Archive for Geography - IGU Online · 2019. 10. 15. · Regional Geography in Leipzig. The historic...


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  • Archive for Geography


    Finding Aid (preliminary)

    International Geographical Union


  • IGU Archives After stations in London and Rome, the IGU Archives has a new home at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig. The historic IGU collection is an important source for the history of international geography in the 20th and 21st century. It spans the period 1956 up to the present days; a possible destination of the pre-1956-material is up to now unresolved. Unfortunately, even the existing records have some obvious gaps. Much of the documents derive from the offices of Secretaries-General and the IGU Presidents. The material has a focus on the Executive Committee, the member countries, on congresses and commissions. IGU Archives is a collection of an international science organization, without a permanent but moving office. The documents represent this vivid history from the 1950s up to now. Besides the written sources, IGU Archives contains a collection of video documents, mainly the video tapes from the Invitation to Dialogue project. Most of the videos are already online on YouTube and the University College Dublin website. IGU Archives is open to everybody. Using of the original documents is possible at our institute in Leipzig and requests concerning IGU history are welcome at any time. Access is partly limited by data protection rules or by unfinished archival description. We are always interested in receiving new relevant and “official” IGU documents (paper, digital and audio-visual), especially publications, minutes, newsletters and reports of commissions and other IGU bodies, and documents related to congresses and IGU projects. Contact: Dr Bruno Schelhaas, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, B_Schelhaas(at)

  • 2

    IGU Archives – Structure

    I The meaning of the IGU (Organisation, statutes, etc.)

    II Member countries (and correspondence relating thereto)

    III International Geographical Congresses

    IV Regional Conferences

    IVa Other Conferences and Workshops

    V IGU Commissions and Task Forces

    VI IGU Study Groups

    VII IGU Working Groups

    VIII IGU Executive

    IX IGU Newsletter, Bulletin and other Publications

    X Affiliation with other organisations

    XI Financial income and expenditure

    XII IGU Projects

    XIII Home of Geography

  • 3

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    I Organisation, organs and function of IGU

    1 IGU Office Procedure Manual

    IGU by C.D. Harris, November 1970

    Correspondence descriptive of the IGU by C.D. Harris,

    March 4, 1971

    IGU Statutes, Rules and Procedures: Proposed Changes


    IGU Statutes, rules and procedures 1988–99

    I Restructuring of IGU, 1998–99

    2 Documents, correspondence, proposals et al. concerning restructuring the IGU and its scientific activities, 1998–99

    II Member Countries

    1 Correspondence, bills and receipts, October 1956 – July 1960

    1 Argentina

    2 Austria

    3 Brazil

    4 Canada

    5 Chile

    6 Columbia

    7 Cuba

    8 Denmark

    9 Dominican Republic

    10 Finland

    11 France

    12 Germany

    13 Great Britain

    14 Iceland

    15 Mexico

    16 Norway

    17 Sweden

    18 USA

    II Member Countries

    2 Correspondence, bills and receipts, June 1956 – July 1960

    1 Belgium

    2 China (Taiwan)

    3 Czechoslovakia

  • 4

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    2 4 Egypt

    5 Ethiopia

    6 Greece

    7 Hungary

    8 India

    9 Indonesia

    10 Israel

    11 Italy

    12 Japan

    13 Morocco

    14 Netherlands

    15 New Zealand

    16 Pakistan

    17 Poland

    18 Portugal

    19 Spain

    20 Switzerland

    21 Turkey

    22 USSR

    23 Yugoslavia

    24 A.O.F.

    25 Iraq

    26 Kenya

    27 Nigeria

    28 Sudan

    29 Uganda

    II Member Countries

    3 Correspondence, bills and receipts, 1960–76

    1 IGU – List of Countries, Adhering Organizations,

    Presidents and Secretaries of National Committees

    2 Algeria

    3 Argentina

    4 Australia

    5 Austria

    6 Bangladesh

    7 Belgium

  • 5

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    3 8 Prospective Members (Chinese Peoples Republic, Fiji Islands, Mongolian People’s Republic, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Vietnam)

    II Member Countries

    4 Correspondence, bills and receipts, 1960–76

    1 Benin (Dahomey)

    2 Botswana

    3 Brazil

    4 Bulgaria

    5 Canada

    6 Chile

    7 Colombia

    8 Costa Rica

    9 Cuba

    II Member Countries

    5 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 Cyprus

    2 Czechoslovakia

    3 Denmark

    4 Egypt (Arab Republic of)

    5 Ethiopia

    6 Finland

    7 France

    8 Germany (Federal Republic of)

    II Member Countries

    6 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 Germany (German Democratic Republic)

    2 Ghana

    3 Greece

    4 Guatemala

    5 Hong Kong

    6 Hungary

  • 6

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    7 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 Iceland

    2 India

    3 Indonesia

    4 Iran

    5 Iraq

    6 Ireland

    7 Israel

    8 Italy

    9 Ivory Coast

    II Member Countries

    8 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 Jamaica

    2 Japan

    3 Kenya

    4 Korea (Republic of)

    5 Madagascar

    6 Malawi

    7 Malaysia

    8 Mexico

    9 Morocco

    II Member Countries

    9 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 Nepal

    2 Netherlands

    3 New Zealand

    4 Nigeria

    5 Norway

    6 Pakistan

    7 Philippines

    8 Poland

    9 Portugal (1960-1980)

  • 7

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    10 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 Romania

