April 2013 Chai Lites



Chai-Lites Newsletter of Congregation Or VeShalom

Citation preview

More than 45 years ago, erev

the Six-Day War, composer

Naomi Shemer submitted

“Jerusalem of Gold” in the

1967 Israel Song Festival.

The song and the liberation of

Jerusalem are linked inextri-

cably in our hearts and souls,

then and now. I am quite sure

you know the tune as we use

it on Shabbat for various


Some 46 years ago, May 13,

1967, Nasser ordered the

withdrawal of U.N. Emergency

Forces, which had been pre-

serving the peace along Is-

rael’s border with the Sinai,

Gaza and the southern Straits

of Tiran. May 20, 1967, at

the active encouragement of

their Soviet sponsors, Nassar

defiantly moved seven bri-

gades, two armored brigades,

100,000 soldiers and 1,000

tanks into those vacated bor-

der positions. May 27, 1967,

Nassar closed the Straits of

Tiran to Israel shipping, block-

ading Eilat.

Forty six years ago, Israel was

surrounded by 250,000

troops, 2,000 modern tanks

and more than 700 fighter

planes, and the world was

silent as Israel was threat-

ened with annihilation. June

5, 1967, Chief of Staff, Yitz-

chak Rabin authorized a pre-

emptive strike against Syria,

Jordan, Iraq and Jordan, de-

stroying 391 planes on the

ground and 60 in the air. It

was the first day of the Six-

Day War.

That same morning, June 5,

General Odd Bull of the

United Nations carried a mes-

sage from Israel to King Hus-

sein of Jordan, advising him

that Israel had no design on

Jordan if the Israel-Jordan

front remained quiet. June 5,

1967, King Hussein opened

fire on Israel, shelling Jerusa-

lem and Israeli cities, towns

and villages all the way to

suburbs of Tel Aviv.

Forty six years ago, June 7,

1967, Israeli Colonel Mordek-

hai Gur attacked through the

Lion’s Gate, and by 10:15

A.M., the blue and white flag

of Israel was raised over the

Temple Mount and the West-

ern Wall. Jerusalem was re-

united once again and be-

came the most well-known

symbol of Israel’s victory in

the Six- Day War.

Naomi Shemer’s composi-

tion, “Yerushalayim shel za-

hav,” became the hymn of

the Six-Day War. The melody

of “Jerusalem of Gold” be-

came such a part of Jewish

feelings that many congre-

gants from then, until now,

have chanted our sacred lit-

urgy to that stirring, haunting

motif, especially for occasions

that relate to Israel and Jeru-


Forty six years ago, another

song of Jerusalem was born,

as Israeli paratroopers liber-

ated the Old City, hand to

hand, house by house, alley

way by street.

Its story should also not be

forgotten. As the war contin-

ued to roar on other fronts

and even while the narrow

streets of the Old City were

still damp with blood, the Is-

raeli forces gathered in the

amphitheatre on Mount Sco-

pus to celebrate. On a make-

shift stage, Israel’s top stars

performed, Songs from Is-

rael’s history, ancient and

modern, rang through the cool

air of the night. Finally, as

Naomi Shermer sang her

“Jerusalem of Gold,” one of

the paratroopers rose from his

seat at the urging of his com-

rades and came forward to

the microphone to sing his

own version of Yerushalayim.”

The melody was the same,

and the rhythm and meter

was indeed Shemer’s song.

But this young soldier, Meir

Ariel, sang of the Jerusalem he

and his comrades had come

to know during the battle for

reunification, “Yerushalayim

shel barzel,” a Jerusalem of

steel and brass, of lead and

fire, of bitter fighting and

friends who will never em-

brace their comrades again in

life. Two sets of lyrics, two

ideas, both sharing the same

melody, one was a dream and

one was a nightmare, sharing

the same faith and destiny.

(continued on next page)

Message from the Rabbi If I Forget You, O Jerusalem— Yom Yerushalayim—May 8, 2013

Nissan ~ Iyar ~ Sivan


April ~ May ~ June 2013 Chai-Lites Newsletter of

Congregation Or VeShalom Special points of interest:

Check out Men’s Shiurim

Information on page 5

Community-wide blood drive

coming soon!

See who added leaves to our

Tree of Life on page 5

Mazel Tov...Condolences…

and other news on page 9

Baccalaureate Shabbat

information on back page

Inside this issue:

Message from the Board President 2

Food of the Month Project 4

Meldados 6

Upcoming Birthdays 8

Monthly Calendars 10

Purim Palooza Photos 13

Donations 14


Page 2 Chai-Lites

Message from the Board President OVS: Better than JDate!

If you are single, here is the deal: OVS is better than JDate!

While JDate can work for some, coming to OVS also can reward you in finding your soul mate.

In order for your chances to increase, here is a recipe for success: come to services, do

Tzedakah (pay your dues, donate,...), pray with faith, come to events, bring friends (singles!),

pray a little bit more,...stay for Kiddush (this is really important). Then, when you see an

attractive person (check for rings to make sure he /she is single), go introduce yourself.

Shy? Need some help? Ask the rabbi or, better, ask the President.

For your chances to increase, come more often!

At OVS you can have full service: besides finding your pair and having your ceremony,

do your party here. It worked extremely well for us and I wanted to acknowledge the great work all at OVS did, especially

Lynne, who made sure her first wedding event was successful. As an extra perk, your first year membership as a married

couple is on us.

I look forward to seeing you at the Kehilah. There's someone else waiting for you here. Just show up! Regularly. It works

not only for Presidents and Vice-presidents (lol). It can also work for you! In your 20's, 40's, 60's or 80's!

Jokes aside, Passover is now behind us (we left Egypt) and we are now counting down the days to celebrate receiving the


Tamar and I wish you and your families Chag Shavuot Sameach.

Guy Harari

when the instruments of war

will be transformed into the

tools of peace.

However, the lyrics also speak

to our hearts today, no less

than they did forty six years

ago. “We have returned to the

wells of water, to the market

and the square, the Shofar

calls on the Temple Mount, in

the Old City...”

The People Israel has returned

to the land, and the sound of

the Shofar is heard once

again in the Old City. May its

sound never cease to stir our

souls as it did then ; may we

be the instruments through

which Israel’s song will always

be heard.

Chag Sameach to you and to



Rabbi Hayyim Kassorla

Even in exile, the Jews

dreamed and prayed to re-

turn, to restore the land and

rebuild their holy city of Jeru-

salem. Then Ezra and Nehe-

miah did so, with encourage-

ment from Cyrus of Persia,

and once again Israel lived

with a capital in Jerusalem for

centuries until once again

Rome destroyed her in 70

C.E., becoming once again

only a dream and a prayer.

After almost 2,000 years, we

have been privileged to see

Jerusalem and the modern

State of Israel come into be-

ing, fulfilling hopes and daily


As we commemorate the an-

niversary of Israel’s victory

and her survival, we pray for

Jerusalem and Israel. We

hope that our young Jewish

men and women will never

have to sing again,

“Jerusalem of Steel,” but only

“Yerushalayim shel zahav.”

There has always been this

tension between the Jerusa-

lem of peace, our idealized

legends, and the Jerusalem of

reality and conflict, of dispute

and war. It is not just a mod-

ern phenomenon.

