Arrows College Magazine 2013




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Content Page 2-5 Board Messages 6 Acknowledgements 7 Arrows College 2013 Students 8 Lecturer Profiles 9 Arrows College International 10 College Facilities 11 Mission House 12-15 Feature Stories 16-18 Student Testimonies 19-24 Student Life 25-26 Congratulatory Messages & Advertisements

Founder’s Message

Greetings in Jesus' Name!

My heartiest congratulations to all the graduates of Arrows College 2013. Everyone of you has worked hard to finish the course and I trust that you have found the journey enriching. We all know that discipleship is a redemptive journey of

following Christ and going through Arrows College is part of your redemptive journey that will help shape you into the person that God wants you to be.

Throughout the course of this journey, I trust that you have gathered much needed information and impartation that will

equip you not just to be a disciple but also to be a disciple-maker! It is my prayer that all our Arrows graduates will return to their home churches and become the most enthusiastic and equipped servants of God to their pastors and leaders. Take all that you have received from the College and use them to serve your local church with gladness. Make the College proud by bringing delight and refreshment to your Pastor's heart! Remember that the best way to internalize whatever you have

learnt is by passing them on to others. And be sure to come and visit the College whenever you are able to! Greetings in Jesus' Name!

Have a great on-going journey ahead!

Benny Ho Founder

Arrows College

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

Philippians 3:14

Arrows College400 Hale Road, Wattle GrovePerth, Western Australia 6107Ph: +61 8 61418756 / +61401683585Fax: +61 8 93547295Email: info@arrowscollege.comWeb:

Contents Board Messages ............................................ 2Acknowledgements ......................................7Arrows College 2013 Students ....................8Lecturer Profiles ...........................................9Student Testimonies ..................................10Feature Stories ...........................................13Arrows College International .....................17College Facilities ........................................18Mission House ............................................19Student Life ................................................20Congratulatory Messages & Advertisements .......................................25



Content Page 2-5 Board Messages 6 Acknowledgements 7 Arrows College 2013 Students 8 Lecturer Profiles 9 Arrows College International 10 College Facilities 11 Mission House 12-15 Feature Stories 16-18 Student Testimonies 19-24 Student Life 25-26 Congratulatory Messages & Advertisements

Founder’s Message

Greetings in Jesus' Name!

My heartiest congratulations to all the graduates of Arrows College 2013. Everyone of you has worked hard to finish the course and I trust that you have found the journey enriching. We all know that discipleship is a redemptive journey of

following Christ and going through Arrows College is part of your redemptive journey that will help shape you into the person that God wants you to be.

Throughout the course of this journey, I trust that you have gathered much needed information and impartation that will

equip you not just to be a disciple but also to be a disciple-maker! It is my prayer that all our Arrows graduates will return to their home churches and become the most enthusiastic and equipped servants of God to their pastors and leaders. Take all that you have received from the College and use them to serve your local church with gladness. Make the College proud by bringing delight and refreshment to your Pastor's heart! Remember that the best way to internalize whatever you have

learnt is by passing them on to others. And be sure to come and visit the College whenever you are able to! Greetings in Jesus' Name!

Have a great on-going journey ahead!

Benny Ho Founder

Arrows College

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

Philippians 3:14


Principal’s Message We praise and thank the LORD for another successful year with students drawn from Malaysia, Singapore, Vanuatu and Australia and we would like to thank them for making time and effort to spend the last ten weeks at Arrows College to study and learn from our first-class lecturers and from one another. It has been our privilege to conduct this year’s programme with a seasoned team of ministry practitioners from different parts of the globe who are ever willing to share their experiences, giftings and anointing with our students. Arrows College is a fulfillment of the vision of all of us on the board of the college and it is my privilege as its Principal to play a small role in the fulfillment of this vision that God has placed on our hearts; to be able to raise another generation of leaders for the Church and the marketplace by preparing pastors, leaders, evangelists and missionaries to serve the LORD in His vineyards all over this universe. It is our continued prayer that God will continue to build upon our foundation years as we seek to serve Him in training and equipping a harvest force for the decades to come. Cheng Lai Lim Principal Arrows College

Dean’s Message

Heartiest congratulations to the graduates of the School of Ministry.

I trust that these ten weeks have been an experience of various aspects of Christian ministry that you can apply to enrich the wider Body of Christ. Thank you for giving me the privilege to journey with you. As I recall the Lord's work in the

pioneering batch of students, I believe His faithfulness will continue to see you through your journey ahead.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” Philippians 1:6.

May you never cease to learn or re-learn from henceforth.

“Leadership always has to be learning”

Jack Hyles

Choy Lee Dean

Arrows College

He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream… it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17: 8

Principal’s Message We praise and thank the LORD for another successful year with students drawn from Malaysia, Singapore, Vanuatu and Australia and we would like to thank them for making time and effort to spend the last ten weeks at Arrows College to study and learn from our first-class lecturers and from one another. It has been our privilege to conduct this year’s programme with a seasoned team of ministry practitioners from different parts of the globe who are ever willing to share their experiences, giftings and anointing with our students. Arrows College is a fulfillment of the vision of all of us on the board of the college and it is my privilege as its Principal to play a small role in the fulfillment of this vision that God has placed on our hearts; to be able to raise another generation of leaders for the Church and the marketplace by preparing pastors, leaders, evangelists and missionaries to serve the LORD in His vineyards all over this universe. It is our continued prayer that God will continue to build upon our foundation years as we seek to serve Him in training and equipping a harvest force for the decades to come. Cheng Lai Lim Principal Arrows College

Dean’s Message

Heartiest congratulations to the graduates of the School of Ministry.

I trust that these ten weeks have been an experience of various aspects of Christian ministry that you can apply to enrich the wider Body of Christ. Thank you for giving me the privilege to journey with you. As I recall the Lord's work in the

pioneering batch of students, I believe His faithfulness will continue to see you through your journey ahead.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” Philippians 1:6.

May you never cease to learn or re-learn from henceforth.

“Leadership always has to be learning”

Jack Hyles

Choy Lee Dean

Arrows College

He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream… it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17: 8


Principal’s Message We praise and thank the LORD for another successful year with students drawn from Malaysia, Singapore, Vanuatu and Australia and we would like to thank them for making time and effort to spend the last ten weeks at Arrows College to study and learn from our first-class lecturers and from one another. It has been our privilege to conduct this year’s programme with a seasoned team of ministry practitioners from different parts of the globe who are ever willing to share their experiences, giftings and anointing with our students. Arrows College is a fulfillment of the vision of all of us on the board of the college and it is my privilege as its Principal to play a small role in the fulfillment of this vision that God has placed on our hearts; to be able to raise another generation of leaders for the Church and the marketplace by preparing pastors, leaders, evangelists and missionaries to serve the LORD in His vineyards all over this universe. It is our continued prayer that God will continue to build upon our foundation years as we seek to serve Him in training and equipping a harvest force for the decades to come. Cheng Lai Lim Principal Arrows College

Dean’s Message

Heartiest congratulations to the graduates of the School of Ministry.

I trust that these ten weeks have been an experience of various aspects of Christian ministry that you can apply to enrich the wider Body of Christ. Thank you for giving me the privilege to journey with you. As I recall the Lord's work in the

pioneering batch of students, I believe His faithfulness will continue to see you through your journey ahead.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” Philippians 1:6.

May you never cease to learn or re-learn from henceforth.

“Leadership always has to be learning”

Jack Hyles

Choy Lee Dean

Arrows College

He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream… it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17: 8

Principal’s Message We praise and thank the LORD for another successful year with students drawn from Malaysia, Singapore, Vanuatu and Australia and we would like to thank them for making time and effort to spend the last ten weeks at Arrows College to study and learn from our first-class lecturers and from one another. It has been our privilege to conduct this year’s programme with a seasoned team of ministry practitioners from different parts of the globe who are ever willing to share their experiences, giftings and anointing with our students. Arrows College is a fulfillment of the vision of all of us on the board of the college and it is my privilege as its Principal to play a small role in the fulfillment of this vision that God has placed on our hearts; to be able to raise another generation of leaders for the Church and the marketplace by preparing pastors, leaders, evangelists and missionaries to serve the LORD in His vineyards all over this universe. It is our continued prayer that God will continue to build upon our foundation years as we seek to serve Him in training and equipping a harvest force for the decades to come. Cheng Lai Lim Principal Arrows College

Dean’s Message

Heartiest congratulations to the graduates of the School of Ministry.

I trust that these ten weeks have been an experience of various aspects of Christian ministry that you can apply to enrich the wider Body of Christ. Thank you for giving me the privilege to journey with you. As I recall the Lord's work in the

pioneering batch of students, I believe His faithfulness will continue to see you through your journey ahead.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” Philippians 1:6.

May you never cease to learn or re-learn from henceforth.

“Leadership always has to be learning”

Jack Hyles

Choy Lee Dean

Arrows College

He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream… it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17: 8


Treasurer’s Message It has been another good year where we can again see the faithfulness of God in meeting our needs in all aspects and areas. All glory to God as I reflect on Ephesians 3:20 which says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”.

We have always started each term with an expectant heart, knowing that through our God all our needs will be met; in ways that are not limited to our human knowledge or experience. Through the hearts of people who are moved by God to give generously, whether of their time or money, we have been able to provide an avenue for people to attend the Arrows School of Ministry at a low cost. Through these generous contributions too, we were able to provide sponsorship to nominated students who come to the College with a desire to seek direction from God but are unable to afford the full course fees and other related expenses.

It is very encouraging to hear the diverse testimonies from individuals who come from different parts of the world as they share on how they are led to commit these ten weeks to learn from experienced ministry leaders. It’s also an inspiration to watch the changes in their mind-set and attitudes/outlook as they progressed through the course week after week.

And lastly, it will be inconceivable not to commend the numerous selfless helpers and alumni who come regularly to contribute of their time and substance in order to make life at the College a memorable time. Kin Ho Ng Treasurer Arrows College


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers and sponsors who contributed to the college, Mission House, and students. We are grateful and truly blessed by your generous support and encouragement.

Arrows College 2013 would not be possible without you.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of

the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthews 28: 19

Treasurer’s Message It has been another good year where we can again see the faithfulness of God in meeting our needs in all aspects and areas. All glory to God as I reflect on Ephesians 3:20 which says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”.

We have always started each term with an expectant heart, knowing that through our God all our needs will be met; in ways that are not limited to our human knowledge or experience. Through the hearts of people who are moved by God to give generously, whether of their time or money, we have been able to provide an avenue for people to attend the Arrows School of Ministry at a low cost. Through these generous contributions too, we were able to provide sponsorship to nominated students who come to the College with a desire to seek direction from God but are unable to afford the full course fees and other related expenses.

It is very encouraging to hear the diverse testimonies from individuals who come from different parts of the world as they share on how they are led to commit these ten weeks to learn from experienced ministry leaders. It’s also an inspiration to watch the changes in their mind-set and attitudes/outlook as they progressed through the course week after week.

