AP Human Geography Chapter 5 Notes



AP Human Geography Chapter 5 Outline Notes

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Chapter Five - Language

Seth AdlerAP Human Geography Chapter Five - LanguageSeth Adler

I. Languagea. Language - A system of communication through the use of speech, a collection of sounds understood by a group of people to have the same meaning.b. Literary Tradition - A language that is written as well as spoken.c. Official Language - The language adopted for use by the government for the conduct of business and publication of documents.d. The interplay between interaction and isolation helps to explain regions of individual languages and entire language families.

II. Where Are English Language Speakers Distributed?a. A language originates at a particular place and diffuses to other locations through the migration of its speakers.

A. Origin and Diffusion of Englisha. English is an official language in 57 countries, more than any other language.

1. English Coloniesa. English is an official language in most of the former British colonies.b. English first diffused west from England to North America in the seventeenth centuryc. English became the official language when the British took control (Ireland, South Asia, South Pacific, Southern Africa)d. More recently, the United States has been responsible for diffusing English to several places (Philippines)

2. Origin of English in Englanda. Tribes called the Celts arrived around 2000 B.C., speaking languages we call Celtic.b. Then, around A.D. 450, tribes from mainland Europe invaded, pushing the Celts into the remote northern and western parts of Britain.

German Invasiona. The invading tribes were the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons.b. All three were Germanic tribesthe Jutes from northern Denmark, the Angles from southern Denmark, and the Saxons from northwestern Germany.c. English people and others who trace their cultural heritage back to England are often called Anglo-Saxons, after the two larger tribes.d. Modern English has evolved primarily from the language spoken by the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons.e. The name England comes from Angles land. In Old English, Angles was spelled Engles, and the Angles language was known as englisc. The Angles came from a corner, or angle, of Germany known as Schleswig-Holstein.f. Other peoples subsequently invaded England and added their languages to the basic English. (Vikings)

Norman Invasiona. English is different from German today because England was conquered by the Normans in 1066.b. The Normans, who came from present-day Normandy in France, spoke French, which they established as Englands official language for the next 300 yearsc. The majority of the people who had little education did not know French, so they continued to speak English to each other.d. The Germanic language of the common people and the French used by the leaders mingled to form a new language.e. Modern English has simpler words (sky, horse, man, woman) that come from its Germanic roots.f. Fancy, more elegant words like celestial, equestrian, masculine, and feminine come from French invaders.g. England lost control of Normandy in 1204, during the reign of King John and had a long period of conflict. As a result, people did not want to speak French.h. Because nearly everyone in England was speaking English, Parliament enacted the Statute of Pleading in 1362 to change the official language from French to English even though they continued to conduct business in French until 1489.

B. Dialects of Englisha. Dialect - A regional variety of a language distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.b. Isogloss - A boundary that separates regions in which different language usages predominate.c. Isoglosses are determined by collecting data directly from people, particularly natives of rural areas. People are shown pictures to identify or are given sentences to complete with a particular word.d. Because of its large number of speakers and widespread distribution, English has an especially large number of dialects.e. Standard Language - The form of a language used for official government business, education, and mass communications.f. British Received Pronunciation (BRP) - The dialect of English associated with upper-class Britons living in London and now considered standard in the United Kingdom.

1. Dialects in Englanda. As already discussed, English originated with three invading groups from Northern Europe who settled in different parts of Britainthe Angles in the north, the Jutes in the southeast, and the Saxons in the south and west.b. The language each spoke was the basis of distinct regional dialects of Old EnglishKentish in the southeast, West Saxon in the southwest, Mercian in the center of the island, and Northumbrian in the northc. Under the control of a French-speaking government, five major regional dialects had emergedNorthern, East Midland, West Midland, Southwestern, and Southeastern or Kentish.d. The diffusion of the upper-class London and university dialects was encouraged by the introduction of the printing press to England in 1476.e. Three main English Dialects in the UK - Northern, Midland, and Southern. Southerners pronounce words like grass and path with an /ah/ sound; Northerners and Midlanders use a short /a/, like in the US Northerners and Midlanders pronounce butter and Sunday with /oo/, like boot. Southwesterners pronounce thatch and thing with the /th/ sound of then, not thin. Fresh and eggs have an /ai/ sound. Southeasterners pronounce the /a/ in apple and cat like the short /e/ in bet.

