Articles in Periodicals: Articles in Serial Publications · The Anuário do Instituto de...


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A n u á r i o d o I n s t i t u t o d e G e o c i ê n c i a s - I G E O - U F R J w w w. a n u a r i o . i g e o . u f r j . b r I S S N 0 1 0 1 - 9 7 5 9 e - I S S N 1 9 8 2 - 3 9 0 8

Manuscript Preparation

1. The Anuário do Instituto de Geociências (Anuário IGEO) is an official publication of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ– CCMN) with the objective to publish original and unique scientific papers of broad interest in thefield of Geology, Paleontology, Geographyand Meteorology.There are no charges for submission or to publish in the Anuário do Instituto de Geociências.

2. The Anuário do Instituto de Geociências publishes Articles and Notes de aling with Geology, Paleontology,Geography and Meteorology. All submitted manuscripts must be in accord with the ICZN,ICBN, and the Brazilian Stratigraphic Code.

3. Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, French, Spanish or English. Articles in Portuguese, French or Spanish should include an expanded English abstract of no more than three pages.

4. Articles – may be up to 25 typed, double-spaced pages (A4 or standard letter size) in length, including illustrations and bibliography. Papers exceeding this limitor having color illustrations may be published, but are subject to payment by the authors of the additional production costs.

5. Notes – should be no longer than 5 typed, double-spaced pages, including illustrations and bibliography.They are primarily intended for communicating important recent discoveries.

Text Preparation6. Articles and NotesThe first pages hould include the title,number of illustrations, and table of contents.The second page should begin with the title, author´s name and complete address (both postal and electronic), followed by the resumo, English (extended) abstract, full text, references, and illustrations.The corresponding author, if not the first author, should be properly identified.The approximate position of illustrations should be indicated by their captions within the body of the text.Titles and subtitles should be indicated by 1, 1.1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, etc.The resumo and abstract should not exceed 25 lines in Articles and 10 lines in Note sand should be followed by palavras-chave and keywords, respectively. Forarticles in Portuguese, French, or Spanish, the English translation of the title in upper case (capital) letters should follow the word Abstract. Text and tables should be prepared using Word for Windows, Times New Roman font with a font size of 12. Text should be double-spaced and left-aligned, with margins of 2,5 cm on all sides. Tables should be prepared in the Table mode.Submit the digital file “.doc“, tables, and illustrations, to the eletronic address,

Illustrations7. All graphic illustrations, photographs and photo micrographs should be referred to as Figures, including plates, and num-bered sequentially in the order of their citation in the text. All illustrations should be prepared in electronic format, using .jpeg extension (300 dpi).8. Figures should be prepared making the most economical use of the available space. Font size sand symbols within figures should be planned such that they will remain readable even if printed at reduced size. Oversized illustrations will not be accepted. Graphic scales should be used with in the figures. All symbols must be explained. Figure captions in Portuguese, French, or Spanish should also include an English translation.

References9. Bibliographic citations with in the text should be made as follows: Costa (1999), Costa & Silva (1992a, 1992b), and for three or more authors, Costa et al. (2000).10 References should be listed alphabetically by last name at the end of the text. The following models should be used:Articles in Periodicals:Pereira, R.; Guimarães Jr., J.A. & Silva Jr.,G.C. 2002.Avaliação do

impacto da captação de água na Lagoa do Bomfim,RN-Brasil. Revista Águas Subterrâneas,16 (1):61-68.

Souza, M.L. 1997. Souza, M.L. 1997. Algumas notas sobre a importância do espaço para o desenvolvimento social. Território, 3: 13-35.

Articles in Serial Publications:Price, L.I. 1953. Os quelônios da Formação Bauru, Cretáceo

terrestre do Brasil Meridional. Rio de Janeiro, Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral / Divisão de Geologia e Mineralogia, 34p. (Boletim 147).

Vicalvi, M.A.; Kotzian, S.C.B. & Forti-Esteves, I.R. 1977. A ocorrência de microfauna estuarina no quaternário da plataforma continental de São Paulo. In: Evolução Sedimentar Holocênica da plataforma Continental e do Talude do Sul do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, CENPES/DINTEP, p. 77 - 97. (Série Projeto REMAC 2).

Dissertations and Theses:Caita, M.B.F. 2000. Angola: Estado-Nação, Movimentos Sociais e Disputas Territoriais. O caso da Província de Ngagela. Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Dissertação de Mestrado, 67p.

Publications Appearing in Conjunction with Scientific Meetings:Dias-Brito, D. 1992. Ocorrências de calcisferas em depósitos

carbonáticos do Atlântico Sul: impacto na configuração paleoceanográfica do Tétis Cretácico. In: SIMPÓSIO SOBRE AS BACIAS CRETÁCICAS BRASILEIRAS, 2, Rio Claro, 1992. Resumos expandidos, Rio Claro, UNESP, p. 30-34.

Books:Becker, B. & Egler, C. 1993. Brasil: uma nova potência regional na economia-mundo. Rio de Janeiro, Bertrand Brasil. 267 p. Chapters in Books:Wanderley, M. D. 2004. Nanofósseis calcários. In: CARVALHO, I. S. (ed.) Paleontologia. Editora Interciência, p. 285-296.Peer review and evaluation of the manuscript11. Articles and Notes will be reviewed by at least two ad hoc referees and/or by the Editors or members of the Editorial Council. Papers not accepted for publication will be returned to the corresponding author.Final Manuscript Preparation12. Articles, Notes, and Abstracts of Theses and Dissertations accepted for publication will be returned to the corresponding author together with a list of editorial recommendations. The corrected version of the text and images (.jpeg format) should be returned in electronic format together with a hard copy on A4 paper.Proofs and Reprints13. Proofs of Articles, Notes, and Abstracts of Theses and Dissertations will be send to the corresponding author for correction prior to printing, as PDF archives.14. Reprints may be acquired at cost by interested authors.Copyright and Permissions15. There are no restrictions to author(s) to hold the copyright of their papers and the author(s) may retain publishing rights without restrictions. This should be requested during the sub-mission process.