And lastly, it will be inconceivable not to commend the numerous selfless helpers and alumni who come regularly to contribute of their time and substance in order to make life at the College a memorable time. Kin Ho Ng Treasurer Arrows College


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers and sponsors who contributed to the college, Mission House, and students. We are grateful and truly blessed by your generous support and encouragement.

Arrows College 2013 would not be possible without you.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of

the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthews 28: 19



Treasurer’s Message It has been another good year where we can again see the faithfulness of God in meeting our needs in all aspects and areas. All glory to God as I reflect on Ephesians 3:20 which says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”.

We have always started each term with an expectant heart, knowing that through our God all our needs will be met; in ways that are not limited to our human knowledge or experience. Through the hearts of people who are moved by God to give generously, whether of their time or money, we have been able to provide an avenue for people to attend the Arrows School of Ministry at a low cost. Through these generous contributions too, we were able to provide sponsorship to nominated students who come to the College with a desire to seek direction from God but are unable to afford the full course fees and other related expenses.

It is very encouraging to hear the diverse testimonies from individuals who come from different parts of the world as they share on how they are led to commit these ten weeks to learn from experienced ministry leaders. It’s also an inspiration to watch the changes in their mind-set and attitudes/outlook as they progressed through the course week after week.

And lastly, it will be inconceivable not to commend the numerous selfless helpers and alumni who come regularly to contribute of their time and substance in order to make life at the College a memorable time. Kin Ho Ng Treasurer Arrows College


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers and sponsors who contributed to the college, Mission House, and students. We are grateful and truly blessed by your generous support and encouragement.

Arrows College 2013 would not be possible without you.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of

the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthews 28: 19


We would also like to thank Pastor Peggy Yow (left) and Sister Serene Tan (right) for availing themselves as our pastoral chaplains. Thank you for lending a listening ear and providing us with your care and guidance.








PS.  RAY  BADHAM  is  a  devoted  songwriter,  musician,  music  director,  worship  leader  and  teacher  with  both  ministry  and  professional  experience.  He  joined  Hillsong  Church  in  1999  and  worked  in  the  Creative  Department  until  becoming  Worship  Course  Development  Manager  at  Hillsong  International  Leadership  College  in  2008.  Ps.  Ray  is  passionate  about  the  potential  and  impact  of  worship  music  and  is  devoted  to  education  and  learning.  

PS.  CHRIS  HAYWARD  is  the  president  of  Cleansing  Stream  Ministries,  an  organisation  dedicated  to  equipping  local  churches  for  biblically  balanced,  sound  and  effective  healing  and  deliverance  ministry.  Ps.  Chris  has  served  in  pastoral  ministry  for  over  24  years  and  was  the  found  pastor  at  Christian  Fellowship  Church  in  Mount  Vernon,  Illinois  for  12  years.  

PS.  BENNY  HO  is  a  renowned  bible  teacher  and  the  Senior  Pastor  of  Faith  Community  Church  in  Perth,  Western  Australia.  He  is  also  a  consultant  to  several  churches  in  Asia  and  in  Australia.  His  twin  passion  in  ministry  is  expository  preaching  and  mentoring.  He  founded  Arrows  Ministry  more  than  10  years  ago  to  help  local  churches  equip  every  member  to  become  a  minister  for  Christ.  

REV.  DEREK  HONG  holds  a  Bachelor  of  Divinity  from  Trinity  Theological  College  in  Singapore.  He  served  30  years  in  the  Anglican  denomination,  pastoring  Church  of  Our  Savior,  Singapore.  Currently  an  itinerant  preacher,  Rev.  Derek  actively  equips  churches  in  Singapore  to  move  in  the  supernatural  gifts  of  the  Spirit.  In  2010,  Rev.  Derek  founded  the  School  of  Supernatural  Ministry  Singapore.    

REV.  PHILIP  LYN  is  a  medical  doctor  and  senior  pastor  of  Skyline  SIB,  Malaysia.  His  team  of  pastors,  like  him,  is  fully  bi-­‐vocational,  combining  ministry  in  the  workplace  and  the  local  church  as  a  single  call.  The  church  has  a  disciple-­‐making  vision,  influencing  marketplace  leaders  to  live  out  Kingdom  principles  for  community  transformation.  

REV.  DAWSON  ELLIOT  is  a  gifted  theologian,  preacher  and  teacher.  In  pastoral  ministry  for  20  years,  his  passion  is  for  Christian  education  in  multi-­‐cultural  contexts.  He  has  served  as  the  Principal  of  the  Bible  College  of  Western  Australia  and  presently  heads  up  the  Cross-­‐Cultural  Ministries  at  Carey  Community  Baptist  Church.    

REV.  RICK  SEAWARD  is  known  globally  for  his  vision  for  world  evangelisation.  Through  his  leadership  as  the  founding  pastor  and  Senior  Overseer  of  Victory  Family  Centre  in  Singapore,  his  church  innovated  the  concept  of  mobilising  volunteers  to  pioneer  churches  in  foreign  countries.  This  initiative  has  since  established  and  impacted  500  churches  in  over  60  nations.  

DR.  AMOS  JEYARATNAM  was  called  to  the  office  of  a  prophet  since  1981,  and  has  a  Doctorate  in  Ministry  from  Vision  International  University  (USA).  Dr.  Amos  has  ministered  prophetically  to  churches  and  in  the  political,  business  and  financial  sectors  across  the  Asia-­‐Pacific  and  the  USA.  He  ministered  to  Indonesia  during  the  nation’s  leadership  transitions  and  currency  crisis.    

DR.  MARGARET  SEAWARD  is  a  dynamic  teacher  of  the  Word  and  has  been  a  missionary  instructor  in  Biblical  Studies  for  more  than  30  years.  She  is  the  wife  of  Rev.  Fred  Seaward,  founder  and  former  Senior  Pastor  of  Elim  Church.  They  came  to  Singapore  in  the  1950s  as  missionaries  from  United  States  under  the  Assemblies  of  God.  Together,  they  have  planted  churches  in  Singapore  and  have  been  actively  involved  in  missions.    

REV.  IRVIN  RUTHERFORD  is  the  founder  and  director  of  Asian  Ministry  Teams,  Global  Ministry  Teams  and  Association  of  Global  Motivational  Training.  Serving  for  35  years  in  the  field  of  drug  abuse  counselling  in  Asia,  he  has  helped  4000  drug  addicts  re-­‐connect  with  their  families,  society  and  a  faith  in  God.  He  believes  in  empowering  the  next  generation,  engaging  culture  and  emerging  trends  in  leadership  that  is  intentional  and  effective.  

PS.  PEET  PALM  has  served  for  more  than  17  years  with  a  strong  word-­‐based  ministry.  Called  to  serve  the  wider  body  of  Christ  to  bring  transformation  and  renewal  in  cities  and  the  nation,  he  joined  Harvest  Evangelism  and  developed  transformation  prototypes  in  Witbank  and  Middleburg,  Mpumalanga.  Now  in  Perth,  Australia,  he  serves  the  city  and  nation  with  the  similar  principles.    

PS.  PAUL  JEYACHANDRAN  is  the  lead  Pastor  of  Life  Church  in  Sydney,  Australia,  and  has  been  a  preacher  of  God’s  word  for  nearly  two  decades.  A  prolific  and  powerful  communicator  of  God’s  Word,  his  heart  is  to  see  people  envisioned  with  God’s  purpose,  equipped  with  God’s  word  and  empowered  to  champion  the  cause  of  Jesus.  

Topics we covered: Calling & Destiny Essential Prophetic Foundation Deliverance and Inner Healing Gifts of the Spirit Healing Ministry Today Basic Theology Breaking Bondages Journey to Self-Awareness Effective Preaching & Teaching Marketplace Ministry Worship & Song-writing Christian Leadership Discipleship & Mentoring Global Missions

Matthew 20: 28 “…Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,

but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 9










FREADRIC  TAN,  39  COVENANT  EVANGELICAL  FREE  CHURCH,  SINGAPORE  I  came  to  Arrows  with  great  expectation  and  while  there  is  still  another  3  weeks  to  go,  I  already  have  a  sense  that  the  time  here  will  turn  out  to  be  a  defining  period  in  my  life.  This  is  not  a  place  for  someone  tired  of  his  current  work  environment  to  come  for  a  rest.  You  don't  get  to  chill.  There  is  much  work  to  be  done  the  moment  you  step  in.  But  if  it  is  God  that  you  desire,  He  will  honor  your  seeking  after  Him.  Let's  be  serious  for  a  moment  and  look  at  the  list  of  lecturers  -­‐  they  are  all  heavy  hitters  in  their  area  of  anointing.  All  of  them  are  men  and  women  who  have  devoted  their  lives  to  the  cause  of  Christ.  Time-­‐stretched  ministers  who  saw  the  importance  of  training  the  next  generation,  thrilled  by  the  idea  that  there  are  students  who  are  hungering  for  God  and  so  they  set  aside  time  to  teach  at  Arrows  College.  We  can  try  to  learn  as  much  as  possible  but  there  is  also  something  of  their  spirit  to  be  caught  and  that  is  up  to  your  level  of  hunger  and  how  badly  you  want  God.  There  is  home  work  to  do,  tests  to  study  for,  theological  positions  to  be  challenged,  presumptuousness  to  be  dismantled  and  you  will  soon  find  out  a  thing  or  two  about  your  stamina  and  your  ability  to  focus  for  10  weeks.  Is  this  for  the  faint  hearted?  I'll  say  we  may  be  when  we  entered  but  we  train  in  hope  that  we  won't  be  after.  

ANNA  SIM,  23  WHITE  FIELDS  ASSEMBLY,  MALAYSIA  At  the  beginning  of  the  year,  I  had  a  thought  of  joining  a  short  bible  course.  But  I  shrugged  the  thought  off,  as  I  knew  the  timing  was  not  right  and  I  had  commitments.  Somehow  I  put  in  my  resignation  letter  in  early  June  (3  months’  notice)  with  the  thought  of  furthering  my  studies.  Instead  of  looking  up  information  for  possible  courses,  somewhere  in  the  month  of  August  my  father  sent  me  an  email  stating  that  there  was  a  short  3  months  bible  course  in  Perth.  It  was  then  that  I  came  to  know  about  Arrows  College.  I  had  less  than  a  month  to  prepare,  to  pick  up  my  bag  and  fly  off  to  Perth  for  10  weeks.  The  thought  of  getting  everything  ready  and  to  shift  back  from  Kuala  Lumpur  to  my  hometown  was  indeed  stressful,  but  God  was  in  control  of  everything.  My  application  to  the  college  was  done  so  quickly  and  smoothly  that  I  could  only  say  that  it  is  God’s  will  for  me  to  be  here.  Not  only  so,  He  provided  everything  I  needed  to  come  here.  I  am  so  blessed  to  be  here  learning  and  just  soaking  in  the  Word  and  the  teachings  from  all  the  amazing  “gurus”.  They  impacted  and  imparted  so  much  to  me,  especially  in  my  faith  walk  with  the  Lord.  For  them  to  take  time  to  teach  us  and  invest  energy  to  grow  the  next  generation  of  disciples  has  inspired  me  more  to  impact  my  next  generation.  