2. Differences Between British and American Englisha. the earliest colonists were most responsible for the dominant language patterns that exist today in the English-speaking part of the Western Hemisphere.b. The English language here is different because of isolation. Vocabularya. The vocabulary is different because there are many new things and experiences in America, new physical features that needed new names. (moose, raccoon, chipmunk) (canoe, moccasin, squash)b. As new inventions appeared, they acquired different names on either side of the Atlantic. (Lift/elevator, torch/flash light) Spellinga. Spelling is different because America wants a strong sense of independenceb. Webster was determined to develop a uniquely American dialect of English. Webster argued that spelling and grammar reforms would help establish a national language, reduce cultural dependence on England, and inspire national pride.c. Elimination of U and replace S for C because of Webster Pronunciationa. Words as fast, path, and half are pronounced in England like the /ah/ in father rather than the /a/ in man. The British also eliminate the r sound from pronunciation except before vowels. Thus lord in British pronunciation sounds like laud.b. Americans pronounce unaccented syllables with more clarity. (secretary and necessary)c. Pronunciation has changed more in England than in the United States.

3. Dialects in the United Statesa. Major differences in U.S. dialects originated because of differences in dialects among the original settlers

Settlement In The East New Englanda. Settlers from Englandb. Puritans from East Anglia Southeasterna. Southeast Englandb. Variety of social class backgrounds ( prisoners, servants, refugees) Middle Atlantica. Diverseb. Quakersc. Scots and Irish, Germans, Dutch, and Swedish

Current Dialect Differences In The Easta. Two important isoglosses separate the eastern United States into three major dialect regions, known as Northern, Midlands, and Southern. Some words are commonly used within one of the three major dialect areas but rarely in the other two.b. For example, the word for soft drink varies. Most people in the Northeast and Southwest use soda to describe a soft drink. Most people in the Midwest, Great Plains, and Northwest prefer pop. Southerners refer to all soft drinks as coke.

Pronunciation Differences Southern dialect makes words like half into 2 syllables New England dialect drop the /r/ sound. Similar to England because of the amount of contacta. Standard pronunciation comes from the Middle Atlantic because most Westerners came from there.b. The pattern by which dialects diffused westward resembles the diffusion of East Coast house types.c. The mobility of Americans has been a major reason for the relatively uniform language that exists throughout much of the West.

III. Why Is English Related to Other Languages?a. Language Family - A collection of languages related to each other through a common ancestor long before recorded history.b. Indo-European is the worlds most extensively spoken language family by a wide margin.

A. Indo-European Branchesa. Language Branch - A collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed several thousand years ago. Differences are not as extensive or as old as with language families, and archaeological evidence can confirm that the branches derived from the same family.b. Indo-European is divided into eight branches. Four of the branchesIndo-Iranian, Romance, Germanic, and Balto-Slavicare spoken by large numbers of people. Indo-Iranian languages are clustered in South Asia, Romance languages in southwestern Europe and Latin America, Germanic languages in northwestern Europe and North America, and Balto-Slavic languages in Eastern Europe. The four less extensively used Indo-European language branches are Albanian, Armenian, Greek, and Celtic.

1. Germanic Branch of Indo-Europeana. Language Group - A collection of languages within a branch that share a common origin in the relatively recent past and display relatively few differences in grammar and vocabulary.b. West Germanic is the group within the Germanic branch of Indo-European to which English belongs.c. English and German are both languages in the West Germanic group because they are structurally similar and have many words in common.d. West Germanic is divided into High Germanic and Low Germanic subgroups because they are found in high and low elevations in Germany. High German is spoken in the mountains of Germany and started the German language. English is from the Low Germanic subgroup of West Germanic group. e. Other Low Germanic languages include Dutch, which is spoken in the Netherlands, as well as Flemish, which is generally considered a dialect of Dutch spoken in northern Belgium. Afrikaans, a language of South Africa, is similar to Dutch, because Dutch settlers migrated to South Africa 300 years ago. Frisian is spoken by a few residents in northeastern Netherlands. A dialect of German spoken in the northern lowlands of Germany is also classified as Low Germanic.f. The four Scandinavian languagesSwedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic all derive from Old Norse, which was the principal language of Scandinavia before A.D. 1000. Four distinct languages emerged after that time because of migration and the political organization of the region into four independent and isolated countries.