    2 Rwanda

    3 Senegal

    4 Sierra Leone (1966-1977)

    5 Singapore

    6 South Africa (Republic of)

    7 Spain

    8 Sudan

    9 Sweden (1960-1977)

    10 Switzerland

    II Member Countries

    11 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 Taiwan (1961-1977) & China (1956-1968)

    2 Tanzania (1965-1976)

    3 Tchad (1973-1976)

    4 Thailand (1969-1977)

    5 Tunisia

    6 Turkey

    7 Uganda

    8 United Kingdom

    9 USA

    II Member Countries

    12 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1960–76

    1 USSR

    2 Uruguay (1956-1976)

    3 Venezuela

    4 Yugoslavia

    5 Zaire (1973-1976)

    6 Zambia (1967-1976)

    7 Dominican Republic

    8 Guinea

    9 Panama

    10 Vatican City

  • 8

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    13 1-2 Acknowledgments of payments1976–84

    II Member Countries

    14a Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 Arab Republic of Egypt (1976-1983)

    2 Argentina (1976-1977; 1979; 1984)

    3 Australia (1975-1980;1982-1984)

    4 Austria (1976-1978; 1980-1983)

    5 Bangladesh (1976; 1978-1981; 1983)

    6 Belgium (1976; 1978; 1980-1983)

    7 Benin (1976; 1981-1982)

    8 Botswana (1976-1977)

    9 Brazil (1976-1978; 1980-1983)

    II Member Countries

    14b Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 Bulgaria (1976; 1979-1980; 1983-1984)

    2 Cameron (1980-1981)

    3 Canada

    4 Chile (1976; 1978)

    5 Colombia (1976; 1978; 1980-1981)

    6 Congo-Brazza (1976)

    7 Costa Rica

    II Member Countries

    14c Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 Cyprus (1976-1983)

    2 Czechoslovakia

    3 Denmark (1976;1980)

    4 Ecuador (1980-1982)

    5 Ethiopia (1978;1981)

    6 Finland (1976;1978;1983)

    7 France

    8 German Democratic Republic (1976; 1980-1984)

    9 Germany (Federal Republic of) (1977-1984)

  • 9

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    15 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 Ghana (1979-1983)

    2 Greece (1980-1982)

    3 Guatemala (1977; 1983)

    4 Hong Kong (1976; 1977; 1983)

    5 Hungary (1976; 1980; 1982)

    6 Iceland (1976; 1980; 1984)

    7 India (1978-1984)

    8 Indonesia (1976;1978;1980)

    9 Iran (1977-1983)

    10 Iraq (1981)

    11 Ireland (1976-1978)

    12 Israel

    13 Italy (1976; 1978-1981; 1984)

    14 Ivory Coast (1978;1980;1983)

    15 Japan (1976-1982; 1984)

    II Member Countries

    16 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 Kenya (1976-1980; 1984)

    2 Korea, Republic of (1977; 1979, 1981-1982)

    3 Lebanon (1984)

    4 Madagascar (1980; 1978; 1976)

    5 Malawi (1976-1977; 1979-1980)

    6 Malaysia (1976-1978; 1980; 1984)

    7 Mexico (1976; 1978-1984)

    8 Mozambique, Popular Republic of (1978-1979)

    9 Nepal (1976-1978; 1980; 1983)

    10 Netherlands (1976; 1978; 1981-1983)

    11 New Zealand (1976-1981; 1983)

    12 Nigeria (1976-1980; 1982-1984)

    13 Norway (1976; 1978)

    14 Pakistan (1976; 1978-1983)

    15 Philippines (1976; 1978-1980)

  • 10

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    17 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 Poland

    2 Portugal (1979; 1981)

    3 Romania (1976-1977; 1979)

    4 Rwanda (1976; 1983)

    5 Senegal (1976)

    6 Sierra Leone (1980)

    7 Singapore (1976-1978; 1980)

    8 South Africa, Republic of (1976-1982)

    9 Spain (1976-1977; 1980-1982)

    10 Sudan (1976; 1978-1979)

    11 Sweden (1976-1977; 1979-1980; 1982-1984)

    12 Switzerland

    13 Syria (1980-1981)

    II Member Countries

    18 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 Taiwan, Republic of China (1976-1983)

    2 Tanzania (1977; 1982-1983)

    3 Tchad (1976; 1984)

    4 Thailand (1976; 1979; 1982-1983)

    5 Togo (1982)

    6 Tunisia (1977-1978)

    7 Turkey (1976; 1980-1981; 1984)

    8 Uganda (1976; 1980)

    9 USSR (1976; 1978-1984)

    10 United Kingdom

    II Member Countries

    19 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1976–84

    1 USA (1975-1983)

    2 Uruguay (1958; 1967; 1973-1974; 1976)

    3 Venezuela (1977; 1983)

    4 Yugoslavia (1982-1983)

    5 Zaire (1976)

    6 Zambia (1976-1977; 1980-1984)

    7 Zimbabwe (1980)

  • 11

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    20 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1984–88