From antiquity, Jerusalem was

a prized defensible military

fortress for which nations

went to war for countless cen-

turies. After each war, new

layers of walls and towers to

defend the victor’s new city

were built upon ashes, debris

and rubble of the conquered

city. When King David de-

feated the Jebusites, some

3,000 years ago, the city of

David became, “Ir shel sha-

lom,” “Jerusalem,” the city of

Israel’s whole-ness, the sym-

bol of nationhood, the capital

for its government forever. In

that place, his son Solomon

built the Temple in which Jews

prayed until it was destroyed

by the Babylonians 2,600

years ago.

Message from the Rabbi (cont.)

Since our last Chai -lites issue, I'm happy to

report that Sisterhood continued its wonder-

ful tradition of a successful annual Donor


But really, that is an understatement. Jackie

Benveniste, our donor chair this year, with

Janet Galanti, our donor consultant, and their

hardworking committee planned an after-

noon that was perfect in every way.

The social hall was awash in red and lunch

was delicious. Betty Israel and Sarah Duwell

were our deserving honorees, and Monica

Pearson was an inspiring guest speaker.

Thank you to everyone who joined us, and for

the efforts of the volunteers, for a memora-

ble program.

In the ongoing news department, we have

continued to bake on Tuesdays (except for a

3 week Passover break). Elise Meyer is grate-

ful that all Bazaar orders are filled and the

freezer shelves are beginning to fill with

boxes of burekas.

At the last congregation Board meeting,

Rabbi Kassorla noted that Passover is the

time for us to remember G-d's blessing of

freedom from slavery for the Jewish People. I

personally feel grateful for G-d's blessings of

a strong sisterhood with a devoted and loving


Mazel Tov to our congregation President Guy

Harari and sisterhood Vice-President of or-

ganization, Tamar Amar on their marriage!!

We wish the beautiful couple a lifetime of

happiness together.

Please come share your Tuesdays with us,

and be on the lookout for details on our up-

coming closing luncheon and installation!

All my best,

Michelle Rich

Message from the Sisterhood President

Please join us for a Sisterhood Board

meeting on

Sunday, May 5, 2013, at 10:00 a.m.

in our Or VeShalom Library


Please attend as we will be discussing our upcoming Closing

Program, the use of donor funds, and

planning an appreciation lunch for members at the

Jewish Home.

Page 3

Also join the Sisterhood for their closing program

Sunday, June 4, 2013


More information will be coming shortly.


April 6 8:38 p.m.

April 13 8:42p.m.

April 20 8:47 p.m.

April 27 8:52 p.m.

May 4 8:58 p.m.

May 11 9:03p.m.

May 18 9:08 p.m.

May 25 9:13 p.m

June 1 9:17 p.m

June 8 9:21 p.m

June 15 9:24 p.m

June 22 9:26 p.m

June 29 9:26 p.m

Erev Shabbat

April 5 7:43 p.m.

April 12 7:48p.m.

April 19 7:54 p.m.

April 26 7:59 p.m.

May 3 8:04 p.m.

May 10 8:09 p.m.

May 17 8:14 p.m.

May 24 8:19 p.m.

May 31 8:24 p.m.

June 7 8:29 p.m.

June 14 8:32 p.m.

June 21 8:34 p.m.

June 28 8:34 p.m.

Candle Lighting Times Sponsor a Kiddush

You can sponsor a

Kiddush in honor of or

in memory of a loved one,

for a special occasion

(or even for no special

reason at all.)

Your sponsorship helps to

defray our cost.

Email Lynne at


for more information.

Page 4 Chai-Lites

Read Tehillim Today

There are always individuals in our community who are undergoing surgery and combating illness. They need

our prayers to support their recovery. Take a few minutes to read from the Psalms, also known as Tehillim.

Psalms 20 and 121 are particularly meaningful during difficult times. Give a little time and have a big impact

on the lives of others.

Food-of-the-Month Tzedakah Project

We are collecting food to fill the JF&CS food pantry. Last year, the Food Pantry gave out 5,450 pounds of food to over 1,525 persons in 860 households. Please help us feed people in our community by donating one item a month.

Bring the items and place them into the barrel in the lobby. Please make sure all items are un-opened, in-date and

marked with a kosher symbol.

Month Items Needed

April Pasta Sauce, pasta

May Granola bars, cereal bars, applesauce, canned fruit

June Healthy cereal, oatmeal packets, shelf stable milk

July Granola bars, cereal bars, applesauce, canned fruit

August Macaroni & Cheese, canned veggies, canned fruit


October Healthy cereal, oatmeal packets, shelf stable milk

November Canned fruit, pasta sauce

December Peanut butter, jelly, 100% fruit juice

January Canned fish, mayo, crackers

Page 5

New leaves on the OVS Tree of Life…

In Fondest Memory of Dr. Julian Jacobs

by Richard & Sao Berkowitz & Family

In Loving Memory of Rose & Bernard Cooper to Clare, Robert,

Jonathan, Lindsey & Michael Habif

Love Sherry & Ike Habif

In Loving Memory of Rose Cooper by her friends

In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Shane Farrell Sevy by Mom & Dad

Men's Shiurim Sundays

Join us on Sunday, April 7, April 28, May 12 and June 2

immediately following minyan (around 9:30 am) for Men's Shi-

urim Sunday. This will be an opportunity to learn with the

Rabbi and join together to continue building social, spiritual

and educational fellowship.

We hope to be able to meet twice a month in addition to other

men's fellowship programming.

Please contact Michael Bouhadana

at michael.bouhadana@gmail.com for more information.

Men’s Weekly Minyanim

Come to OVS and participate at morning minyan on Mondays, Thurs-

days and Fridays (and Rosh Hodesh) at 7:30 a.m. and on Sundays at

8:30 a.m. Minyanim help build friendships and camaraderie among our

membersand are one of the foundations of our Kehilah.

We need your help to keep it going!

We are looking for a few good people (men and women!)

We are looking for several groups of 2 -3 people each who would be willing

to do brief visitations to our members who have become ill or homebound.

You would be able to do this in the area closest to where you live or work.

We need enough people to sign up that we can rotate through the list and

you would only be called upon once or twice a month.

We are also looking for people who can make calls to touch base with

those who may be ill but not yet up for company. Please contact the office

at office@orveshalom.org so that we can put you on the list.

When emailing us, tell us what area(s) you would like.

Also - if you know of someone who is ill or would like a visit,

please let us know.

City-Wide Blood Drive

Sunday, May 5, 2013

9 a.m.- 2 p.m.

At Ahavath Achim Synagogue 600 Peachtree Battle Avenue If you are able to give, please go to www.redcrossblood.org, enter

Code JWV and schedule an appointment to donate. Walk-in’s are

welcome but appointments are encouraged.

If you have any questions, call the office at 404-633-1737.

Co-Sponsored by: Jewish War Veterans Atlanta Post 112,

Ahavath Achim Synagogue,

Or VeShalom Synagogue, and

Fulton Lodge No. 216

Thank you for participating in the blood drive.

Famous Jewish Women You’ve Never Heard Of

The Mt. Scopus group of Greater Atlanta Hadassah

welcomes scholar Barbara Rosenblit of the Weber School

to speak at our general meeting on

Wednesday, May 22rd, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

She will present “Famous Jewish Women You’ve Never

Heard Of”.

The Mt. Scopus group is co-sponsoring this meeting with

the Sisterhood of Congregation Or VeShalom.