JOANNA  CHONG,  25  CALVARY  CITY  CHURCH,  MALAYSIA  I  first  heard  about  Arrows  College  from  Ps  Paul  Jeyachandran  at  a  dinner  with  him  in  Johor  Bahru,  Malaysia  earlier  this  year.  During  that  time  my  walk  with  God  was  an  unstable  journey,  abit  like  a  “yo  yo”.  I  used  to  love  God  with  passion  and  I  delighted  in  serving  Him.  Somehow  along  the  way  I  lost  that  first  love  for  God  and  lost  my  direction  in  life.  Questions  like,  “What  is  God’s  plan  for  me  in  my  life?  Should  I  go  into  full-­‐time  ministry  or  continue  in  market  place  ministry?”  kept  troubling  me.  Wanting  the  answer  to  these  questions  was  the  reason  that  bought  me  to  Arrows  College.  My  decision  to  enroll  in  the  course  was  one  of  the  defining  moments  in  my  life  and  definitely  one  that  changed  my  destiny  for  sure.  Not  only  did  I  find  the  answer  to  my  questions,  God  also  miraculously  answered  the  unspoken  prayer  that  I  had  put  before  Him  a  long  time  ago.  The  ten  weeks  I  spent  in  Arrows  had  taught  me  to  focus  on  the  person  of  God  and  to  listen  to  Him  closely.  I  am  blessed  with  all  the  learning  I  received  from  all  the  anointed  speakers  that  the  college  has  arranged  to  teach  us.  Personally,  I  thoroughly  enjoyed  learning  worship  and  songwriting  under  Ps  Ray  Badham  as  I  can  bring  some  of  the  skills  I  learned  to  my  worship  ministry  back  home.  I  really  thank  God  for  this  wonderful  opportunity  to  be  part  of  the  Arrows  family.  I  am  truly  blessed!      

GERHARDINE  FOO,  30  WESLEY  METHODIST  CHURCH,  SINGAPORE  I  first  heard  of  Arrows  College  when  Ps  Benny  Ho  was  promoting  it  when  he  was  the  speaker  at  my  Church  Camp.  When  I  heard  it,  I  knew  it  was  something  that  I  would  love  to  attend.  The  time  frame  of  three  months  sounded  just  nice  for  someone  like  me  who  is  searching  for  directions  and  looking  to  immerse  herself  in  the  word  of  God;  but  is  not  too  keen  on  a  seminary  school.  Also  the  location  in  Perth  sounded  like  the  perfect  getaway  from  the  distractions  of  the  world  for  me!  Although  it  sounded  great,  taking  time  off  from  work  for  three  months  was  out  of  the  question  so  I  shelved  this  dream.  At  the  same  time,  I  was  looking  for  a  change  of  job,  but  God  just  kept  closing  that  door.  It  took  some  courage,  but  I  bit  the  bullet,  quit  my  job  and  signed  up  for  Arrow’s  barely  a  month  before  it  was  due  to  start!  Coming  to  Arrows  is  one  of  the  best  decisions  I  have  made  in  life.  All  the  lessons  and  training  that  we  have  gone  through  challenged  my  being  and  the  way  I  think.  By  far,  I  guess  the  best  experience  so  far  for  me  was  how  I  was  given  a  chance  to  be  an  Anointer  when  the  Cleansing  Stream  Ministry  came  to  Faith  Community  Church.  As  unprepared  as  I  felt  I  was,  the  entire  experience  was  amazing  and  I  was  glad  that  I  stepped  out  of  my  comfort  zone.  I  look  forward  to  the  remaining  modules.    

DAVID  YOW,  53  (Class  Steward)  FAITH  COMMUNITY  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  I  first  heard  how  God  birthed  the  Arrows  College  vision  in  Ps  Benny’s  heart  some  years  ago.  It  was  my  joy  to  witness  how  the  residential  training  school  finally  took  place  in  Perth.  I  thank  God  for  the  privilege  to  be  part  of  the  Arrow’s  teaching  team  in  the  Philippines  and  Cambodia  over  the  last  two  years.  I  chose  to  attend  the  College  as  a  student  so  that  I  might  truly  experience  the  whole  ethos  of  the  College  by  embracing  the  student  experience.  Learning  from  the  “Generals”  of  the  Faith  who  minister  out  of  their  journey  of  faithfulness  and  passion  was  just  what  I  needed  to  prepare  myself  for  further  service  unto  the  Lord.  The  last  10  weeks  have  had  a  big  impact  on  me  allowing  both  an  internal  calibration  and  an  external  alignment  from  both  a  practical  and  theoretical  perspective.  Learning  and  rubbing  shoulders  together  with  the  younger  students  has  been  inspirational  and  truly  amazing  as  many  of  them  excel  far  beyond  their  age  and  experience.  The  college  is  truly  in  the  process  of  churning  out  the  finest  “Arrows”  for  the  Father’s  quiver  ready  to  launch  for  His  purpose  and  glory.        

JANE  TEO/PHOON,  50  BEIJING  INTERNATIONAL  CHRISTIAN  FELLOWSHIP,  CHINA  I  had  always  been  interested  in  going  to  Bible  College  to  increase  my  understanding  of  the  Word  of  God.  However  the  academic  expectation  was  overwhelming  for  me  thus  it  became  an  impossible  dream.  Thanks  to  Ps  Benny’s  vision,  I  can  have  the  opportunity  to  spend  some  extended  time  with  the  LORD  and  His  Word  in  a  ‘college’  environment.  Arrows  College  provides  the  most  excellent  teachers  who  are  credible  practitioners  in  their  ministry  gifting,  not  only  teaching  biblical  truth  but  also  sharing  their  life  experiences  with  us.  To  be  able  to  sit  under  such  anointed  ‘spiritual  giants’  was  indeed  a  great  blessing.  Besides  training  of  the  mind,  there  were  many  practical  exercises  throughout  the  week.  One  of  my  best  experiences  was  the  ‘Encounter  Weekend’.  We  were  given  the  opportunity  to  minister  in  prayer  and  deliverance  to  almost  100  attendees.  It  was  a  wonderful  experience  being  used  by  the  Holy  Spirit  to  speak  forth  healing  to  His  people.  Arrows  has  indeed  been  an  excellent  choice  for  me.  I  now  have  a  better  sense  of  destiny  in  my  life  and  am  empowered  to  move  in  His  Spirit  for  Him.  It  is  not  only  in  the  increase  of  knowledge  that  is  necessary  but  most  importantly  the  increase  in  faith  in  Him  “who  is  able  to  do  far  more  abundantly  beyond  all  that  we  ask  or  think,  according  to  the  power  that  works  within  us”,  Ephesians  3:20.  Looking  forward  to  an  exciting  time  as  I  wait  upon  my  LORD  for  His  direction  after  Arrows.  Amen!  

















FREADRIC  TAN,  39  COVENANT  EVANGELICAL  FREE  CHURCH,  SINGAPORE  I  came  to  Arrows  with  great  expectation  and  while  there  is  still  another  3  weeks  to  go,  I  already  have  a  sense  that  the  time  here  will  turn  out  to  be  a  defining  period  in  my  life.  This  is  not  a  place  for  someone  tired  of  his  current  work  environment  to  come  for  a  rest.  You  don't  get  to  chill.  There  is  much  work  to  be  done  the  moment  you  step  in.  But  if  it  is  God  that  you  desire,  He  will  honor  your  seeking  after  Him.  Let's  be  serious  for  a  moment  and  look  at  the  list  of  lecturers  -­‐  they  are  all  heavy  hitters  in  their  area  of  anointing.  All  of  them  are  men  and  women  who  have  devoted  their  lives  to  the  cause  of  Christ.  Time-­‐stretched  ministers  who  saw  the  importance  of  training  the  next  generation,  thrilled  by  the  idea  that  there  are  students  who  are  hungering  for  God  and  so  they  set  aside  time  to  teach  at  Arrows  College.  We  can  try  to  learn  as  much  as  possible  but  there  is  also  something  of  their  spirit  to  be  caught  and  that  is  up  to  your  level  of  hunger  and  how  badly  you  want  God.  There  is  home  work  to  do,  tests  to  study  for,  theological  positions  to  be  challenged,  presumptuousness  to  be  dismantled  and  you  will  soon  find  out  a  thing  or  two  about  your  stamina  and  your  ability  to  focus  for  10  weeks.  Is  this  for  the  faint  hearted?  I'll  say  we  may  be  when  we  entered  but  we  train  in  hope  that  we  won't  be  after.  

ANNA  SIM,  23  WHITE  FIELDS  ASSEMBLY,  MALAYSIA  At  the  beginning  of  the  year,  I  had  a  thought  of  joining  a  short  bible  course.  But  I  shrugged  the  thought  off,  as  I  knew  the  timing  was  not  right  and  I  had  commitments.  Somehow  I  put  in  my  resignation  letter  in  early  June  (3  months’  notice)  with  the  thought  of  furthering  my  studies.  Instead  of  looking  up  information  for  possible  courses,  somewhere  in  the  month  of  August  my  father  sent  me  an  email  stating  that  there  was  a  short  3  months  bible  course  in  Perth.  It  was  then  that  I  came  to  know  about  Arrows  College.  I  had  less  than  a  month  to  prepare,  to  pick  up  my  bag  and  fly  off  to  Perth  for  10  weeks.  The  thought  of  getting  everything  ready  and  to  shift  back  from  Kuala  Lumpur  to  my  hometown  was  indeed  stressful,  but  God  was  in  control  of  everything.  My  application  to  the  college  was  done  so  quickly  and  smoothly  that  I  could  only  say  that  it  is  God’s  will  for  me  to  be  here.  Not  only  so,  He  provided  everything  I  needed  to  come  here.  I  am  so  blessed  to  be  here  learning  and  just  soaking  in  the  Word  and  the  teachings  from  all  the  amazing  “gurus”.  They  impacted  and  imparted  so  much  to  me,  especially  in  my  faith  walk  with  the  Lord.  For  them  to  take  time  to  teach  us  and  invest  energy  to  grow  the  next  generation  of  disciples  has  inspired  me  more  to  impact  my  next  generation.  