    1 Algeria (1985-1987)

    2 Argentina (1985-1988)

    3 Australia (1985-1988)

    4 Austria

    5 Bangladesh (1984-1987)

    6 Belgium (1985-1988)

    7 Benin (1984-1987)

    8 Botswana (1985-1987)

    9 Brazil (1985-1988)

    10 Bulgaria (1984-1987)

    11 Cameroon (1984-1987)

    12 Canada

    13 Chad (1984-1987)

    14 Chile (1985-1987)

    15 China (Beijing)

    II Member Countries

    21 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1984–88

    1 China (Taiwan)

    2 Colombia (1985-1987)

    3 Costa Rica (1985-1988)

    4 Cuba

    5 Cyprus (1985-1987)

    6 Czechoslovakia (1985-1988)

    7 Denmark (1985-1988)

    8 Ecuador (1985-1987)

    9 Egypt (Arab Republic)

    10 Ethiopia (1985-1987)

    11 Finland (1985-1988)

    12 France

    13 German Democratic Republic (1985-1988)

    14 Germany, Federal Republic of

    15 Ghana (1984-1987)

    16 Greece (1985-1988)

    17 Guatemala (1985-1988)

  • 12

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    21 18 Hong Kong (1985-1988)

    19 Hungary (1985-1988)

    20 Iceland (1985-1988)

    21 India

    22 Indonesia (1985-1987)

    23 Iran (1985-1988)

    II Member Countries

    22 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1984–88

    1 Iraq (1985-1987)

    2 Ireland (1985-1988)

    3 Israel (1985-1988)

    4 Italy

    5 Ivory Coast (1985-1988)

    6 Jamaica (1985-1987)

    7 Japan

    8 Kenya (1985-1988)

    9 Korea, Republic of (1985-1988)

    10 Lebanon (1985-1987)

    11 Madagascar (1985-1987)

    12 Malawi (1985-1987)

    13 Malaysia (1985-1987)

    14 Mexico (1985-1988)

    15 Morocco (1985-1988)

    16 Mozambique (1985-1988)

    17 Netherlands (1985-1988)

    18 Nepal (1985-1987)

    19 New Zealand (1985-1988)

    20 Nigeria

    21 Norway (1985-1988)

    22 Pakistan

    23 Philippines (1985-1987)

    24 Poland (1985-1988)

    25 Portugal (1985-1988)

    26 Romania (1985-1988)

    27 Rwanda (1985-1987)

  • 13

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    22 28 Senegal (1985-1987)

    29 Sierra Leone (1985-1987)

    30 Singapore (1985-1988)

    31 South Africa (1985-1988)

    II Member Countries

    23 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1984–88

    1 Spain

    2 Sudan

    3 Sweden (1985-1988)

    4 Switzerland (1985-1988)

    5 Syria (1985-1987)

    6 Tanzania (1985-1988)

    7 Thailand (1985-1988)

    8 Togo (1985-1987)

    9 Tunisia (1985-1987)

    10 Turkey (1985-1988)

    11 Uganda (1985-1987)

    12 United Kingdom

    13 Uruguay (1985-1897)

    14 USA (1982; 1985-1988)

    15 USSR

    16 Venezuela (1985; 1987)

    17 Vietnam Socialist Republic (1985-1986)

    18 Yugoslavia (1985-1988)

    19 Zaire (1985-1987)

    20 Zambia (1985-1987)

    21 Zimbabwe (1985-1988)

    II Member Countries

    24 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Albania (1993-1998)

    2 Algeria (1988-1989; 1994-1998)

    3 Argentina

    4 Armenia (1994-1998)

    5 Australia

  • 14

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    25 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Austria

    2 Azerbaijan (1993-1998)

    3 Belarus (1993-1998)

    4 Belgium

    5 Benin (1988-1989; 1992-1996)

    6 Brazil

    7 Bulgaria

    8 Burundi (1994; 1996-1998)

    9 Cameroon

    II Member Countries

    26 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Canada

    2 Central African Republic (1994-1998)

    3 Chad (1988-1989; 1994; 1996-1998)

    4 Chile

    5 China (Beijing)

    6 China (Taipei)

    7 Colombia (1988-1993)

    II Member Countries

    27 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Comores (1994-1998)

    2 Congo (1996-1998)

    3 Costa Rica (1988-1993)

    4 Côte d’Ivoire (1988-1996)

    5 Croatia (1992-1998)

    6 Cuba (1988-1991; 1993-1998)

    7 Cyprus (1988-1998)

    8 Czech Republic/Czechoslovakia

    9 Denmark

    10 Egypt

  • 15

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    28 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Estonia

    2 France

    3 Finland

    4 Georgia

    5 Germany 1992-1998

    6 German Democratic Republic 1988-1990

    7 Germany (FRG) 1988-1992

    8 Ghana

    9 Greece

    10 Guatemala (1988-1993)

    11 Hong Kong

    II Member Countries

    29 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Hungary (1987-1998)

    2 Iceland

    3 India

    4 Indonesia

    5 Iran

    6 Ireland

    II Member Countries

    30 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Israel

    2 Italy (1992-1998)

    3 Italy (1988-1992)

    4 Japan

    5 Korea

    6 Latvia (1995-1998)

    II Member Countries

    31 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Lebanon (1988-1993)