a. Indo-Iranian Branch of Indo-European The branch of the Indo-European language family with the most speakers is Indo-Iranian.b. The branch is divided into an eastern group (Indic) and a western group (Iranian).

Indic (Eastern) Group Of Indo-Iranian Language Brancha. Most widely used languages in Indiab. Official language in India is Hindi because British encouraged its usec. When India because independent, Hindi was proposed as the national language but other languages disagreed so English, the language of British colonial rulers, became the official languaged. India also recognizes 22 so-called scheduled languages, including 15 Indo-European (Assamese, Bengali, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Panjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, and Urdu), four Dravidian (Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu), two Sino-Tibetan (Bodo and Manipuri), and one Austro-Asiatic (Santali). The government of India is obligated to encourage the use of these languages.e. Urdu is spoken very much like Hindi, but it is recognized as a distinct language (it uses the Arabic alphabet)

Iranian (Western) Group Of Indo-Iranian Language Brancha. The major Iranian group languages include Persian (sometimes called Farsi) in Iran, Pashto in eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, and Kurdish, used by the Kurds of western Iran, northern Iraq, and eastern Turkey.b. Use Arabic alphabet2. Balto-Slavic Branch of Indo-Europeana. Another Indo-European branchb. Slavic was once a single language, but differences developed in the seventh century when Slaves migrated from Asia and lived in isolation.c. As a result, this branch can be further divided into East, West and South Slavic groups as well as a Baltic group

East Slavic And Baltic Groups Of The Balto-Slavic Language Branch a. Most widely used (Russian)b. Importance of Russian increased when Soviet Union rose to power at the end of WWII in 1945. They forced others to speak Russian to form cultural unity.c. After Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusan are the 2 most important East Slavic languages. d. Ukraine means Border and Bela- means white.

West And South Slavic Groups Of The Balto-Slavic Language Brancha. Most spoken is Polish, followed by Czech and Slovakb. Czechoslovakia tried to balance the 2 languages even though there were twice as many Czechs. They would use one language in the first half of spots and then switch to the other. They were effective during the communist era.c. With the fall of communism, Slovakia split and had the dominant languaged. The most important South Slavic language is the one spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Bosnians and Croats write the language in the Roman alphabet (what you are reading now), whereas Montenegrans and Serbs use the Cyrillic alphabet (for example, Yugoslavia is written JyOCaB Na.e. Serbo-Croation offends Bosnians and Croatians because it referres to when they were a country ruled by serbs.f. The Serbo-Croatian word for martyr or hero junakhas been changed to heroj by Croats and shahid by Bosnian Muslims.g. In general, differences among all of the Slavic languages are relatively small.

3. Romance Branch of Indo-Europeana. The Romance language branch evolved from the Latin language spoken by the Romans 2,000 years ago.b. Most widely used: Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian. Romanian (Moldova) is also important. Two other ones are Romansh (Switzerland) and Catalan (Andorra). Others: Sardinian, Ladin, Friulian, Ladino.c. Physical boundaries such as mountains are strong intervening obstacles, creating barriers to communication between people living on opposite sides.d. The distribution of Romance languages shows the difficulty in trying to establish the number of distinct languages in the world.

Origin And Diffusion Of Romance Languagesa. All came from Latin, during the rise of Romeb. during the period of the Roman Empire, Latin varied to some extent from one province to another. (Based on the army that controlled their region)c. Vulgar Latin - A form of Latin used in daily conversation by ancient Romans, as opposed to the standard dialect, which was used for official documents.d. Following the collapse of the Roman Empire in the fifth century, communication among the former provinces declined, creating greater regional variation in spoken Latin.e. When migrants were unable to communicate with speakers of the same language back home, major differences emerged between the languages spoken in the old and new locations, leading to the emergence of new languages.