The meeting will be held at Congregation Or VeShalom,

1681 N. Druid Hills Road, Atlanta, 30319.

Please RSVP to Suzy Tibor, 404-636-8582 or


Page 6 Chai-Lites

Harry Haskin

Zev Hadash

Vital Haim Levy

Anya Yakubova

Regina Malka Amato

Frances Davis

Franklin Mendels

Hyman Bearman

Rosalind Penso Cohen

Bertha Dudman

Joseph D. Franco

Roslyn Goldstein

Sareta Jurin

Rachel Soriano

Acher Behar

Solomon David Saffan

Libby Yonks

Samuel D. Grosswald

Joseph Hanan Patterson

Esther Russo

Julie Segal

Aaron J. Silfen

Anne Spielberg

Lena Aaron

Gershon Delaticki

Sally Friedman

Isaac R. Galanti

Moshe Hakimian

Frida Niktalova

Rahel Niktalova

Hayim Papouchado

Rachel Piha

Marvin Kaplan

David Stern Monett

Zelda Ross

Sarah Spielberg

Helen Knox Walter

Morris I. Benator

Flora Chase

Alegra DeLeon

Pearl Held

Sol Sacks

Luna Capouya

Esther Hazan

Rachel Benveniste Levy

Rebecca Lewenstein

Harriett Linder

Meyer Hatten

Cindy Sotto

Lucy Sotto

Blanca Avzaradel

Blyuma Berman

Moshe Harari

David Mezrah

Maria Shlimak

Dave Taratoot

Chaim Wolf

Morton Wolfe

Reina Barocas

Jessica Cohen Bensinger

Estreya Alhadeff

Sharon Gatien

Miriam Hazan

Shelomo Russo

Pat Benveniste Levin

Felix Solomon Schinazi

Eugene Abraham Weinberg

Hymie Dobrin

Samuel Katz

Morris A. Maslia

April Meldados

Dan Duwell

Leon Akouka

Howard Louis Weinberg

Hana Finzi

Hanula Piha Levy

Shima Wolf

Jack Barnett

Morris Israel

Mazaltov Aronova

Marjorie Rendle

Alegra Cohen

Matilda Piha Gould

Marion Levin

Shirley Ruskin

Norman Alhadeff

Miriam Benator

Evelyn Frankel

Bert Gilbert

Reuben Piha

Dorothy Taratoot

Rakhil Kuklya

David Maslia

Victoria Sarfaty

Benzion Amuyev

Ellis Firestone

Kisio Kaikova Zavulunova

Tsila Bechor

Jeremiah Mayson

Minnie Alhadeff

Leo Cohen

Alfred Meyer

Leon Avzaradel

Simon Ichay

Tamara Pinkhasova

Fayga Zaretsky

Zelda Berman

Lidia Franco

Isaac Maleh

Arao A. Ohana

Jack Simon

Joseph Shuman

Jacques Codron

Nathan Cohen

Solomon Heskiel

Mario Sevy

Yitzhak Barocas

Ginger Goldhammer

Abraham Sobel

Amira Bechor

Victor Benveniste

Gabriel Capelouto

Rachel Habib

Ezra Hannon

Baruch Israel

Joseph Benveniste

Rabbi Joseph Cohen

Isaac Geydman

Bunia Pekhotnik

Inna Zaslavskaya

Morrill Barron

Ralph V Benator

Blanka Hartstein

Benyamin Izmailov

Max Knox

Jack Berman

Jake Buring

Sylvia Galanti

Laura Franco Capelluto

Dan Gaba

Dave Geduldig

Joe E. Hazan

Leo Kalson

Marlin Benatar

Hyman Freedland

Sylvia Wolf

May Meldados

Julius Frank

Anne Friedman

Tobie Hoffman

Seanne McLay

Morris Merlin

Abrahao Ohana

Roslyn Tarica

Sol Wiener

Rosa Franco

Rita Kimerling

Louise Decker

Rena Gilman

Lee Marks

Itshak Capouya

Jeremy Francis

Jack B. Arogeti

Refael Beton

Louise Ichay

Sara Israel

Avraham Maslia

Vida Maslia

Esther Schnap

Leonard Lavine

Donald Solomon

Abram Wice

Yehuda Benzion Taranto

Haham Yosef Hai Franco

Claudine Geduldig

Israel Swerdlin

Elazar Hakimian

Joyce Smith

Jacob Levy

Morris Soriano

Moshe Arogeti

Siniuru Rahel Capelouto

Rose Schwartz

Abraham Sinkoe

Esther Tarica

Max I. Benator

David Bobo

Suzanne R. Galanti

Baheya Gershon

Behor Haim Habib

William Light

Rebeca Orlin

Gisele Zamero

Shmuel Cohen

Harold Lindner

Matilda Lindner

Regina Charhon

Jack Rahn

Israel Barocas

Henry L. Rich

Sarina Rousso

Marvin Aaron

Morris Alhadeff

Perla Benshushan

Terry Ornstein

Victor Shelomo Franco

Dave Landau

Sara Seiden

Celia Smith

Mary Beton

Leon Codron

Belina Hasson

Lenore Hazan

Joseph Jacobs

Violette Levy

Morris Rousso

Genese Foghel

Ralph Sinkoe

Mildred Cheris Lipson

Lorraine Shaftel

Tamar Tourial Aboaf

Regina Bobo

Norman Dreyer

Sarah Freilich

Isaac Hasson

Byron Cohen

Jacobo Bejar

Ralph Tourial

Zelig Wolf

Morris Victor Benator

Isaac D. Franco

Rebecca Waronker

Sam Arogeti

Bessie Pressman

Samuel Spielberg

Eli Beda

Joseph Franco

Dora Specterow Akstein

Ilyia Bayevskiy

Zarin Hakimian

Moshe Antebi

Murray Bornstein

Louise Light

Abraham Selber

Leonard Jacobs

Estrella Cohen Ohana

Miryam Yousefzadeh

Marco Harari

Haron Horesh

David Kletzky

Jacob Bornstein

Rick Levy

Ela Delaticki

Meru Emanuel

Rahel Galanti

Sara Krieger

Mary Benatar

Benjamin G. Glass

Lenora Levy

Rosa Lee Baum

Raphael Douek

Hanula Israel

Josephine Lew

Jack D. Franco

Vernon Rosenthal

Abraham S. Alves

Sporo Aronova

Sam Barocas

Mary Cohen

Muriel Greenhouse

Kenneth Greenhouse

Marvin Greenhouse

Leona Rosenberg

Olga Reina Franco

Estelle Bernstein Rabinowitz

Temaly Jacobs

Simon Zwern

Miriam Aronova

Mazaltov Avzaradel

Morris Cohen

June Meldados

Page 7

Rita Jarolim

Esther Grosswald

Suzanne Hanein

Morris Hazan

Sara Piha

Reuben Capelouto

Rose Feinstein

Samuel Avzaradel

Flora Hazen

Lena Light

Edith Schiff

At our annual Israel Bonds event

honoring Marcy and Lenny Franco,

we continued a tradition of support

that has been a mainstay of the Atlanta

Jewish community for more than

40 years.

This year, OVS invested more than

$275,000 in Israel Bonds in the

Franco’s honor!

Thank you!