    2 Lesotho (1988-1993)

    3 Lithuania (1990-1998)

    4 Madagascar (1996-1998)

  • 16

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    31 5 Malaysia

    6 Mauritania (1994-1998)

    7 Mexico

    8 Mongolia (1990-1998)

    9 Morocco

    10 Mozambique

    11 Netherlands

    II Member Countries

    32 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 New Zealand

    2 Niger (1994; 1996-1998)

    3 Nigeria

    4 Norway

    5 Pakistan

    6 Papua New Guinea (1995-1998)

    7 Philippines

    8 Poland

    9 Portugal

    10 Romania

    II Member Countries

    33 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Russia

    2 Sierra Leone (1988-1993)

    3 Singapore

    4 Slovakia (1992-1995; 1997-1998)

    5 Slovenia (1992-1998)

    6 South Africa I (1996-1998)

    7 South Africa II (1988-1995)

    8 Spain

    9 Sri Lanka (1993-1997)

    II Member Countries

    34 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Sweden

    2 Switzerland

  • 17

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    II Member Countries

    34 3 Tanzania (1988-1992; 1994-1997)

    4 Thailand

    5 Togo (1982; 1988-1989; 1994; 1996-1997)

    6 Tunisia (1988-1990: 1992-1998)

    7 Turkey

    8 Uganda (1989-1993)

    9 Ukraine (1994-1998)

    10 United Kingdom I (1995-1998)

    11 United Kingdom II (1988-1994)

    II Member Countries

    35 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 USA I (1995-1998)

    2 USA II (1988-1994)

    3 Vietnam (1990-1997)

    4 Yugoslavia (1988-1992)

    5 Zaire (1994-1998)

    6 Zimbabwe

    II Member Countries

    36 Correspondence, bills and receipts 1988-1998

    1 Dues status lists of member countries 1957-1969

    2 Discontinued member countries

    3 Discontinued member countries and potential members

    material (1988-1992)

    4 Potential New Members I (1993-1996)

    5 Potential New Members II (1985-1992)

    6 Circulars, general correspondence, membership status

    III International Geographical Congresses


    2 22nd IGC Montreal 1972

    3 23rd IGC Moscow 1976

    4 23rd IGC Moscow 1976

    5 24th IGC Tokyo 1980

    6 25th IGC Paris 1984

  • 18

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    III International Geographical Congresses

    7 26th IGC Sydney 1988

    8 27th IGC Washington DC 1992

    9 28th IGC The Hague 1996

    10 29th IGC Seoul 2000

    11 30th IGC Glasgow 2004

    IV Regional Geographical Conferences

    1 Budapest 1971

    2 Palmerston North 1974

    Lagos 1978

    3 Barcelona 1986

    4 Beijing 1990

    5 Prague 1994

    6 Havana 1995

    7-9 Lisbon 1998

    IVa Other Conferences and Workshops

    V Commissions and Task Forces


    1 Bibliography of Ancient Maps, C12.23 Karst Phenomena, Evolution of Slopes, C12.19 Medical Geography, Library Classification of Geographical Books and Maps, C12.02 Arid Zone, Periglacial Morphology, National Atlases, Erosion Surfaces around the Atlantic


    2 Coastal Sedimentation, Applied Geomorphology, C12.26 World Land Use Survey, Teaching of Geography in Schools, World Population Map, Humid Tropics, Cartography

    1960-1968 3 National Atlases, World Population Mapping,

    Interpretation of Aerial Photographs, Ancient Maps

    1960-1968 4 Cartography, C12.26 World Land Use, Economic


    1960-1968 5 Quantitative Methods, Typology of Agriculture, Library

    Classification, C12.23 Karst Phenomena, Hydrological Decade, Applied Geomorphology

  • 19

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    V 1960-1968 6 C12.02 Arid Zone, Medical Geography, Erosion Surfaces,

    Periglacial Morphology, Humid Tropics

    1960-1968 7 Evolution of Slopes, Teaching of Geography, Applied

    Geomorphology, Coastal Sedimentation, C12.01 Applied Geography

    1968-1976 8 National and Regional Atlases, C12.01 Applied Geography,

    C12.26 World Land Use Survey, Medical Geography

    1968-1976 9 C12.20 History of Geographical Thought, International

    Geographical Terminology, C12.11 Geographical Education

    1968-1976 10 Geographical Data Sensing and Processing, Quantitative


    1968-1976 11 Man and Environment (1968-72, 1972-76)

    1968-1976 12 Geomorphological Surveying and Mapping, Present-day

    Geomorphological Processes, International Hydrological Decade

    1968-1976 13 High-Altitude Geoecology, Regional Aspects of

    Development, C12.38 Geography of Transport, C12.34 Population Geography 1968-72

    1968-1976 14 C12.34 Population Geography 1972-76, Agricultural



    15 Rural Settlement in Monsoon Asia, C12.39 Processes and Patterns of Urbanisation, Coastal Geomorphology, Periglacial Morphology, C12.02 Arid Lands, Humid Tropics


    16 C12.20 History of Geographical Thought, International Geographical Terminology, C12.11 Geographical Education, Geographical Data Sensing and Processing, Environmental Problems, Environmental Atlases (joint with ICA), C12.19 Geography of Health, International Hydrological Program, C12.32 Study of Human Impact on Mountain Ecosystems, C12.38 Geography of Transport

    1976-1980 17 Industrial Systems, Coastal Development, Rural

    Development, Agricultural Productivity and World Food Supplies, Geomorphological Survey and Mapping