Romance Language Dialectsa. The creation of standard national languages, such as French and Spanish, was relatively recent.b. The French dialect was Francien because that region included Paris.c. The most important dialect difference is of the North and South. This is because of the different ways yes was said. Kept shortening hoc illud est.d. At the time Spain grew into its present boundaries, Castilian was the official language.e. Spanish and Portuguese have achieved worldwide importance because of the colonial activities of their European speakers.f. These two Romance languages were diffused to the Americas by Spanish and Portuguese explorers.g. The Treaty of Tordesillas split the New Worlds languagesh. The standardized way of Portuges was mande in 1994. Portugal was upset because it got rid of mose accent marks such as tildes (So Paulo), cedillas (Alcobaa), circumflexes (Estncia), and hyphens.i. The standardization of Portuguese is a reflection of the level of interaction that is possible in the modern world between groups of people who live tens of thousands of kilometers apart.

Distinguishing Between Dialects And Languagesa. Moldovan is the official language of Moldova yet is a dialect of Romanian.b. Flemish, the official language of Belgium, is considered a dialect of Dutch.c. Several languages of Italy are viewed as different enough to merit consideration as languages distinct from Italian according to Ethnologue.d. Distinguishing individual languages from dialects is difficult, because many speakers choose to regard their languages as distinct.e. Romance languages spoken in some former colonies can also be classified as separate languages because they differ substantially from the original introduced by European colonizers.f. Creole or Creolized Language A language that results from the mixing of a colonizers language with the indigenous language of the people being dominated.

B. Origin and Diffusion of Indo-Europeana. Proto-Indo-European is the language that Indo-European languages came from. This cannot be proven.b. The words for animals and trees have a common root (beech, oak, bear, deer, pheasant, bee)c. Probably liven in a cold climate because there were many words for winter and snow, but not ocean. Nomadic Warrior Thesisa. Marija Gimbutasb. The first Proto-Indo-European speakers were the Kurgan people in the borders of Russia and Kazakhstan. Earliest evidence dates back to 4300 BC.c. Kurgan warriors, using their horses, conquered much of Europe. Sedentary Farmer Thesisa. Colin Renfrewb. 2,000 years before Kurgans, in Eastern Antolia (Modern day Turkey)c. Diffused towards Greeced. Migratione. Renfrew argues that Indo-European diffused into Europe and South Asia along with agricultural practices

IV. Where Are Other Language Families Distributed

A. Classification of Languagesa. Indo-European (English) 46%b. Sino-Tibetan (Mandarin) 21% (China)c. Afro-Asiatic (Arabic) 6% (Middle East)d. Austronesian 6% (Southeast Asia)e. Niger-Congo 6% (Africa)f. Dravidan 4% (India)g. Altaic 2% (Asia)h. Austro-Asiatic 2% (Southeast Asia)i. Japanese 2%j. Other 5%

B. Distribution of Language Families

1. Sino-Tibetan Familya. Peoples Republic of China, S.E. Asiab. No Chinese language, mostly Mandarin (pu tong hua) (most used language in the world)c. The relatively small number of languages in China is a source of national strength and unityd. Based on 420 one-syllable words. This number far exceeds the possible one-syllable sounds that humans can make, so Chinese languages use each sound to denote more than one thing.e. Kan jiana combination of the words for look and see, which would be redundant in Englishclarifies that to see is the intended meaning for the multiple meanings of jian.f. The Chinese languages are written with a collection of thousands of characters.g. Ideograms - The system of writing used in China and other East Asian countries in which each symbol represents an idea or a concept rather than a specific sound, as is the case with letters in English.h. The Chinese government reports that 16 percent of the population over age 16 is unable to read or write more than a few characters.

