Artists of Alderney Street



MI6 GCHQ - Gareth Williams was 'probably murdered'. Murder, assassination, accident, cover-up?

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MI6-GCHQ cyber and electronicanalyst Gareth Williams was

“probably murdered”


hen Eye Spy learned of thedeath of Gareth Williams,31, a GCHQ man secondedto MI6 for a specialoperation, we were naturallyinterested. Our Londoncontacts were at the sceneW

immediately, and it soon became clear this wasno ordinary event. We were baffled by theobvious early manipulation of the media. Ourearly opinion that Williams’ death lookedsuspicious has never changed - and theevidence gleaned from inside flat 4, 36 AlderneyStreet, seems to support this: the environmentfaced by investigative detectives seemed staged.

We were informed by an intelligence contactman that Gareth was a “weirdo.” Eye Spy didn’tbelieve it then and we do not believe it today.Private lifestyle is an easy excuse for happen-

ings, but it does not always explain the truth.

The likable, but very private Welsh GCHQanalyst was probably murdered at his Pimlicoflat and squeezed into a sports bag. A complexlock and zipper arrangement meant that even if he was still alive, escape was unlikely. Twokeys (which could have opened the lock) werefound inside the bag with him. This wasconsidered a nasty and vindictive act. But hadWilliams climbed inside the bag himself carryingthe keys and managed to lock it?

Some intelligence experts believe that a personor persons placed the keys under the buttocks of

Gareth with the intention of making detectivesbelieve he carried the keys inside as an escaperoute. Was it suicide, murder or a sexual act thatwent badly wrong? That the bag was found inthe bath has become a contentious issue andone that is examined later.

Army veteran Jim Fetherstonhaugh, 49,discovered how to lock the bag from inside, and

he even filmed his daughter Izzy, testing thetheory. It worked and Jim immediately contactedNew Scotland Yard. More on Jim’s excellentresearch later, but however important, it does notexplain the wider evidence.

Our sources maintain the bag was placed in thebath by a third party. And why was the heatingturned on fully, despite the pleasant weatheroutside? New Scotland Yard may be tempted toexamine the data from the electric companynoting when the electric meter dial surged. If thiscoincides with the 16th of August, then it isrelevant.

Subtle manipulation of evidence was occurring.It’s one reason why Williams’ solicitor said at theinquest, “dark arts were in play.” We were givencase examples by British agents who hadworked in the “darkest of operations,” fromundercover MI5 and MI6 ops, to bomb buildingand deaths in Northern Ireland. Not one contactbelieved, despite sordid reports about Williamslifestyle being published in the press, that Garethhad accidentally killed himself.

he inquest heard from 40 or sowitnesses and enabled the correctionof many unclear issues. New informa-TTHE INQUEST

tion about various aspects of Gareth’s life anddeath also afforded an insight into how the NewScotland Yard investigation was conducted.There were mistakes, as we shall learn.


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