    1976-1980 18 Field Experiments in Geomorphology, National

    Settlement Systems, Regional Systems and Policies, C12.34 Population Geography


    19 C12.20 History of Geographical Thought, C12.11 Geographical Education, Regional Systems and Policies, Industrial Systems, Coastal Environment, Rural Development


    20 National Settlement Systems, C12.34 Population Geography, C12.32 Mountain Geoecology, Field Experiments in Geomorphology, Environmental Problems, Geographical Data Sensing and Processing

  • 20

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    V 1984-1988 21 C12.11 Geographical Education, C12.34 Population

    Geography, C12.39 Urban Systems in Transition: Processes and Policies, Changing Rural Systems


    22 Coastal Environment, Industrial Change, International Division of Labour and Regional Development, Significance of Periglacial Phenomena, C12.15 Tourism and Leisure, Food Systems of the World


    23 Geographical Data Sensing and Processing, Geographical Monitoring and Forecasting, Measurements, Theory and Application in Geomorphology, C12.32 Mountain Geoecology

    1988-1992 24 Mathematical Models, C12.04 Climatology, C12.20 History

    of Geographical Thought, C12.19 Health and Development

    1988-1992 25 World Political Map, Geography and Public

    Administration, Geography of Commercial Activities, Geography of Telecommunications and Communications


    26 Marine Geography, Frost Action Environments, Third World Development, C12.12 Geographic Information Systems, Rejected Proposals for New Commissions (1988-1992)

    1988-1992 27 C12.11 Geographical Education, Geographical Monitoring

    and Forecasting, Measurement, Theory and Application in Geomorphology

    1988-1992 28 C12.32 Mountain Geoecology and Resource Management,

    C12.34 Population Geography, C12.39 Urban Systems and Urban Development, Changing Rural Systems

    1988-1992 29 Coastal Environment, Industrial Change, Geography of

    Leisure and Recreation


    30 World Political Map, C12.34 Population Geography, Organisation of Industrial Space, C12.18 Natural Hazard Studies, C12.32 Mountain Geoecology and Sustainable Development, Mathematical Models


    31 Marine Geography, C12.20 History of Geographical Thought, Historical Monitoring of Environmental Change, C12.19 Health, Environment and Development, Geomorphological Response to Environmental Change


    32 Geography of Famine and Vulnerable Food Systems, Commercial Activities, Geography and Public Administration, C12.11 Geographical Education, C12.12 Geographic Information Systems

    1992-1996 33 C12.10 Gender and Geography, Frost Action Activities,

    C12.23 Environmental Changes and Conservation in Karst Areas, Critical Environment Situations and Regions

    1992-1996 34 Communication Networks and Telecommunication,

    C12.05 Coastal Systems, C12.04 Climatology

    1992-1996 35 Proposals for Commissions

  • 21

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    V 1996-2000 36 Commissions and Study Groups 1996-2000: General,

    Climate Changes and Periglacial Environments, C12.04 Climatology, C12.05 Coastal Systems

    1996-2000 37 Communication Networks and Telecommunications,

    Dynamics of Marginal and Critical Regions, C12.10 Gender and Geography

    1996-2000 38 C12.11 Geographical Education, Geography of Public

    Administration, Geography of Famine and Vulnerable Food Systems, C12.20 History of Geographical Thought


    39 C12.39 Urban Development and Urban Life, World Political Map, C12.23 Sustainable Development and Management of Karst Terrains, C12.35 Sustainability of Rural Systems, Population and the Environment


    40 Organisation of Industrial Space, C12.18 Natural Hazard Studies, C12.32 Mountain Geoecology and Sustainable Development, C12.31 Modelling Geographical Systems, Marine Geography


    41 C12.24 Land Degradation and Desertification, C12.19 Health, Environment and Development, Geomorphological Response to Environmental Change, Memos to Commissions, National Committees 1969-72, Memos to Commissions, Working Groups and National Committees 1972-76

    VI Study Groups


    1 Geography of Tourism and Recreation, Desertification in and around Arid Lands, Market Distribution Systems, Cartography of the Dynamic Environment, Applied Aspects of Geography


    2 Transformation of Rural Habitat in Developing Countries, Historical Changes in Spatial Organization, Tropical Climatology and Human Settlements, Systems Analysis and Mathematical Models, Perception of the Environment, Coordination of Periglacial Research


    3 Resource Management of the Dry Lands, Market Place Exchange Systems, Applied Aspects of Geography, Environmental Atlases (jointly with ICA), Historical Changes in Spatial Organization, Tropical Climatology and Human Settlements, Perception, Transformation of the Rural Habitat in Developing Countries


    4 Landscape Synthesis, Geography of Tourism and Leisure, Comparative Research in Food Systems of the World, Geography of Transport, The Great Urban Centres, Dynamics of Land-Use Systems, Land Development in the Tropics, Geography of Health

    1980-1984 5 Urbanization in Developing Countries, Energy Resources

    and Development, Geomorphology of River and Coastal Plains, Morphotectonics

  • 22

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    VI 1984-1988

    6 Geography and Public Administration, Development in Highlands and High Latitude Zones, Topoclimatological Investigation and Mapping, Climatic Change, Morphotectonics

    1984-1988 7 Famine and Food Crisis Management, Man's Impact on

    Karst Areas, Geography of Commercial Activities, Geography of Telecommunication and Communication