5/16 Ashley Krainin 5/16 Marianne Tarica 5/17 Milton Light 5/17 Joel Marks 5/17 Bill Porter 5/17 Berta Yusupova 5/19 Levi Durham 5/19 Ronnie Galanti 5/19 Debra Segal 5/20 Carolyn Blase 5/20 Blanchette Ichay 5/20 Victor Maslia 5/20 Jake Sobel 5/21 Jonathan Arogeti 5/21 Jack DeLeon 5/21 Walter Diamond 5/21 Dawn Schakett 5/21 Edward Silver 5/22 Raya Aronova 5/22 Laura Clark 5/22 Brian Miraki 5/22 Corrine Rousso 5/23 Marrissa Chanin 5/23 Robyn Ross 5/23 Raymond Smith 5/23 Ron Wagshal 5/24 Lisa Galanti Rabinowitz 5/25 Robert Beton 5/25 Eric Chyatte 5/25 Jerry Sevy 5/25 David Yashar 5/26 Robert Arogeti 5/26 Robert Galanti 5/27 Yuval Ayalon 5/27 Mehran Simian 5/27 Alan Simon 5/28 Zelda Benator 5/29 Noah Alhadeff 5/29 Miriam Benatar Guest 5/29 Aleksander Khiyayev 5/29 Renee Pascale 5/29 Ryan Schneider 5/29 Sam Shlimak 5/29 Edvard Sverdlov 5/29 Angelo Varrone 5/30 Yelena Berman 5/31 Anne Birnbaum 5/31 David Gordon 5/31 Paige Weinberg

4/26 Mary Capeloto 4/26 Richard D. Franco 4/26 Fred Katz 4/26 Seth Lazarnick 4/26 Elizabeth Ohana 4/27 Mikhail Akbashev 4/27 Eliezer Sotto 4/28 Steve Alhadeff 4/28 Julius Berger 4/28 Alegria Kletzky 4/28 Abby Lazarnick 4/29 Phyllis M. Cohen 4/29 Jesse Dorfman 4/29 Dalya Panbehchi 4/29 Louis Roistacher 4/30 Abo Akbashev 4/30 Lynn Pascale 4/30 Janet Seligson

April Birthdays

4/1 Sharon Apseloff 4/1 Allison Ladden 4/2 Asher Benator 4/2 Laurette Hanein 4/2 Darryl Maslia 4/2 Joel Rosenberg 4/2 Leslie Weinberg 4/3 I. Robert Beton 4/3 Erica Chanin 4/3 Suzanne Hanein 4/3 Elena Marks 4/3 Albert D. Maslia 4/4 Esya Akbasheva 4/4 Charlie Alhadeff 4/4 Ellis Firestone 4/4 Monica Franco-Webb 4/4 Barbara Arogeti Perlis 4/5 Ben Arogeti 4/5 Richard Berkowitz 4/5 Adam Maslia 4/5 Lawrence Melnick 4/6 Max Diamond 4/7 Alex Borukhov 4/7 Tony Levitas 4/8 Matthew Grosswald 4/8 Dale Israel 4/9 Barbara Meyer 4/9 Susan Varrone 4/10 Mitchell Krainin 4/10 Mason Maslia 4/10 Isidoro Palatchi 4/11 Michael Falkenstein 4/11 Sukey Shemaria 4/11 Aaron Silverman 4/12 Ann Galanti 4/12 Jeremy Karshenboym 4/12 Hallie Rosenberg 4/12 Sherri Soriano 4/13 Joyce Elias 4/14 Daniel Badalbayev 4/14 Tracie Clark 4/14 David Eisenberg 4/14 Lindsay Meyer 4/14 Bahram Panbehchi 4/16 Steve Schneider 4/16 Karen Soll 4/17 David Borukhov 4/17 Edward Finkel 4/17 Aaron Krisel 4/17 Stephanie Ladden 4/17 Steven Marks 4/18 Nadya Ilyayeva 4/18 Andrew Ladden 4/19 Cynthia Benator 4/19 Carolyn Capelouto 4/19 Alanna Sobel 4/20 Billy Light 4/21 Ryan Benator 4/21 David J. Cohen 4/21 Suzanne Dinur 4/21 Max Maslia 4/21 Ines Palatchi 4/21 Rachel Selber 4/22 Albert Antebi 4/22 Alan Franco 4/22 Marilyn Gower 4/22 Dora Israel 4/23 Gary Capelouto 4/23 Judy Chyatte 4/23 David V. Franco 4/23 Bernie Russo 4/24 David Felix Gordon 4/24 Andrew Marks 4/24 John Mehler 4/24 Anita Zipperman 4/25 Eli Kobylivker 4/26 Rachiel Berger

Page 8 Chai-Lites

May Birthdays

5/1 Jeanne Antebi 5/1 Jonathan Habif 5/1 Jamie Israel 5/2 Janice Barrocas 5/2 Alice Cohen 5/3 Jordan Barrocas 5/3 Leslie Benator 5/3 Robert Dreyer 5/3 Charlie Franco 5/3 Ellen Taranto 5/4 Dennis Ahlzadeh 5/4 David Arogeti 5/4 Nathan Berger 5/4 Grigoriy Berman 5/4 Leo Falkenstein 5/4 Betty Israel 5/4 Rochelle Notrica 5/5 Steven Benatar 5/5 Eric Bernath 5/5 Mosa Simian 5/6 Megan Babb 5/6 Aaron Barrocas 5/7 Barbara Friedman 5/7 Clare Habif 5/7 Aaron Maslia 5/7 Leah Zipperman 5/8 Jake Franco 5/8 Graham Levitas 5/8 Regina Tourial 5/9 Albert Marx 5/9 Sheryl Rechtman 5/10 Abe Alhadeff 5/10 Mansour Borna 5/10 Gloria Levine 5/12 Anna Birman 5/12 Morris Soriano 5/13 Dan D. Maslia 5/13 Itta Zaslavskaya 5/14 Phyllis Cohen 5/14 Matilda Frankel 5/14 Joe Tarica 5/15 Larry Capilouto 5/15 David Sotto

June Birthdays

6/7 Beth Arogeti 6/7 Bernard Friedman 6/7 Sarah Leff 6/7 Boris Samandar 6/8 Dana Bernath 6/8 Parvin Borna 6/8 Juli Galanti 6/8 Rabbi Hayyim Kassorla 6/10 Craig Gilbert 6/11 Semon Akbashev 6/11 Leslie Apseloff 6/11 Regina Barron 6/11 Edgard Harari 6/11 Judy Hirsch 6/12 Sheila Butler 6/12 Zoya Ilyabayeva 6/12 Joshua Whitehead 6/13 Ron Chanin 6/13 Byron Cohen 6/13 Lenny Franco 6/13 Charlotte Marks 6/13 Sue Wolfe 6/14 Terry Berger 6/14 Jeff Halfon 6/15 Keren Ayalon 6/15 Ann Silver 6/16 Rachel Shemaria 6/17 Janet Camhi 6/17 Hymie Shemaria 6/18 Sam Glass 6/18 Ben Kaplan 6/19 Rachel Weiland 6/20 Kathie Alhadeff 6/20 Maxine S. Barocas 6/21 Natalie Barrocas Cohen 6/21 Lenore Franco 6/21 Gisele Harari 6/21 Nicole Romani 6/21 Seth Weiland 6/22 Aryeh Antour 6/22 Ramona Tarica 6/23 Farah Panbehchi 6/24 Joni Seligson 6/24 Nancy Shemaria 6/25 Charlotte Gutman 6/26 Brad Cohen 6/26 Mikhail Niktalov 6/27 Sarah Cohen 6/27 Shelley Cooper 6/27 Albert M. Maslia 6/27 Lily Schneider 6/27 Rose Wagshal 6/28 Temi Kageorge 6/28 Debbie Sobel 6/28 Fay Tenenbaum 6/29 Russell Dreyer 6/30 Rachel Capouya 6/1 Mack Sarfaty