2. Other East and Southeast Asian Language Familiesa. Clustered on islands and peninsulas Austronesiana. 6%b. Indonesiac. Because there are many islands, there are many languagesd. Most widely used is Javanesee. Madagascar speaks Malagasy, an Austonesian family, even though is is far from others. This show migration. Austro-Asiatica. 2%b. Southeast Asiac. Vietnamese is most spoken (Roman alphabet)d. The Vietnamese alphabet was devised in the seventh century by Roman Catholic missionaries.

Tai Kadaia. Once classified as a branch of Sino-Tibetanb. Thailand and parts of Chinac. Similar to the Austronesian familyd. May have migrated from the Philippines Japanesea. Uses ideograms and phonetic symbols Koreana. Related to the Altaic languages of Central Asia or to Japaneseb. Not ideograms, but a system known as hankulc. Hankul each letter represents a soundd. Chinese and Japanese words are the principal sources for creating new words to describe new technology and concepts.

3. Languages of the Middle East and Central Asia Afro-Asiatica. Arabicb. Muslims (Quran)c. Hebrew (Judeo-Christian Bible) Altaica. Between Tibet and Chinab. Turkishc. Turkish was once written with Arabic letters. But in 1928 the Turkish government, led by Kemal Ataturk, ordered that the language be written with the Roman alphabet instead. (Wanted to modernize the country and be like the rest of Europe)d. One element of Soviet policy was to force everyone to write with the Russian Cyrillic alphabet Uralica. Estonia, Finland, and Hungary are not dominated by Indo-European speakers.b. Migrants carried the Uralic languages to Europe.

4. African Language Familiesa. No one knows the precise number of languages spoken in Africa, and scholars disagree on classifying those known into families.b. Most lack a written tradition.c. This great number of languages results from at least 5,000 years of minimal interaction among the thousands of cultural groups inhabiting the African continent. Each group developed its own language, religion, and other cultural traditions in isolation from other groups.

Niger-Congoa. 95% of sub-Saharan Africab. Swahili (Tanzania)c. In rural areas, local languages is used to communicate with people from the same village and Swahili is used for outsiders.d. Swahili originally developed through interaction among African groups and Arab traders.e. Swahili is one of the few African languages with an extensive literature. Nilo-Saharana. North-central Africab. 6 branches with numerous groups and subgroups with very small speaking each language Khoisana. Clicking soundsb. Southern Africac. Hottentot language

V. Why Do People Preserve Local Languages?a. The distribution of a language is a measure of the fate of an ethnic group.

A. Preserving Language Diversitya. Extinct Languages - A language that was once used by people in daily activities but is no longer used.b. 473 languages are nearly extinct (46 of these nearly extinct languages are in Africa, 182 in the Americas, 84 in Asia, 9 in Europe, and 152 in the Pacific)c. Of Perus 92 surviving indigenous languages, only Cusco, a Quechuan language, is currently used by more than 1 million people.d. Gothic was widely spoken by people in Eastern and Northern Europe in the third century. (Now it, and its group, the East Germanic group are extinct)e. Many Gothic people switched to speaking the Latin language after their conversion to Christianity.f. The European Union has established the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL).g. Only 300 languages are safe

1. Hebrew: Reviving Extinct Languagesa. Hebrew is a rare case of an extinct language that has been revivedb. Hebrew diminished in use in the fourth century B.C. and was thereafter retained only for Jewish religious services.c. When Israel was established as an independent country in 1948, Hebrew became one of the new countrys two official languages, along with Arabic.d. The revival effort was initiated by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (created 4,000 new words and the first modern Hebrew dictionary)

2. Celtic: Preserving Endangered Languagesa. Major language in the British Isles before it was invadedb. Today, Celtic languages survive only in remoter parts of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland and on the Brittany peninsula of France.c. The Celtic language branch is divided into Goidelic (Gaelic) and Brythonic groups. Two Goidelic languages surviveIrish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic. Speakers of Brythonic (also called Cymric or Britannic) fled westward during the Germanic invasions to Wales Irish Gaelica. Official language of the Republic of Ireland Scottish Gaelica. 1% of Scotlandb. Auld Lang Syne (old long since) poem by Robert Burnsc. Came from Ireland Brythonic (Welsh)a. 22% of Wales Cornisha. Extinct in 1777, Dolly Pentreath who lived in Mousehole