    1984-1988 8 Map Use, Environmental Perception in Resource

    Management, Marine Geography, Proposals for Study Groups


    9 Rapid Geomorphological Hazards, Early Industrial Regions, Famine Research and Food Production Systems, Historical Geography of Global Environmental Change, Gender and Geography, Regional Hydrological Response to Global Warming (1990-1992)


    10 Critical Environmental Zones and Global Change (1988-92), Environmental Changes in Karst Areas (1988-92), Geography of Sustainable Tourism: Development and Protection of Natural, Heritage (1993-98), Sustainability of Rural Systems (1993-98), Proposed Study Groups (1992-1996), Rejected Study Groups (1984-1992)

    VII Working Groups


    1 Geography of Tourism and Recreation, Impact of Contemporary Urbanisation on Rural Areas, Desertification in and around Arid Lands, Industrial Geography, Rural Planning and Development, Coordinating Committee for Periglacial Research, Dynamics of Shoreline Erosion, Market Distribution Systems

    1984-1988 2 Resource Management of the Dry Lands, Cartography of

    the Dynamic Environment, Environmental Atlases, Mathematical Models


    3 Tropical Climatology and Human Settlements, Landscape Synthesis, The Great World Metropolitan Cities, History of Geographical Thought, Geomorphological Survey and Mapping, International Hydrological Program, Geography of Transport


    4 Dynamics of Land Use Systems, Urbanisation in Developing Countries, Energy Resources and Development, Geomorphology of River and Coastal Plains, Geography of Health, Morphotectonics

  • 23

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    VII 1971-1997

    5 Suggested for Working Group Status: Danube River and Basin; Indian Ocean and Community; Terminology of the Agricultural Landscape (1971-1972); Suggested Commissions, Study Groups and Working Groups (1984); Commissions, Working Groups, Study Groups…: correspondence lists, procedures et al. (1992-1996); Proposals for new Study Groups 1991-1992/1993 L.A. Kosinski 1992/1993-1997 E. Ehlers

    VIII IGU Executive

    1 Correspondence: H. Boesch 1964-1968 with (especially):

    S.P. Chatterjee, C. Troll, I.P. Gerassimov, St. Leszczycki and P. Monbeig

    2 Master File: Executive Committee 1968-1972 S.P. Chatterjee - V.P. 1968-1972 F.F. Davitaya - V.P. 1972-1976 J. Dresch - V.P. 1968-1972; President 1972-1976 F. Gribaudi - First V.P. 1968-1972 T. Hägerstrand - V.P. 1968-1972/1972-1976 S.V. Kalesnik - V.P. 1968-1972 S. Kiuchi - V.P. 1972-1976 S. Leszczycki - V.P. 1972-1976; President 1968-1972 A.L. Mabogunje - V.P. 1972-1976; President 1980-

    1984 M.J. Wise - V.P. 1968-1972; First V.P. 1972-1976;

    President 1976-1980 M. Zamorano - V.P. 1968-1972/1972-1976

    3 EC Meeting N° 2, November 7-8 1969, London EC Meeting, August 8-9 1971, Budapest EC Meeting, February 28-29 1976, Paris Proposed Statutes 1976 EC 1972-1976 - memos Nominations for officers from National Committees 1972-1976

    4 Secretary-General C.D. Harris - correspondence 1976 (relating to the Moscow Congress), country memberships and EC matters, Correspondence on membership by country … W. Manshard, Secretary-General (1976-1984)

    5 Correspondence of the EC 1976-1980 President M. J. Wise, F. F. Davitaya, J. Dresch, S. Faissol, S. Kiuchi, J. Kostrowicki, (Memos C. D. Harris), A. L. Mabogunje, J. R. Mackay, P. Scott, M. J. Wise

    6 Correspondence of the EC 1980-1984

    O. Jin Bee, S. Faissol, R. Fuchs, J. Kostrowicki, A. L. Mabogunje, J. R. Mackay, P. Scott, J. Vila-Valenti

  • 24

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    VIII IGU Executive

    7 EC pre 1984 correspondence Initiative to develop IGU funding Paris Congress selection of officers New Commission proposals 1984 Suggestions and proposals on Study Groups 1984 Suggestions and proposals on Working Groups 1984 Correspondence concerning Commission, Working

    and Study Groups-L.A. Kosinski (1988-1992) "IGU documents 1988-1992". Compiled by L.A.


    8 EC – Correspondence L.A. Kosinski 1984-1988 with:

    O.J. Bee, G. Enyedi, R. Fuchs, M.T. Gutierrez de Macgregor, A.K. Mabogunje, W. Manshard, P. Scott, M. Shafi

    9 E. Ehlers correspondence on The Hague Congress, 1996

    EC correspondence 1996-1997

    10 EC - Correspondence L.A. Kosinski 1984-1988 with H.T. Verstappen, J. Vila-Valenti, M. Wise 1984-1988 Circular Letter to Executive Council 1984-1988 Minutes - EC Meetings 1984-1988 EC Meeting August 8-14, 1992, Washington DC

    11 EC – Correspondence L.A. Kosinski 1988-1992 with: E. Dalmasso, G. Enyedi, R. Fuchs, M.T. Gutierrez de Macgregor, V.M. Kotlyakov, P. Scott, M. Shafi, H.T. Verstappen, C.J. Wu