6/2 Graham Alhadeff 6/2 Lesa Habif 6/2 Beverly Merlin 6/2 Alan Taranto 6/3 Jeffrey Arogeti 6/3 Malvina Bechor 6/3 Erin Chimberoff 6/3 Rita Franco Gilbert 6/3 Howard Goldstein 6/3 Lauren Goldstein 6/3 Eliot Levy 6/3 Deborah Maslia-Whitehead 6/4 Isaac N. Habif 6/4 Sarah Hirsch 6/5 Lyndsey Cohen 6/5 Daniel Goldstein 6/5 Mark Grosswald 6/5 Nicole Lebedin 6/6 J.D. Capelouto 6/6 Jake Gerber

“On behalf of the City of Brookhaven (and the 4th Dis-

trict), I want to thank you again for your hospitality.

You were all so gracious and kind and we are all very appreciative. A picture of the synagogue is on our City

website. Many people who otherwise would never have

even thought of entering Or VeShalom were amazed at the size and the beauty of it all, and all enjoyed the

Rabbi's history lesson and invocation.

My objective is to expose our new City residents to the

many cultural richness we are so blessed to have - and last Tuesday certainly achieved that goal. I look for-

ward to a future repeat performance. “

Joe Gebbia, Brookhaven City Council

“A little bird brought in 77 pounds of food from

OVS this week. What a clever idea to use mac &

cheese as groggers. I think I am going to use

that idea next year when talking to my synagogue groups that collect food for us. Last year, the

food pantry gave out over 5,450 pounds of food to over 1,525 persons in 860 households. We

could not do it without you. “

Jewish Family & Career Services of Atlanta

We love hearing all the positive comments!

Mazel Tov!!

Marilyn & Bill Rubin on the Bat Mitzvah of Erica Rubin

Larry Benator and Helaine Benator on the Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Benator

Natalie Fisch and Anne Birnbaum on the Bat Mitzvah of Sigi Fisch

Tillie & Albert Tenenbaum and Charlotte & Joel Marks on the birth of Marian Alexa, daughter of Steven & Sherry Marks

Judy & Mark Bernath, Susan & Howard Pelteson, Jeanne Antebi and Eshter Sawilowsky on the birth of Charlotte Jean Bernath,

daughter of Leah & Joe Bernath

Dr Bob and Dale Israel are proud to announce the engagement of their son, Michael Seth Israel to Jessica Leigh Waterman of Louisville KY.

Ruth and Abe Alhadeff are proud to announce the engagement of their grandson Andrew to Karin Lassinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lassinger.

Tamar Amar and Guy Harari on the recent wedding.

Welcome to our

Newest Members:

Cathy & Paul Meechan

Nitzana Mamane

Page 9

Condolences To...

Rebecca Selber, Salvador Barrocas, Dr. Albert Barrocas and Miriam Worth on the

passing of their sister and mother Esther Barrocas Notrica

Charlotte Rafshoon on the passing of her husband Charles

Eleanor Jacobs on the passing of her husband Dr. Julian Jacobs

Clare & Robert Habif; Jane & Victor Cooper; Michael, Lindsey & Jonathan Habif; David