JOANNA  CHONG,  25  CALVARY  CITY  CHURCH,  MALAYSIA  I  first  heard  about  Arrows  College  from  Ps  Paul  Jeyachandran  at  a  dinner  with  him  in  Johor  Bahru,  Malaysia  earlier  this  year.  During  that  time  my  walk  with  God  was  an  unstable  journey,  abit  like  a  “yo  yo”.  I  used  to  love  God  with  passion  and  I  delighted  in  serving  Him.  Somehow  along  the  way  I  lost  that  first  love  for  God  and  lost  my  direction  in  life.  Questions  like,  “What  is  God’s  plan  for  me  in  my  life?  Should  I  go  into  full-­‐time  ministry  or  continue  in  market  place  ministry?”  kept  troubling  me.  Wanting  the  answer  to  these  questions  was  the  reason  that  bought  me  to  Arrows  College.  My  decision  to  enroll  in  the  course  was  one  of  the  defining  moments  in  my  life  and  definitely  one  that  changed  my  destiny  for  sure.  Not  only  did  I  find  the  answer  to  my  questions,  God  also  miraculously  answered  the  unspoken  prayer  that  I  had  put  before  Him  a  long  time  ago.  The  ten  weeks  I  spent  in  Arrows  had  taught  me  to  focus  on  the  person  of  God  and  to  listen  to  Him  closely.  I  am  blessed  with  all  the  learning  I  received  from  all  the  anointed  speakers  that  the  college  has  arranged  to  teach  us.  Personally,  I  thoroughly  enjoyed  learning  worship  and  songwriting  under  Ps  Ray  Badham  as  I  can  bring  some  of  the  skills  I  learned  to  my  worship  ministry  back  home.  I  really  thank  God  for  this  wonderful  opportunity  to  be  part  of  the  Arrows  family.  I  am  truly  blessed!      

GERHARDINE  FOO,  30  WESLEY  METHODIST  CHURCH,  SINGAPORE  I  first  heard  of  Arrows  College  when  Ps  Benny  Ho  was  promoting  it  when  he  was  the  speaker  at  my  Church  Camp.  When  I  heard  it,  I  knew  it  was  something  that  I  would  love  to  attend.  The  time  frame  of  three  months  sounded  just  nice  for  someone  like  me  who  is  searching  for  directions  and  looking  to  immerse  herself  in  the  word  of  God;  but  is  not  too  keen  on  a  seminary  school.  Also  the  location  in  Perth  sounded  like  the  perfect  getaway  from  the  distractions  of  the  world  for  me!  Although  it  sounded  great,  taking  time  off  from  work  for  three  months  was  out  of  the  question  so  I  shelved  this  dream.  At  the  same  time,  I  was  looking  for  a  change  of  job,  but  God  just  kept  closing  that  door.  It  took  some  courage,  but  I  bit  the  bullet,  quit  my  job  and  signed  up  for  Arrow’s  barely  a  month  before  it  was  due  to  start!  Coming  to  Arrows  is  one  of  the  best  decisions  I  have  made  in  life.  All  the  lessons  and  training  that  we  have  gone  through  challenged  my  being  and  the  way  I  think.  By  far,  I  guess  the  best  experience  so  far  for  me  was  how  I  was  given  a  chance  to  be  an  Anointer  when  the  Cleansing  Stream  Ministry  came  to  Faith  Community  Church.  As  unprepared  as  I  felt  I  was,  the  entire  experience  was  amazing  and  I  was  glad  that  I  stepped  out  of  my  comfort  zone.  I  look  forward  to  the  remaining  modules.    

DAVID  YOW,  53  (Class  Steward)  FAITH  COMMUNITY  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  I  first  heard  how  God  birthed  the  Arrows  College  vision  in  Ps  Benny’s  heart  some  years  ago.  It  was  my  joy  to  witness  how  the  residential  training  school  finally  took  place  in  Perth.  I  thank  God  for  the  privilege  to  be  part  of  the  Arrow’s  teaching  team  in  the  Philippines  and  Cambodia  over  the  last  two  years.  I  chose  to  attend  the  College  as  a  student  so  that  I  might  truly  experience  the  whole  ethos  of  the  College  by  embracing  the  student  experience.  Learning  from  the  “Generals”  of  the  Faith  who  minister  out  of  their  journey  of  faithfulness  and  passion  was  just  what  I  needed  to  prepare  myself  for  further  service  unto  the  Lord.  The  last  10  weeks  have  had  a  big  impact  on  me  allowing  both  an  internal  calibration  and  an  external  alignment  from  both  a  practical  and  theoretical  perspective.  Learning  and  rubbing  shoulders  together  with  the  younger  students  has  been  inspirational  and  truly  amazing  as  many  of  them  excel  far  beyond  their  age  and  experience.  The  college  is  truly  in  the  process  of  churning  out  the  finest  “Arrows”  for  the  Father’s  quiver  ready  to  launch  for  His  purpose  and  glory.        

JANE  TEO/PHOON,  50  BEIJING  INTERNATIONAL  CHRISTIAN  FELLOWSHIP,  CHINA  I  had  always  been  interested  in  going  to  Bible  College  to  increase  my  understanding  of  the  Word  of  God.  However  the  academic  expectation  was  overwhelming  for  me  thus  it  became  an  impossible  dream.  Thanks  to  Ps  Benny’s  vision,  I  can  have  the  opportunity  to  spend  some  extended  time  with  the  LORD  and  His  Word  in  a  ‘college’  environment.  Arrows  College  provides  the  most  excellent  teachers  who  are  credible  practitioners  in  their  ministry  gifting,  not  only  teaching  biblical  truth  but  also  sharing  their  life  experiences  with  us.  To  be  able  to  sit  under  such  anointed  ‘spiritual  giants’  was  indeed  a  great  blessing.  Besides  training  of  the  mind,  there  were  many  practical  exercises  throughout  the  week.  One  of  my  best  experiences  was  the  ‘Encounter  Weekend’.  We  were  given  the  opportunity  to  minister  in  prayer  and  deliverance  to  almost  100  attendees.  It  was  a  wonderful  experience  being  used  by  the  Holy  Spirit  to  speak  forth  healing  to  His  people.  Arrows  has  indeed  been  an  excellent  choice  for  me.  I  now  have  a  better  sense  of  destiny  in  my  life  and  am  empowered  to  move  in  His  Spirit  for  Him.  It  is  not  only  in  the  increase  of  knowledge  that  is  necessary  but  most  importantly  the  increase  in  faith  in  Him  “who  is  able  to  do  far  more  abundantly  beyond  all  that  we  ask  or  think,  according  to  the  power  that  works  within  us”,  Ephesians  3:20.  Looking  forward  to  an  exciting  time  as  I  wait  upon  my  LORD  for  His  direction  after  Arrows.  Amen!  














LILIAN  WONG,  53  FAITH  COMMUNITY  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  My  time  at  Arrows  has  been  an  enriching  experience  in  deepening  knowledge  and  reshaping  mindsets.  The  wide-­‐ranging  curriculum  from  spiritual  gifts  and  prophecy  to  self-­‐awareness,  calling  and  destiny,  theology,  preaching  and  leadership  to  worship  and  song  writing,  has  broadened  my  understanding  of  ministry.  It  has  been  a  privilege  getting  to  know  my  course  mates  at  their  cross  roads  and  to  be  a  part  of  their  journey.  As  we  shared  and  heard  each  other’s  stories,  it  amplified  how  unique  we  each  are  …  on  a  personal  journey  working  out  and  unfolding  life  to  discover  the  design  and  purpose  of  our  Creator  God.  I  marvel  at  the  grace  of  God  and  how  special  each  person  is.  I  have  been  particularly  blessed  and  ‘wowed!’  by  the  seasoned  teachers  of  faith  walking  the  corridors  of  Arrows  who  delighted  to  teach  and  impart  their  knowledge,  experiences  and  skills  in  that  limited  time.  These  are  powerful  ministry  leaders  and  statesmen  of  faith,  but  are  yet  so  humble  to  answer  the  simplest  of  questions.  It  is  just  wonderful  to  sit  under  them  and  receive  their  impartation.    

KWANG  TAN,  54  FAITH  COMMUNITY  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  I  did  not  have  any  expectation  when  I  enrolled  into  the  Arrows  course.  For  me,  it  was  intimidating  since  I  had  left  school  so  many  years  ago,  and  returning  to  a  discipline  of  classes,  homework,  reading,  studying,  assignments,  tests  and  group  work,  was  the  last  thing  I  should  attempt.  But  you  are  never  too  old  to  learn  the  things  and  ways  of  God.  The  first  few  weeks  were  tough  and  the  subjects  were  heavy.  But,  I  began  to  realise  the  privilege  of  sitting  under  some  of  the  best  practitioners  in  their  respective  fields.  What  spiritual  giants  they  were,  imparting  their  all  to  us.  I  found  myself  wanting  more  of  each  one  and  enjoyed  thoroughly  their  teachings.  One  big  take  away  for  me  was  the  group  of  strangers  from  all  over,  who  became  the  closest  people  to  me  over  the  10  weeks.  We  studied,  discussed,  shared  life,  laughed,  cried,  prayed  and  had  lots  of  fun  learning  and  interacting  with  each  other  and  with  the  teachers.  Towards  the  end,  I  felt  that  the  10  weeks  came  and  went  like  a  rushing  wind  and  was  sad  to  part  with  them.  If  you  are  looking  for  direction,  development,  growth,  grounding  and  preparation  for  the  works  of  ministry,  I  strongly  recommend  the  Arrows  course  -­‐  well-­‐rounded,  well  packaged,  well  run  with  enough  breadth  and  depth  –  which  has  broadened  and  deepened  my  spiritual  perspective  and  walk  with  God.  I  especially  want  to  thank  the  friendly,  loving  and  caring  staff  of  Arrows  College  –  Ps  Choy,  Brother  Kin  Ho  and  Sister  Alexia  Lee,  who  worked  so  hard  to  make  it  an  amazing  experience  for  me.  

LESLEY  LEONG,  55  CHURCH  OF  OUR  SAVIOR,  SINGAPORE  I  first  heard  about  Arrows  School  of  Ministry  when  Ps  Benny  introduced  it  at  one  of  his  speaking  engagements  in  my  church  in  Singapore  back  in  2012.  At  the  end  of  the  service,  I  went  to  pick  up  a  brochure  and  kept  it  aside  after  that.  When  I  was  due  to  take  my  sabbatical  this  year,  I  went  to  look  for  all  kinds  of  things  to  do,  like  studying  Korean,  teaching  English  in  Japan  and  so  on.  But  all  fell  through.  Then,  I  was  reminded  to  take  a  look  at  the  brochure  I  picked  up  in  church  on  Arrows.  I  was  a  little  intimidated  by  modules  like,  `Effective  Preaching  and  Teaching’,  `Healing  and  Deliverance’,  and  such!  But  I  braced  myself  and  said,  `OK,  God!  I’ll  do  it!’  The  doors  began  to  open.  Firstly,  I  got  my  approval  for  leave  without  any  hitch.  Then  I  had  a  referral  from  my  current  pastor  who  was  my  school  chaplain  –  so  he  knows  me  well  enough  to  give  me  a  reference.  The  course  was  perfectly  timed  to  start  at  the  beginning  of  my  school  holiday  and  stretch  throughout  the  final  school  term.  At  the  time  I  was  to  pay  my  fees,  my  friend  from  Perth  was  visiting  Singapore,  so  I  got  him  to  do  that  for  me  –  saving  me  the  bank  charges!    And  to  top  it  all,  I  got  my  flight  ticket  on  a  promotion  fare.  God  is  good!  Doing  the  course  was  the  right  decision.  God  has  shown  Himself  to  be  so  real  to  me.  I  understand  what  a  loving  Father  we  have  and  how  desirous  He  is  to  have  that  precious  relationship  with  us,  His  children.  Growing  closer  to  God  has  been  the  best  experience  for  me  at  Arrows  College.  It  is  here  that  I  went  back  into  the  Father’s  warm  embrace.  

