April 2017 NEWSLETTER - Sir John Franklin High Schoolsjf.yk1.nt.ca/documents/newsletters/April...


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4701-52nd Avenue - Yellowknife, NT - X1A 2N8Phone: (867) 669-0773 - Fax: (867) 873-3630


Principal’s MessageIMPORTANT DATES

April 14Good FridayNO SCHOOL

April 15Scuba Club departs

for their tripApril 17

Easter MondayNO SCHOOL

Apri 18Report Cards

Go HomeApri 19

PAC Meeting12 noon

April 19 &20Parent/Teacher Interviews

April 21SIP Day


YK1 LongService Awards

April 24Scuba Club returns

to Yellowknife

Mr. Dean MacInnis


Finally spring has arrived! Last month was a busy month for some of our falcons!Congratuations to the SJF music group who travelled to Edmonton and Calgary to participate in Choralfest. They were awarded TWO gold standings! Read more about their adventures inside.After a safe and successful trip to Germany, Czech Repulic and Poland, the Holocaust tour group have wonderful memories to share. Students were thrilled to be able to attend a hockey game in Berlin and a classical concert in Prague. The most memorable part of their trip was more than likely visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau. Two students have written about their experiences and you will find their stories and pictures inside.Congratulations to our athletes who competed in the Cager Basketball tournament. Our Jr. Girls brought home two banners! Next we’ll be cheering our soccer players on while they compete in Super Soccer May 3 - 7, 2017. Congratulations to the SJF Drama Department for their hard work on ‘Silly Shakespeare’ For some of our actors this will be the last time on the NACC stage as a Sir John student. We wish our graduating actors the best of luck!Report cards are being sent home on April 18 and parent/student/teacher interviews will be held on April 19-20. To book appointments please visit sjf.schoolappointments.com. If you have any questions about booking your appointments online or would like a list of your child’s teachers please call the school at 867-669-0773. Next month we have a lot of fun activities for the students. NWT Skills Canada, Super Soccer, 31 Hour Famine, Spring Concert, Spring Fling and YK Track Meet. Check our

school website for more details.If you have any questions about Sir John

please call the office at (867) 669-0773.






Cager 2017

École Sir John Franklin Cours CTS 1 CRÉDIT

Lorsque la vie s'accélère, nous nous sentons souvent bousculés par les événements. Ce cours de yoga vous aidera à éliminer la fatigue et les émotions fortes comme l'angoisse, l'anxiété et le stress.

HATHA YOGA en français avec Mélanie DureposOù? SJF, Salle 14

Quand? Du 10 avril au 22 juin 2017, tous les lundis et jeudis de 3:45 à 4:45 pm

March Madness got started with the Senior Cager Basketball tournament in Yellowknife from March 2-5th. The Falcons competed on the court in all 4 divisions.

From the first tip off to the final whistle, the Blue and Gold demonstrated teamwork, sportsmanship, energy, and a positive attitude.

The Junior girls Blue and Gold teams both had their one shining moments by taking home banners.

Congratulations to Sir John coaches, managers, and players on an excellent basketball season. All the hard work during practices that started way back in November really paid off. Go Falcons!

Shoutout to Mia MacInnis, Braeden Johnston and Abigail Thompson who were awarded MVP in their divisions!






Germany TripMarch 2017 provided many opportunities to the students of SJF. One of these was the trip taken by thirty-eight students and seven chaperones who travelled to various cities in Europe in order to learn more about the Holocaust. Once we arrived at our first destination of Berlin, we were introduced to our tour guide Ingo who would accompany us to each location on our trip, providing historical, language and practical advice throughout the duration of the trip.Although the nature of the trip was indeed somber (that could not be further evident by our trip to Auschwitz to understand the persecution of Jews during the war before its liberation in 1945), there were also moments where we were able to experience the many other opportunities that Europe had to offer. Thanks to the extensive planning from our chaperones, we were able to make perogies, attend a classical concert, ride on a boat around Prague and watch a hockey game in Berlin.

After the concert in Prague, Czech Repulic.

Ampelmann in Berlin.

Making perogies in Krakow, Poland.