    12 EC – Correspondence E. Ehlers 1992-1996 with:

    W. Chuanjun, R. Fuchs, F. Iyun, V.M. Kottyakov, B. Messerli

    13 EC - Correspondence E. Ehlers 1992-1996 with:

    A. Metton, W. Moran, H.T. Verstappen, T. Yoshino, R. Abler

    14 EC - Correspondence E. Ehlers 1996-2000 with:

    B. Becker, A. Buttimer, F. Iyun, C. Lee, B. Messerli (1)

    15 EC - Correspondence E. Ehlers 1996-2000 with

    B. Messerli (2), W. Moran, A. Vallega (1)

    16 EC - Correspondence E. Ehlers 1996-2000 with:

    A. Vallega (2), H.T. Verstappen 1996-2000 EC – E. Ehlers 1993-6/1996-2000

    17 EC - general correspondence 1996-2000

    18 Nominations for EC 2000-2004

    19 EC Annual Meeting, May 27-29, 1993, Utrecht

    EC General Procedure and correspondence 1993-1995 EC Committee Meeting, Havana, Cuba, July 29-31, 1995

    20 EC Meeting, Enschede, August 1-4, 1996

    EC Meeting, Appenberg, November 15-17, 1996

    21 EC Meeting, Seoul, October 17-24, 1997

    EC Meeting, Washington DC, October 7-11, 1999

  • 25

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    VIII IGU Executive

    22 Official Heads of Delegations 1972 Lists of IGU Meetings c. 1970-1972 Memos to EC from Secretary-General L.A. Kosinski 1988-1992 EC Committee Minutes and other related documents 1988-1992

    23 L.A. Kosinski, Secretary-General, maintained a record of data sent to members of the EC 1984-1992 Circular Letter 1985-1992 ("Letters" 1-28) Report of IGU Treasurer 1988-1992 by L.A. Kosinski

    24 Meetings, agenda, minutes et al., 1988-1991

    25 E. Ehlers correspondence concerning The Hague I.C. Conference, 1996 and other EC matters 1993-1997, including nominations to EC for 1992 Examination of Congress facilities in Europe

    26 E. Ehlers correspondence 1992-1994

    27 E. Ehlers correspondence 1995-1996

    28 E. Ehlers correspondence 1997-1998

    29 E. Ehlers correspondence 1999-2000

    30 EC correspondence 1999-2000

    EC Meeting, March 2-7, 2000, Dublin EC Meeting, August 2000, Seoul

    31 Applicants for IGU office 1996-2000

    E. Ehlers meetings with members of the EC

    32 Awards (including St. Dié des Vosges and Laureats



    IGU Newsletter, Bulletin and other IGU Publications

    1 Newsletter 1964-1968/1990-1993. Subscriptions, correspondence et al. Bulletin, correspondence, manuscripts et al.: pre 1993, 1993, 1994

    2 Bulletin, correspondence, manuscripts et al.: 1995, 1996


    3 Bulletin, correspondence, manuscripts et al.: 1996 (2),

    1997 (1)

    4 Bulletin, correspondence, manuscripts et al.: 1997 (2),

    1998 (1)

    5 Bulletin, correspondence, manuscripts et al.: 1998 (2),

    1999 (1)

    6 Bulletin, correspondence, manuscripts et al.: 1999 (2),

    2000 (1)

  • 26

    Series Description Box Volume Contents


    IGU Newsletter, Bulletin and other IGU Publications

    7 Bulletin, correspondence, manuscripts et al.: 2000 (2) Bulletin: orders 1989-1992 distribution list c. 1976 University Microfilms 1973-1977 Printers, bids and correspondence 1973-1977 List of IGU publications c. 1960s and 1970s

    8 Bulletin 1996, Orders

    9 Orbis Geographicus. Emil Meynen correspondence 1969-1972

    L.A. Kosinski correspondence 1988-1992 Kraus reprint Memorandum of Agreement (1967

    International Geographical Congresses 1871-1934) Kraus reprint correspondence 1971-1976 Geographical Conversion Tables 1961,

    Correspondence and contract Correspondence relating to Conversion Tables 1971-

    1976 Geography through a Century of International

    Congresses: 1972 and correspondence IGU Book and Periodical Donation Programme to

    those in need c.1999-2000

    X Affiliations with other organisations

    1 ICSU-IGU correspondence 1965-1971

    2 IGU-International Upper Mantle Committee (ICSU) 1965-1970 IGU-COSTED (Science and Technology in Developing Countries) 1966-1968 IGU-International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1967-1968 IGU- INQUA c 1964-1968 IGU-ICA 1968 IGU-FAO/UN 1961-1968

    3 Working Groups

    ICSU Unions 1964-1967

    4 ICSU-IGU correspondence 1971-1976

    ICSU reports by C.D. Harris 1971-1976

    5 ICSU reports by C.D. Harris 1984-1986, 1986-1988

    ICSU General Assembly - reports 1984-1988

    6 ICSU-IGU Grants 1991-1994

    7 ICSU-IGU Grants 1995-1997

    8 ICSU-IGU Grants 1998 ICSU-AAG (through correspondence with E. Ehlers 1993-1999 ICSU Office – E. Ehlers 1992-1996

  • 27

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    X Affiliations with other organisations