NICHOLETTE  CHEW,  22  FAITH  COMMUNITY  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  Prior  to  starting  at  Arrows,  I  was  at  a  crossroad  –  on  the  brink  of  a  major  career  change  that  (at  the  time)  was  overwhelming  and  stressful.    I  had  gotten  encouraging  words  pointing  me  in  this  direction  over  the  last  few  months  but  I  was  searching  for  crystal-­‐clear  clarity  and  peace.  Within  the  first  week,  we  studied  the  topics  “Calling  and  Destiny”  by  Benny  Ho  and  “Presbytery”  by  Amos  Jeyaratnam.  By  the  end  of  the  first  5  days  at  Arrows  I  had  cleared  up  any  uncertainty  I  had,  through  writing  my  personal  vision  statement  and  other  practical  handles  taught  by  Ps  Benny,  as  well  as  a  prophetic  word  of  confirmation  from  Ps  Amos.  All  doubt  was  now  surpassed  by  complete  peace  and  rested  assuredness  in  God’s  plan  for  me.  Since  then,  I  have  learned  so  much  –  about  God,  about  others  and  about  myself.    I  have  been  so  blessed  by  every  single  lecturer,  and  have  gotten  confirmation  of  what  I  now  know  is  my  calling  from  each  one  of  them.  I  never  thought  I  would  enjoy  topics  such  as  “Inner  Healing  and  Deliverance”,  or  have  fun  preparing  for  and  preaching  a  sermon  to  a  group  of  people  who  were  all  spiritually  and  physically  more  mature  than  I  am.  I  feel  like  all  my  spiritual  senses  have  been  awakened  and  I  am  so  much  more  aware  of  and  in  tune  with  the  Holy  Spirit’s  guidance  in  my  daily  life.  My  walk  has  been  completely  revolutionized  and  I  have  been  truly  and  greatly  blessed!  

JUSTIN  TAN,  30  (House  Steward)  YISHUN  METHODIST  MISSION,  SINGAPORE  I  chose  to  come  to  Arrows  College  with  the  aim  of  getting  myself  equipped  after  serving  God  for  a  period  of  time,  and  also  to  discern  the  next  step  to  take.  Arrows  College  was  introduced  to  me  by  one  of  my  church  leaders  and  after  taking  a  look  at  the  brochure  and  the  modules  the  college  offered,  I  was  quite  excited  with  the  opportunity  to  be  able  to  learn  and  equip  myself  in  an  environment  away  from  home.  Personally,  I  also  wanted  to  be  in  an  environment  where  I  can  put  aside  all  ministry  concerns  and  needs  and  just  fully  focus  on  learning  and  spending  time  with  God.  Being  here  has  allowed  me  time  to  be  quiet  as  I  seek  God,  without  any  distractions  or  worries.  My  best  experience  so  far  was  to  be  able  to  meet  people  from  different  walks  of  life  and  to  stay  together  with  them  in  the  Mission  House.  We  did  many  things  together  like  studying,  exchanging  our  thoughts  on  what  we  learnt,  cooking,  having  meals,  social  outings  and  the  most  important,  sharing  of  life  experiences  in  our  own  Christian  journey  with  God.  Learning  to  live  together  with  each  one  having  a  different  lifestyle  and  habits  could  be  quite  challenging  but  yet  fun  at  the  same  time  as  we  learned  to  move  beyond  our  own  comfort  zone.  The  opportunity  to  dialogue  with  the  various  lecturers  and  to  glean  from  their  ministry  experience  was  very  enriching.  

  RENA  TAN,  52  FULL  GOSPEL  CHURCH,  MALAYSIA  When  I  first  applied  to  Arrows  College  back  in  Alor  Star,  Malaysia,  I  had  reached  a  stage  in  my  life  where  I  had  a  lot  of  time  on  my  hands.  My  children  are  all  grown  up  and  living  away  from  home.    I  felt  very  blessed  that  both  my  children  are  doing  well,  and  my  husband  and  I  have  a  comfortable  life.  At  that  point,  I  also  became  aware  that  there  are  so  many  needs  out  there  and  I  can  contribute  to  God’s  kingdom.  However,  I  did  not  know  exactly  what  I  am  supposed  to  do.  Back  home,  I  am  involved  in  different  types  of  voluntary  work  but  I  am  not  committed  officially  to  them  except  for  a  day  in  a  week  at  the  soup  kitchen.  I  felt  there  is  something  I  can  contribute  to  in  a  more  focused  manner.  I  decided  to  come  to  Arrows  College  because  a  friend  of  mine  told  me  I  could  learn  and  receive  a  lot  from  this  course.  I  also  wanted  to  discern  my  calling  as  well  as  to  know  God  in  a  more  intimate  way.  My  best  experience  here  has  been  to  really  know  who  I  am  in  God.    I  used  to  live  in  fear,  condemnation  and  guilt,  but  now  I  am  set  free.  During  the  “Breaking  Bondages”  session  by  Ps  Chris  Hayward,  I  learnt  that  I  do  not  have  to  believe  and  accept  the  lies  that  have  been  spoken  over  me.  That  was  a  real  breakthrough  for  me!  It  is  good  to  know  that  though  I  am  in  the  process  of  being  sanctified,  He  still  loves  me  unconditionally.    I  thank  God  for  this  opportunity  to  be  a  part  of  this  learning  journey.    













   ENRIKA  BOON,  41  (modular  student)  CHINESE  PRESBYTERIAN  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  My  cell  leader  introduced  me  to  Arrows  College,  and  I  am  joyful  for  this  opportunity  to  come  as  a  modular  student.  I  want  to  express  my  deepest  and  sincere  appreciation  to  Ps  Choy  Lee  and  Arrow  College  for  their  dedication  in  training.  I  am  highly  impressed  with  the  chosen  expert  lecture  for  each  module,  the  way  each  module  was  organized,  the  pace  of  the  training  materials  and  the  depth  of  knowledge  derived  from  their  training  modules.  The  experience  was  quite  refreshing  and  practical.  I  would  also  like  to  compliment  Ps  Ray  Badham,  our  instructor  for  the  Worship  module.  His  biblical  knowledge  and  songwriting  skills  and  his  practical  worship  experience  brought  tremendous  value  to  those  of  us  taking  the  module.  I  look  forward  to  participating  in  next  year’s  Arrow  College  modules.      

SERENA  CHOO,  51  CHURCH  OF  OUR  SAVIOR,  SINGAPORE  The  opportunity  to  study  at  Arrows  College  was  God’s  fulfillment  of  my  desire  to  be  trained  in  Christian  ministry  that  has  been  more  than  22  years  in  the  making.  As  an  overseas  student,  I  was  to  stay  at  Mission  House,  a  lovely  bungalow  situated  within  the  College  grounds.    Arriving  at  Mission  House  on  a  cold  rainy  afternoon  in  early  September,  I  experienced  an  inexplicable  sense  of  déjà  vu.    Yet,  I  was  positive  I  had  never  physically  been  there  before.    In  the  course  of  the  next  few  days,  snatches  of  a  forgotten  dream  started  to  surface  from  my  subconscious  and  it  became  clear  to  me  that  I  had  been  there  before  …  in  my  dreams.    I  am  overwhelmed  by  the  realization  that  God  must  have  intended,  long  before  Arrows  College  came  into  existence,  for  me  to  study  here.    What’s  more,  He  told  me  so  years  ago,  in  a  dream,  a  dream  that  I  was  not  then  close  enough  to  Him  to  understand.  The  best  of  many  incredible  experiences  at  Arrows  has  got  to  be  the  discovery  of  my  calling  from  the  Lord.    Happening  as  it  did  on  just  the  third  day  of  term,  it  would  have  totally  eclipsed  the  other  memorable  encounters  if  the  Lord  had  not  expanded  my  capacity  to  take  them  all  in.    

SEREILI  WALTER,  38  ELIM  SOMANG  CHURCH,  VANUATU  Thank  God  for  this  great  opportunity,  as  I  always  say  opportunity  never  comes  twice,  once  it  is  in  your  hands  make  use  of  it.  I  take  this  time  to  thank  God  that  I  am  able  to  come  representing  Vanuatu  and  the  Pacific  Islands  this  year.  Arrows  Bible  College  has  changed  my  whole  life,  each  new  week  is  something  deeper  and  deeper  into  God’s  word.  I  had  a  great  time  of  rest  in  the  Lord  as  well  as  deep  encounters  with  the  Father,  Son  and  the  Holy  Spirit.  It  was  a  long,  long  journey  flying  across  Port  Vila  –  Brisbane  –  Perth,  but  God  brought  me  to  Arrows  for  these  10  weeks  to  equip,  envision,  empower,  for  our  nation  and  the  Pacific  Islands  and  beyond,  for  years  to  come.  I  humbly  take  this  time  to  thank  our  Dean  Ps  Choy,  our  Founder  Ps  Benny,  our  principal  Ps  Cheng  Lai  and  all  those  of  you  who  have  invested  in  the  growth  of  Arrows  College.  Lastly,  I  would  like  to  thank  my  mentors,  Mum  Nicky  and  Dad  Fred,  for  your  generous  love  -­‐  treating  me  as  your  real  daughter.  It  touches  my  heart.  And  also  to  all  my  2013  Mission  House  and  Faith  Community  Church  brothers  and  sisters-­‐in-­‐Christ,  for  your  hospitality  and  generosity  in  serving  us,  for  opening  up  your  lives  and  homes.  Thank  you  for  being  divine  connections  and  I  trust  that  the  Lord  will  bring  open  doors  through  you  to  us  for  His  future  work.  Love  you  all.   JOANNA  HO,  22  (modular  student)  

FAITH  COMMUNITY  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  Attending  Arrows  College  as  a  modular  student  for  the  Worship  and  Songwriting  module  was  one  of  the  most  spontaneous  yet  rewarding  decisions  I  had  ever  made.  I  had  only  signed  up  for  the  module  one  day  before  it  started,  but  this  timely  opportunity  came  in  a  season  of  my  life  where  I  needed  guidance  in  building  a  worship  team.  The  lessons  that  Ps  Ray  Badham  taught  on  building  and  organising  a  worship  team  were  relevant  to  what  I  was  facing  in  my  ministry.  During  our  discussions  over  teatime  and  lunch,  he  also  shared  many  helpful  tips  and  suggestions  that  were  both  practical  and  applicable.  I  also  looked  forward  to  chapel  every  morning,  where  we  would  have  a  short  time  of  worship  followed  by  a  sharing  of  the  Word  and  prayer.  Starting  the  day  praising  God  was  always  refreshing  and  the  Word  always  brought  about  a  new  revelation  of  God.  In  the  short  time  that  we  spent  praying,  God  was  faithful  and  we  saw  many  prayers  answered  that  week!  The  most  interesting  thing  we  did  during  the  module  was  to  write  a  song  based  on  a  psalm.  We  were  put  into  groups  of  3-­‐5  and  tasked  to  come  up  with  a  song  complete  with  both  lyrics  and  melody.  It  was  amazing  how  in  a  span  of  1  hour,  every  group  managed  to  produce  a  wonderful  and  catchy  song.  Till  now,  I  still  find  myself  humming  to  the  songs  that  we  wrote!  