We were also given time to freely wander and uncover local delights like German currywurst and Trdelníks in Prague. Not only did we learn about the Holocaust but also interesting facts and bits of information surrounding each city we visited like the Berlin Ampelmann and the Defenestrations of Prague in 1618.Needless to say, the trip was every bit enriching as expected. This trip has allowed all of us to gain a deeper understanding of the events that occurred during WWII and reminded us to appreciate every moment and never take our lives for granted.Thank you once again to everyone that made this trip possible. -written by SJF student






After returning to our normal and boring lives in Canada, recovering from jetlag, and giving all of our souvenirs away, we’ve been able to take some time to think about the amazing things we saw and experienced in Europe.

Of the many incredible restaurants we ate at, most of us will fondly remember our first supper together at an incredible restaurant in the Prenzlauer Berg, where we either had an unforgettable risotto or our first (of many) European thin crust pizzas. We also had our first encounter with apfelschorle: the unbelievably addictive fizzy apple juice. We always went to a new place to eat supper, and no two restaurants were the same. Whether it was the boat themed pub, or the basement of a chic tavern, we never were disappointed in our eating locations.

Riding in the train to Poland was another thing that most people had never done before. Many jokes about the “Hogwarts Express” and “Snack Trolleys” were made. This train ride also gave us the opportunity to see some awesome Berlin Monuments, including the breathtaking golden domes of the New Synagogue. We saw the bizarre graffiti along the train line, and when we finally got into Poland, we were witnesses to the gorgeous Polish countryside.

There were of course some darker, more emotional experiences on this trip. In particular, Auschwitz-Birkenau and the visit to the Jewish Ghetto. We’d studied and seen pictures

of both of these places, but we were still not ready for what we saw. The massive scale of Auschwitz was something that caught everyone off guard. The endless rows of cabins that all looked like literal horse stables, or the open and chilly latrines. When we went on a walking tour of Warsaw we saw the remnants and re-creations of imposing Ghetto walls. Seeing all of these horrible sites, where some of history’s worst atrocities happened gives way to a sense of pain and learning, and gives us an experience that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.

Despite the emotional toll of those days, we were able to keep a happy and joyful attitude, largely thanks to Ingo, our legendary tour director. There’s a lack of words describing our respect and love for Ingo. Who else can put up with 38 annoying kids? Or have a bus wide sing-along to “We Are the Champions” or “Bohemian Rhapsody”? Ingo helped make the tour constantly fun and entertaining, and without him the trip probably wouldn't have been the same.

For many of us, this twelve day trip was too short. Even if we were given twenty-four days it still wouldn’t have satisfied us. Seeing Europe with our friends, meeting new people, and getting taught by some of the greatest chaperones that our school has to offer is something none of us took for granted. If we were lucky enough to relive this trip again, I know that none of us would change a single thing, we would happily do it all again. -written by SJF student

At the Brandenburg Gate.At the Eisbearen (Berlin’s hockey team) game.

Ingo leading us in Warsaw, Poland.Guided tour of Auschwitz.

Germany Trip






Eleven music students went to Edmonton and Calgary just before March break with Ms. Shantora and Mrs. Trimble as chaperones. It was "planes, trains and limos" as the group travelled in a S T R E T C H limo from the airport to the hotel in downtown Edmonton. What a thrill! The first item on the itinerary was a tour of the Drama and Music building and the “Harry Potter” library at the University of Alberta with tour guide (and former Falcon) Dylan Maguire. While the choir was rehearsing in one of the drama rooms with Beverley Rockwell (also a former Falcon) as accompanist, the rest of the group toured the Fine Arts building. Fairly impressive!The group then headed back downtown for the choir’s performance at Choralfest North. The seven girls that make up Falcon Voices performed very well in the gorgeous acoustic of the McDougall United Church. Their faces lit up as they heard their first few tones resonate in the huge hall. The adjudicators were very impressed with the confidence and skills of the girls and the group was awarded a Gold medal standing (Standings ranged from Platinum down to Bronze). The day’s adventure wrapped up with an incredible performance of “Crazy for You”, which we all loved. The singing and stage work was excellent and the story was very engaging. Afterwards, the students attended the Question and Answer period with the cast and director. And that was just day 1!On day two, we pushed and pulled our luggage and instruments through the city streets to catch a bus to Calgary. After checking into the hotel, the choir students hopped on the C-train to rehearse with their accompanist Gavin. Then it was back downtown to perform at Knox United Church in yet another stellar acoustic and majestic space. The girls performed even better the second time and were very well received by the Calgary