Cooper and Kristen Cooper– Lord on the passing of her mother Rose Cooper

David Warga on the passing of his wife Renee

Simone & Steven Feldman on the passing of his father Nathan

Lyudmila & Mark Pinkhasova on the passing of her sister Erena Pinkhasova

The family of Esther Smith

Rachel Hazen, Robert Hazen and Florrie Miles on the passing of Herman Hazen

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 21 Nissan

7th Day of


Office Closed

2 22 Nissan

8th Day of


Office Closed

3 23 Nissan

4 24 Nissan

Lunch & Learn

5 25 Nissan

Candles 7:43 pm

6 26 Nissan

Shabbat Shemini

Havdalah 8:37 pm

7 27 Nissan

Yom HaShoah

Men’s Shiurim

Talmud Torah class

8 28 Nissan

9 29 Nissan

Sisterhood Cooking

10 30 Nissan

Rosh Hodesh Iyar

11 1 Iyar

Rosh Hodesh Iyar

Lunch & Learn

12 2 Iyar

Shabbat Ethnic Dinner

Candles 7:48 pm

13 3 Iyar

Shabbat Tazria-


Havdalah 8:42 pm

14 4 Iyar

Yom HaZikaron Israel Remembrance


Talmud Torah class

15 5 Iyar

Yom Haatzmaut Israel Independence


16 6 Iyar

Sisterhood Cooking

17 7 Iyar 18 8 Iyar

Lunch & Learn Step Up For Israel

19 9 Iyar

Candles 7:54 pm

20 10 Iyar



Birthday /Anniversary


Havdalah 8:47 pm

21 11 Iyar

OVS Board Meeting

Talmud Torah class

Men’s Club Program

22 12 Iyar 23 13 Iyar

Sisterhood Cooking

24 14 Iyar 25 15 Iyar

Lunch & Learn

26 16 Iyar

Candles 7:59 pm

2717 Iyar

Shabbat Emor

Havdalah 8:53 pm

28 18 Iyar

Lag B’Omer

Talmud Torah class

29 19 Iyar 30 20 Iyar

Sisterhood Cooking

April 2013

Page 10 Chai-Lites

6:45 pm Friday evening Shabbat services

8:37 am Saturday morning Shabbat services

8:30 am Sunday morning Shacharit services

7:30 am Shacharit services every Monday, Thursday, and Rosh Hodesh mornings

Page 11

May 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 21 Iyar

2 22 Iyar

Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Kassorla at MJCCA

3 23 Iyar

Baccalaureate Dinner

Candles 8:04 pm

4 24 Iyar

Shabbat Behar –

Bechukotai /

Birchat HaChodesh

Havdalah 8:58 pm

5 25 Iyar

Community-wide Blood Drive

Sisterhood Board Meeting

Talmud Torah class

6 26 Iyar

7 27 Iyar

Sisterhood Cooking

8 28 Iyar



9 29 Iyar

Lunch & Learn

10 1 Sivan

Rosh Hodesh Sivan

Copa de Shabbat

Candles 8:09 pm

11 2 Sivan

Shabbat Bamidbar

Havdalah 9:03 pm

12 3 Sivan

Talmud Torah class

Men’s Shiurim

Mother’s Day

13 4 Sivan

14 5 Sivan

Erev Shavuot

Tikkun Leyl Shavuot

15 6 Sivan

1st Day of


Office Closed

16 7 Sivan

2nd Day of

Shavuot– Yizkor

Office Closed

17 8 Sivan

Candles 8:14 pm

18 9 Sivan

Shabbat Naso

Birthday /

Anniversary Shabbat

Havdalah 9:08 pm

19 10 Sivan

OVS Board Meeting

20 11 Sivan 21 12 Sivan

Sisterhood Cooking

22 13 Sivan

Sisterhood /

Hadassah program

23 14 Sivan

Lunch & Learn

24 15 Sivan

Candles 8:19 pm

25 16 Sivan



Havdalah 9:13 pm

26 17 Sivan

27 18 Sivan

Memorial Day—

Office Closed

28 19 Sivan

29 20 Sivan 30 21 Sivan

Lunch & Learn

31 22 Sivan

Candles 8:24 pm

6:45 pm Friday evening Shabbat services

8:37 am Saturday morning Shabbat services

8:30 am Sunday morning Shacharit services

7:30 am Shacharit services every Monday, Thursday, and Rosh Hodesh mornings

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 23 Sivan

Shabbat Shelach

Havdalah 9:17 pm

2 24 Sivan


Closing Program

Men’s Shiurim

3 25 Sivan

4 26 Sivan

Sisterhood Cooking

5 27 Sivan

6 28 Sivan

Lunch & Learn

7 29 Sivan

Candles 8:29 pm

8 30 Sivan

Shabbat Korach

Rosh Hodesh


Havdalah 9:21 pm

9 1 Tammuz

Rosh Hodesh


10 2 Tammuz

11 3 Tammuz

Sisterhood Cooking

12 4 Tammuz 13 5 Tammuz

Lunch & Learn

14 6 Tammuz

Candles 8:32 pm

15 7 Tammuz

Shabbat Chukkat

Birthday /Anniversary


Havdalah 9:24 pm

16 8 Tammuz

Men’s Shiurim

17 9 Tammuz 18 10 Tammuz

Sisterhood Cooking

OVS Board Meeting

19 11 Tammuz 20 12 Tammuz

Lunch & Learn

21 13 Tammuz

Candles 8:34 pm

22 14 Tammuz

Shabbat Balak

Havdalah 9:26 pm

23 5 Tammuz


22 Tammuz

24 16 Tammuz 25 17 Tammuz

Sisterhood Cooking

26 18 Tammuz 27 19 Tammuz

Lunch & Learn

28 20 Tammuz

Candles 8:34 pm

29 21Tammuz

Shabbat Pinchas

Havdalah 9:26 pm

June 2013

Page 12 Chai-Lites

6:45 pm Friday evening Shabbat services

8:37 am Saturday morning Shabbat services

8:30 am Sunday morning Shacharit services

7:30 am Shacharit services every Monday, Thursday, and Rosh Hodesh mornings

Page 13

A visit with

dear friends

Message from Alan Simon:

“Just before Pesach I was

asked to make a business

trip to Richmond on the

second day of Passover,

March 26. I resigned my

self to the assignment and

made my reservations. It occurred to me that Rick and Sao Berkowitz

moved to Richmond a year ago. I made contact with Rick and he invited

me to Seder at their synagogue in Richmond. It was so nice to connect

with the Berkowitz family once again. Although Alexandra was at college,

Mariele joined us. Rick is a health media Executive, Sao is Director of

anesthesia at a local surgical center and Mariele is a junior in high

school. They live in a renovated Craftsman home in an attractive in-town

neighborhood. Contact Rick at: rick@mcclinticmedia.com. “ A few photos from

Purim Palooza 2013!


Amelia Mirgos Wendkos

Carol & Philip Wendkos

Israeli Bonds honorees Marcy & Lenny


Blanchette Ichay

Judy Bernath’s Birthday

Susan & Howard Pelteson

Muriel Steinburg’s Birthday

Betty Arogeti

Special Recognition of Sarah Duwell

Lois Cohen

J.B. Mazer’s Birthday

Leah & Larry Kaplan

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Steve Franco

Margie & Jerry Shure

Louise Benatar

Sherry & Harry Maziar

Eli Sotto

Sue Wolfe

Jeanette Arogeti

Sarah Israel

Betty Israel

Salvatore Franco

Katie Franco

William Bernstein

Deanna & James Wolfe

Sue Wolfe

In Memory of:

Marvin Ornstein

Leah & Larry Kaplan

Stella Cohen

Annie & Maurice Cohen

Esther Notrica

Rose Cooper

Mrs. Zhenia Greszes

Julian Levy

Stephanie & Charlie Copeland

Ellen F. Arnovitz

Charles Rafshoon

Sue Wolfe

James Arogeti

Delia G. Tillman

Rose Cooper

Susan & Ron Heidt

Randy Farrow

Robyn & Allan Regenbaum

Kathie & Sid Gottlieb

Julian Jacobs

Dr. & Mrs. Martin Goldstein

Yochanon Spielberg

Alice & Nathan Spielberg

Joseph Melnick

Larry Melnick

Morris Taranto

Esther Notrica

Vicki & Rael Grosswald

Joseph Soriano

Barbara Lincoln

Sandra Patricia Zaldana

Karla Zaldand & Angel Pupo

Liv Franco

Charles Gordon

Esther & David Gordon

Joe Tarica

Ramona & Albert Tarica

Anna G. Godgelf

Arkady Felgin

Michael Bernstein

Ginette Schinazi

Irving Diamond

Walter Diamond

Avraham Rabenu Galanti

Rachel Galanti

Rachel Franco

Nathan Feldman

Leah & David S. Franco

Esther Notrica

Suzan D. Tibor

Melvin Lebowitz

Jeanette Arogeti

Sherri & Moe Soriano

Alan Flaxman

Manuela Bornstein

Mrs. Regine Rosenfelder

Gail Lebowitz

Sally Rosenberg

Jeannine & Aaron Altmann

ALIYAH FUND In Honor of:

My Birthday

Daniel Alhadeff

Sydney Benator

Deborah & Bruce Benator

All out-going and in-coming Board Members

Guy Harari

The Birth of Mia Fizovati

Annie & Maurice Cohen

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Herman Hazen

William Bernstein

Annie & Maurice Cohen

In Memory of:

Vital Haim Saranga

Yves Saranga

Liliane Francis

Nissim Hanein

Shelomo Amato

Elie Levy

Rica Pieniek

William Gold

Helen Gold

Barbara Meyer

Raquel Behar

Ines & Isidoro Palatchi

Herman Friedman

Rheta Okun

Bernard Friedman

Liliane Francis

Joseph Savdie

Sion Cohen

Terry Ornstein

Dr. Julian Jacobs

Stella Cohen

Nissim Hanein

Theodora Savdie

Annie & Maurice Cohen

Haim Abraham Hacohen

Jeffrey Cohen

Isaac Amato

Shelomo Amato

Vida Rahel Franco

Pearline & David Franco

Michel Bernstein

Guy Bernstein

Aron Franco

Mark Antebi

Lilly & Mark Franco

Nagi Shabtai

Dr. Julian Jacobs

Jacob Shabtai

Etan Fizouaty

Georgette & Leon Cohen

Rahamim Borna

Mansour Borna

Sam Franco

Marie Franco

David S. Franco


Baruch Badalbayev


The Birth of Marian Alexa

Esther & Arnold Zipperman

Rabbi Kassorla

Rabbi Kassorla

Esther & David Gordon

Donna & Michael Chimberoff

Dana & Karel Bentata

Esther & Arnold Zipperman’s Anniversary

Arnold Zipperman

Rabbi Kassorla

The Frankewichs

Lisa Crabtree

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Steve Franco

Kathie & Steve Alhadeff

Joe Tarica

Birdie Benator

Renee Warga

Esther & Arnold Zipperman

David Lyalin

Sofya Borodovsky-Lyalin

Salvatore Franco

David Gordon

Tilda Kaplan

Arnold, David & The Lunch

and Learn Group

Eliezer Sotto

Rachel Levi

Rabbi Kassorla

Sheila Butler

In Memory of:

James Arogeti

Joel Arogeti

Emily & Herman Steinman

Page 14 Chai-Lites


Steven Abraham Kooby

Murray Camhi

Janet Camhi

Harry Cure

Moshe Benatar

Louise & Leo Benatar

Renee Warga

Nace Amato

Anna Zipperman

Sam Zipperman

Esther & Arnold Zipperman

Eliezer Lereah

Pearline Franco

Sidkiya Tourial

Nathan Gershon

Haham Yaacov Capouya

Susan & Sidney Tourial

Howard Gleichman

Bert Gleichman

Regina Cohen

Carol Cohen & Peter Gleichman

Julius Ezra Gindi

Michael Gindi

Henry Hank Clayman

Emanuel Entin

Jere Clayman

Suzy Antebi

Morris Benveniste

Jackie Benveniste

Catherine Leon

Leah Franco

Esther Notrica

Bulissa Arogeti

Betty & Ben Arogeti

Catherine B. Franco

Jeanie Marx

Julian Jacobs

Alice & Nathan Spielberg

Esther Notrica

Sivie & Gary Kashdan

Cota Ohana and Family

Rose Cooper

Ramona & Albert Tarica

Suzanne Dinur

Mery Alves

Jacob Ohana

Cota Ohana

Helena Ohana

Lela Hafif

Margot Alfie


In Honor of:

Induction of Albert Tarica into Chick-Fil-A

Hall of Volunteer Hall of Fame

Marion & Brad Lapidus

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Birdie Benator

Grace & Asher Benator

Birdie Benator

Ann Benator

Regina Barron

Asher Benator

Denise Solomon

Asher Benator

Stella & Stan Firestone

Dan D. Maslia

Iris & Louie Shemaria

Tillie & Albert Tenenbaum

In Memory of:

Esther Notrica

Denise Solomon

Arnold Rich

Michelle & Craig Rich

Rose Cooper

Grace & Asher Benator

Ann & Sam Benator



Renee Arogeti’s Birthday

Renee & Raymond Arogeti’s Anniversary

Esther & Arnold Zipperman

Israeli Bonds Award to Marcy & Lenny


Ann & Sam Benator

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Joe Tarica

Renee & Raymond Arogeti

In Memory of:

James Arogeti

Renee & Raymond Arogeti



Julian Jacobs

Mimi Monett


Eliezer Lereah

Lucy & Eliot Levy

Regina Cohen

Susan Greenhouse

David Behor Levy

Trudy Levy

Sara Levy Gilman

Emily Levy

Victor Levy

Mery Alves

Rachel Hazen

Alegria Kletzky

Samuel Carr

Jeanne Maslia

Taisiya Arkhipova

Anna Feldman

Barbara Weinstein

Jerome Shuman

Corrine Rousso

Yosif Korol

Leyzer Korol

James Arogeti

Robert Arogeti

Jane Durham

Zilpha Borukhova

Boris Pinkhasov

Anya Yakubova

Lyudmila Pinkhasova

Rose Elias

Joyce Elias

Elie Levy

Rica Pieniek

Fannie Shetzen

Mimi Monett

Obbie Handmacher

Burton Handmacher

Paulette Birnbaum

Anne Birnbaum

Eli Hazan

Elliott Penso

Emilie Cadranel

Yitzhak Cadranel

Zelda Benator

Buddy Butler

Nathan Rosenberg

Sheila Butler

Catherine Papouchado

Vicki Grosswald

Ida Shapiro Carnell

Edwin Weiner

Murray Goldsmith

Barbara Friedman

Leonard Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Boris Zavulunov

Yadidiya Zavulunov

Bulissa Arogeti

Phyllis Arogeti

Stella Cohen

Sion Cohen

Laurette Hanein

Benny Galanti

Robert Galanti

Israel Tarica

Albert Tarica

Tsion Cohen

Fortune Bromberg

Stella Cohen

Rebecca Aboudi

Liliane Francis

Henry Francis

Liliane Francis

Shirley Middleton

Hillel Franco

Behor Alhadeff

Liv Franco

Katie Franco

Albert Capp

Gaby Capp

Janette Weinberg

Lynn & Alan Simon

Catherine B. Franco

Stella DeLeon

Bernard Gilman

Sue Wolfe

Leah Alhadeff Beton

Morris Beton

Victoria Cadranel

Page 15


Abraham Khanimov

Nafrat Allaeva

Imonel Khanimov

Stella Cohen

Liliane Francis

Sion Cohen

Georgette & Leon Cohen

Barrie Antebi

Sidney Strauss

Fred Katz


Friendship of Dan Maslia

Appreciation of Eleanor & Karen Jacobs

Julian Jacobs

In Memory of:

Dr. Julian Jacobs

Louise & Leo Benatar

Hyaline Greenberg

Rachel Capelouto

Sherry & Harry Maziar

David Saffan

Helene Cohen Saffan &

Benjamin Saffan

Joseph Jacobs

Julian Jacobs


Sisterhood Award to Betty Israel and Sarah


Ann & Sam Benator

Sarah Duwell 2013 Donor Honoree

Tillie Tenenbaum

Betty Israel 2013 Donor Honoree

Tillie Tenenbaum

Steve & Sherry Mark's daughter Marian


Michelle & Craig Rich

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Rica Pieniek

Jeannine & Aaron Altmann

Joe Tarica

Sylvia Benator

Sue Wolfe Gilman

Michelle & Craig Rich

In Memory of:

Charles Rafshoon

Ashleigh & Mel Dobrin

Gabriel Nahmias

Angele Nahmias

Andre Nahmias

Rose Cooper

Barbara & Stephen Hart

Michelle Robinovitz, Ella & Irene

Julian Jacobs

Charlotte & Joel Marks

Shelley & Neil Cooper

Esther Notrica

Charlotte & Joel Marks

Herman Hazen

Clare & Robert Habif

Charlotte & Joel Marks

Julia & Joe Soriano


In Honor of:

Rochelle & Morris Notrica’s 50th Wedding


Rachiel & Hugh Berger

Tamar & Guy’s Wedding

Rachel & Herman Hazen

In Memory of:

Angele Nahmias

Ginette Schinazi


MEMORIAL FUND Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Steve Franco

Louise Benatar

Joel Rosenberg

Birdie Benator

Sukey & Hymie Shemaria

Louise Benatar

Ernie & Bob Dreyer

Steve Franco

Rica Pieniek

Zelda Smith

Iris & Louie Shemaria

Steve Franco

Kathy & Roman Canales

In Memory of:

Esther Notrica

Julian “Cookie” Jacobs

Sol Spielberg

Sukey & Hymie Shemaria

Peter Dreyer

Ernie & Bob Dreyer

Zelda Smith

Iris Shemaria

Esther Barrocas Notrica

Kathy (Shemaria) &

Roman Canales

Moreno Benbenisty

Rachel Shemaria

Hannah Mae Cure

Louise Benatar


EDUCATION FUND Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Rachel & Herman Hazen