LYNETTE  TAN,  35  (modular  student)  COVENANT  EVANGELICAL  FREE  CHURCH,  SINGAPORE  When  my  husband  signed  up  for  Arrows  College,  we  decided  that  it'll  be  a  family  affair.  Hence,  we  packed  up  our  kids  (my  5  year  old  son  and  my  11  month  year  old  baby  girl)  and  came  to  Perth.  I  had  the  hope  of  somehow  attending  one  or  two  of  the  modules  but  I  knew  it  would  be  a  challenge  as  there  was  no  one  I  knew  who  could  take  care  of  my  baby  (I  was  nervous  about  getting  a  nanny  whom  I  did  not  know  in  a  foreign  land).  But  our  good  and  faithful  God  showed  up  and  made  a  way  by  providing  people  from  within  the  Arrows  community  to  take  care  of  my  baby.  That  gave  me  the  peace  and  freedom  to  attend  not  one  but  9  out  of  the  14  modules!  I  am  speechless  at  how  good  God  is!  We  came  with  an  expectation  to  seek  and  meet  with  God  and  we  truly  did  through  the  teachings,  the  practical  assignments  and  through  many  divine  appointments!  The  pastors  teaching  each  module  taught  us  not  only  head  knowledge  but  left  us  with  many  practical  applications  for  ministry  and  for  daily  living.  The  hearts  of  the  teachers  are  the  same,  that  is,  to  equip  us  to  be  effective  for  the  Lord  wherever  our  journey  may  be.  I  am  very  blessed  and  grateful  to  be  a  part  of  this.    



LYNN  TAN,  22  (modular  student)  FAITH  COMMUNITY  CHURCH,  AUSTRALIA  I  think  I  was  already  keen  to  join  this  module  (worship  &  songwriting)  last  year  but  was  not  able  to.  I  decided  this  year  I  would.  I  was  all  ears  when  I  heard  this  was  a  module  on  worship  and  songwriting.  It  was  something  that  I  was  very  excited  to  experience.  My  most  enjoyable  part  was  very  much  the  songwriting.  Yes  it  was  interesting  to  learn  about  worship  in  the  Old  Testament  and  New  Testament  but  to  actually  write  a  song  unto  the  Lord,  that  was  a  different  story  altogether.  I  loved  how  we  worked  together  in  groups  to  bring  the  song  to  life  as  well.  It  was  so  cool  to  listen  to  all  the  songs  everyone  came  up  with  at  the  end.  Aside  from  waking  up  early  every  morning,  I  loved  our  fellowship  sessions  over  meals  and  the  practical  lessons  Ps  Ray  gave  on  worship.  I've  learnt  more  about  the  evolution  of  worship  throughout  Christian  history.  Besides  all  these,  I  got  the  chance  to  be  part  of  the  91ners  (comprising  of  a  group  of  students  who  were  born  in  1991)  that  led  worship  on  the  last  day.  It  was  a  whole  new  experience  that  I  readily  enjoyed.      














For  Freadric  Tan,  39,  the  decision  to  set  aside  10  weeks  of  his  life  to  attend  Arrows  College  was  not  without  cost.  It  has  meant  taking  an  unpaid  hiatus  from  work  and  uprooting  his  family  of  four  from  Singapore  to  Perth.      A  deepening  hunger    

There  was  a  time,  however,  when  setting  time  aside  for  God  was  of  lesser  importance  to  Freadric.  About  four  years  ago,  Freadric  had  been  content  to  be  a  nominal  Christian.  He  describes  himself  then  as  a  “passenger”  in  church,  “flitting  in  and  out  on  Sundays  and  contributing  in  no  way”.  But  things  began  to  change  in  September  2011,  when  Freadric  was  very  tired  at  work  and  decided  to  take  time  off  to  think  about  God.  It  was  a  struggle  initially,  “As  a  backslidden  Christian,  it  can  look  like  a  long  crawl  back  initially.  You  don't  know  where  to  start,  and  every  effort  seemed  so  futile  because  I  felt  no  effect.”      

Finally,  Freadric  told  the  Lord:  “God,  please  forgive  me.  It  isn't  that  I  don't  love  you  anymore.  But  I  am  so  poor  at  keeping  your  commandments."    Freadric  believes  God  began  to  initiate  changes  in  his  life  after  that  prayer.  He  began  to  read  the  Bible,  and  challenged  himself  to  try  reading  without  missing  a  day.  For  the  first  time  in  over  20  years  as  a  Christian,  he  managed  to  read  the  Bible  daily  for  a  full  month,  and  eventually  finished  the  entire  book.      “The  thing  about  Bible  reading  is  that  you  cannot  go  through  the  Bible  and  not  have  it  change  you.  It  is  impossible,”  Freadric  says.  “And  so,  I  changed.”      A  turning  point    

In  June  2012,  during  a  business  trip  in  Bangkok,  Freadric  had  a  significant  encounter  with  God.  He  had  risen  early  for  a  7am  meeting,  and  was  ready  to  leave  when  he  was  told  that  the  meeting  had  been  postponed.  Since  he  couldn’t  go  back  to  bed,  he  decided  to  stay  in  his  hotel  room  to  worship  God.      At  that  moment,  something  happened  to  Freadric.  “It  hit  me.  I  began  to  weep  and  weep,  and  those  were  bitter  tears.  What  happened  was  that  I  was  convicted  of  the  sin  of  backsliding.  Those  wasted  years  of  not  living  in  Him,  of  not  living  for  Him.”      From  that  day,  Freadric  began  hungering  more  deeply  for  God  than  ever  before.      An  invitation  from  the  King  

In  January  this  year,  as  Freadric  made  his  new  year’s  resolution,  he  sensed  that  2013  would  be  different.  “I  had  a  feeling  it  will  be  holy  and  that  it  will  change  

my  perspective,  my  paradigms,  my  beliefs,  my  thinking  and  ultimately,  my  life,”  he  says.      That  was  when  the  notion  of  taking  a  sabbatical  to  attend  Arrows  College  started  to  figure  heavily  on  his  mind.  As  Freadric  committed  these  plans  to  the  Lord,  God  began  to  pave  the  way  for  his  family  to  come  to  Perth.      Freadric  then  raised  the  possibility  of  taking  a  sabbatical  with  his  boss.  A  devout  Christian,  his  boss  was  supportive  of  his  decision.  Since  no  one  had  ever  taken  a  sabbatical  in  his  company  before,  the  matter  needed  to  be  brought  before  the  CEO  as  well  as  the  Sales  Director.  Both  of  them  supported  Freadric’s  application.      As  an  insurance  broker,  Freadric  has  to  shoulder  sales  responsibilities  at  work.  Since  the  College  opens  at  Freadric’s  busiest  period  of  the  year,  he  was  prepared  to  suffer  a  dent  in  his  earnings.  However,  after  deciding  to  come  for  Arrows,  Freadric  miraculously  managed  to  clinch  two  business  deals,  one  of  which  was  a  personal  record.  This,  to  him,  was  assurance  that  God  would  take  care  of  his  needs.      Freadric  also  started  to  research  on  the  costs  of  accommodation  and  car  rental  in  Perth.  Within  a  week,  two  people  unrelated  to  Arrows  College  offered  the  use  of  their  houses  and  cars  free  of  charge.  By  then,  Freadric  felt  that  the  invitation  from  the  King  was  now  “loud  and  clear”.    Freadric  faithfully  prepared  for  his  sabbatical  by  carving  out  time  to  spend  with  God.  He  stopped  going  out  for  work  lunches  to  solicit  business  or  network,  choosing  to  spend  the  time  reading  his  Bible.  He  also  took  up  guitar  lessons  to  build  up  his  private  worship  life.  Little  by  little,  Freadric  started  to  realise  that  God  was  changing  his  appetites.  Jazz  music  and  wine,  things  that  he  used  to  enjoy,  had  begun  to  fade  in  their  appeal.        













Opposition  from  the  enemy    

As  with  every  endeavour  for  the  Lord,  opposition  from  the  enemy  was  to  be  expected.  In  June,  Freadric  started  experiencing  an  excruciating  pain  in  his  left  arm  due  to  two  slipped  discs  in  his  neck.  However,  Freadric  held  on  to  the  belief  that  if  God  had  called,  He  would  heal  him.  Sure  enough,  Freadric  managed  to  recover  sufficiently  before  coming  to  Perth.    Nearing  his  departure  to  Perth,  Freadric’s  grandmother  suddenly  became  ill  due  to  swelling  in  her  body.  His  parents  had  advised  him  not  to  come  to  Perth  as  her  life  was  in  danger.  However,  Freadric  continued  to  look  to  God.  Two  weeks  before  their  departure,  his  grandmother’s  swelling  subsided.      A  changed  life    

Freadric  is  glad  he  accepted  God’s  invitation  and  sees  his  time  in  Arrows  College  as  a  “wonderful  privilege”.  His  story  speaks  of  the  Lord’s  desire  to  draw  us  deeper  to  Himself.  God  was  the  one  who  prepared  for  Freadric’s  journey  way  before  it  was  ever  conceived  in  his  mind.      For  Freadric  and  his  family,  coming  to  Arrows  College  is  but  a  pit  stop  on  the  journey  toward  a  

changed  life:  “A  return  to  normality  will  be  a  cruel  thing.  I  desire  to  be  used  by  God  in  a  fuller  and  deeper  way.  I  pray  that  the  way  we  live  our  lives  henceforth  brings  glory  to  His  name.”    