    9 ICSU Statutes and Rules of Procedure 1990 Communications - ICSU to E. Ehlers and some IGU members 1996-1999

    10 24th General Assembly of ICSU, October 4-8, 1993,

    Santiago, Chile

    11 26th General Assembly of ICSU, September 28-30, 1999,

    Cairo, Egypt

    12 Academia Europaea to Geotechnica

    13 Codata to International Decade for Natural Disaster


    14 International Geological Correlation Programme to SCAR

    (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)

    15 IGU Representations to International bodies to SCOPE

    16 IGU and the Royal Society and ICSU c 1992-1997

    17 SCOR to World Conference on Science Lunar Studies IGU-International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IGU-International Union of Psychological Science IGU-International Social Science Council IGU-ICSU International Biological Programme


    19 Reports of Commissions and Study Groups 1992-1996

    (Quadrennial Reports)

    20 Annual Reports of Commissions and Study Groups 1993

    21 Annual Reports of Commissions and Study Groups 1994

    22 Annual Reports of Commissions and Study Groups 1995

    23 Grants for Commissions and Study Groups 1994-1996

    24 Grants for Commissions and Study Groups 1997-2000


    New Establishment and/or Upgrading of Commissions and Study Groups 1996-2000

    27 IGU Travel Grants to attend the 28th IGC in the Hague

    1996, Havana Regional Conference 1995, Prague Conference 1994


    29 ISSC-IGU 1985-1995: 19th General Assembly in Paris,

    grants, correspondence, other organisations 1984

    30 ISSC-IGU 1995-2000: circulars, correspondence (some

    back to 1988), grants

    31 UNESCO correspondence c. 1968-1980

    32 UNESCO correspondence c. 1968-1980 with special

    reference to contracts

    33 International Social Science Council 1991-1992

  • 28

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    X Affiliations with other organisations

    34 UNESCO and ISSC correspondence c. 1988-1995 IGU Grants 1992-1996

    XI Financial income and expenditure

    1 Receipts, financial statements, audits 1985-1988

    Revenues and expenditures 1985-1992 by L.A. Kosinski Accounting 1985-1992 by L.A. Kosinski

    2 Receipts, financial statements, audits 1989-1992

    3 IGU Financial statements

    Report of certified public accountants

    4 Financial receipts: audit 1970-1975: supplies and miscellaneous 1969-1976: Executive Committee expenses 1969-1976: IGU bank deposits 1975

    5 IGU Bank deposits 1976

    IGU cheques written 1969-1971

    6 IGU cheques written 1972-1976

    7 IGU President's Office - cheques 1969-1972 IGU Secretary General and Treasurer 1969-1976 IGU payments for secretarial services 1969-1976 IGU payments for travel of Secretary General and Treasurer 1969-1973 IGU payments for postage and mailing 1969-1974 World Land Use-ICSU grant 1971-1972, cheques written Natural Hazards Conference, Hungary 1971, cheques written (UNESCO) Cheques, correspondence and report on above conference 1971 IGU Commission on Geomorphological Survey and Mapping: meeting in Canada, contract with UNESCO, 1972-1973 Cheques, correspondence and publication costs, Czechoslovakia, October 1973 Preparation of geomorphological map of Europe in Brno and Leningrad, 1974, (cheques… UNESCO) Symposium, Leningrad (UNESCO) 1974 Cheques and accounting, symposium of Commission on Population Geography, Canada 1972 (1971-1975)

    8 Bank statements, cheque records 1972-1976 Dues status of member countries 1976-1984 Finances 1969-1984: "An attempt to classify countries for IGU contributors"

  • 29

    Series Description Box Volume Contents

    XI Financial income and expenditure

    9 Bank statements, cheque records 1969-1975 Contribution and dues to International Council of Scientific Unions 1969-1976 Payments for IGU Bulletin 1969-1976 Payments… Commissions, conferences, meetings 1969-1976 Payments… IGU Congresses 1972 & 1976 Payments… IGU Executive Council Meeting (Barcelona) 1986 Payments… IGU Executive Council Meeting (Washington D.C.) 1992

    10 Payments for Commissions 1969-1973 IGU Circular Letter, N°s 1-11, 1984-1988 IGU… Catalogues of publications, 1st, 2nd and 5th editions Orbis Geographicus 1984-1988 (matters relating to) Correspondence Susan Squires 1984-1987 Calendar of forthcoming IGU meetings: editions 1-6 (1985-1987) Stationery and Bulletin - designs for Printers - UK and Canada 1985-1986

    11 Auditors - financial statements and correspondence 1980-1987 Research Development Committee 1984-1988 International Social Science Council - correspondence 1984-1988 International Social Science Council - correspondence 1985-1986

    12 IGU Date File 1969-1971

    13 IGU Date File 1972-1975

    14 IGU Finances ("old documents") 1985-1993

    Arthur Young & Co., auditors and reports 1969-1974 Audit 1969-1976

    15 IGU Bank Statements 1969 IGU Deposits and Bank Statements 1970-1972 IGU and Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company 1956-1977 IGU and Schweizerische Kreditanstalt 1969-1973 IGU Financial Records, January 1, 1976-September 17, 1976

    16 IGU Deposits and Bank Statements 1973

    IGU Deposits and Bank Statements 1974 IGU Disbursements, receipts et al. 1968-1976

    XII IGU Projects

    XIII Home of Geography
