Are you paying attention???


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Are you paying attention?

Let’s see….

A warm welcome from the entrance……

• Most stores have their doors open…..

Drawing people in for shopping

•However the luxury shops are more secluded not calling everyone….

The doors are closed!!!

Stores sign their brand from the entrance

• Passing people recognize the shop from outside or…..

• Can locate it if they looking for it

• The sign is everywhere to make the shop distinctive

Even for those who look down

Each store has its own style depending from its culture

American style….

English style….

Luxury style

Italian Style

Greek style

Big stores are designed to draw you in

Helping you not to feel lost

….and informing you where to find what you want

The stores are crowed with merchandise

The merchandise is allocated in shelves visible to customers

Feeling free to buy whatever they like

The discounts are labeled on distinctive points

Encouraging customers for shopping

The security is discreet… However it is everywhere Either at the entrance

Or in the store

The personnel

The personnel is recognized wearing uniforms

In many stores there are organized info desks

Relaxed areas are designed and facilities are provided

to stay as long as you want and to feel comfortable to buy as much as you can

But at the end there is a bill….

The cashier is either at the exit

Or in depth of the store

But it is always visible!!!!!!!!!!