Enjoying  the  sunshine  with  wife  Lynette,  together  with  two  lovely  children,    Adam  and  Tabitha,  at  Orange  Grove  Citrus  Orchard,  Perth    






At  1.82m  tall,  Justin  Tan,  30,  towers  over  most  with  his  big  build.  He  

is,  however,  by  no  means  intimidating.  The  gentle  and  affable  giant  is   often   seen   cradling   a   course   mate’s   baby   in   his   arms,   playfully  lifting  her  up  into  the  air  as  she  smiles  and  claps.    

Sitting   down,   he   begins   to   describe   his   gradual   call   to   full-­‐time  ministry.   Starting   off   as   a   small   desire,   this   calling   grew   stronger,  culminating  to  a  crucial  juncture  in  Justin’s  life.    

It   was   2010,   at   the   International   House   of   Prayer   (IHOP)   Burning  Hearts  Conference  in  Singapore  that  Justin  recalled  worshipping  and  talking  to  God.    He  heard  the  word  “Obedience”  and  asked  God  what  it  meant.        A  gentle   reply  came  and   it   said,  “Son,  you  know  what   I  mean”.  At  those  words,  Justin  broke  down  and  cried.  He  knew  that  it  was  God’s  call  to  enter  full-­‐time  ministry.    

In   the   following  months,   the   ex-­‐senior   technician   in   the   Singapore  Armed  Forces  made  plans  to  leave  his  job.  The  single  young  man  sold  his   car,   saved   more   money,   preparing   himself   for   a   more   frugal  lifestyle.  His  bosses  were  reluctant  for  him  to   leave  and  offered  him  another   job   posting   to   further   his   career.   It   was   tempting.   Justin  struggled,  but  deep  in  his  heart,  he  knew  he  had  to  say  yes  to  God.    

By  May   2010,   Justin   left   his   job,  with   no   idea  where   he  was   going  next,   or   what   he   was   to   do.   His   only   desire   was   to   draw   closer   to  God.   Prior   to   that   period,   Justin   describes   his   spiritual   life   as  “empty”.  He  had  spent  hours  serving  God,  but  not  enough  time  with  God.   Through   prayer   and   studying   God’s   word,   Justin   started  building  up  his  inner  life.    

Nonetheless,  Justin  still  struggled.  At  times,  he  questioned  why  God  had  led  him  out  of  his  job,  only  to  face  a  season  of  wilderness.  Justin  recalls   nights   lying   in   bed,   crying   himself   to   sleep.  He  was   actively  serving  God,  yet  feeling  lost  because  he  could  not  discern  God’s  next  step  for  his  life.  God  was  using  a  time  of  uncertainty  to  teach  Justin  how  to  trust  Him.  Justin  held  on  to  the  Bible  verse  in  Matthew  6:33,  “Seek  ye  first  the  Kingdom  of  God”.  It  was  the  Word  of  God  that  kept  him   going,   “sustaining   me   more   than   any   encouragement   from  people”.    

After  serving  as  a  church  volunteer  for  two  years,  Justin  was  offered  a   job   as   a   church   intern.   About   a   year   later,   a   church   leader  sponsored  him  to  attend  Arrows  College.  Justin  admits  that  when  he  came  to  Arrows  College,  he  did  not  know  what  to  expect  initially,  but  has  since  been  deeply  encouraged  and  affirmed  on  his  calling  in  life.      

During  the  course,  Justin  received  a  prophetic  word  by  Pastor  Amos  Jeyaratnam  about  mission  work  and  equipping  others,  which  he  felt  was  “exactly  what  God  was  telling  me”.  His  main  desire   is   to  “build  people  up”,  and  is  open  to  whatever   lies  ahead,  whether  going  to  a  bible  school  or  building  ministry  skills.    

This   season   is  one   for  equipping.   Justin   is  preparing  himself   for   the  

future,  so  that:  “The   day   when   He   gives   me   a  bigger  assignment,  I  am  ready”.    


Photos  from  top  to  bottom:    Sharing  devotion  at  chapel;  playing  with  Freadric’s  daughter,  Tabitha  





FROM DARKNESS INTO WONDERFUL LIGHT  Photos  from  left  to  right:  A  blessed  time  with  Arrows  Lecturer  Pastor  Chris  Hayward  from  Cleansing  Stream  Ministries;  Serena  enjoying  herself  at  Hillary’s  Beach                                                            

“Ask  the  Lord  to  show  you  what  to  draw.  You  are  to  draw  for  a  special  person”.      These  were  the  words  of  Serena  Choo’s  instructor  during  a  prophetic  art-­‐making  session  in  mid-­‐2013.  As  Serena  inquired  of  the  Lord,  she  used  a  black  crayon  to  shade  the  left  side  of  her  drawing  block.  She  paused,  and  later  added  bright  yellow  splotches  next  to  the  black  markings.  She  continued  to  wait  upon  the  Lord,  but  received  no  further  impression  of  what  to  draw,  leaving  a  significant  portion  of  blank  white  space  on  the  piece  of  A4-­‐sized  paper.  Serena  stared  at  her  half-­‐completed  work,  not  knowing  how  to  make  sense  of  it.          As  the  instructor  came  along  to  help  participants  with  their  work,  he  paused  at  Serena’s  work  and  remarked,  “You  have  been  in  a  dark  cave  for  a  long  time,  and  are  just  starting  to  emerge  into  the  light  at  the  cave’s  entrance.  The  blank  portion  represents  partnership  with  the  Lord”.      As  Serena  heard  these  words,  she  was  amazed.  This  metaphor  of  her  emerging  out  of  a  dark  cave  into  light  was  a  powerful  portrayal  of  her  personal  journey  thus  far.  Reflecting  on  the  instructor’s  words  about  partnership  with  the  Lord,  she  gained  a  sudden  epiphany  about  the  blank  portion  of  her  drawing.  She  realised  that  the  bulk  of  the  canvas  that  had  been  left  blank,  she  would  get  to  paint  together  with  the  Lord.      It  then  became  clear  to  her  that  the  “special  person”  the  instructor  had  been  referring  to,  was  none  other  than  herself.      Redemptive  journey      Serena’s  journey  with  Christ  began  at  the  tender  age  of  14.  As  a  young  Christian  she  soon  became  aware  that  there  were  two  things  she  really  wanted.  The  first  was  for  God  to  become  real  to  her;  the  second  was  for  her  to  fully  realise  and  fulfill  God’s  purposes  and  plans  for  her  life.    In  her  twenties,  Serena  had  such  a  strong  desire  to  serve  God  that  she  wanted  very  much  to  quit  her  job  to  enter  Bible  school  and  full-­‐time  ministry.  However,  she  sensed  that  God  wanted  her  to  stay  in  the  private  sector.  Serena  continued  to  work  as  a  lawyer  for  more  than  22  years,  even  though  it  placed  her  under  a  lot  of  stress.  “It  was  a  very  long  22  years  because  although  I  knew  that  the  Lord  

had  His  reasons  for  wanting  me  there,  I  did  not  know  what  those  reasons  were.”      Five  years  ago,  Serena  suffered  from  a  nervous  breakdown  and  was  unable  to  work.  This  condition  rendered  her  not  only  unfit  to  work  but  also  unable  to  function  as  a  normal  person.    “Emotionally,  I  was  nervous,  jumpy  and  extremely  fragile.  My  body,  mind  and  emotions  were  so  dysfunctional  that  they  no  longer  did  what  I  told  them  to  do  and  it  was  like  I  no  longer  had  control  over  them.  It  was  quite  a  terrifying  experience,”  she  says.  Although  she  received  treatment  from  psychiatrists  who  were  able  to  reduce  the  severity  of  the  symptoms,  she  had  a  silent  conviction  that  her  healing  would  come  from  the  Lord.      Season  of  recovery      The  process  of  recovery  spanned  a  period  of  three  and  a  half  years.  During  that  time,  the  Lord  performed  a  deep  work  of  inner  healing,  deliverance  and  physical  healing  in  Serena’s  life.    “Among  other  things,  He  deepened  my  dependence  on  Him,  healed  my  damaged  ability  to  feel,  enabled  me  to  receive  and  to  feel  His  Fatherly  love,  delivered  me  from  religious  spirit  and  other  mental  strongholds”,  she  recounts.      During  this  period  of  rest  and  recovery,  the  Lord  assured  Serena  with  words  of  affirmation,  prophecy  and  promise.    In  particular,  she  was  anchored  by  a  deep  belief  that  she  was  the  Heavenly  Father’s  beloved  child.  This  kept  Serena  confident  in  the  fact  that  she  has  an  intrinsic  value  not  dependent  on  her  achievements  or  how  good  she  is  as  a  person.  If  not  for  this  knowledge,  she  is  convinced  that  she  would  have  been  devastated  beyond  repair  during  her  time  of  illness.  “Every  time  I  felt  like  a  nobody,  I  would  make  it  a  point  to  remind  myself  of  this”,  Serena  says.      At  a  conference  in  March  2012,  Serena  heard  Bill  Johnson,  Senior  Pastor  of  

Bethel  Church,  California,  say,  “when  you  teach  out  of  your  head,  you  release  ideas  and  information  but  when  you  teach  out  of  the  experience  of  your  heart,  you  release  grace  (divine  empowerment)  for  transformation”.        This  encouraged  Serena  to  believe  that  all  she  had  experienced  of  the  Lord’s  salvation,  healing  and  deliverance  would  be  released  through  her  when  she  prayed  or  ministered  to  people.    She  started  to  believe  that  perhaps  her  long  held  dream  of  making  God  real  to  people  and  seeing  them  fulfill  God’s  purpose  for  their  lives  -­‐  were  not  so  impossible  after  all.        








Discovery  of  calling  

Before  coming  to  Arrows  College  in  September  2013,  Serena  had  tried  for  years  to  identify  her  calling,  but  without  success.  During  the  Arrows  module  on  “Calling  and  Destiny”,  Pastor  Benny  Ho  taught  the  class  about  hearing  from  God.  When  he  shared  about  listening  to  God  through  the  needs  of  others  and  through  one’s  own  pain,  it  dawned  on  Serena  that  these  were  the  keys  to  discovering  her  calling.  “Through  a  combination  of  input  from  the  Holy  Spirit  and  my  own  thoughts,  I  amazed  myself  by  coming  up  with  a  far  more  articulate  Personal  Calling  Statement  than  I  had  dared  to  hope  for,”  she  says.  





At  1.82m  tall,  Justin  Tan,  30,  towers  over  most  with  his  big  build.  He  

is,  however,  by  no  means  intimidating.  The  gentle  and  affable  giant  is   often   seen   cradling   a   course   mate’s   baby   in   his   arms,   playfully  lifting  her  up  into  the  air  as  she  smiles  and  claps.    

Sitting   down,   he   begins   to   describe   his   gradual   call   to   full-­‐time  ministry.   Starting   off   as   a   small   desire,   this   calling   grew   stronger,  culminating  to  a  crucial  juncture  in  Justin’s  life.    