Rachel Capelouto

Corrine Rousso

Rachel & Herman Hazen

Herman Hazen

Corrine Rousso

In Memory of:

Kalo Tarragano

Esther Notrica

Beatrice Mezrah

Rachel Capelouto

Dr. Julian “Cookie” Jacobs

Robyn & Doug Ross

Esther Notrica

Rachel & Herman Hazen



Birdie & Josiah Benator’s 65th Wedding


Jackie Benveniste

Josiah Benator 91st Birthday/Scout Shabbat

Birdie Benator

Tillie & Albert Tenenbaum

Josiah Benator 91st Birthday and

the wonderful memories of Scouts

Leah & Sol Codron

Birth of Marian Alexa Marks

2013 Israel Bond Honorees

Marcy & Lenny Franco

Birdie & Josiah Benator

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Sarita Kasriel

Asher Benator

Eliezer Sotto

Sue Wolfe

Susan Arogeti Varrone

Joe Tarica

Bill Bernstein

Ann Snyder Benator

Birdie & Josiah Benator

Birdie Benator

Ann & Sam Benator

Renee & Raymond Arogeti

Alice & Nathan Spielberg

In Memory of:

Victor Benator

Rose Cooper

Rabbi Ichay

Dr. Morris Benveniste

James T. Rhodes

Birdie & Josiah Benator



Rose Cooper

Sukey & Hymie Shemaria

Clare & Robert Habif

Joanie & Eddie Birnbrey

Leah, Harvey & Tamar Ruttenberg

Judy & Mark Bernath

Susan & Butch Frumin

Vickie Cadranel

Dory Profis

Janet Camhi

Eric Bram

Hallie & Eric Kogelschatz

Sally & Mark Bram

Rachel Capelouto

Loli & Joel Gross

Fredric Chaiken

Lisa Light

Ilene & Adrian Grant

Janet & Mike Seligson

Corrine Rousso

Frances Astren

Jennifer & Jason Butler and Family

Barbara Kraselsky

Erica & Jeremy Whetzel & Family

Page 16 Chai-Lites


Bernard Cooper

Clare & Robert Habif

Raymond Dozetos

Regina Barron

Clare & Robert Habif

Larry Resnick

Frank Resnick

Melvin Resnick


Alice Barbakoff

Ida Reicher

Harry Reicher

Rose Cooper

Julian Jacobs

Ruth & Abe Alhadeff

BIKUR HOLIM FUND Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Herman Hazen

Leah & Sol Codron

Sue Wolfe

Deanna & James Wolfe

In Memory of:

Benny Galanti

Louisa Galanti

Rose Cooper

Avraham Rabenu Galanti

Jason Eric Greenberg

Regina Cohen

Ila Galanti

Jared Neil Seligson

Janet & Michael Seligson

Albert Piha

R. Joyce Wice

Esther “Tia” Notrica

Richard Kropp

Rachel Selber Kropp &

Jonathan Kropp

Gabriel Nahmias

Ginette Schinazi

Esther “Tia” Notrica

Roberta Kropp

Aron Franco

Marilyn Cristal

Gordon Mitchell

Rose Cooper

Marguerite & Ronald Merlin

Felicie Amato

Sam Szeftel

Leah & Sol Codron

Esther Barrocas Notrica

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bishop

Rose Cooper

Patsy Spinks’s Mom

Bernard Gilman

Rose Deaner

Deanna & James Wolfe

Bernie Roistacher

Louise Barocas

Elsie Roistacher

Betty Roistacher

Rose Deaner

Rose Cooper

Patsy Spinks’ Mom

Sue Wolfe


Morris Piha

Mary Capeloto

Rubin Piha


Jack Amato

Albert Amato

Faye S. Amato

Erica & Howard Krisel

Moreno Benbenisty

Jack Amato

Emily Amato



Aaron Sinkoe

Louise Sinkoe

In Memory of:

Joe Bobo

Eli Bobo

Louise & Aaron Sinkoe


ENDOWMENT FUND Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Joe Tarica

Rachel & Herman Hazen

William Bernstein

Dan D. Maslia

In Memory of:

Victor D. Maslia

Rose Cooper

Esther Notrica

Dan D. Maslia

Franklin Selber

Rachel Selber Kropp & Jonathan


Victor D. Maslia

Phyllis Brusco-McLay

Frank Selber

Alice Julia Block Selber

Isaac Barrocas

Rebeca Selber

Victor Maslia

Lakie Sater

Fanny Sater Massell

Alex J. Sater

Lenore Maslia

Russell Dabney

Esther Notrica

Lenore Maslia and Family

Rose Cooper

Angie & Skip Weiland

Esther Maslia

Sadok Menashe

Julian Jacobs

Esther Notrica

Rose Cooper

Lucy & Albert D. Maslia

Victor Maslia

Alex Sater

Sarah & Richard D. Maslia



Lynne & Scott Galanti’s 30th Anniversary

Toby & Dave Fagin

Birth of Vivian & Bill Porter’s Great

Granddaughter Lenna

Birth of Tille & Albert Tenenbaum’s

Great Granddaughter Marian Alexa

Birth of Renee & Raymond Arogeti’s

Great Grandson

Andrew Marks’ Marriage

Lenore Maslia and Family

Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Asher Benator

Sue Wolfe

Vivian Galanti Porter & Bill Porter

Rachel & Herman Hazen

Tillie & Albert Tenenbaum


Dr. Sidney Tourial

Ellen, Sam & Lee Banov

In Memory of:

Yael Amuyeva

Benjamin Amuyev

Zoya Samandar


OUTREACH FUND Speedy Recovery & Good Health of:

Susan Varrone

Joe Tarica

Sue Wolfe

Rachel Hazen

Steve Franco

Rica Pieniek

Stella & Stan Firestone

In Memory of:

Louisa Galanti

Benny Galanti

Rachel Galanti

Sonya Rabinowitz

Ben Rabinowitz

Hal Rabinowitz

Ruth A. Cohen

Hershel Cohen

Peter Gleichman & Carol Cohen

Mollie Malka Firestone

Rose Cooper

Stella & Stan Firestone



Shifra Gershon

Susan Tourial

Page 17


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Baccalaureate Shabbat Service and Dinner

Friday, May 3rd ~ 6:45 p.m.

Congregation Or VeShalom 1681 North Druid Hills Road N.E.

Atlanta, Georgia 30319

(404) 633-1737 phone

(404) 633-5938 fax

Hayyim Kassorla, Rabbi

Guy Harari, President

Michelle Rich, Sisterhood President

Email: office@orveshalom.org

Website: www.orveshalom.org

Please join us for a special Baccalaureate Shabbat Service and Dinner to honor our OVS

graduating high school seniors. A baccalaureate is a unique opportunity for high school

graduates and their families to pause, reflect and give thanks at the end of this very special

stage of their lives.

All are welcome, bring the entire family!

Dinner is $18 for adults, $5 for children under 13. The graduate is our

special guest! Don’t miss this wonderful program and opportunity to

honor our children!

RSVP to Beth Arogeti at arogetib@gmail.com or 404-843-0972.

And let her know if you have or are or know a GRADUATING HIGH


Sponsored by the OVS College Outreach Committee.

For more information contact Nancy Galanti at ovs.college@gmail.com.
