has at-tached itself to a Si atom on another silica trimer ring, whichis unhydroxylated. That Si becomes 5-coordinated. (c) Thiswater molecule loses a proton to bulk water; one of the Si-O bonds not on the trimer ring becomes stretched. This isreversible as long as another SiOH is not created. (d) In an-other sampling window for this SiOH, the trimer ring breaksopen instead, forming a new SiOH after extracting a protonfrom water.

mental work, including single molecule spectroscopy,[84]to determine whether they are sufficiently abundant overtime to account for the 19% of all silanol groups shownto exhibit high acidity.[16, 17] We also point out that,while cyclic silica trimers are well known to react withmoist air, other popular crystalline silica model surfacesshould also be hydrolytically unstable.[20] Thus, the hy-droxylated α-quartz (0001) and β-cristobalite (100) sur-faces, with σSiOH ∼ 9 and 8 nm−2 respectively, are of-ten used as models to study the interface between liquidwater and generic silica solids in classical MD simula-tions. However, if these simulations permit chemical re-actions over long enough times, we speculate that someof the SiOH groups on such surfaces may also react withwater[20, 81] in a way to reduce the silanol surface densitytowards the amorphous silica σSiOH=4.6 nm−2 observedin experiments.[2, 30]

Discussions AIMD-based potential of mean force cal-culations simulations have been demonstrated to yield re-producible pKa for chemically equivalent silanol groups.

(a) (b)

FIG. 7: Trimer silica ring and Si-O-Si angles. Configura-tions are taken from AIMD pKa calculations where the SiOHgroup involved in the pKa calculation does not reside on asilica trimer ring. That tagged SiOH is off-frame; all H2Omolecules are removed for clarity. (a) Snapshot along AIMDtrajectory where the 3-member ring remains intact (case A).The 3 Si-O-Si angles within the ring average to 121.1o (be-tween Si atoms on the trimer ring colored yellow and darkblue), 134.0o (yellow/pink), and 132.2o (pink/dark blue). (b)Incorporation of a H2O (its oxygen colored light blue) opensthe ring (case B). The surviving Si-O-Si angles are 140.5o

(yellow/dark blue) and 136.0o (yellow/pink). O and H atomsare represented by red and white spheres respectively.

The statistical uncertainties of our simulation protocolare estimated to be about 0.3-0.5 pH unit, consistentwith explicit calculations on two chemically equivalentSiOH. Therefore these simulations should reliably distin-guish relative pKa of heterogeneous SiOH groups 4 pHunits apart. Resolving hydroxyl pKa on other surfacesmay remain a challenge if the acidities are less widelyseparated.

Our pKa calculations suggest that comparative stud-ies between SiO2 and other material surfaces will be ex-tremely interesting. One intriguing candidate surface isa quartz surface densely functionalized with carboxylicacid groups. To our knowledge, this is the only othermaterial surface which clearly exhibits bimodal pKa

behavior.[85] Other candidates are the different facets ofcrystalline alumina, which may feature several pKa’s un-resolved into distinct, measurable components.[72, 86, 87]Structural motifs such as chemical connectivity and inter-hydroxyl hydrogen bonding have also been invoked to ex-plain the pKa in these systems; as mentioned in the text,inter-hydroxyl hydrogen bonding may affect the pKa ofthe more ionic Al2O3 surfaces more strongly than on anyform of silica surfaces. See SI, Sec. S6, for more detailson these material systems. Finally, SFVG spectra[17]and time-dependent acid-base phenomena on quartz[88]can also be investigated in the future.


In this paper, we have performed AIMD pKa calcula-tions on five representative crystalline silica surfaces plus


a molecular system exhibiting different silanol (SiOH)structural motifs. From the results, we have conclusivelyshown that the more acidic of the two pKa observed inexperiments cannot, as previously proposed,[22–29] beexplained by the existence of silanol groups with certainchemical connectivities or inter-silanol hydrogen bond-ing. In fact, we find pKa ∼ 4.5 silanol groups only onstrained surfaces with sparse silanol coverage. While ourdemonstration of the existience of such low pKa SiOHgroups is necessarily somewhat speculative, this studyhighlights the role of defected regions as the most promis-ing candidate to explain the elusive bimodal acid-basebehavior of silica surfaces.[16–18] Assigning structuralmotifs to the more strongly acidic SiOH groups is par-ticularly crucial in non-reactive force field-based mod-eling of silica nanofluidic channels, where the preferen-tially deprotonated SiOH sites at neutral pH have to beassigned in a static way.[12, 23, 66, 67, 89, 90] In theprocess of studying the acid-base behavior, we also ob-serve irreversible, water-assisted ring-opening reactionsof strained silica trimer rings in contact with liquid wa-ter, The reaction was previously studied on wet silicasurfaces;[76, 76, 78] our AIMD simulations demonstratethat a similar mechanism is operative at liquid water-silica interfaces.


We thank Ron Shen, Steven Garofalini, Susan Rempe,Jeff Brinker, Dave Tallant, Ying-Bing Jiang, and FranzGeiger for discussions. This work was supported bythe Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory op-erated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Com-pany, for the U.S. Deparment of Energy. LJC acknowl-edge support from the U.S. DOE Office of Basic EnergySciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, andBiosciences.

Supporting Information Available

Further information are provided regarding details ofthe AIMD simulations, justification for the reaction co-ordinate used, quantum chemistry calculations (includ-ing all energies and optimized geometries), the dynam-ics of hydrogen bond fluctuations on silica surfaces,proton exchange due to multiple deprotonation, anda brief overview of acid-base behavior in alumina andcarboxylate acid functionalized surfaces. This infor-mation is available free of charge via the Internet at

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