It   was   2010,   at   the   International   House   of   Prayer   (IHOP)   Burning  Hearts  Conference  in  Singapore  that  Justin  recalled  worshipping  and  talking  to  God.    He  heard  the  word  “Obedience”  and  asked  God  what  it  meant.        A  gentle   reply  came  and   it   said,  “Son,  you  know  what   I  mean”.  At  those  words,  Justin  broke  down  and  cried.  He  knew  that  it  was  God’s  call  to  enter  full-­‐time  ministry.    

In   the   following  months,   the   ex-­‐senior   technician   in   the   Singapore  Armed  Forces  made  plans  to  leave  his  job.  The  single  young  man  sold  his   car,   saved   more   money,   preparing   himself   for   a   more   frugal  lifestyle.  His  bosses  were  reluctant  for  him  to   leave  and  offered  him  another   job   posting   to   further   his   career.   It   was   tempting.   Justin  struggled,  but  deep  in  his  heart,  he  knew  he  had  to  say  yes  to  God.    

By  May   2010,   Justin   left   his   job,  with   no   idea  where   he  was   going  next,   or   what   he   was   to   do.   His   only   desire   was   to   draw   closer   to  God.   Prior   to   that   period,   Justin   describes   his   spiritual   life   as  “empty”.  He  had  spent  hours  serving  God,  but  not  enough  time  with  God.   Through   prayer   and   studying   God’s   word,   Justin   started  building  up  his  inner  life.    

Nonetheless,  Justin  still  struggled.  At  times,  he  questioned  why  God  had  led  him  out  of  his  job,  only  to  face  a  season  of  wilderness.  Justin  recalls   nights   lying   in   bed,   crying   himself   to   sleep.  He  was   actively  serving  God,  yet  feeling  lost  because  he  could  not  discern  God’s  next  step  for  his  life.  God  was  using  a  time  of  uncertainty  to  teach  Justin  how  to  trust  Him.  Justin  held  on  to  the  Bible  verse  in  Matthew  6:33,  “Seek  ye  first  the  Kingdom  of  God”.  It  was  the  Word  of  God  that  kept  him   going,   “sustaining   me   more   than   any   encouragement   from  people”.    

After  serving  as  a  church  volunteer  for  two  years,  Justin  was  offered  a   job   as   a   church   intern.   About   a   year   later,   a   church   leader  sponsored  him  to  attend  Arrows  College.  Justin  admits  that  when  he  came  to  Arrows  College,  he  did  not  know  what  to  expect  initially,  but  has  since  been  deeply  encouraged  and  affirmed  on  his  calling  in  life.      

During  the  course,  Justin  received  a  prophetic  word  by  Pastor  Amos  Jeyaratnam  about  mission  work  and  equipping  others,  which  he  felt  was  “exactly  what  God  was  telling  me”.  His  main  desire   is   to  “build  people  up”,  and  is  open  to  whatever   lies  ahead,  whether  going  to  a  bible  school  or  building  ministry  skills.    

This   season   is  one   for  equipping.   Justin   is  preparing  himself   for   the  

future,  so  that:  “The   day   when   He   gives   me   a  bigger  assignment,  I  am  ready”.    


Photos  from  top  to  bottom:    Sharing  devotion  at  chapel;  playing  with  Freadric’s  daughter,  Tabitha  




It  became  clear  to  Serena  that  she  was  to  be  an  agent  of  change  and  empower  others  to  be  secure  in  their  identity  in  Jesus.  God  was  calling  her  to  take  the  very  things  that  had  harmed  her  and  damaged  her  self-­‐worth  and  reverse  them  in  others.    As  depicted  in  the  prophetic  drawing,  the  Lord  has  not  only  completely  healed  Serena  and  delivered  her  from  the  dark  cave  that  her  life  used  to  be  –  He  now  wants  her  to  partner  Him  in  leading  others  out  of  their  darkness,  into  His  wonderful  light.    







TO BLESS A NATION                                                

When  asked  what  she  would  like  to  tell  readers  about  herself,  the  soft-­‐spoken  Sereili  Walters  threw  her  head  back  and  exclaimed  with  a  wave  of  her  hand,  “No,  tell  them  about  Jesus!”  before  breaking  into  a  broad  smile.    It  is  difficult  to  get  Sereili,  38,  to  talk  only  about  herself  because  she  is  convinced  that  her  time  in  Arrows  College  is  not  just  for  her  own  benefit,  “In  the  first  week  I  came  here,  I  thought,  maybe  it’s  about  me.  Then  later,  I  realised,  it’s  all  about  my  nation,  Vanuatu.”      Grateful  for  the  opportunity  to  come  to  the  College  through  the  invitation  and  encouragement  of  a  friend,  she  knows  she  has  not  come  just  to  be  blessed,  but  to  be  a  blessing  to  her  nation.  “I  believe  He  brought  me  here,"  she  says.  Sereili  feels  as  if  God  handpicked  her  from  among  the  many  others  in  her  nation  to  come  to  Perth  to  receive  from  Him.  Sereili’s  heart  for  Vanuatu,  a  group  of  islands  in  the  Pacific  Ocean,  shines  through  in  her  daily  conversations.  Usually  unassuming  and  low-­‐key,  her  face  

lights  up  when  talking  about  her  homeland.  She  speaks  enthusiastically  of  her  plans  to  give  back  to  Vanuatu  whatever  she  has  received  through  the  10  weeks  at  Arrows  College  School  of  Ministry  .  With  each  new  topic  she  learns,  ranging  from  basic  theology  to  inner  healing  and  deliverance,  she  is  eager  to  see  how  they  can  apply  to  her  people  back  home.    A  Christian  Religious  Studies  teacher  in  Vanuatu’s  capital,  Port  Vila,  Sereili  is  already  forming  plans  to  engage  the  education  ministry  and  suggest  changes  to  the  bible-­‐study  curriculum  in  schools.  She  is  also  eager  to  share  what  she  has  learnt  with  the  local  church  pastors.    When  asked  why  she  has  such  a  great  passion  for  Vanuatu,  the  fourth-­‐generation  Christian  believes  that  this  love  for  her  nation  is  part  of  a  generational  blessing  she  has  received.  Her  great  great-­‐grandparents  were  one  of  the  first  islanders  to  receive  Christ  when  missionaries  arrived  on  Vanuatu’s  shores.  The  increasing  number  of  Christians  has  meant  a  decline  in  the  practice  of  cannibalism,  a  tradition  once  common  among  natives.  Today,  the  vast  majority  of  Vanuatu’s  250,000  islanders  are  professing  Christians.  However,  Sereili  still  carries  a  burden  for  those  who  have  yet  to  place  their  faith  in  Jesus.  Apart  from  her  full-­‐time  job  as  a  teacher,  Sereili  is  passionate  about  reaching  out  to  the  natives  on  the  Vanuatu  islands.  She  often  travels  by  boat  from  Port  Vila  to  other  islands  to  share  the  gospel  and  visit  the  churches,  spending  a  few  days  camping  out  in  the  open.    Her  local  church  in  Port  Vila  also  focuses  on  equipping  city  dwellers  to  reach  out  and  strengthen  churches  on  the  other  islands.  When  her  father,  a  prominent  pastor  in  Vanuatu,  passed  away  four  years  ago,  the  burden  of  the  church’s  ministry  fell  upon  the  shoulders  of  Sereili  and  her  mother.  With  five  other  siblings  who  are  married,  Sereili  views  her  singleness  as  a  blessing  because  it  has  allowed  her  to  be  fully  devoted  to  the  demands  of  the  ministry.    Given  her  heavy  schedule,  there  is  not  much  time  for  rest  back  in  Vanuatu.  Sereili  is  thankful  that  her  time  in  Perth  has  allowed  her  to  rest,  learn  and  receive.  Within  her  quiet  exterior  lies  a  deep  hunger  and  thirst  to  learn  more,  and  to  seek  out  others  who  can  teach  and  impart  life  into  her  beloved  nation.    

“Please  come  to  Vanuatu,”  she  says,  with  a  twinkle  in  her  

eye.  “Next  time  you  come,  you  preach  here.”  

Photos  from  left  to  right:  Sereili  posing  with  Arrows  Lecturer  Pastor  Ray  Badham  from  Hillsong  Church,  together  with  his  new  CD  featuring  worship  songs  in  the  Papuan  national  language;  Vanuatu  outreach  rally  organised  by  Sereili  





Besides Perth, Arrows College School of Ministry has been running in Cambodia, China, and the Philippines.

Our Vision

To ENVISION, EMPOWER and EQUIP a new harvest force of SEEKERS, SERVANTS and SOLDIERS who can impact their CHURCHES, COMMUNITIES and COUNTRIES; ultimately lighting up mega-cities and the 10-40 Window.

Our Mission

We seek to DESIGN, DEVELOP and DELIVER a cutting-edge training curriculum tailored for local churches to equip every member to become servant leaders rooted in biblical literacy, strong spiritual orientation and contemporary relevance.    

Arrows  College  Cambodia  

Arrows  College  China  


Isaiah 49:1-3 Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant nations: Before I was born the Lord called me; from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name. He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.”




The Arrows College Building is basic but meets the needs of students. It is equipped with a chapel, classroom, dining hall, library and recreational space





The Arrows College Building is basic but meets the needs of students. It is equipped with a chapel, classroom, dining hall, library and recreational space











































































This red brick bungalow was built in the 1950s, serving as a hostel for the Bible College of Western Australia. In 2012, it was refurbished and renovated to prepare for our inaugural Arrows College batch. Today, it is known as the Mission House, a home away from home for international students and lecturers during the 10-week Arrows program. The cosy six-bedroom house allows students to exercise

a spirit of unity and love by living together. In this communal living space, students rest, cook, clean, laugh and pray together.





Beginning each new day singing and praising God at chapel sessions was cherished by students. Each one was presented opportunities to share the Word and lead in worship. Oftentimes, chapel sessions would also end with a time of corporate prayer and thanksgiving.







While there were tests to study for, assignments to complete, and much information to digest, each day in the lecture room was a time of impartation and equipping for practical ministry. Students participated in debates, prayed for healing and even tried their hand at songwriting.





Be it enjoying the vineyards and farms in Swan Valley, strolling through lush spring blooms in King’s Park, or having fun on a tractor ride in a citrus orchard, students thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company, whilst taking in the sights and sounds of the relaxing Perth city.





Much to the dismay of those who came with diet plans, students quickly learned that they were in Arrows not just to be spiritually nourished, but physically fed as well. Mouthwatering home-cooked food was a common feature at student birthdays and gatherings, thanks to the hospitality of the college and the local church community.





Psalm 66:1 Shout for joy to God, all the earth!


  Serena, Five years ago, with sadness in my heart for a beloved friend, I sought to comfort you by saying that it is always darkest just before the dawn. Today, I think the dawn has well and truly broken, and the light has come. I am so happy for you. Ruby