Bretona. Brittany is a peninsula in the Atlantic Oceanb. More French wordsc. ad. The survival of any language depends on the political and military strength of its speakers.e. In the 1300s, the Irish were forbidden to speak their own language in the presence of their English mastersf. Britains 1988 Education Act made Welsh language training a compulsory subject in all schools in Wales.g. Irish revivalh. Irish bands have begun singing in Gaelici. Cornish revived in 1920sj. Impossible to know how to pronounce Cornish words

3. Multilingual Statesa. Difficulties rise at the border between two languagesb. Southern Belgians (known as Walloons) speak French, whereas northern Belgians (known as Flemings) speak a dialect of the Germanic language, Dutch, called Flemishc. Motorists in Belgium clearly see the language boundary on expressways. When heading north, signs change from French to Flemish. Brussels is an exception. It is bilingual. d. Belgium is divided into 2 regions, Flanders and Wallonia. Flanders wants to split the country. It would then be one of Europes richest countries. e. Switzerland peacefully exists as multilingual languages. 4 languages: German (65%), French (18%), Italian (10%), and Romansh(1% and voting language).

4. Isolated Languagesa. Isolated Language - A language that is unrelated to any other languages and therefore not attached to any language family.b. The diffusion of Indo-European languages demonstrates that a common ancestor dominated much of Europe before recorded history.c. Isolated languages arise through lack of interaction with speakers of other languages. A Pre-Indo-European Survivor: Basquea. Isolated language in Europe before the arrival of Indo-European speakersb. Pyrenees Mountains in Spain and southwestern Francec. This isolation has helped them preserve their language in the face of the wide diffusion of Indo-European languages. An Unchanging Language: Icendica. Related to other languages in the North Germanic group of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family.b. Changed less than any other Germanic languagec. The Norwegian immigrants had little contact with speakers of other languages when they arrived in Iceland, and they did not have contact with speakers of their language back in Norway. They did not learn new words.

B. Global Dominance of Englisha. One of the most fundamental needs in a global society is a common language for communication.

1. English: An Example of a Lingua Francaa. Lingua Franca - A language mutually understood and commonly used in trade by people who have different native languages. (English)b. To facilitate tradec. Pidgin Language - A form of speech that adopts a simplified grammar and limited vocabulary of a lingua franca; used for communications among speakers of two different languages.d. Each learn a few grammar and vocabulary rulese. No native speakerf. English, Swahili (East Africa), Hindi (South Asia), Indonesian (Southeast Asia), and Russian (former Soviet Union)g. The rapid growth in importance of English is reflected in the percentage of students learning English as a second language in school.h. Students around the world want to learn in English because they believe it is the most effective way to work in a global economy and participate in a global culture.

2. Expansion Diffusion of Englisha. The spread of a trait through the snowballing effect of an idea rather than through the relocation of people.b. English is changing through diffusion of new vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciationc. English words are fusing with other languagesd. Recent changes in English have percolated up from common usage and ethnic dialects rather than being directed down to the masses by elite people.e. Ebonics - Dialect spoken by some African Americans.f. Double negativesg. Some see it as a lack of education while others see it as languageh. Bidialetic - they speak standard English outside Appalachia and slip back into their regional dialect at home.

3. Diffusion to Other Languages Franglaisa. Official language in 29 countriesb. Upset with English being the dominant languagec. Franglais - A term used by the French for English words that have entered the French language; a combination of franais and anglais, the French words for French and English, respectively.d. In 1635, the French Academy controls the French languagee. Cannot ban franglais Spanglisha. Spanglish - Combination of Spanish and English, spoken by Hispanic Americans.b. Cubonicsc. Richer integration of English instead of using English wordsd. Song lyricse. Not promoted in schoolsf. Enriching both languages Denglisha. Denglish - Combination of German and English.b. The Institute for the German Language did not want telephone company to change to 2 wordsc. English has diffused into other languages as well.