adjudicators. When they left the stage, the other two choirs in attendance (both of whom had at least 60 members each) cheered loudly. The choir received another Gold medal standing at Choralfest South. In the workshop afterwards, the girls sang so beautifully that the clinician, was tearing up. It was one of those magical moments! Wednesday evening was spent at Jubilations dinner theatre attending “A Night at the Museum of Country Music.” Most students were up on stage at some point during the show, participating in line dancing and conspiring with Lady Gaga. Carolynn and Ida celebrated being “Best Friends” during the “Does anyone have anything to celebrate?” portion of the evening. Thursday was a little more relaxed for the choir students but the band students had an intense and very inspiring workshop with Ross McIntyre at Mount Royal University Conservatory. The clinician was very impressed with how well the group focused and what good control they had over their instruments. Thursday evening was spent at a performance of the Alberta Ballet at the Jubilee Theatre. The students enjoyed “Alice in Wonderland” very much but a few said that they preferred Tchaikovsky’s ballet music to Shostakovich’s! We returned to Yellowknife inspired, excited, more than a little tired and looking ahead to another trip!

Band/Choir News






The teacher basketball team had an incredible run during the Sir John Intramural league. Over-the-hill strength, basketball IQ and determination were on display each time they took to the court. This all-star team will go down in Sir John history as one the greatest teams that just came up short! Congrats to the staff who were able to hobble off the court and make it to their period 3 class on time!


Lunch with a Bunch

Mental Health Walk

Go Falcons!(Missing: Ms. Maureen Tonge)

On Friday March 10th a group of Skills Canada competition students, Tafadzwa Sakarombe, Grace Nakimayak and Max Goering, and a member of Sir John Student Council, Chris Yurris, prepared and produced a meal for 100 of Yellowknife's senior citizens at the Baker Centre for their weekly Lunch with a Bunch.In addition Abigail Spronken helped with cooking and preparation at Sir John, Avni Thenua played piano and Keegan Nayally helped with set up and take down. The menu included fresh baked bread, lasagna, Caesar salad and a selection of squares and cookies for dessert.

On March 16th, the Sir John MAGMA group marched from the school to City Hall in awareness of Mental Health. Led by Ms. Hurley, MAGMA stands for Magnanimous Advocates Generating Mental Awareness.Magma strives to build the foundations for a solid, anti-stigma society, one hot surge at a time!






SPORT SCHOOL Star of the Month

Jason NguyenJason has been doing very well in the Falcon Sport School this semester. His focus during lifting sessions is evident in the continued improvement of his form in the various exercises he does.Although our gymnastics training is a little more challenging for Jason, he is making every effort to implement what the coach is suggesting. As a result, progress is being made in this area.Overall, Jason is showing great commitment, and great improvement in all facets of the program and therefore, has been selected as the May Falcon Sport School Athlete of the Month. Congratulations and keep up the great effort!

Sir JohnDEFINITELYHas TalentOn March 8th, audiences were entertained by the wonderful, talented falcons that participated in this year’s talent show. Fiddling, piano, guitar, magic, dancing, even kazoo! Our falcons know how to put on a show. We can’t wait for next year’s talent!






Igloo BuildingMrs. Hurley's Humanities 9 and Mrs. Roach's K & E 9 classes were lucky enough to participate in an igloo building workshop during the last week of classes before the break. The students met Cathy Allooloo who owns NARWAL Northern Adventures, (along with her family) who taught the students how to cut blocks from snow and build Inuit snow houses (igloos)!Cathy, being a highly skilled and experienced builder, easily constructed a demo igloo in less than an hour, while sharing stories about Inuit culture and traditions. The students took much longer, but thoroughly enjoyed the day spent outdoors learning a new winter skill.


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A P R I L 2 0 1 7

SJF Drama Dept. presents“Silly Shakespeare”

Staff Meeting3:45-4:45pm

Room 34

Scuba Clubdeparts for

their trip

YK1 LongService Awards

PAC Meeting12 noon

Report CardsGo Home

Report Card Writing DayNO SCHOOL

Good FridayNO SCHOOL


Easter MondayNO SCHOOL Parent/Teacher Interviews


Scuba Clubreturns to

